The Reliability and Psychology of Eyewit

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The Reliability and Psychology of Eyewitness-Centered UFO Experience:
A Bibliography

Jochen Ickinger*, V.J. Ballester-Olmos†, and Ulrich Maginᴪ

Bibliographies are important resources for any researcher. Thousands of books, papers and
studies on the UFO phenomenon have appeared since the last century, offering a wide range of
theories, speculations and explanations which shed light on many aspects of the phenomenon,
some scientific-oriented, others linked with mysticism, esotericism, parasciences and the
metaphysical. This shows that the UFO subject is far more comprehensive and complicated
than has been recognized by the adherents of any particular theory or solution. There are deep
historical roots, far-reaching social and psychological implications and a complex overlapping
of many disparate subject fields. It is necessary to examine all aspects in order to understand
the meaning of the phenomenon, which in many cases also seems to have a diffuse origin. In
our considered opinion, there is no simple, single explanation that can be applied to all cases
described in the literature, because there seems to be not one phenomenon with one nature but
various phenomena, that is, a large array of different events, with as many sighting stimuli as
practical resolutions.

The essential core of the “phenomenon” is still defined and described by testimonies of
extraordinary UFO experiences. The main focus of investigation must therefore be on the
assessment of witness accounts. It was not until 2023 that a comprehensive compendium was
published, in which 60 authors, academics and UFO research experts dealt integrally and from
different perspectives with the subject of the reliability of UFO witness testimony on over 700
pages1. As a matter of fact, the present monograph is a spin-off of that volume, and supplements
that major book with a bibliography of more than 1200 items on the subject of witness-centered
UFO experiences.

The objective of this bibliography is to collect scientific material related to the UFO
phenomenon dealing with psychological aspects of witness reliability and the psychology of
UFO experiences. In order to produce a complete bibliography of this specific topic so vast in
scope, for two years we reviewed the existing literature, both in the UFO and a number of

* Jochen Ickinger (Heilbronn, Germany) holds a MEng in Geoinformation Systems and degrees in business
informatics and public administration. He researches UFO phenomena since the 1980s. Since more than twenty
years he is primarily interested in the methodology of UFO case investigation and the reliability of eyewitness
testimonies (including forensic research). On this topics he held several lectures and published papers as well.
Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]
† V.J. Ballester Olmos (Valencia Spain) has been a Finance analyst and risk manager for Ford Motor Co. in Spain
for 30 years. A researcher of UFO phenomena since 1966, his bibliography covers close to 600 references,
including 13 books. NASA’s Jim Oberg featured him as a “citizen scientist”. Ballester-Olmos played a key role in
the declassification process of the Spanish Air Force UFO files, 1992-1999. Owner and curator of the FOTOCAT
Project, a worldwide database of imaged UFO sightings occurred up to end 2005, with over 13,000 entries to date.
ᴪ Ulrich Magin (Hennef, Germany) has studied Applied language and Sociology. He is interested in Forteana,
especially UFO close encounter cases and lake and sea monsters, and he is the author of Investigating the
Impossible (Anomalist Books, 2011), many other books in German as well as articles in leading Fortean magazines.

academic fields. We recognize that it is a challenging goal to achieve. However, it represents a
core issue in the assessment of UFO sightings and experiences. What items deserve to be
included under the general umbrella of “UFO witness reliability”? There is room for additional
input from UFO specialists and academics alike, and we seek for further references from
readers, both from new work and items we have missed.

We have sought to include items of scholarly interest and intent, to make the bibliography as
useful as possible, for academics, private researchers, and a general readership share an interest
in the subject as well. We hope that the present literature compilation serves to boost research
in this sensitive and delicate field, as it is the study of the people who claim having close
experiences with alleged alien UFOs. Due to the enormous variety and quantity of published
material on the subject of UFOs, this bibliography cannot of course claim to be final, in fact it
will remain an ongoing project. We encourage fellow researchers to contribute additional
sources in this bibliography. To that purpose, please contact the corresponding author.

