Unit - 4 Iot (Q&a)
Unit - 4 Iot (Q&a)
Unit - 4 Iot (Q&a)
JNTUK Previous Solved Question Papers
Q 1. What is device integration? Explain its implementation. [8M]
IOT device is the collection of various elements on a single chip and provided with internet.
These devices are know as IOT devices and many devices are mounted on a single board, must
communicate with each other . for this communication API are used and most popular API is
REST API. To provide the communication between various elements that are mounted on the
single chip to form iot device. This whole thing is know as device integration.
It’s the process of connecting sensors and objects with one another and with your applications and
databases. Once connected, you can implement end-to-end automations that help you make full use of
your equipment.
Left unattended, a windmill’s generator can overheat and, eventually, explode and cause fires.
To ensure this doesn’t happen, you can use sensors inside a windmill that monitor the generator
and send temperature readings once per second to an IoT hub, or a computer that resides close to
the windmills. The computer consolidates the data and then streams it to a consolidated data
store (or a time-series database). That data is then added to an analytics or BI tool, where
employees can run queries, uncover insights, and monitor the temperatures of the windmills’
Since relying on people to monitor and analyze the windmills’ temperatures at all hours is
expensive, difficult, and unpleasant, you can lean on automation for support. For example, you
can build an automation where if a generator were to reach a certain temperature, an IoT switch
would temporarily turn it off.
• Lower costs
By using sensors to monitor equipment, you can manage the equipment in ways that maximize
uptime and prevent under-performance.
• Reduce risks
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IoT integration can help your team identify potential risks in real-time and move swiftly in
minimizing them.
• Delight clients
Using IoT integration, your team can deliver unexpected experiences that satisfy clients and
ensure they keep using your equipment effectively.
• Enable employees
Forcing your team to constantly monitor data and decide on the actions they take from it can be
extremely time-intensive
Data acquisition is the process of extracting, transforming, and transporting data from the source
systems and external data sources to the data processing system to be displayed, analyzed, and
A data acquisition system (DAQ) typically consist of transducers for asserting and measuring
electrical signals, signal conditioning logic to perform amplification, isolation, and filtering, and
other hardware for receiving analog signals and providing them to a processing system, such as a
personal computer.
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• Sensors: Devices that gather information about physical or environmental conditions,
such as temperature, pressure, or light intensity.
• Signal Conditioning: To ensure accurate measurement, the raw sensor data undergoes
preprocessing to filter out any noise and scale it appropriately.
• Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC): Converts analog sensor signals into digital data
that computers can process.
• Interface: Connects the data acquisition system to a computer or controller for data
transfer and control.
• Monitoring air quality and water pollution levels to safeguard health and comply with
• Collecting data from scientific fields to support analysis and hypothesis testing.
• In hospitals, it is crucial to constantly monitor the vital signs and patient data to ensure
timely medical interventions.
• Data Acquisition:
Data acquisition involves collecting information from various IoT devices, sensors, or sources.
These devices are embedded with sensors that capture real-world data such as temperature,
humidity, pressure, motion, light, sound, and more. The data can be analog or digital signals,
depending on the type of sensor and its output.
• Sensor Interaction: IoT devices interact with sensors to collect data. This can involve
analog-to-digital conversion for analog signals or direct digital data retrieval.
• Data Sampling: The collected data may need to be sampled at regular intervals to ensure
accurate representation over time.
• Signal Conditioning: Raw sensor data may undergo preprocessing steps such as filtering,
amplification, or noise reduction to improve its quality.
• Data Transmission: Once collected and processed, the data is transmitted to a central
processing unit or a cloud platform for further analysis and storage.
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• Data Storage:
Data storage in IoT refers to the process of storing the acquired data securely and efficiently for
future analysis, decision-making, and insights generation. There are several approaches to data
storage in IoT systems:
• Edge Storage: In edge computing architecture, data is stored locally on the IoT devices or
edge gateways. This allows for real-time processing and decision-making without relying
heavily on centralized cloud resources. Edge storage is useful in scenarios where low
latency and offline operation are critical.
• Cloud Storage: Many IoT applications leverage cloud platforms for storing large volumes
of data. Cloud storage offers scalability, accessibility, and centralized management of
data. IoT data is typically stored in databases or data lakes hosted on cloud platforms
such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform.
• Hybrid Storage: In some cases, a combination of edge and cloud storage is used to
optimize IoT data management. Critical data may be stored locally for quick access and
real-time processing, while non-critical or historical data is offloaded to the cloud for
long-term storage and analysis.
Q(4) What do you mean by data storage? What are the different schemas for a data store?[8M]
Data storage in IoT refers to the process of storing the acquired data securely and efficiently for
future analysis, decision-making, and insights generation.
