BLIS Form Fillup Circular Dec 23
BLIS Form Fillup Circular Dec 23
BLIS Form Fillup Circular Dec 23
All learners concerned are hereby informed that we are going to start examination form submission through
ontine for Bachelor of Library & lnformation Science (BLIS) Term-End Examination,
December-2O23 which will be conducted throuqh offline mode in traditional method (i.e. pen paper
mode). Learners are requested to follow the NSOU Website, regularly.
The system of online submission of Assignment through MCQ method has already been introduced.
This year also the same system will be followed. All eligible learners have to submit their assignment
paper/s through the online system. lf the assignment marks have been submitted by the study
centres concerned earlier or assignment submitted by the learners through online last year, then.
learners need not have to submit the same paper/s once again and they may submit filled-in
examination form for the Term-End Theory & Practical paper/s. lt may please be noted that Bachelor
of Library & lnformation Science (BLIS) Term-End Examination, December-2023 will be conducted
throuqh offline mode in traditional method (i.e. pen paper mode), hence no candidates will be allowed
to submit assignment which are not mentioned in the filled-in Examination form and since
submission of assignment paper/s is mandatory, consequently candidates are not allowed to appear
in the Term-End Examinations without submitting the assignment paper/s,
It should be noted that during the submission of filled-in Examination Form, learners have to put their
OWN MOBILE NUMBERS as their Alternative Mobile Number. Since during the period of course of
study, all important information like OTP, SMS etc. will be sent to the Registered Mobile Number or
Alternative Mobile Number (AADHAR Card link own Mobile Number), hence without permission of the
Department of Controller of Examinations learners can neither change their Registered Mobile
Number nor their Alternative Mobile Number.
Rs. l50/- Rs. 100/- Rs. 300^ Rs. 100/- Rs. 30/-
[N.B.: The Candidate has to bear online transaction charges (if any) along with the Examination fees.]
G:\lBM RAc(-sERvER BACK uP As oN 17_04_2023\Att_DocuMENTs\clRcurAR\BLts_ FoRM Fttt up crRcurAR rE_Dec- Page 1 of 3
Nnrap Sunuas OprN UrurvrRsrry
'M- 13{1, Meghnad Saha Saraniftlka tu_2oo on
. l:24$54936: Website :
Examination Form submission portaiili il;';il;"#ffii#,lt"",."rinrtion
will be opened on
'*010!l&,Q?,4 ar 2:00 p.M. at www.pcdpca!.com and wil be ctosed on ii at 2:00
P.M, The BLIS learner concerned are requested
to follow the under guideline for
submission of the daid forms.
Fees submission through Debit/ credit card / rnternet banking wi, be opened
on 1,g/01dg0fi4 at
2:00 P.M' & wifl be crosed on 1zro1tzo24
at 2:00 p.M. Learners are requested to print
payment detairs 'chalran' for future reference.
However, the possibirityof the rink getting
disconnected after successfur payment of
Examination fees, in which case the
onrine payment
Receipt cannot be generated instantaneousry.
rf this occurs, prease do not attempt
to pay the
Examination fees again immediatery and
wait for 1(one) working day by when the
receipt may
normally get generated.
1. VtstT:
2. slGN-uP: Learners are to Login Using Enrolment
Number and Date of Birth.
lf both are provided correcfly, the student,s
Name appears on the screen,
Hit SUBMIT to proceed for Form Fill up.
3. suBMlr: Fiil up the Form by Tick M marking the subject to appear. At reast
one subject is to
be selected' suBMrr the Form after checking
carefulry, updating your mobire number (if
changed) and Renewar Fees paid option.
once submitted, subjecupaper cannot be
1) lt should be noted that duing the submission of filled-in Examination Form, learners have to put their OWN
MOBILE NUMBERS as Registered Mobile Number and Alternative Mobite Number. Since durin!1the period of
course of study, all impoftant information like OfP, S,ttS etc. wilt be sent to any of these M;bite itumbers,
hence without permission of the Department of Controller of Examinations learners can neither change their
Registered Mobile Number nor their Alternative Mobile Number,
2) Candidates are requested not to share any information, which has been written on the Enrolment Ceftificate
cum ldentity Card.
3) Without Submission of fi ed-in Examination form, No Candidate will be Altowed to Appear in Assignment
Submrbsion & Term-End Examination -
Hope, you will enjoy the system. Your co-operation will be highly appreciated.
Thanking you,
Prepared tr,@o*f lgrrrs sincgrgly,
Controller of Examinations
2) Submission of Assignrfient is the pre-condition ,or appearing in Term End Examination.
Copy to: 1. E.S. to Hon'ble V,C. - fot inlormation please.
2. The Director (yC), Study Centres, NSOU
3. The Director (I/C), Profe6sional Studies, NSOU
G:\lBM R1C(-SERVER BACK UP As oN 17-04-2023\ALL-DoCUMENTs\CtncuLnC\gtts- ronu HtL Up C|RCuTAR TE-Dec- 2o23.doc Page 3 of 3