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El Dictionary

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n 1
A/ə,ā/- . the first letter of the mud.determiner.the complete number or
alphabet.2the sixth note of the amount' or 'the whole'. pronounused to
diatonic scale of C major. 3the first refer to a noun it replaces It shows
hypothetical person or example. 4the the entire number, quantity, or
highest class or category (of amount. e.gAll that I want to know is
academic marks etc. )5the first whether you called me or not.
known quantity in algebra. Among/əˈmʌŋ/-prep.in the middle or
a/ə/-indefinite articleused when referring to included in a larger group of people
someone or something for the first or things'. Among is commonly
time in a text or conversation. e.gA followed by a plural noun phrase
man came out of the room wearing a I'm not worried about her. She's
black shirt. living among friends.
About/əˈbout/-adv.used to indicate And/ænd/-conj.used to join two words
movement in an area.e.g I am about to or ideas rather than two clauses.
go to that place next week. e.g
: My name is Rick and I am a Hero
Acquire/əˈkwī(ə)r/-v.buy or obtain Apologize/əˈpäləˌjīz/-v.to express or
(an asset or object) for oneself.e.gI make an apology; acknowledge
managed to acquire all the books I failings or faults.
needed. e.g
I am sorry for all of my doings.
Adapt/əˈdapt/-v.make suitable for a Argue/ˈɑːrɡ.juː/-v.to present
new use or purpose.e.gMysterious supporting or opposing reasons or
creatures adapt their environment cases in a dispute; reason. e.g a
quickly. debate is held.
After/ˈaftər/-Adv.behind later in time, Attack/əˈtæk/- v.to try to hurt or
they live happily ever after. conj.a defeat someone or something using
connector word e.g He kissed me on violence e.g Many people had survive
the forehead after I walked towards an attack. n.An attack is a sudden,
my bed and I dozed off. prep. short period of illness, or a sudden
subsequently to; following in time; feeling that you cannot control
later than.e.g we had a few beers after example: a person diagnosed with
the game. heart attack.
Age/eɪdʒ/- n.the length of time that a Author/ˈɑː.θɚ - n.writer of a book,
person has lived or a thing has article, or report.e.g He is the author
existed. of this book.
an infinitely room. V.grow old or Average/æv.ɚ.ɪdʒ/-n.the result
older, especially visibly and obviously obtained by adding two or more
so. e.gcenturies had passed and the amounts together and dividing the
world had changes. total by the number of amounts, or
Ah/ɑː/- abbr.used to express a range of by another total. e.gI'm 35 and my
emotions including surprise, brothers are 32 and 26, so the
pleasure, sympathy, and realization. average of our ages is 31. v.to find an
I promise I will never leave you by average value for (a variable
my side! quantity); reduce to a mean
Air/er/-n.express (an opinion or example:Wheat averages 56 pounds
grievance) publicly e.g a round of to a bushel.
applause for everyone Award/əˈwɔːrd/-n.a prize of some
All/ɑːl/-adv. completely' or kind that indicates you've done well
'extremely', especially in informal and achieved an honor. e.gAward can
styles e.gHe came back all covered in be something given out by a court of
law. to give as due or merited; Circumstance/ˈsɝː.kəm.stæns/ - n. a
assign or bestow. e.gThe plaintiff was condition of time, place, etc, that
awarded damages of $100,000. accompanies or influences an event
Back/bæk/-adv. returning to an earlier or condition.e.g In any cirumstance we
starting point or situation or moving had to leave.
to a point further away or replying to Comfort/ˈkʌm.fɚt/-n.anything that
something. e.gSit back and relax n.the provides satisfaction or a relaxed and
side or part of something that is easy feeling. James is my comfort
away from the spectator or from the zone. v.to give solace or to soothe.
direction in which it moves or faces; e.g
I gave him a warm hug
the rear. e.g clean the tools at the Current/ˈkɝː.ənt/-adj. of the
back of the room. v.to give support to immediate present; in progress e.g
someone or something with money This current situation is under
or wordse.g hey back me up here! control.n.a movement of water, air,
Best/best/ - adj.highest quality, to the or electricity in a particular
greatest degree, in the most direction.e.gThe direction of the
effective way, or being the most thunderstorm is on the left side.
suitable or pleasing e.g - I like the best Daily/ˈdeɪ.li/- adj.happening regularly
music in the universe. adv superlative or day to day. e.g I should do this
of well. e.g do you like me best or daily. adv. When used this way, “daily”
less? can take the place of “every day”.e.g I
Bite/baɪt/ - n. the act of biting used this often.
something e.glet’s have a bite. v.to cut, Decide/dɪˈsaɪd/ v.to settle something
wound, or tear with the teeth. e.ghe in dispute or doubt.e.g We decide to
bites me hard. have a baby tomorrow.
