DR Nasir
DR Nasir
DR Nasir
Training teachers in special education effectively is essential for providing quality education to
students with diverse needs. This research examines both pre-service and in-service teacher
training programs in special education, identifying key problems and suggesting improvements.
the study aims to provide a clear picture of what works and what doesn’t in these programs. The
results highlight the need for more hands-on training, ongoing professional development, and
better resources. The study offers recommendations to help improve teacher preparation and
student success in special education.
Special Education, Teacher Training, Professional Development, Inclusive Education,
Educational Resources, Teaching Strategies, Student Outcomes
Teacher learning or training is a continuous never-ending process which promotes teacher’s
teaching skills, master novel knowledge; develop better or newer proficiency, which in return
assists in improving student’s learning.Historically, in early 20th century, Special Education
began with focus on segregating students with disabilities from general education settings. The
training for teachers was minimal and often informal. In Mid-20th century, After world War ||,
there was growing recognition of the rights of individuals with disabilities, leading to the
development of more structured special education programs. Training programs for special
education teacher began to be established in universities focusing on specific disabilities such as
intellectual disabilities, visual impairments, and hearing impairments.Act of Education for All
Handicapped Children Act (1975) was issued.This landmark legislation, now known as the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), mandated free and appropriate public
education for all children with disabilities. It significantly influenced teacher training by
requiring schools to provide special education services and ensuring that teachers were
adequately trained to meet these requirements.Act of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act
(2001)was issued. This act emphasized accountability and high standards for all students,
including those with disabilities. It required special education teachers to be “highly qualified” in
their subject areas, leading to changes in teacher preparation programs.Act of Every Student
Succeeds Act (ESSA) (2015) was issued.Replacing NCLB, ESSA continued the focus on
accountability while providing more flexibility to states. It reinforced the need for well-prepared
special education teachers and ongoing professional development.
Special Education Teacher Training is one of the most important courses for teachers for children
with special needs which aims at preparing professional teachers equipped with requisite skills,
knowledge, and resources to handle children with learning disabilities. It makes the participants
to be equipped with knowledge of how to foster an environment of learners with disability.
Training teachers in special needs education prepares educators to help students learn effectively
through mastering unique skills and knowledge. It includes understanding diversities of
disability, how one applies specific methods of teaching, how one creates more diverse
environment and working with other stake holders. This training makes it possible for educators
to be in a position to take care of all the complexities and being in a position to take care of the
difficulties of all the students they meet, thus being in a position to make education equal for all
students. More and more, teachers find themselves in classrooms with children with disabilities;
thus they should be in a position to understand the impact and learning opportunities offered by
the disabled students. This training is not your average teacher training course, where the main
concepts that are taught share how to teach a student with a disability, instead, this training dives
deep into the various intricacies of different disabilities, how to create and integrate IEPs into the
classroom, and how to promote inclusion in a classroom that has a student with a disability
present, as well as the use of teaching strategies. Thus, teachers develop through professional
experience and continue their growth and transform into activists for the necessity of integration
of all children to school and to provide opportunities for learning for those children who need
such opportunities. The course work highlights that there are risks as well as benefits of teacher
training in special education . Especially in the case of students with disabilities, not only does an
educator explain lessons in their subject but also has to resolve various needs. Teachers training
are also divided in to two categories pre-service training and in-service training . Pre-service
teacher training varies widely from country to country, yet components which appear in most
initial training programmes include subject content; pedagogic content knowledge; education
studies; and teaching practice (Lewin, 2004).In-service teachers training is the process by which
teachers engage in further education or training to refresh or upgrade their professional
knowledge, skills and practices in the course of their employment.(UNESCO,2019)
Through an analysis of statewide data, we’ve scrutinized the impact of both pre-service and in-
service training on teachers’ ability to enhance academic achievement for students with
disabilities. Our findings reveal that students with disabilities, when taught by special education
certified teachers, demonstrate greater achievement in math and reading compared to peers with
non-special education certified teachers. However, non-disabled students under special education
certified teachers show slightly lower achievement. Interestingly, in-service professional
development doesn’t affect the value-added of special education teachers, but non-disabled
students taught by regular education teachers with special education training exhibit slightly
higher achievement.(F.Li, 2013)
The study conducted interviews with 10 teachers who recently underwent special education
training, revealing their frustration over the lack of preparation for accommodating students with
learning disabilities in mainstream classes. Significantly, interviewees noted a positive shift in
attitudes and improved ability to implement inclusion strategies after completing their special
education coursework. These findings underscore the necessity of training all teachers, not just
special education instructors, in mainstream frameworks to effectively address diverse student
needs. The study concludes that inclusive education courses should be integrated into all teacher
education programs to ensure that educators are adequately equipped to support students with
disabilities in regular classrooms.(C.Orly, 2021)
Objectives of the study:
- Evaluate the current state of teachers training programs.
