2021 FDM 212 Intersections
2021 FDM 212 Intersections
2021 FDM 212 Intersections
212 Intersections
212.1 General
This chapter provides design criteria and guidance for the geometric layout of at-grade
conventional intersections. Conventional intersections include 3-leg (T), 4-leg, and Multi-
leg (5 or more legs).
See FDM 201 for design vehicle selection and design speed requirements.
See FDM 210 for lane width, median width, island dimensions, and deflection angle
See FDM 222 for requirements concerning pedestrian facilities and FDM 223 for bicycle
Alternative intersections offer the potential to improve safety and reduce delay at lower
cost and with fewer impacts than traditional solutions such as adding lanes or grade
separation. Three of the more common alternative intersection types are:
• Displaced Left Turn (a.k.a. Continuous Flow Intersection)
• Restricted Crossing U-Turn (RCUT)
• Median U-Turn (MUT)
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These types of alternate intersection designs should be coordinated with the Central
Office Roadway Design.
ICE policy and procedure is published on the FDOT Traffic Engineering and Operations
Office website at the following Link: Manual on Intersection Control Evaluation.
Conventional intersections utilize one of four control types; yield, stop, all-way stop and
Intersections with stop control are a common, low-cost control, which require the traffic
on the minor roadway to stop before entering the major roadway. It is used where
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application of the normal R/W rule is not appropriate for certain approaches at the
To meet the requirements for the assigned access classification, or where U-turn
opportunities exist within a corridor, consider limiting stop controlled minor roads or
driveways to “right-in, right-out” only.
For an all-way stop intersection, traffic approaching it from all directions is required to stop
before proceeding through the intersection. An all-way stop may have multiple
approaches and typically marked with a supplemental signing stating the number of
All-way stop control is most effective at the intersection of low-speed, 2-lane roadways
not exceeding 1,400 vehicles during the peak hour. All-way stop control should not be
used on multilane highways. Guidance for consideration of the application of all-way stop
control is provided in the MUTCD.
All-way stop control may be used as an interim measure when a traffic signal or
roundabout is warranted, but the installation is delayed.
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The functional area of an intersection extends in both directions including auxiliary lanes
and their associated channelization. This is illustrated in Figures 212.4.1 and 212.4.2.
The functional area on the approach to an intersection or driveway consists of three basic
(1) Perception-reaction-decision distance
(2) Maneuver distance
(3) Queue-storage distance (see FDM 212.14.2)
These elements are shown in Figure 212.4.3. The maneuver distance includes the
length needed for both braking and lane changing when there is a left or right turning
lane. In the absence of turn lanes, the maneuver distance is the distance to brake to a
comfortable stop. The storage length includes the most distant extent of any intersection-
related queue expected to occur during the design period.
Ref: Figure 9-1, 2011 AASHTO Green Book Ref: Figure 9-1, 2011 AASHTO Green Book
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The intersection angle between two roadways has a significant influence on the safety
and operation of an intersection. Intersection angles are to be as close to 90 degrees as
practical. Intersection angles less than 75 degrees should be avoided for the following
(1) Heavy skew angles increase the intersection crossing length, exposing vehicles,
pedestrians, and cyclists to conflicting traffic streams for longer periods of time.
This is of particular concern at stop-controlled approaches on high speed facilities.
(2) The road user’s sight angle to the crossing leg becomes restricted due to the skew,
making it difficult to see conflicting vehicles and to perceive safe crossing gaps.
(3) Turning movements are difficult because of the skew. Additional pavement may
be necessary to accommodate the turning of large trucks.
(4) Turning movements or positioning may be confusing and require additional
(5) Increased open pavement areas of highly skewed intersections increase
construction and maintenance costs.
Evaluate intersections with severe skew angles and crash histories for geometric
improvements as shown in Figure 212.5.1. A high incidence of right-angle crashes is an
indicator that improvements may be justified.
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Standard taper lengths for auxiliary lanes are given in FDM 212.14. Taper length is based
on the following equations:
(1) Merging Taper (L):
(a) For design speeds ≤ 40 mph: L = (W*S2)/60
(b) For design speeds ≥ 45 mph: L = W*S
Where: L = Taper length (feet)
W = Width of offset (feet)
S = Design speed (mph)
(2) Shifting Taper is equal to Merging Taper (L) / 2.
