OASYS SCADA HMI Controller Guide

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Enterprise SCADA HMI

Controller Guide

Release 2021
Month 2020
© 2020 AVEVA Group plc and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
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Publication date: Monday, July 6, 2020
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Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................7
Chapter 2 Starting ezXOS ..........................................................................................................9
Starting a Control Room ezXOS Session .......................................................................................................................... 9
ezXOS Startup & Shutdown ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Launching XE and ezXOS (Side by Side Installation) ............................................................................................10
Starting a Remote ezXOS Session...................................................................................................................................10
Running a Locally Installed ezXOS ..........................................................................................................................11
Running ezXOS in a Remote Desktop .....................................................................................................................11

Chapter 3 Connecting to the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA System ............................................13

Using the Shift Change Menu Item ................................................................................................................................13
Performing a System Switch............................................................................................................................................13

Chapter 4 Using Displays and Summaries ..............................................................................15

Using the Navigation Menu.............................................................................................................................................15
Using the Model Select Menu Item........................................................................................................................15
Printing a Screen Capture ........................................................................................................................................16
Using the Documentation Menu Item ...................................................................................................................17
Using the eXtended Editor (XE) Menu Item..........................................................................................................17
Summary Displays .............................................................................................................................................................17
Using Window Filters ................................................................................................................................................17
Printing using the Summary Window Action Menu ............................................................................................18
Using the Window Paging Tool ...............................................................................................................................19
Using a Point Select Dialog Box...............................................................................................................................19
Using the Pushpin Button ........................................................................................................................................20
Using Summary Window Action Menu..................................................................................................................21
Using the Zoom Menu Item .....................................................................................................................................21
Flexible Chart Displays......................................................................................................................................................22
Editing the Pen Properties on a Flexible Trend Object .......................................................................................22
Editing the Pen Properties on a Flexible Plot Object...........................................................................................23
Understanding the Flexible Trend Context Menu Options ................................................................................25
Station Displays .................................................................................................................................................................26
Using the Station Action Menu ...............................................................................................................................26
Using Station Notes ...........................................................................................................................................27
Telemetry Summaries ......................................................................................................................................................29
Using Summary Windows ........................................................................................................................................29
Data Quality Indicators .............................................................................................................................................30
Interpreting Colors ....................................................................................................................................................32
Using the DistribuSyS Summary Dialog Box..........................................................................................................34
Using the DistribuSyS Mode Control Dialog Box ..........................................................................................36

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Using the Mode Summary Dialog Box............................................................................................................36
Using the Analog Summary Window .....................................................................................................................37
Using the Status Summary Window.......................................................................................................................39
Using the Multistate Summary Window ...............................................................................................................40
Using the Rate Summary Window..........................................................................................................................40
Using the Remote Summary Window....................................................................................................................42
Using the Connection Summary Window .............................................................................................................43
Using the Connection Statistics Summary Window ....................................................................................45
Using the Communication Statistics Summary Window ............................................................................46
Using the Modem Summary Window....................................................................................................................48
Using the Modem Statistics Summary window............................................................................................50
Using Modem Test.............................................................................................................................................51
Previous Messages ............................................................................................................................................51
Event Summaries...............................................................................................................................................................51
Using the Archive/Dearchive Menu Item..............................................................................................................51
Using the Aggregate Events Summary Window ..................................................................................................51
Using the Operational Activities Summary Window ...........................................................................................53
Using the Configuration Modifications Summary Window ...............................................................................54
Using the Modification Detail Dialog Box ......................................................................................................55
Using the Data Modifications Summary Window................................................................................................56
Using the Modification Detail Dialog Box ......................................................................................................58
Using the Point Event Summary .............................................................................................................................59
Alarm Summaries ..............................................................................................................................................................59
Alarm Summaries Using the Alarm Summary...................................................................................................59
Using the Alarm Control Dialog Box ...............................................................................................................61
Using the Alarm History Window....................................................................................................................61
Using Priority Display ........................................................................................................................................62
Using the Newest Priority Alarms Window...................................................................................................63
Using the Point Alarm Summary Window.....................................................................................................65
Using the Alarm Suppression Summary Window ........................................................................................65
Using the Test Mode Set Summary Window ................................................................................................68
Using the Alarm Limits Dialog Box ..................................................................................................................69
Alarm Types ........................................................................................................................................................70
Acknowledging Alarms......................................................................................................................................72
Timeline/TimeSeries Summaries ....................................................................................................................................72
Using the Historical Edit Menu Item ......................................................................................................................72
Other Summaries ..............................................................................................................................................................73
Using the ACE Summary ...........................................................................................................................................73
Using the ACE Control Dialog Box ...................................................................................................................73
Tagged Point Indicators ............................................................................................................................................74
Opening the Tag Summary Window ......................................................................................................................76
Using the Point Tag Summary Window .........................................................................................................77
Control Inhibit Tags ...........................................................................................................................................78
Using the Datapump Status Summary Window...................................................................................................89
Using the Age Watchdog Summary Window .......................................................................................................91
Using the Global Trend Displays .............................................................................................................................92
Understanding and Working with Specific Trendset Features ..................................................................95
Working with Trendsets....................................................................................................................................99

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Area View and Control ...................................................................................................................................................107
Using the Area of Responsibility (AOR) View Icon.............................................................................................108
Using the Area of Responsibility (AOR) Control Icon ........................................................................................109
Using the Control Dialog Box ........................................................................................................................................110
Using the Control Dialog Box.................................................................................................................................113
Using the Alarm Limits Dialog Box ................................................................................................................113
Using Commands .............................................................................................................................................115
Using Integrity Update ....................................................................................................................................115
Using Modem Control .....................................................................................................................................115
Using Modem Test...........................................................................................................................................116
Using the Point Alarm Summary Dialog Box ...............................................................................................116
Using the Point Event Summary....................................................................................................................117
Using the Point Tag Summary Window .......................................................................................................118
Using Priority Display ......................................................................................................................................118
FlexTag Control Dialog Box.............................................................................................................................119
Using the RealTime/Manual Mode...............................................................................................................121
Using Scan .........................................................................................................................................................122
Switching Connections ....................................................................................................................................123
Using the Quick Trend Window.....................................................................................................................123
Using the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA RealTime Quick Trend Window.....................................................124

Understanding System Messages and Alarms .........................................................................127

Summary of Messages and Alarms ..............................................................................................................................127

Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................159
Troubleshooting: ezXOS Startup ..................................................................................................................................159
Troubleshooting for Connections.................................................................................................................................159

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As a Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Controller, you work with AVEVA Enterprise SCADA HMI on a daily basis to
monitor the pipeline and react to alarms and events. The Controller documentation is designed to help you
accomplish tasks specific to your role.
As an HMI Controller, you:
 Understand about monitoring and control of the pipeline from a SCADA control system.
 Perform operational activities through AVEVA Enterprise SCADA HMI in order to ensure safe and efficient
operation of the pipeline.
 Are alerted to problems in the pipeline by alarm messages that are generated when components operate
outside an acceptable range (as defined by the Administrator).
 Take appropriate action to respond to alarm conditions and other operational events.
Depending upon your authorization, your responsibilities can include:
 Monitoring facilities, responding to alarms, and controlling field devices in all or part of the SCADA system.
 Initiating sequenced control, or commanding individual field devices, including setpoints.
 Displaying or printing reports and trends.
 Performing certain configuration changes, such as alarm-limit settings.

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Starting ezXOS
Starting a Control Room ezXOS Session
If your system is configured for multiple systems, then you need to select which system you want to connect to
the easy eXtended Operator Station (ezXOS).
To log on to a system
1. Start ezXOS.
The Configuration Selector dialog box appears.
2. Click the drop-down list to select the desired system to connect to ezXOS.
3. Click OK.
4. Click the drop-down list to select the desired User Name.
5. Type the password in the Password field.
6. Click OK.

ezXOS Startup & Shutdown

To start an ezXOS session
 Windows method startup:
o Double-click the OASyS HMI ezXOS button on your desktop.

 Command window method startup:

a. Click the desktop icon labeled Windows PowerShell for DNA.
Windows PowerShell for DNA opens.
b. Type Set-Silo ezXOS.
c. Type ezXOS.

Note: This will prompt you to choose the DAL configuration that you want to use.
Type one of the following command line options to specify the DAL configuration that you want to use.

Note: You will not be prompted to select the DAL configuration.

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AVEVA™ Enterprise SCADA HMI Controller Guide
CHAPTER 2 - Starting ezXOS

– ezXOS /DALConfig:<system\profile> – Connect to the specified DAL configuration on startup.

– ezXOS /man [ <system\profile> ] – Run ezXOS in manual system switch mode and connect
to the optionally specified DAL configuration (you will be prompted if not specified or is not valid).
– ezXOS /auto [ <clusterName> ] – Run ezXOS in auto system switch mode (if auto system switch
is installed on your system) and connect to the active system within the optionally specified cluster
(you will be prompted if not specified or is not valid).
To shut down an ezXOS session
1. Click Tools > ezXOS Shutdown on the Navigation Menu.
2. Click Yes.

Note: Refer to Troubleshooting: ezXOS Startup on page 159 for a list of ezXOS error messages and
recommended responses.

Launching XE and ezXOS (Side by Side Installation)

In previous releases, having Side by Side installations caused a separate set of icons for each version on your
desktop (eXtended Editor [XE], and easy eXtended Operator Station [ezXOS]). As of SCA 2017 R2 SP1, start-up
behavior is different if a Side by Side installation is present. If there are multiple versions installed, a dialog box
will appear prompting you to select the desired version.
To launch XE or ezXOS
1. Double-click the desktop icon corresponding to the product you want to open. For example, XE.
The Side by Side Version Selector dialog box opens.

Note: This Side by Side Version Selector dialog box will not open if there is a single version of each product
installed. Instead, the target application will launch directly.

2. Select a version from the drop-down list.

3. Click OK.
The desired product will launch.

Starting a Remote ezXOS Session

The easy eXtended Operator Station (ezXOS) can be installed and run on PCs that are not on the AVEVA
Enterprise SCADA LAN. These are remote installations of ezXOS.
For example, users on corporate network, Internet users, or users wishing to connect to multiple systems are
users that use remote installations of ezXOS. There are two forms of remote installations of ezXOS:

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CHAPTER 2 - Starting ezXOS

 Installed on client PC from installable media. This provides the ezXOS application running on the client PC
and connecting to a remote AVEVA Enterprise SCADA system.
 Remote access from client PC to central server running ezXOS. This provides a Windows Remote Desktop
window connected to the central ezXOS server and ezXOS is run within this remote desktop window.

Note: The remote ezXOS connects to the Remote Client Service (RCS) server, which then provides data access to
the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA system.
How you will start up a remote ezXOS session depends on the form of remote installation: Installable media or
Central Server.

Running a Locally Installed ezXOS

To run a locally installed ezXOS
 Click Start > DNA > OASyS HMI ezXOS.
 Double-click the desktop icon corresponding to the product you want to open. For example, ezXOS.

Running ezXOS in a Remote Desktop

To run ezXOS in a remote desktop
1. Open Remote Desktop Connection.
2. Connect to the central easy eXtended Operator Station (ezXOS) server.
The remote desktop window is created, and ezXOS can be started in the remote desktop in the same way as
a local PC.

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Connecting to the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA
Using the Shift Change Menu Item
The shift change menu item allows you to log onto the system without the previous user logging off. The log off
of the current user and login of the new user happen simultaneously.
If the user logging on has a different authorization level than that of the user being logged off, the old display set
will be closed and a new set opened. When this occurs, there will be a delay of about 15 seconds during which
the console will be inactive. No commands can be issued from the console during this period. When the user
logging on has the same authorization level as that of the user being logged off, the displays do not change.
To use the Shift Change menu item
1. Click Tools > Shift Change.
A dialog box opens and the current user name will be displayed.

2. Type your user name in the New User field.

3. Type your password in the Password field.
The user name and password fields are case sensitive.
4. You can either:
o Click Shift Change to logon.
o Click Cancel to leave the current user logged on.

Performing a System Switch

The easy eXtended Operator Station (ezXOS) System Switch function allows you to disconnect from the currently
connected ezXOS session and connect to a different system while ezXOS is running. The Switch button appears
on the System Overview display and allows you to switch systems without requiring that you restart ezXOS.

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CHAPTER 3 - Connecting to the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA System

You can only execute a system switch if you are logged in using a Remote SSL (Secure Socket Layer). There are
two types of remote connections in ezXOS: remote and remote_sso. If you log in using remote, ezXOS will ask
you for your username and password at startup. If you start a remote_sso session, the credentials entered in
Windows are used to start the system.
In order for a system switch to be successful, the credentials that were used to open the current session must
also be valid to open the new session.
To perform a system switch
1. On the ezXOS Navigation Menu, click one of the RealTime Services or Historical Services boxes at the
bottom of the menu.
The System Overview dialog box will appear.
2. Click the drop-down list beside the System field to select a system. When a different system is selected, the
Switch button is activated.
3. Click Switch to execute the system switch. The ezXOS session will now disconnect from its current session
and connect to the system you selected.

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Using Displays and Summaries
Using the Navigation Menu
The Navigation Menu is your direct link to your system and is located at the top of your computer screen. It has
sub-menus that allow quick access to control, monitor, and acquire information to do your job quickly and

Using the Model Select Menu Item

This menu item allows you to call up display windows (models) by file name, rather than having to access them
through buttons on other windows. Depending on how your system is configured, use of this function may be
restricted to certain privilege types. If you cannot use this function, please consult your System Administrator.
To use the Model Select menu item
1. Click Model on the Navigation Menu.
The Model Select dialog box opens.

2. You can find the desired model by one of the following methods:
o Typing the name into the text box.
o Scrolling down the list of names presented in the dialog box.

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CHAPTER 4 - Using Displays and Summaries

3. Optional: If you want the Model Select dialog box to remain open on your desktop, click the pushpin button
so that it changes to a "point down" image.
4. Click the name of the desired model.
The model opens on the desktop.

Printing a Screen Capture

You can print any screen in easy eXtended Operator Station (ezXOS) using the Print function in the Navigation
To print a screen capture
1. Click Tools > Print to open the SnagIt control panel.
You may use the SnagIt Wizard or close that and work directly in the control panel, as described below.

2. Click Input > choose desired capture area.

3. Click Output > Printer.
The image will be sent to whichever printer is set as the default for your computer.
The output may also be set to any other option which is appropriate, e.g. file, clipboard, etc.
4. Click Capture.
o If you selected an Input Area other than Screen, use the mouse to highlight the desired area and click to
5. Optional: Click Save As in the Preview window to save the screen capture.
6. Click Finish to print the image.

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CHAPTER 4 - Using Displays and Summaries

Using the Documentation Menu Item

This menu item opens online documentation. The workstation’s default web browser opens and displays the
manuals as an HTML document.
To use the Documentation menu item
o Click Tools on the Navigation Menu.

Using the eXtended Editor (XE) Menu Item

This menu item opens the eXtended Editor (XE) graphics package that is used to create and edit easy eXtended
Operator Station (ezXOS) displays.
To use the XE menu item

 Click Tools > .

The XE graphics package opens.

Summary Displays
Using Window Filters
The Filter function on summary and editor windows allows you to filter the records displayed in the window.
Most summary and editor windows have a Search button that refreshes the display based on the currently
selected filter settings. Once filtered, windows are non-polling and non-updating; filtered data is not refreshed
after a new poll. In certain cases, filtered summary and editor windows may take longer to display data or to
change pages. The specific functionality of filters varies in different parts of the product.
If you are working in easy eXtended Operator Station (ezXOS) summary windows and a system window has been
filtered, the exact time of the last displayed poll may appear to the left of the Search button. If a summary is not
filtered then Continuous 5 Second Update may be displayed to show that the summary is being refreshed after
each poll.
If you are working in the ezXOS Events System Displays, the window will remain static until you apply a new
search criteria or click Clear. There will be a message that states the number of rows returned when the filter
was applied.
If you are working in the ezXOS Historical Edit Tool, there is no Clear button, you must change the filter
conditions and search again to change the results. There will be a message that states the number of rows
returned when the filter was applied.
The parameters that are available to you for searching will vary according to the type of information that is
displayed in the window.
To use the filter function
1. If there are multiple filters, select the check box next to the filter that you wish to use.
2. Enter the search parameter according to the option:
a. Type the required information in the field.
b. Click the (...) button and select the desired parameter from the Point Select window that opens.
c. Select the desired parameter from the drop-down list.

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CHAPTER 4 - Using Displays and Summaries

3. Click Search.
The summary or editor window will only show rows that meet the desired parameter.
4. Click Clear. (Where applicable.)
The window will revert to showing all possible rows.

Printing using the Summary Window Action Menu

You can send data directly from any System Display or Summary window using the Summary window action
menu. This allows you to send data directly from a summary window to a printer, to an Excel spreadsheet or to
the clipboard. These methods capture the information of the page currently displayed in the window, not the
complete summary, which may be several pages long.
To print from the Summary window action menu
1. Apply the desired filters to the summary window.
2. Optional: You have three print variations available:
a. Right-click in any part of the table to open the Summary window action menu.
b. Click on the desired print option:
– Click Print to print the data as it is shown on the monitor.
– Click Print (Maximize Columns) to resize each column to view all content on one line.
– Click Print (Multiline Columns) to view all content of each cell wrapped onto multiple lines.

3. Optional: You can send the data to an Excel spreadsheet:

a. Right-click in any part of the table to open the Summary window action menu.
b. Click Export to Excel to open the Save As dialog box.
c. Optional: Select the Open Application check box to open the file in Excel or another compatible
d. Click the (...) button to open the Save As navigation box.
e. Locate the desired folder in which to save the file.
f. Type the desired name of the Excel file.
g. Click OK.
4. Optional: You can send the data to the clipboard or to ezXOS displays that support multiple point selection
(e.g. Flextag grouping):
a. Click anywhere on the desired rows (except the row header) to select them. Hold down Shift and click to
select a continuous group of rows, or hold down Ctrl and click to select multiple individual rows.
b. Right-click in any part of the table to open the Summary window action menu.

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CHAPTER 4 - Using Displays and Summaries

c. Click Copy Selections.

The data is copied in XML format, which allows it to be pasted into displays. However, if you paste it into
Excel, Note or Word, the information will be in XML, not in a table; use Export to Excel to generate a
table outside of AVEVA Enterprise SCADA.

Using the Window Paging Tool

Window Paging is a tool that allows you to navigate through Summary windows with more rows than may be
viewed in one page.
The current page number is displayed in the Page field. You can use the Window Paging tool to jump to the first
or last page, to move by increments of pages or to jump to a specific page.
To use the Window Paging tool
 To view a specific summary page:
a. Type the desired page number in the Page field.
b. Press Enter on the keyboard.

The following table describes the Window Paging buttons.

Icon View Page Icon View Page

First Page Last Page

Increment by 10 pages. Decrement by 10 pages.

Increment by 1 page. Decrement by 1 page.

The following table describes the Station Tabular Window Paging buttons.

Icon View Page Icon View Page

First Page Last Page

Increment by 1 page (25 Decrement by 1 page (25

records.) records.)
Increment by 1 record. Decrement by 1 record.

Using a Point Select Dialog Box

The Point Select dialog box contains a list of points in the system; for example, the Analog Select dialog box
contains a list of all the analog points in the system. The Point Select dialog box enables the user to filter by
name or key points and to select a point which populates the parent window.

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CHAPTER 4 - Using Displays and Summaries

To use the Point Select window

1. Click the (...) button to open the desired Point Select dialog box.

2. Optional: Filter listed points by name:

o Type the desired name in the field to the right of the Pushpin icon.
3. Optional: Filter listed points by key field:
a. Click on the drop-down list and select a key field to filter on.
b. Type the name of the desired point in the field to the left of the ellipsis ( ...) OR click the ellipsis (...) to
open the key field Select dialog box.
4. Click Search.
The Point Select dialog box displays all the points that contain the desired name or key field.
5. Click Clear to remove the filter parameters and return to a list of all points.

Using the Pushpin Button

The Pushpin button is available in some select windows to determine whether they stay open or close when a
point is selected.
To use the Pushpin button
 Click the Pushpin button to alternate between the states.
a. The dialog box will close when the point is selected, if the button looks like this:

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b. The dialog box will stay open when the point is selected, if the button looks like this:

Using Summary Window Action Menu

The Summary window Action Menu allows you to print, export and copy files.
To work with the Summary window action menu
1. Right-click any area inside the Summary window to open the Action Menu.

2. Optional: Click Print to print the page.

3. Optional: Click Print (Maximize Columns) to print the page with the columns resized to make all text fully
visible. Each column is lengthened or shortened to display the longest piece of text in any given column.
4. Optional: Click Print (Multiline Columns) to print the page with the text wrapped in the cell to make it fully
visible. The column width stays the same and long pieces of text are wrapped onto multiple lines.
5. Optional: Export file to Excel.
a. Click Export to Excel.
b. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to where you want to save the file.
c. Type the name of the Excel file.
d. Click Save.
6. Optional: Copy selections
a. Select the row(s) from the summary that you want to copy.
The Copy Selection action is unavailable until a selection is made.
b. Right-click to open the Summary windows Action Menu.
c. Click Copy Selection.
An XML summary of the copied row(s) is placed in the clipboard and can be pasted as desired.

Using the Zoom Menu Item

The Zoom menu item allows you to use the mouse buttons/wheel to zoom in or out on a display. Zoom will not
work on all displays. It is only active on the System Overview and larger displays (e.g. pipeline or geographical
maps) for which it is practical.
To use the Zoom menu item
1. Call up the display you desire to zoom in on.
2. Click Tools > Zoom.
3. Move the mouse pointer to the area of interest on the display.

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CHAPTER 4 - Using Displays and Summaries

a. Right Mouse button - Press and hold down the right mouse button, to open a zoom box with embedded
directional arrows. To zoom in or out, hold the right mouse button down and drag the mouse. Dragging
it toward the top of the window makes the picture larger (zoom in) and show increased detail. Dragging
the mouse toward the bottom of the screen makes the picture shrink (zoom out) and show
proportionately less detail.
b. Left Mouse button - Hold the left mouse button down and move the mouse in the direction you want to
pan the display. Dragging the mouse farther from where you initially clicked will increase the speed at
which the display pans.
c. Mouse Wheel - Roll the wheel up to zoom in, down to zoom out.
4. Click Zoom to disable the zoom function.

Flexible Chart Displays

Editing the Pen Properties on a Flexible Trend Object
The steps below outline how to edit the pen properties on a Flexible Trend Object during runtime. Refer to the
AVEVA Enterprise SCADA HMI Display Builder documentation for more information on configuring the Flexible
Trend Object during edit time.

Note: Any changes made to the pen properties during runtime are temporary. Once you close your display, the
properties will revert back to how they were set in edit time.
To edit the pen properties on a Flexible Trend Object
1. In the legend on your Flexible Trend Object, right-click on a pen (for example, Pen1) and select Pen
The Pen Properties dialog box appears.

2. Set the following properties for the pen line:

o Click the colored square to select the Line Color.
o Type a number in the Line Width field to set the width of the lines connecting the data points.
o Select the appropriate Line Style from the drop-down list. For example, Solid.

