Structure Unit1

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MeU CEng Lecture note | 2021 CHAPTER 1 Static Determinacy and Stability of Structures 1,1 Introduction A structure refers to a system of connected parts used to support loads. The fundamental purpose of a structure is to transmit loads from the point of application to the point of support and, through the foundations to the ground. Before going into the analysis of any structure, it is necessary to identify its statical type (classification), ie, whether it is determinate or indeterminate, stable or unstable. An unstable arrangement of supports and structural members should be avoided. All structures are subjected to loads from their functions and to other unavoidable loads. Establishment of the loads that act on a structure is one of the most difficult and yet important steps in the design process. In this chapter; Criteria for statical classification will be established and different structures will be checked for stability and determinacy. 1.2 Stability and Determinacy of Structures > Stability of Structures To ensure the equilibrium of a structure or its members, it is not only necessary to satisfy the equations of equilibrium, but the members must also be properly held or, constrained by their supports. In structural analysis a structure is said to be stable when it can support any possible system of applied loads without any movements. If a structure cannot support any possible system of applied loads, a structure is said to be unstable. Stability can be divided into two as external and internal. A structure in which there are insufficient numbers of reactions to prevent motion from taking place is called an unstable structure. This is external instability. If a structure has insufficient numbers of members to prevent motion from taking place, a structure is internally unstable. What matters is not only the number of support reactions but also their arrangement. Structures for which the numbers of reaction components are greater than or equal to the number of available equilibrium equations but that are unstable due to arrangement of these reaction components are said to be geometrically unstable, When the reaction elements are three or more like supports that are either parallel or concurrent, they are not sufficient to maintain static equilibrium. For the case of parallel reactions, they will offer no resistance to horizontal motion, thus making the arrangement unstable. The point of intersection of the concurrent reactions becomes an instantaneous center of rotation and the system is instantaneously unstable. In conclusion, the stability of structures depends on the number and geometric arrangement of reactions and structural members rather than on the strength of individual member or supports. —— —— Compiled by Regasa Yadeta. Page 1 MeU CEng Lecture note | 2021 Despite the possibility that an unstable structure could become stable under a particular system of applied loads, the structure is classified as an unstable structure. > Determinacy of Structures A structure which can be completely analyzed by means of equilibrium equations alone is called statically determinate. Statically indeterminate structure is one which cannot be analyzed by means of equilibrium equations alone. A structure is statically indeterminate when it possesses more members or is supported by more reactive restraints than are strictly necessary for stability (and equilibrium). The excess members or restraints are called redundant. The degree of indeterminacy is the number of unknowns in excess of the available equilibrium equations. In the analysis of indeterminate structures, therefore, ways of establishing additional equations must be sought. These additional equations may be derived from compatibility of deformation or from conditions of symmetry. This additional task would make the analysis of indeterminate structures more difficult than their determinate counterparts. Although the analysis of a statically indeterminate structure is more difficult than that of a statically determinate structure, there are very important reasons for choosing this type of structure for design. There are specific advantages and disadvantages in using one type of structure over the other. The advantages of statically indeterminate structures over determinate structures include the following: 1. Smaller Stresses: The maximum stresses in statically indeterminate structures are generally lower than those in comparable determinate structures. The bending moment and shear force, and bending stress in the indeterminate structure is significantly lower than in the determinate structure. Greater Stiffenesses: Statically indeterminate structures generally have higher stiffenesses (i.c., smaller deformations), than those of comparable determinate structures. 3. Redundancies: Statically indeterminate structures, if properly designed, have the capacity for redistributing loads when certain structural portions become overstressed or collapse in cases of overloads due to earthquakes, tornadoes, impact (e.g., gas explosions or vehicle impacts), and other such events. In these cases, the structure maintains its stability and collapse is prevented. Indeterminate structures have more members and/or support reactions than required for static stability, so if a part (or member or support) of such a structure fails, the entire structure will not necessarily collapse, and the loads will be redistributed to the adjacent portions of the structure. 2, ered Compiled by Regasa Yadeta, Page 2 MeU CEng Lecture note | 2021 The main disadvantages of statically indeterminate structures, over determinate structures, are the following: 1. Stresses Due to Support Settlements: Support settlements do not cause any stresses in determinate structures; they may, however, induce significant stresses in indeterminate structures, which should be taken into account when designing indeterminate structures. 