White Sinister Yogis CH 03

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Sinister Yogis DAVID GORDON WHITE ee fee ony en by chatableorgaiatlon a ao pag Seti comtemporary tage the pre 420 dt ef he Sie in the colori nd srterporan an Pes Code hat eines “Cheating and dihonest nding ley 0 property” phe | rennin et iy a vote {22 pS ae tan opting» to ors poy, Tunes ocurent wo faved Gatton yen Pe JOBE Imps» poi Embodied Ascent, Meditation, & Yogic Suicide ci retail ee eee aed ‘idm, “seb iverson.” Pll developments at found nasi soures om the sie pero, eidene fran ongoing co ‘eration among the expnents these ial ato the asl Upanisads The ety Upaniad fle an entely nove! insight repeated in a hun re een ways throughout the istry of scars that there a Seo round of al being onan the pomer of expo}, purse ie vanscendent person, a felrence tothe renowned Rgvedc Eenmogonic “Hymn ofthe Man) of uh dna he "smog seit) ahatsthesoure ofallenstnce ad the nal gos fall restrs ‘eekng eration om teow of bth naa According ot ‘ew sigh ich waste lak ofthe nondat mystian ofthe Upanishadc corps thi abate oud simatancouy the universal ‘ti ofl hat exist and tht whch scott all hth ie, tthe for of amines tums “peso” ur ensconced the Neat These presentations of he abate ve ef two die en and incompatiieStercogs, the one rman and the othe [Pauaist Much ofthe content he ater Upuisadst wel 5 Porn, agai, and tantric dcusons ofthe paths ote eto of Shesea_aesomany ates seo ay eS The ro soelgis at found net pston of the Be, ell tn the Bra cnapersof the CRU’ ook even and the opening rapes ‘bok eight ofthese work, The mares hdl ground In Skctrne of he ipershable and expaaive natu ofthe Bana —a teem whose ema meaning spel. "expanson” rm the root ‘te, expand") -and its deny with we anscendet Sos Aan 3, opening chapter of the BU sae: ‘seis eo tkthathywibeconeeserthg Ganon Hreehhten ‘hg A srl ony oon we a) a brobmon Ara le Recent he oy woe eases ‘i hale bce eating 59m aang the rsa a 9 Sim statements re found in other ey Upsniadincang he a fot pige om heal chapters ee AU's eve ok which ‘represented as teaching Sathana age whorcones en Fin nteIerture tone Othe morta mind-oryogs-bor sen fanmasPaipat who del eemaiy on he highest ath ‘et (ma le so ht a th el she we heels Mhocene me stsin fess nd etme ah Tel, Sacer here ssbb he tt py a on ee ‘is immanent approach becomes complicated the book tht Town the CH bok eight, which speculates onthe postmortem ate ll tnone who are deci in book seven as krowing the se, The book ‘ess wth asia reflection that one should eck 0 know the Fria bla at, whi los oun ensconced within HS fadt Gu) wn the het imatancosty massve I sae “Te “over thin the het a5 8 space the space oT ‘Bhat mol everythings place together sie Ths all wel pod. ul what happen, the text conti, co the ei hi all “eompaning whole when he by dies? The ans that hough ‘ee ae pas avy that hich et te adel of Patan ‘other soma of por des. Ths thse who hase ome to ow the set (Gunn ie ave enabled wo nove at wi i all wos ater death.” Tticrorethat complications are athe autor ofthese petlatons sch ink the nasa of he ea fo the selmagnyng St oman zy that oermings wh he etie universe a, ‘Shay, wth the words o which thow eho know Wael ater death ‘The problem the allowing: Pow en aval iberated Bengt tone who knows the ene univers o be coerminos ths ot anacendentperuon or set-agiing sleet pos be extra toch when be ses up 0 the gest patter death? nother Ato hom can ial ert being us lh a “bad tea yog since the texts of this period were ating to empl these em tmatancouniy up ot Bens and yt know tha hee s hothouse ohms? Ttishere thatthe autos this pani