TMS3617NS Datasheet

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Lo TEXAS INSTRUME TMS 3617A- NS OCTAVE MULTIPLE TONE SYNTHESIZER - omTs ™ (6 FOOTAGES) REE TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TMS3617 ANS; The TMS3617ANS is a device of the OCTAVE MULTIPLE TONE SYNTHESIZER family, producing 6 footage current outputs, for application in electronic musical instruments. With this simple high integration component, used repetitively for each octave, the architecture of an electronic organ becomes: RESET TO DRAW BAR SELECTION The TMS 3617ANSmakes possible the introduction of substantial advantages in the electronic organ: + achievement of modularity by matching the device count to the number of octaves in the keyboard - major simplification of the architecture - enhanced-analog characteristics - significant improvement of the reliability KEY FEATURES : - Lew cost P MOS technology - 13 key input (octave organization) - Internal tone generation - Mask programmable TOS duty cycle TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TMS 3617 ANS; - 6 footages (16', 8', 514 pdt 2%, 2') current outputs - Sustain of the output signals is possible by simply connec ting a capacitor (1 /uF) to each key input - Sustain decay time adjustable from a few ms to a very long time (key memorization) through a dedicated analog input TMS3617ANS RI11X-17 or digital input TMS3617ANS RI-11X-171 - Possibility of controlling the amplitude swing of the foot age outputs, to minimize the spread among different devices, by connecting a simple external network to the appropriate terminals - Asynchronous reset to synchronize devices of different octaves - Single power supply (15V or 12V typical) - Clock output for lower octave devices. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TMS 3617 A- NS; CLOCK IN vss vpp ‘ PHASE pi GENER. GENERATOR MIXER 2' OUT 2' 2/3 4* ouT VARLABLE MPRDANCE aL TETHORK 5' 1/3 8' out SUSTAIN BIAS « 16" our RESET GAIN NETWORK STABILIZATION RESET RESET STB STB IN ouT IN ouT TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TMS 3617A- NS; CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION There is a tone generation network that produces 49 acoustic frequencies for the various footages. The actual frequency of the tones depends on the input clock. A clock output {half of the Erequency of the clock input) is provided to be used as clock input to the next lower octave device. The pull-up impedance of the K inputs is programmable from a low value to an open circuit value by applying to the Sustain Bias input a variable voltage for the TMS3617ANS RI11X-17 (analog con- trol) or a variable duty cycle square wave for the TMS3617ANS RI11X-171 (digital control). The K inputs go in parallel to the Analog Modulator Array blocks of the 6 footages. Each of these blocks contains 13 identical current output analog modulators as shown in fig. MIXED OUTPUT GALS CONTROL, TONES TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ays. 3817 ANS: Each modulator produces an acoustic carrier (Tone), amplitude modulated from 0% to 100% by the corresponding k input voltage, around a constant d.c. level (offset current) equal to one half the maximum swing of each modulator output. These outputs are then summed together, instant by instant, to provide a single composite output current given by: 13 I 2 out Tia + C Vk Fk) Where: - I, is the modulator output current {100 ua typical) with the k input at Vss. C is a constant - Vk are the voltages on the k inputs, with respect of Vss. Fk are functions whose value are +1 or -1 according to the internal tone waveforms ("1", "O" logic). The méan value of each modulator‘s output is equal to Ig while the signal component C Vk Fk is equal to + I, if Vk is equal to Vpp. In order to make this Ig value independent from temperature and constant, among different devices serving different octaves, cach modulator has a gain control (STBIN) coming from the GAIN STABILIZATLON NETWORK. This network provides automatic gain control {\.G.C.) when used in conjunction with an external amplifier that senses the current on the output STBOUT (this current is equal to I.) and automatically adjusts the STBIN voltage to maintain this current constant, as shown in Fig ON CHIP OFF CHIP VR << VDD GAIN STAKT LIZATION NETWORK TO THE- MODULATORS TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TMS 3617 ANS; If the gain stabilization is not needed, the STBOUT may be left open and the STBIN must be connected at Ygg- A reset network is provided to synchronize many devices together and to allow the frequency counters (tos) enter their proper counting sequence. On the reset input RESIN there is a schmitt trigger to