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Zurich, March 25, 2003 - The Board of Directors of Credit Suisse Group today
announced several proposals to its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on
April 25, 2003. The Board proposes to the shareholders that a dividend of CHF
0.10 per share be distributed. In addition to other agenda items, it proposes that
Hans-Ulrich Doerig, currently Vice-Chairman of the Group Executive Board, be
newly elected to the Board of Directors. Credit Suisse Group's Annual Report for
2002 will be published on March 27, 2003.
The Board of Directors of Credit Suisse Group proposes to the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders on April 25, 2003, that Walter B. Kielholz, Chairman of the Board of
Directors since January 1, 2003, be re-elected for a term of three years. The Board also
proposes that Hans-Ulrich Doerig, currently Vice-Chairman of the Group Executive Board,
be newly elected to the Board of Directors.
Hans-Ulrich Doerig joined Credit Suisse Group in 1973, after five years at J.P. Morgan in
New York. He has held various senior management positions at Group level and at Credit
Suisse First Boston, as well as at the former Credit Suisse (SKA), where he was a Member
of the Executive Board from 1982. In 1998, he was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Group
Executive Board and Chief Risk Officer. Hans-Ulrich Doerig is also actively involved in a
number of academic and cultural organizations. Subject to his election by the shareholders,
Hans-Ulrich Doerig will step down from the Executive Board and will assume the role of
Chairman of the Board of Directors' Risk Committee, which is to be newly created.
In addition, Credit Suisse Group announced that, after six years on the Board, Daniel
Vasella has decided to step down as of the Annual General Meeting 2003. The Board of
Directors wishes to thank Daniel Vasella for his considerable contribution to the company.
Group's 2002 Annual Report, which will be published on March 27, has for the first time
been drawn up on the basis of these guidelines. The Report will also include the most
important information required by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the
New York Stock Exchange in order to achieve the greatest level of transparency possible.
Credit Suisse Group Phone +41 1 333 8844
Media Relations
expenses; (xv) technological changes; (xvi) the timely development and acceptance of our new products and
services and the perceived overall value of these products and services by users; (xvii) acquisitions, including
the ability to integrate successfully acquired businesses; (xviii) the adverse resolution of litigation and other
contingencies; and (xix) our success at managing the risks involved in the foregoing. We caution you that the
foregoing list of important factors is not exclusive; when evaluating forward-looking statements, you should
carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and events, as well as the risks identified in
our most recently filed Form 20-F and reports on Form 6-K furnished to the US Securities and Exchange