appear to have adopt the ynamlsof the yop the sede pots and ofthe warrior who Becomes ‘oy of death and immorality exe ia the Brahmans, according 0 sn Thesith and mal chapterot he Ka eacing hal el the Knowledge aught by Deut thet the death god Yama} andthe ene sgn canon" provides the ssi immoral’ key to the ole do This does by frat explaining the eltionshlp between the wnble word nd the inva eles beyond hough an ety enumeration othe ‘the iss forthe cosmology f the Gas wil he ter sate and ‘namic of pane comtogony as xpi nthe Vian Puranas ‘The miod eight th sere th pr eoece th) Mahe hn he in {atenpg a vmanter ovation) Tnnanang he varane e ‘mien arch boiling ont ates Kooga (Treat it ands mr Tho who kh be ‘hee shuns mi a itn th nf whos eel nin t ‘ne he re em sta ede as One oa aw ane Sankara, who ces thew verses fom KU' sath chapter peat sh nee te hea a lhe ih ‘there sno rl iference etwcen what te apparently mip sees andthe waivers sel then the aig ava fe Dey ld and senses isthe sole neceary condition for ther primordia wil ety tobereaized In Snkar's defens, there lex ania patages that descr th ie of he soul ale deat automa, eat of none, wl codon, Anca earple BUS 10 wich ie pistes ens pan ans) otra hi where we epee ‘Suerte beh iacheitte edarc htop ei ‘Checonetotenn ioper|ospcferhim ete lena anton He sce pur tough Merten Rope aspen tbe 2. Journeys into Inner and Outer Space scoring tthe Maite Upanisad ‘later pans andthe MU prt, capandon the speculations fein he Ca, pay king ee Wn etext cite stay pubishedn 1962. van Bultenen convine gy vied he extant MU nto te principal ison (0) an “rial” ‘Upaisbelongng ta the Black Yajur an ting rom out the “ne peo she TU, that he out third centuries BCE Freel the Minaya” 2) later tx, ned the Mateo Ma. now oF Matra Upon which was rated ont the former by 3 ‘isk hand or hands" ana 3} interpolations and ations made Torthis compas by one or more dior” As Van teen argued is ‘dutothis text's composte nature that setter principal or hi Sea suet minor pnt aoe ee ‘he sath Bok ofthe MU that wil cncern us er bong to one the Inet sao the ext whi would date onthe so ts ngage ot part ways et cea scholrs who conde ptons othe NUT telate tantric" aon Their aesment pies to sal portion of {hisbook "aswell tomachinot aller bookseven, wih forename roundly condemn those who viny wea he yl ed rae of he dhs onde the wide earings tht were the atk fetal Sha oF er ncuding the Nath Yo asain) or who areal ear ‘es palin However, the bak of MU ois coca ith the ether aor ‘ly spate of pop theory he Yel the BMG and MP apd, ‘ed and upanishdic eculton onthe one han, and pore and nme sna a eon the ha OF ce fo rine chapters, within nbich ls embed an extended a sometimes ‘wiki theoretical dco of yop hey and practic. ‘No Upanisd contains as mach dtc yoga this ingle book of the ‘MU, whic aso hasthedstinetion of containing thesolemetion of he person of the yor! in the enti cls panna corps (6.103 entitying him a renouncer(anmann and ane Who aces for ‘imal or who Saris to the supreme se (amin. The same Prsage pos tdci he yt av ane wh des no tou the eae {hj ha as one wh wae senses contact th het Should ot, however, condom sich sfements hat the compen ‘ofthese textsintend tht yogis tse alcontact with he ou ‘ide wold Rte they meant hat he yoink or onsciousnes tras capable of apretending te seve cnet dey, without ree ttn trough the sese organs We wl ern his mpotant Ie the ext choptes ‘MU 18 contains te ast upaishac account of *simbe youn followed the desption a practi hat semble the hatha ot technique ol va mud (6.20) and ating othe sounds head tein the hear (6.2), tune that four nthe ifentcetury HYP." MU 