Silleroetal2023CuratedlistRpackagesENM EcoMod
Silleroetal2023CuratedlistRpackagesENM EcoMod
Silleroetal2023CuratedlistRpackagesENM EcoMod
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Ecological Modelling
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Editor: Dr Juan Blanco The R language provides most applications (packages) currently available for ecological niche modelling. In the
last few years, these packages have increased substantially. There are now numerous packages for computing
Keywords: ecological niche models (ENMs) with different algorithms, comparing species niches and niche models, creating
Species distribution models virtual species, getting and preparing species and related environmental data, filtering species records, and
R language
evaluating models, amongst other tasks. This profusion of package options may be daunting for both beginners
R packages
and more experienced R users. Here we provide an organised and annotated list of available packages for each
Biodiversity modelling
Biogeography task. We present a concise history of the creation of these packages, we briefly describe what each package does,
Spatial analyses and we discuss whether the current set of R packages covers all the necessities for modelling species’ ecological
niches. This list will be accessible and updated over time on a dedicated website.
Abbreviations: ENM, Ecological niche model; GUI, Graphical user interfacE; ENFA, Ecological Niche Factor Analysis; SDM, Species distribution model; GIS,
Geographical Information System; FOSS, Free Open Source Software; CRAN, Comprehensive R Archive Network.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Sillero).
Received 3 November 2022; Received in revised form 18 November 2022; Accepted 30 November 2022
0304-3800/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
2017;, or Maxent Model, a QGIS plugin 3.1. A brief history of the development of R packages for ecological niche
to preprocess input data in Maxent ( models
xent/). Maxent, Wallace, SDMToolBox and ShinyBiomod are updated
regularly. To the best of our knowledge, the first R package with functions for
ENMs can be also calculated with programming languages, such as ENMs was PresenceAbsence (Freeman and Moisen, 2008), released in
Python and R. Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose 2007. It does not compute models but provides functions for evaluating
programming language (Van Rossum and Drake, 1995). It supports presence-absence analysis, either ENMs or diagnostic tests. The package
multiple programming paradigms, including structured, calculates the optimal threshold for translating a probability surface into
object-orientated and functional programming. R is a programming presence-absence maps, such as percentage correctly classified, sensi
language for statistical computing with graphical capacities (R Core tivity, specificity, and kappa. It also computes the Receiver Operator
Team, 2022). R is widely used amongst data scientists and statisticians Characteristic (ROC) curve and the area under the curve (AUC). How
to analyse data and develop statistical software (Kabacoff, 2015). Both ever, the first R package developed specifically for the field of ENMs was
Python and R are free and open-source software (FOSS), allowing users BIOMOD, released in 2009 (Thuiller et al., 2003, 2009). A second
to create packages that augment or complement existing functions. version, biomod2, replaced it in 2012 (Thuiller et al., 2021). Both ver
R is one of the most used FOSS, thanks to its ease of use, versatility, sions provided several ensemble forecasting methods for ENM algo
and object-orientated framework. Indeed, users have created thousands rithms: generalised linear models, generalised additive models,
of packages. On 28/10/2022, CRAN, the main repository of R packages, multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), classification tree
hosted 18,761 packages (, a analysis, mixture discriminant analysis, artificial neural networks,
number that continues to increase over the years. The field of biodi generalised boosted models, random forests, and maximum entropy
versity modelling is not an exception. Many packages can be directly or (through java, a method used posteriorly by other R packages). biomod2
indirectly used for modelling species’ ecological niches and all related also included a rectilinear envelope algorithm similar to BIOCLIM
pre- and post-processing tasks. (Booth et al., 2014).
Here we provide an organised list of R packages for ecological niche The dismo package, released in 2010 (Hijmans et al., 2021), provides
models. We divided the list according to the four main stages of the tools for the complete modelling process, from downloading and pre
modelling process (Sillero et al., 2021): (1) data collection and prepa paring data to evaluating the models. This package implements
ration; (2) model calculation; (3) model evaluation and validation; and presence-only modelling algorithms (Bioclim, Domain, Mahalanobis
(4) model application. We start our review with a brief description of the distance) and a presence-absence algorithm (boosted regression trees). It
development of R packages for ENMs over time, followed by the can also run Maxent by calling Java.
organised list. Finally, we discuss the current state of the universe of R maxlike (Royle et al., 2012), a package released in 2011, implements
packages for ENMs. a maximum likelihood algorithm as an alternative method to the
Maximum Entropy (Maxent) algorithm. The maxlike algorithm
2. Methods endeavoured to estimate the probability of occurrence from
presence-only data (Royle et al., 2012), instead of habitat suitability (but
We searched Google Scholar and Web of Science for R packages for see Osorio-Olvera et al. 2019).
