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Cara memasak:
- Potong kecil kecil kentang & wortel hingga berbentuk dadu, lalu potong daun bawang
dan bawang bombai hingga berukuran kecil.
- Setelah itu, tumis daun bawang dan bawang bombai hingga wangi.
- Masukkan kentang & wortel di iringi dengan air secukupnya
- Setelah itu, masukin bumbu bumbu penyedap, dan aduk hingga merata
- Tunggu hingga matang dan isian dari samosa sudah jadi.
- Setelah itu masukkan isian dari samosa kedalam kulit lumpia hingga berbentuk segitiga.
Lalu samosa siap untuk di goreng dan di makan
2 x 400g beef fillets
Olive oil, for frying
500g mixture of wild mushrooms, cleaned
1 thyme sprig, leaves only
500g puff pastry
8 slices of Parma ham
2 egg yolks, beaten with 1 tbsp water and a pinch of salt
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1. Wrap each piece of beef tightly in a triple layer of cling film to set its shape, then chill
2. Remove the cling film, then quickly sear the beef fillets in a hot pan with a little olive oil
for 30-60 seconds until browned all over and rare in the middle. Remove from the pan
and leave to cool.
3. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry in a hot pan with a little olive oil, the thyme leaves
and some seasoning. When the mushrooms begin to release their juices, continue to cook
over a high heat for about 10 minutes until all the excess moisture has evaporated and
you are left with a mushroom paste (known as a duxelle). Remove the duxelle from the
pan and leave to cool.
4. Cut the pastry in half, place on a lightly floured surface and roll each piece into a
rectangle large enough to envelop one of the beef fillets. Chill in the refrigerator.
5. Lay a large sheet of cling film on a work surface and place 4 slices of Parma ham in the
middle, overlapping them slightly, to create a square. Spread half the duxelle evenly over
the ham.
6. Season the beef fillets, then place them on top of the mushroom-covered ham. Using the
cling film, roll the Parma ham over the beef, then roll and tie the cling film to get a nice,
evenly thick log. Repeat this step with the other beef fillet, then chill for at least 30
7. Brush the pastry with the egg wash. Remove the cling film from the beef, then wrap the
pastry around each ham-wrapped fillet. Trim the pastry and brush all over with the egg
wash. Cover with cling film and chill for at least 30 minutes.
8. When you are ready to cook the beef wellingtons, score the pastry lightly and brush
with the egg wash again, then bake at 200°C/Gas 6 for 15-20 minutes until the pastry
is golden brown and cooked. Rest for 10 minutes before carving.
A. Crème Brûlée
Cara memasak:
Pisahkan kuning telur dari putih telur, lalu tambahkan 5 sdm gula. Lalu kocok hingga
merata, setelah itu tambahkan vanila bean paste dan aduk hingga merata.
Siapkan panci dan heavy cream, lalu masukkan heavy cream ke dalam panci.
Panaskan heavy cream hingga suhu yang di inginkan
Lalu campur heavy cream dengan larutan kuning telur secaraa perlahan. Setelah
tercampur dengan rata, masukin pada cetakan Crème Brûlée tersebut.
Masukkan adonan ke dalam oven dan setel oven di suhu 165 derajat dalam kurun
waktu 45 menit.
Lalu Crème Brûlée siap dihidangkan.
3 kantong teh celup
1 kaleng leci instan
Gula cair
Es batu
cara membuat:
Seduh kantung teh kedalam air panas dan diamkan hingga dingin
Setelah itu, masukkan teh ¼ dari ukuran gelas, lalu tambahkan leci dan larutan air leci
hingga takarannya setengah dari gelas
Lalu tambahkan es batu secukupnya, dan gula cair.
Es lychee tea siap dihidangkan