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CHAPTER 4 - Using Displays and Summaries

3. Set the following properties for the data point symbol (marker):
o Type a number in the Marker Size field to set the size of the data points.
o Select an appropriate Marker Style from the drop-down list. For example, Rectangle.
o Click the colored square to select the Marker Color.
4. Select one of the following options from the Line Interpolation drop-down list:
o Line – Draws a diagonal line connecting data point A and B. This creates a classic chart line.
o Step – Draws a horizontal line until it meets the next data point, then draws a vertical point, and then
draws a horizontal line. This creates a step shape in the pen line.
o Mixed – If the distance between the two data points are greater than the Step Span Resolution, it will
draw the line in Step mode. If the two data points are less than the step span, it will draw the line in Line
o VerticalMarker – Draws a vertical line through each data point.
o HorizontalMarker – Draws a horizontal line through each data point.
5. Click the up and down arrows or type a number to set the Step Span Resolution.

Note: This option is only applicable when Line Interpolation is set to Mixed.
6. Click to select the Extend to Right check box. When this check box is selected, the pen line will flatline from
the last data point to the right-hand side of the trend.
7. Click to select the Show Data Quality check box. When this check box is selected, the pen line will show the
data quality color in the affected area when it is outside of the normal data range.
8. Clear the Include in AutoScale check box to disable this feature.

Note: If you leave this check box selected, you must have your vertical axis set to Autoscale in order for this
feature to work.

Editing the Pen Properties on a Flexible Plot Object

The steps below outline how to edit the pen properties on a Flexible Plot Object during runtime. Refer to the
AVEVA Enterprise SCADA HMI Display Builder documentation for more information on configuring the Flexible
Plot Object during edit time.
Note: Any changes made to the pen properties during runtime are temporary. Once you close your display, the
properties will revert back to how they were set in edit time.
To edit the pen properties on a Flexible Plot Object
1. In the legend on your Flexible Plot Object, right-click on a pen (for example, Pen1) and select Pen Properties.

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The Pen Properties dialog box appears.

2. Set the following properties for the pen line:

o Click the colored square to select the Line Color.
o Type a number in the Line Width field to set the width of the lines connecting the data points.
o Select the appropriate Line Style from the drop-down list. For example, Solid.
3. Set the following properties for the data point symbol (marker):
o Type a number in the Marker Size field to set the size of the data points.
o Select an appropriate Marker Style from the drop-down list. For example, Rectangle.
o Click the colored square to select the Marker Color.
4. Select one of the following options from the Line Interpolation drop-down list:
o Line – Draws a diagonal line connecting data point A and B. This creates a classic chart line.
o Step – Draws a horizontal line until it meets the next data point, then draws a vertical point, and then
draws a horizontal line. This creates a step shape in the pen line.
o VerticalMarker – Draws a vertical line through each data point.
o HorizontalMarker – Draws a horizontal line through each data point.
5. Clear the Include in AutoScale check box to disable this feature.

Note: If you leave this check box selected, you must have your vertical axis set to Autoscale in order for this
feature to work.

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Understanding the Flexible Trend Context Menu Options

You can access the Flexible Trend context menu by right-clicking on the Flexible Trend chart.

The following table describes the options on the Flexible Trend context menu.

Context Description
Menu Item

Copy Data This option is used to export data by placing it in a clipboard. The clipboard contains a
tab-delimited textual representation of the data that appears in the chart. You can then paste
the data into Microsoft Excel or a text editor.

Note: There are three data formats available. These formats can be selected by using the Copy
Data Format menu option.

Copy Data This option is used to select the data format that will be used when data is placed in the
Format clipboard using the Copy Data menu option.
The data includes the Timestamp, pen data, and Data Attribute for the timespan represented
on the time axis. Timestamp is a string representation using the formatting conventions of the
current culture, and Data Attribute is a single character with the following values:

Note: The Timestamp column in Microsoft Excel is formatted to represent the current culture
 A – The point was in alarm.
 M – The point was in manual override.
 N – The point was Interpolated.
 O – The point was in offscan.
 Q – The point was questionable.
 S – The point was stale.
 X – Unknown. The data value was not available for the specific timestamp.
 <blank> – The point was in the normal range.
Copy Data This option writes out the data for each pen in its own vertical section with the Timestamp,
Format > pen data, and Data Attribute column.
For example, this format would be useful for two named pens (pen1 and pen2) on two
different time axes. The format looks like the following when pasted into Microsoft Excel:

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Context Description
Menu Item

Timestamp pen1 Data Attribute

4/15/2020 4:01 AM 3728 A
4/15/2020 4:02 AM 3800 A
Timestamp pen2 Data Attribute
4/16/2020 4:11 PM 2228 M
4/16/2020 4:12 PM 1800
Copy Data This option writes out the data for each pen side by side in a set of columns that includes a
Format > Side Timestamp, pen data, and Data Attribute column.
by Side
For example, for two named pens (pen1 and pen2) on the same (or different) time axis, the
format looks like the following when pasted into Microsoft Excel:
Timestamp pen1 Data Attribute Timestamp pen2 Data Attribute
4/15/2020 4:01 AM 3728 A 4/15/2020 4:01 AM 2228 M
4/15/2020 4:02 AM 3800 A 4/15/2020 4:02 AM 1800
Copy Data This option writes out the values for each pen in columns, but ensures there is only one
Format > Grid Timestamp column for all pens. There will not be a Data Attribute column.
For example, this format would be useful when comparing pen data on the same time axis. For
two named pens (pen1 and pen2) on the same time axis, the format looks like the following
when pasted into Microsoft Excel:
Timestamp pen1 pen2
4/15/2020 4:01 AM 3728 2228
4/15/2020 4:02 AM 3800 1800

Station Displays
Your system has a number of station displays (and other graphical displays) for viewing and controlling stations
and other parts of the pipeline.

Using the Station Action Menu

If your system has been configured with station objects, you can navigate through the system and view station
specific information from various overview or system displays.
You can use the Station action menu to view information for a specific station. The Station offers access to a
number of displays associated with the station. Depending on how the system in configured, it may show any
combination of the following options:
 Analog, Rate, and Status Summaries - These resemble the system summary windows, with the exceptions
that the station name appears at the top of the window and that there are no filtering functions.
 Event and Alarm Summaries - These resemble the system summary windows, except that they also show the
station name at the top of the window.

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 Tag Summary
 Station Notepad
 Other displays defined by the customer.
To use the Station Action menu
1. Right-click the desired station object.
2. Select the desired information to view.

Using Station Notes

The Station Notes allows you to enter text and save it for future reference, for example: you can leave a note for
a Controller on the next shift. The notepad allows you to add, edit, cut, copy and paste text. Each station has its
own notepad and there is only one notepad for each station.
To use Station Notes
1. Click Show Station Note on the Station Action Menu.
2. Begin typing in a blank notepad or click the cursor in existing text to begin typing at that point.
3. Optional: You can reverse the last action performed in the notepad by one of the following methods:
o Press CTRL + Z.
o Click Edit > Undo.
You can cut, copy or edit text by first "selecting" the desired text and then applying the desired change to
the selected text.
4. You can select the desired text by one of the following methods:
o Click Edit > Select All to select all text in the notepad.
o Click the cursor at the start of the text, hold the mouse button and drag until all desired text is
5. Optional: If you want to remove the selected text from the notepad and place it on the clipboard, use one of
the following methods:
o Press CTRL + X.
o Click Edit > Cut.
6. Optional: If you want to leave the selected text in the notepad and place it on the clipboard, use one of the
following methods:
o Press CTRL + C.
o Click Edit > Copy.

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7. Optional: If you want to change the font, font size or formatting of the selected text:
a. Click Settings > Set Font to open the Font Set dialog box.
b. Select the desired Font.
The Font options will reflect those installed on your workstation.
c. Select the desired Font Style.
d. Select the desired Font Size.
e. Click OK.
8. You can insert text from the clipboard by following one of the following methods:
o Press CTRL + V.
o Click Edit > Paste.
You can change the way that text appears in the note with the Word Wrap option. When this option is
selected, text will automatically continue on the next line, when it reaches the end of the field. When the
option is not selected, text will only continue on the next line if you press ENTER on the keyboard. In this
case, the scroll bar must be used to view the full text.
9. Optional: Click Settings > Word Wrap.
A check mark will appear next to Word Wrap in the menu, when this option is selected.
10. You can save the text in the notepad using one of the following options:
o Press CTRL + S.
o Click File > Save.
11. Optional: You can print the text in the notepad using one of the following options:
o Press CTRL + P.
o Click File > Print.
12. You can exit the notepad using one of the following options:
o Click the Close (X) button.
o Click File > Exit.
If you try to close the window without saving any changes that you have made, the Save Changes dialog box
will prompt you. You can click Yes to save the changes or No to abandon the changes before the notepad

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Telemetry Summaries
Using Summary Windows
The Navigation Menu allows you to call up a variety of Summary windows which give you information and allow
you to control those parts of the system that are valid for your authorization level.
AVEVA Enterprise SCADA collects data such as: temperature, pressure, flow rate, pump status (on/off) and
stores the data in the appropriate table in the RealTime database (RTDB). The analog, rate or status
Telemetered point is connected to a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU).
AVEVA Enterprise SCADA displays the Telemetered data through summary windows. The summary window
contains the name of the point and various attributes of the point, for example: Current Value, State and the
Data Quality of the point.
AVEVA Enterprise SCADA also displays information on the quality of communications throughout your system in
the remote, connection and modem summary windows.
The user can do the following from the summary windows:
 Navigate (Page) throughout the Summary window.
 Filter the records.
 Access the Control dialog box and the Action Menu of the record.
 Click any button under System Displays or Summaries to access the desired window.

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Data Quality Indicators

A number of summary displays have data quality indicators that give quick information about the points that are
The data quality indicators are symbols that appear on a number of summary displays. They are located on the
window to the right of the line they are associated with. These icons indicate the condition of points on the
display. The indicators are described in the following sections in order of priority.
If a point is tagged with more than one quality indicator, then the highest priority tag will be shown.
There are five priority levels and an abnormal Alarm Indicator that is not prioritized:
 Level 1: Manual Override
 Level 2: Offscan
 Level 3: Stale
 Level 4: Error
 Level 5: Alarm Inhibited
 No level: Abnormal

Name Icon Priority Description


Manual 1 This indicator appears at the right side of a line of data to

Override show that a Controller has placed the point into manual
override mode and has possibly entered a value to
override the point’s normal data source. Controllers can
manually override telemetry or calculated points to
prevent the overridden points from being updated via
telemetry or calculation.

Note: The manual override indicator is never displayed

opposite "manual" points. These points are always in the
manual mode and can not be overridden.

Offscan 2 This indicator appears at the right-hand side of a line of

data to indicate that the point is off-scan and has been
removed from normal polling. For telemetry points
(RTUs), this means that the point is not updated with
instrument data and contains the last-scanned value.

Note: This indicator will not appear for calculated or

manual entry points.

Stale 3 This symbol is the stale data indicator. It appears at the

right-hand side of a line of data to indicate that it is old or
stale data. This represents the last valid condition of a
correct poll.If the point in question is a telemetry point,
the presence of this indicator means that either
communication with the RTU has been lost, polling is

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Name Icon Priority Description

improper, or the point has not been polled since system
failover or start-up. The indicator appears after a preset
number of failed poll attempts.If the point is a calculated
point, the presence of this indicator means the point has
not been calculated since system failover or start-up.
Error 4 When this indicator appears for telemetry points, it
indicates that the value has exceeded instrument limits.
When this symbol appears against a calculated point, it
indicates either the occurrence of an ACE error, such as
divide-by-zero, or that an application has declared the
value to be suspect or erroneous.
Alarm 5 This indicator appears against a point as an indication that
inhibited alarming has been inhibited for that point, either by a
Controller or by the database Administrator. Its meaning
is the same in all cases, whether for telemetry, calculated,
or manual entry points.
Abnormal --- The abnormal indicators are color coded to display the
severity of the alarm. The alarm severity and its color are
configured by the System Administrator.

Example of Baseline Alarm Levels and Colors:

Alarm Severity Icon Symbol Color

Critical Magenta

High Red

Major Orange

Medium Yellow

Minor Cyan

Low Green

Trend pen trace data quality indicator colors are:

 Green: Normal
 Pink: Manual Override
 Blue: Offscan/Offline
 Red: Alarm
 Yellow: Unknown

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Interpreting Colors
Dynamic coloring of text and background can indicate different states for field devices. The color that is
associated with each state is configured by the System Administrator.
Typical colors for all possible point states are shown in the following tables. The background color is black for
every state. A colored background is reserved system-wide to indicate non- telemetry data, stale data or
manually overridden data.
Foreground and background colors are swapped (appear in reverse video) when:
 RTU communications fail.
 A point is tagged as manually overridden or is stale (offscan or offline).
 Dynamic color changes of the text and display images representing different states of field devices may
appear in any window except alarm windows.
In the Alarm Summary, Station Alarm Summary, and Point Alarm Summary windows, the foreground colors
represent the priority of the alarm (red, yellow, and green, in declining order of priority). There will also be an
alarm indicator icon, the color of which will indicate the severity of the alarm.
The RealTime default colors for various record states are shown in the following table.

Note: Similar colors may be in effect for your particular system, check with your System Administrator.

Oil, Gas, Water, Electric, Analog, Rate & Tank States Foreground

Instrument Fail Low cyan

Instrument Fail High cyan
HighHigh white
High red
Norm green
Low red
LowLow white
Rate of Change yellow
Deviation yellow

The following table shows examples of Alarm Indicator Severity levels.

Severity Level Color

Critical Magenta
High Red
Major Orange
Medium Yellow

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Severity Level Color

Minor Cyan
Low Green

The following table describes the Alarm State Colors for Four-State Devices.

State Foreground Color

Oil, Gas & Water Device - Valve

In Transit yellow
Open red
Close green
Error white

State Foreground Color

Oil, Gas & Water Device - Pump

Sequence green
Running blue
Off red
Error white

State Foreground Color

Electric Device - Breaker

Close green
Trip red
Ground yellow
Error white

The following table describes the Alarm State Colors for Two-State Devices.

State Foreground Color

Oil, Gas & Water

Alarm red
Normal green

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State Foreground Color

Electric Device - Breaker

Close green
Trip red

State Foreground Color

Electric Device - Switch

Normal green
Alarm red

Using the DistribuSyS Summary Dialog Box

In a distributed system there is a configuration option that allows multiple systems to share control and data. In
a system configured this way, the DistribuSyS Summary dialog box displays mode, mode group and mode
privilege information.
In a distributed system there is a configuration option that allows multiple systems to share control and data.
This spreads the load more evenly across all systems and provides a wide range of control strategy options. For
example, distributed projects can be configured so that control of points is either the local responsibility of the
submaster or peer systems that own those points, or is centralized at the master system so that the sub -masters
can be used solely as data concentrators.
Each point in a distributed system has a set of privileges associated with it. These include such details as:
 Which system owns the point.
 Whether the point can be controlled by a system.
 Which system should record the point’s events.
 Which system is responsible for the point’s alarming.
Points that share the same privileges are grouped into datasets that define those privileges. Ownership of
datasets and the points that belong to them can be transferred between systems, but only one system can own
a dataset at a time.
Transfer of ownership of a dataset from one system to another is accomplished by changing the system’s
operational mode, each of which can assign ownership of datasets and privileges to peer, submaster, and
master systems differently. Only one mode can be active at any given time in any mode group. There may be
multiple mode groups in an enterprise network of systems.
For example, suppose that system "X" consists of a master and a submaster station. X has three modes in its
mode group:
 mode1 for the day shift.
 mode2 for the night shift.

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 and mode3 for failover.

During the day, when both stations are manned, mode1 assigns ownership, control and alarm privileges to the
submaster. At 6 p.m. when the shift changes, the night shift takes over at the master station, but the submaster
is left unmanned. The Controller then changes the system to mode2, and control and alarm privileges are
transferred to the master station, but ownership remains with the submaster. If the submaster fails, the mode
automatically fails over to mode3, and control, alarm, and ownership privileges all fail over to the master
To use the DistribuSyS Summary dialog box
 Click System Displays > DistribuSyS in the Navigation Menu to open the DistribuSyS Summary dialog box.

Fields Description

Mode Group The mode group to which the mode belongs.

Mode The name of the operational mode that is currently defining
System The system to which the dataset applies.
Dataset The name of the dataset.
Own Indicates whether points associated with the dataset are owned by
the indicated system.
Control Indicates whether points associated with the dataset can be
controlled by the indicated system.
Config Indicates whether points associated with the dataset can be
configured by the indicated system.
Alarms Indicates how alarms are configured for points associated with the

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Fields Description
dataset. Possible states are:
 Ignore: do not put alarms in RealTime database (RTDB) or show
visual "flash" for this dataset and system.
 Store: put alarms in RTDB for this dataset and system but do not
show visual "flash" indication
 Flash: put alarms in RTDB for this dataset and system and do show
visual "flash" indication
Event Indicates whether points associated with the dataset are recorded to
the Historical database (HDB).
Collect Indicates whether points associated with the dataset are allowed for
timeline collection.
Stats Indicates whether status/multistate runtime accumulation, analog
RealTime averaging and rate RealTime average and integration are
allowed for the dataset and system.

Using the DistribuSyS Mode Control Dialog Box

In distributed systems, the active operational mode defining the local system’s privilege can be changed using
the DistribuSyS Mode Control dialog box.
To use the DistribuSyS Mode Control dialog box
1. To open the DistribuSyS Mode Control dialog box, do one of the following:
o Click the desired row header on the DistribuSyS Summary window.
o Click the desired row header on the Mode Summary window.
2. Click the drop-down list for Select Mode to Activate.

Using the Mode Summary Dialog Box

The Mode Summary dialog box provides quick access to information about modes and their mode groups.
To use the Mode Summary dialog box
1. Click System Displays > Mode.
The Mode Summary window opens.
2. Optional: Select the Active Modes Only check box to remove inactive modes from the page.

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Fields Description

Mode Group The mode group to which the mode belongs.

Mode The name of the operational mode that is currently defining
Active Indicates whether a mode is active within the mode group.
Description A brief description of the point.

Using the Analog Summary Window

Analog records represent field devices that measure or control a continuous range of values, such as
temperature or pressure. The Analog Summary window provides information about the system’s analog field
devices in a tabular format. The devices displayed are determined by the current Controller’s View Area

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To use the Analog Summary window

 Click Summaries > Analog on the ezXOS Navigation Menu to access the Analog Summary window.

Fields Description

Row Header The left-hand button of the row, which opens the Control
dialog box.
Alarm If the field device is in alarm, an icon will show in the first
Data Quality Indicator If the Data Quality of the record is not normal, the appropriate
icon will show in the third column.
Name The name of the record.
Description A brief description of the record.
State Indicates the operational state of the device.
Current Value The current value, in engineering units, of the data measured
in this record.

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Using the Status Summary Window

Status records represent field devices, such as valves or pumps, that can be switched between discrete states
(on/off, open/close.) The Status Summary window provides you with a list of digital devices and their states. The
devices displayed are determined by the current Controller’s View Area selections.
To use the Status Summary window
 Click Summaries > Status on the ezXOS Navigation Menu to access the Status Summary window.

Fields Description

Row Header The left-hand button of the row, which opens the Control dialog
Alarm If the field device is in alarm, an icon will show in the first
Data Quality Indicator If the Data Quality of the record is not normal, the appropriate
icon will show in the third column.
Name The name of the record.
Description A brief description of the record.
State Indicates the operational state of the device.
Current Value The current value, in engineering units, of the data measured in

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Fields Description
this record.

Using the Multistate Summary Window

Multistate records represent field devices that have up to 256 discrete input states and are controlled by up to 8
commands. The Multistate Summary window provides you with a list of multistate digital devices and their
state. The devices displayed are determined by the current Controller’s View Area selections.
To use the Multistate Summary window
 Click Summaries > Multistate on the ezXOS Navigation Menu to access the Multistate Summary window.

Fields Description

Row Header The left-hand button of the row, which opens the Control dialog
Alarm If the field device is in alarm, an icon will show in the first
Data Quality Indicator If the Data Quality of the record is not normal, the appropriate
icon will show in the third column.
Name The name of the record.
Description A brief description of the record.
State Indicates the operational state of the device.

Using the Rate Summary Window

Rate records represent field devices that measure unit flow over time. The Rate Summary window provides you
with information about the system’s rate devices, in a tabular format. The devices displayed are determined by
the current Controller’s View Area selections.

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To use the Rate Summary window

 Click Summaries > Rate on the ezXOS Navigation Menu to access the Rate Summary window.

Fields Description

Row Header The left-hand button of the row, which opens the Control dialog
Alarm If the field device is in alarm, an icon will show in the first column.
Data Quality Indicator If the Data Quality of the record is not normal, the appropriate icon
will show in the third column.
Name The name of the record.
Description A brief description of the record.
State Indicates the operational state of the device.
Flow Rate The current flow rate for the record in question in units
appropriate to the measurement being made.
Total The aggregate flow for the record in the appropriate units.

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Using the Remote Summary Window

Remote records provide you with information (onscan or interrogate, status, connection, etc.) on any Remote
Terminal Unit (RTU) in your selected area. The Multistate Summary window provides an instantaneous statistical
summary. The devices displayed are determined by the current Controller's View Area selections.
To use the Remote Summary window
 Click Summaries > Remote on the ezXOS Navigation Menu to access the Remote Summary window.

Fields Description

Row Header The left-hand button of the row, which opens the Control dialog
Alarm If the field device is in alarm, an icon will show in the first
Data Quality Indicator If the Data Quality of the record is not normal, the appropriate
icon will show in the third column.
Name The name of the record.
Owning System Which system owns this connection.
Control Indicates whether or not you have control of the RTU from this

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Fields Description

On Scan Indicates whether or not the related RTU is available for polling.
On Intr Indicates whether the related RTU is placed on interrogate scan.
The RTU is polled every second poll, or after each poll of
another RTU. This is generally used to obtain more updates for
servicing purposes.
Time Intr Indicates whether the related RTU is placed on timed
interrogate scan. It is polled at set time intervals until the timer
expires, at which time it returns to the normal polling
frequency. Timed interrogate scan is set automatically after a
digital or setpoint command is issued.
Status The current communication status of the RTU.
Active Connection The name of the connection currently used to communicate
with the remote.
Krunch Time The last time a raw value was processed into the data.

Using the Connection Summary Window

Connection records show you the status of all connections to all remotes in your selected area. The Connection
Summary window provides information for each connection in the selected area. It also gives access to the
Connection Statistics Summary window and the Communication Statistics Summary window. The devices
displayed are determined by the current Controller’s View Area selections.

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To use the Connection Summary window

 Click Summaries > Connection on the ezXOS Navigation Menu to access the Connection Summary window.

Fields Description

Row Header The left-hand button of the row, which opens the Control dialog
Alarm If the field device is in alarm, an icon will show in the first
Data Quality Indicator If the Data Quality of the record is not normal, the appropriate
icon will show in the third column.
Name The name of the record.
Owning System Which system owns this connection.
Control Indicates whether you have control of the connection from this
Control State The current state of the connection.
Active Status The status of the connection.
Modem In Use The name of the modem currently being used for this connection
(dial and cryout connections only).

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Fields Description

Good Status Time The date and time that the last good message occurred.
Bad Status Time The date and time that the last bad message occurred.
Active SigConfig The signal configuration being used by the connection (sigconfig

Using the Connection Statistics Summary Window

The Connection Statistics Summary window provides you with information about the condition of the
connection to the remote.

