Solid waste also known as dry refuse includes house refuse, trade
refuse and street refuse, and are practically in dry state. Sometimes it is
also referred as all the solid and semi-solid waste matters except night
soil. The refuse may be broadly divided into two types:
1. Organic or Combustible matters: It includes dry animal and
vegetable refuse, cow-dung, excreta of birds, tree leaves, sticks, plastic
bottles, paper wastes, rags, etc. These waste subject to decay with time
and evolve offensive odour and gases which are highly detrimental to
health. These wastes can be burnt to ashes.
2. Inorganic or mineral or non-combustible matters: This consists
of non-combustible materials such as grits, dust, mud, metal pieces,
metal containers, broken glass and crockery, tiles, waste building
material. These do not decay and are therefore not harmful to public
health. They do not get burnt as easily as organic matters.
The organic matter of the refuse is very offensive and creates health
problems. It also breeds flies and other pathogens which can cause
various diseases like diphtheria, typhoid, diarrhea, etc. to spread on the
locality. Thus, the refuse should be removed from the community as
soon as possible.
The frequency of collection of solid waste depends upon the quantity of
the refuse and the season. Generally, refuse is collected in individual
houses in small containers or cans kept inside or outside the premises of
the house, from where it is removed daily by sweepers. Sometimes public
dustbins are provided by the municipalities/local authorities at convenient
places. Dry refuse fallen on the public streets and roads, along with road
sweepings, are usually collected once or twice a day by the sweepers
employed by the local authority. The containers or cans used for the
refuse collection should be clean, without any dirt left in, otherwise fresh
refuse gets seeded with the putrefactive organisms and start giving foul
The frequency of refuse collection is kept such that the refuse may not
start giving nuisance by odour and fly breeding. During summer, it should
be collected twice a day, whereas in cold season it should be collected at
least once a day. The collection of refuse from business areas should be
done in non-working hours, preferably at nights whereas in case of
residential areas it may be done in day times to avoid noise, nuisance and
difficulty in the location of refuse bins. The refuse is collected in closed
trucks, tractors, etc. and taken out of the town for disposal. The body of
vehicles used for the collection and transportation of refuse should be
water tight so that while transporting, the liquid in the refuse may not leak
on the road and create nuisance.