Ancient peoples of all types engaged in fighting,war, and hunting. Thus, each and every
civilization subscribed to a version of martial arts or combat all their
own. most
people think of Asia when
they hear the term martial arts. Along with this, around the
year 600 BC trade between
India and China flourished. Itis believed that
during this
time information regarding the Indian martial
arts was passed onto the Chinese and
vica versa.
Types of MartialArts
7. Kung Fu(Chinese martial arts): a number of fighting styles that have developed
over the centuries in China. There are common themes to the various styles
(which are usually classified by families, schools, or sects). Some styles include
physical exercises that mimic animal movements, while others are inspired by
Chinese philosophies, religions, and legends. Internal styles focus mainly on
harnessing of qi, while external styles concentrate on improving muscle and
cardiovascular fitness. Some of the more common styles include Eagle Claw,
Hung Gar, Five Animals (Shaolin Kung Fu), Monkey, Praying Mantis, and Wing
Chun. (Theterm kung fu is often used in the west to refer to Chinese martial arts,
howeverits original meaning refers to one's expertise in any skill, not just martial
8. MMA (Mixed Martial Arts): a full contact sport that allows a variety of fighting
styles to be used (including martial and non-martial arts techniques). Striking
and grappling techniques, either standing or on the ground,are allowed. The
early years of the sport saw a wide variety of traditional styles, but as the sport
evolved many styles were shown to be ineffective. It is now common for fighters
to train in multiple styles, creating a more balanced skill set.
9. Muay Thai: a martial art from Thailand which uses stand-up striking and clinching
techniques. It makes prominent use of punches, kicks, elbow strikes, and knee
strikes, using eight points of contact, in contrast to the hands and feet (four
contact points) more often relied upon in other martial arts. Numerous
techniques associated with Muay Thai can be found in MMA.
10. Tae Kwon Do(Taekwondo): the Korean art of self-defense, one of the
forms of martial arts (reaching back over 2,000 years), and the most
practiced martial art in the world. Training involves learning a
system of blocks,
kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes, as well as varying forms of take
downs,throws, and joint locks, all of which develop
strength, speed, balance,
flexibility, and stamina. Taekwondo is known for its
emphasis on kicking
techniques, as compared to other martial arts such as karate. In
addition to self
defense training, students learn prearranged sequences of techniques
formsor poomsae (known in other martial arts as kata). Tae known as
kwon do and judo
are the only two martial arts included in
the OlympicGames.
What is Karate?
1. Makiwara
The main purpose of the Makiwara is to provide a hittable target and to condition
the striking area. Having a hittable target obviously improves your aim and also if
your hitting something your hands start to get used to the pain.Unlike if you were to
hit the air all the time.
2. Jari Bako
This is amore simple piece of equipment, in a nutshell it's sand in a bucket. It's
not really a traditional karate trainingequipment as a lotof okinawa martial artists used
Though non the less traditional karate practitioners still used this exercise
this exercise.
to improvethere gripping powerand forearm strength.
3. Chi Ishi
The Chi Ishi is simply a stone attached to a piece of wood. This piece
equipment was used as a way to develop upper body strength. If your interested to know
how it was used to develop upper body strength, here's a video by a great martial artist.
Explaining how the chi ishi works, while showing us someChi Ishi
exercise drills
4. Kongoken
1. Upperbody strength
2. Core
3. Lower body strength
s. Makiage Kigu
Essentially the Makiage Kigu is, simply apiece of wood with a string attached to a
weight. The person using the makiage kigu holds the wooden rod in front of him, while
rotating the wooden piece so that the weight would start to come up. The purpose of
this exercise is to increasethe strength of your wrists.
6. Nigiri Game
The Nigiri Game is essentially just a traditional ceramic jar. The exercise was to
hold the jar by the lid and than do different types of exerciseswile holding the ceramic
When the exercise became easy, one would put sand in the jar to increase the
amount of resistance the jar posses. This obviously makes the exercise harder therefore
developing even bigger muscles.
7. Taketaba
nother classical piece of equipment that was used by older
karate practitioners.
The taketaba was basically a bunch of bamboo sticks placed
together in a fashion that
was not to tight nor to lose.
(Japanese Pronunciation)
tsutomu beshi
Hitotsu. Jinkaku kansei ni
We shall endeavor tobuild
Hitotsu. Kekki no yu
o imashimubeshi
We shall be wary offoolishness