I have a copy of most of the data from the site on my computer so just ask and i'll see if i have the data you need! The Jhoto League This is the latest compilation of the Johto League, so please understand that it could change at any point with little to no notice, as more places and informat ion are added. General League Information: National Anthem: Wizards in Winter Population at last census: Approximately 25 million, give or take another 10% Johto League Champion (Length of title): Terry Roderick (5.5 years) Total Official Number of Hunters (Actual Number): 2,347 (5,082) Historical Timeline: 1988 AD/ -14 AS: Jim Sukotto Sukebe' begins to develop tech needed for pokegirls 1992 AD/ -10 AS: Sukebe's war begins at US/Canada border 1993 AD/ -9 AS: Bloddy Flu is released, rendering most human females sterile 1996 AD/ -6 AS: Canadian Icarod Mathers tames a pokgirl 2000 AD/ -2 AS: Chinese government releases the barely understood Monster Flu. 2003 AD/ 1 AS: Red Plague hits what remains of the US; initial population estima ted at 485 million, give or take another 5 million 2006 AD/ 4 AS: Aaron William Meek starts up the Meek Conservatory, with the help of his two blind Alaka-Whams, the Twins. 2007 AD/ 5 AS: Red Plague burns itself out; leaving population at 26.2 million 2017 AD/ 15 AS: First NurseJoy developed by Leagues 2020 AD/ 18 AS: Aaron Meek dies at the hands of a rogue feral, leaving the Twins in charge of the Conservatory; first pokballs developed 2024 AD/ 22 AS: OfficerJenny developed by Leagues 2025 AD/ 23 AS: Maid Yvette developed by Leagues 2049 AD/ 47 AS: Johto League officially adopts the after Sukebe calendar, though more by common public usage than an official declaration. 49 AS: Gym concept comes into existence. League championships proposed. 56 AS: Canola City is founded in the Valley of Paradise 62 AS: First recorded blood gift 79 AS: First recorded threshold 87 AS: Watcher officially becomes part of the Tamer profession 92 AS: Evolution stones documented 107 AS: First document case of a Widow in Johto, sterilized with first all-tamer call out in Johto League. 92% of responding tamers and harems are killed in the sterilization; Johto Hostile Feral Pokegirl Hunter's division of the League est ablished to prevent such a high fatality rate from re-occurring. 110 AS: Church of a Thousand Gods formally recognized in Johto League 122 AS: Johto Hostile Feral Pokegirl Hunter's division name is officially shorte ned to Hunter Division, and are granted immunity from most laws governing law en forcement in the pursuit of safety. 124 AS: Olivine City opens its docks to the world's first Inter-League Cruise Sh ip: the St. Anne. The St. Anne ferries people between VerMuffEatin' City and Oli vine City over in the Johto League. 159 AS: Cypress City founded 160 AS: Jahanna Corporation founded in Crimson League 197 AS: Ultima Melee held in the Plains of desolation, and is held once a year; Sage Town founded 213 AS: Valzon City founded 237 AS: Goldenrod formally declared capital of Johto League. 240 AS: Zerobulo City founded 245 AS: Goldenstar City founded 248 AS: Mao Shin Mao rebels
250 AS: Ultima Melee held twice a year for the first time by public demand 254 AS: The towns of Nectar and Missionary are wiped out late in the year as loc al pokgirls rebel, moving to join Mao Shin Mao's rebellion 255 AS: The town of Brassballs is completely destroyed by the rebels in Mao Shin 's army 256 AS: Ebony Town founded 257 AS: Limbec Pirates splinter from remains of Mao Shin Mao's rebellion 270 AS: First portable pokdexes 272 AS: Team Apocalypse founded in Johto, using pokegirls mad forbidden tech to commit crimes; Kasul City founded 278 AS: Geno Rathin is 'born'. 289 AS: Pokgirl Coordinator recognized as a part of the Tamer Profession 290 AS: Johto begins construction of airship battlefleet, to counter pirate raid s along the coast. Pride of the fleet is battle cruiser 'Pices', one of the fast est airships according to the designs; Later that year, Limbec Pirates raid the ship yard, stealing plans but takeing massive causalties during the attack from the Hunters stationed at the base. 291 AS: Drandara City founded as an experiment to limit influence of pokegirls i n a town 292 AS: Gredle Parh, Master Tamer and accomplished mage, vanishes from his home, The Tower of Centuries, while studying the possibility of matter displacement m agic, or, in laymen's terms, teleporting objects without the teleporter accompan ying the objects. 296 AS: Geno Rathin, starts his pokegirl journey; Airship Battle Cruiser 'Pices' takes her maiden voyage, and is stationed near Goldenrod to defend the capital. 297 AS: Team Apocalypse shut down by League sting, and help of several tamers; s everal Johto League officials indicted for collaborating with Team Apocalypse; Z ombabe infection successfully destroyed by Tamers and Hunters in Tanuki City. 300 AS: Modern-day Johto League. 301 AS: Geno Rathin becomes Jhoto League champion and owner of Meek Conservatory 302 AS: Airship Battle Fleet completely finished, and dispersed in clusters to d efend Johto cities; Team Apocalypse remenants finally annihilated as they attemp t to steal an airship for a comeback tour. 303 AS: Drandara City finally repeals anti-pokegirl laws in mass, no longer able to support itself without massive assists from the government, allowing pokegir ls more rights, in exchange for higher taxes on pokegirl tamers and owners. Expe rimental society with limited pokegirl assistance declared a failure. 315 AS: Escaped government experiment G-spliced, known only as 'V', begins campa ign to remove corrupt government and Hunter leaders. The Slicer/Bombshell G-spli ced successfully removes the corrupt officals, moving the League to a more neutr al stance on Pokegirls, but is killed in the attacks.
Johto League Atlas Climate/Terrain: The climate of the Johto region is a variation between temperate and moderate te mperature zones, as it is centered on what had been the Midwest of the US of A b efore Typhoona decided to rearrange the landscape. The bulk of Johto league is i nside of the temperate zone, so it has relatively moderate seasons, but the summ er can become dangerously hot. The northern part of the Johto is against the Cap ital League, and experiences snowfall during the winter that is measured in feet , and very mild summers. Most of the south and west sections of Johto are either thick forests, rolling h ills, or plains and grasslands, and is also the source of most of the food that Johto consumes. A mountain range cuts across the Johto and Indigo border, starti ng just south of New Bark Town, and the cutting inland to stop between Ecruteak and Blackthorn Cities. A single peak of monumental proportions sits to the east
of Zerobulo City, Mt. Silver, and produces some of the most dangerous and powerf ul feral pokegirls in the Johto League. The reason for Johto's bouncing back is simple, and identical to Indigo's. The R outes, which were instrumental for rebuilding the league. To the west of the Lea gue itself is the Cianwood island, and the Whorepool islands, the former having a town on it for catching fish, and then exporting them to other Johto towns, an d the latter another source of frightfully powerful pokgirls, though here they ar e all of the water type. The further north one goes into the Johto league, however, the more apparent the Revenge War becomes. Massive stretches of landscape that have been ripped apart , and even after three hundred years, nature still has not reclaimed them. It is a place of contrasts, with deserts right up against forests, and flatlands agai nst mountains, and in configurations that nature could never have created on its own. New Bark Town, the City of Beginnings General Info: A medium sized town that straddles the road leading to the most accessible pass between the Johto and Indigo. It is small, less than 500 humans in residence, wi th maybe another 1,600 pokegirls, and is home to an R&R branch of the Jahanna Co rp. The R&R branch is the main reason for the towns continued survival, along wi th the taxing of traders that come through the pass. Has a small, semi-permanent posting of Hunters here, to enforce the peace, and t o ensure that visitors understand the laws that are enforced in Johto, and to ap ply an import tax' to goods brought in. The Hunters are semi-permanent, in that t here are always four in residence at a barracks style building to the east of th e town, toward the pass. There is a fifth one here, but he is known only as "Blo od Baron', and has been permanently posted here for the last nine years. Route 29 connects this town to Cherry Grove City, which is about three days hike away to the west, and Route 28 connects to the Indigo league. It also connects to Route 41, which heads up the nearby mountains, toward Blackthorn City, almost a full month away. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Home to Professor Magnum Oats, where the Researcher runs a lab that specializes in the study of Grass and Poison type Pokegirls. While he always is willing to g ive a Tamer a starting Pokegirl, he rarely has anything other than a Boobisaur, due to the unusually large number of feral Boobisaurs around the town. His lab i s located just outside of the town limits, to the northwest. Ranches: None Gym: None Notable Sites: Site of one of the R&D divisions of the Jahanna Corp, as well as the easiest way across to the Indigo league. Hospitals/PokeCenters: One small hospital, that is somewhat behind the times, which also doubles as the pokecenter for the town.
Cherry Grove Town, Town of Flowers and...Bugs General Info: A large town that is connected to New Bark Town by Route 29, three days away to the east, and to Violet Town by Route 30, which is four days to the north. It ho uses nearly 1,000 humans, and almost 5,000 pokegirls. It is home to the Llaler G ym, as well as the Scorpugirl Caverns. It is famous for its plentiful number of bug types, including a relatively benign hive of Buzzbreasts. The Hunters learned the hard way why they should not go into a hive, which led t o the only known Buzzbreast attack on the town. Inigo captured and tamed the Buz zbreast Queen to him, ending the attack, and may very well be the only person th at was privileged to witness the evolution of a Buzzbreast up to a Queen. He has never revealed what he witnessed, not even to his family. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Several minor Tamers reside in the town, helping defend the town from the occasi onal wandering feral and responding to All-Tamer Callouts, but the only one of n ote is former Harem Master Tikagi, who settled here from Edo with his several Da rk type pokegirls, including his alpha, a NinjaNezumi named Taina. Professor Swaem Xates is a researcher currently interested in bug pokegirls, due to his high resistance to poison, as well as having several bug types in his bl oodline. He has several bug types living with him, including the second Scorpugi rl that was ever found in the Scorpugirl Caverns. His other two pokegirls are a Buttitsfree, and a Buzzbreast. Ranches: None Gym: This gym run by the Llaler family, which current consists of five humans, four m ale and a female. They have a preference for Bug/Poison types, but also have sev eral pure bugs and poisons to help. The leader is named Paul Llaler, and his chi ldren, form oldest to youngest, Nicky (his only daughter), Lance, Terry, and Ini go. Pride of the gym is Paul Llaler's alpha, a pokewoman Scorpugirl that was fou nd and captured in the Scorpugirl Caverns located just outside of town, and the Buzzbreast Queen that belongs to Inigo. Winning against one of the five tamers w ill earn the challenger the Buzz Badge. Notable Sites: Scorpugirl Caverns is located just to the northwest of the town, and tamers may enter to try and capture rock, ground, and bug types that live inside. Despite t he name, only two Scorpugirls have ever been found inside it, but Tamers still e ntering it, hoping that they are going to be lucky number three. However, even t hough it is lacking in its namesake pokegirl, it still has plenty of common to r are bug types inside it, mostly near the upper levels, with ground types usually residing between the rock and bug types. Hospitals/PokeCenters: Has two pokecenters, one located beside the gym, which is state of the art, and the other is located down by the residential district of the town, which is olde r, but still capable of dealing with all but the most grievous of injuries. The only hospital is located in the dead center of the town, just across the street from the mayor's office/home. Violet City General Info: This town is large, as far as towns go now a days, with over 5,000 humans, and n early 13,000 pokegirls. To the south is Route 30, leading to Cherry Grove Town, four days distant. To th
e southwest is Route 31, which leads to Alazea city, nearly a week away, and wes t is Route 35, leading to Goldenrod Town and Ecruteak Town both of which are ten days away. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Watcher Belgar Lerel lives in Violet town for six months out of the year, the th ree hottest and three coldest months. Because, and quote, It is to freaking hot f or a man of my age to be out during the hottest part of the year without a heali ng pokegirl, and the same for the coldest part of the year!' When he is there, h e is willing to share his views on the tamer's harem, but most comments can be s ummed up as, You're an idiot! Quit wasting my time and get out!' Harem Master Engak Rodund lives in a cottage just in the outskirts of the city, with his alpha Pricilla, a Venuswhore, as well as his Abslut, Wigglymuff, and Mi lktit. He will take challenges, but not with salvage rights, or any kind of rewa rd for winning. He will critic the opponent after the battle, and give advise on training the harem if the opposing tamer is polite, or throw them out on their ear if they are not. Ranches: None Gym: This gym is a strange one, even as far as gyms go. It was until recently a steel and fighting type gym, but another traveling tamer challenged the leader for hi s position and won. While most of the students still have steel and fighting typ e girls, the leader has only four girls, all of which are delta bonded to him. H is name is Trent Sextit. He is not a native to the Johto league, and he has strong psychic and magic type ancestry, as well as the pokboy gene 2, which gave him the two antennae on his h ead, similar to those a Ka-D-Bra has. His alpha is a Phoenix, named Amara, and h is three other girls are a Leopardess named Tifa, an Alaka-Wham named Liddia, an d a BarrierMaiden Gia. His gym has recently added an unusual arena, which has several different areas t hat allow almost any pokegirl type to find ground that is in keeping with her pr eferred element. Defeating the gym representative in a two on two battle earns the challenger the Diamond Fist badge. Notable Sites: Dark Caves is located along the path from Cherry Grove City, and is, as the name suggests, dark. Really dark. As in, you take a step inside, and you have no ide a where you came from, so dark. A pokegirl that knows the move flash can disrupt the darkness, but every other means of creating light is negated, even light sp ells that should light up everything within a mile only working to a few dozen f eet. It is rumored that an exceedingly powerful dark pokegirl lives within the c ave, causing the unnatural darkness, but all expeditions to prove or disprove he r existence have either failed to penetrate deep enough, or have not returned. T he current working theory is that the walls are coated with a mineral that absor bs light and helps to promote evolutions that contain the dark type element, whi ch several different tests have proven. Hospitals/PokeCenters: Violet City has two major, state of the art hospitals located in east and west h alves of the city, so that emergency crews can get to any problem quickly. It ha s two pokegirl centers, and while they are not state of the art, they are up to date, lacking only the latest and greatest.
