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Journal of Luminescence
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Keywords: Cu2O nanostructured films were prepared by the dip-coating method with average crystallite size of 10 ± 1 nm.
Cu2O thin films The photoluminescence of Cu2O was studied for different temperatures in the 70–300 K interval. The range of
Low-T photoluminescence wavelengths analyzed was 360–1000 nm. Two photoluminescence systems were used, with an excitation line of
Dip coating 325 nm He–Cd and 488 nm Ar laser, at different power. Several interband and excitonic transitions at energies in
Stressed films
the 1.8–2.8 eV interval were identified for Cu2O where an intensity shift toward lower energies was observed as
Cu2O thermal expansion coefficient
the temperature was increased. The difference of the thermal expansion coefficients (α) between the Cu2O and
the soda-lime substrate induces change from compressive to tensile stress within the 70–300 K interval. This
change is a consequence that α value for Cu2O is negative and for soda lime is positive in that temperature
region. Raman spectra as a function of temperature, show a frequency shift for all modes studied and α values of
thin film Cu2O were estimated from these shifts at 77 and 280 K. The stress (σ) on the Cu2O film was calculated
considering the decrease of the temperature in this interval. The effect of this stress on the energy band structure
is related to the shift of the PL bands.
1. Introduction pioneer works of Frerichs et al. (1959) [12] and Vorobiev et al. (1961)
[13] up to date, little advance has been obtained, however, in very
Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is a semiconductor material, which has recent works [14,15], by means of heterojunctions with other semi-
gained a lot of interest since the seventies of the last century [1], be- conductors, light emitting Cu2O based devices have been fabricated.
cause of its various technological applications. Interest in Cu2O as a Therefore, efficient electro-optical devices based on cuprous oxide seem
semiconductor grew with the fabrication of rectifier devices for the first to be a close goal.
time by L.O. Grondahl in 1920 [2]. Most of the research carried out to The optical, electrical, thermal and magnetic properties of cuprous
date on the applications of Cu2O has been focussed on low cost ter- oxide make Cu2O a very interesting material. Cu2O is a compound
restrial solar cell design and fabrication. Despite the moderate con- semiconductor whose fundamental properties depend a lot on the
version efficiencies (η) reached to date (~8.1%) [3], efforts continue to growth technique and the preparation conditions [11]. The band gap
push efficiencies towards the theoretical maximum η = 20% for energy and photoluminescent (PL) properties experience notable
homojunction solar cells [4]. In recent years, other technological ap- changes due to different characteristics: particle size, stress, mor-
plications for Cu2O have been reported, for instance, in the preparation phology, annealing, doping, etc., which are partially a consequence of
of photocatalysts [5], batteries [6], antibacterials [7], detectors [8], the crystalline conditions and some non-understood properties of the
among others. The ferromagnetic and luminescent properties of Cu2O lattice [16,17]. Currently, subjects like Bose-Einstein excitons con-
are also topics of intense research [9], since in the former, results in- densation [18] and Giant-Rydberg excitons [19] occupy the attention of
dicate that lattice defects enhance ferromagnetism [10]. Concerning many researchers because of their important repercussions on the
light emission, the main problem is the weak luminescent efficiency, knowledge of the structural properties of Cu2O. The advances on the
probably due to forbidden transitions in the material [11]. From fundamental physical and chemical properties of Cu2O, will contribute
Corresponding author.,
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (R. Castanedo-Pérez).
Received 26 January 2019; Received in revised form 11 July 2019; Accepted 24 July 2019
Available online 26 July 2019
0022-2313/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Martínez-Saucedo, et al. Journal of Luminescence 215 (2019) 116642
Fig. 1. (Top) Diffractogram for 20 ≤ 2θ ≤ 80° of the Cu2O film treated with
rapid thermal annealing at 425 °C in vacuum. (Bottom). Standard diffraction
Fig. 3. Optical transmittance in the 400–800 nm (1.5–3.0 eV) interval of the
reflections of Cu2O. The inset exhibits the 100% intensity reflection of CuO,
Cu2O film. The inset illustrates the Tauc's method employed to calculate the
Cu4O3, Cu3O2 and Cu2O oxides. CuO: PDF #48–1548. Cu2O: PDF #05–0667.
direct forbidden transitions band gap (Eg1) and the direct band gap (Eg2).