Different schemas for a data store primarily refer to the ways in which data is organized and
structured within the storage system. These schemas dictate how data is stored, indexed, and
accessed, which can have significant implications for performance, scalability, and data integrity.
Some common schemas for data stores include:
1. Relational Schema:
o Relational databases organize data into tables consisting of rows and columns.
o Each table represents a specific entity or concept, and each row represents a
unique instance or record.
o Relationships between tables are established through keys, such as primary keys
and foreign keys.
o Relational databases adhere to the principles of ACID (Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation, Durability) to ensure data integrity and transactional consistency.
2. Key-Value Schema:
o Key-value stores store data as a collection of key-value pairs.
o Each key uniquely identifies a value, and values can be simple objects,
documents, or complex data structures.
o Key-value stores offer high performance and scalability, making them suitable for
use cases such as caching, session management, and distributed data storage.
o Examples include Redis, Amazon DynamoDB, and Riak.
3. Document Schema:
o Document databases store data as documents, typically in JSON or BSON format.
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o Documents can contain nested structures and complex data types, providing
flexibility in data modeling.
o Document databases are well-suited for applications with hierarchical or semi-
structured data, such as content management systems, e-commerce platforms, and
user profiles.
o Examples include MongoDB, Couchbase, and Elasticsearch.
Q(5) List the different types of data which is generated at the devices.[7m]
Big Data includes huge volume, high velocity, and extensible variety of data. There are 3 types:
Structured data, Semi-structured data, and Unstructured data.
1. Structured data –
Structured data is data whose elements are addressable for effective analysis. It has been
organized into a formatted repository that is typically a database. It concerns all data
which can be stored in database SQL in a table with rows and columns. They have
relational keys and can easily be mapped into pre-designed fields. Today, those data are
most processed in the development and simplest way to manage information. Example:
Relational data.
2. Semi-Structured data –
Semi-structured data is information that does not reside in a relational database but that
has some organizational properties that make it easier to analyze. With some processes,
you can store them in the relation database (it could be very hard for some kind of semi-
structured data), but Semi-structured exist to ease space. Example: XML data.
3. Unstructured data –
Unstructured data is a data which is not organized in a predefined manner or does not
have a predefined data model, thus it is not a good fit for a mainstream relational
database. So for Unstructured data, there are alternative platforms for storing and
managing, it is increasingly prevalent in IT systems and is used by organizations in a
variety of business intelligence and analytics applications. Example: Word, PDF, Text,
Media logs.
Q(6) Write key points about unstructured data storage on cloud. [7M]
Unstructured data is the data which does not conforms to a data model and has no easily
identifiable structure such that it can not be used by a computer program easily. Unstructured
data is not organised in a pre-defined manner or does not have a pre-defined data model, thus it
is not a good fit for a mainstream relational database.
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• Data can not be stored in the form of rows and columns as in Databases
• Data does not follows any semantic or rules
• Data lacks any particular format or sequence
• Data has no easily identifiable structure
• Due to lack of identifiable structure, it can not used by computer programs easily
• Web pages
• Images (JPEG, GIF, PNG, etc.)
• Videos
• Memos
• Reports
• Word documents and PowerPoint presentations
• Surveys
• It is difficult to store and manage unstructured data due to lack of schema and structure
• Indexing the data is difficult and error prone due to unclear structure and not having pre-
defined attributes. Due to which search results are not very accurate.
• Ensuring security to data is difficult task.
Q(7) Differentiated structured data, unstructured data and semi structured data[8m]
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Properties Structured data Semi-structured data Unstructured data
It is more flexible than It is more flexible
It is schema dependent
Flexibility structured data but less flexible and there is absence
and less flexible
than unstructured data of schema
It is very difficult to It’s scaling is simpler than
Scalability It is more scalable.
scale DB schema structured data
New technology, not very
Robustness Very robust —
Query Structured query allow Queries over anonymous nodes Only textual queries
performance complex joining are possible are possible
We can store unstructured data on-premise or in the cloud using a database, data warehouse, or
data lake.
While cloud storage does offer security, companies might prefer on-premise storage for highly
sensitive data.
Non-relational (NoSQL) databases have emerged as a convenient way of storing unstructured big
data. They are flexible, scalable, highly available, secure, and help to minimize the unstructured
data storage challenges. NoSQL databases make data management more efficient and cost-
A data lake is a central storage repository that stores data in its native format. It uses flat
architecture to store data, usually as object or file storage. Data lakes are vast and store any amount
of unstructured, structured, or semi-structured big data. They work on the schema-on-read
principle (i.e., do not have a predefined schema).
MongoDB Atlas Data Lake is a great solution that provides a single platform for your MongoDB
Atlas clusters and allows you to:
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• Structure the data stored in a data lake.