Azalea City
General Info: This town is slightly smaller than its northern neighbor, Violet city, but is st ill a respectable size. It has nearly 4,500 humans, and nearly 11,000 pokegirls in permanent residence. Three official routes lead off from Azalea City. Route 31 off to the north towar ds Violet City, seven days away on foot. Route 32 to the west off through the Il ex Forest, which connects to Route 33, which runs to Goldenrod Town, which is ne arly two weeks distant. And Route XX2 heads southeast toward Ebony Town, the San dstone Vault, and the Glass Mines, a week and a half away on foot. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Nona Tilara, first native female tamer to make it to the Johto Ultima Melee, the battle that occurs at Goldenstar City to determine the current league champion. She placed fourth out of fifteen. She only has her alpha left, a Shadowcat, but is always willing to help starting tamers out with a bit of advice. *Classified Data* Tilara's Shadowcat is a Hunter Shadowcat, named Alaria, and ha s eliminated dozens of humans and pokegirls. Attempts to destroy Alaria have met with disaster, and she wiped out all tamers and harems by herself, without her tamer or harem sisters even realizing that she had done so. She then destroyed t he people that ordered the attack, and left a message saying that continuing the offensive would result in her leveling the Johto league. She then destroyed the Hunter base that she had sent the message from, proving her point. Since then a ll attempts to eliminate her have been suspended, and those considering it have been sent to her. Most have never been found. Her tamer STILL does not know that she is a Hunter. *End Classified Data* Ranches: The Meek Conservatory. One of the first Conservatories to be established in the world, within twenty years of the Revenge War. It is currently run by a set of f ive Alaka-Whams, with a pair of twin Alaka-Whams running it over all. The twin A laka-Whams are know, oddly enough, simply as the Twins. They have well over thre e hundred different breeds of pokegirls there, and are firmly entrenched against the Johto League, even though it is firmly anti-pokegirl. It does not make any noise about the weight it has, or use it often, instead trading rare type pokegi rls in exchange for being left alone to do as they wish, and having one of the L eague officials run' the Conservatory. Gym: This gym was the first gym established in the Johto League, and has the power to back up that claim. It focuses on flying types, and is lead by the young Falco Diver, with his Skarmory alpha, Mina. Defeating Diver earns the challenger the S onic Boom badge. Notable Sites: The Illex Forest is the large wooded area that sprawls to the north, around the west, and ends somewhere to the south of Azalea City. It is home to many differe nt types of pokegirls, including a few that are not found anywhere else in the J ohto League. It covers several hundred square miles, and has never been fully ex plored. It is home to at least three different elf courts, and the Meek Conserva tory. The Union Cave connects Alazea City to Route 31, a tunnel that burrows through a small mountain. It is possible to walk around, but it takes an extra four days, since the tunnel is fastest way through. It has several levels, some of which h ave not been explored, since the tunnel breached several natural caverns and cav e systems while being dug. Hospitals/PokeCenters: Azalea town has one combined hospital/pokecenter, and one pokecenter and hospita l. The combination hospital/pokecenter is located across from the gym, with the
second pokecenter at the edge of town closest to the Union Cave. The second hosp ital is located near the high-end houses of the town.
Goldenrod Town, Capital of the Johto League General Info: Goldenrod Town is the largest town in the Johto league, having, at the last cons ensus, nearly 725,000 humans, and 1,950,000 pokegirls. It is the richest city of the Johto League, and is the Capital of it as well. It was built in the remains of Bismarck, North Dakota in the US, after repulsing two different attempts by pokegirl forces to take the city. It has never been successfully emptied of huma n civilians, though there was an attempted evacuation of southern half of the ci ty in 1998, when pokegirl forces managed to push into that portion of the city. It is immensely proud of the fact that it is one of maybe three cities in the wo rld that can make this claim. It is home to several of the oldest, most pureblooded families in the League, an d has over 300 individuals claiming pure blood descent. Of course, most are prob ably lying... It is connected to several cities, earning it the unofficial name of the Crossro ads City, from before it became the Capital in 237 AS. Route 33 leads off to the south, toward Ilex forest, before turning into Route 32 to finish connecting to Azalea City, thirteen days away without any method of speeding travel. Route 34 leads to the northeast, to connect with Ecruteak Town, six days distant, and in tercepts Route 35 to connect to Violet City, ten days away. Two more, newer cities connect to Goldenrod as well, along Routes XX1 and XX3. R oute XX1 leads to Valzon City five days distant to the west, while XX3 leads to Kasul City, to the East, only three days away, in the center of the Moltit Mount ains which are dead center in the Johto Mountains. It is also home to the factory that produces Pok Cola, a soft drink that is full of sugars and caffiene. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Retired tamers abound here, especially those from a pureblood family, but no one of any real importance, else they would be dragged into various political battl es, and not being retired as many would like to do. Other than those unimportant tamers, no one. Ranches: None Gym: This gym is one of the most underestimated gyms in the Johto League, because the types of preference are Normal types. The most prevalent type is straight norma l, and then a smattering of various dual types, but always with a normal subtype at least. The leader is named Ularia Witwhikey, second born daughter of the 'pu re blooded' Witwhikey family. Her alpha is a battle and sex trained Milktit, nam ed Milda, and she has a full harem of various normal types, including another fo ur in storage so that no one is entirely sure as to what pokegirls she will use in a battle. Defeating the gym tamer in a two on two battle, with two substitutions allowed f or either side, will earn the challenger the Shimmer Badge. Notable Sites: A Jahanna Superstore is located in the town of Goldenrod, where a tamer may purc hase anything, literally, that Jahanna makes. Pokballs, potions, evolution stones , weapons, anything and everything can be bought here. It is built in the center of town, and covers a full city block by itself, has its own security system an d guards, is seven stories tall, and full of anything and everything a tamer mig
ht need to maintain their harems and themselves, and then some extra crap too. The Pokgirl Park is three days of easy walking to the north of the city proper, b ut the transport services to the park can get a person there in four hours. It i s about four square miles, and is mostly woodlands and clearings, home to severa l breeds of pokgirls not easily found anywhere else in Johto. Hospitals/PokeCenters: Four completely, brand new, state of the art hospitals serve the capital of the Johto League, and are evenly scattered throughout its capital, able to get to an y emergency without delays. The town also has a single pokecenter, that is just as lavish as the hospitals f or humans, but it takes a bit longer to service all the customers seeing as how it is the only one that deals with the town.
Ecruteak Town, the Home of the Haunted Tower General Info: A large town, with approximately 575,000 humans and almost one million and a hal f pokegirls. Ecruteak town is strange, as it is always dark and dreary, and the atmosphere feels as if it is in constant mourning. Most of the locals were dark colors, and no one ever wears white, unless they are a traveler. It is connected by Route 34 to the Goldenrod to the southwest by six days. Nearl y fourteen days to the west is Olivine City, connected along Route 36. Heading e ast eight days along Route 38 leads the traveler to Mahogany Town, but first the y must pass through Mt. Mortar. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Researchers Tirian and Marcilia Luther are twins, who specialize in investigatin g ghost and dark types, as well as trying to determine the purpose of the Burnt Tower. They have discovered a few alternate methods of evolving the Umbrea resul ts in her having a higher libido than normal, as well as theorizing that several dark menace evolutions might have further evolutions, if they can be brought 'b ack into the light'. Ranches: None Gym: The gym here specializes in ghost and dark types, and is normally closed during the morning, to give the tamers some time with their pokegirls. The gym leader i s named Icabod Crane, and he has a War Hound as his alpha, named Cerebra. He als o has three other pokegirls, but since most of the battles at the gym are one on ones, with no substitutions, most never get to see them. Winning against the gy ms representative will earn the Phantom Badge. Notable Sites: The Burnt Tower is a tower that was built in the northwestern corner of the town , and was supposed to be used to honor a spirit of life. That was until a freak storm burnt the mostly wooden tower to the ground, and since then the town has b een overrun with ghost types. No one knows if the spirit was a pokegirl or not, but a pair of researchers in town are trying to answer that very question. The Haunted Tower was built in the northeastern corner of town, and was used as a shrine to appease the dead and the spirits of death, until the freak storm bur nt its sister tower to the ground, and the dead began to wander the town. Medium s and psychic gifted humans can earn quite a living placating the dead, and the town is quite glad for any psychic type pokegirls that can clean out the town, i f only for a few days.
