Capitulo 16 Food Cience

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Capitulo 16: Cereales y Pastas

Tiene proteína incompleta

Soluble- aumenta saciedad, baja niveles de glucosa en sangre.

Insoluble- consumir suficiente agua para ayudar al movimiento de eces fecales.


1. Cascara “shaft”
2. Bran “salvado”
3. Endospermo
4. Germ

Bran- has fiber, minerals, and aleurone.

Endosperm- contains all of the grains starch.

Germs- Embryo, fat, B vitamins, vitamin E, and spoils. Fat-soluble vitamins can be added to the dough
before baking. Cereales de grano entero al tener más grasa se deteriora más rápido

B vitamins and vitamin C (not stable to heat) sprayed on cereal after heating

- Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) Aditivos añadidos a cereales para

- Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) preservar frescura
Familia de graminias (caracteristico de un cereal:
Cereal- grano en general
 Espiga
 Maiz Granulo- dentro de la célula
 Arroz


 Harinas- uso principal de los cereales, el fine poder de obtiene al rompe endosperma
 Pasta- extrudes grain product made from flour starch and water. DURUN- elaboracion de las
pastas alto contenido proteico.
 Breakfast cereal- 75% RTE (reay to eat). Hecho de wheat, corn, and oats.
 Alcoholic beverages- fermentacion, arroz, barley, rye y maiz.
 Animal feed


Primary importance in world in descending

1 Taza de cereal cocinado, pasta o grano:
 160 calorias
1. Corn Maíz
 30 gramos de hidratos de
2. Rice Arroz
3. Wheat Trigo
 6 gramos de proteina
4. Barley Cebada
 Vitaminas y minerales
5. Sorghum Sorgo
 Trace off at
6. Millet Millo

7. Oats Avena

8. Rye Centeno
1. Grano entero
Whole-wheat or whole-grain flour
• Bulgur (cracked wheat)
• Oatmeal
• Whole cornmeal
• Brown rice
• Less common: amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, sorghum, and

2. Refinados (solo tienen endospermo y se debe enriquecer)

• White flour
• Degermed cornmeal
• White bread
• White rice
Trigo se enriquece con thiamin, riboflavin(aporta color betacarogeno), Niacin, folic acid,
Rice is enriched with the same nutrients except riboflavin.


Classes based on growing season, color, species, Wheat:

and/or texture
14 species of wheat and > 30,000 varieties • Wheat berries (whole wheat kernel)
Only three species account for 90%
• Rolled wheat
grown worldwide:
• Common • Cracked wheat (ground until they
• Club crack)
• Durum
• Bulgur (wheat berries ground finer)

• Farina or Cream of Wheat

(granulated endosperm)

• Wheat germ

• Wheat bran
Cereales con gluten 14 especies y 30,000 varieades
1. Barley sevada
Forms of barley
•Hulled, pot, pearled, flaked, grits, malt
• Pot barley
• Pearled barley
• Flaked barley
• Barley grits
• Malt
2. Rye
Second only to wheat as a grain used in bread making
Contains less protein than wheat

3. Triticale
Cruce de trigo y senteno
Mayor aportación nutricional
Relatively new hybrid grain
Developed by botanist who crossed wheat with rye
Higher protein content and more of the essential amino
acid lysine (most common limiting amino acid in grains) than
“Sticky dough” problems
4. Oats
Forms of oats
• Groats- se consume como arroz
• Steel-cut oats
• Rolled oats
• Oat bran
• Instant oat flakes
• Quick oats
Quick cooking- rolled oat se le anade un aditivo para bajar la temperatura de la gelenatizacion.
Instant oat-previamente cocida ara una pre gelenatizacion.

Trigo blando- poca proteina

Trigo duro- alto en proteina

Rusia produce mayor trigo.