Cu4O3: PDF #49–1839.
G. Martínez-Saucedo, et al. Journal of Luminescence 215 (2019) 116642
Fig. 4. a) Photoluminescence spectra a) with λexc = 488 nm and b) (λexc = 325 nm), for all temperatures (70–300 K interval).
reported in the literature [22,23]. The increase of Eg1 and Eg2 with blue exciton series of Cu2O, (E7) ~2.6 eV to the limit of the blue exciton
respect to the reported values is mainly attributed to quantum con- series interband transitions ( +7 → 8 ) and (E8) ~2.8 eV to the limit of the
finement effects [24]. indigo exciton series interband transitions ( +8 → 8 ) [11].
Cu2O luminescence is expected to be of low-intensity due to the The intensity values of the PL maxima and the integrated intensity
symmetry of the electron band which does not allow a dipole transition of spectra as a function of temperature are displayed in Fig. 7. Both
between the valence band (VB) maximum and the conduction band parameters show a very similar decrease as temperature increases,
(CB) minimum [11]. Nevertheless several processes have been em- which could be an indication that the PL intensity decay for all the
ployed to overcome this barrier in Cu2O, for instance stress [25], temperature values is originated, in general, by the same processes for
quantum confinement [26], doping [27], applied electric field [28], etc. all the emission wavelengths studied. In general, the intensity di-
The energy symmetry and degeneracy of the bands due to the distortion minishes because of the increasing of the non-radiative electron-hole
produced by the stress change in such a way that the transitions be- recombination rate when temperature increases, like the case of InGaN/
tween the VB maximum and the CB minimum become dipole allowed GaN quantum wells [34] and Si nanocrystals [35].
[25,26]. Before the discussion about band position in the energy axis as the
PL spectra measured at different temperatures in the 490–1000 nm temperature varies from 70 to 300 K, a thermal analysis of the materials
and in the 360–950 nm range are shown in Fig. 4a and b, respectively. will be considered. The thermal expansion coefficient of the Cu2O oxide
The first spectra were obtained using λexc = 488 nm as an excitation in bulk (αCu2O) [36] and soda-lime substrate (αsub) [37] vs temperature
line and the second at λexc = 325 nm. Both figures show a shift of the is shown in Fig. 8. Observe that αCu2O has a negative value and positive
central maxima intensity of some emissions for several temperatures, in for the αsub in the entire interval 12 ≤ T ≤ 300 K. It has been reported
comparison with others. In general, there is an increase in PL intensity that αCu2O becomes positive just above RT. This means that from 12 K
as the temperature is lowered. Fig. 5a–f shows the deconvolution Cu2O is always compressed with respect to the lattice volume at RT, and
method used for the exact determination of each band center, at three at T ~70 K the compression starts to diminish for Cu2O. The soda-lime
temperatures. Gaussian curves were used for the fitting. Fig. 5g and h swells along all the 12–300 K interval. In this way, the Cu2O film is
shows an overlapping of the PL signal emitted by the soda-lime glass subjected, besides its own compression, to the influence of the tensile
substrate and the PL signal of the Cu2O thin film deposited over the stress from the substrate. From T > ~70 K, |α|sub > |α|Cu2O, then the
substrate. The PL emission for the soda-lime glass substrate is shown in substrate always has a larger tensile stress than the compressive one for
Fig. 5i and j where the same deconvolution method was used. Several Cu2O. For the-film, which is not detached from the glass, the tensile
emission peak values were determined for the soda-lime glass substrate, strain on Cu2O dominates the compressive one. On the other hand,
at 1.53, 1.63 and 1.77 eV for λexc = 488 nm, and at 2.04, 2.23 and Young's modulus of Cu2O films is larger than the one of soda-lime glass
2.95 eV for λexc = 325 nm. Emission peak values assigned to the Cu2O [38,39]. All these combined properties may contribute for the enabling
film at low temperature are labeled as E1-E8 in Fig. 6a and b. of forbidden to allowed transitions in Cu2O [25,26].
