CPK GW Data Analysis
CPK GW Data Analysis
CPK GW Data Analysis
C. P. Kumar
National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee – 247667 (Uttarakhand)
Numerical models are capable of solving large and complex groundwater problems varying
widely in size, nature and real life situations. With the advent of high speed computers,
spatial heterogeneities, anisotropy and uncertainties can be tackled easily. However, the
success of any modelling study, to a large measure depends upon the availability and
accuracy of measured/recorded data required for that study. Therefore, identifying the data
needs of a particular modelling study and collection/monitoring of required data form an
integral part of any groundwater modelling exercise.
The first phase of any groundwater study consists of collecting all existing geological and
hydrological data on the groundwater basin in question. This will include information on
surface and subsurface geology, water tables, precipitation, evapotranspiration, pumped
abstractions, stream flows, soils, land use, vegetation, irrigation, aquifer characteristics and
boundaries, and groundwater quality. If such data do not exist or are very scanty, a program
of field work must first be undertaken, for no model whatsoever makes any hydrological
sense if it is not based on a rational hydrogeological conception of the basin. All the old and
newly-found information is then used to develop a conceptual model of the basin, with its
various inflow and outflow components.
These two sets of data are then used to assess a groundwater balance of the basin. The
separate items of each set are listed below.
Some of these maps cannot be prepared without first making a number of auxiliary maps. A
map of the net recharge, for instance, can only be made after topographical, geological, soil,
land use, cropping pattern, rainfall, and evaporation maps have been made.
The data needed in general for a groundwater flow modelling study can be grouped into
two categories: (a) Physical framework and (b) Hydrogeologic framework (Moore, 1979).
The data required under physical framework are:
1. Geologic map and cross section or fence diagram showing the areal and vertical
extent and boundaries of the system.
2. Topographic map at a suitable scale showing all surface water bodies and divides.
Details of surface drainage system, springs, wetlands and swamps should also be
available on map.
3. Land use maps showing agricultural areas, recreational areas etc.
4. Contour maps showing the elevation of the base of the aquifers and confining beds.
5. Isopach maps showing the thickness of aquifers and confining beds.
6. Maps showing the extent and thickness of stream and lake sediments.
These data are used for defining the geometry of the groundwater domain under
investigation, including the thickness and areal extent of each hydrostratigraphic unit.
Obtaining all the information necessary for modelling is not an easy task. In fact, a
modeller may have to devote considerable effort and time in data acquisition, especially
when the database for the study area is non-existent. Some data may be obtained from
existing reports of various agencies/departments, but in most cases, additional field work is
required. Moreover, the data is not readily available in the format required by the model,
and requires additional work to process it. The observed raw data obtained from the field
may also contain inconsistencies and errors. Before proceeding with data processing, it is
essential to carry out data validation in order to correct errors in recorded data and assess
the reliability of a record. In addition, as the modelling exercise progresses, certain gaps in
the database get identified. In such cases, the field monitoring program may undergo some
revision including installation of new piezometers/monitoring wells.
Values of transmissivity and storage coefficient are usually obtained from data generated
during pumping tests and subsequent data processing. For modelling at a local scale, values
of hydraulic conductivity may be determined by pumping tests if volume-averaged values
are required or by slug-tests if point values are desired. For unconsolidated sand-size
sediment, hydraulic conductivity may be obtained from laboratory permeability tests using
permeameters. However, due to rearrangement of grains during repacking the sample into
permeameter, the obtained hydraulic conductivity values are typically several orders of
magnitude smaller than values measured in situ. Furthermore, in a laboratory column
sample, large-scale features such as fractures and gravel lenses that may impart
transmission characteristics to the hydrogeologic unit as a whole are not captured. Due to
this reason, laboratory analyses of core samples tend to give lower values of hydraulic
conductivity than are measured in the field. In the absence of site-specific field or
laboratory measurements, initial estimates for aquifer properties may be taken from
standard tables.
k =1 ijk
where i represents column, j represents row and k represents layer number. Vertical
anisotropy for each hydrogeologic unit or model layer may be computed using above
equations, if sufficient stratigraphic information is available. The anisotropy ratio may also
be estimated during model calibration. The thickness and vertical hydraulic conductivity of
stream and lake sediments are required for estimating seepage. These values may be
obtained from field measurements or during model calibration.
