Dema 2016 - Ferracane - Meaningful
Dema 2016 - Ferracane - Meaningful
Dema 2016 - Ferracane - Meaningful
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Objectives. The objective of this article is to discuss the evidence for polymerization shrinkage
Received 17 June 2015 and shrinkage stress of dental composite restoratives in terms of its potential relevance to
Accepted 30 June 2015 the clinical situation
Methods. Articles relating to the issue of polymerization contraction stress generation in
dental composite materials, and the factors that influence it, were reviewed and included.
Keywords: Particular attention was paid to evidence derived from clinical studies. Articles were iden-
Dental composite tified through PubMed and through the bibliographies of other articles.
Polymerization shrinkage Results. There is extensive evidence for the presence of polymerization contraction stress in
Contraction stress dental composites, as well as evidence for its deleterious effects, which include marginal
Clinical leakage, gap formation, cuspal deflection, tooth cracking, reduced bond strength and low-
Properties ered mechanical properties of the restorative. There is little, if any, direct evidence for the
clinical effect of these contraction stresses. No study has directly established a link between
these stresses and enhanced postoperative sensitivity or recurrent caries, for example. How-
ever, the concern over these stresses and the manner in which they influence the placement
of current composite materials demonstrates that they are considered to be very important.
Conclusion. Though no direct evidence exists to prove that the generation of contraction
stress in dental composite restorations causes reduced clinical longevity, the indirect evi-
dence from numerous in vitro studies and the concern over controlling their effects proves
that they are clinically relevant.
© 2015 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 503 494 4327.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.L. Ferracane), [email protected] (T.J. Hilton).
0109-5641/© 2015 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 2 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1–10
opinions. Recent efforts by the National Institute for Den-
tal and Craniofacial Research of the National Institutes of
Health in the U.S. have targeted the development of new dental
composite restoratives with enhanced service life, specifi-
Comp: 6 years
am 8.7 years
am 16 years
for this relatively short lifespan for composites [5,6]. Fur-
ther, even with evidence that composites may have similar
service life as dental amalgam, composite failure due to caries
is typically higher than for amalgam [7]. The longevity of
both composite and amalgam is reduced in patients with
high caries risk status [4,5], but the effect is more signifi-
1 (early failures)
cant for composites [8]. An extensive review of clinical studies
gam, the preponderance of clinical evidence demonstrates the
overall enhanced longevity of amalgam restorations (Table 1).
This conclusion is supported by a recent Cochrane review in
2318 comp
3286 comp
due to secondary caries; admittedly the evidence was consid- 89 crowns
138 comp
485 comp
1619 am,
300, 753
184 am,
131 am,
565 am,
ered weak due to the limited number of acceptable studies [18].
Table 1 – Clinical studies comparing the longevity of posterior composites and amalgams.
Thus, the general consensus is that dental composite restora-
tions do not last as long as the profession desires, or perhaps
even consider acceptable. The latter statement accounts for
the fact that some dentists still hesitate to embrace this mate-
Teens (Portugal)
Dental school
Dental school
Dental school
rial for routine direct restoration of posterior teeth in their
Public health
Public health
Teens (USA)
why do dental composite restorations not demonstrate greater
longevity? To address this question, it is important to clarify
the reasons for replacement and failure of these materials.
There is a distinction between these two terms, and this has
been clarified for dentistry many years ago. It is likely that non-random, volunteer
many restorations that may still be serviceable are replaced,
Study type
Kopperud [6]
Simecek [13]
Overton [14]
Soncini [11]
Bogacki [9]
Opdam [7]
Opdam [8]
and for larger restorations, i.e. larger volumes of composite for a link between contraction stress and clinically relevant
[69], and less extensive cracking with some lower shrinkage outcomes, they do not confirm it.