621 contains thesoe mention inte “lass” Upania) ‘fhe sama the subtle channel tt fa oot, akong tthich, throat conjunction of beth the sable OM, andthe tind, one may ance par azn,” Seve chapters ate he ‘She chun, ete unnamed, described a aspiring te ot ‘onl aang beyond tna tes] tothe Word FB nun abmaia,Tey Be dead goby #8 othe highest path pa sti However, the bk’ twenty sigh chapter Metis he wal of 30> practice a pesto the spe ofthe aman Ra oct, ot Stihe summit of the univer, bat ater in the ines reese of the heart undesod as te cote fone’ lng tther han as 2 3p ‘ic oan), that allamportant inne pce of ser upanshade tah. tins How ae we to interpret ths apparent contain concern they’ algal? Par of the answer oti question maybe adduced byrealing ila aeration found inthe KU an emer Upania of the Plack Yue, whore eth bok inks yo to both the ata ‘the pr steed on the highs sth andthe sping ot oF the thumbed punter fom the body A we wl, he MU fiat books est ths dynam ofthe two prma ut get etal categories of sambyan metas apps, at In tw iret [scents puna an, therfore, nwo deren contents. Unlike he KU thin bok, oso mint fnng ts Romain ‘hte tee conpletoschvoea chat witha ter Skerovogs Hower neha a he etbough ean ‘Stns node y the sttnen "he man oh knowlege Se Shotesand mand ass es bin te best pa ha) ano snighe nearer ic freien {ied wan tn gst pate eaten pen, he pas “ic tesco fh ar ft mde te pe slit teenie MU he eacton soporte appending fs Upto tthe pati ate or Mae Mat ana-Tsthey Joby ening nthe mistook {cone op tote fame yo he ete war sot wach sinc tekyeund bce Tise doling gamed ‘ths nin telnet ae 30 on te hone ‘equa for noes Tre ects aoe named Syn Somers sea dying the wane feet en [hecvoesheapetcosne gestbingho" abandoning hei ory ery, parte om thw ores at were “Sing of thee anes = He en tls ayy {etch hm whe may become» knoe of heel ah, yng Spee vuateou pins Pane ith i, thesae pres hat ‘oat bcomes omer tte ln has dane wate a {adore renowned y te nae Mart He Who sin. ‘cay sath ar emery Sayan ep 022) utc win by oping eth hate has ‘Sune! wpe! a) odo pe he ees thorn tnesa That mmoa oe ees that tan hapten 29 and a er sth bok eating os than a Sccln ofhe ainen of Skganya's prediction rd te naratve IB By sted taken or Pap eon phe ‘Ponto prt cerns ha ett phrase pte Jove cintng wine rmenin oe spt Ther heen a ‘Che taason Sky nto sa bog i 98MM baste! othe note a One oc ie re by (kal ‘Sayanyaconcudes is acoure wi a paaphease of CHU RS, ee Storyina numberof ways ist therepeton ofthe expesion "he who ‘on by now naming him He Who Shine” Sakayanya confems that hs “faite hasbeen tantormed fom a renounce king ame hada {arabvars wivanta through the stoppage ofthe bewath, has infact be tupaofachate yore practice—Isnerde- One of the mystical sights ‘uy contol the breaths. In thisrega, TU 3.102, which several ce ‘sy eeences wo beat cone actualy fer tothe complete esaton te ath toon the eat up out of the ayes ‘he cae nthe hanna itratre—in whi the em anima i ‘ppeur—and Wt resraes in sever ater scan sources, whch Wl a he stoppage (4.29) ofthe eth» nar aetna in 5249-53 Ase ls chapters, aer than the elton othe eats that he hallmark of hathayogie r,s Bee hee compete sopage that has character vo practice" nally, Sakiyaya's dec scours n this passage parallels the 8c of he brahmin Sons of rari othe highest pat wth Bede Marts wn apothes Bein the dense inert ences found in tls passage stands the sin We, one of whose a5 ead upward othe welds he fous (to place yond the soar Ais, wl he others Biter down int the world of extence, here ‘he unlberated wander rom ere to rebirth. Unlike the ter Sn the edactorsof MU 6 vewed advancing upard