Instructions For Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1
Instructions For Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1
Instructions For Form 1041 and Schedules A, B, G, J, and K-1
How Else Does TAS Help Taxpayers? For this reason, a trust or decedent's estate is sometimes
referred to as a “pass-through entity.” The beneficiary, and not
the trust or decedent's estate, pays income tax on their
TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that affect many
distributive share of income. Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) is
taxpayers. If you know of one of these broad issues, report it
used to notify the beneficiaries of the amounts to be included
to TAS at Be sure to not include any personal
on their income tax returns.
taxpayer information.
Before preparing Form 1041, the fiduciary must figure the
How To Get Forms and Publications accounting income of the estate or trust under the will or trust
Internet. You can access the IRS website 24 hours a instrument and applicable local law to determine the amount,
day, 7 days a week, at to: if any, of income that is required to be distributed, because
the income distribution deduction is based, in part, on that
• Download forms, including talking tax forms, instructions,
and publications; Abusive Trust Arrangements
• Order IRS products;
• Use the online Internal Revenue Code, regulations, and Certain trust arrangements claim to reduce or eliminate
other official guidance; federal taxes in ways that are not permitted under the law.
• Research your tax questions; Abusive trust arrangements are typically promoted by the
• Search publications by topic or keyword; promise of tax benefits with no meaningful change in the
• Apply for an employer identification number (EIN); and taxpayer's control over or benefit from the taxpayer's income
• Sign up to receive local and national tax news by email. or assets. The promised benefits may include reduction or
elimination of income subject to tax; deductions for personal
Tax forms and publications. The estate or trust can expenses paid by the trust; depreciation deductions of an
download or print all of the forms and publications it may owner's personal residence and furnishings; a stepped-up
need on Otherwise, the estate or trust basis for property transferred to the trust; the reduction or
can go to to place an order and have elimination of self-employment taxes; and the reduction or
forms mailed to it. The IRS will process your order for forms elimination of gift and estate taxes. These promised benefits
and publications as soon as possible. are inconsistent with the tax rules applicable to trust
General Instructions Abusive trust arrangements often use trusts to hide the
true ownership of assets and income or to disguise the
Purpose of Form substance of transactions. These arrangements frequently
involve more than one trust, each holding different assets of
The fiduciary of a domestic decedent's estate, trust, or
the taxpayer (for example, the taxpayer's business, business
bankruptcy estate uses Form 1041 to report:
equipment, home, automobile, etc.). Some trusts may hold
• The income, deductions, gains, losses, etc., of the estate interests in other trusts, purport to involve charities, or are
or trust;
foreign trusts. Funds may flow from one trust to another trust
• The income that is either accumulated or held for future by way of rental agreements, fees for services, purchase
distribution or distributed currently to the beneficiaries;
agreements, and distributions.
• Any income tax liability of the estate or trust;
• Employment taxes on wages paid to household Some of the abusive trust arrangements that have been
employees; and identified include unincorporated business trusts (or
• Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT). See Schedule G, Part I, organizations), equipment or service trusts, family residence
line 5, and the Instructions for Form 8960. trusts, charitable trusts, and final trusts. In each of these
trusts, the original owner of the assets nominally subject to
Income Taxation of Trusts and the trust effectively retains the authority to cause financial
Decedents' Estates benefits of the trust to be directly or indirectly returned or
made available to the owner. For example, the trustee may be
A trust or a decedent's estate is a separate legal entity for
the promoter, a relative, or a friend of the owner who simply
federal tax purposes. A decedent's estate comes into
carries out the directions of the owner whether or not
existence at the time of death of an individual. A trust may be
permitted by the terms of the trust.
created during an individual's life (inter vivos) or at the time of
their death under a will (testamentary). If the trust instrument When trusts are used for legitimate business, family, or
contains certain provisions, then the person creating the trust estate planning purposes, either the trust, the beneficiary, or
A trust is a domestic trust if: Election period. The election period is the period of time
• A U.S. court is able to exercise primary supervision over during which an electing trust is treated as part of its related
the administration of the trust (court test), and estate.
• One or more U.S. persons have the authority to control all The election period begins on the date of the decedent's
substantial decisions of the trust (control test). death and terminates on the earlier of:
• The day on which the electing trust and related estate, if
See Regulations section 301.7701-7 for more information any, distribute all of their assets; or
on the court and control tests. • The day before the applicable date.
Also treated as a domestic trust is a trust (other than a To determine the applicable date, first determine whether a
trust treated as wholly owned by the grantor) that: Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping
• Was in existence on August 20, 1996, Transfer) Tax Return, is required to be filed as a result of the
• Was treated as a domestic trust on August 19, 1996, and decedent's death. If no Form 706 is required to be filed, the
• Elected to continue to be treated as a domestic trust. applicable date is 2 years after the date of the decedent's
death. If Form 706 is required, the applicable date is the later
A trust that isn't a domestic trust is treated as a foreign of 2 years after the date of the decedent's death or 6 months
trust. If you are the trustee of a foreign trust, file Form after the final determination of liability for estate tax. For
1040-NR instead of Form 1041. Also, a foreign trust with a additional information, see Regulations section 1.645-1(f).
Qualified Settlement Funds Form 1041 may also be e-filed using Form 8453-FE.
The trustee of a designated or qualified settlement fund For more information about e-filing returns through MeF,
(QSF) must generally file Form 1120-SF, U.S. Income Tax see Pub. 4164.
Return for Settlement Funds, instead of Form 1041.
If Form 1041 is e-filed and there is a balance due, the
Special election. If a QSF has only one transferor, the
fiduciary may authorize an electronic funds withdrawal with
transferor may elect to treat the QSF as a grantor type trust.
the return.
To make the grantor trust election, the transferor must
attach an election statement to a timely filed Form 1041, Private Delivery Services (PDSs)
including extensions, that the administrator files for the QSF You can use certain PDSs designated by the IRS to meet the
for the tax year in which the settlement fund is established. If “timely mailing as timely filing/paying” rule for tax returns and
Form 1041 isn't filed because Optional Method 1 or 2 payments. Go to for the current list of
(described later) was chosen, attach the election statement designated services.
to a timely filed income tax return, including extensions, of
the transferor for the tax year in which the settlement fund is The PDS can tell you how to get written proof of the
established. mailing date.
Election statement. The election statement may be For the IRS mailing address to use if you’re using a PDS,
made separately or, if filed with Form 1041, on the go to
attachment described under Grantor Type Trusts, later. At the
top of the election statement, enter “Section 1.468B-1(k) PDSs can't deliver items to P.O. boxes. You must use
Election” and include the transferor's: ! the U.S. Postal Service to mail any item to an IRS
• Name, CAUTION P.O. box address.
• Address,
• TIN, and When To File
• A statement that they will treat the QSF as a grantor type For calendar year estates and trusts, file Form 1041 and
trust. Schedule(s) K-1 by April 15, 2024. If you live in Maine or
Massachusetts, you have until April 17, 2024, because of the
Widely Held Fixed Investment Trust (WHFITs) Patriots' Day and Emancipation Day holidays.