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Lane shifts through intersections should meet the requirements for non-merging
conditions. Pavement markings should be used through the intersection to provide
positive guidance to the motorist. The shifting taper length is controlled by the size of the
intersection and the deflection angle. Although deflections through intersections are
discouraged, there may be conditions where they are necessary.
≤ 20 25 30 35 40 45
(1) Deflection angle used is not to cause a lane shift (W) of more than 6 feet from stop bar to stop
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The profile grade line defines the vertical alignment for construction. The grade line of the
mainline road is typically carried through the intersection and the minor cross road (or cross
street) is adjusted to it. This design involves a transition in the crown of the cross road to
an inclined cross section at its junction with the mainline road, as illustrated in
Figure 212.8.1.
The break in the cross road profile at the center of the intersection should be accomplished
with a vertical curve.
Vertical alignments at or near intersections should provide traffic lanes that are:
(1) Clearly visible and understandable to drivers for any desired direction of travel,
(2) Free from sudden appearance of potential conflicts, and
(3) Consistent in design with the portions of the highway just traveled.
Provide adequate sight distance along both intersecting roads and across their included
corners, even where one or both intersecting roads are on vertical curves. The gradients
of intersecting roads should be as flat as practical on those sections that are to be used
for storage of stopped vehicles.
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Special profiles for certain roadway elements may be necessary to ensure a safe,
efficient, well-drained and smooth roadway system. Elements that may require special
profiles include pavement edges or gutter flow lines at street intersections, profile grade
lines, intersection plateaus, curb returns, and special superelevation details. Special
profiles are developed at close intervals and large scale to clearly identify all construction
details of these elements.
212.8.2 Plateauing
In some instances, it is desirable for the cross road to receive the same profile
considerations as the mainline road. To provide this "equal treatment", with respect to
profile, a technique commonly known as intersection plateauing is applied. Plateauing
refers to flattening of the intersection and the transition of both roadway profiles and cross
slopes on the intersection approaches.
Provide a profile combination that provides a smooth transition and adequate drainage
when applying intersection plateauing. Transition slope rates are to meet the values
provided in Table 212.8.1; however, the minimum length of cross slope transition is 50
feet for design speeds less than or equal to 35 mph and 75 feet for design speeds of 40
mph or greater.
25-35 1:100
40 1:125
45-50 1:150
55-60 1:170
65-70 1:190
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Locate and design median openings to meet traffic requirements in accordance with the
access management plan for the facility. See FDM 201.4 for more information on access
management plans and decision making.
The overall length of a full median opening is typically the same width as the intersecting
road (including shoulders) which is sufficient to accommodate the swept path of left
turning vehicles. Median functions and minimum widths are provided in Table 212.9.1.
For un-signalized intersections, median openings should not be longer than the required
length to avoid multiple vehicles attempting to stop within the opening.
The control radius refers to a radius that must be considered in establishing the location
of median or traffic separator ends on divided highways and the stop bar on undivided
highways. Provide this radius for left-turn movements when appropriate.
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For the central part of the turn the use of compound curves is not necessary and the use
of simple curves is satisfactory. Table 212.9.2 provides control radii for minimum-speed
turns (10 to 15 mph) that can be used for establishing the location of the median ends.
212.9.1 U-Turns
Median width should accommodate passenger vehicle (P) left-turn and U-turn
maneuvers. If adequate median width does not exist for accommodating U-turns, then
consider adding extra pavement width such as a taper or additional shoulder width. See
FDM 210.3 for information on median width criteria.
In cases where U-turn traffic volumes are high, consider the use of jug handles, loop
designs, or indirect left turn designs.
Establish clear sight triangles to assure that drivers are provided a sufficient view of the
intersecting highway to identify gaps in traffic and decide when it is safe to proceed.
Document the analysis of sight distance for all intersections.
Clear sight triangles are the areas along intersection approach legs and across their
common corners that should be clear of visual hindrances. Dimensions of clear sight
triangles are based on design speed, design vehicle, and the type of traffic control used
at the intersection.
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Figure 212.11.1 illustrates clear sight triangles for intersections and driveways.
The minimum driver-eye setback of 14.5 feet from the edge of the traveled way may be
adjusted on any intersection leg only when justified by a documented, site-specific field
study of vehicle stopping position and driver-eye position.