ENMs, using the words ‘ecological niche model package’, ‘species dis In 2012, besides biomod2 (Thuiller et al., 2021), several packages
tribution package’, and ‘species distribution model package’. Therefore, were released for obtaining species records (rgbif, Chamberlain et al.,
we searched for packages whose main aim was to provide functions for 2022), calculating distribution and abundanDM; Latimer et al., 2006),
one or more of the four steps of the modelling process. We verified that analysing model uncertainties (usdm; Naimi et al., 2014), and modelling
all packages found in these searches were directly related to ENMs. We species dispersal (MigClim; Engler et al., 2012). usdm includes methods
checked whether each package was available through CRAN and if the from spatial statistics to analyse positional uncertainty (Naimi et al.,
package had a development site on GitHub or another similar platform. 2014); it also implemented the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) to analyse
We considered as release year the first year of the package publication in collinearity between variables (Naimi et al., 2014).
CRAN, or GitHub if the package is not on CRAN. After obtaining a list of Several packages released in 2014 implemented important, often
R packages for ENMs, we searched in Google Scholar for the number of novel additional tasks. These included spatially filtering species records
citations for each package or paper presenting that package. (spThin; Aiello-Lammens et al. 2015), generating virtual species
(sdmvspecies, Duan et al. 2015; virtualspecies, Leroy et al. 2016),
3. Results modelling species range dynamics (RangeShiftR, Bocedi et al., 2014, G.
2021), and automatically fine-tuning and validating models to deter
Our search allowed us to compile a total of 60 R packages for ENMs mine optimal levels of complexity (ENMeval; Muscarella et al., 2014). A
(Table 1) published since 2007 (Fig. 1). We found 39 packages available new version of ENMeval was released in 2021 (Kass et al., 2021). It
through CRAN and 21 currently in development for different purposes provides functions for results visualisation, data partition with spatial
(see Table 1). These packages were cited 9664 times, with eighteen cited criteria, model evaluation with cross-validation and null models, and
more than 100 times each, and two (ENMeval and biomod2) more than niche overlap from model predictions. The package was originally built
1000 times (see Table 2). for Maxent models, but the current version allows possible extensions
for any modelling algorithm. Two other packages released in the same
year provided tools for estimating species’ ecological niches using kernel
interpolators instead of regression-based and machine-learning algo
Table 1 rithms: ecospat (Di Cola et al., 2017) and hypervolume (Blonder et al.,
Summary of R packages for ecological niche models (last search performed at 2014) ecospat also provides other model-related functions, such as sta
28/10/2022). tistical comparison of species niches (using the methods proposed by
Package main purpose N CRAN In development Warren et al., 2008, 2010), computing ensembles of small models
Data collection and preparation 18 14 4
(Breiner et al., 2018), analysing non-analogue climates (Elith et al.,
Model calculation 24 14 10 2010, 2011; Mesgaran et al., 2014), and evaluating model performance.
Model evaluation and validation 7 6 1 zoon and SDMTools were released in 2015. zoon (Golding et al., 2018)
Model application 11 5 6 provides functions for comparing and diagnosing models. The results
Total 60 39 21
can be shared from an online repository. SDMTools (VanderWal et al.,
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
Fig. 1. Increment over time in the number of R packages for ecological niche models.
2015) has tools for post-processing models, including threshold selec moving occurrences to the closest non-NA pixel), maps species ranges
tion, calculating validation and landscape metrics, and tracking distri and calculates Maxent models with dismo (Hijmans et al., 2021)
bution changes over time. package.
Ten packages were published in 2016. sdm (Naimi and Araújo, 2016) Until 2016, R packages related to ENMs focused mainly on correla
was the third package, together with dismo (Hijmans et al., 2021) and tive algorithms, although dismo provides some simple functions for
biomod2 (Thuiller et al., 2012, Thuiller et al., 2021), providing a full set mechanistic models. In contrast, NicheMapR was designed specifically
of tools for the four stages of modelling: data preparation, model for mechanistic niche models, including datasets of micro-climate
calculation with several algorithms (GAM, GLM, MARS, SVM, RF, and (Kearney and Porter, 2017, 2020). In addition, SPEDInstabR (Gui
Maximum Entropy), model evaluation, and model projection. SDMPlay sande et al., 2017) selects environmental variables based on a fluctua
(Charlene et al., 2021) also offers functions for the four modelling tion index, which identifies the environmental factors that better
stages, but only for maximum entropy and boosted regression trees. discriminate between the conditions in the species’ area and those in the
Another package (maxnet) provided a direct R implementation of the background area.
