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Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 4 No.

1 (2023) 185-194
© Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Publisher’s Office

e-ISSN : 2756-8458

Grading Oil Palm Fruit Bunch using

Convolution Neural Network
Hamdanzakirin Azman1, Nor Surayahani Suriani1*
Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic
Universiti Tun Onn Malaysia, 86400, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author Designation

Received 15 January 2023; Accepted 10 April 2023; Available online 30 April 2023

Abstract: Elaeis guineensis is a typical oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) in Malaysia
that must be harvested at the optimum ripeness. In order to effectively assess the
quality of oil palm fruit (FFB), non-contact image sensing technology can provide
automatic and non -destructive detection fruit itself. Oil palm fruit is harvested in
conditions that FFB oil palm should not gather due to the raw fruit that looks ripe due
to an error from the human vision to recognize the best state for ripe fruit. The
expected FFB are ripe bunches with a yellowish and reddish outer layer and a yellow-
colored mesocarp. Thus, the proposed system can determine the quality directly via
an android smartphone to speed up the recognition of oil palm FFB. Convolution
Neural Network (CNN) system will use to classify types of ripeness grading of the
oil palm fruit via android smartphone. The overall results for 8458 total number of
images for four classes of oil palm fruit bunch FFB (Overripe, Ripe, Underripe, and
Unripe) is 93.19% accuracy using Anaconda Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab Pro
platform. The model is deployed into the Android Studio successfully by using
TensorFlow Lite to build an android application. The android application detection
accuracy was 88.79% for the Samsung Galaxy S22 (SM-S901E) model with 1050ms
inference time and 91% for the Samsung Galaxy A30 (SM-A305F) model with
1140ms inference time. This model approach can assist workers to determine the
maturity level of oil palm fruit bunch before making a decision.

Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network, Classification, oil palm fruit bunch,

Tensorflow, Android Studio, TensorFlow Lite.

1. Introduction
On 4 January 2021, there was a significant increase in crude palm oil prices, rising from RM
3903.00 per ton to RM 6602.50 per ton on 30 March 2022 [1]. This highlights the importance of
harvesting oil palm fruit in the best condition to produce high-quality palm oil.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

2023 UTHM Publisher. All rights reserved.
Azman et al., Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023) p. 185-194

Determining the maturity of oil palm fruit before harvest requires a high level of expertise, and
human grading can be time-consuming. It may lead to inaccuracies, especially for new workers.
According to the Palm Oil Mill (MJM) Sdn. Bhd., the ideal Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFBs) have a
yellowish and reddish outer layer, with a yellow-colored mesocarp and at least ten loose sockets [2].
These bunches should be sent to the mill within 24 hours of harvesting, but some FFBs may be
downgraded or rejected due to their condition, such as unripe, empty, long stalk, dirty, poorly pollinated,
damaged, small, under-ripe, and overripe bunches.
The problem with human grading is that it can lead to errors in recognizing and assessing the best
condition for fresh fruit bunches of oil palm. To overcome this problem, the report proposes a system
that uses smartphones to detect and evaluate the quality of fresh fruit bunches of oil palm more
accurately. This will help to improve the efficiency and accuracy of oil palm fruit harvesting, which is
essential for producing high-quality palm oil. The proposed system can also directly determine the
quality via an android smartphone to speed up the recognition of oil palm fresh fruit bunches. As a
result, the objective of this project was to create a CNN-based model capable of accurately categorizing
oil palm fruit bunches. This model was utilized to create a mobile application for Android that can
identify the maturity level of oil palm. Table 1 presents a comparison between oil palm research, method
and dataset for neural network method use for classification from related works.
Table 1: Comparison between oil palm research, method and dataset for neural network method

Title Method Dataset Advantage Disadvantage

Palm oil CNN Oil Palm Fruit Bunch  Has an accuracy rate Lots of training
classification - Unripe of 98% after 5 data is required.
using deep - Ripe epochs of training
learning  Suitable for use on
image data

Classification ANN Oil palm fresh fruit  Has a high accuracy Has a low
of Oil Palm bunches of 95.48% with accuracy
Fruit Ripeness - Ripe Raman peaks compared to
Using - Underripe  Suitable for use on convolution
Artificial - Overripe tabular Data and text neural network
Neural Data
Classification SVM Oil palm fresh fruit  91.3% accuracy by 4 The amount of
of oil palm bunches Peak intensity β-carotene
fresh fruit - Ripe reduces as the
maturity based - Underripe fruit ripens and
on carotene - Overripe becomes
content from overripe
Raman spectra

