* Perl > 5.005 ver. []
* Extra Perl modules: LWP, DBI, DBD::mysql, perl-Digest-SHA
* MySQL database >= 4.1 ver. []
* Apache mod_rewrite module, mod_headers module (optional)
* .htaccess files enabled [
* GD lib, GD perl module (optional) []
* LWP::Protocol::https
* Cache::Memcached
* Mail::IMAPClient
You can install required perl modules through SSH console manually:
2. CPAN way
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install CGI
install LWP
install DBI
install DBD::mysql
install GD
install Digest::MD5
install LWP::Protocol::https
1) Copy (upload) all files and folders from "cgi-bin" into your cgi-bin folder
(folder where perl scripts running)
Copy (upload) all files and folders from "html" into your html (public_html)
folder (folder with HTML files)
4) Right after install you'll get message "there are no servers available for
upload" on index page.
Login with admin account and go to "Server Management" section, click "Add new
5) Now go to the "Site Settings" section and set up your server configuration.
1) Copy (upload) all files and folders from "FS-dist/cgi-bin" into FileServer cgi-
bin folder.
Copy (upload) all files and folders from "FS-dist/html" into FileServer html
(public_html) folder.
3) Login with admin account and go to "Server Management" section, click "Add new
Put your FS cgi-bin and files URLs there, then Main server will test & update
FileServer configuration.
INFO: Please make sure that Apache's mod_headers is enabled if you're experiencing
the problem
that some files are getting played instead of being downloaded.
Please take the following actions if you have more than one drive on a single file
server to be used for uploads:
1) Mount each of additional drives into the file server's operating system.
We suggest to use the following mount point naming convention: /pool/storageXX/
2) Create the "temp" and "uploads" directories in each drive's mount point and make
them writeable for Apache user:
mkdir /pool/storage01/temp/
mkdir /pool/storage01/uploads/
chown -R apache:apache /pool/storage*/
3) Create a symlink for each drive in your fs-dist installation's temp and uploads
ln -s /pool/storage01/temp/ /var/www/cgi-bin/temp/01
ln -s /pool/storage01/uploads/ /var/www/cgi-bin/uploads/01
The system will automatically detect that and stop writing to your root "temp"
and "uploads" directories.
If you need
1) IMPORTANT: Backup all .cgi, .pm files, main.css, images and Templates folders
and make a dump of your SQL database.
2) Upload all new files from cgi-bin, html folders over old ones except "temp" and
"uploads" folders and and files.
Update new and files with your old settings
Update all your extra FileServers files too from FS-dist folder.
If you want to modify script layout you can find .html files in Templates
main.html - main design file, other templates been inserted into it
upload_form.html - index page with upload form
upload_results.html - page with generated links after upload
download0.html - pre-download page with [Premium] & [Free] download buttons
download1.html - page with file details, captcha/password fields
download2.html - page with generated direct file link
message.html - error/status message page
delete_file.html - page showed when you're about to delete file with Delete Link
confirm_email.html - upload notification email to admin
confirm_email_user.html - upload notification email to recipient
Also you can put any .html pages in Templates/Pages/LANGUAGE/ folder and access
them via URL: where NEWPAGE.html is your