• Convert MongoDB data into Parquet, CSV, or other formats.
• Natively query, transform, and move data across AWS S3 and MongoDB Atlas clusters.
Data warehouse:
A data warehouse is a repository created for analytics and reporting purposes. It usually works on
a structured storage (schema-on-write), unlike data lakes. Data warehouses primarily store past
and current structured or semi-structured data, which is internal to the organization and available
in standard format. Data warehouses can be on-premise and cloud-based. Cloud data warehouses
reduce the cost, deployment process, and infrastructure needs, and can automatically scale based
on application needs.
A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse that stores operational data of a particular niche or line
of business.
Description: The authentication process always runs at the start of the application, before the
permission and throttling checks occur, and before any other code is allowed to proceed.
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There are several authentication types. For purposes of user identity, users are typically identified
with a user ID, and authentication occurs when the user provides credentials such as a password
that matches their user ID. The practice of requiring a user ID and password is known as single-
factor authentication (SFA). In recent years, companies have strengthened authentication by
asking for additional authentication factors, such as a unique code that is provided to a user over a
mobile device when a sign-on is attempted or a biometric signature, like a facial scan or
thumbprint. This is known as two-factor authentication (2FA).
Authentication factors can even go further than SFA, which requires a user ID and password, or
2FA, which requires a user ID, password and biometric signature. When three or more identity
verification factors are used for authentication -- for example, a user ID and password, biometric
signature and perhaps a personal question the user must answer -- it is called multifactor
authentication (MFA).
• 2FA. This type of authentication adds an extra layer of protection to the process by requiring
users to provide a second authentication factor in addition to the password. 2FA systems often
require the user to enter a verification code received via text message on a preregistered mobile
phone or mobile device, or a code generated by an authentication application.
• MFA. This type of authentication requires users to authenticate with more than one
authentication factor, including a biometric factor, such as a fingerprint or facial recognition;
a possession factor, like a security key fob; or a token generated by an authenticator app.
• Three-factor authentication. This type of MFA uses three authentication factors -- usually,
a knowledge factor, such as a password, combined with a possession factor, such as a security
token, and an inherence factor, such as a biometric.
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Biometrics. While some authentication systems depend solely on biometric identification,
biometrics are usually used as a second or third authentication factor. The more common types of
biometric authentication available include fingerprint scans, facial or retina scans, and voice
The terms authentication and authorization are often used interchangeably. While they are often
implemented together, they are two distinct functions. Authentication is the process of validating
the identity of a registered user or process before enabling access to protected networks and
systems. Authorization is a more granular process that validates that the authenticated user or
process has been granted permission to gain access to the specific resource that has been requested.
The process by which access to those resources is restricted to a certain number of users is
called access control. The authentication process always comes before the authorization process.
During authentication, credentials provided by the user are compared to those on file in a database
of authorized users' information either on the local operating system server or through
an authentication server. If the credentials entered match those on file and the authenticated entity
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is authorized to use the resource, the user is granted access. User permissions determine which
resources the user gains access to and also any other access rights that are linked to the user, such
as during which hours the user can access the resource and how much of the resource the user is
allowed to consume.
Authorization includes the process through which an administrator grants rights to authenticated
users, as well as the process of checking user account permissions to verify that the user has been
granted access to those resources. The privileges and preferences granted for an authorized account
depend on the user's permissions, which are either stored locally or on an authentication server.
The settings defined for all these environment variables are established by an administrator.
A framework provides the implementation of the basic infrastructure and a standard way to
implement these services. Executives and Services provide a fast way to deliver IoT products.
The IoT framework includes the capabilities to support the cloud and all the other needs that IoT
The IoT framework reduces the time it takes to create products that are generally Internet-enabled,
speeding up the development cycle. Which in turn shortens product deployment time and helps
drive innovation.
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Cloud Application – This is a software program in which local and cloud-based components work
together for faster and easier accessibility. It serves to improve our ability to use the system to its
fullest potential.
Open Source IoT Frameworks are ThingSpeak ,KAA IoT ,AWS IoT, IBM Bluemix, ZETTA etc
by using these frameworks we can design IOT products.
ThingSpeak: is an Internet of Things (IoT) framework that allows you to collect and store data in
a cloud and develop IoT applications.
Kaa IoT: is one of the most powerful and richest open-source Internet cloud platforms. Where
anyone has a free way to implement their intelligent product concepts.
AWS IoT :(Amazon Internet of Things) is an Amazon Web Services platform that collects and
analyzes data from devices and sensors connected to the Internet and connects that data to AWS
cloud applications.
IBM Bluemix: It allows organizations and developers to quickly and easily create, deploy, and
manage applications in the cloud.
Zetta: is an open-source IoT framework into which we can build APIs for device interaction.
Department of DataScience