a will yop ach, ‘undertaken before o's nara death forthe aftnment of less and Immortality. "Stood he author ofthe ¥5 (29), whites “Hom ‘mastery ofthe wpmard beth din. Whe poe fl propesing ot out of he a tn) nthe ight Van Butene’sdemonstton that the MU sse know ate monologarteten the er’ elnerton ahs petan whit For teen mentioned since the tame narative at MU2 3") ath 629 torte pnltinate chapter of the text's book aae n this ee Ahintenury Cl interpolation Tor shat we een the final chapter ‘ebook 6.8) a neat wrt repesing ofthe guage ot MU 828, sn bh pasages pointedly reer to tbe asin of Moma ‘tit four layers et” What nrgung about the editors ce and pst opetation ta the stl eles he rama enclosed ns ‘sing fae appear to De staal a oppose ends othe moc {6.38 Apar from He KU, the pobabe source of ts ambiguity (or ‘he MU’s edactoron several points The CAU, commenting on a famous | pasage fom RV 10903, prin, (ehecring mat nia batman Rin par ate ‘prnadelapeoen Ge Now hase euscetepesen ide peste ant Rs pe at ona) Far above bs wo te eesti Gotha Ss te cl he mes [cathe bcateeathng te com nt ghee he get wn smote na pane re 9 Boecom. a mses ai of eh # pce gsr tant celal, utr a ee woe” theirexpasion on this CHU page ete (or elective othe faim forthe metaphyseal aegis and models of vsonary a- ‘eat tht ec arse eveyone othe major scan ations ater sn some dtl, Te ext of MU 628 mediately precedes the return (Caer Skiyanys adsl hip -hetaid" Ini we ing dramatic count of the yo practioner trming ofthe abode of Praha ‘espace within he eat, perhapste cares wines to wht WOuld be ‘the metaphors ate mine. the pasageisa power one opening with an ‘phorsm from an unnamed source: "Someone he td “The ape eat" Toga acess otis nner bode the ractone, advancing teyond (atkanya the elements and the sense obit, mst st ste down the gtekepr ofthe “door of Pama wh am extended we. Shoe fhe tants OM. The, aching ashore othe space hin ‘he heaet, eet sod manson Sharir singh mete ae as (ke lean wih comp or es et ton rae). 5 dag ee Rew bce sine, erty Te eas et teste car ch sting oly ete eo ‘sec amas oh aaron ed bo rte) Rha be thecal wos ml dea mere tnd} ery ha a] era meee ns opty slope rome onan aaa) Ts passage ambiguously describes a ourey into inne space, a tehich point te now pte conciousness eis an deat Mth te "sole within. The language ot ying eth which ths passage ese recalls the ee narstves of he apotheosis of chat arts. who poked toe so ead tote wp ate eeaed om eth to fet the ce ofthe ent, ith esx months ring which the length of he sory role back wth winter solstice at whch point ios outward forthe flowing sk moths Tis knowlege Iressa to the epic a, wo longed hse for hee months Ul the suns soa ur nora, which point “hited 0 it the was leased fo ised aows."” Ase hive see, howe ‘he aot offre ie Bhima culminates the smi Oe Sinise atthe oppo, nite end of de spect, ninety folloming tis patage, the eer ntaces the avi swan ation, alter Skayany ai hi” Before launching into “hemo Shines Eight capes of abdlons teachings on yo flow, hich point the interpolated page broly ens and the reader Is erst 18, tothe essing of he bean, which comps ‘tout ayers of net ut in an ently diferent cote 3 highly Probsble hat these twa erations of te same pase were orginally Iaxtapen they aren KU 7-17), th he change of context fo the ntesima ese ofthe space oF eve thn the eat 1 he infinite reaches ofthe ihe heaven serving peso tol or - emonsating theo sinatanous mades of beng oF bh the abate Shot navidal who ave relied Mey with the bole, modes ising tht would be contactor for anyother sort of bing. The MU {638 page en: “ts ng led het hee, here pales eae