2. Stresses Due to Temperature Changes and Fabrication Errors: Like support settlements, these effects do not cause stresses in determinate structures but may induce significant stresses in indeterminate ones. The indeterminacy of a structure can be external (with respect to reactions) or internal (with respect to member forces). A structure is internally indeterminate when it is not possible to determine all internal forces by using the equations of static equilibrium. For the great majority of structures, the question of whether or not they are indeterminate can be decided by inspection. For certain structures this is not so, and for these types rules have to be established. The internal indeterminacy of trusses will be first considered, and then that of continuous frames. 1.3 Criteria for Stability and Determinacy of Structures-Trusses, Beams and Frames Internal stability of structures and determining which conditions exist in a given case need experience, especially for trusses. In some cases the structure is different from what our mathematical criteria tell us. Therefore, stability of trusses is most easily settled by inspection. > Beams A beam is a structural element that is capable of withstanding load primarily by resisting bending. The bending force induced into the material of the beam as a result of the external loads, own weight and extemal reactions to these loads is called a bending moment. Beams generally carry vertical gravitational forces but can also be used to carry horizontal loads (i.e., loads due to an earthquake or wind). + Stability depends on external supports + Determinacy relates on the number of available and conditional equations. v Ifr,< (3+n); a structure is statically unstable v ifr, = (3+n); a structure is statically determinate v Ifr, > (3+n); a structure is statically indeterminate and i, = r-(3+n) Where 1, is the available number of reaction components, n is the number of special/ conditional equation ig is degree of extemal indeterminacy. Remark: r = 3 is not a sufficient conditions for stability Compiled by Regasa Yadeta. Page 3 MeU CEng Lecture note | 2021 > Trusses A simple truss can be made by combining three bars to form a triangle. Stability depends partly on external supports and partly on the arrangement of members or bars. Three reaction components are required for external stability and determinacy of a plane truss without condition equations. ‘> External classification: The external statical classification of the structure depends on the total number of reaction components, r, and their arrangement. Therefore, the following criteria are applied for external classification: Y ifr, <(3+n); a structure is statically unstable externally Y Ifr, = (3+n); a structure is statically determinate externally Y Ifr,> (3+n); a structure is statically indeterminate externally and ie t(3tn) Where r, is the available number of reaction components, n is the number of special/ conditional equation and i. is degree of extemal indeterminacy. The condition for r, > (3+n) is necessary but not sufficient conditions for statical classification because the arrangement of the reaction components may render the truss unstable. Internal classification For internal classification, let m be the total number of bars and j the total number of joints. Then 2j=m+r The above equation can be rewritten as: m= 2j—r Then, the following criteria are applied for internal classification: Y Ifm <(2j-1); truss is statically unstable internally v Ifm = (2j-1); truss is statically determinate internally if stable ¥ Ifm > (2j-1); truss is statically indeterminate internally if stable and ij = m- (2j-r) Where m- is the total number of truss member j-is the total number of joints r- is 34n and n- is the number of special or conditional equation ij- is degree of internal indeterminacy. Compiled by Regasa Yadeta. ree MeU CEng Lecture note | 2021 Consider the trusses shown below. The truss shown in fig (a) is stable whereas the truss shown in fig (b) is unstable since the geometric arrangement of the members is not maintained. Fig (a) Fig (b) Examples » Strecture Internal ‘Characteristics ‘Classification or Sorvctre a m=y-r Classification LT, 8 ob 3 3 Ta= deter sable 13= 16-3 m=, deter. stable @ LO, 8 oi 3 3 rywendeten sable (1316-3 > inde. able a 2 B 3 3 rn deer, sable © 13= 16-3 m=, but unstable & io a ' 1 944 3 r,>hindel sable 1114-3 m, hindet stble. 21-3 m,>m,indet. sable o n a 4 3 r,=n deter. stable I= 14-3 m, =m, deter stable ® Page 5 Compiled by Regasa Yadeta. F MeU CEng > Frames Frames are com e posed of i indeterminacy (DI) is determined nee 4 igidly connected joins, The degree of components and the numb. a8 the difference of the total number of unknown reaction er Of static equilibrium equations available. * External classification The external statical classifi ication of thi ‘ components, r, ¢ structure depends on the total number of reaction and their arrangement, Therefore, the following criteria are applied: e . . . If t,< (3+n); a structure is statically unstable externally Y ft, = (3+n); a structure is statically determinate externally Y ft, > (3+n); a structure is statically indeterminate externally and ie = ta-(3+M) Where r, is the available number of reaction components, n is the number of special/ conditional equation and ic is degree of external indeterminacy. The condition for r, > (3+n) is necessary but not sufficient conditions for statical classification because the arrangement of the reaction components may render the unstable. Internal classification ‘The following criteria are applied for internal classification of frames: VY If(Gm +r) <(3j +n); a structure is statically unstable internally v If Gm +r) = (Gj +0); a structure is statically determinate internally Y IfGm+n) > Bj +m); a structure is statically indeterminate internally and ij (m+1,)-(3j+n) Where m=the actual number of members 14 the available external reactions je the total number joints n= number of special/condition equations degree of internal indeterminacy Neen ee EEE Sd ‘Compiled by Regasa ‘Yadeta. Page 6 MeU CEng Lecture note | 2021 Examples ‘Structure Structure i oo8 mm r=3+n Classification (Om +1) (j+n) Classification M20 aol 304 Stled 4e4 O+4)=3 (2t)2B B=13 ord Determinate, Determinate, ) stable stable MnO 5.2 4 6 3t2=5 65 (246218 ((15+2)=17 18>17 TL, Inde, Ist Indet, Ist degree, stable degree, ste be o M0 4 3030 S4le4 34 O+D=2 (Qt)=B 1213 Unstable Unstable EA] 8 0 0 3 3 3=3 (Q0+3)=33 (A+Q=% 334 Determinate Indet, 9th @ degree, stable Wn0 8 3 8 9 342=5 995 (A+9233 h+3)=7 33927 (Ex) Ade, th Indet,, 6th Me degre, stable degree, stable Compiled by Regasa Yadeta. Page 7

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