Jurnal Ok Ratna
Jurnal Ok Ratna
Jurnal Ok Ratna
: 1773-1793
The transfer of land rights is the transfer of land rights from the old right holder to the new right
holder according to the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. Land law in Indonesia
requires the transfer of land rights to be carried out before the Land Deed Official (PPAT), because
basically buying and selling land must meet clear and cash requirements. Government Regulation
Number 24 of 1997 Concerning Land Registration in Article 37 paragraph (1) states that
"Transfers of land rights and ownership rights to apartment units through buying and selling,
exchange, grants, entry into the company and other legal actions for transferring rights, except for
transfers of rights through auctions, can only be registered if proven by a deed drawn up by the
PPAT who is authorized according to the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations." This
is what happened in the decision of the Batulicin District CourtNumber: 68/Pdt.G/2021/PN Btn,
where the sale and purchase is carried out underhanded and when registration is desired, the
whereabouts of the seller cannot be identified, so the sale and purchase cannot be transferred and
registered, because one of the requirements for land registration is there is a deedauthentic which
proves that it is true that a legal act of sale and purchase has taken place, so that the making of the
sale and purchase deed is hampered. The problem that the author raises in this study is how is the
verstek decision that has been inkracht regarding the Registration of Transfer of Land Rights and
what is the validity of the making of the Deed of Sale and Purchase (AJB) by PPAT based on the
verstek decision? The results in this study are that decisions that have permanent legal force can
be enforced, where decisions have binding legal force (binding force), strength of proof (Proving
Power) and powerExecutorial (Executorial Force). So the deed can be said to be valid because
until now, no party feels that they have been harmed, or that there has been a lawsuit filed against
the PPAT concerned regarding the confusion over the existence of the deed.
Kata Kunci: transfer of rights, verstek decision, validity of sale and purchase deed.
Government Regulation of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 24 of 1997 concerningLand
Ratna Khairani, Rahmida Erliyani, Anang Shophan Tornado
Verstek Decision Power On Under-Hands Selling Which The Seller Doesn't Exist ……………….….(Hal 1773-1793)
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 10 (4) (2023): 1773-1793
3 4
DaughterListen Hermawan, Mohamad Fajri Ibid, matter. 416.
Mekka Putra,On. Cit, p. 417.
Ratna Khairani, Rahmida Erliyani, Anang Shophan Tornado
Verstek Decision Power On Under-Hands Selling Which The Seller Doesn't Exist ……………….….(Hal 1773-1793)
Code of Civil law, On. Cit, matter. 363.
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 10 (4) (2023): 1773-1793
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 10 (4) (2023): 1773-1793
6 8
M. Yahya Harahap,Place. how. Place. Cit.
Law Number 48Tahun 2009
AboutJudiciary,matter. 6.
Ratna Khairani, Rahmida Erliyani, Anang Shophan Tornado
Verstek Decision Power On Under-Hands Selling Which The Seller Doesn't Exist ……………….….(Hal 1773-1793)
9 10
DaughterListen Hermawan, Mohamad Ibid., p. 435
Fajri Mekka Putra,On. Cit, p. 424.
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 10 (4) (2023): 1773-1793
M. Yahya Harahap,On. Cit, matter.
Ratna Khairani, Rahmida Erliyani, Anang Shophan Tornado
Verstek Decision Power On Under-Hands Selling Which The Seller Doesn't Exist ……………….….(Hal 1773-1793)
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 10 (4) (2023): 1773-1793
stating the sale and purchase and Plaintiff's claim entirely in relation to the
transfer of land rights. from the seller to fact that the whereabouts of the
the buyer in this case from the Defendant Defendant (the seller of the land) are no
to the Plaintiff. In addition to the longer known has the implication that
decision, the decision is added with a the transfer of land rights that occurred
certificate with permanent legal force without a Sale and Purchase Deed along
which is used as the basis for the transfer with the registration of the transfer of
and registration of the transfer of rights rights at the Regency/City Land Office is
over the land. This means that the panel legal and provides legal certainty and
of judges should not only focus on protection law for society. This is
statutory regulations but also consider because it is based on the
jurisprudence because basically they verdictversteaksaid, the sale and
have to fulfill the sense of justice that purchase process that took place even
lives in society. without the Sale and Purchase Deed was
One way that can be taken by the declared valid as a sale and purchase by
Plaintiff is to use the provisions of Article the Plaintiff/The buyer is declared
37 paragraph (2) Government legally as the owner of the land and can
Regulation Number 24 of 1997 transfer the name/transfer of land rights
concerning Land Registration, it is stated without a PPAT deed as long as the
in the article that under certain judge's decision is binding, clear and
circumstances as determined by the firm. This is in accordance with Article 55
Minister of the Head of the Land Office of Government Regulation Number 24 of
can register the transfer of rights over 1997 concerning Land Registration
land freehold land, which is carried out which explains that changes to land
between individual Indonesian citizens registration data can be made based on
as evidenced by a deed not drawn up by court decisions or orders. However, in
the PPAT, but which according to the reality the local Regency/Municipal Land
Head of the Land Office is deemed Office still requests a Sale and Purchase
sufficient to register the transfer of the Deed made by the local PPAT, this
title in question. However, in reality the indicates that the understanding of
provisions used are still based on Article Government Regulation Number 24 of
37 paragraph (1) Government 1997 concerning Land Registration in
Regulation Number 24 of 1997 article 37 paragraph (2) can become a
concerning Land Registration, it is stated legal basis and is further emphasized in
in that article that the transfer of land Article 55 paragraph (1) is still not
rights and ownership rights to apartment understood, causing legal confusion.