Fotos es arth ne od the goad al begs Nino [avr atten geben tad mee {tne oyna haha) genome census anne inconicsndvei Sansg ow y U6. concesby eveingtoteintatesmalonce more repeating ey terms fom the pious pasinge onde te Sinutanly f hs ‘hintaan sto, owe esha tonne seeteba Trovpontoi perth donee vance Ont, free ty Teorey esther asa ae nah De Chee tne, ned hel th on tas sed he bon he gos This the a ver fe MUS sith hook reves the ambiuesof the preceding chapter Te amar ow ented wth both te ea scene psa and Vis, smtancoul the sales ofthe smal {in the greatest of the gest, oth the subatomic spask atthe het of ‘re vigcreature andthe amis albencompasing abate" The practioner who penetrates the hea of Beng wth MS tera 2 Senden yates lg ig fendersnod tobe sultant 15 ng tough the spheres to the tnscendent abode ofthe nalibe One, to srume oes applet Vis, Awe wee, thst Sting ont or ter seats ol theo he thee wadtions of chs Stat indus, each of which deste up the dminiive bana oe prs oft bata well the Wanacender,alkencompasig ah Ia pre nv sarin ul. Inman pets ab apes tobeacontinution ofthe yogsofthe vedic poets whose visonary exe {ions tothe oniaesof the univeseallowed them oink moos to nacrocoum and word to wold, When, MU 629-80 ain ing ‘io departs ts ourney of nor is departures Homage Sith tt of he ssn of nj eho were Braise the epic Sik. Intisligh one might sceinSSkayany3shomalogiaton thee ‘wo spotheosesaestaterent othe aphossm, sessed in she peous ‘hap, concerning the bated warrior nd he praia pce theabot the sin” List we shoul note subtle hit i the ete wed ni pastags, 4 sh that as oer into iter scar ations, Whereis MU 627 thepactitioner dvb at entering into and moving” trough he ‘pace inthe heat, wherein "sand" and sews he etic wes of Trasmiation-panopicly at were—an MU 63h be fist perce find tee" bloc ane form of acy introduced he malta the Ingnesimal absolute an thereby gins tascendence,TISeoneepal Shit rom oumcyngto the pace astm at eb sat 0 tottng onthe sme thot making the oney marks pang of the waysin testy of yogisoteoogy: Put anothe way. alse ‘actor thin astonaed seta ations) of the you a the vedi then oer the yop ofthe chariot wari. Heater knowing supplant ings the pe eh to svation, As Bonkhors aut tee ‘eth ieerence tote “Accwainc he ft hat prac ed tin ok cbt wah tre mona of trate of 0h rte ge te retort oy rt an pace epee bn bt ‘hiss not say hat vary’ of dative forms ofthe rot hy age tot ound pir och pad vag, The CU conan pean to dina, homeser, swe of the em ety baci In al hee ‘cy tent om the Vedas awn trough heey Upants,ahya and Ine derats have 3 es pee semantic range, tang om “ton” {0 “inspiration” to “thinking to contemplation" Dip sere toi te other ate Upanisads, one of whic, seady quoted (PUSS, Sipulats meditation athe tine of death onthe “highest persona testo ensures transcendent postmortem tat The BMG parptaes {his uponshadic junction, subsiuting Krsna forthe “highest pe. $n" puma prs, which is perety acceptable given the gos ‘ppsation as purus, the “sipeme enon.” The same pesiage ftom the BAG ao employs language sua wo that found In MU 6.28, ween it vokes the og who sconstay “yea ua Hee Ks ee pen wh cing OM te mara oar fn el ‘Meer en ina) he hard hd ol ear en) {tyne gosh hs thames ache by eyo ws coy oles anemia ere ten” “This BNG pssage diverges fom PU S.1-5 ns station of ee end nus semen elector dys meditate" Tissasgmt ant development itive of ed tha fit appeal Sey Doe the Begining ofthe common ea, ia Mahayana udahist mediation ‘nwa frome Kasai and Inner A (ARRough, 8 ChaesNalamoud ening one ed ot ce the gods in the Veda, athe, one ee tered thes, evking them mentally ain an ae