Rdbms Sol w2021 PDF
Rdbms Sol w2021 PDF
Rdbms Sol w2021 PDF
what is database? 1
a database is collection of related data.
who is DBA? 1
DBA is database administrator, DBA manages database and have full control
over it, The DBA is responsible for authorizing access to the database,
coordinating and monitoring its use, and acquiring software and hardware
resources as needed.
what is inheritance? 1
In RDBMS, inheritance refers to a class (or table) inheriting properties and
behaviors from a parent class (or table), allowing a subclass (or derived table)
to reuse and extend the structure and constraints of the parent class.
1. **DROP Command:**
- **Purpose:** Used to remove an entire database object, such as a table,
view, index, or database.
- **Effect:** Permanently deletes the specified object and all the data
contained within it. This action cannot be undone, and the object's structure is
- **Syntax Example:** `DROP TABLE table_name;`
2. **DELETE Command:**
- **Purpose:** Used to remove specific rows from a table based on a
- **Effect:** Deletes the data within the rows that meet the condition but
preserves the table structure and other data. The action can be rolled back if it
is within a transaction.
- **Syntax Example:** `DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;`
In summary, `DROP` removes entire database objects and their data, while
`DELETE` removes specific rows within a table, leaving the table's structure
1. **Entities**:
- **Definition**: An entity represents a real-world object or concept that
has a distinct existence in the domain being modeled. Examples include
Customer, Product, Employee, and Order.
- **Attributes**: Each entity has attributes that describe its properties. For
example, a Customer entity might have attributes like CustomerID, Name,
Address, and PhoneNumber.
2. **Relationships**:
- **Definition**: Relationships describe how entities are related to each
other. For instance, a relationship can be “A Customer places an Order”.
- **Cardinality**: Defines the number of instances of one entity that can or
must be associated with each instance of another entity. Common
cardinalities include one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many.
3. **Attributes**:
- Attributes can be simple (single-valued) or composite (having multiple
- Attributes can also be derived, meaning their value can be computed from
other attributes (e.g., Age can be derived from DateOfBirth).
1. **Requirement Analysis**:
- Gather requirements from stakeholders to understand the data needs,
business rules, and scope of the database.
3. **Identifying Relationships**:
- Determine how the entities are related. Define the relationships and their
- Consider the possibility of recursive relationships (an entity related to
itself) and weak entities (entities that depend on another entity for their
4. **Defining Constraints**:
- Identify any constraints that need to be enforced, such as uniqueness
constraints, mandatory relationships, or specific business rules.
1. **Entities**:
- **Customer**: Attributes include CustomerID, Name, Email, Address.
- **Product**: Attributes include ProductID, Name, Description, Price.
- **Order**: Attributes include OrderID, OrderDate, TotalAmount.
- **OrderItem**: Attributes include Quantity, SubTotal.
2. **Relationships**:
- **Customer places Order**: One-to-Many relationship (one customer can
place multiple orders).
- **Order contains Product**: Many-to-Many relationship, resolved by
OrderItem (an order can contain multiple products, and a product can be in
multiple orders).
3. **ER Diagram**:
- The ER diagram would depict entities as rectangles, attributes as ovals
connected to their respective entities, and relationships as diamonds
connected to entities with lines. Cardinalities would be indicated near the
lines connecting entities and relationships.
### Conclusion
- **Responsibilities**:
- Manages the physical storage of data.
- Ensures efficient data retrieval and storage operations.
- Handles space allocation, data access, and disk I/O operations.
- **Responsibilities**:
- Translates high-level queries into executable instructions.
- Optimizes queries for efficient execution.
- Executes queries and returns results to users.
### 3. **Transaction Manager**
- **Components**:
- **Transaction Coordinator**: Coordinates the execution of transactions
to ensure they adhere to ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)
- **Concurrency Control Manager**: Manages concurrent access to the
database to prevent conflicts and ensure isolation.
- **Recovery Manager**: Handles recovery operations in case of failures
to ensure database consistency and durability.
- **Responsibilities**:
- Manages transactions to ensure they are processed reliably and
- Ensures the database remains consistent in the presence of concurrent
transactions and system failures.
- **Responsibilities**:
- Manages database schema and metadata.
- Controls user access and ensures data security.
- Enforces data integrity and consistency.
- **Responsibilities**:
- Provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the database.
- Facilitates data entry, query execution, and report generation.
- Offers tools for database management and maintenance.
1. **User Requests**:
- Users interact with the **User Interface** to submit queries or
- The **Query Interface** translates user queries into SQL or another
query language.