composite formulations [70]. This cracking in the tooth struc-
ture has also been related to the formation of “white lines”
around just cured dental composite restorations in the clin- 4. Polymerization shrinkage stress –
ical setting, which are especially apparent when the tooth clinical evidence
surface is dried due to the highlighting of the discontinuity
within the enamel or at the interface caused by the crack The purpose of this section is to present the evidence for
[71,72]. the potential effects of polymerization shrinkage stress on
Further evidence for the effect of stress has been gener- the clinical performance of dental composite restorations. It
ated by studying the mechanical properties of composites should be stated from the start that there is no direct clin-
cured under conditions of high constraint. Flexure strength ical evidence for this association. No clinical study, either
and modulus has been shown to be reduced under these randomized prospective or retrospective, has been conducted
conditions in specimens that were cut from a construct that to directly evaluate whether high shrinkage stress produces
provided strong adhesion to the walls to ensure high con- reduced longevity of dental composite restorations. Based on
traction stress conditions [63,73,74]. It is not known whether this deficiency in information, one must rely on studies that
the reduced strength and stiffness of the material resulting provide indications of clinical outcomes that may be related
from the residual stresses remaining in the composite after to stress effects on restorations. These outcomes may be loss
curing produces clinically relevant outcomes. But as stated of retention, marginal caries, marginal gaps, marginal stain-
earlier, it is likely that the residual stresses would be reduced ing, fracture of the material (due to the presence of internal
as water sorption occurs, providing an enhanced environment stresses), fracture of the tooth (due to compromised bond-
for polymer molecular motions to relieve the stresses, thus ing and support), and post-operative sensitivity. Considering
negating concerns over time. Perhaps the negative effects on these outcomes and the data available at the time, Sarrett
bond strength are of greater concern. in 2007 [20] concluded that “It appears doubtful that elim-
Some investigators have studied the direct effect of inating polymerization shrinkage would have much effect
polymerization contraction on cuspal flexure of mesial- on decreasing secondary caries risk.” This conclusion was
occlusal-distal cavity preparations, showing greater flexure largely based on the fact that there little correlation could be
when composites are very well cured using bulk-cure vs. incre- found between marginal quality and clinical success of dental
mental placement techniques [75–77], and reduced flexure restorations, in large part due to the overriding effects of oral
when certain flexible liners are placed [78]. A criticism of some hygiene and the bacterial composition of plaque at restoration
of these studies is the amount of illumination time used to margins on secondary caries.
ensure complete cure of the composite, which would be con- There are numerous clinical studies that cite secondary
sidered to be excessive clinically, and leading to unrealistically caries as the main reason for replacement of dental composite
high extents of cure that produce greater contraction stress restorations, with fracture of the material being second [4]. In
and more deleterious effects. While this creates some uncer- a recent review by Demarco et al. [84], it was suggested that
tainty about the clinical relevance of the outcomes, the effect in shorter term studies, the primary reason cited for failures
of the contraction stress, independent of how it was achieved, was secondary caries, but that in long term studies, beyond
remains. Other studies have more recently shown that some 10 years, more failures occurred due to fracture. This would
commercial composites specifically designed to have reduced be an interesting result, but may not be supported by others.
polymerization contraction and/or stress produce less delete- For example, Brunthaler reviewed clinical studies published
rious outcomes on marginal adaptation or cuspal deflection between 1996 and 2002 and concluded that in the early evalu-
[77,79–81]. ation times, i.e. from 0 to 5 years, failures were primarily due
Some evidence against the effect of contraction stress to fracture of the composite, followed by caries, and between
has been generated when examining models of polymeriza- 6 and 17 years, the predominant reason for replacement was
tion of composites in preparations using the finite element caries [85]. In the most recent systematic review of studies at
model or other mathematical models. Certain studies do not least four years long, the authors concluded that follow-up of
show enhanced negative effects, such as cuspal deflection, restorations was critical because secondary caries continued
when placing composites with equivalent curing characteris- to occur after three years [86]. This view was essentially sup-
tics in bulk, where stresses would be expected to be greater ported in the study by Opdam [4], in which fracture seemed to
than when placed incrementally [82,83]. These results are be a constant reason for failure, but caries increased over at
explained by the incremental deformation of the cavity walls least the first six years of studies.