- Identify main challenges faced by special education teachers
- Differentiate between in-service teachers training and pre-service teachers training
- Assess the impact of teachers training student outcome
Research Questions:
-What are the current practices in teachers training for special education?
-What challenges do special education teachers face during and after training?
-What are the core differences between In-service and pre-service Teacher Training?
-How does the Quality of ig teachers training program affects student outcome in special
The central hypothesis of this study is that effective and comprehensive pre-service and in-
service teacher training programs in special education positively impact the teaching efficacy of
educators and the learning outcomes of students with special needs. This hypothesis is grounded
in the belief that well-prepared teachers are better able to implement individualized instructional
strategies, manage diverse classroom dynamics, and utilize specialized resources effectively.
Training for teachers in special education is a worthy investment in the learning process for
students with various learning capabilities. This is a learning process that enhances the capacity
of educators to adopt new ways of teaching that enables students to change for the better by
practically adopting principle of equity and justice. During the course of their study, emphasis is
placed on training Pre-service and In-service . Pre-service teacher training is defined as the
process of preparing teachers for practice through courses and training undertaken prior to their
entry into teaching profession. This training, which is most of the times offered in universities,
colleges or teacher training institution prepares these pre-service teachers on the content, process,
knowledge and practice that can enable them to support or facilite the learning of the students.In-
service teachers refers to the training and support for teachers in their working career in schools.
This training is intended to build on the teachers’ already developed expertise, update them on
current practice and to provide for matters that may be specific to the teachers and their learners
that they experience in the classroom.in-service training helps them to progress through a
continuum of learning to enhancement throughout their teaching career for the improved overall
delivery of education to students.These Teachers to become knowledgeable on various
disabilities, learning modes, as well as behavior modification strategies so as to be in a position
to deliver lessons that have been tailored to meet the individual learning needs of the students
and create an appealing and motivating learning environment.Obtaining the knowledge related to
teaching kids with disabilities helps to become an agent of change, opening door to the Nobody
Constellation for the teachers and students. In addition, experienced teachers are able to assess
requirements of the child- people with learning disabilities and offer individual accommodations
to them as well as open doors for their education, employment, and life.
Teachers training in special education has encompass the range of current practices that include:
The principles of inclusion, Differentiated instruction, and Collaboration. Teacher education
programmes have shifted goals to prepare teachers for differentiated classroom practice for
students with disabilities, educational methods to accommodate students in the classroom, and
how to apply technologies into the classrooms to support students with disabilities. It is expected
that extra care be taken and the teacher cooperate with special education professional, families,
and other stakeholders to create a total support system. Comprehensive analysis is also provided
for data-driven instruction and cultural sensitivity so that the teachers may make effective
decisions for their students. In addition, a trauma-sensitive approach and the principles of (UDL)
are also incorporated into professional development to equip teachers with the knowledge of how
to plan and develop lessons that would address the needs of all the students in a classroom. Other
important areas presented also include Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS),
education to create positive learning climate and to work on behavioral concerns. In the current
society, the professional development is highly valued as it helps teachers in special education to
be in touch with the latest development.while current practices in Pakistan for training the
teachers in special education remains quite clipped and formally insufficient. As it has been
mentioned before, there is the lack of adequate training curriculum which would enable teachers
to effectively address students with different learning styles and needs. Though there is much
emphasis placed on the concept of inclusion, the country still has a scarcity of trainers who can
help support the idea properly. It also remains a challenge to get an education to children with
disabilities, however; few parents, teachers, and others in the society have little or no information
about disabled children. Sadly, disabilities are only considered as a curse, and to this date, having
schools for children with specific categories of disabilities is normal. While there are some
fledging attempts towards the implementation of integrated education for children with
disabilities has been started, discriminating attitude of the society, inaccessible schools, and non-
availability of support structures prove to be bottle-necks to the cause. To enhance achievements
of these challenges, an importance of a strong and efficient training in teachers on special
education, with an emphasis on, inclusive teaching, means, and craft, and technology comes into
existence. By increasing the number of hours teachers spend with the students, they will be in a
position to foster a sense of affiliation which ought to embrace all the leaning capacities that a
number of students posses.
