Stability of Modified UF Resin
Stability of Modified UF Resin
Stability of Modified UF Resin
6 174
3 authors, including:
Sergiy Kurta
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,Ivano-Frankivsk 76025 Ukraine
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(UD lvas
- Commercial KFMT-I5 type urea-formaldehyde resin
modificd with an addition of 4 wt. % of various alcohols (methanol. ethanol,
isopropanol, butanol). Chan8es ofpH,relative viscosity, hot $lation time and
fuec formaldehyde contentduring storage (up to 4 months)were investigated.
Chemical intelPr€tation of the results obtained has been proposed. lt was
found that isopropanol is the most advantageous modifier
- from the point
of vicw of UF uscful propcrties (especially emission of formaldehyde).
Key words: urea-formaldehyde resins, modification, aliphatic aicohols, stor-
age stability.
Urea-fomaldehydc (UF) resins modificd with mono- amounts 4 wt. "/.) or dioctyl phthalatc (DOP as a plasti
hydric and polyhydric alcohols have been well kno\a'n cizer). To this precondensatc, after thc stage of acid con-
for a long time, but influencc of modificrs added ai the densation at pH = 4.3_4.6, the modifier has been add€d
slagc of polycondensation (l -8'7J on UF resins propeF and the resin was heated to 60-90''c during 1-2
ti€s has not bccn sufficicntly fuvcsti8at€d Il_3t' hours.
]t is especially important for thc stabilizatiolr of UF Aftcr the introduction of alcohols to the prcconden-
resins properties durjng long timestora8e, forexample l sate, thc following reactions (1) and (2) took part be
to 4 months. The problem ,as interesting for us, and tween an ur€a and methylol derivatives of urea at th€
additionaily our custońcrs claimcd that they wantcd to stage of ihc acid polycondensation:
gct UF resins with stable properties and technical cha-
racteristiG. At th€ same tim€ thc modificr content in UF HNCH,OIt IINCH,OII
resin should not be hi8h (up to 10 91t, because Breater
amounts of thc moclificls make UF resins very expcn-
co + c.H,.. ,ou:l'Śo
co + IJ,o
ItN_ CHr_ N_ C r_ NH
A laboratory installation enablcd to repeate the work
: Cn CO CO llo
of thc cascadc of reaciors with high accuracy was con-
ItNCHrOC,Hrn,r HNCl.l:OH HNCrl:OtI
structcd for thc modificd resins with stable properties
Production' Addińonally, th€ installation rvas €quiPPed
rĄ'ith a thcrmostat with an autornatjc le8ulatol of tem The first rcaction (1) took place in the weak acid me-
perature and pl'l metcr. dium (pH = 5--{), while the reaction (2) at pH
For our tests lve used crude UF r€situ (preconden- 3.H.5 [5]. As a result of the above processes thc
- modi
sates) that wcrc formcd aft€r thc alkahre sta8e of urea fied UF resins werc obtained. This product was then sta-
condcnsaiio with gas fonnaldchyde at the molar ratio bilized with additional urea (to the molar ratio urea:for"
of 1:1.8 and the modifier was introduced at thisstagc [4]. maldehyde equal 'l:1.2) coolcd and analyzed. Modified
This Product has b€en chos€n for our investigations' UF resins were kcpt du ng 4 months. Sampling and
Crudc UF rcsins modification was made by monohy product analysis wcre donc cach month an.l viscosity,
dric alcohols (methanol, ethanol, isopropa nol, butanol at hot gelation time and ftec formaldch)'de conient wcrc
50 POLIMERY 2004,49, nr 1
RESULTS $ rro l
pH ofmodified UF resins and
As it is shov/n in Fig. 1,
non-modified KFMT-I5 one undergoes the obvious
changes in the cou$e of storage iime. At ihe be$nnin& 0t234
Slorage tinc, monLhs
fol th€ first month of stola8e, PH of aLnost all resins
decreases. ]t is the most obvious for the KFMT-1s resin Fig.3. UF tesin hot &elatin tijne (HGT) dcpendence o stot-
dnd UF reslns modińed bV ethanol' The decrcase is Prac_ age tine; fot sVmbols see FiS. 1
tically the sańe for ihe UF resins, modified by the iso-
propanol orplasiified by dioctyl phthalate DOP Dur
ing the lorger stomge, pH of the resins increase. After 4 An inoease in hot gelation time (HGn of at1 resins
months the highest pH value (exceedlng the initial one) during month of stora8e (Fi8. 3) is connected ł.ith the
shows ihe non-modified resin while the lowest (lolver intermoleĆulaT reaciion takir€ P]ace in the structure of
than initial pH) the resinmodified with buianol. the resins and a further reaction of UF resins derivaiives,
- that leads to the considerable inĆreasc h intermolecular
bonds in a resin.llcT order ofihe products ofmodifica-
tion is fo11ov/ing: ethanol > methanol > butanol > iso
propanol so there is no dependence on hydrocarbon
chain length. li seems ethanol shows better reaciivity
towards methylol troups than methanol white tu case of
isoproPanol the sieric hindrances decrease the reaĆiivity'
Lo rer reactivity of a modifier prolonts gelation time.
After 4 months storage HGT values of majoriiy of the
modified products are lower. Only the restu modified
0r211 with isopropanol is an exception.
Slo getimc. nront|s Our supposition is also confirmed by the changes of
fig. 1. UF resitl pH dependence on stonge titne: 1 free formaldehyde content du ng storage time shown in
nodit'iŁd UF rcsh KFMT-1'; the fesins madit'ied wilh: 2
- Fig. 4.
ethanol,3 1t- b talnl,4-l ethnnol, S
DoP (plasticŁer)
2 i 0'4 l
l Ę o,z
As rell the viscosity of all UF resins sliShrly de
creased during the first month of stora8e (Fig. 2), but It is clear from the results prescntcd that the certajn
durin8 th€ next months of stola8e the viscosity, as well part of meihylol derivative of urea undergoes transfor-
a" pH-vrlue increascd. Sigr'/icani irrcrpdse in v scosir) mation in the UF resins solutions. Later process in ihe
after the whole siorage was observed in case of non- UF resins seems to undergo a pscudo-stabilizatjon pe
modified resin or the resins modified with ethanol or riod. This assumption can be confirmed by the stability
of viscosity that in fact did not change at this siage dur-
inB frsr 45 diys ot uF r6ins *orasc poiod (Fi8 2). givs i óanĆe lo rg8uble thcirslu.qualiii.s, ih!.lÓg'
cgbtion iimc .bilizś, bÓ, hlt only bclweel ] łnd 2 solidif iotion and iherhal Śabil jv
ńodh alrohol lntod It was lound urat thc nodrficd resins keeD rhcn
valuc and ris.osity Du!ng thc se.ond month rhe
^pParendy, i nd i.cs n the pemjlhd llńlb;wmA