Note: Refer to Troubleshooting for Connections on page 159 for more information.
To use the Connection Statistics Summary window
1. Click Connection Stats in the Connection Summary window to open the Connection Statistics Summary
2. Click Connection Sum in the Connection Statistics window to return to the Connection Summary window.

Fields Description

Name The name of the record.

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Fields Description

Cur % The % of communications that were successfully completed during

the current time period. This is reset to zero at the start of each time
period, which by default is the current hour. For example, at 11:05
you will have five minutes of statistics.
Prv % The previous period percent, which represents the percentage of
communications that were successfully completed during the
previous time period, which by default is the previous hour. For
example, at 11:05, PRV % would show data from 10:00 to 11:00.
Good Msg The number of good remote (protocol-based) messages processed.
Bad Msg The number of bad remote (protocol-based) messages reported by
the protocol driver(s) on this connection.
Config Err The total number of configuration errors for the connection.
Reserved The total number of modem reservations for the connection.
Tx Error The total number of system-level transmission errors.
Rx Error The total number of system-level reception errors.
Cur Hr Dial Bad The number of dial connection failures for the current hour.
Prv Hr Dial Bad The number of dial connection failures for the previous hour.
Cur Day Dial Bad The number of dial connection failures for the current day.
Prv Day Dial Bad The number of dial connection failures for the previous day.
Cur Mo Dial Bad The number of dial connection failures for the current month.
Prv Mo Dial Bad The number of dial connection failures for the previous month.

Using the Communication Statistics Summary Window

The Communication Statistics Summary window provides you with information about the conditions of the
To use the Communication Statistics Summary window
1. Click Comm Stats in the Connection Summary window to open the Communication Statistics Summary
2. Click Connection Sum in the Communication Statistics window to return to the Connection Summary

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Not all protocols recognize all types of errors and therefore do not support all types of statistics. This results
in either an empty field in the Communications Statistics window or an unexpected interpretation of the
error. For example, if the MODBUS protocol polls a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) address that is not held by
an RTU, it does not receive a response. The result is interpreted as No Reply, not as a wrong address.

Fields Description

Remote The name of the connection’s remote.

Connection The name of the connection used to communicate with the remote. A
connection is a path from Omnicomm to a single port on one RTU. In
the case of multi-dropped RTUs, the same connection is used to
communicate with any of the RTUs.
State Indicates the last known state of the remote/connection pair.
Cur% The % of communications that were successfully completed during
the current time period. This is reset to zero at the start of each time
period, which by default is the current hour. For example, at 11:05
you will have five minutes of statistics. Every time the system
communicates with protocol, it decides after if it is okay or has an
error code. If it is okay, it increments a "good tricounter", otherwise, it
increments a "bad tricounter". When % is calculated, the system takes
the number of good tries and multiplies them by 100, then divides by
the total number of tries (good and bad). For example, if there is a

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Fields Description
retry of 2 and it responds on the second poll (first retry), the Cur%
would be 50.
Prv% The previous period percent, which represents the percentage of
communications that were successfully completed during the
previous time period, which by default is the previous hour. For
example, at 11:05, Prv% would show data from 10:00 to 11:00.
Normal The number of successful poll cycles made from the start of the time
Note: The default is set to hours.

No Reply The number of polls that went unanswered.

Security Errs The number of cyclic redundancy errors that have occurred.
Short Msg The number of short messages received.
Illegal Msg The number of illegal messages reported by the remote. The illegal
message is incremented only by the protocol using its own criteria.
Line Failure The number of line failures that have occurred.
Other Bad The sum of all other failed communication (long message, offline
remotes, offscan remotes, database errors, line failures, select check
operate relay failures, and SBO select failures).

Using the Modem Summary Window

Connection records provide summaries for each modem in your selected area. The devices displayed are
determined by the current Controller’s View Area selections.

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To use the Modem Summary window

 Click Summaries > Modem on the ezXOS Navigation Menu to access the Mode Summary window.

Fields Description

Row Header The left-hand button of the row, which opens the Control
dialog box.
Alarm If the field device is in alarm, an icon will show in the first
Data Quality Indicator If the Data Quality of the record is not normal, the appropriate
icon will show in the third column.
Name The name of the record.
Modem Status The current modem status
Active Connection The name of the connection currently using this modem.
Latest Modem Msg The most recently stored message (control message or actual
modem response).
Last Success Time The time and date of the last successful modem connection.
Last Failure Time The time and date of the last failed attempt to establish a
modem connection.

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Using the Modem Statistics Summary window

The Modem Statistics Summary window gives detailed information about a particular modem bank.
To use the Modem Statistics Summary window
1. Click Modem Statistics on the Modem Summary window.
2. Click Modem Summary on the Modem Statistics Summary window to return.

Fields Description

Row Header The left-hand button of the row, which opens the Control dialog box.
Name The name of the record.
Current Hour The number of failures for the current hour. For example, at 11:05
you will have failure counts for the first 5 minutes.
Previous Hour The number of failures for the previous hour. For example, at 11:05
this field will show failure counts from 10:00 to 11:00.
Current Day The number of failures for the current day.
Previous Day The number of failures for the previous day.
Current Month The number of failures for the current month.
Previous Month The number of failures for the previous month.

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Using Modem Test

The Modem Test allows you to poll all modems.
To perform a modem test
 Click Test on the Modem Control dialog box.
If the test is successful, then:
o Modems already in the available state remain in available state.
o Modems in the out-of-service state change to the available state.
If the test fails, then:
o Modems in the available state change to the out-of-service state.
o Modems already in the out-of-service state remain in the out-of-service state.

Previous Messages
The Remote Control dialog box has a Previous Message panel at the bottom that displays the last 16 events,
responses or messages from the modem. The most recent message is displayed in the upper left corner of the
panel; the least recent in the lower right corner.

Event Summaries
Using the Archive/Dearchive Menu Item
This menu item opens the Archive/Dearchive menu, which allows you to archive or de-archive records if you
have the appropriate authorization.
To use the Archive/Dearchive menu item

 Click Tools > Archive.

The Archive/Dearchive menu opens.

Using the Aggregate Events Summary Window

Your system keeps track of system events and alarms by automatically logging them in the Historical database
(HDB). You can view the most recent event logs in the Aggregate Events Summary window (one of four Event
Summary windows) and the events displayed are determined by the current Controller’ s View Area selections.
The summary windows let you filter record information by a combination of data quality indicators.

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You can view 500 of the most recent events in your selected View Areas on your workstation through the
Aggregate Events Summary window. This window presents a snapshot of events that occurred in the system up
to the instant of your request. The window is updated periodically and the latest event messages are added, to
keep the information up to date.
To use the Aggregate Events Summary window
1. Open the Event Summary dialog box by:
o Clicking Events in the System Displays section of the Navigation Menu.

o Clicking the button on the top right hand corner of each Event Summary window.

2. Click Aggregate Events on the Event Summaries dialog box.

Field Description

Row Header The left hand column will show a yellow thumbtack to
indicate any events that have an Operator Event Note
applied to them.
Timestamp The date (MM:DD:YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mmm) at
which the event occurred.
Table The name of the table the record belongs to.

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Field Description

Point The name of the point that generated the event.

RTU The name of the remote associated with the point
that is in generated the event.
Message The message associated with the event.

Using the Operational Activities Summary Window

Your system keeps track of system events and alarms by automatically logging them in the Historical database
(HDB). You can view all events related to telemetry, application related alarms, Controller commands and alarm
acknowledgements in the Operation Activities Summary window (one of four Event Summary windows) and the
events displayed are determined by the current Controller’s View Area selections.
To use the Operational Activities Summary window
1. Open the Operational Activities Summary dialog box by:
o Clicking Operational Activities in the System Displays section of the Navigation Menu.

o Clicking the button on the top right hand corner of each Event Summary window.

2. Click Operational Activities on the Event Summaries dialog box.

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Field Description

Row Header The left-hand column will show a yellow thumbtack to indicate any events
that have an Operator Event Note applied to them.
Timestamp The date (MM:DD:YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mmm) at which the event
Table The name of the table the record belongs to.

Point The name of the point that generated the event.

RTU The name of the remote associated with the point that is in generated the
Message The message associated with the event.

Activity This field displays the type of activity (if any) the Controller performed that
generated the event.
Source This field displays the source that generated the event. The source is either
the Database, System or Application.
Inhibit This field displays the type of alarm inhibit (if any) related to the record.

Using the Configuration Modifications Summary Window

Your system keeps track of system events and alarms by automatically logging them in the Historical database
(HDB). You can view all events raised for configuration changes to RealTime database (RTDB) records in the
Configuration Modifications Summary window (one of four Event Summary windows) and the events displayed
are determined by the current Controller’s View Area selections. The summary windows let you filter record
information by a combination of data quality indicators.
To use the Configuration Modifications Summary window
1. Open the Configuration Modifications Summary dialog box by:
o Clicking Configuration Modifications in the System Displays section of the Navigation Menu.

o Clicking the button on the top right hand corner of each Event Summary window.

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2. Click Configuration Modifications on the Event Summaries dialog box.

Field Description

Row Header The left hand column will show a yellow thumbtack to indicate any
events that have an Operator Event Note applied to them.
Timestamp The date (MM:DD:YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mmm) at which the event
Table The name of the table the record belongs to.
Point The name of the point that generated the event.
Field This field displays the name of the field the record belongs to.
RTU The name of the remote associated with the point that is in generated
the event.
Message The message associated with the event.

Using the Modification Detail Dialog Box

The Modification Detail dialog box shows you the old and new values associated with an event that has been
modified. This dialog box is only available from the Configuration Modifications Summary window and the Data
Modifications Summary window.
To use the Modification Detail dialog box
1. Double-click the desired event row.

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The Modification Detail dialog box opens.

2. Click the upper right-hand Close button or the Dismiss button to close the Modification Detail dialog box.

Field Description

Timestamp The date (MM:DD:YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mmm) at which the event
Database The name of the database that the event belongs to.
Table The name of the table the record belongs to.
Point The name of the point that generated the event.
Field This field displays the name of the field the record belongs to.
User This field displays the name of the user who made the change.

Using the Data Modifications Summary Window

Your system keeps track of system events and alarms by automatically logging them in the Historical database
(HDB). You can view all events raised for changes made to HDB records (one of four Event Summary windows)
and the events displayed are determined by the current Controller’s View Area selections. The summary
windows let you filter record information by a combination of data quality indicators.
To use the Data Modifications Summary window
1. Open the Data Modifications Summary dialog box by:
o Clicking Data Modifications in the System Displays section of the Navigation Menu.

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o Clicking the button on the top right hand corner of each Event Summary window.

2. Click Data Modifications on the Event Summaries dialog box.

Field Description

Row Header The left hand column will show a yellow thumbtack to indicate any
events that have an Operator Event Note applied to them.
Timestamp The date (MM:DD:YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mmm) at which the event
Table The name of the table the record belongs to.
Point The name of the point that generated the event.
Field This field displays the name of the field the record belongs to.
Message The message associated with the event.
User This field displays the name of the user who made the change.

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Using the Modification Detail Dialog Box

The Modification Detail dialog box shows you the old and new values associated with an event that has been
modified. This dialog box is only available from the Configuration Modifications Summary window and the Data
Modifications Summary window.
To use the Modification Detail dialog box
1. Double-click the desired event row.
The Modification Detail dialog box opens.

2. Click the upper right hand Close button or the Dismiss button to close the Modification Detail dialog box.

Field Description

Timestamp The date (MM:DD:YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mmm) at which the event
Database The name of the database that the event belongs to.

Table The name of the table the record belongs to.

Point The name of the point that generated the event.

Field This field displays the name of the field the record belongs to.

User This field displays the name of the user who made the change.

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Using the Point Event Summary

The Point Events Summary window displays a list of events related to a specific point.
To use the Point Event Summary window
1. Click the row header of the desired point in the Analog, Status, Rate, Multistate or Remote Summary
2. Click the Point Event icon in the Control dialog box.

Field Description

Timestamp The date (MM:DD:YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mmm) at which the event
Table The name of the table the record belongs to.
Point The name of the point that generated the event.
RTU The name of the remote associated with the point that is in generated the
Message The message associated with the event.
Type This field shows the type of event.

Alarm Summaries
Using the Alarm Summary
Alarms are notifications of urgent events that tell you to make immediate changes in system conditions. The
Alarm Summary window lists system and database alarms. System alarms include those caused by devices such
as printers, hard drives and workstations.
Your area(s) of responsibility determines the alarms that are visible to you. When you log on, you are given
access to a specific area, which is assigned to you by the System Administrator. Depending on the configuration
of the system, you may be able to select another area or areas.
Changing the area for control and/or view changes the content of the database summaries and displays that are
available to you. However, only changing the area for control affects the alarm summaries.

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o If an area is not selected for control, you are not able to view and acknowledge alarms for that area,
even if the area is selected for viewing.
o If an area is selected for control, you will be able to view and acknowledge alarms for that area, even if
the area is not selected for viewing.
Only changing the control area affects the alarm summaries.
To use the Alarm Summary window
1. Click System Displays > Alarms.
The Alarm Summary window opens.

2. To view the full length of any row:

3. Click the arrows at either end of the bottom scroll bar.
4. Click the scroll bar and drag it to the desired location.

Field Description

Row Header Click the left hand button of the desired row to
acknowledge an individual system or device alarm.
Alarm Icon If the alarm icon is shown for a record, the device is in
alarm state. If the record does not have an alarm icon,
then an alarmable condition exists but the device is not in
an alarm state.

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Field Description

For example, if a pump fails to start, this creates an

alarmable condition, even if the pump’s "off" state is not
in an alarm state.
Time The date (MM/DD/YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mm) at which
the alarm occurred/the tag was added or modified.
Description A brief description of the point.
Comment This column displays a comment regarding the last
update. If the last update failed, the comment states the
reason for the failure.
Point The name of the point that generated the alarm.
RTU The name of the RTU associated with the point that is in
Category The category of the alarm; for example, Rate of Change,
or Creep.
Table The name of the table the point belongs to.
Field The field of the point that caused the alarm.

Using the Alarm Control Dialog Box

The Alarm Control dialog box provides access to the Alarm History and Priority Display of a selected record.
To use the Alarm Control dialog box
 Click anywhere in the desired record to access the Alarm Control dialog box.

Using the Alarm History Window

The Alarm History window gives you information about the previous alarm states of a particular record.
To use the Alarm History window
 Click Alarm History on the Alarm Control dialog box.

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The Alarm History window opens.

Field Description

Table The name of the table the record belongs to.

Point The time when the alarm occurred.
Stamp The name of the point that generated the alarm/event.
Message The message associated with the alarm.

Using Priority Display

The Priority Display allows you to associate one display with each record, which can be accessed through the
Control dialog box.
The Priority Display icon allows you to configure and access a specific display associated with a record. The
icon can appear in one of two forms: Available (color) or Unavailable (grey).
If no Priority Display window is configured for a point, then the Priority Display icon is unavailable and opens the
Priority Display dialog box. In the Priority Display dialog box, you can select from a list of available displays to be
associated with the record.
Once a Priority Display has been configured for that record, the colored Priority Display icon opens the Priority
Display window/dialog box.
To use the Priority Display dialog box
1. To configure the Priority Display:
a. Click the unavailable Priority Display icon to open the Priority Display dialog box.
b. Select the desired display.
c. Click the Save icon.
2. Click the colored Priority Display icon to open the Priority Display configured for the record.

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You can remove the Priority Display using the Advanced Data Editor.

Using the Newest Priority Alarms Window

The Newest Priority Alarms window lists only the unacknowledged alarms generated by the system in a window
at the bottom of your desktop. The latest alarm is shown at the top of page one. There may be one than one
page of alarms, if so, use the paging icons on the right hand side of window. If there are multiple alarms listed,
the most severe are listed first. If there are multiple alarms of the same severity level, those alarms are listed in
the order received.
Although you must go to the Alarm Summary to acknowledge alarms, you can silence the beeping alert of some
or all alarms directly through the Newest Priority Alarm window using the Silence Alarms icon and the
Disturbance icon. The Silence Alarms icon silences the beeping but does not acknowledge the alarm. When the
next alarm is generated, the sound made will reflect the highest-severity unacknowledged alarm, even if the
newest alarm is of a lower severity.

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Disturbance Mode applies to all types of alarms (for example, state-based and command failure alarms). When
the user enables the disturbance mode, the system suppresses alarms whose severity level is lower than or
equal to a pre-configured severity level. It limits the incoming alarms to those requiring immediate attention
during periods of high alarm rates, such as during an electrical storm or pipeline break.
When disturbance mode is disabled, state-based alarms are regenerated. Other low priority alarms, such as
command failure and system alarms, are not regenerated. Alarms are re-evaluated for points that are not
inhibited and are in the alarm state but are not displayed in the Alarm Summary window.

Notes: The database Administrator configures a maximum-severity-to-suppress (the pre-configured severity

Enabling and disabling Disturbance Mode in one system does not affect the Disturbance Mode setting in
If the Newest Priority Alarm window is not displayed when you log onto your system, contact your System
To use the Newest Priority Alarms window

1. Click the Silence Alarms icon to stop the beeping alert until the next alarm is generated.
2. Click the Alarm Summary icon.
The Alarm Summary window opens.

3. Click the Disturbance icon to alternate between enabling and disabling the alarm disturbance mode.
The available Disturbance icon indicates that the disturbance mode is enabled, while the disabled
Disturbance icon indicates that the disturbance mode is not available.
4. Click Yes on the Alarm Disturbance Command Confirmation dialog box.

Field Description

Row Header Click the left hand button of the desired row to
acknowledge an individual system or device alarm.
Alarm Icon If the alarm icon is shown for a record, the device is in
alarm state. If the record does not have an alarm icon,
then an alarmable condition exists but the device is not in
an alarm state.
For example, if a pump fails to start, this creates an
alarmable condition, even if the pump’s "off" state is not
in an alarm state.
Time The date (MM/DD/YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mm) at which
the alarm occurred/the tag was added or modified.
Description A brief description of the point.
Comment This column displays a comment regarding the last
update. If the last update failed, the comment states the
reason for the failure.

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Using the Point Alarm Summary Window

The Point Alarm Summary window lists alarms that are active for a specific record and allows you to
acknowledge all alarms for a record at once.
To use the Point Alarm Summary window
1. Click the Point Alarm icon on the Alarm Summary window or the Alarm Control dialog box to open the Point
Summary window.

2. Optional: Click on the row header to acknowledge an individual alarm.

3. Optional: Click Acknowledge All Alarms to acknowledge all of the alarms listed for the record.

Field Description

Table The name of the table the record belongs to.

Point The name of the record that generated the alarm.
Page Acknowledge Click this button to acknowledge all alarms
Alarm Icon If the alarm icon is shown for a record, the device is in
alarm state. If the record does not have an alarm icon,
then an alarmable condition exists but the device is not
in an alarm state.
For example, if a pump fails to start, this creates an
alarmable condition, even if the pump’s "off" state is
not in an alarm state.
Alarm Inhibit Icon A mute icon is shown in this column when the Audible
Alarm Inhibit is set for the point.
Time This indicates the time that the alarm condition
Comment This field is the alarm description generated by the
Category This field is the category of the alarm.
Field This is the field associated with the alarm

Using the Alarm Suppression Summary Window

The Alarm Suppression Summary window gives you information on all linked records that are affected by a
suppressed alarm command.

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After selecting a point in the Alarm Suppression Summary window, the display will show:

Note: For more information on alarm suppression, refer to the RealTime Administrator documentation.

 The parent points configured to suppress the selected alarms.

 The list of its transient alarms that will be suppressed.
 The list of child points for which the selected point has been configured to suppress alarms.
To use the Alarm Suppression Summary window
1. To open the Alarm Suppression Summary window:
o Click Tools > Model Select in the Navigation Menu to open the Model Select dialog box.
o Click SUM_ALARM_SUPPRESSION in the Model Select dialog box.
2. To search for a record within the Selected Point box:
a. Click the Table drop-down list and select the desired table from the list.
b. Click the (...) button next to Point and select the desired record from the dialog box.

Field Description

Point The parent in the form <table name>.<point name>

Type Either Parent Control or Parent Alarm.
State The "Selected Point" state that is suppressed. A value of "any"
indicates that all "Selected Point" alarm states would be suppressed.
It is configured with an explicit state value when only some and not
all state-based alarms should be suppressed. For example, a
pressure sensor may require suppression of high pressure alarms
when a valve has been commanded, but all other alarm conditions

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Field Description
should trigger an alarm.
Timeout The number of seconds after the "Parent Point" has been
commanded or changed alarm state until the "Selected Point" alarm
suppression expires.
Return TO For a parent configured for "Parent Alarm" suppression, the number
of seconds after the parent point returns to a normal alarm state
that the point alarms will be suppressed. If the Return TO is not zero,
then alarm suppression is triggered when the parent point goes into
alarm, where a Timeout value of zero means that point alarms
remain suppressed the entire time the parent is in the alarm state. If
the Timeout value is not zero and the parent point stays in alarm
state longer than the Timeout value, then the point suppression is
canceled at the end of the Timeout. If the Timeout value is zero or
the parent point returns to normal before the end of the Timeout
period, then point alarms are suppressed for the number of seconds
specified by Return TO.
Holdoff For a parent configured for "Parent Alarm" suppression, the number
of seconds to postpone "Selected Point" alarm processing. This
option is used to suppress false alarms when the selected point data
is often received before the parent point data.
Table Drop-down list from which you may choose the desired point.
Point List of points in the selected table, from which you may choose the
desired point.
Point The "Selected Point" name in the form <table name>.<point name>.
State The "Selected Point" state that will have temporary suppression or
"any" if all alarm state changes use transient alarm suppression.
Holdoff The time in seconds for which to suppress "Selected Point" alarms. If
the "Selected Point" returns to its original alarm state within the
Holdoff timeout, then no alarms will occur.
Point The child in the form <table name>.<point name>.
Type Either "Parent Control" or "Parent Alarm".
State The "Child Point" state that is suppressed. It is configured when only
some and not all of the child state-based alarms should be
Timeout The number of seconds after the "Selected Point" has been
commanded or changed alarm state until the "Child Point" alarm
suppression expires.
Return TO For "Parent Alarm" suppression, it is the number of seconds after
the "Selected Point" returns to a normal state that the "Child Point"
alarms will be suppressed.
Holdoff For "Parent Alarm" suppression, the number of seconds to postpone

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Field Description
"Child Point" alarm processing.

Using the Test Mode Set Summary Window

The Test Mode Set Summary window displays all test mode set records in the database and their status.
Test mode set records can be configured in the Advanced Database Editor (ADE) for groups of records that are
predictably affected when a specific part of the system is undergoing maintenance or testing. When a test mode
set is activated, all of the alarms that are associated with the records in that test mode set are filtered out of the
Alarm Summary window.
To use the Test Mode Set Summary window
1. Click Tools > Model Select in the Navigation Menu to open the Model Select dialog box.
2. Click SUM_TESTMODESET in the Model Select dialog box.

Field Description

Using Local Timeout This field indicates whether or not this test mode set is using local
timeout. If local timeout is not used, this test mode set uses a
global test mode timeout that is applied to all or a group of test
mode sets.
Test Mode Set This field displays the name of the test mode set.
Active This field indicates whether or not test mode is active for this test
mode set.
Active Change Time This field displays the date and time the Active status of the test
mode set was last changed.
Local Timeout (mins) This field displays the number of minutes this Test Mode Set record
can remain active before timing out. A value of "0" means the
record has no expiry.

