11 +Alexander+117-120+Vol+2+No 2+pdf
11 +Alexander+117-120+Vol+2+No 2+pdf
11 +Alexander+117-120+Vol+2+No 2+pdf
Article history: Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is ranked seventh as the cause of death in the world, around 95%
Received 22 August 2019 in the world is type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). According to Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas)
Received in revised form 14 in 2013, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia is 6.9%. Type 2 diabetes mellitus that is
October 2019 not well controlled will increase the risk of chronic complications, both microangiopathies such as
Accepted 29 October 2019 nephropathy, and macroangiopathy such as hypertension. The aim of the study was to determine
correlation between HbA1c levels with eGFR (Estimated Glomerulus Filtration Rate) and blood
pressure (systolic and diastolic).
Keywords: Methods: An analytic observational cross-sectional study, collecting the data from 94 patients with
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM,. The variables were collected from patient’s medical records. Analysis using Spearman’s
HbA1c, Rank Correlation test.
Blood pressure, Results: From total 232 patients, 134 (57.8%) were females, 203 (87.5%) >45 years old with
eGFR. average age 55.57. There was no significant correlation between HbA1c and systolic blood pressure
and there was no significant correlation between HbA1c and diastolic blood pressure.There was no
significant correlation between HbA1c and systolic blood pressure (r=-0.127; p=0.054). Also no
significant correlation between HbA1c and diastolic blood pressure (r=-0.111; p=0.093). Analysis
on other factor showed a significant correlation between HbA1c and eGFR (r=0.341; p=0.000).
Conclusion: No significant correlation between HbA1c and systolic blood pressure, and between
HbA1c and diastolic blood pressure. Significant correlation between HbA1c and eGFR.
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Biomolecular and Health Science Journal
Available at https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/BHSJ
DOI: 10.20473/bhsj.v2i2.14956
coronary heart disease higher. In addition, poor control of diabetes mellitus in this study. According to Indonesian
diabetes mellitus, characterized by hyperglycemia, will Endocrinology Association, high risk groups are patients
progressively lead to a decrease in the Glomerular Filtration over the age of 45 years.12 The group > 45 years has a
Rate (GFR) and the destruction of the glomeruli, leading much higher number than the group ≤ 45 years. We found
to chronic kidney disease.5 In this study, uncontrolled more women than men in the group of subjects under the
diabetes mellitus seen from its HbA1c values. HbA1c is age of 45 years, as well as the other group.
the component of hemoglobin that binds to blood sugar. HbA1c values were found to be higher in women than
In cardiovascular complications, diabetes mellitus can men. The eGFR in men is slightly better than in women.
interfere with the function of diastole and systole. Patients Whereas the blood pressure did not get much difference.
with diabetes mellitus usually have diastolic dysfunction Data presented with mean and standard deviation (table 1).
before experiencing systolic dysfunction.6 Macrovascular
complications can be in the form of heart disease, stroke,
Table 1. Gender and age groups of people with type 2
and peripheral blood vessels where peripheral artery disease
diabetes mellitus
can cause wounds that are difficult to heal, gangrene,
and can even be amputated. Other complications cause a Characteristic Gender(mean±SD)
decrease in infection resistance, pneumonia, macrosomia, Male (n=98) Female (n=134)
and complications during childbirth.7 These complications Age groups (years)
lead to kidney failure, gangrene, vision problems,
and cardiovascular disorders such as arteriosclerosis, <45 13(39±4.42) 16(37.06±5.88)
myocardial infarction, stroke, and lower extremity artery ≥45 85(59.07±9.3) 118(57.38±7.2)
obstruction. Patients with uncontrolled blood sugar levels HbA1c (8.14±2.39) (8.28±2.56)
and have diabetes for a long time as mentioned above are
directly proportional to the incidence of microvascular eGFR (56.66±47.15) (54.78±47.66)
complications.5,8 Unfortunately, there have been few SBP (130.72±19.38) (130.72±18.88)
researches to evaluate diastolic dysfunction in patients DBP (80.78±10.24) (82.07±9.93)
with diabetes mellitus.9 In addition, the main complication
of patients with diabetes mellitus is diabetic nephropathy The data obtained is not normally distributed with α=0.05.
and is a major cause of terminal stage of kidney failure.10 The Spearman Rank’s correlation test showed that there
As many as 40% of diabetic patients can result in advanced was no significant correlation between HbA1c and systolic
stage of kidney disease.study aims to find correlations blood pressure. Also there was no significant correlation
between HbA1c levels with eGFR and blood pressure. between HbA1c and diastolic blood pressure. But, there
was a significant correlation between HbA1c and eGFR
with a weak positive correlation. The results can be seen
This analytic observational cross sectional study was in table 2.
conducted at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, from June
2017 to October 2018. The population were all patients Table 2. Correlation between HbA1c with eGFR and blood
with T2DM in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya. pressure
there were 232 patients with 98 men and 134 women in HbA1c with r p
range January to May 2018. The sampling technique in this
eGFR 0,341 0,000*
research is conducted by purposive sampling.