Oil palm fruit KNN Oil palm fresh fruit  Required no training Sorting data into
ripeness bunches time categories takes
detection using  accuracy at 65% by longer
K-Nearest applying Sobel edge
neighbour detection

Azman et al., Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023) p. 185-194

Thermal vision ANN- Ripeness Level of  The thermal vision MLP has
of oil palm MLP FFB by day has a detection different
fruits under - 110-130 accuracy of 95.35%. validation
difference - 131-140 accuracy.
ripeness - 141-170
quality - 171-190
- 191-200
Oil Palm Fruit CNN Oil palm fresh fruit  proved its ability in  Resat Dense
Image DenseNet bunches reducing vanishing net achieved
Ripeness - Ripening gradient problem for an accuracy
Classification - Raw attention module of 69%
with Computer - Less Ripped  Too many
Vision using - Almost Ripped datasets
Deep Learning - Ripped used
and Visual - Perfectly Ripped
Attention - Too Ripped

Maturity LDA Oil palm fresh fruit  Can perform with misclassification
Grading of Oil bunches less dataset regularly
Palm Fresh - Raw  The system achieved occurs in an
Fruit Bunches - Under-Ripe an accuracy of under-ripe
Based on a - Ripe 98.88%. image

2. Datasets and System Overview

2.1 Datasets
Oil palm fruit bunch dataset was taken using Samsung S22 camera with 50 Megapixel with 1:1
scale ratio. The dataset was separated into three partitions which are training, testing and validation.
The training data consists seventy percent of dataset that used to train the images, twenty percent of
dataset used to validate the images and remain of ten percent of dataset used for training dataset to
provide an accuracy of the convolution neural network model. This dataset division process is executed
on Jupyter Notebook to reduce the use of compute units on google colab pro and stored automatically
in a folder. On the algorithm, the input images are rescaling size pixel to 512 pixels as output image
before used for learning model. The number of datasets that have been classified is recorded in the table
shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Total number of datasets for training, testing and validation

Oil Palm fruit Number of Training Testing Validation

classes images dataset dataset dataset
Overripe 2148 1503 216 429
Ripe 2150 1505 215 430
Underripe 2151 1505 216 430
Unripe 2149 1504 216 429

Azman et al., Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023) p. 185-194

2.2 System Overview

The project consists two parts which are system development and application development as
shown in Figure 1. The system development approach the Convolution Neural Network model to
classify the four types of oil palm fruit bunch classes while the TensorFlow lite is used in the application
development to deploy the CNN model on android smartphone to display the results.

Figure 1: System configuration for classifying oil palm fruit using an android smartphone

Figure 1 shows the system overview of the oil palm fruit classification that consist of two parts
which are system development and application development. The system began with a smartphone that
are used to capture oil palm fruit bunch. The image data is preprocessed to develop in deep learning
process. The preprocessing image includes the resizing, augmentation, data splitting, and normalization.
The images are resized to 512 x 512 x 3 pixel. The data augmentation techniques such as rotate and
flip, are applied to enhance the number of training technique, the preprocessed image is used to develop
the deep learning by train the images with CNN model. TensorFlow Lite is used to deploy a model on
an android smartphone in establishing an application development system.
2.3 Software development
Figure 2 shows the flowchart of the software development.

Figure 2: Flowchart of development application

Azman et al., Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023) p. 185-194