To obtain data on the depth and configuration of the water table, the direction of
groundwater movement, and the location of recharge and discharge areas, a network of
observation wells and/or piezometers has to be established. The objectives of the
groundwater level monitoring are to:
For various reasons, a knowledge of the groundwater quality is.required. These are:
• Any lowering of the water table may provoke the intrusion of salty groundwater
from adjacent areas, or from the deep underground, or from the sea. The drained
area and its surface water system will then be charged daily with considerable
amounts of dissolved salts;
• The disposal of the salty drainage water into fresh-water streams may create
environmental and other problems, especially if the water is used for irrigation
and/or drinking;
• In arid and semi-arid regions, soil salinization is directly related to the depth of the
groundwater and to its salinity;
• Groundwater quality dictates the type of cement to be used for hydraulic structures,
especially when the groundwater is rich in sulphates.
Groundwater is sampled to assess its quality for a variety of purposes. Whatever the
purpose, it can only be achieved if results are representative of actual site conditions and are
interpreted in the context of those conditions. Substantial costs are incurred to obtain and
analyze samples. Field costs for drilling, installing, and sampling monitoring wells and
laboratory costs for analyzing samples are not trivial. The utility of such expenditures can
be jeopardized by the manner in which reported results are interpreted as well as by
problems in how samples were obtained and analyzed. Considerable attention has been
given to standardizing procedures for sampling and analyzing groundwater. Although
following such standard procedures is important and provides a necessary foundation for
understanding results, it neither guarantees that reported results will be representative nor
necessarily have any real relationship to actual site conditions.
2. Planning and carrying out of field activities using accepted standard procedures capable
of producing data of known quality.
4. The use of appropriate quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) checks of field and
laboratory work (including field blank, duplicate, and performance evaluation samples).
• establish the bench mark for different water quality parameters, and compare the
different parameters against the national standards,
• detect water quality changes with time,
• identify potential areas that show rising trend,
• detect potential pollution sources,
• study the impact of land use and industrialization on groundwater quality,
• Data collection for the reporting year.
Before any conclusions can be drawn about the cause, extent and severity of an area’s
groundwater related problems, the raw groundwater data on water levels and water quality
have to be processed. They then have to be related to the geology and hydrogeology of the
area. The results, presented in graphs, maps, and cross-sections, will enable a diagnosis of
the problems. We shall assume that such basic maps as topographic, geological, and
pedological maps are available.
The following graphs and maps have to be prepared that are discussed hereunder:
Groundwater hydrographs;
Water table-contour map;
Depth-to-water table map;
Water table-fluctuation map;
Head-differences map;
Groundwater-quality map.
Hydrological Information System (HIS) developed under Hydrology Project provides easy
access to different variety of data. The monitoring data are systematically organized in the
HIS data base, including:
• well inventory
• exploratory drilling
• pumping test data
• logging
• water level
• water quality
• rainfall data
• meteorological data
Groundwater Hydrographs
When the amount of groundwater in storage increases, the water table rises; when it
decreases, the water table falls. This response of the water table to changes in storage can
be plotted in a hydrograph (Figure 1). Groundwater hydrographs show the water-level
readings, converted to water levels below ground surface, against their corresponding time.
