Critical Thinking Speech
Critical Thinking Speech
Critical Thinking Speech
I’d like to start my speech by asking you all a question. What is your most memorable
moment of love? This could have been the look on your girlfriend’s face when you gave her
the flowers you bought on Valentine’s Day. Or perhaps the time your mother hugged you
after you had a long depressing day. Visualize that moment in your head. Now, if we were
to take a step back and analyze these moments where you experienced love, do you think in
that situation, were you happy because you gave that love or because you received that love?
A relationship, no matter if it was romantic or non-romantic, will thrive only when love is
reciprocated. To be clear, this means that when you give someone love, the other person in
the relationship should feel responsible for making sure you receive love as well. Sure, other
things such as respect, open communication and honesty play into factor when determining
whether a relationship is healthy or not, but we must remember that love is in fact the
foundation of a fulfilling partnership. And therefore, today everyone, I will be sharing with
you all how loving and being loved are both as important as the other.
So let me let you in on the reasons why loving both ways is a necessity in a healthy
relationship. Well, you see, even in the smallest relationships, the ones where you have a
crush on that one senior in your secondary school, reciprocation of love will feel like a need.
For instance, do you remember that one time your crush dodged the affection you gave
because they were just not that into you? You probably felt hurt and embarrassed, causing
you to like your crush a little bit lesser than before. If you did not, well, I did. Both loving
and being loved in a relationship create a sense of mutual trust, support, and respect between
the two partners. That is why crushes are often unrequited and forming an established
romantic relationship is only done when both partners are in love with each other. Not only
does this apply in romantic relationships, but also in other forms of relationships like
friendships and family relationships. Loving both ways encourages healthy communication
because the love will motivate both partners to express thoughts and opinions more honestly.
This can be supported by the fact that anyone in this world would appreciate it if their friend
paid attention every time they spoke and validated their thoughts and feelings. That is
reciprocated love. Love that is healthy and brings joy in one’s life.
Some people, including some of you in the audience, might have different views
where one is more important than the other. One may believe that loving is more important
than the other because feeling loved fuels the ego and makes you self-centred. Of course, it is
true that the only difference between being loved and loving someone is you can control one
of those. Hence, why worry about how much someone loves you when you can instead focus
on controlling giving love and helping others feel good about themselves? Right? However,
ladies and gentlemen, to what point is that tolerable? According to Dianne Grande, a licensed
clinical psychologist, she states that “staying in a relationship in which love isn’t returned
confirms the false belief that one is unlovable.” The unbalanced feeling in a relationship may
tarnish one’s self-esteem, leading them to feel that them being loved is something
unattainable. That is why reconsidering an unrequited relationship should be done even if it
hurts you to leave someone. Some might think it is selfish to leave the relationship just
because it feels that the love you give is not returned, but it in reality is just a sign that you
and the partner are not compatible. This is why I believe a relationship can only flourish if
love goes both ways.
All in all, I urge you to take a closer look at the current relationships in your life,
whether they be romantic, familial, or platonic. Have you ever felt like the love you had with
a person did not feel mutual? Human relationships are complex at times, but why should you
stay in a relationship that does not bring joy or fulfil you? You deserve to be loved the way
you want to be loved. A relationship where love is mutual involves partners who truly care
and value the emotions and thoughts of one another is what we should seek. So, go and
create real connections with people in the world knowing the importance of loving both
ways. With this, you will be able to take care of yourself and live a fulfilling life with more
meaningful relationships.