2.3.2 Data preprocessing

The dataset is divided into three subsets: training, testing, and validation. These image datasets are
used as the source for the dataset, and the image size is standardized across all subsets. This ensures
that all images in the dataset have consistent dimensions, leading to more accurate and reliable analysis.
Additionally, all images in the dataset are resized to a resolution of 512 pixels for both the width and
An image data generator system is employed to generate batches of tensor image data with real-
time data augmentation. The training dataset for this system consists of four classes: overripe, ripe,
underripe, and unripe. The TensorFlow framework includes a module called Layers, which contains
classes that represent the layers of a neural network. Each layer represents a unit of computation in a
neural network, and has a state (weights) that can be trained. The layers used in this neural network
convolution system include 2D convolutional layer and dense fully-connected layer.
2.3.3 Convert TensorFlow Lite model
The TensorFlow Lite converter was used to optimize the trained TensorFlow model for deployment
on mobile devices and building android applications. The converted TensorFlow Lite model, or TFlite
model, can be downloaded on the Google Colab platform. The TensorFlow Lite converter is an efficient
tool that allows for conversion of the TensorFlow model to a smaller, faster version that can be easily
deployed on mobile devices.
2.3.3 Classification
These layers are stacked to form a CNN architecture. Two important parameters in CNNs are the
activation function and the dropout layer. The fully-connected layer uses the results of the convolutional
layer to predict the image's class based on the features extracted in earlier stages. The convolutional
layer extracts and identifies the individual aspects of images for analysis in a process known as feature
extraction [3]. CNNs make predictions by analyzing an image and determining whether specific features
are present, and then classifying the image accordingly. However, this process requires a large amount
of training data to achieve high accuracy in object detection [4].
2.4 Android application development
The Android Studio design editor is a tool that helps developers create and customize the look of
their app's user interface. It makes it easy for users to use the app by providing a visual layout and tools
for adding and editing elements like buttons and images. The app's main screen displays the title, logo
and an image of the fruit bunch and its classification. Users can also take a picture or choose one from
their gallery. The background color can be changed to light or dark depending on the user's preference.
Figure 3 shows the design of the android application. TensorFlow Lite is a tool used to add machine
learning to android projects. The trained model is saved and converted into a TensorFlow Lite format
file (.tflite) from Google Colab. Then it is loaded into Android Studio and executed using the Java
interpreter. The interpreter works with operation kernels. For faster performance, the interpreter uses
the Android Neural Networks API. This API can be used for image classification, prediction and

Azman et al., Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023) p. 185-194

Figure 3: The TensorFlow lite architecture on android application development

3. Results and Discussion

The results and discussion section provides a detailed examination of the data and analysis
conducted during the study. This section is divided into several sub-sections, including the analysis of
the model's learning curve, confusion matrix, and performance evaluation. Additionally, the results of
the application, detection rate, and the level of confidence in the images are also discussed in this
The performance of the CNN-based oil palm fruit grading application was evaluated on two
different smartphones, namely the high-end Samsung S22 and the mid-range Samsung A30, to
investigate the performance of smartphone specifications on the applications. By conducting this
experiment, the varying specifications of smartphones can affect the performance of the application,
which can be critical information for developers to consider when designing and optimizing using oil
palm fruit classification applications. Therefore, the CNN-based oil palm fruit grading application's
performance on both the Samsung S22 and Samsung A30 devices.
3.1 Learning graph of the convolution neural network model
The convolutional neural network system achieved high training and validation accuracy, with a
maximum value of 1.0. Figure 4 illustrates the system's accuracy progress over 20 epochs, with a final
training accuracy of 1.0 and validation accuracy of 0.93. Figure 5 presents the training and validation
loss progression for a CNN model over 20 epochs. The final training loss recorded is 0.0051 and
validation loss is 0.2001. The graph illustrates that as the number of epochs increases, both accuracy
and loss improve. This model, designed for oil palm fruit bunch classification on android smartphone
applications, achieved an accuracy of over 85%.

Figure 4: Graph of training and validation accuracy Figure 5: Graph of training and validation loss

3.2 Confusion matrix

Azman et al., Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023) p. 185-194

The confusion matrix in Figure 6 has four different categories of ripeness for oil palm fruit:
overripe, ripe, underripe, and unripe. The confusion matrix in Figure 5 displays the count of accurate
and inaccurate predictions made by the classification model for each class. These counts can be used to
calculate the accuracy of the model for each class. The matrix reveals that the model has an accuracy
of 97.22% for the overripe class, 88.94% for the ripe class, 93.07% for the underripe class, and 100%
for the unripe class. The overall accuracy of the model, which is the proportion of all predictions that
are correct, is 93.19%. This information provides insights into the model's performance for each class
and identifies any potential areas for improvement in the classification process.