units through buying and selling, Based on the provisions of this
exchange, income grants in companies paragraph, the Plaintiff must appear
and other legal actions of transferring before the PPAT with the Decision of the
rights, except for transferring rights Batulicin District Court Number
through auctions, can only be registered, 68/Pdt.G/2021/Pn Bln as a basis stating
if proven by a deed drawn up by the that the sale and purchase and
authorized PPAT according to the ownership of land is legally owned by the
provisions of the applicable laws and Plaintiff and as the attorney in signing
regulations. the Sale and Purchase Deed in PPAT.
From the explanation above, it Thus, the Plaintiff here still gets legal
can be concluded that the registration of protection while still obtaining legal
the transfer of land rights is based on a certainty over the ownership of his land
decisionversonlywhich has permanent rights.
legal force(in force)which granted the
Ratna Khairani, Rahmida Erliyani, Anang Shophan Tornado
Verstek Decision Power On Under-Hands Selling Which The Seller Doesn't Exist ……………….….(Hal 1773-1793)
b. The legality of making the The one who has the right to
Deed of Sale and Purchase sell a piece of land is of course
(AJB) by the PPAT is based the legal holder of the right to
on the verstek decision the land, who is called the
Since the enactment of PP No. 10 owner. If the owner of a plot
of 1961 regarding Land Registration, the of land is only one person,
sale and purchase of land is carried out then he has the right to sell
by the parties in front of PPAT who are in the land himself. However, if
charge of making the deed.15 the owner of the land is two
The deed of sale and purchase people, then the right to sell
made and signed before the Land Deed the land is the two people
Making Officer (PPAT) proves that a legal together. Can't be just one
action has been taken to transfer rights person acting as a seller.16
over a land accompanied by payment of a
price, and proves that the recipient of the 3) The land title in question may
rights or the buyer has become the new be traded and is not in
right holder by having evidence from dispute.
ownership of the land. Regarding what lands that
There are two conditions for can be traded have been
buying and selling land, namely: determined in the BAL,
1. Material requirements, namely:
which will determine the validity of the a) Property Rights (Article
sale and purchase of land, include: 20)
1) The buyer has the right to buy b) Cultivation Rights (Article
the land in question. 28)
The point is that the buyer as c) Building use rights (Article
the recipient of the right must 35)
meet the requirements to d) Right of Use (Article 41)
own the land he is going to
buy. To determine whether or If one of these material
not the buyer has the right to conditions is not met, it means that the
the land he bought depends seller is not a person entitled to the land
on what rights exist in the he is selling or the buyer does not meet
land, whether ownership the requirements to become the owner of
rights, usufructuary rights, the land rights, or the land being traded
building use rights, or is in dispute or is land that cannot be
usufructuary rights. Based on traded. , then the sale and purchase of
Article 21 of the UUPA, only land is invalid. Sale and purchase of land
single Indonesian citizens and carried out by unauthorized persons is
legal entities stipulated by the null and void. This means that from the
government can own land. beginning the law considered that there
had never been a sale or purchase.
2) The seller has the right to sell
the land in question.
