Adhkar - Sierra Leone - Foundation, Level 1, 2 & 3 0.3-1

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Foundation Level

1. Kalimah Tayyibah: The Best Dhikr

ِ ِٰ
‫اَل إلها إاَل للاه‬
There is no god but Allah.
2. The Shahadah
‫أا ْش اه هد أا ْن اَل إِلاها إِاَل ا‬
‫اَّلله او ْح ادهه اَل اش ِر ا‬
‫يك لاهه اوأا ْش اه هد أا ان هما امدا اعْب هدهه‬
.‫اوار هسولههه‬
I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship expect Allah,
and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger.
3. When the Name of Our Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is
‫صلاى للاه اعلاْي ِه او اسلام‬
May Allah’s peace and mercy be upon him.
4. When the Name of Any Other Prophet is Mentioned
‫اعلاْي ِه ال اس ال هم‬
May peace be upon him.
5. When the name of a Sahabi/Sahabiyyah is Mentioned
‫عْن اها‬/ ِ
‫ارض اي للاه اعْنهه ا‬
May Allah be pleased with him/her.
6. When a group of Sahabah are Mentioned
‫ار ِض اي للاه اعْن هه ْم‬
May Allah be pleased with them.
7. When Greeting a Muslim
‫ال اس ال هم اعلاْي هك ْم اوار ْْحاةه للا اوبااراكاتههه‬
May the peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.
8. When someone does a good thing to me, I will pray for
them by saying:
‫اَّلله اخ ْْيا‬
‫اجاز ااك ا‬
May Allah reward you with goodness.
9. After Sneezing
.ِ‫اْلا ْم هد لل‬
Praise be to Allah.
10. Replying to the Person Who Says Alhamdulillah

‫ك للاه‬
‫ياْر اْحه ا‬
May Allah have mercy on you.
11. Then the person who sneezed should say:
‫صلِ هح اَبلا هك ْم‬ ِ
ْ ‫يا ْهدي هك هم للاه اويه‬
May Allah guide you and put your affairs in order.
12. When Climbing or Going Up
‫للاه أا ْكبا هر‬
Allah is the greatest.
13. When Descending or Going Down

ِ‫سبحا ان للا‬
‫هْ ا‬
Allah is pure from all faults.
14. Before sleeping
‫احياا‬ ٰ ‫َِب ِْْس‬
ْ ‫وت اوأ‬
‫ك الل هه ام أ هام ه‬
In Your Name solely, I die and I live.
15. When Waking Up

ِ ِ ْ
.‫ور‬ ‫اَن با ْع اد اما أ ااماتاناا اوإِلاْي ِه الن ه‬
‫ُّش ه‬ ْ ‫اْلا ْم هد لل الاذي أ‬
‫احيا ا‬
All praise is for Allah Who gave us life after having taken it from us
and unto Him is the resurrection.
16. Before Eating
ِ‫بِس ِم للا‬
In the Name of Allah.
17. If you forget bismillah before eating and then
ِ ِ
‫بِ ْس ِم للا أااولاهه اوآخارهه‬
In the Name of Allah at the beginning and at the end of it.
18. After Eating (1)
ٍ‫ ورزقانِ ِيه ِمن اغ ِْي حوٍل ِم ِِن واَل قه اوة‬، ‫اْلم هد للِ الا ِذي أاطْعم ِِن ٰه اذا‬
‫ا‬ ْ‫ْ ْ ا‬ ‫ااا‬ ‫اا‬ ْ ‫ْا‬
Praise be to Allah who has fed me this and provided me with it
without any power and might from me.
19. After Eating (2)

‫ي‬ ِِ ‫اْلا ْم هد للِ الا ِذي أاطْ اع امناا او اس اق ا‬

‫اَن او اج اعلاناا هم ْسلم ا‬ ْ
All praise is for Allah, who has fed us and given us drink and made us
20. Before Drinking Water
ِ‫بِس ِم للا‬
In the Name of Allah.
21. After Drinking Water

