The Invisible Enemy A Natural History of Viruses
The Invisible Enemy A Natural History of Viruses
The Invisible Enemy A Natural History of Viruses
Here is a compelling scientific account of viruses, their history, and the dangers they pose--now
and in the future. Viruses are disarmingly small and simple. Nevertheless, the smallpox virus killed
over 300 million people in the twentieth century before it was eradicated in 1980. The AIDS virus,
HIV, is now the world's biggest killer infection and the single most common cause of death in
Africa. In recent years, the outbreaks of several lethal viruses such as Ebola and Hantavirus have
caused great public concern--yet most people remain woefully ill-informed. In this fascinating new
book, Dorothy Crawford explains lucidly and accessibly all aspects of the natural history of these
deadly parasites and discusses controversial subjects such as CFS and Gulf War Syndrome. The
book considers issues such as how man has coped with viruses in the past, where new viruses
come from, and whether it would be possible for a new virus to wipe out the human race.
Professor Crawford illustrates her arguments with vivid and wide-ranging examples. The result is
an informative and highly readable book, which will be read by all those who seek a deeper
understanding of these minute but remarkably efficient killers.
Cancer Virus The Story of Epstein-Barr Virus, Dorothy H. Crawford, Alan Rickinson, IngГіlfur
Johannessen, 2014, Health & Fitness, 256 pages. This is the story of the discovery of the first
human cancer virus. Through intriguing accounts that include some remarkable characters and
individual stories from around the.
AIDS and HIV in Perspective A Guide to Understanding the Virus and Its Consequences, B. D.
Schoub, Jun 10, 1999, Health & Fitness, 274 pages. A new edition of this popular and informative
guide to understanding HIV and AIDS..
The Invisible Enemy II Vendetta, Anthony R. Howard, Jun 25, 2012, Fiction, . .
The Invisible Enemy , Marthe Jocelyn, Jun 5, 2009, Juvenile Fiction, 167 pages. Alyssa is mean,
sarcastic, and just plain no fun. Billie Stoner considers her to be an enemy and sometimes wishes
that Alyssa would just disappear. That’s exactly what happens.
Meningitis , Brian Shmaefsky, Hilary Babcock, 2010, Meningitis, 120 pages. Presents a look at the
different types of meningitis, including transmission, symptoms, treatment, and prevention..
No Germs Allowed! How to Avoid Infectious Diseases at Home and on the Road, Winkler G.
Weinberg, 2004, Health & Fitness, 309 pages. AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis, chickenpox, malaria,
Lyme disease, salmonella, strep throat-no matter where you go or where you live, you are at risk
from infectious disease.
Viruses: A Very Short Introduction , Dorothy H. Crawford, Jul 28, 2011, Medical, 176 pages.
Viruses are big news. From pandemics such as HIV, swine flu, and SARS, we are constantly being
bombarded with information about new lethal infections. In this Very Short.
Virus Hunt The search for the origin of HIV/AIDs, Dorothy H. Crawford, Jun 27, 2013, Science, 272
pages. Virus Hunt is a tale of scientific endeavour. Tracing the fascinating twenty year quest to find
the origin of the virus that causes AIDS, Dorothy H. Crawford takes us on a.
Veterinarians and what they do , John Perry, Jane Greverus Perry, 1964, Medical, 214 pages. .
Influenza , Donald Emmeluth, I. Edward Alcamo, Jan 1, 2009, Influenza, 129 pages. Learn more
about this common, contagious virus that is spread dangerously through the air..
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