Keywords: UFO research, UFO experiences, UFO witness, Eyewitness psychology,

Eyewitness reliability, Bibliography

Christopher C. French

As the creators of this Bibliography state in their Introduction, “the UFO subject is far more
comprehensive and complicated than has been recognized by the adherents of any particular
theory or solution”. The simple truth is that, given this complexity, there will be a wide range
of psychological factors that are relevant in considering the reliability of eyewitness centered
close encounters. We should not expect explanations of the “one size fits all” variety.

Publicity posters for Steven Spielberg’s 1977 blockbuster movie Close Encounters of the Third
Kind referred to the classification system for various types of alleged UFO encounter proposed
by astronomer J. Allen Hynek in 1972. According to these posters, a close encounter of the first
kind is, “A sighting of a UFO”. A close encounter of the second kind involves “Physical
evidence”. Close encounters of the third kind are summed up in one word: “Contact”. Following
Hynek’s death in 1986, several new types of close encounter categories were added to Hynek’s
system, most notably close encounters of the fourth kind to refer to alien abduction claims.

It is clear that, in considering each type of close encounter, different psychological factors will
be of greater or lesser relevance. When it comes to close encounters of the first kind, findings
relating to factors affecting the reliability of eyewitness testimony are of primary importance.
The observational conditions under which sightings take place are often far from perfect.
Sightings often take place at night and there are few, if any, cues to size, distance, and speed up
in the sky. The retinal image of a large, distant, rapidly moving object is identical to that of a
smaller version of the same object that is much closer and moving more slowly – and yet
eyewitnesses often report the size, distance, and speed of their UFO with a high level of
confidence that is rarely justified. Furthermore, perception is known to be greatly affected by
the influence of top-down processing leading people to perceive and report many details that
were not actually present at all.

A wide range of types of physical evidence may be presented in support of close encounters of
the second kind including photographic and video recordings, marks on the ground where craft
are said to have landed, allegedly high radiation readings, and radar signals. Evaluation of such
evidence often requires specialist technical expertise such as knowledge of camera artefacts,
optics, the correct way to use technical equipment, and the correct interpretation of data
recorded by such equipment. In this age of deep fakes, it can often be a challenge to differentiate
between a genuine video recording and a clever fake but sometimes an appreciation of such
concepts as confirmation bias and pareidolia may be all that is needed to explain a claim.

Close encounters of the third and fourth kind, that is, those involving alleged human-alien
contact, are arguably the most intriguing from a psychological point of view. A reasonable case
can be made that many such claims, although certainly not all, are best explained in terms of a
two-stage model. In the first stage, the individual often has only the suspicion that such contact
has taken place but they do not actually have any conscious memories of the event itself. Why
should someone suspect they may have been abducted by aliens if they do not have any
memories to support their suspicion? The answer is because many self-appointed ufological
experts claim that the aliens are capable of wiping their victims’ memories of the event.
However, there may, it is alleged, be some tell-tale clues. These include a range of phenomena,
such as repeated sightings of UFOs, episodes of “missing time”, finding “inexplicable” marks
and scars upon one’s body, and waking up paralyzed with a strong sense of a malign presence
or other strange sensations. Of course, all of these phenomena have plausible psychological

explanations that do not, in fact, involve ET. Knowledge of dissociative states and hallucinatory
experiences such as sleep paralysis is particularly relevant here.

Once the individual has accepted that their weird experiences may be a result of alien contact
(or even abduction), they may decide to undergo hypnotic regression in order to “recover” the
full details of the experience. However, contrary to what many people think, hypnosis is not a
valid method to uncover hidden or repressed memories. Instead, it often results in the formation
of false memories based upon expectation, imagination, and fantasy. Thus, an appreciation of
the psychology of false memories is often relevant in considering such cases.