.ِ‫اْلا ْم هد لل‬
Praise be to Allah.
22. After Drinking Milk
ِ ِِ ٰ
‫الل هه ام اَب ِرْك لاناا فيه اوِزْد اَن مْنهه‬
O Allah, bless us in it and give us more of it.
23. When You Make a Mistake
‫وب إِلاْي ِه‬ ِ ‫أ‬
‫استا ْغفهر للاا اوأاته ه‬
I seek forgiveness from Allah and turn to Him.
24. When you plan to do something
‫إ ْن اشاءا للاه‬
If Allah wills.
Level 1
1. Before Taking Clothes Off
ِ‫بِس ِم للا‬
In the Name of Allah.
2. After Wearing Clothes
‫ اوارازقانِ ِيه ِم ْن اغ ِْْي اح ْوٍل ِم ِِن اواَل‬، ‫ب‬ ِ ِ
‫ا ْْلا ْم هد لل الاذي اك اس ِاِن ٰه اذا الث ْاو ا‬
ٍ‫قه اوة‬
All praise is to Allah Who has clothed me with this garment and
provided it for me, without any power or might on my part.
3. Before Entering the Bathroom
ِ ِ‫اْلابائ‬ ْ‫ك ِم ان ه‬
ِ ‫اْلهب‬ ٰ ِ
.‫ث‬ ْ‫ث او ا‬ ‫ الل هه ام إِِِن أاعهوذه بِ ا‬، ‫بِ ْس ِم للا‬
In the Name of Allah. O Allah, I seek Your protection from the male
and female devils.
4. After Coming Out of the Bathroom
‫غه ْفارانا ا‬
I seek Your forgiveness.
5. Before Wudhu
ِ‫بِس ِم للا‬
In the Name of Allah.
6. After Wudhu

