Assignment 3 Doing Now
Assignment 3 Doing Now
Assignment 3 Doing Now
Total Marks: /25
Instructions: This is an individual task. All questions & tasks must be completed. The marks
for this assignment will contribute towards the assessment for this course. Submission of the
document to be made in softcopy via Times at the designated link.
Code: CUL50104109654
Date of submission:
Computerized formatting using Microsoft word for the report. The police Arial 11; margins 2.5;
1.5 Spacing; Bold Arial 12 Heading. Screen shot and or video of your final document are
desired to illustrate your reflections.
Documentation is one of the most important papers that are used in any aspect of our daily
life. A receipt from any shopping or grocery store can be considered a documentation as well.
For example in the business world, many documentations are needed in offices and shops.
This is to help businesses provide a proof of any transaction or a statement of anything that is
happening in or outside the business. In the kitchen, there are also documents that are
needed to be created and used that is called internal operation documentation. Internal
operational documentations are made to enable a smooth operation without any interference
or conflict against other parties or other departments in the kitchen. For example, in a hotel
industry, If there is any transfer of goods or food items between different kitchens, The staffs
are required to fill a requisition form from each of the departments that they are willing to
transfer it from. For example, The Garde Mange kitchen requested a sourdough from the
pastry kitchen. The chefs are required to state the quantity and reason for the requisition
alongside the date of receiving and date of request. This is also important as a proof of a
requisition that took place so that the Pastry kitchen can prepare their inventory check
properly. Another important part of internal operational documentation is that it helps staffs
and managers to distribute tasks and workload evenly. For example in any business
departments and kitchens, there is a duty roster. The duty roster will state what jobs and
tasks the employees need to carry out throughout the business. Another document that is
similar to the duty roster is the event managing document. If there is an event that is about to
take place in the kitchen, this document helps staffs to spread their workload evenly and
produce a smooth operation during that event.
Question 2 [7 Marks]
In a A4. Word document format Create a S.O.P for the daily cleaning of the technical premises.
insert your SOP in the below table:
Question 3 [8 Marks]
Based on your S.O.P create a control document for the daily cleaning of the technical premises
your control document must include the following field:
Attached with your assessment the pdf. Report of your app make sure pictures are visible.
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the topic topic her reflection clear
language, and
with details
Question 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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the format is
not in A4.
Question 3 a b c d e f g h