As the above overview makes clear, a wide range of psychological factors need to be considered
when attempting to explain the various types of close encounter. Ickinger, Ballester-Olmos, and
Magin have provided researchers in this area with an incredibly valuable tool in the form of this
extensive bibliography. The fact that the bibliography is available online and can therefore be
downloaded and searched for specific terms of interest makes it especially useful. On behalf of
all researchers with a serious interest in this topic, I offer my sincere thanks to the compilers of
this wonderful resource.

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Unknown author. Alien Abduction in Popular Psychology. (n.d.). Psychology iResearchNet
popular-psychology/ [Accessed 8 May 2024].

Our sincere gratitude goes to Emeritus Professor Christopher C. French (Goldsmiths,
University of London) for writing the bibliography’s Foreword.

Blurb notes came from these academic authorities: Dr. Andreas Anton (Institute for Frontier
Areas of Psychology and Mental Health, Freiburg), Dr. Greg Eghigian (Pennsylvania State
University, University Park), and Dr. Matthew Sharps (California State University, Fresno).

For proof-reading and language editing of the Introduction we would like to thank Chris

We would also like to thank Ignacio Cabria, Eric Maillot, Edoardo Russo, Chiara Russotto, and
Michael Vaillant for their support with their own compilations of relevant publications.

❚❯❱❲ ❳❲❨❩❬❭❩❨❩❪❫ ❬❴❵ ❛❜❫❝❱❞❨❞❡❫ ❞❢ ❣❫❲❤❩❪❴❲❜❜✐❥❲❴❪❲❦❲❵ ❧♠♥ ❣♦♣❲❦❩❲❴❝❲q r
s❩❭❨❩❞❡❦❬♣❱❫t❚ ❝❦❲❬❪❲❵ ❭❫ ✉❞❝❱❲❴ ✈❝✇❩❴❡❲❦t ①❩❝❲❴❪❲✐✉②❬❴ s❬❨❨❲❜❪❲❦✐♥❨③❞❜t ❬❴❵ ❧❨❦❩❝❱ ④❬❡❩❴t ❩❜ ❬❴
❲♦❝❲❨❨❲❴❪ ❜❝❱❞❨❬❦❨❫ ❦❲❜❞②❦❝❲ ❢❞❦ ❬❴❫❞❴❲ ❩❴❪❲❦❲❜❪❲❵ ❩❴ ❪❱❲ ❧♠♥ ♣❱❲❴❞③❲❴❞❴ ❬❴❵ ❦❲❨❬❪❲❵ ❪❞
♣❬❦❬❴❞❦③❬❨ ❩❜❜②❲❜ ❢❦❞③ ❬ ❜❝❩❲❴❪❩❢❩❝ ♣❲❦❜♣❲❝❪❩⑤❲⑥ ❯❱❩❜ ❭❩❭❨❩❞❡❦❬♣❱❫ ♣❦❞⑤❩❵❲❜ ❬ ❝❞③♣❦❲❱❲❴❜❩⑤❲ ❬❴❵
❭❦❞❬❵✐❜♣❲❝❪❦②③ ❝❞③♣❲❴❵❩②③ ❞❢ ❩③♣❞❦❪❬❴❪ ❭❞❞✇❜ ❬❴❵ ❜❝❩❲❴❪❩❢❩❝ ❬❦❪❩❝❨❲❜ ♣❲❦❪❬❩❴❩❴❡ ❪❞ ❪❱❲ ❢❩❲❨❵⑥ ✈❪
❤❩❨❨ ♣❦❞⑤❲ ❪❞ ❭❲ ❬❴ ❞②❪❜❪❬❴❵❩❴❡ ❦❲❜❞②❦❝❲ ❪❞ ♣❦❞❢❲❜❜❩❞❴❬❨ ❜❝❱❞❨❬❦❜ ❬❴❵ ❜❪②❵❲❴❪❜ ❬❨❩✇❲⑥
④❬❪❪❱❲❤ ⑦❱❬❦♣❜t ❛❱⑥⑧⑥
❛❦❞❢❲❜❜❞❦ ❞❢ ❛❜❫❝❱❞❨❞❡❫t ❥❬❨❩❢❞❦❴❩❬ ⑦❪❬❪❲ ❧❴❩⑤❲❦❜❩❪❫t ♠❦❲❜❴❞t ❧⑦r