‫أا ْش اه هد أا ْن اَل إِٰلها إِاَل للاه او ْح ادهه اَل اش ِر ا‬

‫ اوأا ْش اه هد أا ان هما امدا اعْب هدهه‬، ‫يك لاهه‬
ِ ِ ٰ
‫ين‬ ِ
‫اج اع ْل ِِن م ان املهتاطاه ِر ا‬
ْ ‫ او‬، ‫ي‬‫اج اع ْل ِِن م ان التا اوابِ ا‬
ْ ‫ الل هه ام‬.‫ور هس ْولههه‬
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. He is Alone and He has
no partner whatsoever. And I bear witness that Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is His
slave and His Messenger. O Allah, make me amongst the repentant,
and make me amongst those who purify themselves.
7. When Leaving the Home
.ِ‫ اَل اح ْوال اواَل قه اواة إِاَل َِب َّٰلل‬، ِ‫ت اعلاى ٰاَّلل‬ ِ
‫بِ ْس ِم ٰاَّلل تا اواك ْل ه‬
In the Name of Allah, I have placed my trust in Allah. There is no
power (in averting evil) or strength (in attaining good) except through
8. When Entering the Home
، ‫ بِ ْس ِم ٰاَّللِ او اَلْناا‬، ‫ او اخ ْ اْي الْ ام ْخارِج‬، ‫ك اخ ْ اْي الْ ام ْو اَِل‬
‫اسأاله ا‬ْ ‫ِن أ‬
ِِ‫ا ٰلل هه ام إ‬
.‫ او اعلاى ٰاَّللِ اربِناا تا اواك ْلناا‬، ‫اوبِ ْس ِم ٰاَّللِ اخار ْجناا‬
O Allah, I ask You for the best entrance and the best exit. In the Name
of Allah we enter, in the Name of Allah we leave, and in Allah our Lord
do we trust.
9. When Entering the Masjid
، ‫ِل ذهنه ْوِ ِْب‬ ‫ر‬‫ف‬ِ ‫ ا ٰلله ام ا ْغ‬، ِ‫ص الةه وال اس الم علاى رسوِل ٰاَّلل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ال‬
‫و‬ ، ِ‫بِس ِم ٰاَّلل‬
ْ ْ ‫ه‬ ْ ‫ه‬ ‫ا‬ ٰ ‫ا‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ْ
‫ك‬ ‫اب ار ْْحاتِ ا‬ ْ ِ ‫الل هه ام افْ تا ْح‬
‫ِل أابْ او ا‬
In the Name of Allah. Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of
Allah. O Allah, forgive my sins. O Allah, open the gates of Your mercy
for me.
10. When Leaving the Masjid
‫ك ِم ْن‬ ِِ ٰ ِ ِ ‫ اوال ا‬، ِ‫بِ ْس ِم ٰاَّلل‬
‫اسأاله ا‬ ْ ‫ الل هه ام إ‬، ‫ص الةه اوال اس ال هم اعلا ٰى ار هس ْول ٰاَّلل‬
ْ ‫ِن أ‬
‫ك‬ ِ ْ ‫فا‬
‫ضل ا‬
In the Name of Allah. Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of
Allah. O Allah, I ask You from Your bounty.
‫‪Adhkar of Salah‬‬
‫‪11. Takbeer‬‬
‫للاه أا ْكبا هر‬
‫‪Allah is the greatest.‬‬
‫‪12. Ruku‬‬
‫ِب اْ الع ِظي ِم‬
‫هسْب احا ان ارِ ا‬
‫‪Glory be to my Lord Almighty.‬‬
‫‪13. Tasmee‬‬
‫ِ ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫اْس اع للاه ل ام ْن اْح ادهه‬
‫‪Allah has heard the one who praised him‬‬
‫‪14. Standing Up From Ruku‬‬
‫اْلا ْم هد‬
‫ك ْ‬ ‫ارباناا اولا ا‬
‫‪Our Lord, to You Alone belongs all praise.‬‬
‫‪15. Sujood‬‬
‫ألعلاى‬ ‫هسْب احا ان ارِ ا‬
‫ِب ا ْ‬
‫‪Glory be my Lord the Most High.‬‬
‫‪16. Tashahhud‬‬
‫ص لاو ِ‬ ‫احيااتِ للِ‪ ،‬الازاكِي ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ك‬‫ات لل‪ ،‬ال اسلا هم اعلاْي ا‬ ‫ات ال ا ا ه‬ ‫ات لل‪ ،‬الطايِ با ه‬ ‫ا ه‬ ‫الت ه‬
‫ي‪،‬‬ ‫أيُّها النِاِب ور ْْحةه للاِ وب راكاتهه‪ ،‬ال اسلام علاي ناا وعلاى ِعب ِاد للاِ ال ا ِِ‬
‫صاْل ا‬ ‫ه اْ اا ا‬ ‫ا ه ا ا ا ا اا ه‬
‫أ ْش اه هد أ ْن َلا إلاهه إَلا للاا او ْح ادهه َلا اش ِر ا‬
‫يك لاهه اوأ ْش اه هد أ ان هما امدا اعْب هدهه‬
‫اوار هسولههه‪.‬‬
Greetings, pure things, prayers and goodness are for Allah. Peace be
upon you, O prophet and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace
be upon us and on the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that
there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His
servant and Messenger.
17. As-Salat-ul-Ibrahimiyyah