Trustees and middlemen of WHFITs don't file Form 1041.
Instead, they report all items of gross income and proceeds For fiscal year estates and trusts, file Form 1041 by the
on the appropriate Form 1099. For the definition of a WHFIT, 15th day of the 4th month following the close of the tax year.
see Regulations section 1.671-5(b)(22). A tax information For example, an estate that has a tax year that ends on June
statement that includes the information given to the IRS on 30, 2024, must file Form 1041 by October 15, 2024. If the
Forms 1099, as well as additional information identified in due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, file on
Regulations section 1.671-5(e), must be given to trust the next business day.
interest holders. See the General Instructions for Certain
Information Returns for more information. Extension of Time To File
If more time is needed to file the estate or trust return, use
Electronic Filing Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To
Qualified fiduciaries or transmitters may be able to file Form File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other
1041 and related schedules electronically. To become an Returns, to apply for an automatic 51/2-month extension of
e-file provider, complete the following steps. time to file.
1. Create an IRS e-Services account. Period Covered
2. Submit your e-file provider application online. File the 2023 return for calendar year 2023 and fiscal years
3. Pass a suitability check. beginning in 2023 and ending in 2024. If the return is for a
fiscal year or a short tax year (less than 12 months), fill in the
The online application process takes 4–6 weeks to
tax year space at the top of the form.
The 2023 Form 1041 may also be used for a tax year
Note. Existing e-file providers must now use e-Services to beginning in 2024 if:
make account updates.
1. The estate or trust has a tax year of less than 12
Help is available online at e-services or through the e-Help months that begins and ends in 2024, and
Desk at 866-255-0654 (512-416-7750 for international calls),
2. The 2024 Form 1041 isn't available by the time the
Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. (Central time).
estate or trust is required to file its tax return. However, the
Frequently asked questions and Online Tutorials are available
estate or trust must show its 2024 tax year on the 2023 Form
to answer questions or to guide users through the application
1041 and incorporate any tax law changes that are effective
for tax years beginning after 2023.
If you file Form 1041 electronically, you may sign the return
electronically by using a personal identification number (PIN).
See Form 8879-F for details.
Who Must Sign appears in the Paid Preparer Use Only area of the estate's or
trust's return. It doesn't apply to the firm, if any, shown in that
The fiduciary, or an authorized representative, must sign If the “Yes” box is checked, the fiduciary is authorizing the
Form 1041. If there are joint fiduciaries, only one is required IRS to call the paid preparer to answer any questions that
to sign the return. may arise during the processing of the estate's or trust's
return. The fiduciary is also authorizing the paid preparer to:
A financial institution that submitted estimated tax • Give the IRS any information that is missing from the
payments for trusts for which it is the trustee must enter its estate's or trust's return;
EIN in the space provided for the EIN of the fiduciary. Don't • Call the IRS for information about the processing of the
enter the EIN of the trust. For this purpose, a financial estate's or trust's return or the status of its refund or
institution is one that maintains a Treasury Tax and Loan payment(s); and
(TT&L) account. If you are an attorney or other individual • Respond to certain IRS notices that the fiduciary has
functioning in a fiduciary capacity, leave this space blank. shared with the preparer about math errors, offsets, and
Don't enter your individual social security number (SSN). return preparation. The notices won't be sent to the preparer.
The fiduciary isn't authorizing the paid preparer to receive
Paid Preparer
any refund check, bind the estate or trust to anything
Generally, anyone who is paid to prepare a tax return must (including any additional tax liability), or otherwise represent
have a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN), sign the the estate or trust before the IRS.
return, and fill in the other blanks in the Paid Preparer Use
Only area of the return. The authorization will automatically end no later than the
due date (without regard to extensions) for filing the estate's
The person required to sign the return must: or trust's 2024 tax return. If the fiduciary wants to expand the
• Complete the required preparer information including their paid preparer's authorization or revoke the authorization
PTIN, before it ends, see Pub. 947, Practice Before the IRS and
• Sign it in the space provided for the preparer's signature (a Power of Attorney.
facsimile signature is acceptable), and
• Give you a copy of the return for your records. Accounting Methods
Figure taxable income using the method of accounting
If you, as fiduciary, fill in Form 1041, leave the Paid regularly used in keeping the estate's or trust's books and
Preparer Use Only space blank. records. Generally, permissible methods include the cash
If someone prepares this return and doesn't charge you, method, the accrual method, or any other method authorized
that person should not sign the return. by the Internal Revenue Code. In all cases, the method used
must clearly reflect income.
Paid Preparer Authorization Generally, the estate or trust may change its accounting
If the fiduciary wants to allow the IRS to discuss the estate's method (for income as a whole or for any material item) only
or trust's 2023 tax return with the paid preparer who signed it, by getting consent on Form 3115, Application for Change in
check the “Yes” box in the signature area of the return. This Accounting Method. For more information, see Pub. 538,
authorization applies only to the individual whose signature Accounting Periods and Methods.
Form 965-A, Individual Report of Net 965 Tax Liability. Received in a Trade or Business. Generally, this form is used
to report the receipt of more than $10,000 in cash or foreign
Form 982, Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of currency in one transaction (or a series of related
Indebtedness (and Section 1082 Basis Adjustment). transactions).
Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Form 8855, Election To Treat a Qualified Revocable Trust
Form 1040-NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax as Part of an Estate. This election allows a QRT to be treated
Return. and taxed (for income tax purposes) as part of its related
estate during the election period.
Form 1040-SR, U.S. Tax Return for Seniors.
Form 8865, Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to
Form 1041-A, U.S. Information Return Trust Accumulation Certain Foreign Partnerships. The estate or trust may have to
of Charitable Amounts. file Form 8865 if it:
Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. 1. Controlled a foreign partnership (that is, owned more
Source Income of Foreign Persons; and Form 1042-S, than a 50% direct or indirect interest in a foreign partnership);
Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding. 2. Owned at least a 10% direct or indirect interest in a
Use these forms to report and transmit withheld tax on foreign partnership while U.S. persons controlled that
payments or distributions made to nonresident alien partnership;
individuals, foreign partnerships, or foreign corporations to 3. Had an acquisition, disposition, or change in
the extent such payments or distributions constitute gross proportional interest in a foreign partnership that:
income from sources within the United States that isn't
effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business. For more a. Increased its direct interest to at least 10%,
information, see sections 1441 and 1442, and Pub. 515, b. Reduced its direct interest of at least 10% to less than
Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign 10%, or
Entities. c. Changed its direct interest by at least a 10% interest;
Forms 1099-A, B, INT, LTC, MISC, NEC, OID, Q, R, S, and or
SA. You may have to file these information returns to report 4. Contributed property to a foreign partnership in
acquisitions or abandonments of secured property; proceeds exchange for a partnership interest if:
from broker and barter exchange transactions; interest a. Immediately after the contribution, the estate or trust
payments; payments of long-term care and accelerated owned, directly or indirectly, at least a 10% interest in the
death benefits; miscellaneous income payments; foreign partnership; or
nonemployee compensation; original issue discount;
distributions from Coverdell ESAs; distributions from b. The fair market value (FMV) of the property the estate
pensions, annuities, retirement or profit-sharing plans, IRAs or trust contributed to the foreign partnership, for a
(including SEPs, SIMPLEs, Roth IRAs, Roth Conversions, partnership interest, when added to other contributions of
and IRA recharacterizations), insurance contracts, etc.; property made to the foreign partnership during the
proceeds from real estate transactions; and distributions from preceding 12-month period, exceeds $100,000.
an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA. Also, the estate or trust may have to file Form 8865 to
Also, use certain of these returns to report amounts report certain dispositions by a foreign partnership of
received as a nominee on behalf of another person, except property it previously contributed to that foreign partnership if
amounts reported to beneficiaries on Schedule K-1 (Form it was a partner at the time of the disposition.