Hospitals/PokeCenters: The town has two pokecenters, one that was state of the art ten years ago, and t he other that has been around since before dirt was discovered. Both of them are able to deal any cases they get, and also function as the town hospitals. The o lder of the two pokecenters is smack in the middle of the Burnt Tower and the Ha unted Tower, while the newer one is in the southeast corner of the city, across a running river, which the dead do not cross. Olivine City, Port of the Johto League General Info: Home to a half million humans and 1,876,000 pokegirls according to the consensus taken in 290 AS, Olivine City is the major port of the Johto league, with most of its sea lanes coming in through it. It has three major routes away from the city, one of which is a sea route, leadi ng to Cianwood Island, where Cianwood town resides, a good two days of swimming away from the city along the aquatic Route 37 to the southwest. Heading east is route 36 to Ecruteak Town, fourteen days distant from the port city. And heading north from the town is Route XX4, leading to Cypress City, three weeks away ove r rough, hilly terrain. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Watcher Nyshin lives in Olivine City, and he is one of the world recognized Watc hers when it comes to observing salt water types, and other feral pokegirls that rely on the ocean for survival. He was the one that helped come up with the pla n of action to deal with the colony of feral Surfmelons that decided to step up shop on a nearby island, and were attacking ships that got too close. The colony was too strong, nearly twenty Surfmelons, to attack directly, and the city need ed to deal with the ferals immediately. They eventually had several flying/elect ric types bombard the small island with electric attacks, forcing them to move t o a different island, where they were allowed to settle in peace. Ranches: None Gym: The city gym is one of the most famous in its league, for producing several tame rs that went on to become League Champions. It is home to the water type gym, an d the gym leader is a human male named, Samuel Studdude. His gym is built right on the water line of the city, and all of the gyms have at least one, usually mo re, pools, and all are interconnected. His alpha is a Whorepool, named Whythela, and he has a pair of Surfmelons as well. Most battles in the gym are two on two battles, with one substitution, and defea ting the gym representative earns the challenger the Rain Dance Badge. Notable Sites: Port Town is the section of town nearest the docks, where dock workers and their pokegirls work at all hours to unload the ships delivering trade supplies. It i s home to the local branch of Hunter's as more problems from ferals spring from here than from inland. The Lighthouse is a structure that is twelve stories tall, and has a tamer with several electric types manning it at all times. He has been running the light ho use for nearly forty years, and has yet to say five words to anyone other than t he gym leader, who visits the old coot occasionally, bringing him supplies and t he like. Hospitals/PokeCenters: Three hospitals service the Olivine city, spread in a triangle shape throughout the city. The one nearest the docks in the most cutting edge, as statistically, more accidents happen down at the docks then anywhere else in the city. Two poke centers also service the city, one near the northeast corner of the city, the ot
Cianwood Island General Info: The only Island that is ruled directly by the Johto League, as opposed to the Si lver Islands, it is the home of Cianwood town, which houses nearly 900 humans, a nd 4,000 pokegirls, with another 600 humans and 3,000 domesticated pokegirls liv ing across the rest of the wooded island. Ferals are not very common on the isla nd, as most have been domesticated, but a fair number, estimated to be from 3000 to 10,000 still live in the more remote areas of the island. The island has a port of its own, with a ferry that crosses back to Olivine city twice a day but it can not handle larger ships. It is, however, home to the Ant i-pirate division of the Hunters, who are charged with protecting the nearby coa stlines from pirate attacks. Aquatic Route 37 is the only official route from the city, to Olivine city, two days to the northeast. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Researcher Difol Iss'ad is a native born of Cianwood, and after going on his Tam er's journey, he returned to his home to become a researcher. He began to make a survey of the feral types across the island, and to also note the damages to th e island by ferals. And what he found was that most ferals were not destructive, and in fact where improving the land that they lived on. His resulting paper sp arked a protest on the island about the removal of the ferals from the surroundi ng area. His survey of the feral types on the island started in 289 AS, and is e xpected to be completed in 304 AS, as the island has an area of nearly sixty squ are miles. Watcher Macrus Titters is a friend of Difol, and helps him with his survey, and was also of undeniable help in noting the damages and improvements that the fera ls made to the island. Ranches: None Gym: The Cianwood Island gym is noted, not for using one particular type, but for spe cializing in the techno' pokegirls, such as the GunValkyries, Gun Bunnies and Zer omers. The Gym leader has only two pokegirls, and gladly accepts all challenges to the gym, using his Zeromer and GunValkyrie to defend his title and gym. Battles in the gym are typically two on three, no substitutions, with the challe nger getting to use three pokegirls, and earning the Techno badge if they win. Notable Sites: The Clockwork Chapel is one of the strangest areas in Johto League. It has dozen s of rooms, and all of them are connected to the other rooms by way of a series of pulleys and levers. Each lever will alter the rest of the Chapel; so one must either wander randomly and lost, or carefully plan what they do before doing an ything. No one has ever disappeared into the Chapel forever, though a few people vanished for a month or so, and one particular tamer vanished for three years, and came back out, claiming that he and his harem had only been in the Clockwork Chapel for three hours at most. Supposedly it is the home of several Ticktocks, but no one can say for sure one way or another. Hospitals/PokeCenters: The island has one pokecenter and hospital combination facility, which is a few years behind the times. It does not have any NurseJoys, but instead a Denmother that lives on the island, as well as her tamer, a doctor who retired to the isla
Mahogany Town General Info: Home to 50,000 humans, and another 240,000 pokegirls, Mahogany Town is famous fo r the nearby Lake of Rage, located two days to the north along Route 39. It is a lso the home to the Bunnygirl Chocolate Factory, where Willy Wanger makes his ca ndies. To the east of town is Route 40, which leads to the Ice Path nearly eight days a way, before the route continues on to Blackthorn City. To the west is Route 38, back toward Ecruteak Town, eight days away through the tunnels of Mt. Mortar. An d to the north, two days away and through the official Gates of Rage, is the Lak e of Rage, along Route 39. Leading off to the northwest from the Lake of Rage is Route XX5, which ends in Cedar Town, nearly ten days distant. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Researcher Menydi Raynor is the leading professor in the world on Gynadoses, and is regarded as perhaps the fruit bat professor as well, since he has two Gynado ses in his personal harem for ease of study. The only reason why he is not calle d the Fruit Bat Professor is because he was smart enough to purchase a Bratini b efore getting the two Gynadoses, which gives him a level of respect from the two otherwise foul tempered pokegirls. Watcher Athcer Tersay is the leading watcher in the Mt. Mortar area, and has mad e several expeditions into the interior of the mountain, where he and his Titodi le, Egra, have made observations about several of the various rock and ground ty pes living in Mt. Mortar, with one expedition of which resulted in him gaining a Digtit to his harem, after the pokegirl defeated his Titodile by using several sex attacks. Ranches: None Gym: This gym of the Johto league favors the use of Celestial pokegirls, and will som etimes allow a challenging tamer who wins completely to choose one of the unbond ed pokegirls that live in the gym or nearby forest for their harem. More commonl y, however, one of the pokegirls choose the tamer, and he is...'encouraged' to a ccept the gift. Of course, most tamers take the powerful celestial pokegirl with out the gym needing to insist. It is run by Harem Master Edano Crotur, along with alpha, a Megami-sama that has never revealed her name to anyone but Edano. His harem also has an Megami, a Se raph, a Blessed Ivywhore, and a Gardelfwhor. Battles are one on one battles, wit h three pokegirls in reserve, and the challenger getting the Holy Star Badge upo n defeating the gym representative. Notable Sites: Lake of Rage is a large lake located two days north of town, and was created in 112 AS by a group of rampaging Gynadoses. They were eventually either put down o r captured, but not before they all used hyper beam, cutting the lake and punctu ring a underwater reservoir, which filled the new crater with water. One of the Gynadoses got away, and had a litter of pokekits that were captured before they could become pokegirls, and were raised by humans. The last Gynadose was sold to a farm for a ridiculous amount of money. Years later, several tamers released t heir Magicunts into the lake, disgusted with the amount of effort they had put i nto them with no return. The Magicunts survived, and filled the lake with their offspring, making this lake the place to catch Magicunts. Mt. Mortar is a small mountain located to the west of Mahogany Town, and is a pr
ime source to catch ground and rock type pokegirls. It also has a small number o f dark types in it as well. Dozens of caverns and tunnels connect the various lo cations in Mt. Mortar tunnels. Willy Wanger's Bunnygirl Candy Factory is one of the main industries in town, th anks to a particularly effective advertising campaign on the part of the current company owner, Willy Wanger the Fourth. It produces most of the sweets that the Johto League consumes. Hospitals/PokeCenters: One combination hospital and pokecenter serves most of the town's medical needs, but recently a second hospital/pokecenter was built near the gym along the sout hwest side of the city.
Blackthorn City, Home of the Dragon Den General Info: Blackthorn City is home to 100,000 humans, and 760,000 pokegirls. It is also the location of the Dragon Den, a cave where a small colony of dragon types live, a bout sixteen in total (officially, the actual number is more than double that), led and protected by the gym leaders Dracona. One of the greatest honors that an yone from the town can receive is one of the Dracos in the Den choosing them as a tamer. Blackthorn City is the second longest, continually occupied city in the Johto league, having been reclaimed from pokegirls after the War of Revenge in 2 AS. The Ice Path connects Blackthorn City to Route 40, which leads to Mahogany Town, nearly eight days distant. South of the town is Route 41, leading to New Bark T own, a full month of travel, through rough, mountainous and hilly terrain. To th e north of town is Route XX7, which leads to Zerobulo Town, a total of 12 days o f hard travel through some of the worst desert in the Johto League. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Researchers Verther Tanhon, Undnye Snirt, Stephanie Hazmortits, and Nalaria Negl icita are all based in a lab near the dragon den, and are currently attempting t o learn more about the powerful and rare Dracos and their evolutions. However, m ost of their progress has been stymied by the protective nature of the Dracona. They have determined that almost all of the dragon pokegirls that are available for them study have strong magical talent, leading them to conclude that most dr agons have at least some magical ability. Watchers Daniel Sanchez and Tony Tigertamer are the premier watchers when it com es to observing dragon types. They correlate what they learn with the four resea rchers back at Blackthorn City. Neither have made a true break through yet, but as they have only been watchers for two years or so, perhaps in time they will d iscover something of note. Retired harem master and gym leader Lance Piker, dragon tamer, and world class t amer, retired back to his home town in 289AS, at the age of twenty seven, with h is two Dragonesses, and his Bramage. He had another pokegirl, but he allowed her to go with another tamer as she stil l wanted to travel. He is perhaps the only known person in the world with a full pokboy gene level three of a dragon blood. He looks like a male Draco. He also h elps the researchers and town tamers in with their pokegirls, and gladly tells t he four Hunters stationed at Blackthorn City to piss off when they harass the dr agons of the Dragon Den. Ranches: None Gym: The current Leader of the Blackthorn City gym is Rhiban Ranydra, a human woman w
ith a well balanced harem to enforce her decisions as gym leader in Blackthorn. She has a Blastits, a Whorizard, a Venuswhore, a Dracona, a Grandelf, and a Umbr ea. Most battles at the gym are a one on one battle, replacing pokegirls until one t amer has no more pokegirls to use in battle. Winning against the gym representat ive earns the challenger the Dragon's Eye Badge. Notable Sites: The Dragon Den is located to the northeast of town, and is also the location of Lance Piker's home, where he spends most of his days with his preferred types, t he dragons. The Den has a small lake where the various dragon types reside, as w ell as a small beach where they can relax and be tamed if they desire to be. Ice Path is the only way to Blackthorn from Mahogany Town. It is also the only s pot in the League where one can find ice types underground. It is a series of tu nnels that connect to each other, and connect to Route 40. Hospitals/PokeCenters: Blackthorn city has three pokecenters, and one hospital. One of the pokecenters are located near the dragon den, in case something happens to one of the unbonde d dragon types, as the town is very proud and protective of their dragons.
Ebony Town General Info: Population of Ebony town was at about 50,000 humans and 225,000 pokegirls at the last consensus, taken in 290AS. Built in 256 AS, it was intended to be the site of one of the largest ranches in the Johto League, and in 275 AS, the Kilroy ra nch became the second largest ranch in the Johto League. In 289 AS, it became th e largest, surpassing the Meek Conservatory in size, with over 250,000 pokegirls in various breeding programs, and another 200,000 in training for starting tame rs and for export to other leagues. Ebony town is also the home to the second largest community of farming and KATTL E raising in Johto, surpassed only by Sage town, as both cities are warm most of the year round, perfect for farming. It connects to Azalea town by way of XX2, ten days away from Ebony Town to the n orth-northwest. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: None Ranches: Kilroy Ranch is the largest ranch in the Johto League. It houses the largest num ber of pokegirls for breeding and starting tamers. It is run completely by the J ohto government, which means that most of the girls are convinced that they are substandard to the human tamers, and rarely take initiative for themselves. Gym: None Notable Sites: The Glass Mines as the location of the largest mines in the Johto League. Origin ally the site of a single mine meant to pull the materials needed for glass from the ground, the Johto League expanded the mining sites and broadened the materi als being brought out of the mines. Now most of the miners are pokegirls, with m aybe one human overseeing twenty to fifty pokegirls, depending on what that part icular mine is bringing up out of the ground. It is also one of the biggest sour ces of income for the league. The Sandstone Vault is a series of rooms buried underneath a stone block, and co
ntains several traps that are meant to keep anyone from removing whatever is con tained in the middle room. Hospitals/PokeCenters: The town of Ebony has one hospital, one pokecenter, and a combination hospital/p okecenter. The hospital/pokecenter built just outside of town near the Glass Min es, as several accidents happen there a day. The other hospital and pokecenter are located in the city, and treat the various aches and pains of a lively population.