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Field Description

Note: If you are not using local test mode timeout, the system will
use the timeout value configured for the global test mode timeout.

Using the Alarm Limits Dialog Box

The Alarm Limits dialog box allows you to set range alarm limits or alarm boundaries for both analog and rate
The Alarm Limits dialog box lets you:
 Change the upper and lower alarm limits for various alarms for the point.
 Change the deadband for High/Low and HighHigh/LowLow alarms.
 Change the creep and setpoint of the creep alarms.
 Enable/disable the High/Low, HighHigh/LowLow, Rate Of Change, and creep alarms.
 Enable/disable the instrument fail alarms.
For numeric point types (for example, analog or rate), high/low and high-high/low-low alarm limit checking may
be enabled or disabled. For each numeric point a high alarm limit, a low alarm limit, and an alarm deadband
value may be specified.
A high/low alarm is declared when a point value becomes greater than the high alarm limit or less than the low
alarm limit.
For a return-to-normal condition, the alarm limit is modified by the deadband value. If the point is in the high
alarm state, a return-to-normal condition is declared when the value becomes less than or equal to the high
limit minus the deadband. If the point is in the low alarm state, a return-to-normal condition is declared when
the value becomes greater than or equal to the low limit plus the deadband.
The Rate of Change (ROC) alarm limit is registered if the value changes by more than the configured value per
second. An ROC alarm is not an absolute change alarm; this means that it is a transie nt alarm, unlike high/low
alarming, which is state based. ROC alarms are removed immediately after they are acknowledged. Unlike state
based alarms, they do not result in a return-to-normal alarm following the ROC alarm. If the ROC alarm already
exists within the alarm summary, then it does not generated again when it occurs at the next poll. If it has been
acknowledged, and a poll determines that the rate of change is still greater than the limit, then another ROC
alarm is generated. ROC alarms are independent of High/Low alarms.
At system start-up, the current value of the point is stored as the initial Creep setpoint value. An alarm is
declared when a point value becomes greater than the initial setpoint value plus the creep value, or less than
the initial setpoint value minus the creep value. Whenever an alarm is declared, the current value is stored as
the new creep setpoint for subsequent creep alarm checks.
For duration detection, return-to-normal is not alarmed since the return-to-normal condition occurs as soon as
an alarm is acknowledged.
Creep alarm detection and annunciation is independent of high/low, high-high/low-low, rate-of- change, and
instrument/transducer failure alarms.
A creep alarm causes the CRT display of dynamic data fields or dynamic pictures to undergo a brief, transitory
color change.

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Notes: If you enable a specific alarm type and you want the alarm to generate, you must also enable alarms
generally for the record, via the Alarm Control dialog box.
On distributed systems, commands to inhibit, enable and acknowledge alarms and events on one system will not
be replicated to other systems. Enabling, disabling and acknowledging alarms and events for a single point are
handled completely independently on each system.
To use the Alarm Limits dialog box
1. Click Alarm limits on the Control dialog box of the desired record.
The Alarm Limits dialog box opens.

2. Optional: To set a Range alarm:

a. Type the desired value in the Deadband field.
b. Select the check box for High/Low or HighHigh/LowLow alarm as desired.
c. Type the desired values for High/Low or HighHigh/LowLow alarm levels.
d. Click Submit.
3. Optional: To set a Rate of Change alarm:
a. Select the Enable check box for Rate of Change.
b. Type the desired value for Rate of Change.
c. Click Submit.
4. Optional: To set a Creep alarm:
a. Type the desired value for Creep.
b. Select the Enable check box for Creep.
c. Click Submit.

Alarm Types
There are various types of alarms that are detected by RealTime by default, and other alarm conditions may be
added by AVEVA or your System Administrator.

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Host Computer Alarms

There are three default alarms detected from the host computer:
 Failover
 Printer Failure
 Low Disk Space
The disk space alarm can occur on any host in the system, including RealTime and Historical. These alarms
typically appear as failovers: <system> file system <file system> space alarm (<#> used, limit
set to <#> free).

Swap space is also monitored in a similar manner. Historical database (HDB) freespace is no longer monitored
because the MS SQL server does this independently and sends an e-mail rather than generating an alarm.

Note: The System Administrator should investigate the cause of such an alarm. It may be caused by data coming
in too fast, or it could be that someone has transferred too many files onto the host.
The return-to-normal message is: <system name> file system <file sys name> normal .
Remote Communication Alarms
When communication with a remote fails or is restored, RealTime declares an alarm condition. A
communication failure is declared only after a certain number of communication retries have been attempted.
The retry limit is specified on a "per communication line" basis. On the first successful communication attempt
after a failure, the system declares a "communication restored" condition.
In the case of a "no reply" condition of a remote, a separate time-out value may have been defined to prevent
the occurrence of nuisance alarms. After the number of retries mentioned above, the RTU is marked as "no
reply" and the event is logged. However, no alarm is generated until the time-out value specified for the remote
has expired.
Remote Alarms
 Command Failure
The host computer can be asked to check for command failures issued to any device capable of receiving
commands. If command failure checking is enabled by the System Administrator and a commanded point does
not change to the commanded state before the time-out period expires, a command failure alarm is declared.
 Deviation
 HighHigh
 High
 Instrument fail high (transducer fail high)
 Instrument fail low (transducer fail low)
 Low
 LowLow
 Normal
 Rate of Change
 Creep

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 Uncommanded Status Change

The status table consists of points which represent two-state or four-state digital inputs. RealTime declares an
alarm condition for status points if there is a change to any state which was not the result of a command being

Note: Uncommanded status change alarms may be inhibited.

Acknowledging Alarms
There are several ways to acknowledge alarms that allow you to stop the flashing notification. However, the
effect on the alarm varies depending on its cause.
If the alarm is the result of a state abnormality (HIGH, LOW, etc.) then acknowledging the alarm will stop it from
flashing, but the alarm will remain in the alarm summary. The alarm will be removed from the summary when
the state has been returned to normal.
If the alarm is the result of an event (e.g. a transition from one state to another, such as Rate of Change or Creep
alarm) then acknowledging the alarm will stop the flashing and remove the alarm from the alarm summary.
To acknowledge alarms
1. Click Acknowledge Page on the Alarm Summary window to acknowledge all alarms currently displayed.
2. Click Acknowledge Alarms on the Point Alarm Summary window to acknowledge all alarms in the summary.
3. To acknowledge a single alarm, click the Row Header of the desired record on the Alarm Summary window,
Newest Priority Alarm Summary window or the Point Alarm Summary window.
4. To acknowledge a Station alarm, click the Row Header of the desired record on the Station Alarms Summary

Timeline/TimeSeries Summaries
Using the Historical Edit Menu Item
This menu item allows users with the appropriate permissions to add, modify, and delete records in the
Historical database (HDB).
To use the Historical Edit menu item

 Click Tools > Historical Edit.

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Other Summaries
Using the ACE Summary
The Application Calculation Engine (ACE) Summary provides information in a tabular format about the system’s
points and their associated ACE procedures. The points displayed are determined by the current Controller’s
view area selections. The summary also allows you to filter point information by code or group.
To use the ACE Summary
1. Click System Displays > ACE.
2. The ACE Summary window opens.
3. To view the full length of any row:
o Click the arrows at either end of the bottom scroll bar.
o Click the scroll bar and drag it to the desired location.

Using the ACE Control Dialog Box

The ACE Control dialog box provides an interface that allows you to enable and run ACE procedures. In addition,
you can also view point alarms.
To use the ACE Control dialog box
1. Open the ACE Summary window.
2. Click the row header of the desired record.
The ACE Control dialog box opens.

Field Description

Name The pre-configured name of the ACE record.

Code The name of the ACE code that is associated with the point.

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Field Description

Group The group that the ACE record is assigned to. This group is either
pre-configured, or was created because it contains many points that are
closely related.
Output Point Indicates the location where the system writes the data resulting from
an ACE code execution.
Output Value This field contains the calculated value of the point.

Note: This may not be the value from the code. If the point is in manual
override, the manual value is shown rather than the calculated value.
The point is not disabled in this case (unlike with other ACE errors) as
the condition is likely to clear under normal operating conditions.

Run Now Click the arrow button at the bottom-left of the dialog box to run the
ACE procedure. When you click this button and have control of a point,
the button deactivates and the text changes to Running. Once the
calculation is complete, the Run Now text is displayed again and the
button is reactivated. When you click this button and do not have
control of a point, an error message appears. Click OK to return to the
ACE Control dialog box. The button remains disabled.
Point Alarms Click the button with the image of an alarm to call up the Point Alarm
Enabled Select this check box to re-enable the ACE procedure following an error
Dismiss Click this button to dismiss the ACE Control dialog box.

Tagged Point Indicators

These symbols appear at the side of a row of data to indicate that the point has a control inhibit tag associated
with it. These tags prevent the Controller from issuing various types of commands.
The green tag indicates that the point is tagged
The yellow tags with the hourglass indicates that:
 the point is currently executing a command.
 the point is also tagged.
Command Tag Types in Priority Order:

Command Tag Type Icon Description

Command in When the Controller issues a command, a Command in Progress

Progress tag is displayed. The tag remains in place until either feedback has
been received from the remote that verifies correct command
execution or until the command time-out expires and an alarm is
generated. If the Controller attempts to command a point while
the Command in Progress tag is in effect, then the Controller is

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Command Tag Type Icon Description

informed of the previous command and given the option of either
canceling the new command request or proceeding with the new
command. The point is tagged according to command tag type and
the tag appears in a gold frame with an hourglass.

Note: When FlexTagging is enabled and you try to remove a

Command in Progress FlexTag, an error message similar to the
following will be shown:
Tag created by Omnicomm, ignoring deletion request as
Omnicomm is responsible for deletion.

No Commands Neither the Controller nor the application program can issue any
control commands to the point.
The point is tagged as indicated and is also currently executing a
No Open-type Neither the Controller nor the application program can issue
open-type commands, but they can issue close-type commands.
Open-type commands tell a device to move to its "open" state (for
example, "open" in the case of a valve, or "on" in the case of a
pump). This tag is green.

The point is tagged as indicated and is also currently executing a

No Close-type Neither the Controller nor the application program can issue
close-type commands, but they can issue open-type commands.
Close-type commands tell a device to move to its "close" state (for
example, "closed" in the case of a valve, or "off" in the case of a
pump). This tag is pink.

The point is tagged as indicated and is also currently executing a

No Operator The Controller cannot issue commands, but the application
program can.
The point is tagged as indicated and is also currently executing a
No Program The Controller can issue commands, but the application program
The point is tagged as indicated and is also currently executing a
Warning When the Controller receives a warning message, the systems
gives you the opportunity to cancel the command. The warning
message contains the tag description text added when the tag was

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Command Tag Type Icon Description

The point is tagged as indicated and is also currently executing a

Flexible Tags The point has a flexible tag. The number on the icon indicates the
number of tags on the point. Refer to Enabling Flexible Tagging on
page 80 for information on how to enable flexible tagging.

Opening the Tag Summary Window

The Tag Summary window allows you to assign, remove and display tags. These operations can be done for
specific devices or for devices affected by specified work orders. The tags displayed are determined by the
current Controller’s View Area selections.
You might need to shut down a device so that a technician can carry out maintenance on it. After issuing a stop
command via the system control dialog box for the device, you can use the tagging function to assign a tag to
the device to ensure that no one can restart it from the system while the technician is working on it. After the
work is complete, you can remove the tag so that the device is once more controlled from the system.
Note: If you attempt to control a device while a tag is still in place, the system will issue a message advising you
that the record is tagged and cannot accept control commands.
To open the Tag Summary window
 Click System Displays > Tags to open the Tag Summary window.

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Field Description

Time The date (MM/DD/YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mm) at which the alarm
occurred/the tag was added or modified.
Table The name of the table the record belongs to.
RTU The name of the RTU associated with the record that is in alarm/
generated the event/tagged record.
Point The name of the tagged record.
Tag Type The tag type dictates which control actions are inhibited by the tag. The
tag type is determined by the device and record it belongs to.
Work Order The work order of the tag.
Message The message associated with the alarm/event/tag.

Using the Point Tag Summary Window

The Point Tag Summary window gives you the same ability to view, add and edit Control Inhibit Tags without
opening the Tag Summary window. You can open the Point Tag Summary window through the Point Control
dialog box accessed from another summary window.
To use the Point Tag Summary window
1. Open the desired Point Control dialog box.

2. Click the button.

Field Description

Table The RealTime table with which the record is associated.

Point The name of the record. This summary allows you to refer to the records
which are tagged.
Time The date (MM/DD/YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mm) at which the alarm
occurred/the tag was added or modified.
Type The tag type dictates which control actions are inhibited by the tag. The
tag type is determined by the device and record it belongs to.
Work Order The work order of the tag.
Message The message associated with the alarm/event/tag.

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Control Inhibit Tags

The tagging function allows you to inhibit the control of one or more specific devices in the field. Control actions
involve sending commands such as open, close, start and stop. Tagging indicators provide you with information
on the type of tag places on a point and the work order number of the tag.
AVEVA Enterprise SCADA provides you with several tools to add, modify and remove tags, as well as summaries
of their usage and filtered search tools to locate specific tags by type and location.Tag operations may be
initiated from the Tag Summary window or from the individual Point Tag Summary window.
Adding a Control Inhibit Tag
Placing a Control Inhibit Tag on a record will prevent the system from sending commands until the tag is
To add a Control Inhibit tag
1. Click Add New Tag on the Tag Summary window or the Point Tag Summary window.
The Tag Control dialog box appears.

2. Click the Table drop-down list to select the desired Table.

3. Click the (...) button next to the Point field to select the desired record from the Status or Device Select
dialog box.
If you have clicked the Pushpin icon, click Dismiss to close the Select dialog box.
4. Optional: Select the desired Tag Type.
5. Optional: Type a work order number in Work Order.
6. Optional: Type a note in Message.
This note appears on the Tag Summary window and in the error message that is generated if the Controller
attempts to control a tagged point.
7. Click Add/Modify.

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You can dismiss the Tag Control dialog box at any time. As long as you have not clicked Add/Modify, the tag
is not added.

Modifying an Existing Control Inhibit Tag

A Control Inhibit Tag that has been placed on a record may be altered rather just removed.
To modify an existing Control Inhibit tag
1. Select the desired tag on the Tag Summary window or on the Point Tag Summary window.
2. Open the Tag Control dialog box.

3. Click the (...) button next to the Point field to select the desired record from the Status or Device Select
dialog box.
If you have clicked the Pushpin icon, click Dismiss to close the Select dialog box.
4. Optional: Select the desired Tag Type.
5. Optional: Type a work order number in Work Order.
6. Optional: Type a note in Message.
This note appears on the Tag Summary window and in the error message that is generated if the Controller
attempts to control a tagged point.
7. Click Add/Modify.
You can dismiss the Tag Control dialog box at any time. As long as you have not clicked Add/Modify, the tag
is not changed.
Removing a Control Inhibit Tag
You can use remove tags either individually or collectively.
To remove a Control Inhibit tag
1. To remove a single tag:
a. Select the desired tag on the Tag Summary Window or the Point Tag Summary window.
b. Click Remove Selected Tags.
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2. To remove all tags:

a. Click Remove All Tags on the Tag Control dialog box or the Point Tag Summary window.
The Remove All Tags dialog box appears.

b. Click Yes.

Enabling Flexible Tagging

Flexible tagging (FlexTag) is a feature that allows for greater customization of tags. It supplements, not replaces,
regular tagging and can only be used with Analog, Status, Rate, and Multistate tables. With FlexTag, you
can configure the exclusivity of tags, group tags together for mass modifications, set priorities for FlexTag types,
customize tag icons, and more. With FlexTag, you can also attach multiple tags to a single record.
Flexible tagging is not enabled by default. Although the FlexTag Summary can still be accessed from the easy
eXtended Operator Station (ezXOS) navigation menu, the system will not acknowledge any FlexTag configuration
changes unless the configuration setting is turned on.
Refer to the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA HMI Developer documentation for more information on how to
enable/disable the USE_FLEXIBLE_TAGGING configuration setting.

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FlexTag Summary Dialog Box

The FlexTag Summary dialog box display a list of all the tags assigned to various records. There may be multiple
FlexTags attached to a single record. The summary contains information on the customized priorities, table and
tag types related to a FlexTag.

Column Definition

Table This column contains the name of the table related to the record that the
tag is attached to. In the FlexTag Summary dialog box, only status,
analog, rate, and multistate will appear in this field.
Point This column contains the name of the record that the tag is attached to.
The record is selected in the FlexTag Control dialog box.
Tag Type This column contains the name of the tag type that was configured in
FlexTagType table in the Advanced Database Editor (ADE). You can select
the tag type in the FlexTag Control dialog box.
State This column contains the restricted state of the record. If a state is
chosen, then only this state will apply to the tag. If a state is not chosen,
then all states on the record are tagged. The state is selected in the
FlexTag Control dialog box. The State field is configured in the
FlexTagType Row Edit dialog box in Advanced Database Editor (ADE).
Priority This column contains the priority value of the tag. Tags with a higher

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Column Definition
priority will override tags of a lower priority. Tags with a higher priority
will appear higher in the list. In the case where two tags attached to a
record have the same priority level, the tag with the most recent
Creation Time will appear first.

Note: It is important to remember that tags with the Maintenance

restriction change the behavior of tags that have an equal or lower
priority. A No commands tag that is a higher priority than a Maintenance
tag will continue to behave like a No commands tag. But, a No
commands tag that is a lower priority than a Maintenance tag will
behave as though it is a Warning tag. This is so the testing of
maintenance work can occur on devices without removing tags. You can
temporarily apply a Maintenance tag, then send a command to the
record to test the functionality of the device.

Tag Group FlexTags can be added to a Tag Group in the FlexTag Control dialog box.
Using Tag Groups, you can make mass modifications to all the tags in a
group at once. The name of the group this tag is a member of is displayed
in the Tag Group column.
Work Order A work order message will appear in this field if one has been written in
the Work Order field of the FlexTag Control dialog box.
Creation Time This column contains the timestamp defining the exact time the tag was
created. The format of the timestamp is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS:ms.
Removal Time This column contains the future date upon which the tag should be
removed by the Controller. The tag will not be automatically removed;
this field is for informational purposes only. This can be configured in the
FlexTag Control dialog box.
Created By This column contains the user name of the user who created the tag.
Modified This column contains the time of the most recent modification. The
format of the timestamp is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS:ms.
Modified By This column contains the user name of the user who most recently
modified the tag.
Overridable The Overridable feature only applies to tags with the No operator cmds
restriction. If the Overridable check box in the FlexTag Control dialog box
is selected on such a tag, this field will say Yes. The Controller can then
bypass the No operator cmds restriction on this record.
Message If a message was written in the Description field of the FlexTag Control
dialog box, it will appear in this column.

FlexTag Control Dialog Box

The FlexTag Control dialog box is used to configure or modify the basic settings of a tag. You can also use it to
assign tags to groups, allowing you to make bulk changes.

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You can use the FlexTag Control dialog box to configure all types of information that are associated with a tag.
You can also use it to modify that information, and to add or remove records from a Tag Group.

Item Description

Table Click the drop-down list to select the analog, status, rate, or
multistate table to associate to the tag.
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Item Description

Point Click the (...) button to open the Point Select dialog box. From here
you can select a point in the selected table for the tag to attach to.
Tag Type Click the drop-down list to select a tag type. The available tag
types are ones that have been configured in the flexTagType Table
in the Advanced Database Editor (ADE). The tag type determines
which restriction, priority, and icon will define the tag.
State Select a state from the drop-down list.
Work Order Write a work order message in this field.
Removal Date This is a reminder of the intended removal date . Type or click the
calendar icon to enter a date into the field. The date format is
Overridable The Overridable feature only applies to tags with the No operator
cmds restriction. Selecting the Overridable check box will allow
the Controller to bypass the restriction.

Note: Although an overridable tag will behave like a Warning tag,

any audit and error messages will continue to indicate that it is an
inhibitive tag.

Description Type a description in this field. This description will appear in the
Message column of the FlexTag Summary window.
Add/Modify Tag Click this button to add the tag to the FlexTag Summary window.
Tag Group Type the name of the Tag Group in this field. If there are multiple
tags with identical Tag Group fields, they will be listed in the box
Show Common Group When this check box is selected, the field values that are the same
Values for the Tag Group will be displayed, with field values that are
different remaining blank. When this check box is not selected, the
field values will be for the record that is set in the Table and Point
fields at the top of the form.
Remove Selected From If there are other records in the Tag Group, selecting one or more
Group will make the Remove Selected From Group button available. Click
it to remove the selected records from the group. This will clear
the Tag Group field for the selected records, but retain the tag on
the remaining records.
Add/Modify All Tags in You can perform mass modifications to all the tags in a group by
Group making changes to the FlexTag Control dialog box and selecting
the Add/Modify All Tags in Group button.
Dismiss Click this button to cancel any changes and close the FlexTag
Control dialog box.

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Adding a Flexible Tag

To add a flexible tag
1. Open any summary window; for example, the Analog Summary.

2. Click the header of any row and open the control panel display.
In the image below, the Analog Control panel displays for an analog point.

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3. Click the Point Tags button to display the FlexTag Summary dialog box.

4. Click Add New Tag and create the tag to fit the specifications you need.

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5. After you have created and saved the tag, it will display in the FlexTag Summary dialog, as shown below.

Both the Analog Summary dialog and Analog Control panel will display the Flexible Tag counter .
The counter icon signifies that a point has a flexible tag, and the number on the icon indicates the number of
tags. In the example used in this procedure, only one tag is present.
If you wish to add additional tags, follow the same process detailed in thi s procedure.
Adding Multiple Tags to a Record
With flexible tagging, you can add multiple tags to a single analog, status, rate or multistate record.
To add multiple tags to a record
1. Click Tags in the ezXOS navigation menu to open the FlexTag Summary window.
2. Click the Add New Tag button at the top-right corner of the window.
The FlexTag Control dialog box opens.
3. Configure the information in the dialog box and then click Add/Modify Tag.
The tag will now appear in the FlexTag Summary window.
4. Right-click the desired record in the FlexTag Summary window.
The FlexTag Control dialog box opens.
5. Change the tag information as desired.
6. Click Add/Modify Tag.
The record will now have two tags of different types.
7. Repeat Steps 4 to 6 as many times as necessary.

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Creating a Tag Group

You can select several records and create a Tag Group for them all at once.
To create a tag group
1. Open the summary window of the records you would like to select (analog, status, rate, or multistate).
2. Select all of the desired points.
Click anywhere in the record line except for the row header to select the record. Hold down the SHIFT key to
select adjacent records. Hold down the CTRL key to select separate records.
3. Right-click and click Copy Selection.
4. Open the FlexTag Summary window.
5. Click Add New Tag.
The FlexTag Control dialog box opens.
6. Right-click in the field under Tag Group and click Paste Data.
The selected records will be listed in the field, the Table field will auto-populate and the Point field will
auto-populate with the first of the listed records.
7. Enter the other field information as required.
8. Click Add/Modify Tag.
Adding a Record to a Tag Group
There are two ways that you can add one or more records to a pre-existing Tag Group.
To add a record to a Tag Group
1. To add a single record to an existing Tag Group:
a. Click the row header of the desired record on the summary window.
b. Click the Point Tag icon at the bottom of the control dialog box.
c. Click Add New Tag on the FlexTag Summary window.
d. Select the Tag Type and enter other information as desired.
e. Type the Tag Group name desired.
f. Click Add/Modify Tag.
2. To add multiple records to an existing Tag Group:
a. Open the summary window of the records you would like to select (analog, status, rate, or multistate).
b. Select all of the desired points.
c. Click anywhere in the record line except for the row header to select the record.
d. Hold down the Shift key to select adjacent records.
e. Hold down the Ctrl key to select separate records.
f. Select all of the desired points.
g. Right-click and click Copy Selection.
h. Open the FlexTag summary window.