with the curing of each successive composite increment, Logically, one would expect that the effects of polymeriza-
thereby reducing the total volume of composite required to tion shrinkage and shrinkage stresses would be manifested
fill the cavity. The result is higher residual stress than if the earlier for a material that is incapable of sealing its own
composite was placed and cured in bulk. marginal defects, in contrast to a corroding amalgam or a
Taking all of this work into consideration, there is signifi- material with anti-microbial characteristics. In other words,
cant in vitro evidence that polymerization contraction stress the composite has no defense mechanism for mitigating the
in resin dental composite materials produces negative out- dangers of marginal discrepancies. Therefore, the early fail-
comes. There are sufficient controlled studies to demonstrate ures of composites that result from the formation of secondary
this directly. Though these studies provide further evidence caries provide circumstantial evidence for the effects of
6 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 2 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1–10
excessive stresses compromising the adhesion to the tooth, failure due to secondary caries does not negate the possibility
thus providing sites for bacteria to either invade a gap to form that stress is a contributor for composites.
wall lesions, or at least colonize the surface near the mar- Most of the potential clinical manifestations of stress can
gin and produce demineralization of adjacent tooth structure, be negated by the presence of excellent adhesion to the tooth
i.e. new caries associated with a defective restorative mate- structure, thus providing an impervious seal. Such a seal
rial seal. In general, restorations most at risk are class IIs with would not eliminate the formation of new lesions on the
deep gingival margins, extending into areas that are difficult to surface near the margins, but the presence of a smooth, unin-
clean, and possibly onto dentin, which is much more quickly terrupted cavosurface margin would likely reduce the ability
demineralized under a bacteria-acid challenge than enamel. of bacterial biofilms to form as they would be more easily
The problem with this interpretation of caries at the gingival cleansed. Thus, it becomes difficult to separate the effects
margin is determining whether the material formed an ade- of contraction stress and inadequate bonding. The two are
quate seal from the start, i.e. was placed in close adaptation directly related. As stated above, studies have shown that
to the tooth to facilitate bonding, or if the forces of contrac- composites generating high contraction stresses, either due to
tion produced an interfacial delamination. The latter would their formulation or to external cavity constraints, have poorer
not be surprising as it is typically more difficult to bond to this adhesion to the tooth. Because it is not possible to ensure per-
tissue near the gingiva due to difficulties with isolation and fect adhesion under all conditions, one must attribute these
access. failures to the contraction stress. In its absence, the gaps
It is true that a bonded margin may be subject to degrada- would likely never occur, unless there is contamination dur-
tion with time, and that this would enhance the probability of ing bonding or improper adhesive technique. There is clinical
experiencing marginal caries at some later date. It would not evidence for stained margins in dental composite restora-
be appropriate to conclude that recurring caries lesions can tions, even in the absence of caries [20], and it is tempting
only occur within the first months or years after placement. to attribute these “gaps” to the effects of contraction stress.
While the effects of contraction stress would not be expected In many cases these defects can be easily resolved by pol-
to be present after the first few months of tooth restoration, ishing or remarginating, and do not lead to caries. However,
when the composite has essentially become saturated with loss of retention of composites in class V lesions was the
water and has relieved any residual internal stresses, the long- de facto method for measuring success in clinical studies,
term effects of the initial debonding would be ever present, and the rate of loss was much higher before improved den-
and could be manifest at some later date. In this case, it is tal adhesives were introduced to the market [92]. Again, if the
likely that subsequent failure due to recurrent caries would material did not shrink and produce stresses on the interface,
likely be directly related to patient factors, as has been con- it is unlikely that the composite would be lost from the cavity
cluded by others [4]. preparation unless there was essentially no adhesion present.