Valzon City General Info: Home to 45,000 humans and 120,000 pokegirls, this town was settled in 213 AS by Valzon Fudpucker, who retired after leaning out a nearby Mantis nest, nine stron g, with several fellow tamers and retainers. Seven tamers and their harems went in, three came out, carrying nine Mantis heads and claiming victory. Valzon city connects to Goldenrod Town via Route XX1, five days to the east-sout heast. It also as another path, Route XX6 leading to the south, toward Sage Town , only three days away. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: None Ranches: None Gym: The Hidden Gym of Deception. One of the eight hidden gyms of Johto. It is buried in the ground to the north of town, in a cavern that is accessible only by poke girls that know Dig, and is accessible only during the nights with the moon in i ts first quarter. Once inside the Gym, the tamer and his harem must navigate fou r puzzles that challenge each tamer. All puzzles can be completed without harmin g the harem and tamer, but faster solutions that cause damage exist and are easi er to find. If the tamer has not solved the four puzzles and defeated one of the three tamers of the gym before sunrise, they are expelled from the gym, and mus t wait a month before trying at that hidden gym again. If the tamer solves all four puzzles, he must then defeat one of the three tamer s in the gym before sunrise, or the tamer loses the match, and is ejected from t he gym. No one has ever defeated all eight hidden gyms, or even found them all, for that matter, without being a part of the Johto League government. If they de feat the one of the three tamers, they earn a Hidden badge, known only as H1, an d it changes form, to reflect the phases of the moon, but its color is always a pale green. If they lose that badge, they must again attempt the gym to get anot her one. Notable Sites: None Hospitals/PokeCenters: Two hospitals serve the needs of the citizens of Valzon city, efficiently dealin g with any health issues or injuries that arise. One pokecenter services the ent ire pokegirl population, dealing with injuries as quickly and dutifully as they can. There is a second pokegirl center being built to help relieve some of the p ressure on the one pokecenter, and is expected to be fully completed sometime in 302 AS, but will be able to help relieve the strain on the other pokecenter by mid 301 AS.
Kasul City General Info: A fairly new town, it only has 500 humans and 1,500 pokegirls, since it was esta blished in 272 AS. Established as a pure blood ran ranch town, but eventually th e expanded to allow other, non-pure blooded humans in. Route XX3 connects Kasul city to Goldenrod Town, three days to the west. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: None Ranches: None Gym: The Lost Gym of Lies. One of the eight hidden gyms of Johto. It hidden inside an enclosed building with no doors, and is accessible only during the nights when the moon is at its first growing quarter. Once inside the Gym, the tamer and his harem must navigate four puzzles that challenge each tamer. All puzzles can be completed without harming the harem and tamer, but faster solutions that cause d amage exist and are easier to find. If the tamer has not solved the four puzzles and defeated the three tamers of the gym before sunrise, they are expelled from the gym, and must wait a month before trying at that hidden gym again. If the tamer solves all four puzzles, theu must then defeat one of the three tam ers in the gym before sunrise, or the tamer loses the match, and is ejected from the gym. No one has ever defeated all eight hidden gyms, or even found them all , for that matter, without being a part of the Johto League government. If they defeat the one of the three tamers, they earn a Hidden badge, known only as H2, and it changes form to reflect the phases of the moon, and its coloration is a p ale pink. If they lose that badge, they must again attempt the gym to get anothe r one. Notable Sites: None Hospitals/PokeCenters: One pokecenter that doubles as the town hospital for the humans, and is located near the center of town, and manage to deal with any medical emergencies that oc cur.
Cypress City General Info: Located three weeks north of Olivine City along Route XX4, Cypress City was foun ded in 159 AS to held reduce the strain on Olivine City, and opened a second por t city. It is home to 25,000 humans and 130,000 pokegirls. Route XX4 leads to the south, toward Olivine City, three weeks away. Route XX9 l eads to the northeast, and ends in Canola city, two weeks distant. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: None Ranches: None Gym: The Sacred Gym of Duplicity. One of the eight hidden gyms of Johto. It hidden in
side an enclosed building with no doors, and is accessible only during the night s when the moon is at its second quarter, and growing. Once inside the Gym, the tamer and his harem must navigate four puzzles that challenge each tamer. All pu zzles can be completed without harming the harem and tamer, but faster solutions that cause damage exist and are easier to find. If the tamer has not solved the four puzzles and defeated the one of the tamers of the gym before sunrise, they are expelled from the gym, and must wait a month before trying at that hidden g ym again. If the tamer solves all four puzzles, he must then defeat one of the three tamer s in the gym before sunrise, or the tamer loses the match, and is ejected from t he gym. No one has ever defeated all eight hidden gyms, or even found them all, for that matter, without being a part of the Johto League government. If they de feat the one of the three tamers, they earn a Hidden badge, known only as H3, an d it changes form to reflect the phases of the moon, and its coloration is an of f white. If they lose that badge, they must again attempt the gym to get another one. Notable Sites: Blasphemous Armory is the name of a building that supposedly lies somewhere clos e to town, near Route XX4, and contains several attempts by the pre-Subeke gover nment to combine magic and technology. It is also the base of a small band of ba ndits that prefer the use of infernal pokegirls, and are lead by a Demoness, kno wn only as Etha. They have captured several pure-blood tamers, and ransomed them back to their families, making them one of the most hated bandits in the Johto League by the government. Conversely, the civilian population that is pro-pokegi rl loves them, as most of their ransoms were not always for money, but instead d emanding that certain laws be removed. Only twice have they been refused, and bo th of the captured tamers were returned to their families... in pieces. The civi lians are kept in the dark about their activities, and the attempts of the Johto League to paint them in a negative light usually backfires, making them more po pular. The Plaza of Sanctification is located in the center of two, just beside a stran ge building with no entrances. It is supposedly the site where a powerful Megami evolved into a Megami-sama, and it pains infernal types to just enter the plaza . Any pokegirl that can evolve using the angel stone can evolve here without the stone, but only if they are pure of heart'. There have been eleven document case s of evolutions, ones that normally require an angel stone, occurring without th e needed evolution stone. Hospitals/PokeCenters: One hospital is capable of dealing with the human populations, and is built near the entrance of the town. One pokecenter attempts to deal with the current poke girl population, but a second one is being built as fast as possible, and is exp ected to be able to serve the general public early in 301 AS, and finished some time late in 303AS Cedar Town General Info: Hidden in the middle of a forest, Cedar Town is one of the most pro-pokegirl tow ns in the Johto League. It was founded in the center of a forest under the prote ction of several elven courts, and is often used by the courts as a neutral meet ing spot, and to find tamers for the elves that wish to leave the court. The cou rts are fairly large, and are the homes to several different pokegirl breeds, mo stly plant and magic, but a few oddities can be found in them. The town itself has a population of 225,000 humans, and a pokegirl population of nearly 600,000. More pokegirls exist in the various elven courts, but no one ha s bothered to get an accurate number, as the numbers are constantly shifting, bu t it is believed to be somewhere in the low end to mid hundreds. Connecting Cedar Town to the rest of the world is Route XX5, leading southeast t o the Lake of Rage after 10 days of travel, and Route XX8, toward the north nort
heast, and Canola City, nine days away. Most of both paths are through thick for ests. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Watcher Noruv Jeyl is a watcher who enjoys spending time with elves, and as such , is an expert in the ways of the Elven courts, since he generally sits in the b ack and simple takes notes and observes. He is one of the few humans to have eve r visited the Tree of Eden, but he rarely returns, lest he lead others back to t he Tree. He was given a necklace from the ElfQueen in the Tree of Eden, marking him as being in her favor, though he never talks about it. Former League Champion Estor Alddyn live in Cedar town, with his mostly magic ty pe harem, including his alpha, an ElfQueen named Ceradra. Ranches: None Gym: The Vanished Gym of Fraud. One of the eight hidden gyms of Johto. It hidden insi de the ground beneath an ancient, colossal Cedar tree at the center of the park in the town, and is accessible only during the nights when the moon is at its th ird quarter, and growing. Once inside the Gym, the tamer and his harem must navi gate four puzzles that challenge each tamer. All puzzles can be completed withou t harming the harem and tamer, but faster solutions that cause damage exist and are easier to find. If the tamer has not solved the four puzzles and defeated th e one of the tamers of the gym before sunrise, they are expelled from the gym, a nd must wait a month before trying at that hidden gym again. If the tamer solves all four puzzles, he must then defeat one of the three tamer s in the gym before sunrise, or the tamer loses the match, and is ejected from t he gym. No one has ever defeated all eight hidden gyms, or even found them all, for that matter, without being a part of the Johto League government. If they de feat the one of the three tamers, they earn a Hidden badge, known only as H4, an d it changes form to reflect the phases of the moon, and its coloration is a pal e green. If they lose that badge, they must again attempt the gym to get another one. Notable Sites: The Antechamber of the Mask is one of the rooms in the mayors house, containing a magical mask. It is said that anyone who wears the mask can see that which is unseen, as well as see past lies to the truth of all things. But the mask is cur sed, and cursed to wait for its true owner and all who touch it become servants of the Eternal Night Countess, a Demoness that allows the mayor to tamer her. Sh e has thirty three various infernals that are what those that attempted to claim the mask became. The Tree of Eden is the home of the ElfQueen of the Johto League. It is a Cedar tree that is supposedly the oldest living tree in the world, and houses the ElfQ ueen's court. No one can find it in the forest except those that she wishes to f ind it, or those who have found it before. Hospitals/PokeCenters: The town has four hospitals that are either recently new, or completely new, and are stationed around so that they evenly divide up the city, with clear lines t o show what hospital gets which patients in case of an emergency. The town also has three pokecenters; two near the two routes that lead from the city, and the other in the dead center of the city.
Lost along the southern most coastline where the ruins of a Pre-Subeke city once existed. In 197 AS, a Tamer by the name of Balir Telrosky was following a very rare water type pokegirl, a Whorepool, and stumbled across the ruins. He did not catch the pokegirl, but he did report back to the League the location of the ru ins, which were searched and cleaned out, before being renovated into a livable town in 221 AS. It is a small town, with barely 12,300 humans in residence, and another 26,500 pokegirls as well. It is best described as small and quaint. While it may be small, it is also the source of most of the crops and KATTLE con sumed in the Johto League, and the source of most of the food exports from Johto . Sage Town connects to Valzon city, via Route XX6, nearly three days hike away. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: None Ranches: None Gym: The Misplaced Gym of Treachery. One of the eight hidden gyms of Johto. It hidden inside one of the buildings in the town, behind a secret door. While a Tamer ca n find and enter it before the nights of the full moon, it is only occupied on t hose nights.. Once inside the Gym, the tamer and his harem must navigate four pu zzles that challenge each tamer. All puzzles can be completed without harming th e harem and tamer, but faster solutions that cause damage exist and are easier t o find. If the tamer has not solved the four puzzles and defeated the one of the tamers of the gym before sunrise, they are expelled from the gym, and must wait a month before trying at that hidden gym again. If the tamer solves all four puzzles, he must then defeat one of the three tamer s in the gym before sunrise, or the tamer loses the match, and is ejected from t he gym. No one has ever defeated all eight hidden gyms, or even found them all, for that matter, without being a part of the Johto League government. If they de feat the one of the three tamers, they earn a Hidden badge, known only as H5, an d it changes form to reflect the phases of the moon, and its coloration is a pal e yellow. If they lose that badge, they must again attempt the gym to get anothe r one. Notable Sites: Tomb of the Axe is a long, trapped corridor in the hills to the north, which the n opens up into a large maze of rooms. The rooms are trapped as well, and are th ought to protect something, though what that something is, no one knows. It is, according to local legend, the home to several Slicers, whose weapons of prefere nce are axes, rather than a sword. Underwater Keep is a half sunken base in the ocean out about a mile from the cit y in the ocean. It was located on a hill, which survived Typhoona's attempt to s ink that section of the world. The first story is firmly below water, as are the three basements, but the second story and the control tower are above water, ma king it a great spot for trysting. Several pre-Subeke items are down in the lowe r stories of the base, but no one has found them all in the three hundred plus y ears. Hospitals/PokeCenters: One hospital and another pokecenter, both of which are somewhat behind the times , but they are capable of dealing with problems that come up.