Exhibits 212-4 through 212-7 provide intersection sight distances for stop controlled
intersections. The tables in the exhibits provide sight distance values for Passenger
vehicles, Single Unit (SU) Trucks, and Combination vehicles for design speeds ranging
from 30 mph to 65 mph. Intersection sight distance based on Passenger vehicles is
suitable for most intersections; however, consider the values for SU Vehicles or
Combination vehicles for intersections with high truck volumes.
(1) Limitations
(a) The exhibits apply to intersections in all context classifications with stop
control or flashing beacon control.
(b) The exhibits apply only to intersections with intersecting angles between
60°and 120°, and where vertical and horizontal curves are not present.
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(2) Dimensions
(a) Sight distance (d) is measured from the center of the entrance lane of the
crossroad to the center of the near approach lane (right or left) of the
(b) Distances ‘dL’ and ‘dr’ are measured from the centerline of the entrance lane
of the crossroad to a point on the edge of the near side outer traffic lane on
the highway.
(c) Distance ‘dm’ is measured from the centerline of the entrance lane of the
crossroad to a point on the median clear zone limit or horizontal clearance
limit for the far side road of the highway.
(3) Vertical limits
(a) Provide a clear sight window throughout the limits of all intersection sight
(b) Provide a clear line of sight between vehicles at intersection stop locations
and vehicles on the highway throughout the limits of all intersection sight
(c) The reference datum between roadways is 3’-6” above respective
pavements since observations are made in both directions along the line of
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Provide clear sight lines on each of the approach legs for all-way stop controlled
(1) Develop sight distances based on AASHTO ‘Case D-Intersections with Signal
(2) The first vehicle stopped on any approach leg is visible to the driver of the first
vehicle stopped on each of the other approach legs.
(3) For permissive left turns provide sufficient sight distance for left turning vehicles to
select gaps in oncoming traffic and complete left turns.
(4) If a traffic signal is to be placed on two-way flashing operation (i.e. flashing yellow
on the major road approaches and flashing red on the minor road approaches)
under off peak or nighttime conditions, then provide the appropriate departure sight
triangles for AASHTO Case B (Stop Control on the Minor Road).
(5) If right turns on red are permitted from any approach leg then provide the
appropriate departure sight triangle to the left for AASHTO Case B above.
Provide sufficient sight distance to accommodate a left turn maneuver for locations where
left turns across opposing traffic are permitted. Table 212.11.1 provides clear sight
distance values for left turn from highway.
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Design da (feet)
Speed 1 Lane Crossed 2 Lane Crossed 3 Lane Crossed
(mph) P SU Comb. P SU Comb. P SU Comb.
25-30 245 290 330 265 320 365 290 350 395
35 285 335 385 310 370 425 335 410 460
40 325 385 440 355 425 485 385 465 525
45 365 430 495 400 475 545 430 525 590
(1) Provide a lateral offset (LO) of 6' as shown in the diagram above. db may be determined by the
equation db = da (w/(w+12)). For roadways with non-restricted conditions, da and db should be based
on the geometry for the left turn storage and on clear zone widths.
(2) For wide medians where the turning vehicle can approach the through lane at or near 90°, use d
values from tables in Exhibits 212-6 and 212-7. (The clear sight line origin is assumed to be 14.5
feet from the edge of the near travel lane.
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< 35 90 60 45
35 105 70 50
< 35 30 30 30
35 50 50 50
(1) For entrances to one-way streets, the downstream restriction (B) may be reduced to 20 feet.
(2) Do not place parking within 20 feet of a marked crosswalk.
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Maintain clear sight triangles for all approaches. Do not place trees within the hatched-
out areas as shown in Figure 212.11.2. The hatched-out areas are for ground cover
plants only. Coordinate with the Project Landscape Architect for the placement of
vegetation and the necessary space above and below ground for tree growth that will
maintain clear sight triangles.
Where left turns from the major road are permitted, do not locate trees within the distance
𝑑𝑑𝑏𝑏 shown in Table 212.11.1 (see FDM 212.11.4) and not less than the distances shown
in Figure 212.11.2 and the spacings in Table 212.11.3 as applicable.
