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Authorized Admission Partner

About our college
Teaching University Geomedi is a higher educa on ins tu on that has passed a produc ve and
crea ve path since its founda on. The University was established in 1998 by Professor Marina
Pirtskhalava. Geomedi is authorized university, which successfully implementsaccredited
higher educa on programs. Learning and assessment process are regulated by the European
Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The following facul es are func oning at the University.


Medical Doctor's Program (English)

Medical Doctor's Program
Degree : The Degree of a Medical Doctor ‐ MD(360 crdeits)


Degree : Bachelor in Physical Medicine & Rehabilita on(240 crdeits)

Master's in Physical Medicine & Rehabilita on(120 crdeits)


Degree : Bachelor of Health Care Management(240 crdeits)

Master of Health Care Management(120 crdeits)


Degree : The Doctor of Dental Medicine ‐ MD(300 credits)

University provides students, academic and administra ve staff with well‐equipped

auditoriums, high‐tech laboratories, and modern clinical bases, where they receive aquality
educa on. Geomedi has a library rich in print and electronic resources, with free access to
scien fic databases (EBSCO, SCOPUS), integra ng thousands of scien ficpublica ons. The
educa onal process is conducted by highly qualified Georgian and foreign educators, who
impart deep and fundamental knowledge to their students. Graduates, equipped with this
knowledge, successfully con nue their career path in the leadingclinics or medical ins tu ons
both in Georgia and abroad.

Welcome Message
From Rector:
Founder and Rector of Teaching University
GEOMEDI Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Professor, Academician.

Geomedi is one of the most successful higher educa on ins tu ons in

Georgia, The University provides students with a high‐quality educa on and ensures
the graduates with the competencies necessary for their future career. Equipped theore cal
knowledge and prac cal skills received at our University, graduates successfully con nue their
workin leading clinics and medical ins tu ons of our country and abroad. Educa onal programs
at the University are in line with European standards. The University collaborates with many
foreign educa onal and scien fic‐research ins tu ons, which allows us to fulfill many.


Professor Marina Pirtskhalava is the founder and rector of Teaching University Geomedi. She
has received numerous honors and awards throughout her career. She has published more than
85 scien fic works and is the author of 4 monographic publica ons. Professor Marina
Pirtskhalava was awarded many mes for her scien fic pedagogical work. She also does
interna onal scien fic ac vi es for what she was elected a righ ul member of the Cambridge
interna onal biographical associa on and awarded her with the tle FIBA. In 2000, she became
a member of the American biographical ins tute, which awarded her with the"key ward" and in
2001 named her as "woman of the year" In 2001. Prof. Marina Pirtshkhalava was rewarded with
the gold medal from Cambridge Interna onal biographical ins tute for hermerit in
biochemistry In 2002, she was awarded with marble plate from American biographical ins tute.
In 2003, the magazine "who is who" published the ar cle about professor Marina Pritskhalava's
work and life achievements in its eight edi on. She was also named as "the world intellectual of
2002‐2003 years" Mrs. Marina Pirtskhalava was recognized as one of the famous European of
the XXI century. She speaks Georgian, Russian and English languages.

Reasons to Live in GEORGIA

Georgia one of the crossroads between Europe and Asia, but it offers a very low cost of living,
by European standards.

European quest

Georgia, nestled in the Caucasus mountains between Russia and Turkey, is strongly pro western
and has made stridos towards democratization since independence from the Soviet Union in 1991
as it pursues its ambition for EU membership.

Business-friendly & Low cost of living

Tbilisi is one of the world's least expensive cities for expatriates, coming 202nd out of 209 cities
in consultancy Mercer's latest annual cost-of-living survey. According to Numbeo, a consumer
prices database, rents are about 80 per cent lower than in London, averaging £500 a month for a
three-bedroom flat in the city centre.

Diverse history

Great food

Safest Country In Eastern Europe

Imagine a small, but beau ful country which bridges Europe and Asia. Imagine a country
where, within a short span of me, you can swim in the Black Sea, go skiing in the Caucasus
mountains and enjoy bustling city life. Imagine a country of endless wonders, ancient culture,
mild climate, heavenly nature and people so hospitable that guest here is considered the god's
benevolence. Georgia, loca ng at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, has a
unique and ancient cultural heritage, is famed for its hospitality, beauty and cuisine. The
majority of popula on is Ethnic Georgians although Tbilisi, the capital of the country, has been
known as one of the culturally diverse ci es in the world since its founda on. The official
language is Georgian (Sarann‐Kartuli), one of the oldest languages in the world, but people
.also speak Russian and English.

