Adhkar - Sierra Leone - Foundation, Level 1, 2 & 3 0.3-1
Adhkar - Sierra Leone - Foundation, Level 1, 2 & 3 0.3-1
Adhkar - Sierra Leone - Foundation, Level 1, 2 & 3 0.3-1
ك للاه
ياْر اْحه ا
May Allah have mercy on you.
11. Then the person who sneezed should say:
صلِ هح اَبلا هك ْم ِ
ْ يا ْهدي هك هم للاه اويه
May Allah guide you and put your affairs in order.
12. When Climbing or Going Up
للاه أا ْكبا هر
Allah is the greatest.
13. When Descending or Going Down
ِسبحا ان للا
هْ ا
Allah is pure from all faults.
14. Before sleeping
احياا ٰ َِب ِْْس
ْ وت اوأ
ك الل هه ام أ هام ه
In Your Name solely, I die and I live.
15. When Waking Up
ِ ِ ْ
.ور اَن با ْع اد اما أ ااماتاناا اوإِلاْي ِه الن ه
ُّش ه ْ اْلا ْم هد لل الاذي أ
احيا ا
All praise is for Allah Who gave us life after having taken it from us
and unto Him is the resurrection.
16. Before Eating
ِبِس ِم للا
In the Name of Allah.
17. If you forget bismillah before eating and then
ِ ِ
بِ ْس ِم للا أااولاهه اوآخارهه
In the Name of Allah at the beginning and at the end of it.
18. After Eating (1)
ٍ ورزقانِ ِيه ِمن اغ ِْي حوٍل ِم ِِن واَل قه اوة، اْلم هد للِ الا ِذي أاطْعم ِِن ٰه اذا
ا ْْ ْ ا ااا اا ْ ْا
Praise be to Allah who has fed me this and provided me with it
without any power and might from me.
19. After Eating (2)
.ِاْلا ْم هد لل
Praise be to Allah.
22. After Drinking Milk
ِ ِِ ٰ
الل هه ام اَب ِرْك لاناا فيه اوِزْد اَن مْنهه
O Allah, bless us in it and give us more of it.
23. When You Make a Mistake
وب إِلاْي ِه ِ أ
استا ْغفهر للاا اوأاته ه
I seek forgiveness from Allah and turn to Him.
24. When you plan to do something
إ ْن اشاءا للاه
If Allah wills.
Level 1
1. Before Taking Clothes Off
ِبِس ِم للا
In the Name of Allah.
2. After Wearing Clothes
اوارازقانِ ِيه ِم ْن اغ ِْْي اح ْوٍل ِم ِِن اواَل، ب ِ ِ
ا ْْلا ْم هد لل الاذي اك اس ِاِن ٰه اذا الث ْاو ا
ٍقه اوة
All praise is to Allah Who has clothed me with this garment and
provided it for me, without any power or might on my part.
3. Before Entering the Bathroom
ِ ِاْلابائ ْك ِم ان ه
ِ اْلهب ٰ ِ
.ث ْث او ا الل هه ام إِِِن أاعهوذه بِ ا، بِ ْس ِم للا
In the Name of Allah. O Allah, I seek Your protection from the male
and female devils.
4. After Coming Out of the Bathroom
غه ْفارانا ا
I seek Your forgiveness.
5. Before Wudhu
ِبِس ِم للا
In the Name of Allah.
6. After Wudhu
2. Surah al-Falaq
ٰ ْ بِ ْس ِم للاِ الار
ْح ِن الارِحْي ِم
ِ ٍِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
اوم ْن اش ِر اغاسق إ اذا اوقا ا، م ْن اش ِر اما اخلا اق، قه ْل أاعه ْوذه بارب الْ افلاق
اس ٍد إِذاا اح اس اد
ِ وِمن اش ِر ح، ت ِِف الْع اق ِد
ا ْ ه ا
ِ وِمن اش ِر النا افا اَث
ْ ا
In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very Merciful.
Say, I seek protection of the Lord of the daybreak, from the evil of
what He has created, and from the evil of the darkening night when it
settles, and from the evil of the blowers in knots, and from the evil of
the envier when he envies. (113)
3. Surah an-Nas
ٰ ْ بِ ْس ِم للاِ الار
ْح ِن الارِحْي ِم
ِ ِم ْن اش ِر الْ او ْس او، ااس
ِ إِٰل ِه الن، ااس ِ ك الن ِ ِ مل، ااس ِ ِ
اس قه ْل أاعه ْوذه بارب الن ِ ا
ِ اَلِن ِاة اوالن
ااس ْ ِم ان، ااس
ِ ص هد ْوِر الن ِف ه ِ الا ِذ ْي يهو ْس ِو، ااس
ِ اْلان
ْ س ا ه ْ
In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very Merciful.
Say, I seek protection of the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind,
the God of mankind, from the evil of the whisperer who withdraws,
who whispers in the hearts of mankind, whether they be Jinn or
people. (114)
Adhkar of Salah
11. After Salah (3)
ِ ٰ
الل هه ام أاعِ ِ ِْن اعلا ٰى ذ ْك ِراك او هش ْك ِراك او هح ْس ِن ِعبا اادتِ ا
O Allah, help me in remembering You, in being grateful to You, and in
worshipping You in an excellent manner.