The clear sight window concept may provide opportunities for vegetation within the limits
of intersection sight triangles. This concept is illustrated in Figure 212.11.3. This detail
provides the required vertical clear sight limits with respect to the sight line datum. Do
not place trees within the hatched-out areas as shown in Figure 212.11.2 (even if using
the clear sight window concept). The hatched-out areas are for ground cover plants only.
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* Since observations are made in both directions, the line of sight datum between
roadways is 3.5 feet above both pavements.
The horizontal limits of the window are defined by clear sight triangles. Within the limits
of clear sight triangles, the following restrictions apply:
• Canopy of trees and trunked plants must be at least 5 feet above the sight line
• The top of the ground cover plants must be at least 1.5 feet below the sight line
See FDM 228.2(2)(a) for additional information about plant selection and placement.
Enforcing these limits provides a clear line of sight for approaches to an intersection.
When trees are located in the median of a divided roadway and fall within the limits of a
clear sight triangle, conform to Table 212.11.3 for tree size and spacing. Spacing values
for trees with diameter of 11 inches or less were derived assuming a maximum 6-foot
wide shadow band on a vehicle at the stop bar location when viewed by a mainline driver
beginning at sight distance ‘d’. This is illustrated in Figure 212.11.4. Spacing values for
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trees with diameter greater than 11 inches and less than or equal to 18 inches were
derived assuming a 2 second full view of the vehicle at the stop bar when viewed by the
mainline driver beginning at sight distance ‘d’. (See Figure 212.11.5).
25-30 25 90
35 30 105
40 35 120
45 40 135
50 50 150
55 55 165
60 60 180
(1) Size and spacing are based on the following conditions:
(a) A single line of trees in the median parallel to but not necessarily collinear with the
(b) A straight approaching mainline and intersection angle between 60° and 120°.
(c) Space trees with 4” < Dia. ≤ 11” intermixed with trees with 11” < Dia. ≤ 18” based on trees
with 11” < Dia. ≤ 18”.
(2) Detail tree size, spacing, and location in the plans for any other conditions.
(3) Trunked Plants may be placed on 20 foot centers.
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Turning roadways are typically designed for use by right-turning traffic at intersections.
There are three types of right-turning roadways:
• edge-of-traveled-way design
• design with a corner triangular island
• free-flow design using a simple radius or compound radii
The turning radii and the pavement cross slopes for free-flow right turns are functions of
design speed and design vehicle.
When selected design vehicle is to be accommodated within minimum space, corner radii
should be based on the required turning path.
Table 212.12.1 provides simple curve radii with and without tapers. Table 212.12.2
provides symmetric and asymmetric three centered compound curve radii for a range of
design vehicles. These values provide the minimum turning paths attainable at design
speeds of 10 mph and less.
Figure 212.12.1 demonstrates the angle of turn for use in these tables.
The minimum edge-of-traveled-way values provided in these tables are based on the
assumption that the vehicle is properly positioned within the traffic lane at the beginning
and end of the turn (2 feet from the edge-of-traveled-way on the tangents approaching
and leaving the intersection curve). Such designs follow closely the inner wheel path of
the selected design vehicle, with a clearance of 2 feet or more throughout most of the
turn, and with a clearance at no point less than 9 inches. Differences in the inner paths
of vehicles turning left and right are not sufficient to be significant in design. For this
reason, these edge designs also apply to left-turn maneuvers, such as a left turn by a
vehicle leaving a divided highway at a very low speed.