SENTENO- no tiene mismo volumen a otras harinas
Cereales gluten free
1. Amarantha

Aztec “superfood” ,High protein, Can be popped like popcorn in dry frying pan

2. Buckwheat (sarraceno sabor a nueces no liquido)

 Not related to wheat

 Not a true grain
 Fruit of a leafy plant related to rhubarb
 Can be used as a flour and cereal
 Nut-like flavor
 Used in pancake flour and some
 breakfast cereals and crepes

3. Chia seed

Similar to tapioca balls in ability to absorb water, expand, and become gel-like .

High in omega-3 fatty acid

May promote weight loss and blood glucose control

4. Maíz hominy

Classification of corn Bulk of U.S.-grown corn used for livestock

• Dent corn Remainder: ethanol, human food, and seed
Forms of corn
• Flint corn Corn on the cob, kernel corn
• Popcorn Hominy, hominy grits
• Sweet corn Cornstarch
Corn syrup
• Flour corn
Corn oil
• Pod corn

5. Millet

Pan sin levadura y cervesa

Grows wild in Africa
One of world’s first cultivated grains
6. Quinoa

Pseudo cereal because not a member of the grass family. Technically a fruit. Higher in amino acid lysine
than wheat. Popular among vegetarians

No pertenece a familia de gramidias como el arroz, no es cereal pero se cocina como cereal.
7. Arroz

Factores a la hora de cocinar arroz: Agua, temperatura, veces que se mezcla.

Arroz grano corto- mayor porcentaje de amilopectina, mas pegajoso

Arroz grano largo- mayor porcentaje de amilosa.

Over half of the world’s population relies on rice 94% world’s rice produced in Asia

Preparación de arroz depende grano de arroz:

1. Grano corto- 1 taza arroz y una taza de agua

2. Grano mediano- 1 taza de arroz ½ taza de agua
3. Grano largo- 1 taza de arroz 2 tazas de agua
4. Grano entero- 1 taza de arroz y 3 tazas de agua

Classified according to:

• Mode of cultivation

• Grain length

• Texture

Formas de arroz:

 White Converted- hay dos tipos, el enriquecimiento superficial. Un grano enrriquese a los otros.
El segundo tipo es el converted que enriquece a todos. Glutinoso (pegajoso)
 Instant Brown
 Black (purple, forbidden rice) Glutinous
 Red (red rice koji) Specialty
 Wild rice (reed-like plant) Rice bran

8. Sorghum
Cereal grain of major importance in Africa and certain parts of Asia
Consumed as porridge, alcoholic beverages, or livestock feed
Cushiony puffed grains can be used as biodegradable packing material

9. Teff

Originated in Ethiopia
Smaller than millet or quinoa
High in protein

Nearly indigestible in natural form Hard outer covering prevents eating

¿Porque los cereales se cocinan?

 Para que se gelenatilize ( se necesita humedad)

 Para mejor sabor
 Textura suave
 Cereales duran de 6-12 meses

Moist-heat preparation: boiling/simmering

Prepreparation- Rinse thoroughly

Cooking the grain- Absorption method

Determining doneness- Standing time 10–15 minutes

Sautéing and baking

Pilaf method

• Sauté in oil and aromatics


• Prepare in casserole dish

• Baked in oven if sufficient liquid present

• Usually baked for 20–30 minutes


• Kept in cool, dry place

• Airtight container


• Whole or cooked grains

• Airtight container


• Cooked grains only


Hecho de semolina, saca endospermo

Usually made from semolina, flour derived from durum wheat
Protein content of durum wheat makes it ideal for pressures of mechanical kneading and manipulation.
Types: Noodles, Asian noodles, Whole wheat,
Flavored, Fanciful, High-protein pasta, Fresh Couscous
Preparacion de pastas: 1lb de pasta necesita 1 galón de agua hirviendo por convección. Tapar luego de
echar pasta en agua aldente- que se cocine en su punto.

Short pasta (penne, shells, rigatoni): Use 2 ounces uncooked, or just over ½ cup.
Long pasta (spaghetti, linguine, fettuccine): Use 2 ounces uncooked, or a bunch that is 1/2 inch in

Storage depends on type of pasta

Dried: tightly wrapped, stored in cool, dry place
Fresh: refrigerated or frozen
Cooked: refrigerated

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