r❜❪❦❞❴❞③❲❦ ❬❴❵ r❩❦ ♠❞❦❝❲ ❝❞❴❜②❨❪❬❴❪ ✉⑥ r❨❨❲❴ ⑨❫❴❲✇ ❞❴❝❲ ❜❬❩❵ ❪❱❬❪ ❪❱❞❜❲ ❩❴⑤❲❜❪❩❡❬❪❩❴❡ ❧♠♥❜ ❵❞❴⑩❪
❜❪②❵❫ ❧♠♥❜t ❪❱❲❫ ❜❪②❵❫ ❧♠♥ ❦❲♣❞❦❪❜⑥ ❯❱❲ ❵❩❜❪❩❴❝❪❩❞❴ ❩❜ ❬❴ ❩③♣❞❦❪❬❴❪ ❞❴❲t ❜❩❴❝❲ ❩❪ ❬❝✇❴❞❤❨❲❵❡❲❜ ❪❱❲
❝❲❴❪❦❬❨ ❦❞❨❲ ♣❨❬❫❲❵ ❭❫ ❱②③❬❴ ❭❲❩❴❡❜ ❶ ❬❴❵ ♣❬❦❪❩❝②❨❬❦❨❫ ❤❩❪❴❲❜❜❲❜ ❶ ❩❴ ❪❱❲ ❧♠♥ ♣❱❲❴❞③❲❴❞❴⑥ r ❝❲❴❪❦❬❨
❷②❲❜❪❩❞❴ ❪❱❲❴ ❱❬❜ ❬❨❤❬❫❜ ❭❲❲❴t ❱❞❤ ❢❬❦ ❝❬❴ ❤❩❪❴❲❜❜ ❬❝❝❞②❴❪❜ ❭❲ ❪❦②❜❪❲❵❸ ✈❝✇❩❴❡❲❦t s❬❨❨❲❜❪❲❦✐♥❨③❞❜t
❬❴❵ ④❬❡❩❴ ❞❢❢❲❦ ❬ ②❴❩❷②❲ ❬❴❵ ❲♦❪❲❴❜❩⑤❲ ❩❴❪❲❦❴❬❪❩❞❴❬❨ ❭❩❭❨❩❞❡❦❬♣❱❫ ❞❢ ❦❲❜❲❬❦❝❱ ❞❴ ❪❱❩❜ ⑤❲❦❫ ❪❞♣❩❝⑥ ♠❞❦
❬❴❫ ❜❲❦❩❞②❜ ❜❪②❵❲❴❪ ❞❢ ❪❱❲ ❜②❭❹❲❝❪ ❞❢ ❧♠♥❜ ❞❦ ❪❱❲ ♣❬❦❬❴❞❦③❬❨ ③❞❦❲ ❡❲❴❲❦❬❨❨❫t ❩❪ ❦❲♣❦❲❜❲❴❪❜ ❬❴
❲❜❜❲❴❪❩❬❨ ❦❲❜❞②❦❝❲ ❶ ❞❴❲ ❪❱❬❪ ✈ ❤❩❨❨ ❝❞❴❪❩❴②❲ ❪❞ ❝❞❴❜②❨❪ ❢❞❦ ❫❲❬❦❜⑥
❺❦❲❡ ❣❡❱❩❡❩❬❴t ❛❱⑥⑧⑥
❛❦❞❢❲❜❜❞❦ ❞❢ ⑨❩❜❪❞❦❫ ❬❴❵ s❩❞❲❪❱❩❝❜t ❛❲❴❴❜❫❨⑤❬❴❩❬ ⑦❪❬❪❲ ❧❴❩⑤❲❦❜❩❪❫t ❧❴❩⑤❲❦❜❩❪❫ ❛❬❦✇t ❧⑦r