Figure 6: Confusion matrix of CNN model

3.3 Performance evaluation

Figure 7 shows the results of the classification report for the model. The classification report
compares the predicted class labels to the true class labels. According to the report, the model correctly
predicted 94% of the class labels. For the 'overripe' class, the model had a higher recall rate of 97%
compared to 88% for the 'ripe' class and 93% for the 'underripe' class. The 'underripe' class had the
highest recall rate of 100%. Additionally, the 'underripe' class had the highest F1 score of 100%,
followed by 'overripe' with an F1 score of 97%, 'ripe' with an F1 score of 91%, and 'underripe' with an
F1 score of 90%.

Figure 7: Classification report of model

Azman et al., Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023) p. 185-194

3.4 Application result

Figure 8 presents the results of evaluating the ripeness of oil palm fruit bunches using two different
Android smartphones, the Samsung Galaxy S22 (SM-S901E) and the Samsung Galaxy A30 (SM-
A305F). The images were preprocessed by rescaling to a resolution of 512x512 pixels before analysis.
The proposed model was used to classify the images. The figure illustrates examples of overripe, ripe,
underripe, and unripe fruit classified by the model on both the SM-S901E and SM-A305F smartphones.
Additionally, the inference time for both devices did not exceed 1050ms for the SM-S901E and 1140ms
for the SM-A305F, with the Android application size being 81.82 MB. Figure 9 depicts the detection
system for four dataset classes based on the android smartphone model.

Figure 8: Result of four classes dataset using Samsung Galaxy S22 via camera

Figure 9: Result of four classes dataset using Samsung Galaxy A30 via camera

3.5 Confidence percentages

Figure 10 shows the accuracy for the overripe class got 89% for model SM-S901E, while SM-
A305F got 100% for the overripe class with 19 samples of oil palm fruit bunch. The second class is the
class with the most samples taken, which is 43 samples of oil palm fruit bunch. The SM-S901E model

Azman et al., Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023) p. 185-194

got 98%, while the SM-A305F got 86% for the ripe class. For the underripe class, a total of 18 oil palm
fruit bunch samples were taken for the detection of ripeness. The coded underripe accuracy is 78% for
both of these models. For unripe, accuracy is 90% for the SM-S901E and SM-A305F models get 100%
accuracy for this class. The total accuracy recorded was 88.79% for the SM-S901E model and 91% for
the SM-A305F model. The difference in accuracy is based on the image processing on the android
smartphone model itself after taking a sample picture.

Percentage Accuracy

1 0.98 1
1 0.89 0.9
0.78 0.78




Overripe Ripe Underripe Unripe

S22 A30

Figure 10: Percentage accuracy for 90 images using different models

The accuracy for the overripe class got 89% for model SM-S901E, while SM-A305F got 100% for
the overripe class with 19 samples of oil palm fruit bunch. The second class is the class with the most
samples taken, which is 43 samples of oil palm fruit bunch. The SM-S901E model got 98%, while the
SM-A305F got 86% for the ripe class. For the underripe class, a total of 18 oil palm fruit bunch samples
were taken for the detection of ripeness. The coded underripe accuracy is 78% for both of these models.
For unripe, accuracy is 90% for the SM-S901E and SM-A305F models get 100% accuracy for this
class. The total accuracy recorded was 88.79% for the SM-S901E model and 91% for the SM-A305F
model. The difference in accuracy is based on the image processing on the android smartphone model
itself after taking a sample picture.
4. Conclusion
The effectiveness of using a Convolutional Neural Network for this classification task by training
a model on a dataset of 8458 images from the four classes. The model achieved an overall accuracy of
93.19% on the Google Colab Pro platform. An Android application successfully developed that allows
users to classify the ripeness of oil palm fruit bunches using their smartphones. The results of the
classification are displayed within the app's user interface. This application is compatible with a wide
range of Android smartphones and has a small size of 81.82MB, making it easy to use without
consuming significant storage space. The effectiveness of the smartphone application was demonstrated
with a detection time of under 1200ms, depending on the performance of the device being used.
The authors would like to thank the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering for supporting
the development of this project.

Azman et al., Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023) p. 185-194


[1] FFB grading guideline. MJM (PALM OIL MILL) SDN BHD. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from

[2] Malaysia prices of crude palm oil. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from

[3] Basic CNN architecture: Explaining 5 layers of Convolutional Neural Network. upGrad blog.
(2021, December 9). Retrieved May 15, 2022, from

[4] Difference between ann, CNN and RNN. GeeksforGeeks. (2020, July 17). Retrieved May 15,
2022, from


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