allow slow changing edges of the reset signal. The output of this schmitt trigger is available on RESOUT. WARNING In order to avoid that a mishandling of the PC Board might cause reliability problems associated with the internal circuitry, we suggest to connect the PIN4 and PIN24 with an external resistor of .5 MSLto Ygg on the same PC Board. Le TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TMS 3617 ANS; APPLICATION INFORMATION KEY CONTACTS & SUSTAIN RIW1K - 17 K INPUT “pp ss RIN1X = 171 K INPUT Yop “ss The K input equivalent impedance is given by : Req = R & TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TMS 3617A NS; DIVISIONAL FACTORS The output frequencies are related to the input clock frequency through the following divisional factors: INPUT our 2" our2' 2/3 OUT 4! OUT S5'1/3 OUT 8' OUT 16" K 1 478 « 638 956 1276 1912 3824 K 2 451 , 602 902 1204 1804 3608 K 3 426 | 568 852 1136 1704 3408 K 4 402 536 804 1072 1608 3216 K 5 379 * 506 788 1012 1516 3032 K 6 358 * 478 716 956 1432 2864 K 7 338 * 451 * 676 902 1352 2704 kK 8 319 « 426 * 638 852 1276 2552 K 9 301 , 402 * 602 go4 1204 2408 K 10 284 , 379 * 568 758 1136 2272 K 11 268 358 * 536 716 1072 2144 kK 12 253 : 338 * 506 676 1012 2024 K 13 239 * 319 * 478 638 956 1912 * TOS FREQUENCIES: WITH PROGRAMMABLE DUTY CYCLE PRODUCT RANGE DEVICE TOS DUTY-CYCLE SUSTAIN BIAS R1114-17 50% ANALOG RI114-171 50% DIGITAL RI115-17 30% ANALOG RIW15-171 30% DIGITAL a ammmmemmmmmmemmmemmeemeememmeememmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee TEXAS INSTRUMENTS eee es TMS 3617ANS; PIN ASSIGNMENT PIN NBR FUNCTION 1 $'1/3 OUT 2 4° ouT 3 16° ouT 4 SUSTAIN BIAS 5 vss 6 K 8 7 K 9 8 K 10 9 K 11 10 K 12 11 K 13 12 RESET OUT 13 CLOCK IN 14 voD 15 CLOCK OUT 16 RESET IN 17 18 19 20 RAAB YWOUSUN= 21 22 23 24 STBIN 25 STBOUT 26 8" OUT 27 2° ouT 28 2°2/3 OUT ey Texas INSTRUMENTS TMS 3617A NS; ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply voltage VDD VSS + .3V to VSS -20V Input voltage range VSS + .3V to VSS -20V Storage temperature “55°C to +150°C Total power dissipation at (or below) Iw 25°C Pree-Air temperature Operating FPree-Air temperature range 0°c to 50°C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS At 25°C Free-Air temperature VSS = OV, VDD = -15V (Unless Otherwise Specified) VIN=VDD ‘VK=VDD, PIN 4 at VDD STBTN Input Current (See Fig. A) K Input Impedance RIL1X-17 (See Fig. B1) Only VK=VDD, PIN 4 at VSS ° sc °o K Input Impedance VK=VDD, PIN 4 at VDD i Only ang B2) VK=VDD, PIN 4 at VSS Input leakage current (any input except K inputs, Pin 24 and Pin 4 VIN=VDD All other Pins at VSS Clock input frequency a fem me ner | ae oe Sust.Blas Input current] ovin= von * 4.4MHz available upon request TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TMS 3617A NS; Clock input low leve} pulse width Clock input high level pulse width Reset in low level Reset in high level K input level for 0% modulation index Clock Out low level Clock Out high level STB Out/Footage Out bias voltage (see fig. C) STB Out Current (See fig. D) Power Supply VDD All outputs open Power Consumption Reset In = Low Sustain Bias=vSS Clock Input Capacitance NOTE: uw i s_ must be tied at VSS. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS FOOTAGE OUTPUTS TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Yss 2 OV Yoos ~15¥ Tana.= 23°C Funtage Our at Voo i _Vstain== (4.5 Toone Swart = 200,54 | Vereues- H1.8V | Tore Swowee 189p j Verse 9. + | Tone Soence dad TP | Vsrgins- 7.8¥ Tons Senge UdopAl 0 -3 ~6 =9 =H Ww) VR D.c. OUTPUT CURRENTS : Vs SINGLE K-INPUT VOLTAGE FIG.E eee) TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ASE-= 84, b AO=5SN | FOVLIOA IndLno SA ANZAEND LAIN WFZITYWHNON SandLo 2D7466I Texas INSTRUMENTS tas va‘ald x a ws oz Ste 0)- _s$- ° «ny or- Si or~ o 2.57 = Or, AGI =ee, AO FSSA ot sree. ASI-= 8A AO=S8A D : 00% AGH sels reese ss ' ATI = S2ry | ivy wwe AWNQ TéT=XTTIe “I MNO ZT-XTTTY "I ZEYLTOA SLAANI -» BDVLIOA SLAdNI cA SA ANDYYLE SLAM -a ANZWIND SLNdNI-A SHISIMILIFITHD AVIIGAL TEXAS INSTRUMENTS WIS), WoST = eMVL ASP-= S4A = 4n 0835, S=tSA SOVLIOA NiEIS SA LN3¥BND LAC ELS SrsikelLoyve7kD BIGUSA, (a) ot- ISTRY, ASH~=%y Wolds BovVLIOA NIGLS 5A LNIYYAD NIGLS TEXAS INSTRUMENTS MECHANICAL DATA 28-PIN 600-MIL PLASTIC PACKAGE (165-MIL PIN SPACING} Joqyuared pue) toy2Ur UL UMULE are SUUZLUALMY FAT IVE nyarua> wl 4owg “# IS2LON WON [z5'1) 090'0 — 1 tv ston 24s) i a bivs 2) 008 eee (a0'0 7 8¥'0) fate (C00) CCO'O— %| pr eve + wr00 : el iw [£1'C) S240) ; faa INVA ONILV3S ——— Xn (wo s1 002 “| Pir = $ nin (oso 0x00 (szOseesiy o100T 0090 3 ww 7st 3 Oman = = x30Mt wana G Se eee 8 as oe Se XVID OCI OVW wu ySe TEXAS INSTRUMENTS

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