❣⑤❲❴ ❬❢❪❲❦ ③❞❦❲ ❪❱❬❴ ❻❼ ❫❲❬❦❜ ❞❢ ❦❲❜❲❬❦❝❱t ❧♠♥❜ ❦❲③❬❩❴ ❬ ③❫❜❪❲❦❫ ❪❞ ②❜⑥ ❯❱❲❫ ❞❜❝❩❨❨❬❪❲ ❭❲❪❤❲❲❴
❜②❭❹❲❝❪❩⑤❲ ❬❴❵ ❞❭❹❲❝❪❩⑤❲ ❦❲❬❨❩❪❫t ❪❱❲❩❦ ❞❴❪❞❨❞❡❫ ❩❜ ②❴❝❲❦❪❬❩❴t ❭②❪ ❪❱❲❩❦ ❜❩❡❴❩❢❩❝❬❴❝❲ ❩❜ ②❴❵❲❴❩❬❭❨❲⑥
♠❦❞③ ❪❱❲ ⑤❲❦❫ ❭❲❡❩❴❴❩❴❡t ❩❢ ❫❞② ❤❬❴❪ ❪❞ ②❴❵❲❦❜❪❬❴❵ ❧♠♥❜t ❫❞② ❱❬⑤❲ ❪❞ ❨❞❞✇ ❬❪ ❪❱❲ ♣❲❞♣❨❲ ❤❱❞ ❜❲❲
❪❱❲③⑥ ❣⑤❲❴ ❪❞❵❬❫t ❪❱❩❜ ❩❜ ❬ ✇❲❫ ❪❞ ❡❬❩❴❩❴❡ ❩❴❜❩❡❱❪❜ ❩❴❪❞ ❪❱❩❜ ❲❴❩❡③❬❪❩❝ ♣❱❲❴❞③❲❴❞❴⑥ ❽❩❪❱ ❪❱❲❩❦
❝❞③♣❦❲❱❲❴❜❩⑤❲ ❬❴❵ ②❴❩❷②❲ ❭❩❭❨❩❞❡❦❬♣❱❫ ❞❴ ❪❱❲ ❦❲❨❩❬❭❩❨❩❪❫ ❬❴❵ ♣❜❫❝❱❞❨❞❡❫ ❞❢ ❲❫❲❤❩❪❴❲❜❜ ❬❝❝❞②❴❪❜ ❞❢
❧♠♥❜t ✉❞❝❱❲❴ ✈❝✇❩❴❡❲❦t ①❩❝❲❴❪❲✐✉②❬❴ s❬❨❨❲❜❪❲❦✐♥❨③❞❜ ❬❴❵ ❧❨❦❩❝❱ ④❬❡❩❴ ❱❬⑤❲ ❝❦❲❬❪❲❵ ❬ ⑤❲❦❩❪❬❭❨❲
❪❦❲❬❜②❦❲ ❪❦❞⑤❲ ❞❢ ❩❴❢❞❦③❬❪❩❞❴ ❢❞❦ ❢②❦❪❱❲❦ ❦❲❜❲❬❦❝❱⑥
r❴❵❦❲❬❜ r❴❪❞❴t ❛❱⑥⑧⑥
✈❴❜❪❩❪②❪❲ ❢❞❦ ♠❦❞❴❪❩❲❦ r❦❲❬❜ ❞❢ ❛❜❫❝❱❞❨❞❡❫ ❬❴❵ ④❲❴❪❬❨ ⑨❲❬❨❪❱t ♠❦❲❩❭②❦❡t ❺❲❦③❬❴❫

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