A hydrograph should be plotted for each observation well or piezometer. It is important to
know the rate of rise of the water table, and even more important, that of its fall. If the
groundwater is not being recharged, the fall of the water table will depend on:
After a period of rain (or irrigation) and an initial rise in groundwater levels, they then
decline, rapidly at first, and then more slowly as time passes because both the hydraulic
gradient and the transmissivity decrease. The graphical representation of the water table
decline is known as the natural recession curve. It can be shown that the logarithm of the
water table height decreases linearly with time. Hence, a plot of the water table height
against time on semi-logarithmic paper gives a straight line. Groundwater recession curves
are useful in studying changes in groundwater storage and in predicting future groundwater
The groundwater hydrographs of all the observation points should be systematically
analyzed. A comparison of these hydrographs enables us to distinguish different groups of
observation wells. Each well, belonging to a certain group, shows a similar response to the
recharge and discharge pattern of the area. By a similar response, we mean that the water
level in these wells starts rising at the same time, attains its maximum value at the same
time, and after recession starts, reaches its minimum value at the same time. The amplitude
of the water level fluctuation in the various wells need not necessarily be exactly the same,
but should show a great similarity. Areas where such wells are sited can then be regarded as
hydrological units (i.e. sub-areas in which the watertable reacts to recharge and discharge
everywhere in the same way).
A water table-contour map shows the elevation and configuration of the water table on a
certain date. To construct it, we first have to convert the water-level data from the form of
depth below surface to the form of water table elevation (= water level height above a
datum plane, e.g. mean sea level). These data are then plotted on a topographic base map
and lines of equal water table elevation are drawn. A proper contour interval should be
chosen, depending on the slope of the water table. For a flat water table, 0.25 to 0.50 m may
suit; in steep water table areas, intervals of 1 to 5 m or even more may be needed to avoid
overcrowding the map with contour lines. The topographic base map should contain
contour lines of the land surface and should show all natural drainage channels and open
water bodies. For the given date, the water levels of these surface waters should also be
plotted on the map. Only with these data and data on the land surface elevation can water
table contour lines be drawn correctly (Figure 3).
To draw the water table-contour lines, we have to interpolate the water levels between the
observation points, using the linear interpolation method. Instead of preparing the map for a
certain date, we could also select a period (e.g. a season or a whole year) and calculate the
mean water table elevation of each well for that period. This has the advantage of
smoothing out local or occasional anomalies in water levels. A water table-contour map is
an important tool in groundwater investigations because, from it, one can derive the
gradient of the water table (dh/dx) and the direction of groundwater flow, which is
perpendicular to the water table-contour lines.
For a proper interpretation of a water table-contour map, one has to consider not only the
topography, natural drainage pattern, and local recharge and discharge patterns, but also the
subsurface geology. More specifically, one should know the spatial distribution of
permeable and less permeable layers below the water table. For instance, a clay lens
impedes the downward flow of excess irrigation water or, if the area is not irrigated, the
downward flow of excess rainfall. A groundwater mound will form above such a horizontal
barrier (Figure 4).
Figure 4: A Clay Lens under an Irrigated Area impedes the Downward Flow of
Excess Irrigation Water
Water table-contour maps are graphic representations of the hydraulic gradient of the water
table. The velocity of groundwater flow (v) varies directly with the hydraulic gradient
(dh/dx) and, at constant flow velocity, the gradient is inversely related to the hydraulic
conductivity (K), or v = -K(dh/dx) (Darcy's law). This is a fundamental law governing the
interpretation of hydraulic gradients of water tables. Suppose the flow velocity in two cross-
sections of equal depth and width is the same, but one cross-section shows a greater
hydraulic gradient than the other, then its hydraulic conductivity must be lower. A
steepening of the hydraulic gradient may thus be found at the boundary of fine-textured and
coarse-textured material, or at a fault where the thickness of the water bearing layers
changes abruptly.
A depth-to-water table map or isobath map, as these names imply, shows the spatial
distribution of the depth of the water table below the land surface. It can be prepared in two
ways. The water level data from all the observation wells for a certain date should first be
converted to water levels below land surface (the reference point from which the readings
are taken needs not necessarily to be the land surface). One then plots the transformed data
on the topographical base map near each observation point and draws isobaths or lines of
equal depth to groundwater. A suitable contour interval may be 50 cm (Boonstra, 1988).
