English Literature
English Literature
English Literature
Literature is a science about the fiction, as a form of reflection and knowledge of life.
2. Periods of English Literature?
Periods of English Literature are: I) The Middle Ages. II) The Renaissance. III) English
Literature during the Bourgeois Revolution. IV) The Enlightenment. V) The Romantic
Movement. VI) Critical Realism in England. VII) The End of the 19th century. VIII) Modern
English at the beginning of the 20th century. IX) Modern English from 1930 until now.
3. Who were Britons?
The Britons were governed by a class of priests called the Druids, who had great power over
4. Roman invasions.
In the 1st century before our era Britain was conquered by Rome. The Romans were practical
men. They were greatly interested to learn from travellers that valuable metals were to be found
in Britain. Finally they decided to conquer under the command of Julius Caesar. Many things the
Romans taught the Britons such as building roads and bridges.
Towards the end of the 4th century the invasion of all of Europe by barbaric people compelled
the Romans to leave Britain for to defend their own country.
5. German invasions.
After the Roman invasion, Britain was conquered by German tribes called Angles, Saxons and
Jutes. They lived in the northern and central parts of Europe. They were pagans who believed in
many gods. The gods of the Anglo -Saxons were: Tuesco- god of Darkness, Woden- god of War,
Thor – Thunderer and Freia -goddes of Prosperity.
6. Who was the first King?
Britain became divided into 7 kingdom: Kent, Sussex, Essex, Wessex, Mercia, East Anglia and
They spoke in 4 dialects. Angles spoke in the Northumbrian dialect and the Mercian dialect.
Saxons spoke in the West – Saxon dialect. Jutes spoke in Kentish dialect.
The first King to rule over all of them was Egbert, king of Wessex.
7. What are the Runes?
Britons had letters, called runes which they carved on stone and wood.
Runes- are letters carved on stone and wood in the 5th century in Britain.
8. What are the famous saga, poem, ballad and romance in English literature?
Njál's Saga, or the Saga of Burnt Njál, is one of the most famous. In Old English (Anglo-Saxon),
Beowulf is a saga written in England, and written in a West Midlands dialect.
“King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table” is the famous romance was based on Celtic
legend. King Arthur was a historical character and the national hero of the Celts, was described
as an ideal feudal king.
One of the most popular ballad was about The Robin Hood, who was an outlaw. The Robin
Hood ballads consist of 40 seperate ballads, were written in the 14th and 15th centuries. Robin
Hood was the England’s favourite hero, lived in Sherwood Forest.
9. The best representatives of the Anglo-Saxon period.
Caedmon – lived in the 7th century. He was a shepherd at Whitby. He composed hymns and a
poem, the ‘Paraphrase’.
Cynewulf – was a monk who lived at the end of the 8th century. Two of his poems, ‘Elene’ and
‘Juliana’ are notable because they are the first Anglo-Saxon works to introduce women
Venerable Bede – was the greatest writer of the Anglo-Saxon period. He was brought up in the
monasteries of Northumbria. He wrote mostly in Latin. His famous book was The History of the
English Church.
Alfred the Great – was the king of England(Wessex) and a Latin scholar. He had travelled on the
continent and France. He drew up a code of law. He translated the Church history of Bede from
Latin into Anglo- Saxon. His famous work was ‘Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’.
10. Best representatives of Anglo-Norman period.