maximum entropy algorithm, without the need for calling Java to run Six packages were released on CRAN in 2018, providing some more
the Maxent software outside R. This package, written by the main author interesting functionalities. For instance, CENFA (Rinnan and Lawler,
of Maxent, uses the package glmnet to fit an inhomogeneous Poisson 2019) presented a new implementation of ENFA: it includes algorithms
process model, which is equivalent to the maximum entropy algorithm for climate- and ecological-niche factor analyses and for visualisation of
(Phillips et al., 2017). The package rmaxent (Baumgartner and Wilson, spatial variability of species sensitivity, exposure, and vulnerability to
2022), which is also Java-free, includes additional functionalities for climate change. Three other packages provided different tools for sup
projecting Maxent models, calculating information criteria (AIC, AICc, porting the modelling process. Here, rangeModelMetadata (Merow et al.,
BIC) as implemented in Warren et al. (2010), parsing Maxent .lambdas 2019) catalogues ENMs with hierarchical structures through dictio
files, and estimating MESS (multivariate environmental similarity sur naries. In this way, communicating and sharing the algorithms and pa
face; Elith et al., 2010, 2011). The package MIAmaxent (Vollering et al., rameters used to compute the models is easier and more accurate. mopa
2019) provides pre-processing (e.g., variable selection) and evaluation (Iturbide et al., 2018) provides functions for transferable models,
functions for maxent and logistic regression models. ENiRG (Cánovas pseudo-absence data generation, and factor contribution quantification.
et al., 2016) is an interface for R and GRASS GIS and implements ENFA. fuzzySim (Barbosa, 2015) includes functions to compute fuzzy versions
modEvA (Barbosa et al., 2016) provides a varied set of tools for evalu of species occurrence patterns based on presence-absence data (inverse
ating ENMs, including discrimination and calibration metrics, optimis distance interpolation, trend surface analysis, and
ing classification thresholds, and analysing model extrapolation with prevalence-independent favorability), and pairwise fuzzy similarity
MESS on data frames (Elith et al., 2010, 2011). sdmpredictors (Bosch and amongst species’ potential distributions. fuzzySim currently has addi
Fernandez, 2022) downloads environmental data from different climatic tional functions for data preparation, model consensus and comparison,
datasets, including terrestrial, marine and freshwater environments: such as unique abbreviations of species names, gridding (thinning) point
currently WorldClim (Fick and Hijmans, 2017), ENVIREM (Title and occurrence data onto raster maps, converting species lists to
Bemmels, 2018), Bio-ORACLE (Tyberghein et al., 2012), MARSPEC presence-absence tables, transposing part of a data frame, selecting
(Sbrocco and Barber, 2013) and Freshwater (Domisch et al., 2015). relevant variables for models, assessing the false discovery rate, or
biogeo (Robertson et al., 2016) was the first package developed for analysing and dealing with multicollinearity. Finally, Metrics (Hammer
automatically detecting and correcting errors in species occurrence and Frasco, 2018) provides several metrics for evaluating models
datasets. It includes functions for assessing data quality of occurrence calculated with machine learning algorithms, while bdclean (Gueta
records, identifying potentially erroneous records in geographical and et al., 2018), like biogeo (Guisande et al., 2017), provides functions for
environmental space, and providing possible alternative positions for cleaning and validating species occurrence data.
those records. Another package focused on the analysis of species oc kuenm (Cobos et al., 2019b) was released in 2019. It is a package for
currences is red (Cardoso, 2017), which calculates the Extent of Occur calibrating Maxent models by selecting optimal parameterisations for
rence, Area of Occupancy, and Red List Index for groups of species. red each study. Therefore, the user can run multiple Maxent models with
also downloads and pre-processes species occurrences (e.g. thinning and different conditions and choose the best one. ESDM (Woodman et al.,
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
2019), also released in 2019, is a package for ensemble modelling of WorldClim), elevation, land use, soil, accessibility, and administrative
species distribution and abundance models. ESDM includes a graphical boundaries. The other three packages (occAssess, sampbias, and bRaca
user interface (GUI) built with an R Shiny app. The MinBAR package tus) provide functions for detecting errors in species occurrence datasets.
(Rotllan-Puig and Traveset, 2021) estimates the minimum background Specifically, bRacatus (Arlé et al., 2021) presents a method to estimate
area by calculating several maxent models with different parameters the probability of a georeferenced record being true or false and corre
until determining the best one. SDMtune (Vignali et al., 2020) and sponding to a native or an alien occurrence. It avoids subjective
sdmbench (Angelov, 2018) provide functions for calculating, selecting thresholds of data filtering by implementing a probabilistic framework
and validating models, with several algorithms of machine learning. to propagate uncertainties in posterior analyses. On the other hand,
SDMselect includes functions for the selection of covariates and model occAssess (Boyd et al., 2021) and sampbias (Zizka et al., 2020) detect
specifications. ellipsenm (Cobos et al., 2019b) and humboldt (Brown and geographical biases in species occurrence data.