vison ofthe In these Budd source, a petal ete tote on {paphic visti” of» dvinized Buda. This practic may have Frais Badist ogi In the Srstvadin or Mahayana techiaue Fis atest in ic stent BCE work whose tile describes the occ the Pappa sommuthaaha sa apa he Teaching on ute Contemplation oa kenessofaBushaby One Who facing Puddhinvot se devon were, fact adaptations of such serBudahistechniqiesof mindines mara, he contemplation ‘of eath,andasbubhanan, medion one) oles decsying Conpses) whic involved hefner otneretion ofa Jeon {Gea body eth mvt homes, he ecg as eae, 815 ‘ery name ndiatee Move than simple remembrance” or tection” Teich are renee by st, without the ret) ews 5 “ene Trance sutuqunto," remembrance acordance wh,” "method fat remembrace”Hete the core ofthe race ma 050 concentat tne’ ison ona ae of «Buda ors dey 20 be abl to subse {query and metal envi the same mage without the need foc the mediation suppor wot arg, fay hat hs techie {tnplysthesame soto "edetcimagng does the asa edaton| ‘decribed in Radchaghow Ahcetury Vsulmimagr V0. “coming specie mteralebet—ine aa ered ‘Srestatonacty cnc on tie Ber sd tard Sgt tt foro hh er tn een settee i eet By, iat yO nr dc emer a peop tay me he mem ch be taut tase pant andconeret hin he ea th an ‘Ths tectnigue, when api to images of dees would Be spec tHlectve under onetons of ontaled lighting conditions esaly met In aves using ot amps After contempating sch a amined age would ules olan nes efter uring aa om the ih 0 perce a sharp, bilan eke lage ofthe ety Behind one's eyes ‘ut “iste” of ones hat to dec experience one’s own Bad Repeated metho. hs technique of ans would eventual ead ‘Suppor Inner aa, whee thi technique appear t0 have vgn, te known fora numberof aves festurng“muminouy” Buddha ag. Recently, Neon Yara as argued tat eave paintings mn this ‘exon cont talons ofan hasan vane practical bck ‘Bound’ or—Budahst meditation was om this pra” The walls of Turkestan, fr example, ae pated with representations of the world fof numans ons ter wal, with fautous mountains above these ‘ul, Me Buddha mage inside the cave, al encoacd bythe sone eto which is ats sounded Dy a reat, Maing halo, 2 sunburst tot ight This infact, one of he exset Budi vepresetations ‘te “coumologcl Baha. the biddhst homoge ofthe cme et Hind Krsna, These Buds cave pings om Cel Asa date from the same ponod ms the ears seulptral representations, fa Cental India and Nepal of he Varna supreme beng in is univers Nedtaton on forthe mental construction fan anthropomorphic mage ofa deity rater than the MUs ore pope cosmological med ented with Vins, hs reine prelate of every these ‘orship progam in South Ast Int a numberof accounts oe fith member Inte cine of he Buddhie Gasomijtants an the atc Tarra onan eplaces tk, contemplatveenguiy asthe encaanc an cal power concen eh ha aches psy, asc a Sino omothe pow one ba est een Mee sre tat mney of fo why eed oe soar no ind al tec ich {Nonna On hoe an Setcagrancests yop sity tre andthe eins Papineau hp ssn omer = Pome haltatndtoecs ete hn On aS oes Sehe ran nds""On tebe aloe hese thges ‘Tht nnn he nea algoe aot arse cee pace, oer hy inca spcto mnt wom mk ae een ee tse Rn shy ey oe eaten hati to escent an he ly Soa ety nts fom te wars Astor the" yos" whose see amc sumer he roe fk ve er fetes ura psn when as aa he re eacigianomtr iemasertegratandr Oo arta lteter stn acy la img utony he ay ad wae Dt ee fe pe ‘myccurese Whaeinecse, wena nets of wrarontm and hehe pute eee vmuing tence mocanem he 4. Visionary Ascent in the Mlganata Purana etn hecho mnie s hse ‘may a stves from Mahayana sources as well asthe BG, Stephen | ern charaetee he cents he