Another way of preparing an isobath map is made by superimposing a water table contour
map for a special date on the topographical map showing contour lines of the land surface.
From the two families of contour lines, read the differences in elevation at contour
intersections, plot these data on a clean topographical map and draw the isobaths.
According to the observation results for a year, the map drawn using the highest water table
levels indicates the highest water table levels for a year in irrigated lands. The regions of
map where the groundwater level is between 0-2 m depicts the area having drainage
problems. On the other hand, based on measurement results for a year, the map drawn using
the lowest water table levels indicates to which extent the groundwater falls in a year in
irrigated area. The section where the water table level is between 0-1 m determines the
areas in which groundwater exists in the root-zone throughout a year. In these areas, farm
drainage systems also need to be established. The map drawn based on water table
measurements done in the month of most intensive irrigation indicates to which extent
irrigation activities influence the water table. Due to most intensive month in terms of
irrigation application differing from one irrigation scheme to another, this month is defined
as month in which most of water is released to the system.
A water table-fluctuation map is a map that shows the magnitude and spatial distribution of
the change in water table over a period (e.g. a season or a whole hydrological year). Using
such graphs, we calculate the difference between the highest and the lowest water table
height (or preferably the difference between the mean highest and the mean lowest water
table height for the two seasons). We then plot these data on a topographic base map and
draw lines of equal change in water table, using a convenient contour interval. A water
table-fluctuation map is a useful tool in the interpretation of drainage problems in areas
with large water table fluctuations, or in areas with poor natural drainage (or upward
seepage) and permanently high water tables (i.e. areas with minor water table fluctuations).
The water table in topographic highs is usually deep, whereas in topographic lows it is
shallow. This means that on topographic highs there is sufficient space for the water table to
change. This space is lacking in topographic lows where the water table is often close to the
surface. Water table fluctuations are therefore closely related to depth to groundwater.
Another factor to consider in interpreting water table-fluctuation maps is the drainable pore
space of the soil. The change in water table in fine-textured soils will differ from that in
coarse-textured soils, for the same recharge or discharge.
Head-Differences Map
A head-differences map is a map that shows the magnitude and spatial distribution of the
differences in hydraulic head between two different soil layers. We calculate the difference
in water level between the two piezometers, and plot the result on a map. After choosing a
proper contour interval (e.g. 0.10 or 0.20 m), we draw lines of equal head difference.
Another way of drawing such a map is to superimpose a water table-contour map on a
contour map of the piezometric surface of the underlying layer. We then read the head
differences at contour line intersections, plot these on a base map, and draw lines of equal
head difference. The map is a useful tool in estimating upward or downward seepage.
The difference in hydraulic head between the shallow and the deep groundwater is directly
related to the hydraulic resistance of the low-permeable layer(s). Because such layers are
seldom homogeneous and equally thick throughout an area, the hydraulic resistance of
these layers varies from one place to another. Consequently, the head difference between
shallow and deep groundwater varies. Local ‘leaks’ in low-permeable layers may result in
anomalous differences in hydraulic heads. The hydraulic resistance is especially of interest
when one is defining upward seepage or natural drainage or the possibilities for tubewell
Groundwater-Quality Map
In the arid and semi-arid zones, shallow water table areas, as can be found in the lower
parts of alluvial fans, coastal plains, and delta plains, may contain very salty groundwater
because of high rates of evaporation. Irrigation in such areas may contribute to the salinity
of the shallow groundwater through the dissolution of salts accumulated in the soil layers.
Sometimes, however, irrigated land can have groundwater of much better quality than
adjacent non-irrigated land. Because of the irrigation percolation losses, the water table
under the irrigated land is usually higher than in the adjacent non-irrigated land.
Consequently, there is a continuous transport of salt-bearing groundwater from the irrigated
to the non-irrigated land. This causes the water table in the non-irrigated land to rise to
close to the surface, where evapotranspiration further contributes to the salinization of
groundwater and soil.