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P 35 25 2.0 10:1
SU-30 55 45 2.0 10:1
SU-40 90 60 2.0 10:1
WB-40 ---- 60 2.0 15:1
WB-62 ---- 145 4.0 20:1
WB-62FL 145 4.0 20:1
WB-67 ---- 145 4.5 20:1
WB-92D ---- 110 5.0 15:1
WB-100T ---- 85 3.0 15:1
WB-109D ---- 140 5.5 20:1
SU-30 50 40 2.0 10:1
SU-40 80 45 4.0 10:1
WB-40 ---- 45 4.0 10:1
WB-62 ---- 120 4.5 30:1
WB-62FL 125 4.5 30:1
WB-67 ---- 125 4.5 30:1
WB-92D ---- 95 6.0 10:1
WB-100T ---- 85 2.5 15:1
WB-109D ---- 115 2.9 15:1
P ---- 20 2.5 8:1
SU-30 ---- 35 3.0 10:1
SU-40 ---- 45 4.0 10:1
WB-40 ---- 40 4.0 10:1
WB-62 ---- 115 3.0 15:1
WB-62FL 115 3.0 15:1
WB-67 ---- 115 3.0 15:1
WB-92B ---- 80 8.0 10:1
WB-100T ---- 75 3.0 15:1
WB-109D ---- 90 9.2 20:1
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For curbed intersections, corner radii should follow the guidance in Table 212.12.3, and
accommodate the following:
• The design vehicle and design speed for each street
• Available R/W
• Angle of turn between intersection legs
• The number of pedestrians using the crosswalk
• The width and number of lanes on the intersecting street
Corner Radius
Operational Characteristics
Often it is not practical to provide designs that do not require larger design vehicles to
encroach on adjacent or opposing lanes. Guidelines for corner radii in urbanized context
classifications are as follows:
(1) Radii of 15 to 25 feet are adequate for passenger vehicles. These radii are suitable
for minor cross streets where there is little occasion for trucks to turn and at major
intersections where there are parking lanes;
(2) Radii of 25 feet or more should be provided at minor cross streets on new
construction or reconstruction projects;
(3) Radii of 30 feet or more should be provided at minor cross streets where practical
so that an occasional truck can turn without too much encroachment;
(4) Radii of 40 feet or more or preferably three-centered curves or simple curves with
tapers to fit the paths of large truck combinations, should be provided where such
combinations or buses turn frequently. Where speed reductions would cause
problems, larger radii should be considered; and,
(5) Curb radii should be coordinated with crosswalk distances or special designs
should be used to make crosswalks efficient for all pedestrians. Where larger radii
are used, an intermediate refuge or median island is desirable or crosswalks may
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need to be offset so that crosswalk distances are not excessive. See FDM 210.3
for addtional information on islands.
Consider providing a corner island at an intersection where paved areas are excessively
large or do not establish proper channelization of traffic. Corner islands can provide
delineation for through and turning traffic. In addition, corner islands shorten crosswalks
and give pedestrians and bicyclists a refuge area. See FDM 210.3.2 for island
Channelized right turn lanes can be designed with a flat or near perpendicular angle of
entry to the cross street (see Figure 212.12.2). The flat angle of entry is most
appropriate for higher speed turning movements with no pedestrian accommodations.
Large turning radii and angles of entry into the cross street allow higher turning speeds,
reduced traffic delays, and the turning movement of large trucks. The higher speeds,
angle of entry and large radii adversely impacts pedestrian safety at the crosswalk.
The near perpendicular angle of entry is preferred where pedestrian facilities are
provided. Tight turning radii and angles of entry into the cross street accommodate the
• Slower turning speeds,
• Reduced cross walk length,
• Improved pedestrian visibility,
• Improved sight distance
• Decreased angle of driver head turning
• Reduced right-of-way impacts.
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Consider the near perpendicular right turn lane design in Figure 212.12.3 when the
following conditions are met:
This design includes the previously mentioned benefits to passenger cars and
pedestrians with stripping and a scalene triangle shaped corner island. An approaching
deceleration lane is preferred to provide vehicles additional time to stop for crossing
pedestrians. The crosswalk is set back 20 feet minimum from the end of the island to
allow room for a passenger car to wait for a gap in traffic with out blocking the crosswalk.
As shown in Figure 212.12.3, the outside curb radii can be designed to accommodate
over tracking of large vehicles such as single-unit trucks, transit, or Florida Interstate
Semi-trailers (WB-62FL).
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10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Double and triple turn lanes require turning radii that will accommodate the selected
design vehicles turning simultaneously. The radius of curvature in combination with the
track width of the design vehicles will establish the required width within the turn. Lane
lines (i.e., guide lines) and width requirements should be determined by plotting the swept
paths of the selected design vehicles. For preliminary layout of intersection geometry,
use the swept path of the design vehicle on the inside turning lane to locate the median
nose and crosswalk on the crossing street (at the receiving point of the left turn).
Design of dual turns should accommodate a SU-40 vehicle and a P vehicle turning
simultaneously, as illustrated in Figure 212.12.4.