15 16
Adrian Sutedi. 2007.Transfer of Land Effendi Warin. 1994.Land Sale and
Rights and its Registration, Jakarta : Sinar Graphics, Purchase Practices, Jakarta : Raja Grafindo
p., 77 Persada, p.2
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 10 (4) (2023): 1773-1793
The authority of the Land Deed into.in front the authorized official, in
Making Officer (PPAT) in the process of this case the PPAT, because the Land
buying and selling land is known that the Deed Making Officer (PPAT) has the
Land Deed Making Officer (PPAT) has the authority to make an authentic deed in
main task of carrying out some of the the land sector.
land registration activities by making The PPAT deed as strong
deeds as evidence that certain legal authentic evidence is required to comply
actions have been carried out regarding with the procedures regulated in the
land rights or ownership rights over Flat applicable laws and regulations. A deed
Units , which will be used as the basis for can be said to be a deedauthentic, when
the registration of changes in land the following factors are met:
registration data resulting from the said a. The form of the deed is in
legal action. accordance with the
Whereas in a land sale and provisions of the law;
purchase agreement the role of the PPAT b. The Act was made by or
is to participate in the land sale and before a public officer;
purchase agreement as an intermediary c. The deed was made within
as well as a witness to the sale and the jurisdiction of the public
purchase agreement carried out by the official who made the
parties who then prove it by making a deedauthentic That.
Sale and Purchase Deed (AJB), before
making a Sale and Purchase Deed (AJB) PPAT Act as an actauthentic has
first PPAT examines certificates of land the following functions:
rights by submitting an application, a. formal function (causal
received at the counter at the Office of the formality), which means that
National Land Agency (BPN), conducts in order to be complete or
inspection of land certificates, then perfect (not for legality) a
provides proof of inspection and takes legal action, a deed must be
the results of the inspection at the office made, here the deed is a
of the National Land Agency (BPN), formal requirement for the
besides that the authority The PPAT in existence of a legal action;
the process of buying and selling land is b. Evidence function
carrying out the main task, namely that a (probations cause), that the
PPAT has the authority to make a deed was made intentionally
deedauthentic regarding all legal actions from the beginning for
regarding land rights and property rights proofin later day, the written
over flats located within their working nature of an agreement in the
area. form of a deed does not make
Land Deed Making Officer the agreement valid, but only
(PPAT) who is a partner of BPN in the so that it can be used as
land sector. The legal consequences of evidencein later day. A deed
buying and selling land carried out basically has a variety of
before the Land Deed Official (PPAT) functions in relation to legal
Certainty, order, and legal protection actions, among others, the
require that the flow of law in people's function of determining the
lives requires evidence that clearly validity or conditions of
determines the obligations and rights of formation and function as
a person as a legal subject in society, as evidence.
well as in the case of a land sale and
purchase agreement must be entered
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 10 (4) (2023): 1773-1793
ACTA DIURNAL Journal of Notary Law
Volume 3, Number 1, December 2019 ISSN: 2614-
3542 EISSN: 2614-3550.
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 10 (4) (2023): 1773-1793
Deed requires legal responsibility for the between the parties with the substance
deed made. That is why the PPAT must of ratifying the signatures of the parties
follow the procedures stipulated by law carrying out legal actions and
and various government regulations guaranteeing the certainty of the date of
related to the transfer of ownership of signing the deed.
land and land registration. All of these Where is the problem that the
procedures must be followed so that the author raises, that it is clear that the
deed of transfer of rights made by the court's decision states that "this decision
PPAT is legal. can be used for the process of
Making a deed that is not in transferring namescertificate ownership
accordance with the procedures for right number 1758 which is still written
making a PPAT deed can pose a risk to in the name of Arifin Bin Mahlan becomes
the certainty of land rights that arise or in the name of the Plaintiff at the Land
are recorded on the basis of the deed. Agency office of Tanah Bumbu Regency.
As emphasized in Article 6 But onin fact from the office of the local
paragraph (2) PP No. 24 of 1997 namely: land agency, they are still asking for a
"In carrying out land registration, the Sale and Purchase Deed to be made by
Head of the Land Office is assisted by a the PPAT. In which the Buyer (Plaintiff)
Land Deed Official (PPAT) and other Acts in Two Positions acting for and on
officials assigned to carry out certain behalf of the Defendants as the Seller as
activities according to this government well as the Plaintiff acting for and on his
regulation and the relevant laws and own behalf as the buyer to sign the Sale
regulations." The word "assisted" in and Purchase Deed before the Land Deed
Article 6 Paragraph (2) of Government Making Officer in Batulicin for the
Regulation No. 24 of 1997 here does not transfer of rights over a plot of land and
mean that the Official for Making Land a house building on it which is located on
Deeds is a subordinate of the RTR Provincial Road. 003RW. I Sinar
Regency/City Land Office who can be Bulan Village, Satui District, Tanah
ordered by him, but the Official for Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan
Making Land Deeds has independence in Province "The legal settlement that can
carrying out his duties. and authority. be carried out so that a sale and purchase
Duties and Authorities of PPAT that has been carried out without a PPAT
Land Deed Officials in carrying out their sale and purchase deed can be registered
duties must be independent and at the Land Office is to make a Sale and
impartial to one of the parties. Whereas Purchase Deed before the authorized
the position of PPAT is an independent PPAT, and with the deed of sale and
profession, namely having the function of purchase made before/by the PPAT, the
being a general official who, based on deed of sale and purchase can be
statutory regulations, has authority from registered at the Land Office, and since
the government through the State the deed of sale and purchase is
Minister for Agrarian Affairs/Head of the registered, the buyer has a definite
National Land Agency to make deed of position before the law as the legal
transfer of rights and imposition of owner of the land and building both
Mortgage on land which is evidence legally and physically and legally.