Carnaval, 2019) provide advanced functions for running analyses in the Finally, five more packages were released in 2022. flexsdm (Velazco
environmental space: ellipsenm (Cobos et al., 2019a) calculates ellipsoid et al., 2022) is another package providing functions for the four
envelopes, calibrates and selects models, replicates models and pro modelling stages. It includes algorithms for presence-background
jections, and assesses niche overlaps; and humboldt (Brown and Car (Maxent) and presence-absence (GAM, GLM, GBM, SVM, RF, ANN)
naval, 2019) analyses the amount of the species’ observed modelling, together with functions for survey bias correction, sampling
environmental space that is truncated by the available environmental pseudo-absences and background points, data partitioning, and
space, providing also tools for analysing niche overlap and divergence, reducing collinearity in predictors; fitting and evaluating models, en
and rarefying species occurrence records to reduce survey bias. Coor sembles of small models and ensemble models; and prediction, inter
dinateCleaner (Zizka et al., 2019) cleans occurrence datasets, similar to polation, and overprediction correction. itsdm (Song, 2022) provides
biogeo (Guisande et al., 2017) and bdclean (Gueta et al., 2018): it detects functions for modelling presence-only records with isolation forest
geo-referencing and dating imprecisions in a standardised and repro (iForest) and variations (extended iForest and SCiForest). mcera5
ducible way, based on geographical gazetteers and a global database of (Klinges et al., 2022) is the second R package designed for mechanistic
georeferenced biodiversity institutions to identify records from e.g. models: it includes functions for getting microclimate data from ERA5
horticulture or captivity. climate data. specieschrom (Kléparski and Beaugrand, 2022) quantifies
In 2020, the R version of ENMTools (Warren et al., 2010) was finally niche optimum, breadth and overlap, and identifies the most discrimi
released (Warren et al., 2021). The ENMTools R package not only pro nant combination of environmental variables. bdc (Ribeiro et al., 2022)
vides tools and statistical tests for comparing species niches but also includes functions for merging biodiversity datasets; flagging and
offers a full set of tools for the four modelling stages. ENMTools includes removing erroneous occurrence data; cleaning, parsing and harmo
algorithms for presence-background (Maxent, Poisson point process) nizing scientific names; and flagging and correcting inconsistent
and presence-absence (GAM, GLM) models, and unique evaluation tools, collection dates.
such as Monte Carlo tests and null models. ENMTools is the only pack
age, to our knowledge, where null models are calculated at the same 3.2. An organised list of packages
time as the empirical models, as a parameter of the algorithm function.
One important difference with other full-set packages, such as biomod2 We present the list of packages in Table 2, organised by the four main
(Thuiller et al., 2021) or sdm (Naimi and Araújo, 2016), is that ENMTools modelling steps: data collection and preparation, model calculation,
has independent functions for each algorithm (similarly to dismo, Hij model evaluation and validation, and model application. This list will be
mans et al., 2021), instead of one main model computing function where curated and frequently updated at
all algorithms are included as parameters. blab/r-packages-for-enms.
ENMTools was not the only full-set package released in 2020: Many packages can tackle more than one aim, but they are placed in
ENMTML (de Andrade et al., 2020) provides a single function with all our table in only one of the modelling steps, according to its main
arguments necessary to calculate ENMs, including variable collinearity purpose. We considered the following main purposes in each modelling
control, bias control, accessible area delimitation, pseudo-absence step: (1) data collection and preparation: compilation of biodiversity
allocation, data partition, 13 modelling algorithms (Bioclim, Mahala and geographical data, species filtering, preprocessing data for models,
nobis Distance, Domain, ENFA, GLM, GAM, BRT, Random Forests, SVM, creating virtual species; (2) model calculation: mechanistic models,
Maximum Entropy with quadratic and linear and default features, correlative models, ensemble modelling, Bayesian models, functions
Maximum Likelihood, and Gaussian Process), classification thresholds, complementary to other packages, Maxent specific, ENFA specific, niche
model evaluation metrics, over-prediction analysis, ensemble model estimation; (3) model evaluation and validation; (4) model application:
ling, and projections over time and space. In this way, ENMTML aims to comparison of models, dispersion, utilities. We indicate in the table the
simplify the entire modelling process by reducing it to a single main purpose of each package, followed by a small description, main
command. contributor(s), main reference, CRAN link, and development website (if
Five more packages were released in 2020. blockCV (Valavi et al., available).
2019) provides functions for generating spatially or environmentally
separated folds for k-fold cross-validation of models. blockCV can be 4. Discussion
used to separate training and test data for other modelling packages.