‫ت اعلاى إبْ ار ِاه ايم او اعلاى‬

‫صلاْي ا‬
ٍ ِ ٍ
‫ص ِل اعلاى هما امد او اعلاى آل هما امد اك اما ا‬ ‫اللا هه ام ا‬
‫ْحي ٌد اَِمي ٌد اواَب ِرْك اعلاى هما ام ٍد او اعلاى ِآل هما ام ٍد اك اما‬ِ‫ك ا‬ ِ
‫ِآل إبْ اراه ايم إنا ا‬
.‫ْحي ٌد اَِمي ٌد‬
ِ‫ك ا‬ ِ ِ
‫ت اعلاى إبْ اراه ايم او اعلاى ِآل إبْ اراه ايم إِنا ا‬‫اَب ارْك ا‬
O Allah, honour and have mercy upon Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad as You have honoured and had mercy upon Ibrahim and
the family of Ibrahim. Indeed, You are the Most Praiseworthy, the
Most Glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim.
Indeed, You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Most Glorious.
18. Du’a Before Salam
‫ اوِم ْن فِْت نا ِة‬،‫اب ال اق ِْْب‬
ِ ‫ وِمن اع اذ‬،‫اب جهنام‬
ْ ‫ك م ْن اع اذ ا ا ا ا‬
ِ ِ ‫اللاه ام ِإِن أاعوذه بِ ا‬
‫ه‬ ‫ه‬
ِ ‫ اوِم ْن اش ِر فِْت نا ِة امل ِس‬،‫ات‬
‫يح ال اد اج ِال‬ ِ ‫املحيا والْمم‬
‫ا ْا ا ا ا‬
O Allah, I seek Your protection from the punishment of the Fire, from
the punishment of the grave, from the trials of life and death, and
from the evil of the trial of al-Masih ad-Dajjal.
19. After Salah (1)
ٰ ِ ‫أ‬
‫ت اَي‬ ‫ اوِمْن ا‬، ‫ت ال اس ال هم‬
‫ تابا اارْك ا‬، ‫ك ال اس ال هم‬ ‫ الل هه ام أانْ ا‬، (x3) ‫استا ْغفهر للاا‬
ِْ ‫اَلاال ِل و‬
.‫اْل ْكارِام‬ ‫اذا ْ ا‬
I seek the forgiveness of Allah (x3). O Allah, You are The Flawless and
The Source of Peace, and from You comes peace. Blessed are You, full
of Majesty and Honour.

Morning & Evening Adhkar

20. Ayat al-Kursi (Every Morning, Evening, After Salah &
Before Sleeping)
‫ لاهه اما ِِف‬، ‫ اَل اَتْ هخ هذههۥ ِسناةٌ اواَل نا ْوٌم‬، ‫اْلا ُّى الْ اقيُّ ْوهم‬ْ ‫ا َّٰلله اَلٓ إِٰلها إِاَل هه او‬
‫ يا ْعلا هم‬، ‫ ام ْن اذا الا ِذ ْى يا ْش اف هع عِْن ادهه إِاَل ِبِِ ْذنِِهۦ‬، ‫ض‬ ِ ‫ت اواما ِِف ْاأل ْار‬ ِ ‫ال اس ٰم ٰو‬
ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ‫اما باْ ا‬
‫ اواَل هُيْيطهْو ان ب اش ْىء م ْن ع ْلم ٓه إاَل ِباا اشآءا‬، ‫ي أايْديْه ْم اواما اخ ْل اف هه ْم‬
‫ اوهه او الْ اعلِ ُّى‬، ‫ اواَل يائه ْوهدههۥ ِح ْفظه هه اما‬،‫ض‬ ِ ِ ِ
‫ اوس اع هكْرسيُّهه ال اس ٰم ٰوت او ْاأل ْار ا‬،
.‫الْ اع ِظْي هم‬
Allah, there is no god worthy of worship but He, the Ever Living, The
Sustainer of all. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him
Alone belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the
earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except with His
permission? He knows what is before them and what will be after
them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for
what He wills. His Kursī extends over the heavens and the earth, and
their preservation does not tire Him. And He is the Most High, the
Magnificent. (2:255)
21. I am pleased with my Lord, Deen & Prophet
.‫ اوِِبه اح ام ٍد نابِياا‬، ‫ اوَِبِْْل ْس الِم ِديْنا‬، ‫ت َِب َّٰللِ اراَب‬ ِ
‫ارضْي ه‬
I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, with Islām as my religion and with
Muḥammad ‫ ﷺ‬as my Prophet.
22. Protection From All Harm
، ‫ض اواَل ِِف ال اس ام ِاء‬
ِ ‫اْس ِه اشيءٌ ِِف ْاأل ْار‬ ِ
ْ ْ ‫ضُّر ام اع‬
ِ ِ
‫بِ ْس ِم ٰاَّلل الاذ ْي اَل يا ه‬
.‫اوهه او ال اس ِمْي هع الْ اعلِْي هم‬
In the Name of Allah, with whose Name nothing can harm in the earth
nor in the sky. He is The All-Hearing and All-Knowing.
Du’as From the Qur’an
23. Du’a for Parents
‫صغِْيا‬ ِ
‫ارب ْار اْحْ هه اما اك اما اربايا ِاِن ا‬
My Lord, have mercy upon them (my parents) as they raised and
nurtured me when I was young. (17:24)
24. Du'a for the best of both worlds & protection from the
.‫اب الناا ِر‬ ‫ذ‬
‫ا‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ا‬‫ن‬ِ‫ربانآ اٰتِنا ِِف الدُّنْيا حسنة اوِِف اَلْٓ ِخرةِ حسنة اوق‬
‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا ا اا‬ ‫ا ا اا‬ ‫اا ا‬
Our Lord, grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and
protect us from the torment of the Fire. (2:201)
25. Du'a of Aasiyah - The wife of pharoah
.‫اَلان ِاة‬
ْ ‫ِف‬ْ
ِ ‫ب ابْ ِن ِِل عِْن اد اك باْي تا‬
My Lord, build for me, near You, a house in Paradise. (66:11)
Level 2/3
3 Quls (Every Morning, Evening, After Salah
& Before Sleeping)
1. Surah al-Ikhlas
‫ْح ِن الارِحْي ِم‬ ٰ ْ ‫بِ ْس ِم للاِ الار‬
‫ اواَلْ يا هك ْن لاهه هك هفوا‬، ‫ اَلْ يالِ ْد اواَلْ يه ْولا ْد‬، ‫ص ام هد‬
‫ الله ال ا‬، ‫اح ٌد‬
‫قه ْل هه او للاه أ ا‬
.‫اح ٌد‬‫أا‬
In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very Merciful.
Say, He is Allah, the One, the Self-Sufficient Master, Who has not
given birth and was not born, and to Whom no one is equal. (112)