Georgian higher educa on system has developed significantly in the last few decades.
Universi es here offer high quality and yet affordable study programs to interna onal
students. Higher educa on Programs are accredited according to European (ENQA) Standards,
which means that the diploma you get a er gradua on is accepted in Europe, USA, Canada, UK
and India.

Why study in Georgia?

Economical Cost of living & Low tuition fee
Easy admission process & Safety
International Level Medical Education
Geomedi is one of the best medical universities in Georgia that offers
students modern medical education in a comfortable environment.
The university is equipped with comfortable auditoriums, state of the art
laboratories and various facilities that will serve student's every need.
The degree which you obtain at Geomedi is recognized all over the world
Faculty is staffed with Highly qualified professionals
Learning process is covered under bologna process
Why Medical in Georgia?
Medical Universities in Georgia are Recognized by WHO and UNESCO.
Students who study MD in Georgia can get the opportunity to do the
Experiments and Clinical Clerkship from 1st semester onwards. This
will also help to improve student's skills...
Students get many best options for internships or further
Studies within the country as well in Europe & USA.
The universities in Georgia are Well Equipped with Great Technology
and infrastructure.
Safe & Comfortable Accommodation & Food facilities to the students.
Big Indian Community Since Long. (Student, Workers, Business, PR)

Duration in GEORGIA
(Medical Doctor)
6 Years
(Regular Program)
5500 USD
Including Clinical
International Collaborations
One of the main goals of University Geomedi is to provide students with high quality educa on
and establish adequate academic reputa on interna onally. The university, on the basis of
memoranda, collaborates with foreign higher educa on and scien fic‐research ins tu ons, in
Europe, USA and Asia, which enables students, academic and administra ve staff to enrich
their knowledge with interna onal experience. The University always strives to encourage and
promote the involvement of students and academic staff in interna onal projects.

Faculty of Medicine
Program : Single Cycle MD Program
Duration of Study : 6 Years
Language of Teaching : English

Faculty of Medicine of the University Geomedi represents major academic and administra ve
unit, which provides students with the academic freedom and autonomy within the frame
work of the prepara on of the medical special es and awarding appropriate qualifica ons,
also carries out educa onal programs and scien fic research in medicine. It provides students
and faculty personnel with the best condi ons for learning, teaching and scien fic research; so
they can be ensured to receive educa on based on modern standards in the relevant field of
science, and con nue to improve the training and scien fic condi ons.

The cer fied Medical Doctor's program aims at training compe ve and qualified graduates
with relevant competences that will help them to further their professional development on
domes c and interna onal labor markets and con nue ther studying in residency,
postdiploma educa on courses alterna ve to residency (professional prepara on),
implemen ng the research in theore cal fields of medicine and in other areas of healthcare,
which does not imply independent medical ac vi es.
The Anatomy plays an pivotal role in teaching
and training future doctors. A newly renovated
Anatomy Hall at University Geomedi gives
students Opportuni es to be trained in all
branches of Human Anatomy using tradi onal
and innova ve methods. The Hall is equipped
with the latest technical provisions needed for
contemporary teaching approach in the field.
These include: 3D anatomy table, printed
human anatomy atlases, dry and wet
prepara ons, educa onal videos and
anima ons, 3D anatomy atlas. All lecture
rooms in Anatomy block are equipped with
computers, projectors, all types of phantoms
and models light microscopes.

Laboratory and other prac cal work is a
necessary part of the learning experience for
students, especially in the Medical field. It
gives them opportuni es to deepen their
knowledge in basic medical disciplines and
develop skills of observa on, classifica on,
inference, procedure genera on, collec ng
and interpre ng appropriate data. There are
several well‐equipped laboratories and
instrumental research rooms at the University,
such as Histology and Chemistry labs, where
students can engage in well‐designed
laboratory work.
The library at Geomedi has rich printed and electronic
funds and maximally meet the needs of consumers using
modern technologies. It maintains a full collec on of
academic resources and provides users with engaging
learning experiences and great services that allow people
to discover and integrate reliable informa on in new
ways. The library, according to the requirements, offers a
variety of resources and services to its users including
learning and auxiliary spaces: reading hall, book archive,
library staff office space, consulta on, computer, and
copy rooms. The library works every day during university
hours except Sunday and official holidays.