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i. Click the row header of a record in the desired Tag Group to open the FlexTag Control dialog box.
j. Right-click in the field under Tag Group and click Paste Data.
k. Click Add/Modify All Tags in Group.
l. Click Yes in the confirmation window.

Making Tag Group modifications

Flexible tagging allows you to make mass modifications to a group of tags.
To modify Tag Groups
1. Click the row header of a desired record.
The FlexTag Control dialog box opens.
All of the member tags in the group will be listed in the box below the Tag Group field in a "record
name/table" format.
2. Make a change to the top panel of the FlexTag Control dialog box, and click Add/Modify All Tags In Group.
All of the listed tags will be modified.
Removing a Record from a Tag Group
You can remove one or more records from a Tag Group, without removing the Tag Group itself. The tags on the
removed record can then be edited without affecting the Tag Group and vice versa.
To remove a record from a Tag Group
1. Click the row header of the desired record in the FlexTag Summary window.
2. Delete the text from the Tag Group field.
3. Click Add/Modify Tag.

Using the Datapump Status Summary Window

The Datapump application transfers Historical database (HDB) information between systems. Transfer status of
the various tables is viewed through the Datapump Status Summary window.
When the replication process fails, AVEVA Enterprise SCADA generates a system alarm. Normally, Datapump
recovers automatically. For example, Datapump alarms are often generated after an Historical service failover is
performed, and they normally clear on their own within 30 minutes. If a problem persists, however, it should be
investigated and corrected.
When the problem is with a specific table, you can call up the Datapump Status Summary window to determine
what went wrong. If this does not give enough information, there is a log file on the hot Historical service
machine that you can consult to determine the cause of failure. The location of the log file may vary, depending
on system configuration. A typical location is <InstallDirectory>\log\DPdirect.log.

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To open the Datapump Status Summary window

 Click System Displays > Datapump in the Navigation Menu to open the Datapump Status Summary

Field Description

Destination System This column displays the name of the destination system.
Database This column displays the name of the database that contains
the table being replicated.
Table The name of the table being replicated.
Replication This column indicates whether replication is enabled or
Last Update For a Key Table operation, this column displays the time at
which the data was placed in the key table for the last
successful update. For a Replace operation, this column
displays the last time the destination database was updated.
Comments This column displays a comment regarding the last update. If
the last update failed, the comment states the reason for the
Type This column indicates the type of operation that is performed.
Last Run The last time that Datapump attempted to transfer the table
from the source database to the destination database. This
should be fairly close to the time in the Last Update column;
if it is not, see the Comments column for an explanation.

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Using the Age Watchdog Summary Window

The Age Watchdog Summary window shows the Controller the status of points configured in the Age Watchdog
application, which monitors certain telemetered points within the RealTime database (RTDB) to determine if
they are updated by Omnicomm within an expected time frame. Alarms will appear in the Age Watchdog
Summary window to indicate potential problems with the Monitored point
The Age Watchdog Summary can be opened from the Summaries section of the ezXOS Navigation Menu. Each
row shows the name and value path of all points configured with Age Watchdog records, as well as the message,
internal state, demand poll setting, point description, and last sample time for the monitored point. The display
can be filtered by the name of the point and the internal state. The default message set matches the internal
state; however, this message set can be customized.
The Agewatchdog Control panel can be opened for each record shown in the summary. The control panel shows
the remote that is associated with the Age Watchdog record, the sampling frequency for the Monitored point in
hours and minutes, the time qualifier, and the demand poll timeout. A Controller can control the demand polling
for each record, as well as whether or not the record remains enabled in the Age Watchdog application.
To open the Age Watchdog Summary window
 Click Summaries > Age Watchdog on the ezXOS Navigation Menu.
The Age Watchdog Summary window opens.

Fields Description

Row Header The left hand button of the row, which opens the Agewatchdog
Control panel. An alarm icon will appear in the first column.
Name The name of the Age Watchdog record.
Monitored Point The telemetered point that the record is monitoring.
Message The message associated with the state of the Age Watchdog

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Fields Description
Internal State The current state of the Age Watchdog record.
Demand Poll Whether or not the Age Watchdog record is configured to issue a
demand poll when the point has not been updated within the
expected time frame.
Description Description of the Age Watchdog record.
Last Sample Time The time that the last sample interval completed.

Using the Global Trend Displays
A trend is a graph which displays time on the horizontal axis and value on the vertical axis. The trend can be set
to show an analog or rate point’s Historical or RealTime data. You can display data for more than one point on a
single trend.
To use the Global Trend Edit Display
1. Click System Displays > Global Trendset on the Navigation Menu.
The Global Trendset Edit Display opens.
2. To view a specific trendset, do one of the following:
o Type the desired trendset in the Name field.
o Click the (...) button to open the Global Trendset Select Edit Display.
3. Click Search.
4. Optional: To scroll the trend in time:
o Hold down the left mouse button and drag left to scale forward in time or right to scale backward in

o Click the back button ( ) to scale backward in time or the forward button ( ) to scale forward in time.

Notes: Scrolling is only active when the trend is frozen.

Missing data will be retrieved when you stop dragging. The system inhibits further dragging until the missing
data has been retrieved, which is indicated by the cursor changing to an hour glass.
5. Optional: Zoom in or out on any trend using the Zoom Box:
a. Right-click the desired spot in the trend and draw a rectangular Zoom Box around the area using a
right-down motion.
b. Release the mouse button when the Zoom Box is the desired size.
c. Right-click the trend area and drag the mouse diagonally (upwards and to the left) to return to the
previous view.
Zooming is only active when the trend is frozen. The Zoom Box can include any or all pens on the trend.

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If the scale method is set to Autoscale Values, creating a Zoom Box will deactivate it. Autoscale will be
re-activated once the Zoom Box is no longer in use.

Note: If the Dynamic Trend Resolution (DTR) check box is selected, the data shown in the trend chart
will be retrieved using DTR. This means that the number of points describing the current painted trend
(resolution) is reduced to improve the painting time of the graphic. If this method is used, each time the
zooming operation is performed (in or out), the new data is retrieved with the same time constraint.
This method selects the best points possible used to describe the trend depending on the zoom level.
DTR is not supported for PI. Ensure this check box is not selected when creating a PI trend.
6. Optional: Zoom on the X Axis (Time) only:
a. Left-click on the desired spot on the trend.
b. Move the mouse wheel up to expand the axis.
c. Move the mouse wheel down to shrink the axis.
d. Right-click the trend area and drag the mouse diagonally (upwards and to the left) to return to the
previous view.
Zooming is only active when the trend is frozen.

Note: If the Dynamic Trend Resolution (DTR) check box is selected, the data shown in the trend chart
will be retrieved using DTR. This means that the number of points describing the current painted trend
(resolution) is reduced to improve the painting time of the graphic. If this method is used, e ach time the
zooming operation is performed (in or out), the new data is retrieved with the same time constraint.
This method selects the best points possible used to describe the trend depending on the zoom level.
DTR is not supported for PI. Ensure this check box is not selected when creating a PI trend.
The following table describes the fields on the Global Trendset dialog box.

Field Description

Name The name of the record.

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Field Description

Owner Indicates which user owns the trend. This field is automatically
populated when the user creates a new global trend and clicks
the Add button.
Global These radio buttons determine whether the trend is accessible
to everyone across the installation or only to the owner of the
Show Legend Select this check box to view legends at the top of the chart.
Primary Timescale Select this radio button to view the pen in Primary Timescale.
For example, January 2, 2012, 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Secondary Time Select this radio button to view the pen in Secondary
Timescale for comparison. For example, January 1, 2012,
9:00am to 5:00pm.
Relative Time Select this to view the desired range of time (for example, the
last 4 hours). This pen will continue to update as you view it.
Absolute Time Select this to view a snapshot of the specific time range. The
pen will be static.
Start Time Select a start time for the trend of 24, 12, 8, or 4 hours ago.
End Time Select an end time for the trend of 12, 8, 4, or 0 hours ago.
Edit Click to add or modify a trend in the trendset.
Clear Clear the filter options currently selected.
Events Click to open the Aggregate Event Summary.
Save Click this to save any new trends or modifications to existing
Delete Click to delete the selected trendset.

Note: Generally, you can only delete your own trendsets. If

you have the Supervise_SCADA permission level, you can
delete or change ownership of any trendset.

Admin Users with the Supervise_SCADA permission level can click this
button to open the Global Trendset Admin dialog box.
DTR Select this check box to use DTR. With this option enabled, a
characteristic trend with a limited number of points will be
This option only works with the native Historical TimeSeries
For more information on DTR, refer to Dynamic Trend
Resolution (DTR) on page 95.

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Understanding and Working with Specific Trendset Features

Dynamic Trend Resolution (DTR)
There is an enhanced method of trending called Dynamic Trend Resolution (DTR). DTR allows you to trend
time-series data from the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA native historian for multiple years and with multiple pens
with the RealTime performance expected in industrial control systems.
Notes: DTR is not supported when displaying a PI data trendset.

The Attribute and Interval pen options are ignored for a DTR trend due to the DTR algorithm automatically
selecting the best points possible to describe the trend. When using DTR, it is not possible to have separate pens
displaying Attributes such as minimum, maximum, and average.
DTR uses a best-fit linear interpolation algorithm that has been empirically tuned for an optimum trade-off
between call-up performance and trend display resolution. The DTR algorithm examines the number of pens
requested by the trend user and calculates a pen-dependent number of samples to retrieve from the AVEVA
Enterprise SCADA Server, then it divides the requested trend time period into time intervals. The time interval is
the trend display resolution. For each interval, three samples are returned from the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA
Server: the first value in the interval, the minimum value and the maximum value. The algorithm then uses the
Collect, Hour or Day tables to return display samples and best fit a curve using linear interpolation. If the
calculated time interval is lower than an hour, and the number of samples can be found in the Collect table,
the raw samples are displayed in the trend.
DTR always looks in the highest resolution table available to gather the data, but if there is not enough
information, it looks in the lower resolution tables to present the best data to you.
For more information on enabling DTR and working with specific DTR features, refer to Working with Trendsets
on page 99.
Example: Traditional Trending Vs. DTR
Consider a point which is being sampled into the Historical subsystem every minute. In the image below, a trend
time range of 1 year for this point using the traditional trending algorithm has been requested.

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As you can see, using this traditional method, less than 6 days of data are plotted using baseline.
In the image below, with DTR enabled, the same point is now plotted for the entire year.

Understanding Dynamic Trend Resolution (DTR) Prerequisites

In order to use Dynamic Trend Resolution (DTR), you must have SCA 2017 and either OASyS DNA Elk SP4 (with
the DTR add-on) or OASyS DNA 7.6 R2 or later installed. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or higher must also be
The Global Trend Viewer includes a check box that allows you to run trends in legacy mode or DTR mode, with
DTR mode being the default. Legacy Mode has been included to remain backward-compatible with existing
Understanding Dynamic Trend Resolution (DTR) Hardware Recommendations
In order for Dynamic Trend Resolution to function as tested in our performance lab, refer to the following
hardware recommendations.
AVEVA Enterprise SCADA RealTime Server
 Intel Xeon E7-8891 Processor (Quad Core, v3 2.8GHz)
 12 GB Ram
 Microsoft Windows 2012 R2
 SSD Hard drives (IOPs 19K)
AVEVA Enterprise SCADA Historical Server
 Intel Xeon E7-8891 Processor (Quad Core, v3 2.8GHz)
 12 GB Ram
 Microsoft Windows 2012 R2

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 SSD Hard drives (IOPs 19K)

AVEVA Enterprise SCADA HMI Workstation
 Intel Xeon E7-8891 Processor (Dual v3 2.8GHz)
 12 GB Ram
 Microsoft Windows 10
 SSD Hard drives (IOPs 19K)

Note: The Historical service (Microsoft SQL Server) should run on a different machine than the RealTime service.

Understanding Dynamic Trend Resolution (DTR) Performance

Trending performance depends on numerous factors, including the number of points being historized, the
sampling frequency of the historized points, the communication link performance between the Human Machine
Interfaces (HMIs) and the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA Server, the amount of data being replicated, whether
markers are being displayed, and the load on your system. Performance also depends on the number of rows in
the Collect table. Deleting rows improves disk space usage and can also improve the performance of queries
(when the database is small, queries are faster). Review your Archive.dbo schedule configuration to check the
available period of time stored in the TimeSeries.collect and TimeSeries.hour tables for each historized
Performance also depends on Historical service availability. If the service has been offline, the DTR algorithm
tries to retrieve data from the temporal files created by the RealTime service
(DNA\RealTime\database\collectBuffer), which can drastically reduce performance. In this specific case, we
recommend to not use DTR.
Understanding the Maximum Resolution of Trend Data
The displayed trend resolution is a function of the number of pens requested by the trend user, the two
configuration settings that are used to adjust resolution to the available system performance and the requested
trend time period. The displayed trend resolution is ultimately limited by the historical sampling rate. If a
particular point is being historized hourly, for example, that is the upper limit to the trend resolution.
The table below identifies the approximate display resolution you can expect for various trend display time
ranges for a single pen with a 1 minute historical sampling rate; for example, if you request a trend for a 15 days
time range, the approximate displayed resolution will be 43 minutes. As you zoom into the trend, the displayed
resolution will increase.

Requested Trend Display Time Range Approximate Displayed Resolution

1 minute 60 sec
1 hour 60 sec
6 hours 60 sec
1 day 60 sec
15 days 43 minutes
1 month 1 hours
6 months 8 hours

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Requested Trend Display Time Range Approximate Displayed Resolution

1 year 16 hours
2 years 48 hours

Tuning Microsoft SQL Server for Dynamic Trend Resolution (DTR)

Since the Dynamic Trend Resolution (DTR) algorithm runs on Microsoft SQL Server and creates some temporal
queries, we highly recommend that you increase the master\tempdb table size to at least 20GB.
We also recommend that you limit the available Microsoft SQL Server memory to 90%, or the maximum physical
memory (RAM installed), less the memory used by other applications (i.e. Microsoft Windows). This will help
ensure that Microsoft SQL Server does not use swap memory, which is slower than physical memory.
DTR data use resides in the Timeseries database. As a result, since it is the most used database, we highly
recommend that you have more than one database data file in separate physical hard drives, and that the
database log file is stored in another hard drive.
Exporting the DNA Chart .NET Current View
The AVEVA Enterprise SCADA Chart .NET export produces a semi-colon delimited text file of the current view
that can be imported into a data mining or visualization application. The current view is exported with the
displayed resolution; the exported file does not contain every sample the trend was derived from. The exported
file has a header with a date and time of report generation and it summarizes the points being plotted along
with their description and units. Columns list the point name, time stamp (in your computer's time zone), value,
and data quality. Each pen's data is located below the last pen's data. In addition, files are stored in
elements\reports\DTR Reports automatically to save you from needing to manage files. The exported date and
time is included in the file name.
Example: Exported Semi-Colon Delimited Text Output
"Pressures 2017 Q1" report from SCADA
Exported on February 28, 2019 @ 2:33 PM
The following points are included in this report:
Pressure Valve 1;analog.1analog.curval;PSI
Pressure Valve 2;analog.2analog.curval;PSI
Mountain Standard Time;Pressure Valve 1;DATA QUALITY
25/04/2016 01:00:00 PM;-78.8010753606723;A
25/04/2016 01:59:00 PM;-78.2698689658214;
25/04/2016 06:59:00 PM;-75.4804992157739;O
25/04/2016 07:00:00 PM;-75.4709580222773;
25/04/2016 07:59:00 PM;-74.9052087046389;
Mountain Standard Time;Pressure Valve 2;DATA QUALITY
25/04/2016 01:00:00 PM;-78.8010753606723;A

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25/04/2016 01:59:00 PM;-78.2698689658214;


Working with Trendsets

Using the Global Trendset Select Dialog Box
The Global Trendset Select dialog box allows you to select which pen(s) are displayed in the trend or trendset.
To use the Global Trendset Select dialog box
1. Click the Name ellipsis (...) on the Global Trendset window.
2. Select the Global Trends check box and the My Trends check box to see all global trends.
3. Click the name of the desired trend.
The Global Trendset Select dialog box will close.
4. Click Search next to the name field on the Global Trendset window.
Adding or Modifying a Trendset
If you have added several pens to a trend, you can save that trendset for future viewing. You can also modify an
existing trendset.
To add or modify a trendset
1. To create a new trendset, type the desired name in the Name field of the Global Trendset window.
2. Click Save on the right hand side of the filter toolbar.
3. Click OK on the Trendset Save dialog box.
4. To modify an existing trendset, open the desired trendset.
5. Click Search.
6. Select the Global check box if you want to allow all users to view this trendset. Deselect the Global check
box to allow only the owner to view the trendset.
7. Optional: Select the Show Legend check box if applicable.
8. Select the Primary Time check box and choose the desired format:
o Select Relative and choose the desired number of hours.
o Select Absolute and enter the desired Start Time and End Time.
9. Optional: Select the Secondary Time check box and choose the desired format:
o Select Relative and choose the desired number of hours.
o Select Absolute and enter the desired Start Time and End Time.
10. Click Save on the right hand side of the filter toolbar.
11. Click OK on the Trendset Save dialog box.

Using the Trend Action Menu

The Trend Action menu allows you to manipulate the information shown in the Global Trendset dialog box. The
options available in the Trend Action Menu vary according to the trend being displayed.

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The following image shows the context menu for the Flexible Trend and Flexible Plot objects.

To use the Trend action menu

1. Right-click anywhere in the trend to open the Trend action menu.
2. The available actions are:
a. Freeze: Stops the trend data from updating. When the trend is frozen, the Freeze Icon appears in the
right-hand corner of the trend.
b. Thaw: Thaw causes the system to resume updating the trend data and displays the most recent samples
over the configured time span.
c. Show Cursor Value: Adds a cursor to the trend and view the values and data quality legends for each
point that the cursor intersects with the pen in the Chart Data dialog box. There are several methods for
moving the cursor.
i. Click Show Cursor Value in the Trend Action Menu to view the cursor (green line) and Chart Data
dialog box.
ii. Optional: Move the cursor by clicking and dragging.
iii. Optional: Snap the data cursor by clicking on a specific pen. When you drag the cursor, it will “snap”
to the next sample point on the pen.
iv. The Chart Data dialog box will indicate which pen is enabled for snapping with an arrow indicator to
the left of the pen.
v. Press Esc to unsnap the cursor.
vi. Optional: Move the cursor one pixel left or right by clicking on the arrow indicator in the Chart Data
dialog box.
vii. Optional: Click on the pen in the Chart Data dialog box to view it along on a trend that has multiple
active pens.
viii. Press Esc to make all pens visible again.
ix. Click the Dismiss icon (X) to close the Chart Data dialog box and removed the cursor.

d. Show Legend: Shows the Trend Legend, which allows you to control which pens are shown in the trend.
i. Click Show Legend in the Trend action menu.
ii. Select a Legend check box to display the pen trace and legend labels.

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iii. Deselect a Legend check box to erase the pen trace and legend labels.
e. Copy Data: Copies the trend data to the clipboard. The data generated includes the plotted samples for
all pens in the trend, regardless of whether or not the pen trace is shown or hidden. This information
includes time, value, and quality.

Note: All time stamps use your computer's time zone.

f. Show Data Quality Legend: Displays a list of the colors associated with each data quality type.

Modifying the Appearance of Individual Pens

To modify the appearance of individual pens
1. Right-click on a pen in the legend, and select Pen Properties.

The Pen Properties dialog box appears.

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2. Click the colored square to select the Line Color.

3. Type a number in the Line Width field to select the width of the lines connecting the data points.
4. Select the appropriate Line Style from the drop-down list.
5. Type a number in the Marker Size field to select the size of the data points.
6. Select an appropriate Marker Style from the drop-down list. For example, Triangle.
7. Click the colored square to select the Marker Color.
8. Select one of the following options from the Line Interpolation drop-down list:
9. Click the up and down arrows or type a number to set the Step Span Resolution.

Note: This option is only applicable when Line Interpolation is set to Mixed.
10. Click to select the Extend to Right check box. When this check box is selected, the pen line will flatline from
the last data point to the right-hand side of the trend.
11. Click to select the Show Data Quality check box. When this check box is selected, the pen line will show the
data quality color in the affected area when it is outside of the normal data range.
12. Clear the Include in AutoScale check box to disable this feature.

Note: If you leave this check box selected, you must have your vertical axis set to Autoscale in order for this
feature to work.

Using the Global Trend Edit Dialog Box

You can configure multiple data points to fit on one trendset. Each trendset can accommodate up to 12 different
pens, up to 6 Y Axes and 2 X Axes.
To use the Global Trend Edit dialog box
1. Click Edit on the Global Trendset dialog box.
The Global Trend Edit dialog box opens.

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2. Optional: Type a new name in the Title field.

3. Optional: Click the Title Color button to open the Global Trend Color dialog box and change the text color.
4. Optional: Click the Grid Color button to open the Global Trend Color dialog box and change the grid color.
5. Optional: Click the Bkdg Color button to open the Global Trend Color dialog box and change the trendset
6. Optional: Click the Grid Style drop down arrow to choose Solid, Dash or Dot grid lines.
7. Enable the desired Y Axis or Axes:
a. Select the Enable check box for the desired Y Axis or Axes.
b. Type the desired unit type for the axis in the Units field.
– Select the Auto check box to have the application calculate the Y Axis according to the data
– Deselect the Auto check box and type the desired minimum/maximum values.
8. Enable the desired pen(s):
a. Click the (+) button to add a pen to the trendset.
b. Click the Pen Path (...) button to open the Pen Path Select dialog box.
c. Click the Line Width drop-down arrow to select the width of the lines connecting data points. You can
choose from Thin, Medium, Thick, or Invisible.
d. Click the Marker Size drop-down list to select the size of the data point symbol. You can choose from
Thin, Medium, Thick, or Invisible.
e. Click the Color button to open the Global Trend Color dialog box and change the line color.
Note: The color should not be configured to any of the reserved colors for Data Quality (red, yellow, cyan,
magenta). If you select a reserved color, an error message will appear in the Chart Data dialog box telling
you that the color is invalid. You must select a valid color in order to continue.
f. Click the Y Axis drop-down list to select the Y Axis associated with the pen, from the options defined in
Step 7.
g. Click the Interval drop-down list to select how often the value is displayed. The Interval options are:
– Instant: Displays the actual values at the time they were collected.
– Hourly: Displays the value aggregated at the top of the hour.
– Daily: Displays the value aggregated at the top of the day.
– Monthly: Displays the value aggregated at the top of the month.
– Yearly: Displays the value aggregated at the top of the year.

Notes: The Interval pen options are ignored for a DTR trend.
If DTR is selected for the chart object, then the trend will not continuously update.
Only pens that are configured with the Interval field set to Instant will continuously update on a chart
object. All other pens will show the current value only at the moment when the display is first shown,
and will not update after that.