The association of failure due to polymerization stress However, in the presence of a stress challenge, the magnitude
effects leading to recurring caries around composite restora- of the adhesive forces becomes more critical and inadequate
tions is also challenged by an important observation from adhesion is more readily apparent. Further evidence to sup-
clinical studies on other dental materials, such as amal- port this contention is the result obtained clinically with
gam and glass ionomer, in which the primary reason for glass ionomer materials, which have generally shown better
replacement of these alternative restorations is also sec- marginal seal and retention in class V restorations [93,94] than
ondary caries [21,87]. Composites, including compomer, glass adhesive-retained composites. While glass ionomers generate
ionomers, resin-modified glass ionomers, and amalgam all contraction stress, they also establish an immediate adhesion
undergo some level of shrinkage during setting. Only amal- to tooth structure during setting and undergo relatively rapid
gam is not typically bonded to the cavity preparation with an stress relief due to water sorption [95]. In addition, the creation
adhesive or through its own chemical interactions, as with of internal failures within glass ionomer, rather than exter-
the glass ionomers. Therefore, if not bonded, all materials nal delaminations, may lead to relief of contraction stress and
would be expected to form marginal gaps that could lead to overall enhanced marginal adaptation.
failure due to caries in susceptible patients. It is true that Studies showing reduced clinical longevity for composites
the setting of amalgam should not result in internal stresses, known to produce high stresses during curing would provide
especially in that it is not bonded to the cavity and is there- evidence for the association between the two. One long-term
fore free of external constraints. In addition, amalgam likely clinical study showed a higher failure rate due to secondary
possesses certain antimicrobial effects that might stall bacte- caries and loss of class II restorations for one commercial com-
rial invasion into gaps [88–90], at least until corrosion helps posite, Z100 (3M ESPE), as compared with three others (Tetric
to seal these margins. This may be the reason that amal- Ceram, Ivoclar Vivadent; Herculite XRV, Kerr; Filtek Z250, 3M
gams, while imperfect in initial marginal seal, demonstrate ESPE); and this tended to be associated with the use of a par-
superior longevity than dental composites in clinical stud- ticular adhesive material [6]. Of note is the fact that this same
ies, especially for patients with high caries risk. Based on a composite used with another adhesive, Scotchbond Multipur-
potential for antibacterial properties from fluoride release in pose (3M ESPE) showed an excellent performance after four
glass ionomers [91], one would expect these materials to be years in another study [96], providing further evidence that the
more resistant to secondary caries, but this is not the case, problems in the Kopperud study were due to a specific adhe-
likely because the amount of fluoride release is insufficient sive deficiency. In in vitro studies, Z100 composite has been
to totally inhibit bacterial colonization and biofilm formation. shown to produce relatively high polymerization contraction
In any case, the fact that all of these materials demonstrate stresses in comparison to other composites [44]. While the
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 3 2 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1–10 7
failures in the Kopperud study, which were predominantly Practitioners often relate empirical accounts of the small
due to caries, were likely related to inadequate bonding, it occlusal lesion filled with composite that caused significant
is difficult to dissociate this from the fact that virtually all post-op pain for the patient. Upon removal from the tooth,
of the failures that occurred when this adhesive was used and often with the placement of a glass ionomer liner on the
were in association with this composite. However, it should pulpal floor, the pain is resolved. Perhaps the lack of perfect
be noted that there are studies of varying duration in which bonding to the entire pulpal floor leaves a gap under the com-
this particular composite was compared with others and did posite when polymerization stress caused the material to be
not show a higher failure rate [97–99], as well as one in lifted from the floor (Fig. 2). This gap fills with pulpal fluids,
which the performance of Z100 was superior, largely because and when occlusal forces are applied, the composite, hav-
two other composites failed more frequently due to fracture ing relatively low modulus compared to the original enamel
[100]. Another interesting piece of circumstantial evidence or a dental amalgam, deforms, forcing the fluids back down
regarding the performance of Z100 is the higher incidence the tubules, stimulating the tooth. The presence of a liner of
of marginal chipping/fracture that has been reported some- glass ionomer seals the pulpal floor to avoid this phenomenon.