Located in a valley between four mountains, the city of Canola is called a Valle y of Paradise. And if anything, they understate the case. Several waterfalls tha t collect down into pools along the sides of the valley, perfect or swimming, an d several hot springs dot the west end of the valley. Small caves and caverns do t the east side of the valley, and the top of the northern mountain is covered i n ice year round. It almost looks like someone built this place with the idea of any pokegirl type being comfortable here, and succeeded marvelously. First foun d in 56 AS, it has been the third longest, continually occupied city in the Joht o league, surpassed only by Blackthorn and Goldenrod. It was a relatively peaceful town until 270 AS, when a widow was spotted in the nearby hills. Seventy tamers and their harems responded, but the widow took more than eighty percent of them with her before finally succumbing to her wounds. T he town built a trio of statues in the north plaza, a Dracona, a Seraph, and an Archmage, in remembrance of the three pokegirls that died dealing the final blow s to the widow. Four different routes connect to Canola city. To the northeast is Route XX11, le ading to Drandara City nearly eight days distant. To the east is Route XX9, whic h connects with Cypress City after two weeks of travel. To the northwest is Rout e XX12, to connect to Goldenstar City, another two weeks travel. The final route from the city is Route XX8, leading to Cedar Town, nine days away. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Watcher Harvey is a watcher of note in the town, most because of the fact that h e has bloodgifts that allow him to be ignored by any pokegirl that he does not w ant to see him. This allows him to get very close to his current subject, and ha s cleared up several mysteries about the local habits of several ferals, includi ng how feral Milktits deal with their milk production outside of civilizations. His current project is to try and find the true story of the Archmage's Twisted Tower, claiming that it is even older than the tamer who died during the widow a ttack. Former tamer Gabber Titmuncher is a tamer of minor note in the surrounding area, having lost most of his harem and the use of his right leg during an all-tamer callout for a Widow. His only surviving pokegirl is a Griffon, named Minerva. He is considered town hero, as his pokegirls held the line long enough for the onl y dragon type at that widow slaying to get her killing shot in. He had his leg a mputated to save his life, removed at the knee, and spends most of his time in t he plaza, reminiscing on what he should have done, to save the rest of his harem from dying such a horrible death. Ranches: Charon ranch. A ranch run at the western part of the valley, and the current own er is Lexis Lupus. The ranch is known for producing quality class psychic starte r girls, and its current project is to decrease the rarity of A-bra and Ka-D-Bra pokegirls. In fifteen years, it has decreased the rarity of the A-bra by two st eps and the Ka-D-Bra by one step in the area around Canola, as well as producing several starter class Ka-D-Bra pokegirls. Lexis has several psychic pokegirls h elping in maintaining the facilities and taming the pokegirls. Gym: The Omitted Gym of Cheating. One of the eight hidden gyms of Johto. A building l abeled as the Gym, but without a magic or psychic type, or some other type immun e to techniques that affect the mind, it can never be defeated, as strong magic or psychic powers make the building look empty. It is only open for challenges w hen the moon is three fourths full, and shrinking. Once inside the Gym, the tame r and his harem must navigate four puzzles that challenge each tamer. All puzzle s can be completed without harming the harem and tamer, but faster solutions tha t cause damage exist and are easier to find. If the tamer has not solved the fou r puzzles and defeated the one of the tamers of the gym before sunrise, they are expelled from the gym, and must wait a month before trying at that hidden gym a gain.
If the tamer solves all four puzzles, he must then defeat one of the three tamer s in the gym before sunrise, or the tamer loses the match, and is ejected from t he gym. No one has ever defeated all eight hidden gyms, or even found them all, for that matter, without being a part of the Johto League government. If they de feat the one of the three tamers, they earn a Hidden badge, known only as H6, an d it changes form to reflect the phases of the moon, and its coloration is a str ong deep blue. If they lose that badge, they must again attempt the gym to get a nother one. Notable Sites: The Temple of Claws is a training grounds for tamers and their harems, and is cu rrently attempting to become another gym for the Johto League. It has been bogge d down by paper work for the since 297 AS, but is expected to be accepted as the ninth official gym of the Johto League late in the year 300 AS. They do not hav e a gym leader selected yet, but Barry Awiath is expected to be the first of the new gym, with his well balanced harem of a Ria, Blastits, Blazicunt, and Venusw hore. The Archmage's Twisted Tower is located on the mountain to the west of town, and is overlooking the town. It was home to the Archmage and her tamer who both die d in the widow attack, and is filled with several dozen magic items. The only re ason thieves have not stripped the tower of everything of value is because the A rchmage returned after death to protect her master's treasures. She does allow s ome people to enter her tower, but no one has ever gone up to the third level, w here most of the magic items are stored. Rumor has it that those who are polite can tame the spectral Archmage, and if they are not greedy, and she enjoyed the taming, she might even grant them an item... Hospitals/PokeCenters: The Valley of Paradise has only one hospital, and while it is located in the cen ter of the city, they do not have a problem with only one hospital. All four of the pokegirl centers can treat most human wounds, and can stabilize the patients that they cannot treat, before sending them to the hospital.
Drandara City, The Anti-Pokegirl City General Info: Drandara City has the dubious distinction of being the MOST anti-pokegirl city i n the WORLD. No one is allowed to have more than a single pokegirl out at a time , and all pokegirls must have an id tag on them, identifying their breed, their owner or tamer's name, a transmitter that allows the Hunters stationed at the to wn to know exactly, down to a square foot, where the pokegirl is, and a small ba ttery that delivers either a paralyzing shock or a paralyzing poison to the poke girl should she get out of line even slightly, or someone other than the Hunter at the entrance to the city attempts to remove the id tag. All pokegirls owners and tamers are given one for their first pokegirl, and charged one thousand SLCs for each pokegirl after the first. ANY pokegirls without the government issued collar is considered a threat to the town, and can be killed on sight by any of the twenty hunters permanently stationed at the town, and they usually are. All pokegirls must be within fifty feet of her tamer or owner at any given time or e lse they are considered feral, and terminated, regardless of circumstances. And those are the more lenient laws in the town. Here, pokegirls have no rights of any kind, and are required to stand aside for any human, regardless of what they are doing at the time. NurseJoys are the only exceptions, and only if they are literally in the process of saving a human's l ife at that very second. Any pokegirl that fails to comply with this law may be beaten and if she attempts to defend herself, she is treated as a menace pokegir l, and executed. Any human with ANY noticeable pokegirl traits are also required to stand aside for any 'true' humans.
Drandara City has nearly 350,000 humans, and usually an equal number of pokegirl s out at any given time. There is a feral free zone held to a distance of three miles around the town, and is kept that way by the Hunters in training. It is al so home to the main recruiting and training base for Johto League Pokegirl Hunte rs. The number of Hunters in training number anywhere from ten to fifty, dependi ng on what time of the year it is. The Hunters in training are in charge of keep ing the feral pokegirls out of the three mile clear zone. The only route to the city is Route XX11, which heads east from the city and the n curves to the southeast. After nine days of travel, the traveler arrives at Ca nola City. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Researcher Philcher Archie is perhaps the only researcher in the Johto League th at absolutely cannot stand pokegirls, or other people for that matter. But that might have something to do with the fact that he has the Aura of Ooze blood curs e, as well as Shady Character. Needless to say, he is not a people person, but h as written a series of papers on the faults of depending upon pokegirls for supp orting the society. He is the Johto League's pet researcher, since he only barks at their command. Watcher Olin Garard is a pure blooded human, that fits in well in his chosen hom e. He has made several trips into the wilds (never more than four miles from the city) and has written several papers about the actions of ferals, and the need for a border of feral free areas around each city. Another pet of the Johto Leag ue, he has more weight behind him than Dr. Philcher, as he is from a pure bloode d family. Ranches: None Gym: The Missing Gym of Trickery. One of the eight hidden gyms of Johto. This Gym has no set building that the battles occur in, but instead the tamers must find clu es that are scattered about town that lead to its location in a nearby set of cl earings. The 'Gym' only accepts challenges on nights when the moon is at its sec ond quarter, and shrinking toward being a new moon. Once inside the Gym, the tam er and his harem must navigate four puzzles that challenge each tamer. All puzzl es can be completed without harming the harem and tamer, but faster solutions th at cause damage exist and are easier to find. If the tamer has not solved the fo ur puzzles and defeated the one of the tamers of the gym before sunrise, they ar e expelled from the gym, and must wait a month before trying at that hidden gym again. If the tamer solves all four puzzles, he must then defeat one of the three tamer s in the gym before sunrise, or the tamer loses the match, and is ejected from t he gym. No one has ever defeated all eight hidden gyms, or even found them all, for that matter, without being a part of the Johto League government. If they de feat the one of the three tamers, they earn a Hidden badge, known only as H7, an d it changes form to reflect the phases of the moon, and its coloration is a pal e yellow. If they lose that badge, they must again attempt the gym to get anothe r one. Notable Sites: Home of the Portal is the name of a large building in the hills to the north of town, which contains a single, humongous ring in the center of a massive cleared room. No one has been able to discover its purpose, other than to Subeke built it, perhaps as a means for moving large numbers of pokegirls from point to point . No one has ever been able to activate it to test this theory however, and the scientists working on it can not give an accurate estimate as to when they will have an answer to its purpose The Hidden Walkway of Demons is a infamous ledge that exists along a cliff to th
e northwest of town, overlooking the ocean. It is said that on moonless nights, an infernal of almost legendary power walks this ledge, calling for her lost tam er. This is believed to be based off the reported loss of a tamer to a sudden wa shout of the path, which carried him down and into the rocky shallows nearly fiv e hundred feet below, killing him instantly. He had an infernal pokegirl that wa s almost gentle with her affections to her tamer, as they were believed to be de lta bonded. No one has ever gotten a close enough look at the supposed pokegirl to be able to decide one way or another. But everyone who was foolish enough to try and capture her died as the ledge, no matter how sound it had been below the m before, suddenly collapsed underneath them, sending them to the same gave as h er lost tamer. Hospitals/PokeCenters: Drandara is host to five different hospitals, four of which are completely state of the art, and can treat a human of any affliction, up to, but not including, death. Yet. Each one has four NurseJoys, and are there to do anything the injure d party requires. The fifth is well behind the times by nearly forty years and is located at the e ntrance of the city, which is where all humans with obvious pokegirl traits are sent, regardless of the severity of the case. It is also the only one that treat s pokegirls, though mostly it is just to slap a bandage or cast heal on the woun d, and send them back out. It is run by a single pokewoman NurseJoy, who has bee n working in that hospital since it was built thirty eight years ago and treats everyone as best she can with what little she has in her hospital.
Zerobulo town General Info: The town of Zerobulo was established in 240 AS, and is the town known for the qu ality of the tamers that pass through it. Most of them are there because of one fact. Zerobulo is the closest town to the famous, or infamous, Mr. Silver, which is perched on the border between Johto and Indigo Leagues. It is therefore a st ronghold of the Hunter division of the Johto League tamers, who are some of the strongest Hunters in the league, and are used to dealing with unnaturally powerf ul feral pokegirls that wander toward town from Mr. Silver, as they get pushed o ut by younger, more powerful feral pokegirls. The town houses nearly 10,000 humans, and 30,000 pokegirls. It is one of the few towns ever built with defense in mind first. Due to the sheer variety of pokegi rls that will wander too close to the town from the mountain, it was built and h oused with the best defenses that money can buy, as well as the largest variety of pokegirls breeds that has been found outside the military that existed in the time of the Revenge War. It has two routes that connect to towns inside the League and another that conne cts to Mt. Silver, which is four days distant along Route XX13. Route XX7 is twe lve days long, and connects to Blackthorn City. Traveling along Route XX10 for t hree weeks will end with the travelers finding themselves in Goldenstar City. Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: The researcher Yarla Priscollaye lives in the city of Zerobulo, and makes a stud y of feral pokegirl behavior and how they react to different types attacking the ir claimed territory. She is thirty two years old, and has lived in Zerobulo her entire life, with her Supe-Bra Genius lover and lab assistant. She is somewhat known throughout the Johto league for her papers about feral pokegirl dynamics, as well as her treatise on noncombat ways of capturing feral types. Ranches: None
Gym: The Sunken Gym of Illusion. One of the eight hidden gyms of Johto. It hidden ins ide the pond in the middle of the town, and is accessible only during the nights when the moon is at its last quarter, and shrinking. Once inside the Gym, the t amer and his harem must navigate four puzzles that challenge each tamer. All puz zles can be completed without harming the harem and tamer, but faster solutions that cause damage exist and are easier to find. If the tamer has not solved the four puzzles and defeated the one of the tamers of the gym before sunrise, they are expelled from the gym, and must wait a month before trying at that hidden gy m again. If the tamer solves all four puzzles, he must then defeat one of the three tamer s in the gym before sunrise, or the tamer loses the match, and is ejected from t he gym. No one has ever defeated all eight hidden gyms, or even found them all, for that matter, without being a part of the Johto League government. If they de feat the one of the three tamers, they earn a Hidden badge, known only as H8, an d it changes form to reflect the phases of the moon, and its coloration is a dar k, muddy brown. If they lose that badge, they must again attempt the gym to get another one. Notable Sites: Steeple of Blades and the Fallen. A shrine that was raise to honor the various p eople and pokegirls that have fallen in defense of the city against feral pokegi rls. Over forty pokegirl and fifteen human names are contained in the shrine, an d a pair of Shrine Maidens protect the shrine, and offers up their prayers for t he fallen, as well as prayers in the hopes that it will prevent others from join ing the ranks of the fallen. Their names are Sharshala and Sasha, and they are o f the few pokegirls that the Hunters actually respect in the League. They are al so exempt from the anti-pokegirl laws, due to the fact that most of the humans i n the shrine are Hunters. Hospitals/PokeCenters: Zerobulo Town has two hospitals, one in the northern half, the other in the sout hern half, but both are located closer to the east side of town, rather than in the middle, due to the marked number of stronger feral pokegirls coming from Mt. Silver. The Pokecenters are stationed so that they each handle a third of the c ity each, with one in the northwestern third, one in the southwestern third, and the last near the east side of town, so that they can help get the Hunter's pok egirls back into battle faster in case of a sudden onslaught of ferals, as what happened in 294 AS, when nearly forty poison type pokegirls were pushed out of t heir homes on Mt. Silver, and tried to enter the city.
