Syllabus OBE PA 107 Public Fiscal Adm.
Syllabus OBE PA 107 Public Fiscal Adm.
Syllabus OBE PA 107 Public Fiscal Adm.
Course Code: PA 107 Descriptive Title: Public Fiscal Administration Credit Units: 3
Prerequisite: None
Course Description: This course introduces students to the understanding the concept of public fiscal administration, its
development, constitutional and legal basis, the development goals of the Philippine government, government
planning and budgeting, accounting and auditing, financing, and contemporary issues on fiscal administration..
Mission of UNP: To produce globally competitive and proactive professionals through excellent instruction, research, extension and
College Goals: To develop effective leaders in government and non-government organizations and to stimulate knowledge production
and management.
Program Objectives: a) Provide students with knowledge, practical and leadership skills in public policy and management;
b) Equip students with advanced research skills; and
c) Install the values of participation, accountability, responsiveness, transparency and integrity.
Course Outline:
Learning Topic Methodology Learning Assessment Tools/ Time References
Outcomes Resources Methods Allot
At the end of the 1) Vision and Mission of Reading and VMGO Oral exam 2 hrs VMGO
lesson, the student the University internalizing the Frames
shall be able to: 2) Goals of the college VMGO
1) articulate the 3) Objectives of the Syllabus
VMGO of the program Discussion
university and the
2) to perform his Course orientation and Discussion Syllabus Presentation 2 hrs. Syllabus
responsibility as a requirements
student and submit
the requirements on
3) to tell the A. Overview on Public
definition and Fiscal Administration on-line -Presentation 6 hrs. Briones, Leonor.
differences of terms, 1. Definition of terms -Class source
2. Difference of terms Ursulom, Florida. 2018.
rationale for public discussion -Class Participation Unpublished
3.Rationale for Public
sector intervention, Sector Intervention Instructional Material:
functions of fiscal 3.1 Market Failure -Powerpoint -Assignment Public Fiscal
policy, and the presentation book Administration
3.2 Public Goods and
agencies concerned Privately -Quiz Louie A. Medinaceli and
in the process of Provided Public David Golla.
fiscal policy. Goods
4. Functions of Fiscal Marvin Sy. 2016. “Lacson
Policy to seek SC help on
5. Agencies concerned in budget ‘pork-like’
items”. December
the Formulation,
16, 2016”
Implementation and Extracted from
Evaluation of Fiscal
4) to discuss the B. Development and Legal -Powerpoint On-line 6 hrs. seek-sc-help-
development of Basis of Public Finance presentation sources -Presentation 000000617.html
Public Finance and 1. Early Public Finance on December 16,
a. Expenditures 2016
its legal basis. book -Class Participation
during the
Ancient Finance -Class Jared Lewis,
b. Revenues during discussion -Assignment
the Ancient major-functions-
Finance -Activity -Quiz fiscal-policy-
2. Medieval Public (individual/
Finance group) http://
a. Feudalism during
the Medieval philippines/millennium-
Public Finance -Assignments development-goals.html
3. The Rise of Central https://ctas-
4. Beginnings of reference/budget-process-
Capitalism in the and-approaches
Three Schools of
Thought: evolution-of-the-pork-
Mercantilism, barrel-system-in-the-
Cameralism, and philippines/
5. Constitutional and
Legal Bases of and-private-partnership-
Public Fiscal ppp/ppp-advantages-and-
Administration disadvantages
G. Financing the
Government: Other
8) to tell the other Models 7 hrs.
modes of financing 1. The Public Sector
the government. Deficit
2. Public Borrowing
3. Official
4. Privatization
5. Public-Private
6. Cost Recovery and
User Charges
Note: Meetings for the mid-term and final exams are not included in the distribution of hours for the whole semester.
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