Similarly, enmSdm (Morelli et al., 2020) is a complement to dismo The number of packages for ENMs has increased over time. Since
(Hijmans et al., 2021), with advanced functions for preparing data, 2010, at least one package has been released on CRAN every year, except
training and evaluating dismo models, and comparing ecological niches. in 2013. The number of packages will likely continue to increase.
embarcadero (Carlson, 2020) calculates ENMs with Bayesian additive Therefore, do we have all the packages we need? Considering our
regression trees (BART), including basic model summary statistics and organised list, some functions for ENMs may be redundant. A varied set
diagnostics, variable importance measures, and plotting. modleR of ENMs can be computed and validated currently through several
(Sánchez-Tapia et al., 2020) provides a modelling workflow based on packages: dismo, biomod2, sdm, ENMeval, ENMTools, ENMTML, flexsdm,
dismo. ssdm (Schimtt et al., 2017) calculates potential species richness SDMtune and sdmbench provide multiple algorithms, for presence-
from a set of stacked individual models. absence, presence-background, or presence-only data. ssdm (Schmitt
Four additional packages were released in 2021. geodata (Hijmans et al., 2017) also provides all the necessary functions for computing and
et al., 2022) downloads geographic and environmental data directly into validating ENMs, but it is designed specifically to calculate potential
R, including species occurrences and variables like climate (from species richness from stacked individual ENMs. Several packages for
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
Table 2
Curated list of R packages for ecological niche models organised by their main purpose.
Data collection and preparation
N R package Main purpose Description Main contributor(s) Main reference CRAN link Development Citations
1 sdmpredictors Geographical Functions for getting Samuel Bosch; Lennert https://cran.r-p https://lifewat 8
data terrestrial and marine Tyberghein; Olivier De ch.github.
compilation predictors, including Clerck; Salvador /package=sdmp io/sdmpredict
WorldClim, ENVIREM, Fernandez; Lennert redictors ors/
Bio-ORACLE and Schepers
2 geodata Geographical Functions for getting Robert J. Hijmans; https://cran.r-pr NA
data geographic data, Aniruddha Ghosh; Alex
compilation including climate, Mandel kage=geodata
elevation, land use,
soil, species
accessibility, and
3 mcera5 Geographical Functions for getting James P. Duffy Klinges et al., Not in CRAN https://github. 0
data microclimate data for Dave Klinges 2022 com/dklinge
compilation mechanistic models Lydia Soifer s9/mcera5
from ERA5 climate
4 rgbif Species data Interface to the Global Scott Chamberlain; https://cran.r-p 8
compilation Biodiversity Damiano Oldoni; Vijay
Information Facility Barve; Peter Desmet; ackage=rgbif
(GBIF) API. Laurens Geffert; Dan
Mcglinn; Karthik Ram
rOpenSci; John Waller
5 spThin Model Functions for spatial Matthew E. Aiello- Aiello-Lammens https://cran. 884
preparation thinning of species Lammens; Robert A. et al., 2015
occurrence records. Boria; Aleksandar kage=spThin
Radosavljevic; Bruno
Vilela; Robert P.
Anderson; Robert
Bjornson; Steve Weston
6 biogeo Data Assessing and Robertson, MP; Visser, Robertson et al., https://cran. https://github. 61
preparation improving data quality V; Hui, C 2016 com/cr
of occurrence record b/packages/bio an/biogeo
datasets geo/index.html
10 bdclean Data User-friendly Gueta, T; Barve, V; Gueta et al., 2018 https://cran. https://github. 17
preparation biodiversity data Nagarajah, T; Agrawal, com/bd-
cleaning pipeline A; Carmel, Y b/packages/bdc R/bdclean
11 SPEDInstabR Data Selection of Cástor Guisande Guisande et al., https://cran. 30
preparation environmental González 2017
variables based on a ackage=SP
fluctuation index EDInstabR
12 occAssess Data Assessing potential Boyd et al., 2021 https://github. 5
preparation biases in species com/robbo
occurrence data yd/occAssess/
13 sampbias Data Quantifying Zizka, A; Antonelli A; Zizka et al., 2021 Not in CRAN https://github. 25
preparation geographic sampling Silvestro, D com/azizka/sa
biases in species mpbias
distribution data
14 MinBAR Model Functions for defining Xavier Rotllan-Puig https://cran. https://github. 3
preparation the minimum Anna Traveset com/xavi-rp
background area kage=MinBAR /MinBAR
15 SDMselect Not in CRAN 5
(continued on next page)
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
Table 2 (continued )
Data collection and preparation
N R package Main purpose Description Main contributor(s) Main reference CRAN link Development Citations
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
Table 2 (continued )
Data collection and preparation
N R package Main purpose Description Main contributor(s) Main reference CRAN link Development Citations
Model Algorithms for Dan Warren; Nick Warren et al., https://cran. https://github.