Goldenstar City, The Ultima Melee City General Info: One of the more recently established city in the Johto League, it was establishe d in 245 AS, and that was for a single purpose. Supporting The Ultima Melee. The greatest fighting tournament in the Johto League, it is held twice a year, and is used to determine the League Champion. It is held in the Plains of Desolation , a four square mile area to the east of the city. The city itself houses 50,000 people, and at least 202,500 pokegirls, all of who m are there to ensure the Ultima Melee is properly executed, as well as cleaning the Plains of Desolation of debris, and rebuilding the Plains to an acceptable state for the next Melee. To the southwest is Route XX12, leading to Canola City, which is two weeks dista nt. Three weeks to the south southeast is Zerobulo city, along Route XX10. And t o the north northeast is the route to the Capital League, the only one that conn ects to the Capital League from Johto League.
Researchers/Watchers/Retired Tamers of Note: Watchers Tira Ricko, Terry Xavier, and Malcolm Higgins are watchers that observe the various tamer's harems as they battle, and report the dynamics of the harem s. They are also the announcers for the Ultima Melee, and provide live color com mentary during the events. Retired tamers Todiy Dardra and Umves Chruasiss are the tamers in charge of remo ving the wounded and eliminated from the Ultima Melee, using the teleport capabl e pokegirls of their harems to get the wounded to the hospitals/pokecenters if n eeded, and also to provide judging during the ferocious hit and run battles that are so common during the Ultima Melee. Ranches: None Gym: None per say, but Goldenstar is home to the Ultima Melee, held twice a year in t he Plains of Desolation. Notable Sites: The Plains of Desolation are a two mile by two mile area to the northwest of Gol denstar City, and contain literally every type of possible battlefield within th ose four square miles. The battlefield is rebuilt and reconstructed after every Ultima Melee, and takes nearly four months to undo all the damage that is done d uring the melee. Dead center in the plains are the ruins of a city, built and ca refully sculpted to present the illusion of being real ruins. Ice fields, a smal l mountain, forests, a desert, swamps, a lake, every type of terrain is found so mewhere in the Plains of Desolation. Hospitals/PokeCenters: Three state of the art, combination hospitals and pokecenters serve the city, de aling with all the minor emergencies that occur, as well as ensuring no fataliti es occur during the Ultima Melee.
Other Notable Sites: The Ruins of Alph located between Routes 31 and 35, about a day and a half from Violet town. A pair of pokegirls guard a room in the deepest parts of the ruin, and until recently they were of an unknown pokegirl type, and a Cactora from a n earby desert. However, after finding several books from the pre-Subeke era, hist ory books that were used to fill in previous gaps in history that had been creat ed by the Revenge War, the Ruins of Alph were turned into a historical monument, and the pokegirls that lived there were allowed to stay, mostly because they we re already guarding the Ruins, so the League would not need to assign their own guards. The unknown pokegirl was recently identified as a Bandame, which lead to a fierce debate as to how such an exotic and rare pokegirl arrived at the Ruins of Alph, before they were even officially discovered. The Cold Deadlands are located west of Cedar town, and is a large, roughly twelv e square mile area that is always cold, regardless of the weather around the Col d Deadlands. This makes it a minor preserve for ice types, and other pokegirl ty pes that like the cold. Grass and Bug types avoid it like a plague area. Dragon's Lair is located in the Moltit Mountains somewhere around Kasul City. It is rumored to be the home of a dragon type of unbelievable power. No one has ev er found it, nor has anyone ever claimed to have seen the dragon type that lives in the Dragon's Lair. Johto Academy fifteen days from Blackthorn city, nine days from Violet city, and twelve from Mahogany city. It has only one path leads to it, a mostly dirt path
, but it is easily accessible by VTOL vehicles. Surrounded by forests, it is not easy to get to on foot, but not impossible. Tower of Centuries is located between Cypress City and Olivine City, along Route XX4 and is home to several sorceresses and enchantresses. The are slightly fera l, and thought to have been part Tamer Gredle Parh's harem, before he went missi ng in 292 AS. They tame each other to keep themselves sane, while still looking in the surrounding area for their lost master. Ghostly Mausoleum is supposedly located about four days to the northeast of Cher ry Grove City, and it is home to many ghost type pokegirls, most of whom died du ring the Revenge War, but their hatred for humans kept them from taking the last journey to the next life. They haunt the remains of their base, destroying the minds of any who attempt to journey into its depths, the hatred for humans denyi ng them the ability to recognize the few who would try to help them. Lost at the bottom of the base is a powerful presence, calling out to the surrounding area for help, calling for release. The first recorded reporting of the mental voice was in 45 AS, after a group of tamers stumbled across the ruined building, and a ttempted to enter. They were quickly pushed back by the ghosts that haunt it, bu t that night, a shadowy figure appeared in their dreams, begging for help and re lease. Since then, twelve different official attempts have been made to get to t he bottom of the Ghostly Mausoleum. After the last official attempt vanished int o the Mausoleum in 198 AS, the Johto Government has aborted all league sanctione d attempts to find the pokegirl at the bottom of the Mausoleum. Tamers still mak e individual attempts, but only four tamers have been lost to the dark depths si nce 200 AS. The Whorepool islands rest about a day and a half to the south of Olivine city, and is home to some of the most dangerously powerful ferals outside of Mt. Silve r. Whirlpools abound in the area, forming and dying without apparent cause or so urce, huge ones that are far to large for a Whorepool to make. Four islands make up the Whorepool islands, and they are all interconnected by the labyrith of tu nnels beneath the waves, and positively team with feral pokegirls, Whorepools, S urfmelons, Whoreseas, Titacools, Titacruels, Psi-dykes, and many more. Local leg ends at Cianwood Island hold that a powerful water pokegirl causes the whirlpool s, keeping tamers away from her home. The local rumors circulate endlessly about the possible identity, but Lugiass is the prime suspect, though no one has ever found out for sure. Or if they have, they are not talking about it. Located off of the aquatic Route 37 to the east of Cianwood city by about a half day, it is a definite paradise for finding feral water type pokegirls. The Brassballs Memorial is located to the north of the Illex forest, in the lowe r foothills of Moltit Mountain, about a day and a half north of Azalea town. The town has been reclaimed by nature, but the shrine to the destroyed town and its inhabitants stands tall and proud, spells woven into the clearing to keep natur e from reclaiming it. It lists all four thousand, seven hundred thirty two human s that died when Mao Shin rebels hit the the town, as well as the three thousand loyal pokgirls that died trying to hold the rebels back. It is a six hundred lon g piece of Marble, with the names listed in alphabetical order, and lists the na mes, ages, and hometowns of the inhabitants of the city. Entertainment: Ultima Melee - Held twice a year in the Plains of Desolation, near Goldenstar Ci ty, both dates are League Sanctioned holidays, with fierce betting being done on who wins. Held in the middle of March and September, it is THE biggest battle i n the Johto history, a grand melee of epic proportions that rips apart the Plain s of Desolation. Tamers can either lead their harems from the front, or from ins ide a safety bunker, using the camera's set up around the city, and the single r emote controlled grav-camera that is issued to each tamer for the battle to dire ct their harems. It is a massive free for all, anything short of actually trying to kill the other harems or tamers goes, and it is all recorded live. The event
lasts for two days, the first being the Ultima Melee, and the second being the finals, where the four tamers that scored the most kills' compete against each ot her for the title of League Champion. It has been held for the past fifty years, twice a year, without exception. The current League Champion is Terry Roderick, and he specializes in fighting types, and has had them trained to counter most of their inherent weaknesses. He has b een the League Champion for nearly six years. During the course of the melee, ho wever, deaths have occured, mostly accidents, but a few promising tamers have be en killed by their rivals during the fighting, making this the most dangerous sp ort in Johto. Game Corners - A casino line first founded in Indigo, that has the claim to fame by being located in nearly every major town in the Johto League, and is plannin g on expanding into the other Leagues as soon as possible. The have slot machine s, black jack tables, and several other games that are guaranteed to keep someon e lost in the Casino for hours on end. The machines and games take GC coins, ins tead of SLC, and various prizes include T1s, evolution stones, and even a few ra re pokegirls for those who have an excess number of GC coins. Most Game Corners have the following Pokegirl prizes, but some vary slighty. A-Bra: 180 Game Coins , Witch: 750 Game Coins, Sexshrew: 2,500 Game Coins, Draco: 4,600 Game Coins, an d Videogirl: 10,000 Game Coins. Political and Criminal Elements: The Johto League is run by a council of forty members which meets twice every ye ar opposite of the Ultima Melee, and are representatives of the forty surviving 'pure-blood' families. The Pesident is selected by lots at the beginning of ever y forty years, deciding which member will be President and the order it will be exchanged. The League Champion often has a vote, but in the past one hundred yea rs and two hundred meetings, the League Champions have shown only nineteen times , and often selects one member to be his proxy. The council is and has been firm ly anti-pokegirl, but some of the newer members have been leaning toward more mo derate stances. A small political faction, however, believes in the goal of 'Parity', and was st arted by a Megami-sama in Blackthorn City. They strive to get the oppressive law s repealed, and then replaced with laws that are more in favor toward pokegirls. As they are mostly based out of Blackthorn, however, they have made little prog ress with the government, but have scored several successes with the population at large. Although not a political element, Team Rocket and its smaller clone, Team Apocal ypse, have had a hand in dictating the direction of Johto, mostly through their use of pokegirls to commit crimes. Team Rocket is not a local team, supposedly i nstead it was imported from Indigo League. Team Apocalypse is a based somewhere in Johto League, and consists of four humans and fifteen pokegirls, using forbid den tech, including one plasma cannon, to steal pokegirls, kidnap officials for ridiculous ransoms, and make themselves a threat to the Johto population. Transportation: Pokegirls are quite often used for transportation, and Rapitaur transport is con sidered to be the best non-vehicle transportation available in the league thanks to their speed. In the cities, there are most often Ponytaur Taxi services, and these are the most common mode of transportation within the city, other than us ing one's own feet. Buses are a little less common, but slightly cheaper. Telepo rt capable pokegirls, however, are still the best way of getting around. Johto League Tamer Rules: Overall Laws: (developed by myself, RedPriest17, and CyberForte, modified, and used with their