common ta ssa tect ‘Soar testis sopprteyrasompngof ind nh etn enone ns sd’ sh petted Pe ing ynt uses hte of Yow") ra imei Chem or aan pcos ar nf ose Ces sisen gus notnner and ote sce tb eet inmanent Sewanee fo Aes the tal chap of MG a asent YGanwo tcl mvemerig which wa echoed oad ore ‘nthe BHC and Mh swells the Puns, tadons to which we Wl ‘tum n chapter ve "Theistic alapitions of wpanishadle cosmology apest in the thee principal scan forms of Hindu this, well aa Hinayinn end ‘Maniyana Bn, ar the nent secon of hcp, il focus on Visayas Siva adaeations ofthe upanshadc model, leah tng mde the attested in Sita” and Bods” soe. the tee Hinds taditon, the sme alternations~tetweens penonalized sor Tat ins nite and initial modes of being and Between te 2s of raversing sac, sel, and mediating on the pt ofthe prac tionerremain operative. Common to alae the tanstrmation of the impersonal ama Into pron dy the tanstormation of acts ofthe upashade asa ito hyposases oa ternate names of go or int spheres of vine att that double 3 metaphyseal egos and the expansion of he nascent upanshadi Systm ofthe higher spets into te multiple superimposed wos of the panic agami, and tare cosmos. Ave il so thes Ine sourees inode a new eichotemy inthe gala rate. on the thi or out centuries othe comin es forward eid of MU 6, the Mah, the BG, andthe YS—ther In pring he ay ‘oth the techniques and she goals of practi. On the one han, theres the practice fogs which lends supernatural enjoyment and on. sy “emote” eavel othe highest words, flow by 3 dtr ia ication atthe end of cosmic eo on he oy, there & mediation Shida dsembodid entity wth godhes. Te former carestorwarthe tratons othe yop apoteoss of thechatiot warn, whe tate, Inhic caslyon the ascendant, ba adaption ofthe won) YOR tf the vedi poets Or to employ terminology tht wae emerging i hs ei theoreti fama eration ne we de ater Aescribes udu dsr veration. The woteed ately proented in there sures of mma vers etre Hertha a osmologia cost nat onlin these sources bt aon Samy ph texans dscasons of te Larabupaton sae plane of ‘olton” rpracuces—sfit snot the source ofthe stm dichtony. "return to ths philoso! deveopment erin thschapeer. The BAG si many eapetea prota work time ar again Wey ing yoqa—medtation na devotional ose having Krsna, the supe son panama, as ssa ajetas he optimal path to sseton. "ithe ste time, hi text ears wies 0 the ft ha he meaning of yor was sil highly hs nti peso, applying the em Te over hunted times to 3 range of theories and practices encompass Sng posture eth contol" sine body mapping apd apts {athe expression pgs pete seven tien the BBG." Dut in an alee context that dns ofthe pic meanings ound in epic natatives of dying warriors rin philosophical acount fe anced powers pectin, tei f which ts nappropt 0 trnsntete wef the compound teed os So, or ex pi wen Kou mnie tat pactitloner of bots ys and Sime reach heme plas” ad ee the sane things, estates that poke the pith opsua, age gucly goes 16 the astute aha Furermoe the prattiner of yoga so dsr Is thou agency OF totonomy, ven the fact tat Ke alone tne sole ty aonomous "gentin the universe Insichaconet "he onenho suka” Gua) Ircomes reduc tos simple devote who enone the Fs of {etsorwho ht found peace by tuning nat" ‘Alae Vaio source, whose oerlgieal ramen of yoga claty Atos fom that founda NU 6, the Baga Parana (BP) he second ‘hap of whe vecond hook ented Desetion of Him Who AP- pts a he Peon gunsaumsthnarana” use forthe views [elitr trea entty wit he blues chapter eapprop is the language of KU 66-17 and MU 6.38 when States that some fol ar able to medatiy eal “the man who Is pan sae {pasar parson) resign