The inclusion criteria in this study were patients with SBP -0,127 0,054
T2DM with or without its complications who had laboratory DBP -0,111 0,093
results including HbA1c levels and serum creatinine, and *: shows significant correlation with p<0,05
had blood pressure test results. The exclusion criteria were
patients with other type of diabetes mellitus. Type of data Discussion
collected is the secondary data that obtained from medical Our study shows that number of female patients was
records of patients with T2DM who hospitalized in Dr. 134 (57.8%) patients, more numbers in female patients
Soetomo General Hospital. The values of eGFR were compared to male patients. Two previous studies at at
obtained by using the MDRD (Modification of Diet in Arifin Achmad Hospital with higher proportion of female
Renal Disease) formula by entering serum creatinine, sex, than male.13 A higher percentage in women is caused
and age of the patient in the formula. by several factors, such as premenstrual syndrome, an
To test the correlation between HbA1c levels and increase in the Body Mass Index (BMI), and menopause.
eGFR, and the correlation between HbA1c levels and After menopause, there are changes in hormone levels,
systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, we especially estrogen and progesterone hormones that
used the Spearman’s Rank Correlation test and to test the influence blood sugar levels and increase abdominal fat
normality of data we used the Kolmogorov-smirnov test. and total body fat.14 Excess body fat is associated with an
Data will be analyzed by Statistical Product and Service increased risk of metabolic diseases.15
Solution (SPSS) for windows ver. 24 (IBM Corp.) with The results of this study corroborate the statement issued
p=0.05 and α=0.05 considered as significant. by Indonesian Endcrinology Association, that people ≥ 45
years should be tested for DM, because the risk of suffering
Results from glucose intolerance will begin to increase with age.12
There were more female (57,8%) than male with type 2 The study conducted by Fitri Nurmaya Sirait in 2018 with a
total of 167 people T2DM, showed that patients aged ≥ 45
years tended to experience various complications compared increase in HbA1c and an increase in GFR are probably
to the age of <45 years. Various complications from patients caused by glomerular hyperfiltration in the early stages
≥ 45 years were acute complications of 66.7%, chronic of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition, it has also been
complications of 93.9%, mixed complications of 93.9% reported that after receiving therapy within a few months,
compared with patients <45 years. This may be caused a decrease in HbA1c levels is associated with a decrease
by an unhealthy lifestyle, including consumption of foods in GFR levels.22 Chronic kidney disease can be associated
high in fat and carbohydrates and lack of physical activity. with anemia. Anemia will be more severe if kidney
In this age group there has not been a decline in body function deteriorates, this is due to reduced erythroprotein
function as experienced in the age group ≥ 45 years, which production and poor food intake.23 So, HbA1c levels will
is a decrease in the function of the pancreas to produce decrease if anemia occurs due to reduced hemoglobin
insulin, thus increasing the risk of glucose intolerance.13 levels in the blood and short lifespan of erythrocyte cells.24
Some research says that there is no relationship between This result occurred because this study did not consider the
blood sugar levels and systolic hypertension.16 Different use of drugs used by the subjects.25
results stating that there was a relationship between HbA1c
levels and macrovascular complications, with the incidence Conclusion
of complications occurring most often being hypertension Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients age ≥ 45 years old are
as much as 35.4% of all samples of patients with T2DM.17 much more than < 45 years old with the ratio of 7 : 1. There
In the global DISCOVER study programme with 3 years are more female than male with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
prospective observational studies involving 15.992 T2DM This can occur due to menopausal factors in women
patients, microvascular and macrovascular complications which cause changes in hormone levels, increased BMI,
were reported in 18.9% (ARR: 14.5–23.5%) and 12.7% and increased total fat in the body. There was a significant
(ARR: 5.0–26.6%) of patients 18. correlation between HbA1c and eGFR.
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blood pressure, the same test results were conclude that there Conflict of Interest
was no association between hyperglycemia and diastolic The author stated there is no conflict of interest
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