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h. Click the Attribute drop-down list to select which value for the time period defined in Interval is used.
The Attribute options are:
– Value: Displays the value at the top of the hour.
– Average: Displays the average value over the Interval.
– Minimum: Displays the minimum value over the Interval.
– Maximum: Displays the maximum value over the Interval.

Note: The Attribute pen options are ignored for a DTR trend.
i. Select the DQ check box to have Data Quality indicators visible for each pen.
j. Select the Plot Indicator check box to use a Staircase plot (lines are drawn only on the horizontal or
vertical) or deselect it to use an Interpolated plot (lines are drawn on the diagonal.
k. Select the Sec Time check box to use the Secondary Time Scale on the X Axis or deselect it to use the
Primary Time Scale.
9. Click X on the left-hand of a configured pen to delete it.
10. Click OK to close the Global Trend Edit dialog box.
11. Click Save on the Global Trend dialog box.

Note: If DTR is active, the Interval and Attribute drop-down lists will be disabled. The DTR algorithm ignores
these values due to the DTR algorithm automatically selecting the best points possible to describe the trend.
When using DTR, it is not possible to have separate pens displaying Attributes such as minimum, maximum,
and average.

Using the Global Trend Color Dialog Box

You can use the Global Trend Color dialog box to customize the color scheme of individual trends within a
To use the Global Trend Color dialog box
1. Click Edit on the Global Trendset Summary window.

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The Global Trend Edit dialog box opens.

2. Click on the desired color button (Title Color, Grid Color, or Background Color) to open the Color dialog box.

3. Optional: Select the desired color and click OK.

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4. Optional: Click Define Custom Colors if the color you want isn’t displayed, and select the desired color.

5. Click OK.

Using the Global Trendset Admin WIndow

If you have the Supervise_SCADA permission level, you can use this window to delete or change ownership of
any trendset. Users without this permission level can only edit or delete trendsets which they own.
To use the Global Trendset Admin window
1. Click Admin in the Global Trendset window.
2. You can sort the list of trendsets by either Name or Owner:
a. Type the Trendset Name or Owner Name in the search field.
b. Select the Name or Owner radio button as desired.
3. To delete a trendset:
a. Select the desired trendset(s).
b. Click Delete Selected Records.
4. To change ownership of a trendset:
a. Select the desired trendset(s).
b. Type the new owner in the Change Selected Records Owner To field.

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5. Click Submit.

Field Description

Name The name of the trendset.

Owner Indicates which user owns the trend. This field is automatically
populated when the user creates a new global trend and clicks
the Add button.
Title The title (description) of the trendset.
Global Indicates whether the trend is accessible to everyone across
the installation or only to the owner of the trend.

Area View and Control

Area of Responsibility (AOR) View and Control determines which users have access to see and alter specifically
designated areas.
If your system has only one defined area, you have access to that area. If your system is configured with multiple
areas, you will only have access to those areas that are assigned to you. These areas may be selected by default
when you log on. This means you can only work in, control, and view these assigned areas. In addition, if you are
assigned to more than one area by the System Administrator you can work with multiple areas at the same time.
System Administrators assign privilege levels to system users. When a Controller logs on to a workstation he/she
has access to Controller-level functions and windows. A System Administrator has access to additional functions
and windows appropriate to the managerial/supervisory level.
For a new user, a System Administrator might assign a "viewing" authorization. That user would then be able to
view a variety of windows but would not have access to any other Controller functions such as control.
Users with a Controller authorization level are allowed to access field device windows and dialog boxes that can
issue commands and acknowledge alarms, as well as those windows and dialog boxes that require only "view"

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As a Controller, you can neither edit window layouts nor access managerial/supervisory windows or functions.
You have the ability to log off, but not to completely shut down the system from your workstation.
In the event of a power failure, it is necessary to restart the system. When power is restored to the PC, the
system starts automatically, once you logon. The System Administrator is responsible for briefing you on the
correct procedures to follow in the event of a power failure.

Using the Area of Responsibility (AOR) View Icon

Whether or not an area is viewable determines whether data from points in that area appear in certain
summary displays.
Changing whether or not an area is viewable affects the following area-specific summaries:
 Event Summary
 Analog Summary
 Rate Summary
 Status Summary
 Remote Summary
 Tag Summary
To use the Area of Responsibility (AOR) View icon
1. Click Tools > AOR View.
The Select View Areas dialog box.

2. Optional: Click the row header of the desired Area field to view specific fields.

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The corresponding cell in the View column toggles between Yes and No.
3. Optional: Click Add All Areas to view all possible areas in the list.
4. Click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

Using the Area of Responsibility (AOR) Control Icon

Areas of Responsibility (AOR) may or may not be available to a specific user or group of users for control and
alarm viewing.
The initial AOR setting of the user or user group is assigned by the System Administrator. When you log on to
the system, areas may show Yes or No in the Controllable column. You can set any area shown to yes or no.
Selecting an area to control in your area of responsibility enables you to send control commands to the field
devices in that area. You receive alarms that occur in the control area(s) you have selected, all of which you can

Control Group Can be Newest Alarms and System One-line Diagrams

Selection Controlled from the Alarms

No No Can’t acknowledge (not Can’t acknowledge

No Yes Can’t acknowledge (not Can’t acknowledge
Yes No Can’t acknowledge (shown) Can’t acknowledge
Yes Yes Can acknowledge (shown) Can acknowledge

To use the AOR Control icon

1. Click Tools > AOR Control.

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The Control Areas dialog box opens.

2. Optional: Click the row header of the desired Area field to view specific fields.
The corresponding cell in the Control column toggles between Yes and No.
3. Optional: Click Add All Areas to view all possible areas in the list.
4. Click Dismiss to close the dialog box.

Using the Control Dialog Box

The Control dialog box allows you to view details (Events, Alarms, Tags and Quick Trend) and control
functionality (Alarming) of specific records.
The Control dialog box will always display the:
 Name (ID)
 Optional Description

Note: The description is defined in the RealTime database (RTDB) appropriate table.

 Current Value or State and the applicable data quality indicator, highlighted by the alarm-coded color
 Control Section that depends on the type of the Control dialog box
The Control dialog box may display the:
 Last Krunch: The last time a raw value was processed into the data.
 Control Alarms.
 Control Subpanels.

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 Point Event.
 Point Alarm.
 Point Tags.
 Quick Trend.
 Priority Display.
 Dismiss.
The system enables you to perform the following control functions:
 Control status points (field devices)
 Enter setpoints for a point in RealTime mode.
 Override values and states for a point in a Manual Override mode.
 Tag devices (inhibit setpoint and digital output commands).
 Acknowledge device alarms.
 Enable/disable Age Watchdog monitoring.
These functions are performed through a Control dialog box, which is a dialog box you can access through both
tabular summaries and station geographic displays. Control dialog boxes exist for the following field devices or
 Analog, rate, and status devices.
 Remote terminal units (RTUs).
 Modems.
 Connections.

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Note: If you have not been assigned the privilege or security level required to access a device, you will not be
able to access the associated control dialog box.

Note: If you receive an error message after you click Submit for a Realtime Setpoint configuration, ensure:
- the Command Failure Timeout field for an output-only point is set to 0.
- the Command Failure Timeout field for a point configured with both inputs and outputs is greater than 0.
Remote Control dialog box example:

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Using the Control Dialog Box

The Control dialog box allows you to view details (Events, Alarms, Tags and Quick Trend) and control
functionality (Alarming) of specific records.
To use the Control dialog box
1. Click the row header for the record you want on either a Summary or Station Summary window to open the
Control dialog box.
2. You can choose whether or not alarms are generated for the record:
o Select Alarms Inhibited if you do not want alarms generated for this record. This overrides any alarms
you may have enabled through the Alarm Limits button.
o Deselect Alarms Inhibited to enable generating alarms when alarm limits are reached.

3. Click Alarm Limits to open an Alarm Limits dialog box.

4. Click the Point Event icon to open a Point Event Summary window.

5. Click the Point Alarm icon to open a Point Alarm Summary window.

6. Click the Point Tag icon to open a Point Tag Summary window.
7. Click the Quick Trend icon to open the Quick Trend window.
Quick Trend is only applicable to analog and rate records. Whether the Quick Trend window is displayed
depends on how the record is configured.
8. Click the Priority Display icon to open the Priority Display dialog box.
9. Click the Pushpin icon to open the Point Sticky Note Summary window.

Using the Alarm Limits Dialog Box

The Alarm Limits dialog box allows you to set range alarm limits or alarm boundaries for both analog and rate
The Alarm Limits dialog box lets you:
 Change the upper and lower alarm limits for various alarms for the point.
 Change the deadband for High/Low and HighHigh/LowLow alarms.
 Change the creep and setpoint of the creep alarms.
 Enable/disable the High/Low, HighHigh/LowLow, Rate Of Change, and creep alarms.
 Enable/disable the instrument fail alarms.
For numeric point types (for example, analog or rate), high/low and high-high/low-low alarm limit checking may
be enabled or disabled. For each numeric point a high alarm limit, a low alarm limit, and an alarm deadband
value may be specified.
A high/low alarm is declared when a point value becomes greater than the high alarm limit or less than the low
alarm limit.

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For a return-to-normal condition, the alarm limit is modified by the deadband value. If the point is in the high
alarm state, a return-to-normal condition is declared when the value becomes less than or equal to the high
limit minus the deadband. If the point is in the low alarm state, a return- to-normal condition is declared when
the value becomes greater than or equal to the low limit plus the deadband.
The Rate of Change (ROC) alarm limit is registered if the value changes by more than the configured value per
second. An ROC alarm is not an absolute change alarm; this means that it is a transient alarm, unlike high/low
alarming, which is state based. ROC alarms are removed immediately after they are acknowledged. Unlike state
based alarms, they do not result in a return-to-normal alarm following the ROC alarm. If the ROC alarm already
exists within the alarm summary, then it does not generated again when it occurs at the next poll. If it has been
acknowledged, and a poll determines that the rate of change is still greater than the limit, then another ROC
alarm is generated. ROC alarms are independent of High/Low alarms.
At system start-up, the current value of the point is stored as the initial Creep setpoint value. An alarm is
declared when a point value becomes greater than the initial setpoint value plus the creep value, or less than
the initial setpoint value minus the creep value. Whenever an alarm is declared, the current value is stored as
the new creep setpoint for subsequent creep alarm checks.
For duration detection, return-to-normal is not alarmed since the return-to-normal condition occurs as soon as
an alarm is acknowledged.
Creep alarm detection and annunciation is independent of high/low, high-high/low-low, rate-of- change, and
instrument/transducer failure alarms.
A creep alarm causes the CRT display of dynamic data fields or dynamic pictures to undergo a brief, transitory
color change.

Notes: If you enable a specific alarm type and you want the alarm to generate, you must also enable alarms
generally for the record, via the Alarm Control dialog box.
On distributed systems, commands to inhibit, enable and acknowledge alarms and events on one system will not
be replicated to other systems. Enabling, disabling and acknowledging alarms and events for a single point are
handled completely independently on each system.
To use the Alarm Limits dialog box
1. Click Alarm limits on the Control dialog box of the desired record to open the Alarm Limits dialog box.
2. Optional: To set a Range alarm:
a. Type the desired value in the Deadband field.
b. Select the check box for High/Low or HighHigh/LowLow alarm as desired.
c. Type the desired values for High/Low or HighHigh/LowLow alarm levels.
d. Click Submit.
3. Optional: To set a Rate of Change alarm:
a. Select the Enable check box for Rate of Change.
b. Type the desired value for Rate of Change.
c. Click Submit.
4. Optional: To set a Creep alarm:
a. Type the desired value for Creep.
b. Select the Enable check box for Creep.

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c. Click Submit.

Using Commands
The Command buttons on the Remote Control dialog box let you communicate with the selected RTU.
Poll Now allows you to command an immediate poll of an RTU. Time Sync allows you to synchronize an R’s
internal time with that of the RealTime database (RTDB). Integrity Update initiates a full poll, updating all
records associated with a remote.
To use the commands on the Remote Control dialog box
 Click the desired button to execute the command immediately.

Using Integrity Update

The Integrity Update button initiates a full poll of all remotes that are associated with an individual connection.
All current data from the remote is sent to the RealTime database (RTDB).
To use the Integrity Update button
 Click the Integrity Update button.

Using Modem Control

The Modem Control allows you to enable, disable and reset a selected modem.
To use the Modem Control
1. Select Enable to a modem into service (available state).
2. Deselect Enable to remove a modem from service (inoperable).
3. Click Reset to put a modem that is in an abnormal condition back into service (available state.)

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Reset aborts the modem’s current activity.

Using Modem Test

The Modem Test allows you to poll all modems.
To use the Modem Test
 Click Test on the Modem Control dialog box.
If the test is successful, then:
– modems already in the available state remain in available state.
– modems in the out-of-service state change to the available state.
If the test fails, then:
– modems in the available state change to the out-of-service state.
– modems already in the out-of-service state remain in the out-of-service state.

Using the Point Alarm Summary Dialog Box

The Point Alarm Summary dialog box lists alarms that are active for a specific record and allows you to
acknowledge all alarms for a record at once.
To acknowledge the alarms in the Point Alarm Summary dialog box
1. Click the Point Alarm icon on the Alarm Summary window or the Alarm Control dialog box to open the
Point Summary dialog box.
2. Optional: Click on the row header to acknowledge an individual alarm.
3. Optional: Click Acknowledge All Alarms to acknowledge all of the alarms listed for the record.

Field Description

Table The name of the table the record belongs to.

Point The name of the record that generated the alarm.
Page Acknowledge Click this button to acknowledge all alarms
Alarm Icon If the alarm icon is shown for a record, the device is in
alarm state. If the record does not have an alarm icon,
then an alarmable condition exists but the device is not
in an alarm state.
For example, if a pump fails to start, this creates an
alarmable condition, even if the pump’s "off" state is

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Field Description
not in an alarm state.
Alarm Inhibit Icon A mute icon is shown in this column when the Audible
Alarm Inhibit is set for the point.
Time This indicates the time that the alarm condition
Comment This field is the alarm description generated by the
Category This field is the category of the alarm.
Field This is the field associated with the alarm

Using the Point Event Summary

The Point Events Summary window displays a list of events related to a specific point.
To list events in the Point Events Summary window
1. Click the row header of the desired point in the Analog, Status, Rate, Multistate or Remote Summary
2. Click the Point Event icon in the Control dialog box.

Field Description

Timestamp The date (MM:DD:YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mmm) at which the event
Table The name of the table the record belongs to.
Point The name of the point that generated the event.
RTU The name of the remote associated with the point that is in generated
the event.
Message The message associated with the event.
Type This field shows the type of event.

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Using the Point Tag Summary Window

The Point Tag Summary dialog box gives you the same ability to view, add and edit Control Inhibit Tags without
opening the Tag Summary dialog box.You can open the Point Tag Summary dialog box through the Point
Control dialog box accessed from another summary dialog box.
To use the Point Tag Summary dialog box
1. Open the desired Point Control dialog box.

2. Click the Point Tags icon.

Field Description

Table The RealTime table with which the record is associated.

Point The name of the record. This summary allows you to refer to the
records which are tagged.
Time The date (MM/DD/YY) and time (HH:MM:SS:mm) at which the
alarm occurred/the tag was added or modified.
Type The tag type dictates which control actions are inhibited by the
tag. The tag type is determined by the device and record it
belongs to.
Work Order The work order of the tag.
Message The message associated with the alarm/event/tag.

Using Priority Display

The Priority Display allows you to associate one display with each record, which can be accessed through the
Control dialog box.
The Priority Display icon allows you to configure and access a specific display associated with a record. The icon
can appear in one of two forms: Available (color) or Unavailable (grey).
If the Priority Display window is configured for a point, then the Priority Display icon is unavailable and opens
the Priority Display dialog box. In the Priority Display dialog box, you can select from a list of available displays
to be associated with the record.
Once a Priority Display has been configured for that record, the colored Priority Display icon opens the Priority
Display window/dialog box.
To use the Priority Display dialog box
1. To configure the Priority Display:
a. Click the unavailable Priority Display icon to open the Priority Display dialog box.

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b. Select the desired display.

c. Click the Save icon.
2. Click the button to open the Priority Display configured for the record.
You can remove the Priority Display using the Advanced Database Editor (ADE). Refer to the Advanced
Database Editor (ADE) Administrator documentation for more information.

FlexTag Control Dialog Box

The FlexTag Control dialog box is used to configure or modify the basic settings of a tag. You can also use it to
assign tags to groups, allowing you to make bulk changes.

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You can use the FlexTag Control dialog box to configure all types of information that are associated with a tag.
You can also use it to modify that information, and to add or remove records from a Tag Group.

Item Description

Table Click to open the drop-down list to select the analog, status, rate,
or multistate table to associate to the tag.
Point Click the (...) button to open the Point Select dialog box. From
here you can select a point in the selected table for the tag to
attach to.
Tag Type Click the drop-down arrow to select a tag type. The available tag
types are ones that have been configured in the flexTagType Table
in ADE. The tag type determines which restriction, priority, and
icon will define the tag.
State Select a state from the drop-down box.

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Item Description

Work Order Write a work order message in this field.

Removal Date This is a reminder of the intended removal date. Type or click the
calendar icon to enter a date into the field. The date format is
Overridable The Overridable feature only applies to tags with the No operator
cmds restriction. Selecting the Overridable check box will allow
the Controller to bypass the restriction.

Note: Although an overridable tag will behave like a Warning tag,

any audit and error messages will continue to indicate that it is an
inhibitive tag.

Description Type a description in this field. This description will appear in the
Message column of the FlexTag Summary window.
Add/Modify Tag Click this button to add the tag to the FlexTag Summary window.
Tag Group Type the name of the Tag Group in this field. If there are multiple
tags with identical Tag Group fields, they will be listed in the box
Show Common Group When this check box is selected, the field values that are the same
Values for the Tag Group will be displayed, with field values that are
different remaining blank. When this check box is not selected, the
field values will be for the record that is set in the Table and Point
fields at the top of the form.
Remove Selected From If there are other records in the Tag Group, selecting one or more
Group will make the Remove Selected From Group button available. Click
it to remove the selected records from the group. This will clear
the Tag Group field for the selected records, but retain the tag on
the remaining records.
Add/Modify All Tags in You can perform mass modifications to all the tags in a group by
Group making changes to the FlexTag Control dialog box and selecting
the Add/Modify All Tags in Group button.
Dismiss Click this button to cancel any changes and close the FlexTag
Control dialog box.

Using the RealTime/Manual Mode

The Control Panel of records in the Telemetered Data tables allow you to toggle between RealTime mode and
Manual mode. The RealTime mode allows you to send sendpoint or commands to connected field devices, while
the Manual mode allows you to write values/ commands directly into the RealTime database (RTDB) (it puts the
device into manual override.)

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In RealTime mode, data is collected from field devices by RTUs and entered directly into the RealTime
telemetered table. However, when a device is in Manual override mode, AVEVA Enterprise SCADA disregards
data from the source and you enter an override value or command directly into the RTDB.

Notes: If a particular telemetered record has no output defined (it is an input point only) the Setpoint field is
unavailable and the Submit button does not function.
The value entered as manually overridden data has no effect on the output value or the state of the field device.
To use the RealTime/Manual mode
1. To have data entered directly from the connected field device:
a. Select RealTime.
b. Type or select the desired value or command.
c. Click Submit.
2. To override the data entered into the RTDB:
a. Select Manual.
b. Type or select the desired value or command.
c. Click Submit.
The value is not changed in either case unless you click Submit.
When the Analog Control dialog box is first called up, the Current Value bar and the Override Value field
displays the current instantaneous or RealTime measured value, in the appropriate engineering units.

Using Scan
The Scan checkboxes on the Remote Control dialog box control whether polling is enabled or suspended, the
duration of scans and remote interrogation.
Onscan indicates that a RTU is available for normal polling.

Note: When Onscan is changed on the Communication Statistics dialog box, it affects all RTUs that are
associated with an individual connection. If some remotes on a connection are offscan and some are onscan,
selecting Onscan places all remotes on the connection onscan. Deselecting Onscan places all remotes on the
connection offscan. If a primary connection is placed onscan and automatic connection control is disabled at a
remote, the system forces that remote to manual primary.
When an RTU is placed on Interrogate scan, it is polled on every other poll. The following example shows the
polling of five RTUs, with one on Interrogate scan:

RTUs on Normal Scan RTUs on Interrogate scan

1 2

This produces the following scanning order: 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, 2, 1, 2, etc.

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Placing a remote on Interrogate scan results in slower polling of other RTUs. Therefore, Interrogate should be
used only when an RTU is being tested or during exceptional circumstances when high speed polling is required.
It should also only be placed on one or two RTUs at the same time. Placing more than two RTUs on Interrogate
scan slows communication with all remotes in the system
Fastscan puts an RTU in Interrogate mode for only the duration of time indicated.
To use the scan functions
1. To control whether or not a selected RTU is included in normal polling:
a. Select Onscan to initiate normal polling and enable other polling control options.
b. Deselect Onscan to suspend polling operations.
When using the Connection Control dialog box, a warning dialog box will appear. Click Yes to complete
the command or No to cancel the command.
2. To put a RTU on Fastscan:
a. Select Fastscan.
b. Type the desired duration of the scan (in seconds) in the Duration (secs) field.
The Fastscan check box will be cleared automatically at the end of the indicated number of seconds.
3. To put a RTU on Interrogate Scan:
a. Select Interrogate to initiate polling on Interrogate scan.
b. Deselect Interrogate to cancel polling on Interrogate scan.

Switching Connections
The Remote Control dialog box shows you which connection is currently being used to communicate with the
RTU and gives you the ability to switch that connection.
To switch connections
1. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select an alternate connection from the list.
2. Click Execute to change the connection.

Using the Quick Trend Window

When you click the Quick Trend icon in the Control dialog box and the record is in collect mode, a Quick Trend
window appears. The X axis represents the time at which the data was collected.

Note: A trend showing data being collected by exception shows extrapolated points. The line on these points
will continue until the current time as a flat line from the last collection point. There are no data markers on
these lines.
To use the Quick Trend window
1. To read the values of a trend at any point along the trend line, right-click on the desired point on the Quick
Trend window.
2. Click Show Cursor Value.
The Chart Data window appears, containing the time and current value of all pens. The value and time
shown for each pen are those values where the data cursor intersects with the pen trace(s) on the trend.

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3. Select the desired option from the Timeframe Control drop-down list.
The Timeframe Control drop-down list allows you to change the time range shown on the Quick Trend.

Note: A Display Builder can customize the Timeframe Control options by editing the display in the eXtended
Editor (XE).

Using the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA RealTime Quick Trend Window

When you click the Quick Trend icon in the Control dialog box and the record is not in collect mode, a RealTime
Quick Trend window appears. The time on the X axis is the time at which the trend issued a data query not the
time at which the data was collected.
To use the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA RealTime Quick Trend window
1. To read the values of a trend at any point along the trend line, right-click on the desired point on the
RealTime Quick Trend window.
2. Click Show Cursor Value.
The Chart Data window appears, containing the time and current value of all pens. The value and time
shown for each pen are those values where the data cursor intersects with the pen trace(s) on the trend.
3. Select the desired option from the Timeframe Control drop-down list.
The Timeframe Control drop-down list allows you to change the time range shown on the Quick Trend.