computation presence-background Matzke; Marcel Cardillo; 2021 r-project. com/dan
Model (Maxent) and John Baumgartner; org/packa lwarren/
comparison presence-absence Linda Beaumont; ge=ENMTools ENMTools
(GAM, GLM). Nicholas Huron;
Functions for Monte Marianna Simoes;
Carlo tests and null Teresa Iglesias; Russell
models. Dinnage
25 FLEXSDM Model Algorithms for Santiago José Elías Velazco et al., Not in CRAN 0
preparation presence-background Velazco; Miranda 2022
Model (Maxent) and Brooke Rose; André
computation presence-absence Felipe Alves de Andrade;
(GAM, GLM, GBM, Ignacio Minoli; Janet
SVM, RF, ANN). Franklin
Functions for sampling
bias correction,
sampling pseudo-
absences and
background points,
data partitioning, and
reducing collinearity in
predictors; fitting and
evaluating models,
ensembles of small
models and ensemble
models; models’
interpolation and
26 SDMtune Model Functions for training Sergio Vignali https://cran.r-pr 43
computation and testing of Maxent, Arnaud Barras
Random Forest, neural Veronika Braunisch kage=SDMtune
networks, and BRT.
27 sdmbench Model Functions for Boyan Angelov Not in CRAN https://github. 5
preparation compiling species com/bo
Model occurrence and yanangelov
computation environmental data; /sdmbench
spatial data
partitioning; and
machine learning
28 kuenm Support for Functions for model Marlon E. Cobos M.E. Cobos et al., Not in CRAN https://github. 294
Maxent calibration of Maxent Luis Osorio 2019 com/marlo
models by selection of necobos/
optimal kuenm
parameterizations for
each study.
29 rmaxent Maxent Implementation of John Baums Not in CRAN https://github. 13
implementation tasks related to Maxent com/joh
in models R. nbaums/rm
30 maxnet Maxent Fitting ’Maxent’ Steven Phillips https://cran. NA
implementation models with ’glmnet’.
31 ENIRG – Ecological Model Interface for R and Fernando Canovas; Cánovas et al., Not in CRAN https://rdrr. 12
Niche in R-GRASS – computation GRASS to overcome Chiara Magliozzi; Jose 2016 io/cran
ENFA issues when working Antonio Palazon- /ENiRG/man
with large data sets. Ferrando; Frederico /ENiRG-pac
Functions from rgrass7 Mestre; Mercedes kage.html
package. Gonzalez-Wanguemert
32 maxlike Model Maxlike Richard Chandler; Andy Chandler and https://cran.r-pr 3
computation implementation, a Royle; Roeland Kindt Royle, 2013;
likelihood-based Fitzpatrick et al., kage=maxlike
approach for 2013
modelling with
presence-only data.
Maxlike yields
estimates of
33 SDMPlay Model Algorithms for Guillaumot Charlene; Guillaumot et al., https://cran.r-pr 2
computation presence-background Martin Alexis; Eleaume 2017
(Maxent) and kage=SDMPlay
(continued on next page)
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
Table 2 (continued )
Data collection and preparation
N R package Main purpose Description Main contributor(s) Main reference CRAN link Development Citations
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
Table 2 (continued )
Data collection and preparation
N R package Main purpose Description Main contributor(s) Main reference CRAN link Development Citations
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
Table 2 (continued )
Data collection and preparation
N R package Main purpose Description Main contributor(s) Main reference CRAN link Development Citations
fold cross-validation of
Model application
N R package Main purpose Description Main contributor(s) Main reference CRAN link Development Citations
49 ecospat Model Functions for spatial Olivier Broennimann; Di Cola et al., https://cran.r-pr 556
comparison ecology analyses on Valeria Di Cola; Blaise 2017
pre, core and post Petitpierre; Frank kage=ecospat
modelling analyses of Breiner; Daniel Scherrer;
species distribution, Manuela D`Amen;
niche quantification Christophe Randin;
and community Robin Engler; Wim
assembly. Hordijk; Heidi Mod;
Julien Pottier; Mirko Di
Febbraro; Loic Pellissier;
Dorothea Pio; Ruben
Garcia Mateo; Anne
Dubuis; Luigi Maiorano;
Achilleas Psomas;
Charlotte Ndiribe;
Nicolas Salamin; Niklaus
Zimmermann; Flavien
Collart; Antoine Guisan
50 ellipsenm Model Functions for ellipsoid Marlon E. Cobos; Luis Not in CRAN https://github. 3
comparison envelopes, calibrating Osorio; Jorge Soberón; com/mar
and selecting models, A. Townsend Peterson; lonecobos/
replicating models and Vijay Barve; Narayani ellipsenm
projections, and Barve
assessing niche
51 fuzzySim – Fuzzy Model Functions to compute A. Márcia Barbosa Barbosa, 2015 https://cran. http://fu 102
Similarity in Species combination fuzzy versions of r-project. zzysim.r-forge.