2. Surah al-Falaq
ٰ ْ ‫بِ ْس ِم للاِ الار‬
‫ْح ِن الارِحْي ِم‬
ِ ٍِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
‫ اوم ْن اش ِر اغاسق إ اذا اوقا ا‬، ‫ م ْن اش ِر اما اخلا اق‬، ‫قه ْل أاعه ْوذه بارب الْ افلاق‬
‫اس ٍد إِذاا اح اس اد‬
ِ ‫ وِمن اش ِر ح‬، ‫ت ِِف الْع اق ِد‬
‫ا‬ ْ ‫ه ا‬
ِ ‫وِمن اش ِر النا افا اَث‬
ْ ‫ا‬
In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very Merciful.
Say, I seek protection of the Lord of the daybreak, from the evil of
what He has created, and from the evil of the darkening night when it
settles, and from the evil of the blowers in knots, and from the evil of
the envier when he envies. (113)
3. Surah an-Nas
ٰ ْ ‫بِ ْس ِم للاِ الار‬
‫ْح ِن الارِحْي ِم‬
ِ ‫ ِم ْن اش ِر الْ او ْس او‬، ‫ااس‬
ِ ‫ إِٰل ِه الن‬، ‫ااس‬ ِ ‫ك الن‬ ِ ِ‫ مل‬، ‫ااس‬ ِ ِ
‫اس‬ ‫قه ْل أاعه ْوذه بارب الن ِ ا‬
ِ ‫اَلِن ِاة اوالن‬
‫ااس‬ ْ ‫ ِم ان‬، ‫ااس‬
ِ ‫ص هد ْوِر الن‬ ‫ِف ه‬ ِ ‫ الا ِذ ْي يهو ْس ِو‬، ‫ااس‬
ِ ‫اْلان‬
ْ ‫س‬ ‫ا ه‬ ْ
In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very Merciful.
Say, I seek protection of the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind,
the God of mankind, from the evil of the whisperer who withdraws,
who whispers in the hearts of mankind, whether they be Jinn or
people. (114)