Assigning field data as input to a groundwater model is difficult because the model requires
values for each grid node or cell and field data are typically sparse. To define spatial
variation of a parameter over the study area, interpolation of measured data points may
need to be carried out using suitable interpolation techniques like inverse distance to a
power method, least square fitting of a polynomial, kriging etc.
Kriging: The most often used method for interpolation is kriging. It is a statistical
interpolation method that chooses the best linear unbiased estimate for the variable in
question (DeMarsily, 1986). The variable is assumed to be a random function with some
kind of correlation (structure) in its spatial distribution, that is defined by a variogram
(Figure 6). A variogram is a measure of the change in the variable with changes in distance.
Higher correlation is expected between points measured at small separation distances. For
example, hydraulic head, transmissivity, permeability, thickness of a layer, storage
coefficient, rainfall, effective recharge, etc., are all functions of space and are very often
highly variable. This spatial variability is, in general, not purely random; if measurements
are made at two different locations, the closer the measurements points are to each other,
the closer are the measured values.
For the purpose of analysis, the spatial continuity is expressed as a variogram, which is a
plot of the semi-variance (γ) against the separation distance (h). The semi-variance is
defined as half the mean of squares of the differences of the recorded values at a pair of
stations spaced at a given distance. According to the definition of γ, its value at h equal to
zero is half the variance of a data from itself, which is zero. Thus, the variogram has to pass
through the origin. Further, for a distance less than the minimum distance between the
observation points, γ is not defined. The minimum distance may be quite small in
comparison with the total range of h, and γ corresponding to this distance may not be close
to zero. Since, the variogram has to pass through the origin, this leads to a nugget effect,
which is basically a vertical rise of the plotted curve at the origin (Figure 6). The value of γ
rises gradually upto a limiting distance beyond which it becomes a constant. This distance
is known as the range of the variable. The maximum value of γ reached at the range is
known as the sill. The range can be viewed as the effective neighbourhood within which the
continuity of the variable holds.
The structural information as represented in the variogram is then fitted with a model. The
commonly used models are linear, spherical, exponential and Gaussian. These are
illustrated in Figure 7.
The model fitting involves choosing an appropriate model and estimating its parameters,
such as the range and nugget. Thus, kriging is the process of estimating the value of a
spatially distributed variable from adjacent values while considering the interdependence
expressed in the fitted variogram model.
Kriging differs from other interpolation methods because it considers the spatial structure of
a variable, and also preserves the field value at measurement points (unlike some other
interpolation schemes such as least square fitting of a polynomial). Irrespective of the
method used to assign parameter values to nodal points of grid, care should be taken to
check that the resulting parameter distribution is reasonable in hydrogeologic terms and that
the values fall within appropriate range for the geologic setting.
For handling groundwater data, the GIS-technology is aptly suited, for the following main
1. Concurrent handling of locational and attribute data: In groundwater studies, one has to
deal with information comprising locational data (where it is?) and attribute data (what it
is?). GIS packages have the unique capability to handle locational and attribute data; such a
capability is not available in other groups of packages (Figure 8).
2. Variety of data: Groundwater investigations often comprise diverse forms and types of
data, such as: (a) topographic contour maps, (b) landform maps, (c) lithological maps, (d)
structural geological maps, (e) isobath map (contour map of equal depth of water-table), (f)
isogram (isocone) maps depicting groundwater characteristics by contours of equal
concentration of dissolved solids (TDS) or ions, (g) drainage density and other geomorphic
maps, (h) tables of various observations and data sets, and (i) point data, say locations and
water-levels in observations wells, or spring discharge etc. In these, some of the variables
are of continuous type, e.g. TDS content, water-level data etc., and some others are of
categorical type, such as low/medium/high drainage density, or gravel/marble/granite
lithology. It is essential to integrate the spatial information for coherent and meaningful
interpretation, and to avoid compartmentalization of data. GIS offers technological avenues
for integrating the variety of data sets in both qualitative and quantitative terms, hitherto not
available through any other route.