1041). For more details, including penalties for failing to file Form
8865, see Form 8865 and its separate instructions.
Form 8275, Disclosure Statement. File Form 8275 to
disclose items or positions, except those contrary to a Form 8886, Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement.
regulation, that are not otherwise adequately disclosed on a Use Form 8886 to disclose information for each reportable
tax return. The disclosure is made to avoid parts of the transaction in which the trust participated, directly or
accuracy-related penalty imposed for disregard of rules or indirectly. Form 8886 must be filed for each tax year that the
substantial understatement of tax. Form 8275 is also used for federal income tax liability of the estate or trust is affected by
disclosures relating to preparer penalties for its participation in the transaction. The estate or trust may
understatements due to unrealistic positions or disregard of have to pay a penalty if it has a requirement to file Form 8886
rules. but you fail to file it. The following are reportable transactions.
Assembly and Attachments How to report. If the entire trust is a grantor trust, fill in only
Assemble any schedules, forms, and attachments behind the entity information of Form 1041. Don't show any dollar
Form 1041 in the following order. amounts on the form itself; show dollar amounts only on an
To determine whether any amount paid or incurred by the Tax Rate Schedule
bankruptcy estate is allowable as a deduction or credit, or is
treated as wages for employment tax purposes, treat the Figure the tax for the bankruptcy estate using the tax rate
amount as if it were paid or incurred by the individual debtor schedule below. Enter the tax on Form 1040 or 1040-SR,
in the same trade or business or other activity the debtor line 16.
engaged in before the bankruptcy proceedings began.
If taxable income is:
Administrative expenses. The bankruptcy estate is Of the
But not over
allowed a deduction for any administrative expense allowed Over— The tax is: amount over
under section 503 of title 11 of the U.S. Code, and any fee or —
charge assessed under chapter 123 of title 28 of the U.S. $0 $11,000 10% $0
11,000 44,725 $1,100.00 + 12% 11,000
Code, to the extent not disallowed under an Internal Revenue 44,725 95,375 5,147.00 + 22% 44,725
Code provision (for example, section 263, 265, or 275). 95,375 182,100 16,290.00 + 24% 95,375
Bankruptcy administrative expenses and fees, including 182,100 231,250 37,104.00 + 32% 182,100
231,250 346,875 52,832.00 + 35% 231,250
accounting fees, attorney fees, and court costs, are
346,875 ...... 93,300.75 + 37% 346,875
deductible on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), Part II, line 24z, as
allowable in arriving at AGI because they would not have
been incurred if property had not been held by the
bankruptcy estate. See section 67(e) and Final Regulations - Prompt Determination of Tax Liability
Administrative expenses of the bankruptcy estate To request a prompt determination of the tax liability of the
attributable to conducting a trade or business or for the bankruptcy estate, the trustee or debtor-in-possession must
production of estate rents or royalties are deductible in file a written request for the determination with the IRS. The
arriving at AGI on Form 1040, Schedules C, E, and F. request must be submitted in duplicate and executed under
penalties of perjury. The request must include a statement
Administrative expense loss. When figuring an NOL,
indicating that it is a request for prompt determination of tax
nonbusiness deductions (including administrative expenses)
liability and (a) the return type, and all the tax periods for
are limited under section 172(d)(4) to the bankruptcy estate's
which prompt determination is sought; (b) the name and
nonbusiness income. The excess nonbusiness deductions
location of the office where the return was filed; (c) the
are an administrative expense loss that may be carried back
debtor's name; (d) the debtor's SSN, TIN, or EIN; (e) the type
to each of the 3 preceding tax years and forward to each of
of bankruptcy estate; (f) the bankruptcy case number; and (g)
the 7 succeeding tax years of the bankruptcy estate. The
the court where the bankruptcy is pending. Send the request
amount of an administrative expense loss that may be carried
to the Centralized Insolvency Operation, P.O. Box 7346,
to any tax year is determined after the NOL deductions
Philadelphia, PA 19101-7346 (marked “Request for Prompt
allowed for that year. An administrative expense loss is
allowed only to the bankruptcy estate and can't be carried to
any tax year of the individual debtor. The IRS will notify the trustee or debtor-in-possession
Carryback of NOLs and credits. within 60 days from receipt of the request if the return filed by
the trustee or debtor-in-possession has been selected for
Generally, an NOL arising in a tax year beginning in
examination or has been accepted as filed. If the return is
! 2021 or later may not be carried back and instead
selected for examination, it will be examined as soon as
CAUTION must be carried forward indefinitely. However,
possible. The IRS will notify the trustee or
farming losses arising in tax years beginning in 2021 or later
debtor-in-possession of any tax due within 180 days from
may be carried back 2 years and carried forward indefinitely.
receipt of the request or within any additional time permitted
See Pub. 536 and Pub. 225, Farmer’s Tax Guide, for more
by the bankruptcy court.
If the bankruptcy estate itself incurs an NOL (apart from See Rev. Proc. 2006-24, 2006-22 I.R.B. 943, available at
losses carried forward to the estate from the individual, modified by
debtor), it can carry back its NOLs not only to previous tax Announcement 2011-77, available at
years of the bankruptcy estate, but also to tax years of the 2011-51_IRB/ar13.
individual debtor prior to the year in which the bankruptcy
proceedings began.
2. All the beneficiaries of which are determined by the life interest is figured using the yearly rate of return earned by
Commissioner of Social Security to have been disabled for the trust. See section 642(c) and the related regulations for
some part of the tax year within the meaning of 42 U.S.C. more information.
B. Number of Schedules K-1 Attached
A trust will not fail to meet item 2 above just because the
Every trust or decedent's estate claiming an income
trust's corpus may revert to a person who isn't disabled after
distribution deduction on page 1, line 18, must enter the
the trust ceases to have any disabled beneficiaries.
number of Schedules K-1 (Form 1041) that are attached to
ESBT (S Portion Only) Form 1041.
The S portion of an ESBT is the portion of the trust that C. Employer Identification Number
consists of S corporation stock and that isn't treated as Every estate or trust that is required to file Form 1041 must
owned by the grantor or another person. See Electing Small have an EIN. An EIN may be applied for in the following ways.
Business Trusts (ESBTs), earlier, for more information about
• Online at The EIN is issued immediately
an ESBT. once the application information is validated.