te space ofthe Rest thin the brody" Here the ables exp postage as oth homnculs fn con an posse ofl the tbe ofthe ypreme being ‘yl fran) hi erat aig he hc he neh die mcr Hate ug howe eaten, harass ‘Grete trench tar toner ln ae ae hy ene ‘eeu ot maa] pe yet op Gepsaehothe Sale ay epee | Metation upon each member an aspect of his minute go withn, tard fons et 0s ll” graaly pres the mind of Pactone, repaint totranscend hsm body ad the pheno Erol word Sucesiey incorporating his beat nt his mind, mind tnt intestate nt the conscious principle sea, the co ‘sows pencil nto the nua Sel, ad the naval ef ino the Univer sty he practitioner become capableatcontnpating iso's highest plane ora ps usu Now te txt enjoins he he ‘mito practice beat cont hat, yong he nine bodily fee and imonitor went fur manatee space eer the jerows hema spon the otal and eave say ein to ace to the highest ran, abo ented 5 Visa. Thismciatireacent presented a the ft of to emt the seco eng the prattioers enjyeent with itd aa sees nae ‘fa neaenly praise porto acted etal wion wi isnt he tiewadtonsofthe apotheosis tne nahi wanor. Aig betes fod nthe tid ooo he MB that speak the supreme abode of \Visou-Niiyana which is foaed eyo the" ama” an sete ot a ey i i voto ot ce oo ptt mc pce andor ey eds Ton ead ors ‘pana en prateaby tery ugandan a wo we Ber eet ‘rosso go tre andre en ot Ma te ne ev de ‘ning yan ges (oycran pl ema ame” Throughout the Parka, one finds multiple references orem 4 served or tastes of You (ges attesummit of he wives a Ie iinite description ofthe “pat ofthe Masters of Yoga thatthe BP eatsthe closest resemblance othe asage as ellos MU 838 and GWT Aetna hh ge see ste sd tne patho te Maer of ag who ees ete er eat (Behe rd tio pet Ty each sh ‘jaca The pel rough nae node nga, Nosy the ext desc the upward aectoy of he Mater of Yop. His ‘anne! that the path of brabmun”through the higher spherer—o ‘the empyrcan and the conseliation of the coca (he ip of whose ‘vene"}—to the world of the one who dwells on high (piramesyum), ere the Lone of the Shae ae wo oes, and which endures recs thsevaedstatn, he pacar sc atranstomatvejou ey through the sever sheaths fo) that enon the emi ete Coomologal instalation of the samba extensive = Sea clement th ter coneypondng emesis, he, tho and nelle here cle abo ening he otal ce ‘Shon o tne avis ofthe the cna i rat satel.” the nest he sya tg Dl rane Mast of ‘eg nema tthe coe tie neon hs wl ah he Sopreme ead tity accds othe hges el, he alot Ve Bian, rom wich el neve re." Tre i227 he SA 6a wt ts ngage the cigs ae) fre tat encow he rafinan able to ence a thet mode, he Simatancoy inne and nema gro feng wth whieh the individual i Kents thr Dah nwa mation and an Embodled journey outward ojond the cones ot the nese, Ono Sin Vasa telogy nproets the sme rst oe abstte Ssteah comin and contained, nanlogs terms Acorn tothe Sasa to say ena) tp {he fetus tha il develop it the Fao han baad) weit Schall ewatures et Sod move Te ostermos Vasudeva Tusa once the dy at wn ener me ex fan he Day a te ‘emerofour oma conciousness" As Deis Huon expat, Inthe csc human he mgping le te pos bon he cutie th he tubeoaj antennae ease ce ‘conn Behuran sa coon so wong out eu econpaing ie Sty pment, naiwanpaiayoshonetoty ote nba ht eee oy nl at be boy." theo ty enowawin ube Gh oma ar maa ‘Thisdvine mode often, both he container andthe contain sone that sshued by human actor who ste expt termed yoqs it NBN, 12.29, Thabo bucomesthe maxes operand of ean prctonet, sno ines his bay so fo become the deity loki side oe ‘son she univer as elt Well tara oi ter in chapter ve

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