3. Flexibility of operations and concurrent display: Modern GIS packages are endowed
with numerous functions for computing, searching for and classifying data, which allow
processing and analysis of spatial information in a highly flexible manner and concurrent
display, interactively.
5. Higher accuracy and repeatability of results: The technique being digital computer-
based, yields higher accuracy, in comparison to manual cartographic products. The results
are amenable to re-checking and confirmation. In a typical hydrogeological investigation,
the sources of data could be satellite or aerial sensing, field surveys, geochemical laboratory
analyses, geophysical exploration data, etc. and may be available in the form of maps,
profiles, point data, tables, lists etc. If GIS methodology is not used, then integrating such a
variety of data sets would involve elaborate manual exercises in order to deduce the
relevant information.
The Arc Hydro groundwater data model is a geographic data model for representing spatial
and temporal groundwater information within a geographic information system (GIS). The
data model is a standardized representation of groundwater systems within a spatial
database that provides a public domain template for GIS users to store, document and
analyze commonly used spatial and temporal groundwater data sets. It includes
two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) object classes for representing aquifers,
wells, and borehole data and 3D geospatial context in which these data exist. The
framework data model also includes tabular objects for representing temporal information
such as water levels and water quality samples that are related with spatial features.
(a) Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) using ArcGIS software for the water level to
study the following:
Data distribution.
Global and local outliers.
Trend analysis.
(b) Spatial interpolation for water level data using ArcGIS software, while ordinary kriging
is applied by involving the following procedures:
Trend is a surface that may be made up of two main components: a fixed global trend and
random short-range variation. The global trend is sometimes referred to as the fixed mean
structure. Somewhat different approach to ESDA for continuous data represented as a point
set with z-values is to examine whether any simple trends are present. The spatial trend can
be further analyzed using a three-dimensional perspective using ArcGIS geostatistical
analyst trend analysis tool.
A global outlier is a measured sample point that has a very high or a very low value relative
to all of the values in a dataset. For example, if 99 out of 100 points have value between
300 and 400, but the 100th point has a value of 750, the 100th point may be a global outlier.
Local outlier is a measured sample point that has a value that is within the normal
range for the entire dataset, but when compared to the surrounding points, it is
unusually high or low.
Kriging is divided into two distinct tasks: quantifying the spatial structure of the data and
producing a prediction. Quantifying the structure, known as variography, is where spatial-
dependence model fit the data. For making a prediction for an unknown value for a specific
location, kriging will use the fitted model from variography, spatial data configuration, and
values of the measured sample points around the prediction location. Variography is the
process of estimating the theoretical semi-variogram.The semi-variogram and covariance
function quantify the assumption that things nearby tend to be more similar than things
that are farther apart. They both measure the strength of statistical correlation as a function
of distance.
Validation should be carried out before producing the final surface, where it helps in
making an informed decision as to which model provides the best predictions. The
most popular methods for verifying predictions are cross-validation and validation provided
in ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst. If the mean prediction error is near zero, predictions are
centred on the measurement values. The closer the predictions are to their true values, the
smaller the root-mean-square prediction errors. The average root-mean-square prediction
errors are computed as the square root of the average of the squared difference
between observed and predicted values. For a model that provides accurate predictions,
the root-mean-squared prediction error should be as small as possible. The average
standard error and the mean standardized prediction error should be as small as possible.
After model validation, the surface can be generated to produce the water level map.