Grantor Type Trust • By mailing or faxing Form SS-4.
A grantor type trust is a legal trust under applicable state law If the estate or trust hasn't received its EIN by the time the
that isn't recognized as a separate taxable entity for income return is due, enter “Applied for” and the date you applied in
tax purposes because the grantor or other substantial owners the space for the EIN. For more details, see Pub. 583,
have not relinquished complete dominion and control over Starting a Business and Keeping Records.
the trust.
D. Date Entity Created
Generally, for transfers made in trust after March 1, 1986, Enter the date the trust was created, or, if a decedent's
the grantor is treated as the owner of any portion of a trust in estate, the date of the decedent's death.
which they have a reversionary interest in either the income
or corpus therefrom, if, as of the inception of that portion of E. Nonexempt Charitable and
the trust, the value of the reversionary interest is more than
5% of the value of that portion. Also, the grantor is treated as
Split-Interest Trusts
holding any power or interest that was held by either the
grantor's spouse at the time that the power or interest was Section 4947(a)(1) Trust
created or who became the grantor's spouse after the Check this box if the trust is a nonexempt charitable trust
creation of that power or interest. See Grantor Type Trusts, within the meaning of section 4947(a)(1).
earlier, for more information. A nonexempt charitable trust is a trust:
Pre-need funeral trusts. The purchasers of pre-need • That isn't exempt from tax under section 501(a);
funeral services are the grantors and the owners of pre-need • In which all of the unexpired interests are devoted to one or
funeral trusts established under state laws. See Rev. Rul. more charitable purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B);
87-127, 1987-2 C.B. 156. However, the trustees of pre-need and
funeral trusts can elect to file the return and pay the tax for • For which a deduction was allowed under section 170 (for
qualified funeral trusts. For more information, see Form individual taxpayers) or similar Code section for personal
1041-QFT. holding companies, foreign personal holding companies, or
estates or trusts (including a deduction for estate or gift tax
Nonqualified deferred compensation plans. Taxpayers purposes).
may adopt and maintain grantor trusts in connection with
nonqualified deferred compensation plans (sometimes Nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private founda-
referred to as “rabbi trusts”). Rev. Proc. 92-64, 1992-2 C.B. tion. If a nonexempt charitable trust is treated as though it
422, provides a “model grantor trust” for use in rabbi trust were a private foundation under section 509, then the
arrangements. The procedure also provides guidance for fiduciary must file Form 990-PF, Return of Private
requesting rulings on the plans that use these trusts. Foundation, in addition to Form 1041.
QSSTs. The beneficiary of a QSST is treated as the If a nonexempt charitable trust is treated as though it were
substantial owner of that portion of the trust which consists of a private foundation, and it has no taxable income under
stock in an S corporation for which an election under section subtitle A, it may check the box on Form 990-PF, Part VI-A,
1361(d)(2) has been made. See QSSTs, earlier. line 15, and enter the tax-exempt interest received or accrued
during the year on that line, instead of filing Form 1041 to
Bankruptcy Estate meet its section 6012 filing requirement for that tax year.
A chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcy estate is a separate and distinct Excise taxes. If a nonexempt charitable trust is treated as
taxable entity from the individual debtor for federal income a private foundation, then it is subject to the same excise
tax purposes. See Bankruptcy Estates, earlier. taxes under chapters 41 and 42 that a private foundation is
subject to. If the nonexempt charitable trust is liable for any of
For more information, see section 1398 and Pub. 908. these taxes (except the section 4940 tax), then it reports
these taxes on Form 4720. Taxes paid by the trust on Form
Pooled Income Fund 4720 or on Form 990-PF (the section 4940 tax) can't be taken
A pooled income fund is a split-interest trust with a remainder as a deduction on Form 1041.
interest for a public charity and a life income interest retained
by the donor or for another person. The property is held in a Not a Private Foundation
pool with other pooled income fund property and doesn't Check this box if the nonexempt charitable trust (section
include any tax-exempt securities. The income for a retained 4947(a)(1)) isn't treated as a private foundation under section
A split-interest trust is a trust that: If, on the final return, there are excess deductions, an
unused capital loss carryover, or an NOL carryover, see the
• Isn't exempt from tax under section 501(a); instructions for box 11 of Schedule K-1, later.
• Has some unexpired interests that are devoted to
purposes other than religious, charitable, or similar purposes
Change in Trust's Name
described in section 170(c)(2)(B); and
• Has amounts transferred in trust after May 26, 1969, for If the name of the trust has changed from the name shown on
which a deduction was allowed under section 170 (for the prior year's return (or Form SS-4 if this is the first return
individual taxpayers) or similar Code sections for personal being filed), be sure to check this box.
holding companies, foreign personal holding companies, or
estates or trusts (including a deduction for estate or gift tax Change in Fiduciary
purposes). If a different fiduciary enters their name on the line for Name
and title of fiduciary than was shown on the prior year's return
Other returns that must be filed. The fiduciary of a (or Form SS-4 if this is the first return being filed) and you
split-interest trust must file Form 5227. However, see the didn't file a Form 8822-B, be sure to check this box. If there is
Instructions for Form 5227 for the exception that applies to a change in the fiduciary whose address is used as the
split-interest trusts other than section 664 CRTs. mailing address for the estate or trust after the return is filed,
F. Initial Return, Amended Return, etc. use Form 8822-B to notify the IRS.
Types of interest to include on line 10 are: if elected instead of income taxes), real estate taxes, and
1. Any investment interest (subject to limitations—see personal property taxes. The limitation does not apply to
below), foreign income taxes, and state and local taxes paid or
For a trust to qualify, the trust may not be a simple trust, Note. Use Schedule I (Form 1041) to compute the DNI and
and the set-aside amounts must be required by the terms of a income distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis.
trust instrument that was created on or before October 9,
Pooled income funds. Don't complete Schedule B for
these funds. Instead, attach a separate statement to support
the computation of the income distribution deduction. See
Further, the trust instrument must provide for an Pooled Income Funds, earlier, for more information.
irrevocable remainder interest to be transferred to or for the
use of an organization described in section 170(c) or the trust Separate share rule. If a single trust or an estate has more
must have been created by a grantor who was at all times than one beneficiary, and if different beneficiaries have
after October 9, 1969, under a mental disability to change the substantially separate and independent shares, their shares
terms of the trust. are treated as separate trusts or estates for the sole purpose
of determining the DNI allocable to the respective
Also, certain testamentary trusts that were established by beneficiaries.
a will that was executed on or before October 9, 1969, may If the separate share rule applies, figure the DNI allocable
qualify. See Regulations section 1.642(c)-2(b). to each beneficiary on a separate sheet and attach the sheet
If you are filing for a simple trust, subtract from adjusted Reduce the amount on line 5 by any allocable section
total income any extraordinary dividends or taxable stock 1202 exclusion.
dividends included on page 1, line 2, and determined under
the governing instrument and applicable local law to be Line 8—Accounting Income
allocable to corpus.