Simula on Medicine Clinic at Teaching University
Geomedi is a structural unit of the Faculty of Medicine
and it is equipped with relevant teaching materials
(simula on models, medical instruments, computer
technologies, etc.). A clinic‐like environment enables
students to develop clinical skills and feel the
responsibility that is characteris c to the clinical
situa on, discuss anatomical physiological situa ons,
perform basic medical manipula ons using modern
medical technologies. Problem‐ oriented Examina on ‐
OSCE (Objec vely Structured Clinical Exam) is also
conducted here. The OSCE is used to evaluate the clinical
competencies of students clinical skills.

Students have access to a state‐of‐the art European Level
Examina on Center, which provides a calm and
comfortable environment for students to take the exam.
The goal of the examina on center is to create a unified,
internal examina on system at the university, which
ensures a transparent, objec ve and fair assessment of
students' knowledge, skills, and competences, also
enhances the quality of the university's educa onal level.

A er a produc ve study sessions, students can take a

break and have something to eat at university cafe. It
provides the quality food and service at a reasonable price
to students, faculty, staff, and guests. Here, you can have
snacks and drinks as well as hot and cold meals for lunch
and dinner. The cafe boasts with Clean and comfortable
environment and is a great place for students to hang out
and take a break.


For academic, administra ve, ethical and everyday issues
students can contact the University's Student Services
Center, where qualified specialists will consult them in
Georgian and English languages. Here, students can
receive informa on about student rights, responsibili es,
code of ethics, educa onal process, scien fic conferences,
various projects or events.

Geomedi Affiliated "German Hospital" is a mul ‐profile medical facility where experienced
German and Georgian specialists do their best to ensure pa ents' well‐being. The hospital is
equipped with high‐tech diagnos c center and state of the art equipment. Our medical
students have the opportunity to observe and train with one of the best medical professionals
in the country. Hospital staff is also involved in the university's academic and scien fic
ac vi es. Under the contract, "German Hospital" also exclusively cooperates with our
university in terms of employment of graduates.

And also we have 27 partner clinics in Tbilisi, Georgia

Content prepared by leading academic experts and medical professionals.
Fully Aligned to the Curriculum.
World Leading Product.
Authen city cer fied by Advisory Board consis ng of Medical Luminaries.
Proven High acceptance by teaching faculty and students.
Value chain from OEM directly.

S3D Medimagic
Advanced Video and 3D Stereoscopic Imagery
Brings concepts to life
High reten on by students

Presenter stimulating teacher presence

Easy to understand and more engaging
Replay as many mes as students like

High-Quality Video
Engages students
Appeals to the aesthe c, "Fun‐Loving" Mentality of students

Authent Accredited Content

Follows curriculum
Accredite by academic experts
Structured knowledge assessment so ware
Call out for each lesson

It is a ma er of pride to tell that we are the first one to introduce the en re syallabus of medical
into 3D technology and virtual reality in Europe and Central Asia a er United States and United

This latest technological development have enabled 3D media to become hugely enjoyable
taking users on an epic journey that's just is not possible with standard two‐dimensional
viewing normal classroom.

The third dimension of depth and distance makes things seem much more real than the
picture. These changes how we perceive it and relate it to the real world will enhance students
understanding and help to analyse and understand Humanity be er.


The Conven on on the Recogni on of Quainic ons concerning Higher Educa on in the
European Region was developed by the Council of Europe and UNESCO and adopted by
na onal representa ves mee ng in Lisbon on 8‐11 April 1997. Most European countries have
since ra fied this Council of Europe/ UNESCO Conven on‐usually referred to as the Lisbon
Conven on.

Among the main points of the Council of Europe / UNESCO

Convention are the following
Holders of qualifica ons issued in one country shall have adequate access to an
assessment of these qualifica ons in another country.

No discrimina on shall be made in this respect on any ground such as the applicant's
gender, race, colour, disability, language, religion, poli cal opinion, na onal, ethnic
or social origin.

Each country shall recognise qualifica ons‐whether for access to higher educa on,
for periods of study or for higher educa on degrees as similar to the corresponding
qualifica ons in its own system unless it can show that there are substan al differences

Each country shall recognise qualifica ons‐whether for access to higher educa on, for
periods of study or for higher educa on degrees as similar to the corresponding
qualifica ons in its own system unless it can show that there are substan al differences
between its own qualifica ons and the qualifica ons for which recogni on is sought.

Recognition of a higher education qualification issued in another

country shall have one or more of the following consequences:
Access to further higher educa on studies, including relevant examina ons and
prepara ons for the doctorate, on the same condi ons as candidates from the country
in which recogni on is sought.

