Ma Background
Ma Background
Ma Background
8. Goals and Ties: Who and what they are creates different
challenges for each character in achieving their short- and
long-term goals. Chapters 2 and 3 are full of inspiration for When the Families divided the world among themselves, society
what your character can set their mind to achieve in the regressed to a kind of neo-feudalism, giving birth to three
World of Lazarus. new social classes: Family, Serf, and Waste. These new classes
replaced the concepts of lower, middle, and upper classes, but for
9. Name and Description: Choose your character’s name and the purpose of Modern AGE backgrounds and professions, the
appearance based on where your character comes from. original social classes remain, and the new hierarchical tiers are
Games set in the Carlyle Territories and Domains would referred to as “class status.”
have the same diversity found in North America today, but Note also that the terms “Serf” and “Waste” are mostly
the Domains of other Families might be more homogenous. used in Carlyle territory. Members of these classes may have
different names in other Domains, such as “Citizen” and “Non-
Person,” respectively, under Hock’s regime.
Where a character comes from is as important in the World of
Lazarus as it is in any other Modern AGE game, for it determines As the name says, Family members are the new royalty.
However, unlike in classic aristocratic models, Families must
the character’s place in the new world’s rigid social hierarchies
work to maintain their Domains, to remain in the top echelons
and volatile social status. of government and industry, and to enjoy every privilege avail-
Based on the campaign model your group decides to play, roll or able. Family includes direct family members as well as rela-
choose a social class from the following table. You can choose an tives and spouses, but no one holds as much power as the core
odd combination such as Lower Class but still part of a Family Family. Family characters are all strictly upper class.
to represent a “disgraced noble” concept, but discuss unusual
concepts with your GM first. Some of the Backgrounds already SERFS
found in Modern AGE are more appropriate for certain World
Those whom the Family consider worthy of joining their world
of Lazarus social classes as described below, while new Back- become Serfs, though they will never reach the top tier
grounds exclusive to the World of Lazarus note the regular and reserved to Family. All Serfs have something to offer to their
post-Macau class statuses to which they belong. Domain, whether their skills, knowledge, or just their bodies
as cannon fodder. In exchange for such service, the Families
EXISTING BACKGROUNDS grant Serfs certain privileges according to their station, which
makes Serf status surprisingly fluid within its boundaries. Serf
characters can be considered lower (Rank 1), middle (Rank 2),
The Backgrounds from Modern AGE exist in the World of Lazarus or upper (Rank 3) class, depending on what they have to offer
mostly unchanged. While some of them straddle more than one the Family.
status, most fall neatly into either Waste, Serf, or Family.
Left to their own devices by the Families, Waste form the
bulk of humanity in the era after the Macau Accords, strug-
The Outcast is a perfect example of a Waste character who has
gling to survive in a world that is falling apart around them.
learned to use neighbors and companions as both protection Without support for infrastructure or even basic utilities,
and leverage. The Exile represents a Serf or, in extreme cases, a Waste inch closer and closer to a new Dark Age. The Carlyle
Lesser House now demoted to a Waste. A while a Bohemian is Family makes small gestures to manage their Waste popula-
always striving to go the opposite way, starting either as Waste tion and regularly elevates some of them to Serf status to
who hopes to get lifted on artistic merit, or a Serf who struggles refresh their talent pool, but in other Domains, like Hock’s
to keep their art popular to avoid demotion. New Backgrounds in or Morray’s, Waste are mostly on their own. Waste charac-
this book are the Herd Worker and the Insurgent. ters can be outsiders or lower class, though some warlords
and criminal masterminds such as Novaya Bratva and Bloody
Railroad leaders can carve out a middle-class existence, as
LOWER CLASS BACKGROUNDS unstable as it may be.