If you are filing for a decedent's estate or a simple trust, skip
Line 2—Adjusted Tax-Exempt Interest this line. If you are filing for a complex trust, enter the income
for the tax year determined under the terms of the governing
To figure the adjusted tax-exempt interest, follow the steps instrument and applicable local law. Don't include
below. extraordinary dividends or taxable stock dividends
determined under the governing instrument and applicable
Step 1. Add tax-exempt interest income on line 2 of local law to be allocable to corpus.
Schedule A, any expenses allowable under section 212
allocable to tax-exempt interest, and any interest expense Lines 9 and 10
allocable to tax-exempt interest.
Don't include any:
Step 2. Subtract the Step 1 total from the amount of • Amount that was deducted on the prior year's return that
tax-exempt interest (including exempt-interest dividends) was required to be distributed in the prior year,
received. • Amount that is paid or permanently set aside for charitable
purposes or otherwise qualifying for the charitable deduction,
Section 212 expenses that are directly allocable to or
tax-exempt interest are allocated only to tax-exempt interest. • Amount that is properly paid or credited as a gift or
A reasonable proportion of section 212 expenses that are bequest of a specific amount of money or specific property.
indirectly allocable to both tax-exempt interest and other
income must be allocated to each class of income. Note. An amount that can be paid or credited only from
income isn't considered a gift or bequest. Also, to qualify as a
Figure the interest expense allocable to tax-exempt gift or bequest, the amount must be paid in three or fewer
interest according to the guidelines in Rev. Proc. 72-18, installments.
1972-1 C.B. 740.
Line 9—Income Required To Be Distributed
See Regulations sections 1.643(a)-5 and 1.265-1 for more Currently
Line 9 is to be completed by all simple trusts as well as
Line 3 complex trusts and decedents’ estates that are required to
distribute income currently, whether it is distributed or not.
Include all capital gains, whether or not distributed, that are The determination of whether trust income is required to be
attributable to income under the governing instrument or local distributed currently depends on the terms of the governing
law. For example, if the trustee distributed 50% of the current instrument and the applicable local law.
year's capital gains to the income beneficiaries (and reflects
this amount on Schedule D (Form 1041), line 19, column (1)), The line 9 distributions are referred to as “first-tier
but under the governing instrument all capital gains are distributions” and are deductible by the estate or trust to the
attributable to income, then include 100% of the capital gains extent of the DNI. The beneficiary includes such amounts in
on line 3. If the amount on Schedule D (Form 1041), line 19, their income to the extent of their proportionate share of the
column (1), is a net loss, enter zero. DNI.
If line 11 is more than line 8, and you are filing for a complex
trust that has previously accumulated income, see the Schedule D (Form 1041) and Schedule D Tax Work-
instructions for Schedule J, later, to see if you must complete sheet. Use Part V of Schedule D (Form 1041), or the
Schedule J (Form 1041), Accumulation Distribution for Schedule D Tax Worksheet, whichever is applicable, to figure
Certain Complex Trusts. the estate's or trust's tax if the estate or trust files Schedule D
(Form 1041) and has:
Line 12—Adjustment for Tax-Exempt Income • A net capital gain and any taxable income, or
• Qualified dividends on line 2b(2) of Form 1041 and any
In figuring the income distribution deduction, the estate or taxable income.
trust isn't allowed a deduction for any item of the DNI that isn't Qualified Dividends Tax Worksheet. If you don't have to
included in the gross income of the estate or trust. Thus, for complete Part I or Part II of Schedule D and the estate or trust
purposes of figuring the allowable income distribution has an amount entered on line 2b(2) of Form 1041 and any
deduction, the DNI (line 7) is figured without regard to any taxable income (line 23), then figure the estate's or trust's tax
tax-exempt interest. using the worksheet, later, and enter the tax on line 1a.
If tax-exempt interest is the only tax-exempt income Note. You must reduce the amount you enter on line 2b(2) of
included in the total distributions (line 11), and the DNI Form 1041 by the portion of the section 691(c) deduction
(line 7) is less than or equal to line 11, then enter on line 12 claimed on line 19 of Form 1041 if the estate or trust received
the amount from line 2. qualified dividends that were IRD.
If tax-exempt interest is the only tax-exempt income Line 1c—Alternative minimum tax. Attach Schedule I
included in the total distributions (line 11), and the DNI is (Form 1041) if any of the following apply.
more than line 11 (that is, the estate or trust made a • The estate or trust must complete Schedule B.
• The estate or trust claims a credit on line 2b, 2c, or 2d of Line 2b—General Business Credit
Schedule G.
• The estate's or trust's share of alternative minimum taxable Don't include any amounts that are allocated to a
income (line 27 of Schedule I (Form 1041)) exceeds $28,400. ! beneficiary. Credits that are allocated between the
CAUTION estate or trust and the beneficiaries are listed in the
Enter the amount from line 54 of Schedule I (Form 1041) on
line 1c. instructions for box 13 of Schedule K-1, later. Generally,
these credits are apportioned on the basis of the income
Line 1d—Total. If the amount from line 14 of Form 8978 is a allocable to the estate or trust and the beneficiaries.
positive amount, include it in the total reported on line 1d. On
the dotted line next to line 1d, enter “From Form 8978” and Enter on line 2b the estate's or trust's total general
the amount. Attach Form 8978. business credit allowed for the current year from Form 3800.
The estate or trust must file Form 3800 to claim any of the
Line 2a—Foreign Tax Credit general business credits. Generally, if the estate's or trust's
only source of a credit is from a pass-through entity and the
Attach Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit (Individual, Estate, or
beneficiary isn't entitled to an allocable share of a credit, you
Trust), if you elect to claim credit for income or profits taxes
aren't required to complete the source form for that credit.
paid or accrued to a foreign country or a U.S. territory. The
However, certain credits have limitations and special
estate or trust may claim credit for that part of the foreign
computations that may require you to complete the source
taxes not allocable to the beneficiaries (including charitable
form. See the Instructions for Form 3800 for more
beneficiaries). Enter the estate's or trust's share of the credit
on line 2a. See Pub. 514, Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals,
for details. Line 2c—Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax
An estate or trust that paid AMT in a previous year may be
eligible for a minimum tax credit in 2023. See Form 8801,
Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax—Individuals, Estates, and Line 4—Tax on the ESBT Portion of the Trust
Trusts. Use the ESBT Tax Worksheet above to figure the ESBT tax.
Enter the amount from line 17 of the ESBT Tax Worksheet on
Line 2d—Bond Credits line 4.