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CHAPTER 4 - Using Displays and Summaries

Note: A Display Builder can customize the Timeframe Control options by editing the display in the eXtended
Editor (XE).

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Understanding System Messages and Alarms
Summary of Messages and Alarms
This is a summary of the AVEVA Enterprise SCADA system messages and alarms.

Message Description Recommended User


Access session not open. Programming-level message. Contact your support

Action unavailable -- Modem Unable to perform modem None required.
Bank (Mbank) is cryout. test program for a modem
bank because the Mbank is for
cryout remote use only.
Alarm acknowledged. Advisory message. None required.
Altering user configurable Remote and connection Ensure that all fields are
fields. See event log. record configuration was configured correctly before
evaluated, and at least one saving the record
inconsistency error was found. configuration.
Detailed messages of the
automated fixes are recorded
in the Event Summary.
almsum table is full. The Alarm Summary ( almsum) Short-term solution:
table is full. Could not find a acknowledge return-to-
lower priority alarm to delete normal alarms from almsum
in order to free space for the table.
new alarm. The alarm, which
Long-term solution: contact
was not added, was logged
your support representative
within the event summary.
about expanding the size of
the almsum table.
almsum table is full, Advisory message. The Alarm Short-term solution:
automatically removed alarm Summary ( almsum) table was acknowledge return-to-
<alarm_message>. full. A lower priority alarm was normal alarms from almsum
deleted to free space for the table.
new alarm. The deleted alarm
Long-term solution: contact
is logged in the event
your support representative
about expanding the size of
the almsum table.
Array index out of range. Programming-level message. Contact your support

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User

At least one action to a Action to a connection may Check connection status to
connection failed. not be executed correctly. ensure connection is normal.
Retry the command.
At least one action to a Command issued to remote Retry the command. If the
remote failed. has failed. error repeats then contact the
System Administrator. Error
details are logged within the
oasErrLog.log file.
Attempting ezXOS shutdown. Shutdown of ezXOS succeeded Acknowledge alarm to remove
but previous try failed. it.
Attempting Historical Appears when shutdown of Acknowledge alarm to remove
shutdown. succeeded Historical but it.
previous try failed.
Attempting OAS shutdown. Appears when shutdown of Acknowledge alarm to remove
OAS succeeded but previous it.
try failed.
Attempting XAP shutdown Appears when shutdown of Acknowledge alarm to remove
XAP succeeded but previous it.
try failed.
Bad disposition mask for Programming-level message. Contact your support
write. representative.
Bad response received from Wire send is not successful. Verify message sent using wire
Wire Send. Something may be wrong with send. Ensure that is has the
the message format. correct checksum and that the
destination device is properly
Both <service type> It was noticed that both None.
services are HOT! <host partners for a given service
However, it is a good idea to
name> will stand down. were HOT at the same point in
check why this scenario
time. This is very bad, and so
happened. There should never
the arbitration decided that
be an occurrence of both
host <host name> would
partners going HOT at the
stand down (go from HOT to
same time.
Note: The type of event that
can make this happen is a
situation where the network
disappears for a short time
and the STANDBY host fails to
see the HOT host and decides
to assert. The STANDBY host

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Message Description Recommended User

goes HOT, then the network
comes back. You now have
two HOT hosts.

Build Lists interval must be The specified "RTU internal Specify a smaller build
greater than <time in information" build interval is interval.
seconds> seconds. too large.
Cannot decrement <table Unable to decrement Database error. Contact your
name>.<record name> RealTime point's flash count support representative.
flashcount ( <error when an alarm is
string>), manual entry acknowledged. The alarm
required. summary may show the alarm
flashing even though it has
been acknowledged.
Cannot modify the dataset of Advisory message. None required.
<record name> record
directly because it is a child
CCP lock cache is full. Programming-level message. Contact your support
Change is not allowed while This error occurs when a Do one of the following:
owning system is not different system that "owns"
Wait for owning system to
available. the point is being
become available (e.g. WAN to
commanded, or the edited
recover) then re-executed the
system is unavailable.
Contact the other system and
request that a person at the
remote system perform the
If the remote system is down,
perform a mode switch to
force the local system to
obtain ownership of the
affected point.
Command: Pending requests are removed Acknowledge alarm Controller
<command_typer> aborted from the current omnicomm. action may be required to
– <reason of failure>. It may happen when the re-enter commands when
connection is lost and none of connection or modem is
the commands are valid available.
anymore, or when no modem
is available.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


Command <command type> Processing general command Acknowledge alarm Controller

on connection <record for connection (in a protocol action may be required to
name> failed: message [error: independent manner) has check connection to ensure
<comm. status>]. failed. that everything is OK.
Command <command type> Processing general command None required. Acknowledge
on connection <record for connection (in a protocol alarm to remove it.
name> succeeded: message. independent manner) is
Command modems LOW. <# The number of available Reduce the number of
of modems reserved> modems is low, because they modems in use, or restore
reserved are in use or unavailable. those modems that are out of
<# of modems reserved service.
for commands> [ <# of
modems in use> / <#
modems available> / <#
modems pending reserve>
/ <# modems out of
service> ]

Command modems The number of modems that Informative message, none

NORMAL. are available has returned to a required. Acknowledge
normal range. alarm to remove it.
Current <# modems
currently reserved>
<# of modems reserved
for commands> [ <# of
modems in use> / <#
modems available> / <#
modems pending reserve>
/ <# modems out of
service> ]

Command <record name> Processing general command Acknowledge alarm Controller

failed:message, comm error: for remote (in a protocol action may be required to
<comm status>. independent manner) has check remote to ensure that
failed. everything is OK.
Command <record name> Processing general command None required. Acknowledge
to remote message for remote (in a protocol alarm to remove it.
succeeded: <comm status>. independent manner) is
Command Request Command request are Acknowledge alarm Controller
<command type> failed aborted. action may be required to
<reason of failure> . re-enter the command

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


Command Request Poll for When a database If such alarm messages are
Data failed CONFIG RBUILD. Administrator adds, modifies, considered a nuisance, set the
or deletes telemetered points remotes in question offscan
in RTDB, Omnicomm must for the period of Omnicomm's
update its internal caches and configuration work.
tables. If Omnicomm detects Additionally, an Administrator
that its internal caches are out could also execute an rbuild
of date, it must abort any fnput command prior to
commands in progress and setting the remote back to
rebuild the internal tables. It onscan.
cannot predict prior to the
rebuild whether the points
associated with the
commands will still be
relevant afterwards.
Communication succeeded. Advises that the Remote None required.
Terminal Unit (RTU) poll was
Communication timeout - no Appears when: Acknowledge alarm Controller
reply timeout seconds. action may be required to
1. The remote fails to
correct communication
respond to the host for
more than the remote's
no-reply timeout, and
2. When the alarm inhibit is
not enabled. Alarm
persists until the host
communicates with the
Communications failed: Advisory message. Investigate reason for
status – <app cntl communication failure.
status>/<comm status>.

Communications from Appears when: Check network and ensure

<RealTime node name> to computer is operational. Call
1. The pinged node, which
<pinged node name> failed your support representative
connects to the primary
- critical network alarm. for assistance.
LAN of the RealTime, did
not response to the ping
command, and
2. There is no alternative
node available for the
device, or there is an
alternative node for the
device and pinging it

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Message Description Recommended User

succeeded. A RealTime
shutdown/failover action
will be taken after this
Alarm persists until pinging
device succeeds.
Communications from Appears when failed pinged Check network and ensure
<RealTime node name> to node, which either connects computer is operational. Call
<pinged node name> failed to the secondary LAN of your support representative
- network alarm. RealTime, or connects to the for assistance.
primary LAN of RealTime but
pinging alternative node
through secondary LAN failed.
No RealTime
shutdown/failover action will
be taken after this alarm.
Alarm persists until pinging
device succeeds.
Communications from This alarm appears when Acknowledge alarm to remove
<RealTime node name> to pinging device succeeded but it.
<pinged node name> previous try failed. This is
normal. back-to-normal alarm.
Communications on The remote was previously None required. Acknowledge
<connection name> not communicating (but now alarm to remove it.
restored – normal. is). Mark the change with an
Communications on Either no reply, or no reply Investigate reason for
<connection name> status timeout has expired. communication failure.
– <comm status>.
Communications on Advisory message. Investigate reason for
<connection name> - communication failure.
unavailable for <time out>
Communications restored - Generated after failed Acknowledge alarm to remove
normal. communication with the it.
remote is re-established.
Alarm appears only when the
return-to-normal alarm inhibit
is not enabled.
Communications status - Appears if: Acknowledge alarm. If short
remote status other than 'no message, probably
1. The alarm inhibit is not
reply'. communication failure/ errors.
enabled, and
Controller action may be

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User

required if problem persists.
2. All attempts (defined in
the commline as the
number of communication
retries) at communicating
with the remote fail, but
the remote does reply to
the host.
Typical errors reported
are security error and
short message. Alarm
persists until the host
communicates with the
Communications successful – The connection that None required. Acknowledge
normal. previously had a problem alarm to remove it.
communicating is now
working correctly.
Connection closed. Connection is closed. None required. Acknowledge
alarm to remove it.
Connection has been Connection has been swapped None required. Acknowledge
swapped out. out. alarm to remove it.
Connection is disconnecting The connection is in the Retry the operation.
-- try again. process of disconnecting.
Connection is listen ONLY -- Command to the record is not None required.
no commands issued. executed because the
connection is listen only.
Connection is not owned by Advisory message that can None required.
this system. occur when commands are
issued at the same time as a
mode switch is occurring.
Connection is offscan or Advisory message. If the connection is required,
offline. set the connection onscan.
<connection name> Connection timeout alarm. Acknowledge alarm Controller
connect timeout ( <time in action may be required to
seconds> secs) exceeded - check connection to ensure
disconnecting. that everything is OK.
Connection no longer valid The connection on the None required. Acknowledge
on omnicomm <onmicomm specified omnicomm is now alarm to remove it.
slot> – released. closed and released.
Corrupt license installed for The ezXOS host does not have Contact the System

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Message Description Recommended User

this ezXOS host. ezXOS will a valid ezXOS license. Administrator to obtain an
shut down. ezXOS license.
Could not convert data type. Programming-level message. Contact your support
Could not invert status Cannot invert status value None required.
record number's current when in a travel or error state.
state. In response to an INVSTATE
function put request.
<Critical service type> Appears when a critical Acknowledge alarm to remove
process failed on node process is hung or dead. A it.
<node name>: <process corresponding service
name>. shutdown/ failover may be
attempted after this alarm.
Demand failover on <local This message is generated Check the error logs on the
host name> for <service when host <local host host <partner host name>
type> ignored. <partner name> is HOT and a failover is and find out why it was
host name> is not standby. requested but unsuccessful. STANDBY as expected. When
This failover failed because this partner is in the STANDBY
the partner host <partner state, retry the failover.
host name> is not in the
STANDBY state and therefore
not ready to go HOT and
assume control.
Demand failover on <local This message is generated Check the error logs on the
host name> for <service when host <local host host <partner host name>
type> ignored. <partner name> is HOT and a failover is and find out why it was
host name> is not requested but unsuccessful. synchronized as expected.
synchronized. This failover failed because When this partner has been
the partner host <partner synchronized, retry the
host name> is not failover.
synchronized, its data is not
valid, and therefore it is not
ready to go HOT and assume
control. This often happens
when an integrity update is
not finished or, in the case of
Historical, when the database
recovery is not completed.
Dial connection using modem The dial connection using the None required. Acknowledge
<record name> on specified modem record is alarm to remove it.
<device name> released now closed and released.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


Discrete command <cmd Command failed. Acknowledge alarm.

string> failed, no change of Controller may be required to
state from <initial investigate the cause of the
state>. alarm to fix the problem.
Discrete command If the communication line or Acknowledge alarm to remove
commanded state failed due RTU fails between the time at it.
to communication error - which the command was
commline status. issued by the Controller and
the time at which AVEVA
Enterprise SCADA attempts to
send the command to the
remote, this alarm informs the
Controller to command
failure. Alarm appears
regardless of alarm inhibit

Note: If AVEVA Enterprise

SCADA determines that the
communication line is down
before sending the command,
then an error message
immediately appears, advising
the Controller that the
command cannot succeed.

Discrete command to state Generated when the status Acknowledge alarm to remove
commanded to state failed, input value fails to reach the it.
state = <current state> - commanded state within the
<command time-out>. timeout for relay command
Typical causes:
1. Device is stuck.
2. Command timeout value
is too small and does not
take poll delays into
account. Appears
regardless of alarm inhibit
Discrete command to state Generated when the status Acknowledge alarm to remove
commanded to state failed, input value fails to change it.
state = <current state> - state within the timeout for
<no change of state>. change of state (COS) failure.
This timeout is used for

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User

devices which have more than
two states (for example,
valves), where it takes
significant time for the device
to move between commanded
states (for example, the device
spends a long time in the
transition state). Appears
regardless of alarm inhibit
easy eXtended Operator All floating licenses are Wait and try to start up ezXOS
Station (ezXOS) floating currently in use. later. If the problem persists,
license check failed. ezXOS contact your System
will be shut down. Administrator.
ezXOS is running low on The Controller has too many 1. Close all displays.
shared memory. Please close displays open, causing
2. Log out of ezXOS.
all displays, log out of ezXOS, RealTime/eXtended
and log back in. Information System (XIS) 3. Log back in to ezXOS.
requests to use all available
ezXOS-shared memory.
ezXOS License has expired. The ezXOS host does not have Contact the System
ezXOS will be shut down. a valid ezXOS license. Administrator to obtain an
ezXOS license.
ezXOS shutdown attempt System monitor forking child Kill any unnecessary
failed. process to execute processes.
xos_shutdown script for
shutting down ezXOS Service
failed. Alarm persists until
shutdown attempt succeeded.
ezXOS shutdown will be Advisory message. Appears at None required.
attempted. first attempt to execute
xos_shutdown script.

Failed to clear at least one Failed to clear a reservation Contact your support
connection reservation. modem. representative.
Failed to create <table Programming-level message. Contact your support
name> point. representative.
Failed to enable connection Unable to enable connection Database error. Contact your
alarms. alarm. support representative.
Failed to enable modem Unable to enable alarms on a This is a programming-level
alarms. modem point. message. Contact your
support representative.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


Failed to insert Application Appears in the event summary Contact the System
alarm for table: <0> and when the application alarm Administrator to add the
point: <1> and message: described by the table, point, alarm manually. Refer to
<2>. and message text was not RealTime Developer
successfully created. The user documentation for more
or application issuing the information.
alarm will not have received
an error when the alarm was
Failed to insert Database Appears in the event summary Contact the System
alarm for table: <0> and when the database alarm Administrator to add the
point: <1> and message: described by the table, point, alarm manually. Refer to
<2>. and message text was not RealTime Developer
successfully created. The user documentation for more
or application issuing the information.
alarm will not have received
an error message when the
alarm was requested.
Failed to insert System alarm Appears in the event summary Contact the System
with message: <0>. when the system alarm Administrator to add the
described by the message text alarm manually. Refer to
was not successfully created. RealTime Developer
The user or application issuing documentation for more
the alarm will not have information.
received an error message
when the alarm was
Failed to split <path Programming-level message. Contact your support
specification string> . representative.

Forking shows normal on Advisory message. None required.

<node name>.

Function not implemented. Command was issued against Check associated command or
a database that does not display.
support that command.
Possible reasons:
Command-line error (common
Display configuration error (in
General parse error. Programming-level message. Contact your support

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


Historical spooler buffer Appears when Historical is Start Historical.

length (max # of entries) unavailable for an extended
exceeded - events will be period of time; persistent
lost. alarm.
Historical spooler buffer now Appears when Historical Acknowledge alarm to remove
recovering. becomes available and spooler it.
has issued the above alarm.
Incorrect <String to be Advisory message. Correct the format of the
Sent> for the format string to be sent to the
indicator. modem.
Initiation of modemtest on Initiate the modem test Ensure all modems are
Modem Bank (Mbank) failed. program for an entire modem configured correctly before
bank failed. re-initiating modemtest.
Insufficient node resources - Appears when no child Increase swap space in
low swap space alarm. process can be spawned on operating system. If unsure, or
the node due to shortage of problem persists, call your
swap space. Alarm persists support representative.
until alarm condition vanishes
or Insufficient node resources
- too many processes alarm
occurs (see below).
Insufficient node resources A second consecutive time the Increase swap space in
low swap space alarm, system monitor detects that operating system. If unsure, or
attempting to shutdown no child process can be problem persists, call your
AVEVA Enterprise SCADA spawned on the node due to support representative.
services. shortage of swap space. The
RealTime and Historical
services shutdown/ failover
will be attempted if they exist
on the node. Alarm persists
until alarm condition vanishes.
Insufficient node resources No child process can be Shut down service and
too many processes alarm. spawned on the node because reconfigure operating system
the total number of processes to allow additional processing.
executing, or a single user If unsure how to do this, or if
exceeded the system-imposed problem persists, call your
limit. Alarm persists until support representative.
alarm condition vanishes or
Insufficient node resources -
low swap space alarm occurs.
Insufficient node resources For a second consecutive time Shut down service and
too many processes alarm, the system monitor detects reconfigure operating system
attempting to shutdown that no child process can be to allow additional processing.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User

AVEVA Enterprise SCADA spawned on the node because If unsure how to do this, or if
services. the total number of processes problem persists, call your
executing or a single user has support representative.
exceeded the system-imposed
limit. The RealTime and
Historical services
shutdown/failover will be
attempted if they exist on the
node. Alarm persists until
alarm condition vanishes.
Insufficient privilege. Higher access authorization Change privilege level, or have
level required. another user with the
appropriate privilege level
perform the task.
Invalid access to the field. Programming-level message. Contact your support
Invalid day specification An incorrect day string was A day string is considered valid
format in <table name> entered. if it is one of the three letter
<record name>. day abbreviations (upper or
lower case): the word END
(upper or lower case), a
number from 1-31, or null.
Invalid month specification User has entered an incorrect A month string is considered
format in <table name> month string. valid if it is a three-letter
<record name>. month abbreviation, or null.
Invalid output state. Cannot command the status None required.
point to the chosen state (for
example, error state).
Invalid read or write mode. Programming-level message. Contact your support
Invalid tag command or Advisory message. The System Administrator
function. should edit the affected
display and correct the syntax
of the command that adds a
new command-inhibit tag.
Invalid time specification User has entered an incorrect Time is valid if: 0<=hour<24,
format in <table name> day string. 0<=minute<59.
<record name>.
Where hour and minute are
separated by a colon.
Kind does not exist. Programming-level message. Contact your support

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


License Get Remote Appears when ezXOS is unable Try to start up ezXOS again. If
Procedure Call (RPC) failed to locate a hot RealTime the problem persists, contact
after <n> try(s). If not Service. your System Administrator.
recovered, ezXOS will be
License Get RPC recovered ezXOS has recovered from a Acknowledge the message.
after <n> failure(s). series of License Get RPC
Manual Value = <current Appears for devices that are in Acknowledge alarm to remove
state> - <status manual data mode and have it.
abnormal>. changed to/between an
abnormal state; appears only
when the alarm inhibit is not
enabled. Alarm persists until
device returns to normal
Manual Value = <current Appears for devices that are in Acknowledge alarm to remove
status> - <status manual data mode and have it.
normal>. returned to the normal state;
appears only when the
return-to- normal alarm
inhibit is not enabled, or when
the abnormal state alarm has
not yet been
Manual Value = <current Appears for devices in manual Acknowledge alarm.
value units> - <analog data mode that have changed
high/low alarm state> . to/ between any of the
following high/ low alarm
states: hi, lo, hi-hi, lo-lo, roc,
dev, inst-hi, inst-lo.
To prevent nuisance alarms
when the device value
fluctuates around the limit of
an alarm range, the current
value must fall out of the
alarm range plus or minus the
alarm deadband (as
applicable) before it is
declared as changing alarm
state. Appears only when the
alarm inhibit is not enabled.
Rate of change (roc) alarms
and deviation (dev) alarms are
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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User

removed after
acknowledgment; they can
appear at the same time as
the other high/low alarm
states. All other high/low
alarms persist until the device
returns to a normal state.
Manual Value = <current Appears for devices in manual Acknowledge the alarm to
value units> - <analog data mode that have returned remove it.
normal>. to the normal value range;
or but, the alarm appears only
Manual Value = <current
value units> - <rate  the return-to-normal
normal>. alarm inhibit is not
enabled, or
 the high/low alarm has
not yet been
Manual Value = <current Appears for devices in manual Acknowledge alarm.
value units> - <rate data mode that have changed
high/low alarm state> . to/between any of the
following high/low alarm
states: hi, lo, hi-hi, lo-lo, roc,
dev, inst-hi, inst-lo.
To prevent nuisance alarms
when the value fluctuates
around the limit of an alarm
range, the current value must
fall out of the alarm range plus
or minus the alarm deadband
(as applicable) before it is
declared as changing alarm
state. The alarm appears only
when the alarm inhibit is not
Rate-of-change (ROC) alarms
and deviation (dev) alarms are
removed after
acknowledgment. They can
appear at the same time as
the other high/low alarm
All other high/low alarms

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Message Description Recommended User

persist until the device returns
to normal state.

Maximum <failure Advisory message. Check the local modem if the

message> failure on message indicates "modem",
<record number>: otherwise check the remote
<record name> reached - modem.
<# failure>= <num
failed connection>.

Modem communications Return to normal alarms. None required.

succeeded on <record
Acknowledge alarm to remove
number>:<record name>.
Dial communications
succeeded on <record
number>:<record name>.

Modem disconnecting at System is currently in process Wait for disconnect operation

desired number, try again. of disconnecting from the to complete, then try
modem needed for the connection again.
attempted connection.
Modem <record name> has Modem has been swapped None required. Acknowledge
been swapped out. out. alarm to remove it.

Modem <record name> is Modem record disconnected. Acknowledge alarm Controller

disconnecting. action may be required to
check modem to ensure that
everything is OK.
Modem <record number>: Disconnect retries is Acknowledge alarm to remove
<record name> failed to exhausted and failed to it.
disconnect. disconnect.
Neither <service type> Host <host name> has None. However, it is a good
service is HOT, <host name> noticed there is no HOT host idea to find out why there was
will assert. currently for the service a point in time where neither
<service type> (for host was HOT for the given
example, RealTime). It is service.
imperative that one of the
partners go HOT and, in this
case, host <host name> has
decided to assert (go HOT).
Network connection to The connection is now closed None required. Acknowledge
<device name> port <port and released. alarm to remove it.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User

number> released.