thatauthentic, has duties asrecording of Then later what appears in the
deed conveyance (recording of actions) so deed is the name of the Buyer for both,
that it is obligatory to confirm the will of the First Party, namely the buyer with
the parties who have reached an (QQ) the name of the Seller, and the
agreement between them, and is also Second Party is the name of the Buyer as
tasked with validating legal actions himself.
Ratna Khairani, Rahmida Erliyani, Anang Shophan Tornado
Verstek Decision Power On Under-Hands Selling Which The Seller Doesn't Exist ……………….….(Hal 1773-1793)
Regarding the validity of the Sale the Court. So that it has a beneficial value
and Purchase Deed, it is still authentic, for the Plaintiff to be able to process the
because in terms of making it, it still transfer of rights which so far cannot be
refers to Article 1868 of the Civil Code, done for private buying and selling. And
the conditionsFirst that must be fulfilled with this court decision for the Plaintiff
is that deedauthentic must be made in there is a value of legal certainty as the
the form determined by the Law,second; basis for the transfer of rights where the
regarding the necessity of making it decision has permanent legal force (In
before or by a public official, and third; force Bywise). Many people still carry out
that the official must be authorized for land sale and purchase transactions
this purpose at the place where the deed under the hands, such as in Tanah Bumbu
was made, has been fully complied with, Regency, due to the lack of
so that the deed made is authentic and understanding of Notaries/PPATs.
valid. Buying and selling transactions under
From caseon glance canseen that the hands are still carried out by
the PPAT's actions cannot be said to have traditional people who have minimal
violated the law, because the orders and education, by carrying out the buying
conditions requested from the Land and selling process through short roads
Agency Office to draw up a Sale and with instant cash. And the community
Purchase Deed, which should be based feels that the costs incurred are not
on a court decision, are sufficient as a comparable to the buying and selling, so
basis for the transition because a court they are not in accordance with the costs
decision is the same as an authentic deed. incurred, such as the seller's and buyer's
Indirectly, this decision has been taxes that must be paid, and other
sidelined by the Land Office, so it does unexpected costs, as well as the
not carry out what was ordered in court. complexity of the process of transferring
So the deed can be said to be rights and requiring an inordinate
valid because until now, no party feels amount of time. short. That the
that they have been harmed, or that there registration of the transfer of land rights
has been a lawsuit filed against the PPAT is based on a decisionversonlywhich has
concerned regarding the confusion over permanent legal force(in force)which
the existence of the deed. granted the Plaintiff's claim entirely in
The importance of knowing what relation to the fact that the whereabouts
is right and what is important is that it of the Defendant (the seller of the land)
can be used as a preventive measure are no longer known has the implication
before unwanted things occur which can that the transfer of land rights that
result in a case being brought to court. occurred without a Sale and Purchase
Deed along with the registration of the
CONCLUSION transfer of rights at the Regency/City
Based on the author's Land Office is legal and provides legal
explanation and analysis above, the certainty and protection law for society.
following conclusions can be drawn: This is because it is based on the
That the judge's decision in case Number: verdictversteaksaid, the sale and
68/Pdt/G/2021/PN.Moon has three purchase process that took place even
basic legal values, namely justice, benefit without the Sale and Purchase Deed was
and legal certainty. Justice where the declared valid as a sale and purchase by
Plaintiff feels there is justice with the the Plaintiff/The buyer is declared
judge's decision granting the entire legally as the owner of the land and can
lawsuit, in which the sale and purchase transfer the name/transfer of land rights
carried out under the hand is legalized by without a PPAT deed as long as the
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 10 (4) (2023): 1773-1793
Ratna Khairani, Rahmida Erliyani, Anang Shophan Tornado
Verstek Decision Power On Under-Hands Selling Which The Seller Doesn't Exist ……………….….(Hal 1773-1793)