what anecdotally, and in some cases corroborated by a slightly Again, in the presence of adequate adhesion throughout the
greater discoloration seen in clinical studies for this material cavity preparation, the problem is ameliorated. A recent meta-
as compared to others [101]. A similar marginal deterioration analysis reported that composite restorations placed with
of Z100 during wear testing has been shown in an in vitro study rubber dam and with acid-etching, two conditions expected to
designed to assess this phenomenon for six dental compos- enhance adhesion to the entire tooth structure, demonstrated
ites bonded to enamel [102]. Again, is it possible that stresses the best results [1]. Perhaps it is mainly in the cases with less
at the cavosurface margin led to a compromised bond that than ideal bonding where specific problems arise that can be
degraded over time? attributed to the phenomenon of contraction stress.
The rapid formation of a polymer network with high stiff-
ness due to the rapid kinetics of light activated resin curing has
been associated with negative effects of contraction stresses 5. Conclusion
[103], leading to the development of methods for reducing the
curing rate. Such “soft-start” curing methods, such as step- The relationship between polymerization contraction stress in
cure [104], ramp-cure [105,106], and pulse delay cure [107,108], dental composite restoratives and clinical outcomes seems so
have been shown to reduce contraction stress under certain obvious that many have taken it as a matter of fact, despite the
conditions. There is little clinical evidence to support these reality that very little clinical proof for it exists. There appears
methods as offering an improvement over more conventional to be reasonable in vitro evidence for the negative effects
continuous light curing protocols. In one study in which den- of contraction stress on marginal discrepancies, leakage, and
tal composite was placed with a modified “soft-start” curing staining, reduced bond strengths, reduced mechanical proper-
method, with and without a potentially stress relieving liner ties, and tooth deformation. In a court of law, perhaps the best
in high C-factor, class I cavities, the success rate was very good term for what currently exists to establish this link would be
and post-operative sensitivity and secondary caries incidence “circumstantial evidence”, the value of which may lay in the
was very low up to 12 years [109]. The author suggested that mind of the juror, or in this case, the researcher or clinician.
the excellent outcomes obtained cast doubt on the influence It would seem to go without saying that the ideal situation
of the C-factor, and therefore stress, in the clinical situation. for dental composite restorations would involve an absence
However, one might also conclude that the excellent outcomes of significant stress generation during curing. As this is as
resulted from the efforts to reduce or minimize stress by the yet an unattained goal, it would seem to be prudent dur-
curing methods used. ing application to continue to accommodate the material’s
It has been hypothesized that a polymer with reduced con- inadequacies by striving to achieve optimal bonding involving
traction rate, such as a self-cure composite, would generate appropriate isolation of the preparation, logical incremen-
less stress due to a slower curing rate that provides more tal placement techniques as indicated for specific materials,
time for molecules to relax stresses during cross-linking [108]. appropriate curing protocols that minimize stress produc-
In fact, dual-cure resin composite cements have been shown tion, and perhaps the prudent use of bulk-fill materials as
to have reduced contraction stress in vitro when allowed to more supportive data is generated. Considering the extent to
self-cure as opposed to being light-activated first, the latter which this phenomenon has influenced the manner in which
producing a faster cure [110]. Again, there is no evidence for these materials are manipulated in the oral environment, it
an improved clinical outcome, perhaps in part due to the fact seems logical to conclude that polymerization contraction
that most controlled studies with dental composites and resin stress of dental composite restoratives is absolutely clinically
cements show fairly good outcomes. In addition, it appears meaningful.
that the final contraction stress is more a function of overall
extent of cure than curing rate [111].
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