Distributions species occurrence org/packa
patterns based on ge=fuzzySim
presence-absence data
(including inverse
distance interpolation,
trend surface analysis,
and prevalence-
favorability), and
pairwise fuzzy
Additional functions
for model consensus
and comparison, and
for data preparation:
unique abbreviations
of species names,
gridding (thinning)
point occurrence data
onto raster maps,
converting species lists
to presence-absence
tables, transposing part
of a data frame,
selecting relevant
variables for models,
assessing the false
discovery rate, or
analysing and dealing
with multicollinearity.
52 zoon Model Functions for Tom August; Tim Lucas; Golding et al., https://cran.r-pr 39
comparison reproducible and Nick Golding; Emiel van 2018
shareable analysis of Loon; Greg McInerny package=zoon
models from an online
repository, comparing
and diagnostic models.
53 Mopa Model ensemble Functions for Maialen Iturbide; Iturbide et al., Not in CRAN 19
transferable models, Joaquin Bedia; 2018
pseudo-absence data SantanderMetGroup
generation, and factor
(continued on next page)
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
Table 2 (continued )
Data collection and preparation
N R package Main purpose Description Main contributor(s) Main reference CRAN link Development Citations
54 MigClim Model Functions from Robin Engler; Wim 2012 Not in CRAN 144
dispersion implementing Hordijk; Loic Pellissier Not in CRAN
dispersal into models
over time.
55 RangeShifteR Model Spatially-explicit, Anne-Kathleen Bocedi et al., Not in CRAN https://github. 210
dispersion individual-based Malchow; JetteReeg; 2014, G. 2021 com/RangeSh
simulation platform for Damaris Zurell ifter/RangeSh
modelling species’ iftR-package
range dynamics, such
as expansion and
shifting, and patch
connectivity by linking
complex local
population dynamics
and dispersal
behaviour, while also
taking into account
variability and
56 ESDM Model Functions for ensemble Sam Woodman Woodman et al., https://cran.r-pr 10
application modelling of species 2019
distribution and package=eSDM
abundance models.
eSDM includes a GUI
(R Shiny app).
57 rangeModelMetadata – Publication of Functions for creating Cory Merow; Brian Merow et al., https://cran. 17
Range modeling metadata data dictionaries MaitnerHannah Owens; 2019 r-project.
Metadata Standards specifying a Jamie Kass; org/package=ra
hierarchical structure Brian Enquist; Rob ngeModelMeta
to catalogue models. Guralnik; Damaris data
Zurrell; Christian Koenig
58 specieschrom Model Quantification of niche Loïck Kléparski Kléparski and Not in CRAN https://github. 1
comparison optimum and breadth, Beaugrand, 2022 com/loic
niche overlapping k-klpr/specie
(index D), and schrom
identification of most
combination of
59 humboldt Model Functions to analyse Jason L. Brown Brown and Not in CRAN https://jaso 43
comparison the amount of the Carnaval, 2019 nleebrown.git
species’ observed E-
space that is truncated ldt/
by the available E-
60 red Model Functions for Pedro Cardoso Cardoso, 2017 https://cran.r-p 42
application performing spatial
analyses using species /package=red
occurrences or
estimated ranges. It
calculates Maxent
models with dismo
cleaning and filtering occurrence data are also available: spThin, bdclean, computing null models (Raes and ter Steege, 2007; Beale et al., 2008;
CoordinateCleaner, bdc, bRacatus, biogeo. occAssess and sampbias are Bohl et al., 2019). Only ENMTools (Warren et al., 2021) has imple
specialised in correcting geographical biases in species occurrences. mented the calculation of null models as a parameter of the functions for
Some algorithms are available through specialised and generalistic computing ENM algorithms. ENMeval (Muscarella et al., 2014; Kass
packages: for example, the Maxent algorithm (Phillips et al., 2006, et al., 2021) also provides functions for computing null models. It is
2017) can be computed with maxnet, kuenm, dismo, biomod2, sdm, desirable that validating ENMs with null models becomes a more
ENMeval, ENMTools, flexsdm, SDMPlay, ENMTML, SSDM, MinBAR, red, extended and standard practice (Sillero et al., 2021). There is also room
and SDMtune. However, many of these packages use a function included for improvement in properly evaluating models on true presence-only
in another package (e.g. dismo). On the other hand, are there some data, without requiring unoccupied background localities.