2. **Query Processing**:
- The **Query Processor** receives the query, with the **DML
Compiler** and **DDL Compiler** parsing and compiling the query.
- The **Query Optimizer** optimizes the query for efficient execution, and
the **Execution Engine** executes the query.
3. **Data Access**:
- The **Execution Engine** interacts with the **Storage Manager** to
retrieve or store data.
- The **Buffer Manager** temporarily stores data in memory for quick
access, while the **File Manager** and **Disk Manager** handle physical
storage operations.
4. **Transaction Management**:
- The **Transaction Manager** oversees the execution of transactions,
ensuring they comply with ACID properties.
- The **Concurrency Control Manager** handles concurrent transactions
to prevent conflicts, and the **Recovery Manager** ensures data consistency
in case of failures.
6. **Metadata Management**:
- The **Data Dictionary Manager** maintains metadata about the database
schema and objects, providing essential information for query processing and
transaction management.
### Summary
Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) are visual tools used to model the data
and relationships in a database. Using proper naming conventions and
addressing design issues are crucial for creating clear, accurate, and
maintainable ERDs.
1. **Entities**:
- **Singular Nouns**: Use singular nouns for entity names (e.g.,
`Customer` instead of `Customers`).
- **Capitalization**: Use camel case or Pascal case for multi-word entity
names (e.g., `OrderDetail` or `OrderDetail`).
- **Descriptive Names**: Choose meaningful names that clearly describe
the entity (e.g., `Employee`, `Product`, `Order`).
2. **Attributes**:
- **Lowercase or Camel Case**: Use lowercase or camel case for attribute
names (e.g., `firstName`, `lastName`, `orderDate`).
- **Descriptive and Specific**: Ensure attribute names are descriptive and
specific to avoid ambiguity (e.g., `birthDate` instead of `date`).
- **Avoid Abbreviations**: Use full words to maintain clarity (e.g.,
`telephoneNumber` instead of `telNo`).
3. **Relationships**:
- **Verb Phrases**: Use verb phrases to describe relationships (e.g.,
`places`, `contains`, `manages`).
- **Directionality**: Name relationships to indicate the direction (e.g.,
`Customer places Order`).
- **Clarity and Consistency**: Maintain clarity and consistency in naming
1. **Entity Representation**:
- **Avoid Redundancy**: Ensure each entity is represented once to avoid
- **Entity Types**: Differentiate between strong entities (independent
existence) and weak entities (depend on other entities for their existence).
2. **Attribute Representation**:
- **Atomicity**: Ensure attributes are atomic, meaning they cannot be
further divided (e.g., `address` should be broken into `street`, `city`, `state`,
- **Uniqueness**: Identify unique attributes (primary keys) that can
uniquely identify each entity instance.
- **Derived Attributes**: Clearly indicate derived attributes (attributes that
can be computed from other attributes).
3. **Relationship Representation**:
- **Cardinality**: Accurately represent the cardinality (one-to-one, one-to-
many, many-to-many) of relationships.
- **Participation Constraints**: Specify whether participation is total
(mandatory) or partial (optional).
- **Avoid Many-to-Many Relationships**: Resolve many-to-many
relationships with associative entities to maintain database normalization.
1. **Customer**:
- Attributes: `customerID` (PK), `firstName`, `lastName`, `email`,
2. **Product**:
- Attributes: `productID` (PK), `productName`, `description`, `price`,
3. **Order**:
- Attributes: `orderID` (PK), `orderDate`, `totalAmount`, `customerID`
4. **OrderDetail**:
- Attributes: `orderDetailID` (PK), `orderID` (FK), `productID` (FK),
`quantity`, `subTotal`
##### Relationships
1. **Customer places Order**:
- Cardinality: One-to-Many (One Customer can place many Orders)
(FK) (FK)
| |
| Order |
| orderID (PK) |
| orderDate |
| totalAmount |
(FK) (FK)
| |
| OrderDetail |
| orderDetailID (PK) |
| quantity |
| subTotal |
(M:N) Contains
| Product |
| productID (PK) |
| productName |
| description |
| price |
| stockQuantity |
Rectangles represent entities.
Ovals represent attributes of each entity.
Diamonds represent relationships between entities.
Lines connect entities and their attributes, and entities with relationships.
Cardinalities are specified near the relationships (1: one, M: many).
Primary Keys (PK) and Foreign Keys (FK) are identified within the entities.
This demonstrates how proper naming conventions and addressing design issues lead to a clear and well-
structured ERD for the e-commerce system.
- **Entity Types**: The types of entities that participate in the relationship.
- **Cardinality**: Specifies the number of instances of one entity that can be
associated with instances of another entity (e.g., one-to-one, one-to-many,
- **Attributes**: A relationship type can have attributes that provide
additional details about the relationship.