Complete and attach Form 8912, Credit to Holders of Tax
Credit Bonds, if the estate or trust claims a credit for holding See Electing Small Business Trusts (ESBTs), earlier, for
a tax credit bond. Also, be sure to include the credit in the special tax computation rules that apply to the portion of
interest income. an ESBT consisting of stock in one or more S corporations.
income related to such property, but disposed of the property Don't include on Form 1041 estimated tax paid by an
within the first tax year subsequent to the tax year the ! individual before death. Instead, include those
Settlement Trust received the property. Determine the CAUTION payments on the decedent's final income tax return.
increase in tax due to the inclusion of the deferred income
and include on this line the additional tax due, equal to 10% Line 11—Estimated Tax Payments Allocated to
of the increase in tax due to the inclusion of the deferred
income. The increase in tax due to the inclusion of the
Beneficiaries (From Form 1041-T)
deferred income, which is the base amount for the The trustee (or executor, for the final year of the estate) may
computation of the additional 10% tax shown on this line, elect under section 643(g) to have any portion of its
should be shown elsewhere on Schedule G. If the amended estimated tax treated as a payment of estimated tax made by
return also shows changes to income, deductions, or credits a beneficiary or beneficiaries. The election is made on Form
unrelated to the inclusion of the deferred income, attach a 1041-T, which must be filed by the 65th day after the close of
schedule showing the computation of the additional tax due the trust's tax year. Form 1041-T shows the amounts to be
only to the inclusion of the deferred income. To the left of the allocated to each beneficiary. This amount is reported in
entry space, enter “Section 247(g)(3) tax.” box 13, code A, of the beneficiary's Schedule K-1 (Form
Form 8978 Worksheet. If you have a negative amount from
Form 8978, line 14, that was not used to reduce Schedule G, Attach Form 1041-T to your return only if you haven't yet
line 3, to zero, and you have chapter 1 taxes and/or tax and filed it; however, attaching Form 1041-T to Form 1041 doesn't
interest from Form 8621, Information Return by a extend the due date for filing Form 1041-T. If you have
Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or already filed Form 1041-T, don't attach a copy to your return.
Qualified Electing Fund, then complete the Form 8978 Failure to file Form 1041-T by the due date (March 5,
Worksheet—Schedule G, Part I, Line 8 to figure the amount 2024, for calendar year estates and trusts) will result
to enter on line 8. !
CAUTION in an invalid election. An invalid election will require
Line 1—Distribution Under Section 661(a)(2) Line 7—Distributions Made During Earlier Years
Enter the applicable amounts as follows:
Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule B, line 10, for
2023. This is the amount properly paid, credited, or required
Throwback year(s) Amount from line
to be distributed other than the amount of income for the
1969–1977 Form 1041, Schedule C, line 8
current tax year required to be distributed currently. . . . . . . . .
1978 . . . . . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 64
1979 . . . . . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 65
Line 2—Distributable Net Income 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 64
1981–1982 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 62
1983–1996 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, Schedule B, line 13
Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule B, line 7, for
1997–2022 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, Schedule B, line 11
2023. This is the amount of DNI for the current tax year
determined under section 643(a).
Line 3—Distribution Under Section 661(a)(1) Line 11—Prior Accumulation Distribution Thrown
Back to Any Throwback Year
Enter the amount from Form 1041, Schedule B, line 9, for
2023. This is the amount of income for the current tax year Enter the amount of prior accumulation distributions thrown
required to be distributed currently. back to the throwback years. Don't enter distributions
excluded under section 663(a)(1) for gifts, bequests, etc.
Line 5—Accumulation Distribution
Line 13—Throwback Years
If line 11 of Form 1041, Schedule B, is more than line 8 of
Form 1041, Schedule B, complete the rest of Schedule J and Allocate the amount on line 5 that is an accumulation
file it with Form 1041, unless the trust has no previously distribution to the earliest applicable year first, but don't
accumulated income. allocate more than the amount on line 12 for any throwback
General Instructions
Use Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) to report the beneficiary's
Line 26—Tax on Income Other Than Long-Term share of income, deductions, and credits from a trust or a
Capital Gain decedent's estate.
Grantor type trusts don't use Schedule K-1 (Form
Enter the applicable amounts as follows:
! 1041) to report the income, deductions, or credits of
CAUTION the grantor (or other person treated as owner). See
Throwback year(s) Amount from line
Grantor Type Trusts, earlier.
1969 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 20
1970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 19
1971 . . . Schedule D, line 50
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 48
Who Must File
1976–1978 . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 27
The fiduciary (or one of the joint fiduciaries) must file
Schedule K-1. A copy of each beneficiary's Schedule K-1 is
attached to the Form 1041 filed with the IRS, and each
Line 27—Trust's Share of Net Short-Term Gain beneficiary is given a copy of their respective Schedule K-1.
One copy of each Schedule K-1 must be retained for the
If there is a loss on any of the following lines, enter zero on fiduciary's records.
line 27 for the applicable throwback year. Otherwise, enter
the applicable amounts as follows: Beneficiary's Identifying Number
Throwback year(s) Amount from line
As a payer of income, you are required to request and
1969–1970 . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 10, column 2 provide a proper identifying number for each recipient of
1971–1978 Schedule D, line 14, column 2
. . . . . . .
income. Enter the beneficiary's number on the respective
Schedule K-1 when you file Form 1041. Individuals and
business recipients are responsible for giving you their TINs
upon request. You may use Form W-9 to request the
Line 28—Trust's Share of Taxable Income Less
beneficiary's identifying number.
Section 1202 Deduction
Penalty. You may be charged a $50 penalty for each failure
Enter the applicable amounts as follows: to provide a required TIN, unless reasonable cause is
established for not providing it. Explain any reasonable cause
Throwback year(s) Amount from line
in a signed affidavit and attach it to this return.
1969 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 19 Truncating recipient's identification number on benefi-
1970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 18 ciary's statement. The estate or trust can truncate a
1971 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 38 beneficiary’s identifying number on the Schedule K-1 the
1972–1975 Schedule D, line 39
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 21
estate or trust sends to the beneficiary. Truncation isn't
allowed on the Schedule K-1 the estate or trust files with the
IRS. Also, the estate or trust can't truncate its own
identification number on any form.
make a valid election, then the IRS will disallow the estimated
Box 11, Codes E and F—NOL Carryover tax payment that is reported on Schedule K-1 and claimed on
the beneficiary's return.
Upon termination of a trust or decedent's estate, a
beneficiary succeeding to its property is allowed to deduct
• Credit for backup withholding (code B).
any unused NOL (and any alternative tax net operating loss) Income tax withheld on wages can't be distributed to
carryover for regular and AMT purposes if the carryover ! the beneficiary.
would be allowable to the estate or trust in a later tax year but CAUTION
for the termination. Enter in box 11, using codes E and F, the • The low-income housing credit (code C). Attach a
unused carryover amounts. statement that shows the beneficiary's share of the amount, if
any, entered on line 6 of Form 8586, Low-Income Housing
Box 12—AMT Items Credit, with instructions to report that amount on Form 8586,
line 4, or Form 3800, Part III, line 4d, if the beneficiary's only
Adjustment for minimum tax purposes (code A). Enter source for the credit is a pass-through entity.
the beneficiary's share of the adjustment for minimum tax • Advanced manufacturing production credit (code D).
purposes. Attach a statement showing the amount of the credit the
To figure the adjustment, subtract the beneficiary's share beneficiary must report on line 7 of Form 7207, with
of the income distribution deduction figured on Schedule B, instructions to report the amount directly on Form 3800, Part
line 15, from the beneficiary's share of the income distribution III, line 1b, if the beneficiary's only source for the credit is a
deduction on a minimum tax basis figured on Schedule I pass-through entity.