permission) 1. Forbidden tech is absolutely forbidden and illegal for anyone to own, let alo ne use. Lostech is allowed, but the owner must register the tech with the League first. 2.a. Pokgirls are property. They are tools for use of the League, Tamers, Busines ses. 2.b. A Pokegirl must follow all direct orders given to her by her master, even s hould those orders be in violation this code. Responsibility for effects of dire ct orders, therefore, rests solely on her master so long as proof of a direct or der can be produced. 2.X. Not a law, per se, but a recommendation: Pokegirls are dangerous creatures, feral or tame. Therefore, the league advises caution be exercised in the use of forceful discipline, as although it is illegal for a Pokegirl to harm her tamer without his express permission it is of little to you value for her to be punis hed after you have died. Abuse at your own risk. 3. Anyone, (especially Tamers and Police) are allowed to kill Feral pokgirls that are an immediate threat to life and limb. Domestic and Threshold pokgirls that p erform criminal activity will be subject to euthanasia or Level 5 Taming Cycle. 4.a. It is illegal to capture OfficerJenny or NurseJoy pokgirls that are in servi ce to the Indigo League Police Forces and PokCenters. It is illegal to capture Ma idYvettes if they are already employed by the League or private housing. Put sim ply, it is illegal to capture ANY pokgirls that are employed by any League or Lea gue Official, period. 4.b. Stealing pokgirls already owned by Tamers, Watchers, or Pet Owners is highly illegal and will be punished severely. 5.a. With the exception of OfficerJennys in service to the League, (who are prov ided with tazer Pistols) it is illegal for a pokgirl to wield human projectile we apons. Those who choose to disregard this rule will be heavily fined and the wea pon(s) confiscated. 5.b. With the recent discoveries of Tech' pokgirls breeds, (CalamityJanes, Gun Bun nies Gunvalkyries, Tank Vixxens, and the like) these pokgirls that have projectil e weapons as a natural part of their body chemistry are only allowed to use them in PokBattle or in the defense of their Owner from criminals or Feral pokgirls; n o exceptions. 6. A Tamer may not use PokBalls that have been damaged to try and capture a pokgir l, such as a PokBall that had been used in an attempt to capture a pokgirl and fai led the first time. The ball is now a risk factor in holding the pokgirl even if it manages to capture. Anyone caught having done this will be fined. 7. Altered PokBalls designed to catch pokgirls, (ex: Nightmare Ball) or people wit h pokgirl DNA, (ex: Love Ball) are HIGHLY illegal and is punishable by death. 8. Any Tamer or Pet Owner with an Eva must hand over any and all Angel Stones in their possession to a PokCenter or at a Police Station. Attempting to evolve an Eva using an Angel Stone is considered a capital offense and is punishable by im mediate execution by any Hunter! Compensation will be given for any angel stones or Evas turned over to the authorities. 9. Any Tamer with a Trollop must give up any Diamond Stone in their possession o r the Trollop. Failure to comply will result in removal of all pokgirls, a heavy fine, and a 180-day suspension of Tamer's license. Compensation will be given fo r any diamond stones or Trollops turned over to the authorities. 10. Any Tamer with a Harlequin must give up any Mana Crystals in their possessio
n or the Harlequin. Failure to comply will result in removal of all pokgirls, a h eavy fine, and a 90-day suspension of Tamer's license. Compensation will be give n for any mana crystals or Harlequins turned over to the authorities. 11.a. A Tamer is allowed to keep six pokgirls on-hand, not counting their noncomb atant(s). If they catch any more past this amount, the pokgirls must be kept in s torage. If the Tamer has not passed the Storage Test, then the pokgirls above the limit must be given up at a PokCenter for Indigo League use and distribution. Ta mers that simply release the pokgirl into the wild and are discovered to have don e such, will be fined according to the kind of pokgirl that was released. 11.b. A Watcher is allowed to keep three pokgirls on-hand. No more. 11.c. After much debate, it has been decided by the Indigo League that pokgirls t hat are identical twins, despite being in two pokgirls in one pokball, should coun t for only one pokgirl slot. If the twins should later evolve into different pokgi rl breeds, then they will count separately. 12.a. Pet Owner is allowed between 1-3 pokgirls. They must have the proper licens e to own the amount of pokgirls that they do; the license depends on housing situ ation, financial income and the kind of pokgirl that is desired to be kept. Anymo re than the license allows will lead to the immediate removal of the extra pokgir l(s). 11.b. Pet Owners are NOT allowed to take part in pokBattles. Period. 13. Upon arrival in Drandara, anyone that owns pokgirls must register their girl( s) with the Hunter Station when entering and leaving the city. NO EXCEPTIONS. 14. The Pokgirl Thief Happosai is the ONLY human allowed for pokgirls to attack on sight to KILL without fear of repercussion from Johto League Officials. 15.a. It is illegal for any Tamer or pokgirl to join any Team'. Anyone discovered to be a Team Member will face charges that can run the gauntlet from incarcerati on all the way to the death penalty! Pokgirls will be confiscated and submitted t o a Level 5 Taming Cycle. 15.b. It is illegal for any pokgirl to join the Limbec Pirates! Any such pokgirls may be executed ON SIGHT! 16.a. It is illegal to hold Pokgirl Rights rallies in public places. Any infracti ons will result in an immediate dispersion by local League Police Forces using h eavy non-lethal force and heavy fines levied out to people that were arrested. 16.b. It is illegal to hold Pokgirl Rights rallies in private. If discovered, the perpetrators and those in attendance will be levied with heavy fines. 17.a. It is illegal for any pokgirls/pokwomen born after Mao's Rebellion, (257 AS) to be educated in anything more complex than Literacy, Basic Money Math, and Fi rst Aid. 17.b. The only exceptions of this rule are those pokgirls whom have high intellig ence as a naturally-occurring part of their body chemistry and biology, such as the A-Bra and G-Poindexter breeds. 18.a. Printed media professing to be a source of accurate news may not be publis hed without government approval of content. 18.b. The government's power to moderate such media, however, is limited in that it may approve or disapprove, but not actively edit content. 18.c. Such media must not contain claims that would purposefully damage the repu tation(s) of a person or persons unless substantial, verifiable proof is offered as to the truth of the claim. 19.a. Creating new breeds of pokgirls through the use of science within the Indig o League is HIGHLY illegal and is punishable by death! 19.b. After much debate, it was recently amended that Pokgirl Researchers MAY loo
k into the creation of G-Splices for the betterment of the League. They must, ho wever, submit an initial thesis to the League for authorization and then accept a sanctioned League Official to assist them in process of creating the G-Splice from start to finish. 19.c. Starting as of December 31st, 296 AS, mentally stable G-Splices will becom e a viable pokgirl selection for Tamers to use. If a Tamer catches one in the wil d and she passes a strict psyche evaluation at the nearest PokCenter, the Tamer m ay keep her. If she fails, the pokgirl will be put through euthanasia procedures. 20. All legal, registered tamers are considered part of Johto Law Enforcement, a nd are required to assit any law enforcement personnel or Hunter that requests t heir aid. All requests for tamer aid must later be reviewed by a league analyst, to ensure that the aid was, in fact, required. If the Law Enforcement personnel or Hunter are found to have requested aid that was not needed, restitutions wil l be provided to the Tamer. 21. The presence of any person or persons professing to be from another time, un iverse, or dimension is to be reported to league officials at the first feasible opportunity. 21a. Should the person or persons refuse to come quietly into league custody, al l active tamers in the vicinity are to assist in the subdual and capture effort( s). Classified Level 5: Information beyond this point is on a need-to-know basis and must never reach th e public. 21b. Should the person or persons, whilst resisting capture, illustrate abilitie s equal or superior to those of Pokegirls, it is permissible for league official s to utilize the otherwise strictly banned substance known as Jusenkyo Spell Wat er to facilitate capture. We emphasize again that it may only be used on those w ho resist. We are not monsters. End Classified 22. Feral Pokegirls are considered a threat to public safety. Therefore, they ma y be caught or killed at will. 22a. A registered, active tamer is required to deal with any feral he encounters within the confines of a League City, unless he feels he is incapable of doing so, in which case he is to immediately report her presence to the nearest Pokcent er, gym, or other congregation of tamers. 22b. A captured and tamed feral may not be punished in excess or held legally ac countable for actions taken whilst in the feral state unless circumstances exten uate. 22c. It is strictly prohibited to freely allow a Pokegirl to go feral within the limits of any league city. 23. Possession of a Pokegirl requires at least one of the following Licenses (se e License Laws below): Pet Owner, Tamer, Tradesman, Watcher, or Breeder. 24. Pokegirls may be placed into Long Term Storage for a length of time not exce eding 3 monthswithout being removed for exercise and to ensure she hasbeen prope rly tamed. 24a. Pokegirls held in long term storage for more than a month must be removed f or a period of 2 days for each month in storage. IE, if in for 1 month, she is a llowed out for 2 days, 2 months equals 4 days, etc. Depending on the severity of the infraction for one or more of these Laws, the c onsequences can range from simple incarceration, to a fine of low to large amoun ts, to chain-gang and construction work, all the way to the death penalty. The D eath Penalty has yet to be used, and so it is more common that a person who is c onvicted of such infractions will simply have his/her tamer's license revoked, H arem confiscated and scattered, and be forced to serve a lifetime in prison. Non-Combatant Pokegirls These pokegirls are allowed to all Tamers. This provides to them a pokegirl that
is exempt from Salvage Rules during a battle. This seventh pokegirl CAN be any type of pokegirl, but is usually one of the type that are not specifically used for battling. Exceptions (such as Milktit) do exist. Hand Maids do not count tow ards either the main harem limit of 6 pokegirls, nor do they count as a non-comb atants (Hand Maid Mk. II pokegirls, on the other hand, do). If the designated no n-combatant pokegirl is used in a battle that does not include non-combatants no rmally, there are likely to be fines involved, as well as or in exchange for hav ing the pokegirl taken away and the Tamer's right to carry a non-combatant revok ed. The tamer may reclaim this pokegirl only after defeating a Gym battle within a one month period (extended from two weeks due to the distance between cities with gyms, since a number of tamers use their non-combatants as transportation a s well). Tamers are allowed one pokegirl noncombatant, and up to two additional slots may be purchased from the league at 500,000 SLC per slot. These maybe used for poke girls that are support, Recognize bonded, or medical pokegirls. They might also be earned through sponsored events. Battling Rules: Any variation between one and all pokegirls in a harem, minus non-combatant poke girls, may be used. Any pokegirl attack that can cause instant death is prohibited, as is killing a pokegirl owned by other Tamers. Killing a Pokegirl is only allowed when dealing with pokegirls that have a bounty on their heads (Such as a Widow) or in life an d death situations. Ante (prize for winning a battle) may be money, an item of some value to the win ner, or a pokegirl. The prize must be decided before the battle begins, by both Tamers. This prize may be changed during battle, but must still be agreed upon b y the participating tamers. Salvage Rights is allowed, but must be announced before a battle. Salvage rights pertaining to a harem that is abandoned or caught from abusive tamers allow the catcher of these abused pokegirls to keep one or two pokegirls, depending on wh ich pokegirl it might be. Declining a battle challenge, unless for due cause, is grounds for a forfeit by the declining Tamer, and the prize may be acquired by the one who had originally challenged. Non-combatant pokegirls are not to be used in a challenge battle, due to their n ature. However, they may be used in specially specified matches. Sexual Battles can be done with multiple or single pokegirls. Anything goes in t his type of battle, save for killing the pokegirl(s). Depending on the severity of the infraction of these rules, a Tamer may face a f ine or having their Tamer's License revoked for some amount of time. Some may be forced to re-take the Tamer's test, and it is said that this new test is much m ore difficult than the standard test. Some Tamers may find themselves without a Harem at all, or have some pokegirls confiscated. *Classified Data JOHTO Level Security* Hidden Gym Rules 1) Tamers must affect entry into the hidden gym during the indicated portion of the lunar cycle, which is three days long. Tamers are allowed to challenge the h idden gym once a month, and if they fail to obtain the badge, they must wait for the next lunar cycle. 2) All puzzles in the Gym MUST be solved, either by actually solving them, or by