missing functionalities not included in R packages for ENMs? The user If we consider the necessity to gather geographical, environmental
has currently at least 60 available packages providing multiple functions and biodiversity data directly from within R, we will need several
for all modelling steps. However, not all modelling steps are represented packages to run all modelling procedures. However, once the data are
equally: fewer packages are available for evaluating models. In general, compiled, there are several packages offering all necessary functions to
we probably need more functions for validating models, especially for compute, validate and apply the models, namely dismo, biomod2, sdm,
N. Sillero et al. Ecological Modelling 476 (2023) 110242
ENMeval, ENMTools, ENMTML, flexsdm, and SDMtune. However, not all published in a scientific journal, even if they were not on CRAN; they
these packages provide the same functionalities. For example, dismo need to be installed following instructions on their development
(Hijmans et al., 2021) does not have ensemble modelling functions, website.
while ENMTools (Warren et al., 2021) does not provide tools to replicate
the models. On the other hand, ENMTools (Warren et al., 2021) validates 5. Conclusions
the models both in the environmental and geographical space, and it
includes the computing of null models as part of the general calculation What may be the future of R packages for ENMs? This question is not
of the model. Recent packages have also reduced the number of steps for easy to answer. As indicated above, packages should implement better
calculating the models. In comparison to biomod2 (Thuiller et al., 2021), evaluation metrics and validating procedures such as null models, and
which requires formatting the data through several functions before improve their communication and integration. With the migration to
computing the models, other packages have reduced the necessary steps modern spatial packages like terra (at least for raster spatial data), we
to a minimum: sdm (Naimi and Araújo, 2016) only needs one function hope that computing speed and stability will increase. Also, packages
for this pre-modelling step, and ENMTML (de Andrade et al., 2020) in should facilitate the computation of replicated models for large numbers
tegrates all modelling steps in one single function. of species, without the necessity of using for-loop functions, and provide
The most cited packages are biomod2 (Thuiller et al., 2021) and a more optimised syntax concerning the R language.
ENMeval (Muscarella et al., 2014; Kass et al., 2021). This is likely a
representation of the users’ needs: most users require a package for both Funding
computing and validating models. Some packages such as dismo (Hij
mans et al., 2021) have fewer citations, probably because they do not This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
have a paper associated. Users frequently forget to cite R packages, or agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
they do not know how to cite them, as their citations cannot be seam
lessly uploaded to a reference manager program.
The communication between packages should also be improved. R is Declaration of Competing Interest
a free open-source software enhanced by a wide community of de
velopers and users, and therefore it includes a huge diversity of ap Joao Carlos Campos reports financial support was provided by FCT -
proaches (Lovelace et al., 2020). For example, several packages provide Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Salvador Arenas-Castro reports
tools for reading, importing, and exporting data, either in tabular (ma financial support was provided by Spanish Ministry of Universities.
trix, data frame, data table, tibble) or in spatial (vector or raster) formats Salvador Arenas-Castro reports financial support was provided by EU-
(sp, sf, raster, terra, stars, amongst others). Different packages often NextGenerationEU.
require different classes of input objects and also produce output objects
of these classes. This reduces the flexibility for sharing objects between Data availability
functions from different packages. This is important, for example, if we
want to apply spatial statistics (Baddeley et al., 2015) to the results of No data was used for the research described in the article.
widely used packages, such as dismo (Hijmans et al., 2021) and biomod2
(W Thuiller et al., 2021). These two packages currently require input
objects implemented by packages raster (Hijmans, 2022a) and sp Acknowledgements
(Pebesma and Bivand, 2005), which use the rgdal (Bivand et al., 2022)
and rgeos (Bivand and Rundel, 2021) packages for importing and NS is supported by a CEEC2017 contract (CEECIND/02213/2017)
handling spatial data. However, spatstat (Baddeley and Turner, 2005) - from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). SAC is supported by
the most complete package for spatial statistics, currently depends on sp the María Zambrano fellowship program funded by the Spanish Ministry
(Pebesma and Bivand, 2005) and sf (Pebesma, 2018). Therefore, inter of Universities and the EU-NextGenerationEU fund. JCC is supported by
connection and communication amongst packages should be improved. a contract from MontObEO project (MTS/BRB/0091/2020), funded by
Most ENM packages currently use sp (Pebesma and Bivand, 2005) FCT.
and raster (Hijmans, 2022a) package formats as spatial data inputs.
However, support for some dependencies or suggestions of these pack References
ages (such as rgdal, rgeos and maptools) will end in 2023. Currently, very
few ENM packages (fuzzySim, modEvA, blockCV, dismo in part, and Aiello-Lammens, M.E., Boria, R.A., Radosavljevic, A., Vilela, B., Anderson, R.P., 2015.
biomod2 in the development version on GitHub) have migrated their spThin: an R package for spatial thinning of species occurrence records for use in
ecological niche models. Ecography 38, 1–35.
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Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC, New York, USA.
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ecology. Methods Ecol. Evol. 6, 853–858.
dation) for methods rarely used in ENMs. Also, other packages use ENMs
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