Morning & Evening Adhkar

4. Start the Morning/Evening by Praising Allah (x3)
.‫ اوأا ْش اه هد أا ْن اَل إِٰلها إِاَل ٰاَّلله‬، ‫ك اْحْدا‬
‫ت أهثِْ ِْن اعلاْي ا‬
‫أ ْام اسْي ه‬/‫ت‬
‫اصبا ْح ه‬
I have entered the morning/evening praising You, and I bear witness
that there is no god but Allah.
5. Fulfil Your Obligation to Thank Allah
ِ ٍ ‫أامسى ِِب ِمن نِعم ٍة أاو ِِب‬/‫ا ٰلله ام ما أاصبح‬
‫ فا ِمْن ا‬، ‫ك‬
‫ك‬ ‫احد ِم ْن اخ ْلق ا‬‫ه ا ْا ا ْ ا ْ ْ ْ ا ْ ا‬
.‫الش ْكهر‬
ُّ ‫ك‬ ‫اْلا ْم هد اولا ا‬
ْ ‫ك‬ ‫ فالا ا‬، ‫ك‬ ‫او ْح اد اك اَل اش ِريْ ا‬
‫ك لا ا‬
O Allah, all the favours that I or anyone from Your creation has
received in the morning/evening, are from You Alone. You have no
partner. To You Alone belong all praise and all thanks.
6. Four Phrases That Are Heavier Than All Other Dhikr (x3)
، ‫ اوِزناةا اعْرِش ِه‬، ‫ضا نا ْف ِس ِه‬ ِِ ِِ ِ ِ
‫ اوِر ا‬، ‫ اع اد اد اخ ْلقه‬، ‫هسْب احا ان ٰاَّلل اوِبا ْمده‬
.‫اوِم اد ااد اكلِ اماتِِه‬
Allah is free from imperfection and all praise is due to Him, (in ways)
as numerous as all He has created, (as vast) as His pleasure, (as
limitless) as the weight of His Throne, and (as endless) as the ink of
His words.
7. Allah Will Suffice You In Everything (7 Times)
‫ب الْ اعْر ِش الْ اع ِظْي ِم‬
ُّ ‫ اوهه او ار‬، ‫ت‬ ِ
‫ اعلاْيه تا اواك ْل ه‬، ‫ِب للاه اَل إِٰلها إِاَل هه او‬
‫اح ْس ا‬
Allah is sufficient for me. There is no god but Him. I have placed my
trust in Him only and He is the Lord of the Magnificent Throne.

Adhkar Before Sleep

8. Surah al-Kafirun
‫ اواَل أانْته ْم اعابِ هد ْو ان اما أ ْاعبه هد‬، ‫ اَل أ ْاعبه هد اما تا ْعبه هد ْو ان‬، ‫قه ْل اَي أايُّ اها الْ اكافِهرْو ان‬
ِ ِ ِ ِ
‫ لا هك ْم دينه هك ْم او ا‬، ‫ اواَل أانْته ْم اعاب هد ْو ان اما أ ْاعبه هد‬، ‫ اواَل أ ااَن اعاب ٌد اما اعبا ْد ُُّّْت‬،
‫ِديْ ِن‬
Say: O disbelievers, I worship not that which you worship. And nor do
you worship that which I worship. And I shall not worship that which
you worship. Nor will you worship that which I worship. To you be
your religion, and to me my religion. (109)
9. Protection From Punishment (x3)
.‫ث ِعبا ااد اك‬ ِ ٰ
‫الل هه ام ق ِ ِْن اع اذابا ا‬
‫ك يا ْوام تاْب اع ه‬
O Allah, protect me from Your punishment on the day You resurrect
Your servants.
10. Get Forgiven Before Going to Sleep
‫ اوهه او اعلا ٰى‬، ‫اْلا ْم هد‬ْ ‫ك اولاهه‬ ‫ لاهه الْ هم ْل ه‬، ‫ك لاهه‬ ‫اَل إِٰلها إِاَل ٰاَّلله او ْح ادهه اَل اش ِريْ ا‬
ِ‫ سبحا ان ٰاَّللِ وا ْْلم هد َِّٰلل‬، ِ‫ واَل حوال واَل قه اواة إِاَل َِب َّٰلل‬، ‫هك ِل شي ٍء قا ِدي ر‬
ْ‫ا ا‬ ‫هْ ا‬ ‫ا ْ ٌْ ا ا ْ ا‬
.‫اواَل إِٰلها إِاَل ٰاَّلله او ٰاَّلله أا ْك اْبه‬
There is no god but Allah. He is Alone and He has no partner
whatsoever. To Him Alone belong all sovereignty and all praise. He is
over all things All-Powerful. There is no power (in averting evil) or
strength (in attaining good) except through Allah. Allah is free from
imperfection, and all praise is for Allah. There is no god but Allah and
Allah is the Greatest.