(Form 1041), line 42. The difference is the beneficiary's share • Work opportunity credit (code F).
of the adjustment for minimum tax purposes. • Credit for small employer health insurance premiums
(code G).
Note. Schedule B, line 15, equals the sum of boxes 1, 2a, 3, • Biofuel producer credit (code H).
4a, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of all Schedules K-1. • Credit for increasing research activities (code I).
• Renewable electricity production credit (code J). Attach a
AMT adjustment attributable to qualified dividends, net statement that shows separately the amount of the credit the
short-term capital gains, or net long-term capital gains beneficiary must report on line 14 of Form 8835, including the
(codes B through D). If any part of the amount reported in allocation of the credit for production during the 4-year period
box 12, code A, is attributable to qualified dividends (code B), beginning on the date the facility was placed in service and
net short-term capital gain (code C), or net long-term capital for production after that period.
gain (code D), enter that part using the applicable code. • Empowerment zone employment credit (code K).
AMT adjustment attributable to unrecaptured section • Orphan drug credit (code M).
1250 gain or 28% rate gain (codes E and F). Enter the • Credit for employer-provided childcare facilities and
beneficiary's distributive share of any AMT adjustments to the services (code N).
unrecaptured section 1250 gain (code E) or 28% rate gain • Biodiesel, renewable diesel, or sustainable aviation fuels
(code F), whichever is applicable, in box 12. credit (code O). If the credit includes the small agri-biodiesel
credit, attach a statement that shows the beneficiary's share
Accelerated depreciation, depletion, and amortization of the small agri-biodiesel credit, the number of gallons
(codes G through I). Enter any adjustments or tax claimed for the small agri-biodiesel credit, and the estate's or
preference items attributable to accelerated depreciation trust's productive capacity for agri-biodiesel.
(code G), depletion (code H), or amortization (code I) that • Credit to holders of tax credit bonds (code P).
were directly apportioned to the beneficiary. For property • Credit for employer differential wage payments (code Q).
placed in service before 1987, report separately the • Recapture of credits (code R). On an attached statement
accelerated depreciation of real and leased personal to Schedule K-1, provide any information the beneficiary will
property. need to report recapture of credits.
Exclusion items (code J). Enter the beneficiary's share of • Other credits (code ZZ). This code is used to report the
the adjustment for minimum tax purposes from box 12, code beneficiary's share of all other credits.
A, of Schedule K-1 that is attributable to exclusion items
(Schedule I (Form 1041), lines 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7). Box 14—Other Information
Enter the dollar amounts and applicable codes for the items
listed under Other information.
QBI Flowchart
Questions Yes No
Is the item effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the United Continue Stop, this item isn’t QBI.
Is the item attributable to a trade or business (this may include section 1231 gain (loss), Continue Stop, this item isn’t QBI.
section 179 deductions, interest from debt-financed distributions, etc.)? Examples of an item
not considered attributable to the trade or business at the entity level include gambling income
(loss) where the entity isn’t engaged in the trade or business of gambling, income (loss) from
vacation properties when the entity isn’t in that trade or business, activities not engaged in for
profit, etc.
Is the item treated as a capital gain or loss under any provision of the Internal Revenue Code Stop, this item isn’t QBI. Continue
or is it a dividend or dividend equivalent?
Is the item interest income other than interest income properly allocable to a trade or Stop, this item isn’t QBI. Continue
business? (Note that interest income attributable to an investment of working capital,
reserves, or similar accounts isn’t properly allocable to a trade or business.)
Is the item an annuity, other than an annuity received in connection with the trade or business? Stop, this item isn’t QBI. Continue
Is the item gain or loss from a commodities transaction or foreign currency gain or loss Stop, this item isn’t QBI. Continue
described in section 954(c)(1)(C) or (D)?
Is the item gain or loss from a notional principal contract under section 954(c)(1)(F)? Stop, this item isn’t QBI. Continue
Is the item of income or loss from a qualified PTP? This item is a qualified PTP This item is QBI. Report this
item. Report this item as item as QBI subject to
qualified PTP income or beneficiary-specific
loss, subject to determinations.
determinations, and check
the “PTP” box.
Specific Instructions for Statement A—QBI wages and UBIA of qualified property reported to the trust or
Pass-Through Entity Reporting. estate from any qualified trades or businesses of an RPE the
QBI or qualified PTP items. The trust or estate must first trust or estate owns directly or indirectly. However, trusts or
determine if it is engaged in one or more trades or estates that own a direct or indirect interest in a PTP may not
businesses. It must then determine if any of its trades or include any amounts for W-2 wages or UBIA of qualified
businesses are SSTBs. The trust or estate must also property from the PTP, as the W-2 wages and UBIA of
determine whether it has qualified PTP items from an interest qualified property from a PTP are not allowed in computing
in a PTP. The trust or estate must indicate the status on the the W-2 wage and UBIA limitations.
appropriate checkboxes for each trade or business (or The W-2 wages are amounts paid to employees described
aggregated trade or business) or PTP interest reported. in sections 6051(a)(3) and (8). If the trust or estate conducts
more than one trade or business, it must allocate the W-2
Note. SSTBs and PTPs cannot be aggregated with any wages among its trades or businesses. See Rev. Proc.
other trade or business. So, if the aggregation box is 2019-11, 2019-09 I.R.B. 742, for more information.
checked, the “SSTB” and “PTP” boxes for that specific The unadjusted basis of qualified property is figured by
aggregated trade or business should not be checked. adding the unadjusted basis of all qualified assets
Next, the trust or estate must report to each beneficiary immediately after acquisition. Qualified property includes all
their allocable share of all apportioned items that are QBI or tangible property subject to depreciation under section 167
qualified PTP items for each trade or business the trust or for which the depreciable period hasn't ended that is held
estate owns directly or indirectly. Use the QBI Flowchart to and used for the production of QBI by the trade or business
determine if an allocated item is reportable as a QBI item or during the tax year and held on the last day of the tax year.
qualified PTP item subject to beneficiary-specific The depreciable period ends on the later of 10 years after the
determinations. Each item included under “Other” must be property is placed in service or the last day of the full year for
stated separately, identifying the nature and amount of each the applicable recovery period under section 168.
item. Section 199A dividends. The trust or estate must report
W-2 wages and UBIA of qualified property. The trust or the apportioned allocable share of any REIT dividends to
estate must determine the W-2 wages and UBIA of qualified each beneficiary on Statement A, or a substantially similar
property properly allocable to QBI for each qualified trade or statement, attached to Schedule K-1. Section 199A
business and report the allocable share to each beneficiary dividends do not have to be reported by trade or business
on Statement A, or a substantially similar statement, attached and can be reported as a single amount to beneficiaries.
to Schedule K-1. This includes the allocable share of W-2 Section 199A dividends include dividends the trust or estate
W-2 Wages
UBIA of Qualified Property
Specific Instructions for Statement B—QBI disaggregated. The trust’s or estate’s aggregations must be
Pass-Through Entity Aggregation Election(s). If the trust reported consistently for all subsequent years, unless there is
or estate elects to aggregate more than one trade or a change in facts and circumstances that changes or
business that meet all the requirements to aggregate, the disqualifies the aggregation. The trust or estate must provide
trust or estate must report the aggregation to beneficiaries on a written explanation for any changes to prior year
Statement B, or a substantially similar statement, and attach aggregations that describes the change in facts and
it to each Schedule K-1. The trust or estate must indicate circumstances.
trades or businesses that were aggregated by checking the If the trust or estate holds a direct or indirect interest in an
appropriate box for each aggregated trade or business. The RPE that aggregates multiple trades or businesses, the trust
trust or estate must also provide a description of the or estate must also include a copy of the RPE’s aggregations
aggregated trade or business and an explanation of the with each beneficiary’s Schedule K-1. The trust or estate
factors met that allow the aggregation. cannot break apart the aggregation of another RPE, but it
The aggregation statement must be completed each year may add trades or businesses to the aggregation, assuming
to show the trust’s or estate’s trade or business aggregations. the aggregation requirements are satisfied.