- **Entity Instances**: Specific instances of the entities involved in the
- **Values of Relationship Attributes**: If the relationship has attributes,
each instance will have specific values for these attributes.
- **Relationship Instances**: All the specific occurrences of the relationship
**Example**: The relationship set for the "places" relationship type includes
all the instances where various customers have placed orders, such as:
- John Doe places Order 12345
- Jane Smith places Order 67890
1. **Abstraction Level**:
- **Relationship Type**: Conceptual and abstract definition of how entities
are related.
- **Relationship Instance**: Concrete and specific occurrences of the
relationship in the database.
- **Relationship Set**: Collection of all concrete relationship instances of
a given relationship type.
2. **Components**:
- **Relationship Type**: Defines the nature of the relationship (entity
types involved, cardinality, attributes).
- **Relationship Instance**: Involves specific entity instances and values
of relationship attributes.
- **Relationship Set**: Includes all instances of a particular relationship
3. **Examples**:
- **Relationship Type**: The "enrolls" relationship between `Student` and
- **Relationship Instance**: A specific student (e.g., Alice) enrolled in a
specific course (e.g., Database Systems).
- **Relationship Set**: All enrollments of students in courses in the
### Summary
- Entity: `Student`
- Attributes: `StudentID`, `Name`, `Major`, `BirthDate`
- Table: `Student(StudentID, Name, Major, BirthDate)`
- Primary Key: `StudentID`
- Weak Entity: `Dependent` (Dependent of Employee)
- Attributes: `DependentName`, `BirthDate`, `Relationship`
- Owner Entity: `Employee(EmployeeID)`
- Table: `Dependent(EmployeeID, DependentName, BirthDate,
- Primary Key: `(EmployeeID, DependentName)`
- Foreign Key: `EmployeeID` referencing `Employee(EmployeeID)`
- Relationship: `Employee` manages `Department`
- `Employee(EmployeeID, Name, Salary)`
- `Department(DepartmentID, DeptName, Location, ManagerID)`
- Table: `Department(DepartmentID, DeptName, Location, ManagerID)`
- Foreign Key: `ManagerID` referencing `Employee(EmployeeID)`
- Relationship: `Department` has `Employee`
- `Department(DepartmentID, DeptName, Location)`
- `Employee(EmployeeID, Name, Salary, DepartmentID)`
- Foreign Key: `DepartmentID` in `Employee` referencing
- Relationship: `Student` enrolls in `Course`
- `Student(StudentID, Name, Major)`
- `Course(CourseID, CourseName, Credits)`
- New Table: `Enrollment(StudentID, CourseID, EnrollmentDate, Grade)`
- Primary Key: `(StudentID, CourseID)`
- Foreign Keys: `StudentID` referencing `Student(StudentID)` and
`CourseID` referencing `Course(CourseID)`
- Entity: `Employee`
- Multi-Valued Attribute: `PhoneNumbers`
- `Employee(EmployeeID, Name, Address)`
- New Table: `EmployeePhone(EmployeeID, PhoneNumber)`
- Primary Key: `(EmployeeID, PhoneNumber)`
- Foreign Key: `EmployeeID` referencing `Employee(EmployeeID)`
- Relationship: `Project` involves `Employee` and uses `Machine`
- `Project(ProjectID, ProjectName)`
- `Employee(EmployeeID, Name)`
- `Machine(MachineID, MachineType)`
- New Table: `ProjectAssignment(ProjectID, EmployeeID, MachineID,
- Primary Key: `(ProjectID, EmployeeID, MachineID)`
- Foreign Keys: `ProjectID` referencing `Project(ProjectID)`, `EmployeeID`
referencing `Employee(EmployeeID)`, `MachineID` referencing
### Summary
#### Definition
In other words, if you know the values of the attributes in \( X \), you can
uniquely determine the values of the attributes in \( Y \).
In this table:
- \( StudentID \) is the unique identifier for students.
- \( CourseCode \) uniquely determines the course name.
Functional Dependencies:
- \( StudentID \rightarrow Name, Major, BirthDate \): Knowing the student
ID, you can determine the student's name, major, and birthdate.
- \( Name \nrightarrow Major \): Knowing the name does not necessarily
determine the major, as multiple students could have the same name but
different majors.
Functional Dependencies:
- \( EmployeeID \rightarrow Name, DepartmentID \): Knowing the employee
ID, you can determine the employee's name and department ID.
- \( DepartmentID \rightarrow DepartmentName \): Knowing the department
ID, you can determine the department name.