Adhkar of Salah
11. After Salah (3)
ِ ٰ
‫الل هه ام أاعِ ِ ِْن اعلا ٰى ذ ْك ِراك او هش ْك ِراك او هح ْس ِن ِعبا اادتِ ا‬
O Allah, help me in remembering You, in being grateful to You, and in
worshipping You in an excellent manner.

Adhkar of Other Actions

12. When Something Worries You
ِ ٰ
‫الل هه ام أاعِ ِ ِْن اعلا ٰى ذ ْك ِراك او هش ْك ِراك او هح ْس ِن ِعبا اادتِ ا‬
O Allah, help me in remembering You, in being grateful to You, and in
.worshipping You in an excellent manner
13. At the Time of Difficulty
.‫اَلان ِاة‬
ْ ‫س أ ْاعلاى‬ ِ ‫ا ٰلله ام إِِِن أاسأاله‬
‫ك الْفْراد ْو ا‬
‫ه ْ ْ ا‬
O Allah, I beg you for al-Firdaws, the loftiest abode of Paradise.
14. When You Feel Frightened
.‫اَلان ِاة‬
ْ ‫س أ ْاعلاى‬ ِ ‫ا ٰلله ام إِِِن أاسأاله‬
‫ك الْفْراد ْو ا‬
‫ه ْ ْ ا‬
O Allah, I beg you for al-Firdaws, the loftiest abode of Paradise.
15. When Travelling
‫ هسْب احا ان الا ِذ ْي اس اخار لاناا ٰه اذا اواما‬، ‫ الله أا ْك اْبه‬، ‫ الله أا ْك اْبه‬، ‫الله أا ْك اْبه‬
‫ِف اس اف ِراَن‬ ِ ‫ ا ٰلل هه ام إِ اَن ناسأاله ا‬، ‫ اوإِ اَن إِ ا َٰل اربِناا لا همْن اقلِبه ْو ان‬، ‫ي‬ ِ
‫هكناا لاهه هم ْق ِرن ْ ا‬
ْ ‫ك‬ ْ
‫ ا ٰلل هه ام اه ِو ْن اعلاْي ناا اس افاراَن‬، ‫ض ٰى‬ ِ
‫ اوم ان الْ اع ام ِل اما تا ْر ا‬، ‫ٰه اذا الِْْبا اوالتا ْق او ٰى‬
‫ اوا ْْلالِْي افةه ِِف‬، ‫ب ِِف ال اس اف ِر‬ ‫صاح ه‬
ِ ‫ ا ٰلله ام أانْت ال ا‬، ‫ٰه اذا واطْ ِو عناا ب ع اده‬
‫ا ا هْ ه ه ا‬
‫ او هس ْوِء‬، ‫ اواكآباِة الْ امنْظا ِر‬، ‫ك ِم ْن او ْعثا ِاء ال اس اف ِر‬ ‫ِن أاعه ْوذه بِ ا‬ ْ
ِِ‫ ا ٰلل هه ام إ‬، ‫ْاأل ْاه ِل‬
‫ِف الْ ام ِال او ْاأل ْاه ِل‬
ِ ِ
ْ ‫الْ همْن اقلاب‬
Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. How
perfect is the One Who has given us control over this; we could not
have done it by ourselves. Truly it is to our Lord that we are returning.
O Allah, we ask You for piety, taqwā and deeds which You will be
pleased with on this journey of ours. O Allah, make this journey easy
for us and let us cover its distance swiftly. O Allah, You are our
Companion on the journey and the One in Whose care we leave our
family. O Allah, I seek Your protection from the difficulties of the
journey, from distressing scenes, and from an ill-fated outcome with
my wealth and family.
16. Upon Returning From a Journey
‫ لِاربِناا اح ِام هد ْو ان‬، ‫ اعابِ هد ْو ان‬، ‫ اَتئِبه ْو ان‬، ‫آئِبه ْو ان‬
Returning, repenting, worshipping and praising our Lord.
17. When Entering a Shop or Market
‫ هُْييِ ْي‬، ‫اْلا ْم هد‬
ْ ‫ك اولاهه‬‫ لاهه الْ هم ْل ه‬، ‫ك لاهه‬ ‫اَل إِٰلها إِاَل للاه او ْح ادهه اَل اش ِريْ ا‬
