Nutrition Budget Typology
Nutrition Budget Typology
Nutrition Budget Typology
HD17-[N]-[M]-[SD] Procurement and distribution of calcium carbonate [N] Health and [M] Immediate [SD] Service
Nutrition Delivery
HD18-[N]-[M]-[SD] Procurement and distribution of other vitamins and [N] Health and [M] Immediate [SD] Service
minerals for micronutrient supplementation Nutrition Delivery
HD19-[K]-[M]-[HR] Training and capacity building activities for nutrition [K] Knowledge [M] Immediate [HR] Human
coordinator and technical staff regarding micronutrient Building Resource and
supplementation Capacity Building
Infant and Young Child Feeding
HD21-[N]-[M]-[SD] Public provision of complementary feeding [N] Health and [M] Immediate [SD] Service
Nutrition Delivery
HD22-[N]-[M]-[SD] Promotion and support for exclusive and continued [N] Health and [M] Immediate [SD] Service
breastfeeding Nutrition Delivery
HD23-[N]-[M]-[SD] Dietary diversification in young children [N] Health and [M] Immediate [SD] Service
Nutrition Delivery
HD24-[K]-[M]-[SD] Training of nutrition counselors for complementary [K] Knowledge [M] Immediate [SD] Service
feeding Building Delivery
HD25-[N]-[M]-[SD] Setting up of human milk banks [N] Health and [M] Immediate [SD] Service
Nutrition Delivery
HD26-[N]-[M]-[CO] Establishment of breastfeeding places and mother-baby [N] Health and [M] Immediate [CO] Capital
friendly initiatives (spaces and hospitals) Nutrition Outlay
HD27-[N]-[C]-[P] Enforcement of Milk Code [N] Health and [C] Context and [P] Policy and
Nutrition Enablers Governance
HD28-[N]-[M]-[SD] Appropriate infant feeding practices and ARV treatment [N] Health and [M] Immediate [SD] Service
for HIV-exposed infants Nutrition Delivery
Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition
HD31-[N]-[M]-[SD] Procurement of RUTF and RUSF for management of MAM [N] Health and [M] Immediate [SD] Service
and SAM Nutrition Delivery
HD32-[N]-[C]-[P] Development of PhilHealth package for SAM cases [N] Health and [C] Context and [P] Policy and
Nutrition Enablers Governance
HD33-[K]-[M]-[HR] Training of nutrition staff for identification, treatment, and [K] Knowledge [M] Immediate [HR] Human
management of acute malnutrition Building Resource and
Capacity Building
HD34-[N]-[M]-[CO] Enhancement of facilities for provision of PIMAM services [N] Health and [M] Immediate [CO] Capital Outlay
Supplementary feeding
HD41-[N]-[M]-[P] Development and testing of food packages/products for dietary [N] Health and [M] Immediate [P] Policy and
supplementation of undernourished pregnant and lactating Nutrition Governance
HD42-[N]-[M]-[P] Development and testing of delivery models for dietary [N] Health and [M] Immediate [P] Policy and
supplementation Nutrition Governance
HD43-[K]-[M]-[HR] Capacity building of nutrition workers in management of [K] Knowledge [M] Immediate [HR] Human
dietary supplementation of pregnant women Building Resource and
Capacity Building
HD44-[K]-[M]-[HR] Capacity building of nutrition workers in management of [K] Knowledge [M] Immediate [HR] Human
dietary supplementation of children 6-23 months Building Resource and
Capacity Building
HD45-[N]-[M]-[SD] Provision of supplementary feeding for 6-23 months, 24- [N] Health and [M] Immediate [SD] Service
59 months, and school children Nutrition Delivery
HD46-[K]-[M]-[HR] Capacity building for day care workers on the management of [K] Knowledge [M] Immediate [HR] Human
food supplementation, including the identification of under or Building Resource and
overnutrition, and linkages with services of other programs Capacity Building
e.g., nutrition education
HD47-[F]-[M]-[CO] Establishment of complementary food processing facilities for [F] Food Production [M] Immediate [CO] Capital Outlay
children and pregnant women and Sustainability
HD48-[F]-[M]-[CO] Food plants for production of supplementary foods [F] Food Production [M] Immediate [CO] Capital Outlay
and Sustainability
Mandatory food fortification
HD51-[N]-[C]-[P] Implementation of strategic plan on mandatory [N] Health and [C] Context and [P] Policy and
fortification of cooking oil, Nutrition Enablers Governance
rice, sugar, salt, and wheat flour
HD52-[N]-[C]-[P] Review of implementation and formulation guidelines on [N] Health and [C] Context and [P] Policy and
voluntary fortification of processed foods Nutrition Enablers Governance
HD53-[N]-[C]-[P] Development and implementation of national health [N] Health and [C] Context and [P] Policy and
promotion and communication plan on mandatory food Nutrition Enablers Governance
fortification (MFF Promotion)
HD54-[K]-[C]-[R] Research studies on retention, stability, and acceptability [K] Knowledge [C] Context and [R] Research and
of fortified wheat flour and other staples (MFF Building Enablers IEC
Technology Development)
HD55-[N]-[C]-[P] Operationalization of management information system [N] Health and [C] Context and [P] Policy and
and strengthening of feedback system the with industry Nutrition Enablers Governance
and TWG (FF)
HD56-[N]-[C]-[P] Mandatory food fortification regulation and monitoring [N] Health and [C] Context and [P] Policy and
Nutrition Enablers Governance
HD63-[K]-[C]-[R] Development, updating, and review of training modules and [K] Knowledge [C] Context and [R] Research and
materials for nutrition in emergencies Building Enablers IEC
HD64-[K]-[C]-[HR] Training of staff on NiE and Information management [K] Knowledge [C] Context and [HR] Human
Building Enablers Resource and
Capacity Building
HD65-[K]-[C]-[P] Development and dissemination of communication package [K] Knowledge [C] Context and [P] Policy and
for NiE Building Enablers Governance
HD66-[K]-[C]-[P] Development and dissemination of operational guidelines on [K] Knowledge [C] Context and [P] Policy and
nutrition assessment, monitoring and evaluation Building Enablers Governance
HD67-[N]-[M]-[SD] Intervention package for SAM and support for IYCF in [N] Health and [M] Immediate [SD] Service
emergencies Nutrition Delivery