No Action taken from current No action is taken, record None required.

modem state. unmodified.
No license installed for this The ezXOS host does not have Contact the System
ezXOS host. ezXOS will be a valid ezXOS license. Administrator to obtain an
shut down. ezXOS license.
No modems available to No modem is available to Acknowledge alarm Controller
execute operator commands. execute commands. Pending action may be required to
commands will be flushed for check connection and modem
this connection. to ensure that everything is
No Protocol defined for A protocol must be specified Specify a protocol for the
Broadcast. for the record to execute the record is broadcast command
broadcast command. will be executed on the
No remotes with this Advisory message. None required.
No response from Wire. Send Wire send may not be Check connection status and
Request. correctly executed. configuration.
Node heartbeat failed: Appears when the master Ensure that the node is
potential service types system monitor has not operational and that the
service(s) on the node failure. received a heartbeat signal network is functional. Call
from the local system monitor your support representative
on the node for more than for assistance.
maximum check-in time
(default 00 seconds). Alarm
persists until heartbeat from
node is recovered.
<node file system name> Appears when free space of Remove unnecessary files
- critical free space alarm file system is equal to or less from disk indicated by
(space used, limit set to than critical free space limit, message.
critical free space limit). and will be refreshed
whenever the free pace
decreases or increases every
1% until reaching 0% or
crossing above critical free
space limit. A service(s)
shutdown/ failover may be
attempted on the node after
this alarm. Alarm persists until
new critical free space alarm,

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User

free space alarm, or back to
normal alarm occurs.
<node name file> Free space of the file system is Remove unnecessary files
<system file> <system equal to or less than the free from disk indicated by
name> - free space alarm space limit and will be message.
(space used, limit set to free refreshed whenever the free
space limit). space decreases or increases
1% until reaching the critical
free space limit or crossing
above free space limit. Alarm
persists until new free space
alarm, critical free space alarm
or back to normal alarm
<node name file> Appears when the free space Acknowledge alarm to remove
<system file> <system of file system crosses above it.
name> normal. the free space limit.
<node name> heartbeat The heartbeat signal from the Acknowledge alarm to remove
normal. specified node has been it.
<node name> LAN <LAN Appears when pinging Acknowledge alarm to remove
name> normal. Historical primary LAN it.
succeeded, but previous try
<node name> primary LAN This alarm appears when Ensure network is functional
<LAN name> failed. pinging the Historical primary and computer (node) is
LAN failed. The Historical operational. Call your support
service shutdown/ failover representative for assistance.
may be attempted after this
alarm. Alarm persists until
pinging Historical primary LAN
<node name> resources Appears when the forking Acknowledge alarm to remove
normal. child process test succeeded, it.
but previous try failed.
OAS shutdown attempt Appears on failure of system Kill any unnecessary
failed. monitor forking child process processes.
to execute oas_shutdown
script for shutting down the
OAS Service. Alarm persists
until shutdown attempt

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Message Description Recommended User


OAS shutdown will be Advisory message. Appears at None required.

attempted. first attempt to execute
oas_shutdown script.

Omnicomm process is Advisory message. None required.

already operational.
Omnicomm process is not Omnicomm process has died. Restart the omnicomm
currently running. process or the RealTime
Omnicomm start process Unable to start the The omnicomm process may
failed. omnicomm process. have already started.
Permanent license is not for The permanent license is valid Contact the System
this ezXOS host. Down grade for a different ezXOS host or Administrator to obtain a valid
to temporary license failed. for a different slot number, ezXOS license for the host.
ezXOS will be shut down. but a temporary license could
not be installed at the current
Permanent license is not for The permanent license is valid Start up ezXOS. Contact the
this ezXOS host. Down grade for a different ezXOS host, or System Administrator to
to temporary license for 96 for a different slot number. obtain a valid permanent
hours from midnight tonight. ezXOS license for the host.
Primary communications Communications restored. None required.
restored over <connection
Acknowledge alarm to remove
Alternate communications
restored over <connection

Redirect communications
restored over <connection

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


Primary communications lost Communications lost over the Resolve the communications
over <connection name>: indicated connection; the problem to the remote.
<remote comms status> communications status is
or indicated. The remote is not
Alternate communications
lost over <connection
name>: <remote comms
Redirect communications lost
over <connection name>:
<remote comms status> .

Primitive type does not exist. Programming-level message. Contact your support
RealTime shutdown attempt Appears on failure of system Kill any unnecessary processes
failed. monitor forking child process and call your support
to execute <RealTime representative. for assistance.
shutdown> script for shutting
down the RealTime service.
Alarm persists until shutdown
attempt succeeds.
RealTime shutdown attempt No standby RealTime is Bring standby up. Call your
failed because standby is not available, but a serious support representative. to
available. problem on HOT RealTime determine cause of problem.
was detected by the system
monitor, which then
attempted to failover the
RealTime. Alarm persists until
shutdown attempt succeeds.
RealTime shutdown is Appears when shutdown of Acknowledge alarm to remove
attempted. RealTime succeeded but it.
previous try failed.
Remote has no alternate The remote required an Specify an alternate
connection defined. alternate connection to connection for this remote.
complete the operation.
Remote has no primary The remote required a Specify a primary connection
connection defined. primary connection to for this remote.
complete the operation.
Remote has no telephone Configuration error. Reconfigure remote record.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


Remote is not currently Command cannot be sent Arrange restoration of

communicating. because the RTU is currently communications with RTU.
not communicating.
Remote point not owned by Advisory message that can Repeat the operation.
this system. occur when commands are
issued at the same time as a
mode switch is occurring.
Reset passed through to Advisory message. None required.
connection using this
RTU does not exist. Command was issued to a Check command parameters.
remote record that does not
exist. This is probably a
command-line error.
RTU is in local control mode. Advisory message. None required.

RTU is offscan. A command was issued to an Short-term solution: return

RTU that has been taken RTU to onscan mode so that
offscan (polling to it has been the command can succeed.
explicitly disabled).
Long-term solution:
investigate why the RTU was
taken offscan, before taking
<service type> process This alarm appears when a Acknowledge alarm to remove
failed on node <node name> : non-critical process is hung or it.
<process name>. dead.
<service type> process Appears when shutdown of Acknowledge alarm to remove
resumed on node <node OAS succeeded, but previous it.
name>: <process name>. try failed.
<service type> service Informational message None required.
changed from <state1> to indicating a state change for
<state2>. the given service type.
<service type> service on Informs you about state None required.
<host name> changed from changes that a given host has
<state1> to <state2>. undergone.
<service type> service on The host <host name> was Check the logs on the <host
<host name> did not assert attempting to assert to the name> host and see why it did
completely. HOT state and did not finish not go HOT as intended.
because of some problem.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


<service type> service on Message generated typically Find out why host <host
<host name 1> did not go when host <host name 2> name 1> was unable to go
HOT, <host name 2> will was HOT, but for some reason HOT. This information should
reassert. was trying to stand down and be in the error log files.
let host <host name 1>
takeover. After the initial
attempt, host <host name 2>
noticed that host <host name
1> did not go HOT, and
therefore decided that <host
name 2> had to reassert (go
HOT again).
<service type> service on The host <host name> was Check the logs on host <host
<host name> did not stand attempting to move gracefully name> to see why it could not
down completely. from the HOT state and did stand down completely.
not succeed. This typically
happens when there is not a
solid STANDBY host available
to take over though other
causes are also possible.
<service type> service on The STANDBY host has noticed None required.
<host name> restored. that the timed-out partner has
come back to life and is now
<service type> service on The STANDBY host’s partner Check the state of the host in
<host name> timed out. has not shown itself to be the message and ensure that
active for at least the timeout everything is OK.
duration. STANDBY therefore
considers the partner timed
<service type> service Message generated when Check the logs on both hosts
timed out. arbitration has noticed that for the service in question to
the indicated service has gone find out why the service has
stale. not been active and is
considered stale if this is not
expected at this time.
Setpoint command to current Generated when the analog 1. Acknowledge alarm to
setpoint failed, value = input value fails to reach the remove it.
<current value> - commanded setpoint value
2. Retry; if repeated
command time-out. within the timeout for
attempts fail and
setpoint command failure.
communication status
Typical causes:
remains normal, hardware
 device is stuck; failure is indicated.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


 command timeout value is 3. Ask your System

too small and does not Administrator to check
take poll delays into software time-outs if
account. Alarm appears some attempts fail, or
regardless of alarm inhibit hardware time-outs if all
state. attempts fail.

Setpoint command to new If the communication line or Acknowledge alarm to remove

value for setpoint failed due RTU fails between the time it.
to communication error - the command was issued by
commline status. the Controller and the time at
which AVEVA Enterprise
SCADA tries to send the
command to the remote, this
alarm informs the Controller
of command failure. Alarm
appears regardless of alarm
inhibit state.

Note: If AVEVA Enterprise

SCADA determines that the
communication line is down
before sending the command,
then an error message
immediately appears, advising
the Controller that the
command cannot succeed.

Setpoint command to Setpoint successful. None required. Acknowledge

<table name> <record alarm to remove it.
name> – success.

Setpoint outside of valid Command parameters were Check device configuration in

entry range (minimum value higher or lower than the limits RTDB. Enter appropriate
to maximum value). configured. setpoint.
Socket communication failed. Programming-level message. Contact your support
Success. This message advises that a None required.
user action succeeded.
Switching communication Communication switching None required. Acknowledge
path to [primary | path. alarm to remove it.

<system name> system Informational message None required.

changed from <state 1> to indicating a system state
<state 2>. change.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


<system name> system The current system "sees" the None required.
restored. previously "timed out" system
(see previous message), which
is now considered active.
<system name> system The current system has not Check the error logs on the
timed out. heard any arbitration HOT RealTime host of the
Messages from the <system OPERATIONAL site of the
name> system for at least the <system name> system to
timeout duration. find out why the system has
"gone away". This is often a
result of network problems
which block one system from
communicating with another,
even if just for a few seconds.
Table does not exist. Programming-level message. Contact your support
<table name> column does Usually an error in an SQL Check command and
not exist. statement. parameters in SQL statement.

<table name> column name Programming-level message. Contact your support

is too long. representative.
<table name> column offset Programming-level message. Contact your support
out of range. representative.
<table name> does not Advisory message. This usually Check command parameters.
support this command. means that a function put is
not supported by the specified
<table name> key contains Advisory message. This usually Check the configuration of
invalid characters. arises from an error in the specified record.
database configuration.
<table name> key number Programming-level message. Contact your support
is out of range. representative.
<table name> table is full. Programming-level message: Contact your support
database is at capacity. representative.
<table name> <point Programming-level message. Contact your support
number> out of range. representative.
<table name> <record Advisory message. None required.
name> is command inhibited
<table name> <record Programming-level message. Contact your support
name> mismatch. representative.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


<table name> <record Operational error: attempt Change point to manual

name> must be in manual was made to apply a value mode.
override. while the point was in
RealTime mode.
<table name> <record Advisory message: a None required.
name> must not be in manual DataBASIC program has tried
override. to write a value to a calculated
point, which must be in
RealTime mode.
<table name> <record Programming-level message. Contact your support
name> not locked for write. representative.

<table_name> tag on Advisory message. None required.


Task is already running. User action has caused an None required.

attempt to trigger a
DataBASIC routine that is
already running.
Task has already stopped. User action has caused an None required.
attempt to terminate a
DataBASIC routine that has
already been stopped.
Telephone number <phone The specified telephone Acknowledge alarm.
number> with modem number is busy. Controller action may be
<modem number>.<record required to correct the
name> BUSY. problem if problem persists.
Temporary ezXOS license will Appears as a warning of a Contact the System
expire in 24(48) hours. temporary ezXOS license. Administrator to obtain a valid
permanent ezXOS license
before the temporary license
Temporary license on host This alarm appears when the Acknowledge alarm to remove
<host name> for service temporary license on a it.
<service type> defined in specified host for service
<record slot number> of defined in a corresponding
<database name> database database will expire within 48
is going to expire in <number hours and 24 hours,
of hours>. respectively.
The modem action failed. Advisory message. Look for error message prior
to this message that indicates
the nature of the problem.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


The modem is currently Advisory message. None required, or check

unavailable. reason for the modem to be
unavailable and correct the
The remote is already Attempt has been made to None required.
connected. connect to an RTU that is
already connected.
This operation can not be Advisory message: Operator If the operation must be
performed from this system will not be able to perform performed, then a Distributed
in this operation mode. operations to the points that OASyS mode switch should be
are not owned by the local performed so that the local
system. system is given privilege to
perform the operation.
Timeline collection failed. Failure occurred when an This is a database error.
analog, rate or status point is Contact your support
set to manual, or RealTime representative.
mode by an fnput call.
Transmit failed on modem Transmit failed for the Acknowledge alarm.
<record slot modem. Controller action may be
number>:<record name> - required to check modem to
abort modem <modem ensure that everything is OK.
command string>
Type does not exist. Programming-level message. Contact your support
Unable to access omnicomm Omnicomm record is not Look for error message prior
record. available at the moment. to this message that indicates
the nature of the problem. If
this error occurs frequently,
contact your support
Unable to add alarm for point Alarm creation failed. Alarm summary may be full
<table name> <record (i.e., the size of the Alarm
name>. Summary table is insufficient).
Contact your support
Unable to evaluate Unable to purge existing Contact your support
connection failure alarm. modem/connection failure representative.

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


Unable to find system owning Advisory message: There is no Contact the System
<table name> <record owner for the specified Administrator. No system has
name>. record. been given the privilege to
own the dataset belonging to
the <table name> <record
name> while in the current
Unable to get master system This error occurs when system Using Network Management
name. is unable to get the master Console (NMC), check the
system name. system configuration to
ensure that a system has been
set up as the master system.
Unable to lock remote remote record is not available Look for error message prior
database for action. at the moment. to this message that indicates
the nature of the problem. If
this error occurs frequently,
contact your support
Uncommanded changed to Appears for devices that are Acknowledge alarm to remove
state <current state> - commandable and have it.
<status abnormal>. changed to/between an
abnormal state; appears only
when the alarm inhibit is not
enabled. Alarm will not appear
if the device was commanded
to the abnormal state. Alarm
persists until device returns to
normal state.
Uncommanded changed to Appears for devices that are Acknowledge alarm to remove
state <current state> - commandable and have it.
<status normal>. returned to the normal state.
Appears only when:
 the return-to-normal
alarm inhibit is not
enabled, or
 when the abnormal state
alarm has not yet been

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Message Description Recommended User


UTL client connection failed. Appears when connection to Contact your support
util server fails (util server is representative.
not available). The Historical
service shutdown/failover will
be attempted after this alarm.
Alarm persists until
connection to util server
succeeds (util server
UTL client connection Appears when connection to Acknowledge alarm to remove
normal. util server succeeded, but it.
previous try failed.
Value = <current state> - Appears for devices that are Acknowledge alarm to remove
<status abnormal>. not commandable and have it.
changed to/between an
abnormal state. Appears only
when the alarm inhibit is not
enabled. Alarm persists until
device returns to normal
Value = <current status> Appears for devices that are Acknowledge alarm to remove
- <status normal>. not commandable and have it
returned to the normal state.
Appears only when:
 the return-to-normal
alarm inhibit is not
enabled, or
 when the abnormal state
alarm has not yet been
Value = <current value Appears for devices that have Acknowledge alarm.
units> - <analog changed to/between any of
high/low alarm state> the following high/low alarm
or states: hi, lo, hi-hi, lo-lo, roc,
dev, inst-hi, inst-lo.
Value = <current value
units> - <rate high/low In order to prevent nuisance
alarm state>. alarms when the device value
fluctuates around the limit of
an alarm range, the current
value must fall out of the
alarm range plus or minus the
alarm deadband (as
applicable) before it is

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Message Description Recommended User

declared as changing alarm
state. The alarm appears only
when the alarm inhibit is not
Rate of change (roc) alarms
and deviation (dev) alarms are
removed after
acknowledgment. They can
appear at the same time as
the other high/low alarm
states. All other high/low
alarms persist until the device
returns to normal state.
Value = <current value Appears for devices that have Acknowledge alarm to remove
units> - <analog returned to the normal value it.
normal>. range when:
 the return-to-normal
alarm inhibit is not
enabled, or
 when the high/low alarm
has not yet been
Value = <current value Appears for devices that have Acknowledge alarm to remove
units> - <rate normal>. returned to the normal value it.
range when:
 the return-to-normal
alarm inhibit is not
enabled, or
 when the high/low alarm
has not yet been
Value out of range. Typically, the RTU is providing Contact your support
invalid data, or a programming representative.
error has occurred.
Writes to this field are No manual changes are None required.
disabled; use function put for permitted on some fields.
connection control.
XAP shutdown attempt Appears on failure of system Kill any unnecessary processes
failed. monitor forking child process on affected workstation.
to execute xap_shutdown
script for shutting down XAP
Service. Alarm persists until

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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User

shutdown attempt succeeds.

XAP shutdown will be Advisory message. Appears at Kill any unnecessary processes
attempted. first attempt to execute on affected workstation.
xap_shutdown script.

XIS (eXtended Information The connection to the Contact your support

System) client connection Historical SQL server failed representative.
failed. (XIS SQL server is not
available). The Historical
service shutdown/failover will
be attempted after this alarm.
The alarm persists until the
connection to the Historical
SQL server succeeds (XIS SQL
server available).
XIS client connection normal. Appears when connection to Acknowledge alarm to remove
Historical SQL server it.
succeeded, but previous try
<XIS database name> Appears when the free space Acknowledge alarm to remove
database - free type space of specified type (data/log, it.
normal. data, or log) of HDB crosses
above the free space limit.
<XIS database name> Appears when named Acknowledge alarm to remove
database normal. database recovery succeeded it.
(both loaded and recovered
are marked TRUE and suspect
marked FALSE).
XIS device check failed. Appears when Historical Possible disk failure. Call your
database (HDB) device check support representative for
failed after successfully assistance.
connecting to the Historical
SQL server. The Historical
service shutdown/failover
may be attempted after this
alarm. The alarm persists until
the database device check
<XIS device name> device Appears when Historical Acknowledge alarm to remove
mirrored and normal. device becomes mirrored. it.
Previously, the device's
primary or secondary
mirrored device was in alarm.
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CHAPTER 5 - Understanding System Messages and Alarms

Message Description Recommended User


<XIS device name> device XIS is no longer mirrored. Acknowledge alarm to remove
not mirrored. Previously the device was it.
mirrored or its primary or
secondary mirrored device
was in alarm.
<XIS name> database - Appears when the critical free Uses the alter database
critical free type space alarm space of specified type command in Historical to
(space used, limit set to free (data/log, data, or log) of the increase storage space in
space limit). HDB is equal to or below the database.
critical free space limit and
will be refreshed whenever
the free space decreases or
increases every 1% until
reaching 0% or crossing above
critical free space limit. Alarm
persists until new critical free
space alarm, free space alarm,
or back to normal alarm
<XIS name> database load Appears when the named Contact your support
failed. database loaded is marked representative.
FALSE. Alarm persists until
database loaded is marked

<XIS name> database - low Free space of specified type Use cleanup -f to remove
free type space alarm (space (data/log, data, or log) of the any dearchived data, or call
used, limit set to free space HDB is at or below the free your support representative
limit). space limit and will be to reconfigure Historical.
refreshed whenever the free
pace decreases or increases
1% until reaching critical free
space limit or crossing above
free space limit. Alarm persists
until new free space alarm,
critical free space alarm, or
back to normal alarm occurs.
<XIS name> database The named database suspect Contact your system manager
marked suspect. is marked TRUE. Alarm or support representative.
persists until database suspect
is marked FALSE.
<XIS name> database The named database Wait until database recovers.
recovery failed. recovered is marked FALSE.
Alarm persists until database
recovered is marked TRUE.

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Message Description Recommended User


<XIS name> device primary Appears when device primary Contact your support
disk <disk name> disabled. mirrored disk is disabled. The representative.
Historical service
shutdown/failover will be
attempted after this alarm.
Alarm persists until primary
mirrored device alarm
condition vanishes.
<XIS name> device The device secondary Contact your support
secondary mirrored disk mirrored disk is disabled. The representative.
<disk name> disabled. Historical service
shutdown/failover will be
attempted after this alarm.
Alarm persists until secondary
mirrored device alarm
condition vanishes.
XIS shutdown attempt failed. System monitor forking child Kill any unnecessary
process fails to execute processes.
script for shutting down
Historical service. Alarm
persists until shutdown
attempt succeeds.
XIS shutdown attempt failed Appears when no standby Bring standby up and allow
because standby is not Historical is available but a failover or contact your
available. serious problem on hot support representative for
Historical was detected by the further assistance.
system monitor, which
attempted to failover the
Historical. Alarm persists until
shutdown attempt succeeds.
XIS shutdown is attempted. Advisory message. Appears at None required.
first attempt to execute

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Troubleshooting: ezXOS Startup
The following is a list of easy eXtended Operator Station (ezXOS) error messages and recommended responses:

Error Recommended Response

ezXOS starts, but no displays Make sure that the displays that are configured for default
appear logon are loaded into the graphics database. If no logon
windows are configured, make sure that the NAVMENU display
is loaded into the graphics database.
"failed to execute the  Make sure RealTime service is running.
XOSlogin request"
 Confirm DAL configuration is correct.
 Confirm network connectivity.
 Confirm correct system selected on DAL Configuration
Selector panel.
"failed to establish  If connecting to a Remote Client Service (RCS), check if the
connection" splash screen reported that it is checking the RCS for a
license. If so, ensure there are floating licenses available at
the RCS.
"failed to start ezXOS 1. Shut down any running ezXOS, XE and pdt processes.
2. Start ezXOS again.
"Aborting application as 1. Click OK to close the Credentials dialog box.
required credentials were not
2. Click OK on the ezXOS splash screen.
3. Start ezXOS again.
"No displays detected in  There must be at least one display loaded into the graphics
graphics database. Application database. ezXOS will show the displays that are configured
will now exit…." for the default logon. If there are no displays that have
been configured, it will display the NAVMENU.

Troubleshooting for Connections

When a network host name yields a lookup error, Omnicomm places it on the bad hosts list that it internally
maintains. If left unattended, such lookup errors will tend to slow Omnicomm processing overall.
The bad hosts list is reset every hour at the top of the hour. If the contents of the Connection table's Device field
refer to a hostname on the list, Omnicomm skips processing that device until the next hour, or until the list is
reset manually. It does this to prevent a blocking socket operation.

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AVEVA™ Enterprise SCADA HMI Controller Guide
CHAPTER 6 - Troubleshooting

This differs from the case where connection.*.device has:

 an IP address that is unreachable over the network.
 a host name that passes a forward DNS lookup, but is otherwise unreachable over the network.
These host names and IP addresses will not be recorded in the bad hosts list.
You can view the bad hosts list by issuing the following command to dump the list to the oasErrLog.log:
>fnput omnicomm.<omnicomm record name> DUMPBADHOSTLIST
You can manually reset this list by issuing the following command to clear the list:
>fnput omnicomm.<omnicomm record name> CLEARBADHOSTLIST
Connections affected by the bad hosts list will exhibit the following connection summary messages:
 Control State = "No Connection"
 Active Status = "CONFIG ERROR"

Note: It is recommended that you check oasErrLog.log for details of the error encountered any time you see
"CONFIG ERROR". A message such as the following may appear in the oasErrLog: hostLookupByName():
adding " MyBadHostName’ " to the bad hosts list; error in getaddrinfo...

Connections unaffected by the bad hosts list, but otherwise still unable to connect will cycle between the
following connection summary messages:
 Control State = "Connecting" / "No Connection"
 Active Status = "CONNECTING" / "RETRY"
The following are some examples of errors that can add a device to the bad host list:
 A misconfiguration or typo of the hostname in connection.*.device or in DNS itself.
 DNS connectivity issues (ie. loss of connection to DNS preventing successful hostname lookup).
To correct problems with devices on the bad hosts list, first identify and correct the source of the error. When
that is finished, it is necessary to open Windows PowerShell for DNA on the hot RealTime server and issue the
CLEARBADHOSTLIST command detailed above.

Note: Even without manual intervention, the bad hosts list is cleared at the top of the hour every hour. If the
issue persists, the host will again be placed on the bad hosts list.

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