passing them altogether. As each gym has a teleport block around it, so teleport ing through the 'puzzles' is impossible. Speed of completion determines which of the three 'Gym Tamers' that must be faced. Faster times mean you fight a harder Tamer, but have more time to complete the battle. 3) The challenger must defeat the 'Gym Tamer' before sunrise, or else he is auto matically dismissed from the gym, is treated as having failed to defeat the puzz les/tamer, and must wait a lunar cycle before challenging the gyms again. 4) Solar and Lunar Eclipses are the exception to the rule of entering gyms only during the indicated lunar event. During a Lunar eclipse, the puzzles are deacti vated, and all the challenger must do is defeat the resident tamer. During a sol ar eclipse, the challenger must defeat the puzzles, but if they fail to complete the puzzles before the eclipse ends, they are expelled from the gym, and may no t try again in that gym for a full three lunar cycles. *End classified data on Hidden Gyms* Tamer Requirements: 1. Human Males nearly always become Tamers or Researchers. However, all are requ ired to be tested for Blood Gifts and Curses. 2. Human Females may become Tamers. However, these tamers must be Ident-tagged b efore becoming a Tamer. All females becoming Tamers, Researcher, or Breeders mus t be tested for Blood Gifts and Curses. 3. Pokegirls may become NOT Tamers under any circumstances. 4. All Tamers must take some sort of test other than being tested for Blood Gift s before being issued a pokedex/Tamer's License. Most often, this includes a que stionnaire, multiple-choice questions, or a psychic-type "Interview". 5. All Tamers within a certain area must answer a League-sanctioned request for help, or else be liable for a Tamer Review in which the Tamer may face a fine, r evocation of license, and/or loss of pokegirl(s). Johto League Economy: Author's Note: Considering that the amounts for the bounties originally provided in the PokeGirl Primer are rather outrageous (yet understandable, in some cases ), I've changed the bounties a bit to reflect both the rewards and the real risk s. Someone could probably live off of a decent bounty for years. Also, changes w ere made to reflect differences in the pokedex summaries (such as Cheshire and M antis being 'second only to Widows/Dryders, with no mention of each other). In f act, the Bounty portion of the Dronza description says 1 million, but the descri ption itself says that a confirmed kill is worth 10,000. As such, the amounts fo r certain bounties have been changed to reflect that which is in the pokedex des criptions themselves, as well as what the economy can support. Bounties Widows bounty Confirmed Kill 903,250,000 SLC Reporting Sighting & Getting out alive 7,500,000 SLC Dryder Bounty Confirmed Kill 350,750,000 SLC Reporting sighting & Getting out alive
3,400,000 SLC Confirmed capture 157,500,000 SLC Mantis Bounty Confirmed Kill 4,324,000 SLC Reporting Sighting & Getting out alive 195,000 SLC Giantess Bounty Confirmed Kill 105,000,000 SLC Reporting Sighting & Getting out alive 3,675,000 SLC Gunnm Bounty Confirmed Kill 2,150,000 SLC Confirmed Capture of Feral 3,050,000 SLC Wasp Queen Bounty Confirmed Death of a Swarm 6,825,000 SLC Confirmed Sighting & Report of Swarm 375,000 SLC Confirmed Kill of Wasp Queen and Swarm 8,350,000 SLC Whorenet Bounty Confirmed Kill 2,100,000 SLC Confirmed Sighting & Reporting 84,000 SLC Confirmed Capture & Sterilization 525,000 SLC Dronza Bounty Confirmed Kill 1,500,000 SLC Confirmed Sighting & Reporting 65,000 SLC Gynadose (Ferals only) Bounty Confirmed Kill 4,550,000 SLC Confirmed Sighting & Reporting 945,000 SLC Confirmed Capture 3,500,000 SLC + medical aid until fully tamed
Panthress Bounty Confirmed Kill 742,500 SLC Confirmed Sighting & Reporting 85,000 SLC Cost of Living: Minimum Wage Equivalent (any league)- 159.6 SLC/hr. Commerce Info: Main Imports- Dragon and Ice type pokegirls, food items, Main Exports- Water and Grass type pokegirls, various technological items develo ped by Jahanna, luxury food items. Apartment Rent Low-end: 30,000 SLC/mo. Middle-class: 53,500 SLC/mo. Upper-class: 73,000 SLC/mo. Luxury: 98,500 SLC/mo. Meals Basic: 900 SLC Moderate: 1,200 SLC Large: 1,700 SLC Extravagant: 2,400 SLC Hotel Room Basic: 3,500 SLC/night Basic Pokegirl-proof: 4,800 SLC/night Decent: 4,000 SLC/night Decent Pokegirl-proof: 6,500 SLC/night Multiple Pokegirl-proof: 8,800 SLC/night Harem Room: 15,000 SLC/night Various Items Pokegirl Sales: All pokegirls sold come with their pokeball. Pokegirl Sales Type: Typical Asking Price Common 100,000 SLC Uncommon 1,000,000 SLC Rare 25,000,000 SLC Very Rare 250,000,000 SLC Unique 5 Billion SLC Legendary
Why the HELL would they be for sale? Examples Common: Titmouse, Kitten, Chikotit, Boobisaur, Squirtitty, Charamanda Uncommon: Whoretortle, Catgirl, Acrobabe, Amazonlee, Amazonchan Rare: A-bra, Tyamazon, Bardess, Bondage Elf Very Rare: Unicorn, Ursine, Valkyrie, Air Maiden, Fire Maiden Unique: G-Spliced, Battle- (Insert name here), Astral- (Insert name here) Legendary: Speaks for itself. Notable Alterations: Psychic Types in Johto League (standard price x1.5) Electric types in Johto League (standard price x2) Feral Pokegirls that have been domesticated often sell for 20% more than standar d. Domesticated pokegirls that have just gone through threshold likely sell for 1020% less than standard. Pokewomen sell for about 35% less than standard. League created pokegirls often sell at a 10% discount in large numbers and at a 5-8% discount individually. Maid Yvettes sell at a 20% discount. Overly common pokegirls in a Breeder's place are often sold at a 15% discount on ce or twice a year. Standard Items Price (SLC) Effect Potion 200 Restores light amount of HP. High Potion 500 Restores moderate amount of HP. X Potion 1,000 Restores massive amount of HP. Elixir 2,000 Restores Attack stamina. Megalixir 5,000 Heals & revives completely. Revive Medicine 6,750 Revives pokegirl from KO status. Full Restorative 8,500 Heals all status effects Antidote 100 Heals generic poison status. High Antidote
250 Heals Toxic status. Paralysis Heal 100 Negates artificial paralysis status. Burn Heal 200 Heals Burn status. Standard Pokeball 300 Catches pokegirls. Great Pokeball 700 Catches pokegirls easier. Ultra Pokeball 2,000 Catches many pokegirls with ease.
Taming Items Price (SLC) Effect Anti-Burn Cream (Jahanna-brand) 600 Prevents Burn status; cools down Fire types during taming. Anti-Freeze Salve (Jahanna-brand) 600 Prevents Freeze status; traps body heat on Ice types. Fruit Lure 1,000 Lures pokegirls that eat fruit. Magic Lure 2,000 Lures pokegirls that are attracted by magic Evolution Stones Price (SLC) Frequency Angel Stone 22,500 Extremely Rare Diamond Stone 8,000 Rare Dragon Scale 25,000 Very Rare Dream Stone 4,000 Uncommon Everstone 2,000 Common Fire Stone 4,000 Common Heavy Metal / Steel Jacket 4,000
Uncommon Ice Crystal 6,500 Rare Leaf Stone 2,000 Common Mana Crystal 6,500 Rare Moon Stone 6,000 Rare Psi Crystal 6,000 Rare Shadow/Dark Stone 6,000 Rare Thunder Stone 4,000 Common Water Stone 2,500 Common Venom Stone 4,000 UncommonEDIT: Originally posted by MagnaBlade. Moved here. Weapons Price (SLC) Description Axe 1,400 Good for chopping wood and necks. Bo/Quarterstaff 500 Five-to-Six foot length of slender wood. Bokken 1,000 Standard wooden training sword, often dull-edged. Boomerang 300 An old weapon that when thrown correctly returns to the sender. Broadsword 2,500 Standard English-style blade. Commonly used by Valkyries. Buster Sword 10,000 A gigantic metal blade used by only the strongest pokegirls. Chakram 800 Long-range circular throwing weapon, sold individually.
Claw 2,500 Sold in pairs. 3-5 blades connected to a wrist guard. Greaves 2,000 Custom made, paired. Leg protection for use by Amazonlee. Halberd 7,500 Polearm with an axe-like pointed head. Hatchet 1,000 Smaller axe that is better used in combat than splitting wood. Katana 12,750 An Edo-styled, slightly curved blade good for fast strikes. Knife 150 Small blade, good for general kitchen work and carving. Kunai 100 Thrown piercing weapon, sold individually. Longsword 2,750 A slender, long blade good for defense and offense. Mace 2,000 A somewhat short staff with a large metal ball on one end. Flail 6,250 A staff with several flailing mace heads connected by chains. Rapier 1,800 A thin, flexible blade for use against Edo-league styles. Shuriken 150 Sold individually. Small throwing stars, used by Kunoichi, NinjaNezumi, and othe r similar pokgirls. Spear 2,400 Polearms used since ancient times, metal tipped. Sword 1,500 Basic medium-length blade good mostly for close-in work. Morningstar 4,500
Johto League Tamer Entry description: Name: This is the first and last name of the person who owns the pokedex. Age: Self explanatory. Residence: This is most often listed as the person's hometown. Region: This is where the person who owns the pokedex is from. Status: Active- If the person is traveling normally and doing his/her duties.. Inactive- If the person is injured or cannot perform the duties required. Retired- If the person has left the ranks of active service in their duties. Vacation- A temporary reprieve given to those who earn it from their duties. Rank: A listing of the rank of the Tamer, divided into two sections. One is set by his /her talent as a Tamer, based off of his/her harem's level of combat prowess, de termined by various Gym leaders. The second rank is determined by his/her respon se government emergencies, such as all-Tamer call outs. Security Clearance: This allows certain amounts of information to be accessed by the Tamers in the Johto League. From lowest level to highest, it goes: Alpha(Level 0): Only the most basic ranking, given to those without Gym Badges a nd not having accomplished anything. With this clearance, the person may only ac cess the most common files and information in the Johto League network. Beta(Level 1): Slightly more detailed and sensitive materials become available t o those who have earned this Security clearance. Kunai-net's most basic informat ion and files become available as well. This is automatically given to those who earn a Gym badge. Gamma(Level 2): Moderately ranked individuals with three Gym badges automaticall y earn this rank. Both Shadow-net and the Johto League networks become widely av ailable, and individuals with this rank can track down Tamer histories and recen t records. Theta(Level 3): Sensitive materials become available at this level of clearance. Information regarding Widows and their pre-evolution and this such sensitive ma terial becomes available to the individual. This is given automatically to those who obtain at least seven gym badges. Omega(Level 4): Some of the most ho have this security clearance. are provided upon request. This ss certain requirements, such as Badges. sensitive materials become available to those w Information such as intensive background checks is provided to all Gym Leaders and those who pa becoming a Hunter or gaining two or more Hidden
Johto ALPHA (Level 5): This is Government-only clearance, but can also be obtain ed with four of the eight hidden badges. Any attempts to obtain information from files stored in this type of security will be dealt with harshly by Video Girls and other pokegirls that can teleport through computer systems. Information reg arding certain Legendaries. Johto BETA (Level 5B): This is information that is so sensitive that even breath ing that it exists will earn the person compromising security a conversion to po kegirl, three trips through a level five conditioning cycle, along with everyone that they MIGHT have mentioned it to. This security level is earned by obtainin
g six of the eight hidden badges, as well as the eight normal' badges. Public doe s not have any idea this clearance level exists, much less what it might contain . Information regarding pokegirls like Jenova and Terminatrix are only available at this level of clearance. Johto OMEGA (Level 5C): This information is so classified we are not allowed to speak further on it. Earned by claiming all sixteen Johto badges, hidden include d, as well as being employed by the government. Only the League Champion, and Pr esident of the Johto League have access to this information currently. Informati on about 'Justice the Ender' is available at this level, along with similar info rmation Licenses Tamer- If the person with the pokedex is a Tamer, this is marked s marked N.' Y.' If not, it i
Breeder- If the person with the pokedex is a Pokegirl Breeder, this is marked Y.' If not, it is marked N.' Watcher- If the person with the pokedex is a Pokegirl Watcher, this is marked If not, it is marked N.' Y'.
Master Tamer-If the person with the pokedex is a Master Tamer, this is marked Y.' If not, it is marked as N.' Allows for the Tamer in question to store pokegirls for up to three weeks. Researcher- If a person with the pokedex is a Researcher, this is marked ot, it is marked as N'. Y'. If n
Hunter- Special type of Tamer, directly employed by the Johto government, and ge neral trouble shooter for government, . Emphasis on shooter'. Is used for hunting down high threat level pokegirls, as well as Team operations. Badges This is where the badges that have been obtained by Tamers are listed, categoriz ed by Region, Location, and name of the Gym. May be further categorized by the t ype of badge won, if applicable.