1. **Normalization**:
- Functional dependencies are used to identify the normal forms of a
relation. They help in decomposing relations into smaller relations to remove
redundancy and avoid anomalies (insertion, update, and deletion anomalies).
2. **Database Design**:
- Understanding functional dependencies helps in designing a relational
database schema that ensures data integrity and minimizes redundancy.
### Conclusion
### Normalization
**Orders Table**:
| OrderID | CustomerName |
|1 | Alice |
|2 | Bob |
**OrderDetails Table**:
| OrderID | ItemName | ItemQty | ItemPrice |
|1 | Apple | 10 | 1.00 |
|1 | Banana | 5 | 0.50 |
|2 | Apple | 3 | 1.00 |
**Orders Table**:
| OrderID | CustomerName |
|1 | Alice |
|2 | Bob |
**OrderDetails Table**:
| OrderID | ItemName | ItemQty |
|1 | Apple | 10 |
|1 | Banana | 5 |
|2 | Apple | 3 |
**Items Table**:
| ItemName | ItemPrice |
| Apple | 1.00 |
| Banana | 0.50 |
### Conclusion
Define Boyce Codd Normal Form. How does it differ from 3NF? Why is
it considered a stronger form of 3NF? 7
### Definition
While both 3NF and BCNF aim to reduce redundancy and avoid anomalies,
BCNF is stricter. Here’s how they differ:
1. **3NF Definition**:
- A relation \( R \) is in 3NF if, for every functional dependency \( X
\rightarrow Y \) in \( R \):
1. \( Y \subseteq X \) (trivial functional dependency), or
2. \( X \) is a superkey, or
3. \( Y \) is a prime attribute (an attribute that is part of a candidate key).
2. **BCNF Definition**:
- A relation \( R \) is in BCNF if, for every functional dependency \( X
\rightarrow Y \) in \( R \):
1. \( Y \subseteq X \) (trivial functional dependency), or
2. \( X \) is a superkey.
Functional Dependencies:
1. \( StudentID, CourseID \rightarrow Instructor \)
2. \( Instructor \rightarrow CourseID \)
#### Analyzing 3NF:
- Candidate keys: \( (StudentID, CourseID) \)
- The dependency \( Instructor \rightarrow CourseID \) is valid in 3NF
because \( CourseID \) is a prime attribute (part of a candidate key).
1. **InstructorCourse**:
- \( Instructor \rightarrow CourseID \)
- Table: \(| Instructor | CourseID |\)
| Instructor | CourseID |
| I001 | C001 |
| I002 | C002 |
2. **StudentInstructor**:
- \( StudentID, CourseID \rightarrow Instructor \)
- Table: \(| StudentID | CourseID | Instructor |\)
Now both relations are in BCNF as all functional dependencies have their
determinants as superkeys.
### Conclusion
1. **Locking**:
- **Shared Locks**: Allow multiple transactions to read a resource but not
modify it.
- **Exclusive Locks**: Allow a transaction to both read and modify a
resource, preventing other transactions from accessing it.
- **Two-Phase Locking (2PL)**: Ensures serializability by acquiring all
the locks before releasing any lock.
2. **Timestamp Ordering**:
- Assigns a unique timestamp to each transaction.
- Ensures that transactions are executed in the order of their timestamps.
### Conclusion
### 1. Atomicity
### 2. Consistency
### 3. Isolation
- **Definition**: Isolation ensures that the operations of a transaction are
isolated from those of other transactions. Intermediate results within a
transaction are invisible to other concurrent transactions.
- **Implications**: Transactions should not interfere with each other, and the
final outcome should be as if transactions were executed sequentially, even if
they were executed concurrently.
- **Example**: If two transactions are updating the same data
simultaneously, isolation ensures that the updates are executed in a way that
avoids conflicts. Different levels of isolation (such as Read Uncommitted,
Read Committed, Repeatable Read, and Serializable) control the extent of
visibility of intermediate results.
### 4. Durability
1. **Atomicity**: The transaction will ensure that both the debit from
Account A and the credit to Account B occur together. If the credit operation
fails after the debit, the debit will be rolled back.
2. **Consistency**: The transfer will ensure that the total balance across
both accounts remains the same before and after the transaction, maintaining
the integrity of the database.
3. **Isolation**: If another transaction is trying to access Account A or
Account B during the transfer, it will not see the intermediate state where
$100 has been debited from Account A but not yet credited to Account B.
4. **Durability**: Once the transaction is committed, the changes to Account
A and Account B are permanently recorded in the database, even if there is a
subsequent system crash.
### Conclusion
#### States:
4. **Committed State**:
- The transaction has been successfully committed, and all changes made
by the transaction are now permanent in the database.
