No previous gain:
Dr profit or loss
Dr accumulated depreciation (removal all)
Impairment Dr impairment (expense in SPL)
Cr NCA (carrying amount)
Corporation tax Current year Following year
Dr income tax expense Journal for under/over provision
Cr taxation payable Dr/Cr income tax expense
Cr/Dr taxation payable
Recognition of a lease Dr right of use asset (PPE) Deposit
Cr lease liability Dr right of use asset
Cr bank
Subsequent measurement of Lease liability must be increased for interest each year either
right of use asset before payment if accrued or paid at start of year
Dr finance cost
Cr lease liability
Dr lease liability
Cr bank
Dr COS (P&L) (Retained earnings if doing SOFP)
Cr Inventory (SOFP)
Intragroup sale (P&L) Dr Revenue
(Cr COS with net of I/CO Sale & PUP if not enough space)
Intragroup sale with Do both intragroup sale
inventory remaining at Y/E AND PUP adjustment
Impairment of goodwill Dr Impairment
Cr Goodwill
Cash in transit Dr bank
Cr intragroup receivables
Dr intragroup payable
Cr intragroup receivable
Goods in transit Dr inventory
Cr intragroup payable
Dr intragroup payable
Cr intragroup receivable
Director - Appointed by the shareholders
- Manage the business of the company
- Exercise all the powers of the company
- Runs the day-to-day basis
- Enter into contracts
- Takes operational, tactical, and strategic decisions
- Decide whether to pay a dividend to shareholders
Shareholders - Do not take part in day-to-day decision making
- Have the right to insist the directors call a general meeting
- Can vote on key decisions such as appointment/removal of directors
or auditors
Shares - A limited company is owned by shareholders who buy a number of
shares in the company which gives them an ownership stake.
- Once issued shares can be traded, this transaction is nothing to do
with the company
Nominal shares - Face value of shares
- Decided at time of issue, will always remain the same
- Makes up the “share capital” value in equity section of SOFP
Market value of - Value at which existing shares can be traded
shares - Not reflected in the SOFP
Allotted share capital “Issued share capital” shares which have been issued
Ordinary shares - Shareholders receive a dividend decided by directors
- Holders are entitled to vote in general meeting
- Sometimes called equity shares
Preference shares - Carry the right to a fixed rate dividend
- Dividend must be paid before any dividend to ordinary shareholder
- No voting rights
- Redeemable preference shares – may be a liability as there is an
obligation to redeem in cash
- Irredeemable preference shares – classified in equity section of SOFP
Reserves Listed in the equity section of SOFP
- Share premium account
- Revaluation surplus
- Capital redemption reserve
- General reserve
Retained earnings - Undistributed profits
- Main reserve section in accounts
- Accumulation of profits and losses over the years less any dividends
Materiality Information is material if omitting, misstating, or obscuring it could
reasonably be expected to influence decisions
Prudence Exercising caution when making judgements under conditions of
Assets A present economic resource controlled by the entity as a result of past
events. An economic resource is a right that has the potential to produce
economic benefit.
Liabilities A present obligation of the entity to transfer an economic resource as a
result of past events.
Equity The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its
Income Increases in assets, or decreases in liabilities, that result in increases in
equity, other than those relating to contributions from holders of equity
Expenses Decreases in assets, or increases in liabilities, that result in decreases in
equity, other than those relating to distributions to holders of equity
Bonus issue of Given in proportion to existing shares, used to redistribute the share
shares premium account, no actual money received
Rights issue of Offered to existing shareholders in proportion to existing shareholding but
shares must pay for them. Usually offered below market value but above N. value
Unrealised gains Types of income which are seen directly in equity, for example, the
revaluation of property
Accruals concept Costs and revenues should be included in the period to which they relate
Stewardship - Directors are accountable to shareholders
- Responsible for safekeeping companies resources
Cash Cash in hand (bank accounts, including overdrafts & petty cash) and
demand deposits (deposits repayable on demand)
Cash equivalents Short term, highly liquid investments, readily convertible into cash
Indirect method More commonly used
(SOCF) Net profit or loss is adjusted for non-cash items and working capital
Direct method Shows actual cash receipts and payments from customers and to suppliers
(SOCF) More difficult to prepare as information is not readily available
Directly attributable All costs associated with getting the asset to its location and into a readily
costs usable condition, examples include:
- Salaries paid to employees for constructing the asset
- Costs of site preparation
- Delivery and handling costs
- Installation costs
- Cost of testing for functionality
- Professional fees
- Non-refundable taxes and other costs (duties)
IFRS Foundation
IFRS Advisory
IASB Interpretations
Conceptual Framework Sections
The objective of The objective is to provide financial information about the reporting entity
general purpose that is useful to existing and potential investors, lenders and other
financial reporting creditors in making decisions relating to providing resources to the entity.
Must follow accruals concept
The qualitative Fundamental qualitative:
characteristics of 1. Relevance – capable of making a difference to the decisions of a
useful financial user: predictive value, confirmatory value, materiality
information 2. Faithful representation – complete, neutral, free from error
Enhancing qualitative:
1. Comparability – with own historic/similar entities info
2. Verifiability – faithful economic reality
3. Timeliness – available in time to influence decisions
4. Understandability – classifying and presenting clearly
Financial statements Objective of financial statements is to provide financial information about
and the reporting the reporting entities assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses,
entity provided by:
- Statement of financial position – asset/liability/equity
- Statement of financial performance – income/expense
- Other statements and disclosure notes – cash flow, changes in
equity, accounting policies, notes
Most entities use the function method (COS, distribution costs, admin
costs etc.)
Inventories Deals with the classification and valuation of inventories
Inventory Lower of:
valuation Cost
Net realisable value
Certain = asset/liability
Probably (>50%) = provision, contingent asset
Possible (<50%) = contingent liability
Remote = no recognition
Intangible Sets out the accounting treatment on acquiring, developing,
assets maintaining, or enhancing intangible assets.
R&D Research and development treated as separate items