The core difference between pre-service and In-service teachers training. Pre-service training
usually takes place in teacher preparation institutions where upcoming educators go for initial
training and acquisition of the fundamental teaching competencies. It is done with the intention
of developing a system that emphasizes on teaching techniques, disciplinary actions in
classrooms and content knowledge. On the other hand, in-service training is provided to
practicing teachers, whose purpose is to improve on the existing skill set, among other things,
support teachers’ professional development by updating them on information that they may
require in practice. While, pre-service trainings provide for the trainee what the actual profession
is likely to be like in future, in-service trainings facilitate the long term process of improving the
competency of the teachers. The major difference used here revolves around the timing of the
training; the pre-service training happens before one join the teaching profession whilst the in-
service training happens while a teacher is practicing the trade.
Challenges that face special education teachers during and after training include: Inadequate
preparation to meet the learning needs of children, lacking resources and support, high
productivity demands and limited decision-making power. Factors that may affect learning
include; outdated curriculum, limited field practicals, and lack of proper supervision/mentorship
during training. Teachers can enter a class having trained to find themselves faced with a heavy
teacher workload, large teacher caseload, and limited interdependent collaboration with general
education teachers. Furthermore, they can meet the lack of communication, no support from the
administrative staff, as well as the absence of chances for promotion or other career
advancements. In addition, they may have issues of handling students with special needs,
including emotional, social and psychological challenges, and this causes them to be
overwhelmed or become a victim of compassion fatigue. Furthermore, it may meet resistance for
integration from teaching staffs, parents, and school directors, so practical application of
integration is challenging. Finally, the candidates, when in service, may be subjected to job
insecurity and a relatively low wage with poor prospects for promotion, thus serving high
attrition rates and tight supply of special educationproperers.
The quality of the training programs offered to teachers is one important determinant of the
performance of students in special education. Effective training prepares teachers with the right
knowledge, skills and capacity to address special learner needs and promote a higher learning
achievement, positive behavior, and integration of students with disabilities and other special
needs in the school system. Teachers who have received proper training can develop the right
approach when teaching, support positive learning behavior and therefore; they are able to
achieve improved performance, positive student behavior and transitions. Further, effective
training assists the teachers to increase on the overall self-esteem as well as confidence of the
students to possess a positive self-image. Instead, when students do not receive proper
preparation, both academically and behaviorally, they fail to thrive in school, behavior is not
managed appropriately, and students are not integrated in the classroom as effectively as they
could be. Hence, supporting and enhancing the quality of teachers’ training is crucial in order to
provide children with learning disabilities with proper assistance, making them achieve success
and cope with the future challenges. When properly addressing the concerns that hinder the
effectiveness of special education in meeting the needs of learners, the strategies outlined above
will ensure that student outcomes are improved through the enhanced quality of teachers and
teaching practices.focused teacher training will enable teachers to positively influence the lives
of the learners as they deliver quality special education.
The study aimed to assess the impact of a 6-month in-service training program on educators’
educational practices, focusing on improving teaching skills and integrating effective strategies
for students with special educational needs. The program involved training both general and
special education teachers in pairs, aiming to bridge the gap between the two domains in daily
instructional practices. Thirty educators, organized into 15 pairs, participated in the program,
working together in inclusive schools to support students with learning difficulties. Using a pre
and post evaluation design, the study found a positive impact on educators’ self-efficacy and
effectiveness in collaborative interventions for their students.( T. Sotiria, 2015)
The systematic literature review focused on interventions supporting families of children with
intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) in the special education process, particularly
examining the cultural responsiveness of parent programs for Latino families. Out of 21 studies
identified, 12 unique interventions were found. The findings indicated that parent program
interventions could positively impact knowledge, advocacy, and empowerment, but there’s
limited information on improving access to services. Most interventions followed a train-the-
trainer model and cohort program approach, but they lacked proportional inclusion of Latino
individuals or basic efforts to involve them. This review underscores the need for more culturally
responsive interventions and highlights implications for both research and practice in supporting
Latino families in the special education process for children with IDD.(R.Kristina, (2021)