Given the multi-disciplinary nature of coastal aquifer studies, one of the most important
elements in the overall planning approach is adequate database development and
application. Data must be organized in such a way that it can be analyzed spatially, in three
dimensions, as well as temporally. The long-term nature of interface movement requires
that data from as far back as possible be collected. The only way to make the data available
for analysis and modeling is to develop an integrated database/geographic information
system (GIS). This critical, and often neglected, step of integrated database design allows
users and modelers to analyze and query data, and places the data in a consistent format for
model pre- and post-processing. Data elements and map coverages in the database/GIS
typically needed for coastal aquifer management include:
Long-term pumping records must also be collected. These data are critical to the
development of a groundwater model. Unlike the calibration of a typical groundwater
model in a freshwater aquifer, the response time of the freshwater/saltwater interface to
changed pressure distribution (rise in sea level, increased pumping, altered recharge) in a
coastal system might well be decades, or in some cases even a century or more. A critical
part of the conceptual model is the estimate of the natural position of the interface prior to
pumping, and a determination of whether the pre-development position was in equilibrium,
or, the aquifer is still responding to a long-term change in sea level from the last glacial
Due to the slow response of the interface, estimates of pumping rates over many decades
must be made to test the model. Once the data have been put into a database/GIS, initial
analysis can be carried out prior to modeling. Common analytical steps include examining:
Most commercially available database software are now powerful enough to handle the data
needs for even a large-scale regional aquifer management study. The key is to set up the
database and the groundwater model in such a way that data can be moved from the
database/GIS into the model, and model results can be transferred back to the database/GIS
with relative ease.
Describe the typical long-term water level hydrographs. Show typical examples of
villages showing rising water level trends and declining water level trends.
Describe the typical long-term water level hydrographs for typical areas (coastal
areas, irrigation commands, over-exploited areas, delta areas, areas close to
Study multiple hydrographs from a number of wells within a watershed to
understand the groundwater dynamics. Assess the water level changes in
multi-aquifer system.
Delineate areas showing typical long-term water level trends (with list of villages).
Describe typical high frequency water level monitoring hydrographs and their
Explain the recharge – rainfall response for different rainfall intensities.
Review of Groundwater Flow System Characteristics
Generate water level fluctuation contour maps using data for the reporting period
and the last year (pre/post monsoon) from all the monitoring wells tapping a single
aquifer in the network.
Generate water level elevation contour maps using data for the reporting period
(pre/post monsoon) from all the monitoring wells tapping a single aquifer in the
From the generated map, assess the gradient of groundwater flow, determine the
flow path, and delineate the recharge and discharge areas. Detect any change in flow
gradient or path, as compared to the previous years.
Generate maps for all the different aquifers and assess the gradient of groundwater
flow for the different aquifers. Assess nature of contact/mixing between the
Assess the groundwater flow through the aquifer system using supporting data
(rainfall, runoff, recharge and draft).
Generate Groundwater worthy map.
Carry out groundwater resource estimation for the reporting period based on the
GEC (Groundwater Resource Estimation Committee, 1997) norms.
Identify watersheds/administrative units subjected to overexploitation, as compared
to previous years.
Identify areas that are showing heavy increase in draft.
Estimate stage of groundwater development.
Generate notified area map.
Recommendation for Sustainable Development of Groundwater
Based on different analyses, list the administrative blocks showing declining and
rising water levels.
Delineate recharge and discharge areas.
Identify the technically appropriate programs that need to be considered for
containing the declining water level trend and increasing contamination, containing
depletion of resources, reducing erosion and increasing recharge.
Recommend the appropriate designs for efficient wells, artificial recharge
structures/water harvesting ponds that can be taken up in different areas.
Recommend sustainable groundwater development programs for ecolgically fragile
areas like coastal/urban/ industrial areas.
Identify specific research projects that need to be considered for tackling serious
groundwater related issues.
Recommend to administrators/planners the appropriate groundwater policies and
legislation that can ensure equity and ensure groundwater sustainability.
Cheng, Alexander H.-D. And Ouazar, Driss (2004). Coastal Aquifer Management
Monitoring, Modeling, and Case Studies, Lewis Publishers.
Gundogdu, K. S., Demir, A. O., Degirmenci, H., Buyukcangaz, H., Akkaya, T. Preparation
and Interpretation of Groundwater Maps using Geographical Information System
Salah, Hamad (2009). Geostatistical Analysis of Groundwater Levels in the South Al Jabal
Al Akhdar Area using GIS. GIS Ostrava 2009.
Singhal, B. B. S. and Gupta, R. P. (2010). Applied Hydrogeology of Fractured Rocks,