5. **Aborted State**:
- The transaction has been rolled back or aborted due to an error or explicit
request, and all changes made by the transaction are undone.
#### Transitions:
1. **Begin Transaction**:
- Transition from the Initial State to the Active State.
- Occurs when the transaction is initiated or started.
2. **Database Operations**:
- No state change.
- The transaction remains in the Active State while executing database
3. **Commit**:
- Transition from the Partially Committed State to the Committed State.
- Occurs when the transaction is confirmed to commit, making all changes
4. **Rollback**:
- Transition from any state (Active or Partially Committed) to the Aborted
- Occurs when the transaction encounters an error or is explicitly aborted,
undoing all changes made.
+---------+ +---------+
| Initial | -----> | Active |
+---------+ +---------+
| |
| |
| |
v |
+---------+ +---------+
| Partial | -----> | Committed|
| Commit | +---------+
| Aborted |
### Conclusion:
### Domains:
### Attributes:
### Tuples:
### Relations:
### Example:
- **Domain**:
- StudentID: Integer numbers between 1000 and 9999.
- StudentName: String values up to 50 characters.
- BirthDate: Date values.
- **Attributes**:
- StudentID
- StudentName
- BirthDate
- **Relation**: Students
- **Attributes**:
- StudentID (Domain: Integer)
- StudentName (Domain: String)
- BirthDate (Domain: Date)
- **Tuples**:
- (1001, "John Doe", "2000-05-15")
- (1002, "Jane Smith", "2001-08-22")
- (1003, "Alice Johnson", "1999-11-30")
In this example:
- **StudentID**, **StudentName**, and **BirthDate** are attributes.
- Each tuple represents a single student with values for each attribute.
- The relation "Students" contains multiple tuples, each describing a different
### Conclusion:
Domains define the possible values for attributes, attributes represent specific
properties of entities, tuples are individual rows containing attribute values,
and relations are sets of tuples with the same attributes. Together, these
concepts form the foundation of relational databases, allowing for structured
storage and retrieval of data.
2. **UNIQUE Constraint**:
- Ensures that all values in a column (or a combination of columns) are
- Example: `CREATE TABLE Students (RollNo INT UNIQUE, Name
5. **CHECK Constraint**:
- Ensures that all values in a column meet specific conditions (using logical
- Example:
CREATE TABLE Employees (
Age INT CHECK (Age >= 18)
6. **DEFAULT Constraint**:
- Specifies a default value for a column when no value is provided during
- Example:
Status VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'Active'
7. **INDEX Constraint**:
- Improves the performance of queries by creating an index on one or more
- Example:
CREATE INDEX idx_Name ON Employees (Name);
### Conclusion:
### 1. COMMIT:
In this example, the UPDATE operation within the transaction increases
the salary of employees in the IT department by 5%. The COMMIT
command ensures that these changes are saved permanently in the database.
### 2. ROLLBACK:
In this example, the transaction attempts to credit $1000 to the account
with AccountID '123' and insert a corresponding record into the Transactions
table. However, if an error occurs during the transaction or the transaction is
explicitly rolled back, the ROLLBACK command ensures that both the
update and the insert operations are undone, leaving the database in its
original state.
SAVEPOINT OrderShipped;
### Conclusion:
### Example:
SELECT Category, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales
FROM Sales
GROUP BY Category;
This query calculates the total sales amount for each category by grouping the
rows based on the "Category" column:
| Category | TotalSales |
| Electronics | 1800 |
| Clothing | 700 |
SELECT Category, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales
FROM Sales
GROUP BY Category
HAVING SUM(SalesAmount) > 1000;
This query calculates the total sales amount for each category and filters out
categories with total sales less than or equal to 1000:
| Category | TotalSales |
| Electronics | 1800 |
### Explanation:
- The GROUP BY clause groups rows based on the specified column (or
columns) and creates summary rows for each group.
- Aggregate functions (such as SUM) are used to perform calculations on the
grouped data.
- The HAVING clause filters the groups produced by the GROUP BY clause
based on specified conditions. It operates on the result of the GROUP BY
- In the example, the GROUP BY clause groups the sales data by category,
and the SUM function calculates the total sales amount for each category.
- The HAVING clause filters out categories with total sales less than or equal
to 1000, leaving only the "Electronics" category with total sales exceeding
### Conclusion:
The GROUP BY and HAVING clauses are powerful tools in SQL for
aggregating and filtering data based on specified criteria. They allow for the
analysis of summarized data and the application of conditions to grouped
results, providing insights into patterns and trends within the dataset.