The identification of these eight PL emissions, according to the lit- For the estimation of the stress intensity levels on the layers due to
erature, are associated with the following radiative transitions: (E1) temperature changes, the α value of the Cu2O thin film was calculated.
~1.9 eV to the formation of exciton-defect complexes [29], (E2) ~2.0 eV Raman spectroscopy has been reported as a practical and non-destructive
to phonon-assisted direct recombination of ortho-excitons [11,30–33] technique for estimating α in thin film materials such as graphene [40].
and (E3) ~ 2.2 eV to the fundamental direct forbidden band gap energy Raman measurements of the Cu2O thin film and soda-lime glass substrate
transition of Cu2O [11]. Transitions (E4, E5) ~ 2.3 eV to the limit of the at room temperature are shown in Fig. 9a. Several vibrational modes
green exciton series of Cu2O which corresponds to interband transition with different symmetries of Cu2O are identified: (T2u) ~ 90 cm−1,
( +8 → +6 ), where splitting of the valence band is present due to spin-orbit (Eu) ~ 110 cm−1, (T1u) ~ 145 cm−1, (2Eu) ~ 220 cm−1 and
interactions [11]. Transition (E6) ~ 2.4 eV to excitonic transitions in the (T1u) ~ 618 cm [11]. Raman spectra of Cu2O for some temperature
G. Martínez-Saucedo, et al. Journal of Luminescence 215 (2019) 116642
Fig. 8. Thermal expansion coefficients (α) of the bulk Cu2O ( ) and of the soda-
lime glass substrate ( ) taken from the literature, and those estimated for Cu2O
thin films in the present work (✰).
values are shown in Fig. 9b. The shift of maximum values of the T1u
mode is plotted in the inset as a function of temperature. A shift in fre-
cuency T (Tm ) can be observed as temperature varies, where for thin
films Yoon et al. has deduced the following equation [40]:
T (Tm ) = E
T (Tm ) + A
T (Tm ) + S
T (Tm ) (1)
Fig. 6. PL emission energies (E1-E8) identified for Cu2O thin films at low where E
corresponds to the shift caused by thermal expansion of the
temperature and obtained at a) λexc = 488 nm and b) λexc = 325 nm. crystal lattice, T to an anaharmonicity effect and T to the stress
G. Martínez-Saucedo, et al. Journal of Luminescence 215 (2019) 116642
Tm Tm
For the E
T and S
T terms the following expressions are given [40]: 4. Conclusions
The influence of compressive and tensile stress on the photo-
T (Tm ) = T (0)exp 3 Cu2 O dTm luminescence of nanostructured films of Cu2O for different luminescent
0 (4) emissions in the 360–1000 nm wavelength interval was studied. The
stress on the Cu2O films was induced by the temperature variation of
Tm the PL measurements in the 70–300 K range. In this T interval, the Cu2O
T (Tm ) = sub Cu2 O dTm suffers strains because of the difference of the thermal expansion
0 (5) coefficients between Cu2O and the soda-lime substrate. The stress also
contributes for direct forbidden transitions to allowed ones. Raman
where represents Grüneisen parameter for Cu2O and the biaxial
spectroscopy was used for the quantification of stress parameters for
stress coefficient of the T1u mode where:
thin films such as α. In addition, the Cu2O lattice experiences remark-
= 2 T (0) (6) able changes in the Cu2O atomic framework which, in turn, produce
noticeable alterations in the electronic transitions at about 160 and
Combining Ecs. 3–5 the following expression is obtained: 220 K, which are reflected in the luminescent emissions spectra.
G. Martínez-Saucedo, et al. Journal of Luminescence 215 (2019) 116642
Fig. 10. hν-position centers of the PL E bands as a function of temperature, for the E1-E8 emissions.
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