The use of an academic tle, subject to the laws and regula ons of the country in which
recogni on is sought.

In addi on, recogni on may facilitate access to the labour market.


Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbajjan Belarus

Belgium Bosnia and Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech


Denmark Estonia Finland France Georfia Germany

Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Itally Kosovo

Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta


Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherland Norway Poland

Portugal Romania Russia San-Marino Serbia Slovakia

Slovenia Spain Sweeden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine


Founder and Rector of Teaching University Geomedi
Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Professor, Academician

Affiliated Professor of Teaching University Geomedi

Vice-rector For Research; Doctor of Science
Specialty: Molecular Genetics


Professor of Teaching University Geomedi
Vice-rector For Academic Affairs; Head of The MD Program
Specialty: Anatomy

Affiliated Assistant Professor of Teaching University Geomedi
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Dean of The Faculty of Medicine
Specialty: Microbiology, Virology, Immunology

Vice Rector For Administrative Affairs

Head of The Quality Assurance Office
Doctor of Economics, Professor


Dean of The Faculty of Dentistry Md, Phd,
Associate Professor

Dean of The Faculty of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor

Dean of The Faculty of Health Care Economics And Management
Doctor of Business Administration


Head of Human Resources Management Office


Head of Professional Development And Residency Office

Head of Student Relations Office


F Doctor of Philoloby, Associate Professor

Head of International Relations And Public Relations Office

Head of Information Technologies and Computer Support

Financial Office-Chief Accountant

Head of Chancellery




(Ultra modern hostel & TBILISI city, GEORGIA)

Luxurious South Indian Hostel & Tamilnadu Foods

Separate accomodation for Boys & Girls
Wi/Fi Available 24/7 Free
24/7 Security
Gym, Spiritutal & Sports activities regularly
Advanced Libraries
AC Rooms-with attached washroom
Tamilnadu hostel warden for Boys & Girls
Tamilnadu cooks are in the hostel to prepare authentic chettinadu food
Every student feel stay at home students are very well take care
of during the entire stay in the country
SIVANI ‐ Salem
Teaching university Geomedi is one of the most efficient medical ins tu ons in Georgia. The
Basic Knowledge acquired through the educa onal process is fully consistent with interna onal
standards, which makes the university graduates high compe ve as compared with those
from any country, including the USA. I got admission to Georgia on the recommenda on of SET
and I love it here. The culture, people, food, weather, etc. Everything is perfect here.
Furthermore, as a girl, I feel very safe here.

MUTHUPANDI GANAPATHI (2nd Year) ‐ Tirunelveli

Who helped me a lot with my doctor's dream J Success Academy. Mr Easwaran Sir and Mr.
Arunkumar Brother Thank you for the wonderful support. I came all the way from India to get
my medical degree at Geomedi University in order to achieve my childhood dream of becoming
a doctor.

SHANKAR LAL ‐ Namakkal

Myself, Shankar Lal from India would like to share my experience at GEOMEDI UNIVERSITY in
Tbilisi. I came all the way from India to get my medical degree at Geomedi University in order to
achieve my childhood dream of becoming a doctor. The first thing I have to say is I am happy to
be a part of this university. Mr. Kannan & Mr. Somu Consultants not only helped me so far on my
admission issues, they also made special travel arrangements for my parents to visit me at the
me I was in the process of admission.

Princy Charles (1st Year) ‐ Dindigul

Hi! I am Princy Charles, right now pursuing an MBBS at Geomedi University, Georgia. I would
like to extend my hear elt gra tude towards Dindigul Medical Academy, Mr. Gokul and Dr.
Anandhakrishnan for their utmost support and guidance, helping me to fulfill my dream. The
expert counselors help us a lot and guide us personally to get admission. The Curricula are made
in English according to the requirements of interna onal standards.

Mothi Baba Kareem ( Manager Health Care Industry ‐ UAE )

I am Mothi Baba Kareem. I work as a health care industry in Dubai. My daughter Hanan is
studying at Geomedi university. Mr Kannan and Mr. Somu taking care of my daughter very safe
they re like a guardians am very much happy to be a part with them who helped me for taking
Admision is packiamurugan chennai am very thankful.

Contact Us

4 King Solomon II Str.0114, Georgia, Tibilisi. ( Former 3 Krtsania str )

+995 591 03 92 74


Chennai Coimbatore Salem Namakkal Tanjavur

Trichy Theni Pudukottai Dharmapuri Madurai

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