Failure to disclose the aggregations may cause them to be
Has this trade or business aggregation changed from the prior year? This includes changes in the aggregation due to a trade or business being
formed, acquired, disposed, or ceasing operations. If yes, explain.
Note. If you have more than one aggregated group, attach additional Statements B. Name the additional aggregations 2, 3, 4, and so forth.
Specific Instructions for Statement C—QBI QBI items and W-2 wages allocable to qualified payments
Pass-Through Entity Reporting—Patrons of Specified include apportioned QBI items included on Statement A that
Agricultural and Horticultural Cooperatives. are allocable to the qualified payments reported to the trust or
QBI items and wages allocable to qualified payments. estate on Form 1099-PATR from the cooperative.
If the trust or estate is a patron of a specified agricultural or Section 199A(g) deduction. The trust or estate must
horticultural cooperative, the trust or estate must provide the report to its beneficiaries their allocable shares of any
allocable share of QBI items and W-2 wages allocable to apportioned section 199A(g) deduction passed through the
qualified payments from each trade or business to each of its cooperative, as reported on Form 1099-PATR. Section
beneficiaries on Statement C, or a substantially similar 199A(g) deductions do not have to be reported by trade or
statement, and attach it to Schedule K-1 so each beneficiary business and can be reported as a single amount to
can compute their patron reduction under section 199A(b)(7). beneficiaries.
Code J. Qualifying advanced coal project property and beneficiary with a statement with the distributive share of
qualifying gasification project property. Provide the amounts that the beneficiary will need to complete Form
Comments and suggestions. We welcome your comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or
suggestions for making this form and related schedules simpler. You can send us comments through
Or, you can write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and Publications, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526,
Washington, DC 20224. Although we can't respond individually to each comment received, we do appreciate your feedback
and will consider your comments and suggestions as we revise our tax forms, instructions, and publications. Don't send Form
1041 to this address. Instead, see Where To File, earlier.
Bankruptcy 7, 19
A Exemption for 27 Q
Foreign 5
Accounting income 3 Qualified business income deduction 27
Who must file 5
Adjusted gross income (AGI) 2, 4, 10, 15, Qualified disability trust 27
17, 28, 36, 44 Estate tax deduction 27
Qualified revocable trust 5
Alaska Native Settlement Trusts 7 Estimated tax 10, 28
Qualified settlement funds 8
Amended return 20 Allocation of payments to beneficiaries 10
Qualified small business stock 30
Amounts paid or permanently set Penalty 28
Qualified subchapter S trust (QSST) 5, 14,
aside 29 Exemption 27 19
Assembly 13 Extraterritorial income exclusion 21
Attachments 13 R
B Fiduciary 4, 5, 9 Amended 20
Bankruptcy estate 7, 16, 19 Fiduciary accounting income (FAI) Common trust fund 7
Bankruptcy information 16 (See Accounting income)
Electronic and magnetic media 8
Beneficiary 4 Final return 20
Final 20
Allocation of estimated tax payment 10 First-tier distributions 30
Nonexempt charitable trust 19, 20
Complex trust 42 Foreign tax credit 32
Qualified settlement funds 8
Estate 42 Form 1041-T 10
Split-interest trust 20
Simple trust 42 Form 8855 5
When to file 8
Tax year for inclusion 42 Form 8886 12, 13, 51
Who must file 5
Withholding on foreign person 30 Revocable Living Trusts:
Blind trust 21 G Section 645 Election 20
General business credit 32
C Grantor trusts 3, 5, 13, 19 S
Cemetery perpetual care fund 27 Backup withholding 15
Second-tier distributions 31
Charitable deduction 28 Nonqualified deferred compensation
plans 19 Separate share rule 29
Charitable remainder trusts 20 Special filing instructions:
Optional filing methods 14
Common trust fund 7 Bankruptcy estates 18
Pre-need funeral trusts 19
Special filing instructions 13 Electing small business trusts 15
D GST tax deduction 27 Grantor trusts 13
Decedent's Estate 4 Pooled income funds 15
Split-interest trust 20
Definitions: I
Accumulation distribution 39 Substitute forms 42
Income distribution deduction 3, 27, 29
Adjusted gross income (AGI) 4
Inter vivos 3, 4 T
Beneficiary 4
Interest income 21
Complex trust 18 Tax rate schedule 31
Decedent's estate 18 Taxable income 27
Deduction 27
Decedent's Estate 4 Throwback years 39
DNI 4 Trusts 4
Fiduciary 4 M
Alaska Native Settlement 7
Grantor trusts 19 Minimum taxable income 27 Blind 21
IRD 4 Common trust fund 7
Outside income 40 N Complex 42
Pooled income fund 19 Domestic 5
Net investment income tax 36
Revocable Living Trust 4 Exemption for 27
Net operating loss 28
Simple trust 18 Foreign 37
Nonexempt charitable deduction 19
Trust 4 Grantor 3
Nonexempt charitable trust 19, 28
Trusts 4 Inter vivos 3, 4
Nonqualified deferred compensation
Distributable net income (See DNI) plans 19 Nonexempt charitable 19, 28
DNI 4, 29 Pre-need funeral 19
P Qualified disability 27
E Qualified revocable 5
Paid preparer 9 Simple 42
Electing small business trusts 15 Paid preparer authorization 9
ESBT (S portion only) 19 Split-interest 20
Penalties: Testamentary 3, 4
S portion 15 Estimated tax 28
Elections: Who must file 5, 41
Failure to provide a required TIN 41
Section 643(e)(3) 31 Failure to provide information timely 11
Section 643(g) 10 W
Late filing of return 11
Section 645 5 Late payment of tax 11 Where to file 9
Special rule for qualified revocable trusts 5 Other 11 Who must file:
Treating contributions as paid in prior tax Trust fund recovery 11 Decedent's estate 5
year 28 Trust 5
Underpaid estimated tax 11
Electronic deposits 10 Withholding on foreign person 30
Pooled income funds 15, 19, 28, 29
ESBTs (See Electing small business trusts)
Pre-need funeral trusts 19
Estate 5, 42