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Design of triple left turns should accommodate a WB-62FL (outside lane), a SU-40 (center
or inside lane), and a P vehicle (center or inside lane) turning simultaneously.
Establish control radius for the inside turning lane based on the guidance in FDM 212.14.5
and Table 212.9.2. Establish the inside edge of the outer lane by providing a minimum
4-foot separation between swept paths of the selected design vehicles traveling in the
same direction. Except for turns with large radii, the inside edge of the outer lane will not
be concentric with the selected control radius. Radius for the inside edge of the outer
turn lane should be determined by analysis of the plotted swept path of the design
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212.13 Islands
The required total deceleration length is that needed for a safe and comfortable stop from
the design speed of the highway. See Exhibit 212-1 for minimum deceleration lengths
(including taper) for left turn lanes.
Right turn lane tapers and lengths are identical to left turn lanes under stop control
conditions. Right turn lane tapers and lengths are site-specific for free-flow or yield
For low volume intersections where a traffic study is not justified, a minimum 50-foot
queue length (2 vehicles) should be provided for rural context classifications. A minimum
100-foot queue length (4 vehicles) should be provided in urbanized context
classifications. Locations with over 10% truck traffic should accommodate at least one
car and one truck.
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The length of approach end tapers is 50 feet for a single turn lane and 100 feet for two or
more turn lanes, as shown Exhibit 212-1. These taper lengths apply to all design speeds.
The alignment of opposing left-turn lanes and the horizontal and vertical curvature on the
approaches are the principal geometric design elements that determine how much sight
distance is available to a left-turning driver. Vehicles queuing in opposing left-turn lanes
restrict each other’s view of oncoming traffic in the through lanes. The level of restricted
view depends on the alignment of opposing left-turn lanes with respect to each other and
the type of vehicles in the opposing queue.
The offset distance is defined as the distance between the left edge of the turn lane and
the right edge of the opposing turn lane. If the offset distance is to the left of the turn lane
it is considered a negative offset, and if it is to the right of turn lane it is considered a
positive offset, as illustrated in Figure 212.14.1.
The conventional method of designing left turn lanes is to place the left turn lanes adjacent
to the through lanes. This design creates a negative offset which restricts the sight
distance of the left-turning driver’s view of oncoming traffic when another vehicle is in the
opposing turn lane. Figure 212.14.2 indicates the negative offset when the conventional
design is used.
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Figure 212.14.2 Opposing Left Turns (22’ Median with Negative 10’ Offset)
On curbed roadway designs, offset left-turn lanes should be used with median widths
greater than 18 feet. A 4-foot traffic separator should be used when possible to
channelize the left turn and provide separation from opposing traffic.
Consider offset left-turn lanes at rural intersections with high turning movements. For
median widths 30 feet or less, use a parallel offset left-turn lane. Stripe the area between
the offset left-turn lane and the traffic lane where vehicles are moving in the same
direction. For medians wider than 30 feet, consider a tapered offset left-turn lane. An
offset left is illustrated in Figure 212.14.3.
2011 AASHTO Green Book Figure 9-52 illustrates the design of parallel and tapered left
turn lanes.
Figure 212.14.3 Typical Opposing Left Turns (22’ Median with Negative 1’ Offset)
At locations where the full offset distances cannot be obtained, it is recommended that
the minimum offset distances shown in Table 212.14.1 be provided to achieve minimum
required sight distances according to design speed. It is recommended that the
“Opposing Truck” values be used where the opposing left-turn traffic includes a moderate
to heavy volume of large trucks.
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≤ 30 1.0 3.0
35 1.5 3.5
40 - 45 2.0 4.0
50 - 55 2.5 4.5
60 - 65 3.0 4.5
70 3.0 5.0
The design of a directional median opening must accommodate the swept path of the
predominant design vehicle. Channelization may be achieved using a combination of
traffic separators, islands, and tubular markers. See FDM 210 for additional information
on islands. See Standard Plans, Index 520-020 for standard details for 4 feet, 6 feet
and 8.5 feet wide traffic separators. See FDM 230.2.7 for additional information on
tubular markers.
Typical layouts for directional median openings for high speed roadways with 40-feet-
wide medians are provided in Exhibits 212-8, 212-9 and 212-10. Type E curb and
raised islands in conjunction with the minimum offsets shown in these figures may be
used on high speed roadways for directional median openings.