.‫ اوهه او اعلا ٰى هك ِل اش ْي ٍء قا ِديٌْر‬، ‫اْلاْْيه‬ْ ِ‫ بِيا ِده‬، ‫ت‬ ‫ اوهه او اح ٌّي اَل اُيهْو ه‬، ‫ت‬
‫اوهُيْي ه‬
There is no god but Allah. He is Alone and He has no partner. To Him
Alone belong all sovereignty and all praise. He gives life and He gives
death. He is Ever-Living and does not die. In His Hand is all good and
He is over all things All-Powerful.
18. For Someone Who Gives You Food & Drink
.‫اس ِق ام ْن اس اق ِاِن‬ ِ
ْ ‫اللا هه ام أاطْع ْم ام ْن أاطْ اع ام ِ ِْن او‬
O Allah, feed the one who has fed me and give to drink the one who
has given me to drink.
19. Du’a for the Host
ِ ‫أافْطار ِعْن اد هكم ال ا‬
ْ ‫صلا‬
‫ت اعلاْي هك هم‬ ‫ او ا‬، ‫ اوأا اك ال طا اع اام هك هم األابْ ار هار‬، ‫صائ هم ْو ان‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ا‬
.‫الْ ام الئِ اكةه‬
May the fasting open their fasts with you, the pious eat your food,
and the angels pray for blessings on you.
20. After Opening a Fast
.‫اجهر إِ ْن اشاءا ٰاَّلله‬ ِ
‫ اوثابا ا‬، ‫ اوابْتا لات الْعههرْو هق‬، ‫ب الظا امأه‬
ْ ‫ت ْاأل‬ ‫اذ اه ا‬
The thirst has gone, the veins have been moistened, and the reward
has been secured, if Allah wills.
Du’as From the Qur’an
21. Du'a for Forgiveness and Mercy
ِِ ِ ِ‫ر‬
.‫ي‬ ‫ب ا ْغفْر او ْار اح ْم اوأانْ ا‬
‫ت اخ ْْيه الرْٰح ْ ا‬ ‫ا‬
My Lord, forgive and have mercy. You are the Best of those
who are merciful. (23:118)
22. Du’a of Prophet Musa
ْٓ ِ ‫ص ْد ِر ْي اويا ِسْر‬
‫ِل أ ْام ِر ْي‬ ِ
ْ ِ ‫ارب ا ْشار ْح‬
‫ِل ا‬
My Lord, put my heart at peace for me, and make my task easy
for me. (20:25)
23. Du'a for increase in knowledge
.‫ِن ِع ْلما‬ِِ ِ
ْ ‫ارب زْد‬
My Lord, increase me in knowledge. (20:114)
Du’as From the Sunnah
24. Du'a for beneficial knowledge and accepted deeds
.‫ او اع امل ُّمتا اقبال‬، ‫ اوِرْزقا طايِبا‬، ‫ك ِع ْلما َنافِعا‬
‫اسأاله ا‬
ْ ‫ِن أ‬ِِ ٰ
ْ ‫الل هه ام إ‬
O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, pure sustenance,
and deeds which are accepted.
25. Du’a for Forgiveness, Mercy & Guidance
.‫ِن او ْارهزقْ ِ ِْن‬ِ‫ او ْاه ِد‬، ‫ او اعافِِن‬، ‫ او ْار اْحِِْن‬، ‫ا ٰلل هه ام ا ْغ ِفْر ِِل‬
ْ ْ ْ ْ
O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, grant me wellbeing, guide me
and grant me sustenance.
26. Asking for Jannah al-Firdaws
.‫اَلان ِاة‬
ْ ‫س أ ْاعلاى‬ ِ ‫ا ٰلله ام إِِِن أاسأاله‬
‫ك الْفْراد ْو ا‬
‫ه ْ ْ ا‬
O Allah, I beg you for al-Firdaws, the loftiest abode of Paradise.

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