Book /bʊk/ n.a number of printed or Difficult/ˈdɪf.ə.kəlt/- adj. not easy to
written pages bound together along do; requiring effort. e.gThis dance is
one edge and usually protected by difficult to learn.
thick paper or stiff pasteboard Do/du/ - v.used as a main verb or as a
covers.e.g this book is a dictionary. v.to helping verb.e.g I do this routine
arrange to have or use something on everyday. aux.v one of three auxiliary
a particular date in the future. e.gI just verbs in English: be, do, have e.gDo
booked a flight yesterday. they open at nine o'clock on
But/bʌt/-conj.coordinating conjunction weekdays?
used to connect ideas that contrast. Due/duː/ - adj.expected to happen,
to introduce the only thing or arrive, at a particular
person that the main part of the time.e.gTomorrow is the due date.
sentence does not include. Economic/ˌiː.kəˈnɑː.mɪk/ -adj.related
Care/ker/- v.to think that something to trade, industry or money.
is important and to feel interested in Exporting good products from
it or upset about it.e.g I cared for you Japan. n.the study of how a society
more than anything. n.to think that organizes its money, trade, and
something is important and to feel industry. e.g He works at the money
interested in it or upset about it. e.g I making factory.
care for you. Education/ˌedʒ.əˈkeɪ.ʃən/- n.a process
Celebration/sel.əˈbreɪ.ʃən/- n.to think of teaching, training, and learning,
that something is important and to especially in schools or colleges, to
feel interested in it or upset about improve knowledge and
it.e.gA birthday a party celebration.
develop skills. e.g New Language to used to emphasize something
learn. surprising or extreme.e.gHe didnt
Effort/ˈef.ɚt/- n.the physical or even change a bit
mental energy that you need to do Example - n.a thing characteristic of
something.e.gHe gave me flowers its kind or illustrating a general
every morning. rule.e.gFilipinos are example of being
Egg/eɡ/- n.the oval or round brave and courageous.
reproductive body laid by the Eye -/aɪ/n.each of a pair of globular
females of birds, reptiles, fishes, organs in the head through which
insects, and some other animals. e.gAn people and vertebrate animals see,
egg of a Velociraptor. the visible part typically appearing
Elsewhere/ˈels.wer/ - adv.in or to almond-shaped in animals with
another place; somewhere else.e.gWe eyelids. e.gI have prosthetic eye.
are moving elsewhere. Fact /fækt/- n.a thing that is known or
Emphasize/ˈem.fə.saɪz/- v.to give proved to be true. e.g Study says that
emphasis to; lay stress upon; stress mermaids are real.
A focal point of an Art Fear /fɪr/-n.an unpleasant emotion
Encounter/ɪnˈkaʊn.t̬ɚ/ n.
an caused by the belief that someone or
unexpected or casual meeting with something is dangerous, likely to
someone or something. She felt cause pain, or a threat. e.ghave a fear
totally unnerved by the encounter. of spiders.v.be afraid of (someone or
unexpectedly experience or be something) as likely to be dangerous,
faced with.e.g I encounter a small painful, or threatening. e.gHis fear is
entity. darkness.
Episode /ˈep.ə.soʊd/- n.an event, a Find/faɪnd/ - v.discover or perceive by
situation, or a period of time in chance or unexpectedly. e.g Find this
someone's life, a novel, etc. that is shell like object.
important or interesting in some Focus/ˈfoʊ.kəs/ - v.adapt to the
way.e.g I think this is the end of our prevailing level of light and become
episode. able to see clearly.e.gTry to focus
Equal/ˈiː.kwəl/ - adj.being the same in when snipping. noun the center of
quantity, size, degree, or value. interest or activity. e.gThe focus in this
Two cups of flour and cup of oil. n. a art is positive and negative
person or thing considered to be the Further /ˈfɝː.ðɚ/ - adj.more distant in
same as another in status or quality. space than something else of the
Were in the same school. v.be the same kind.e.g The further you go the
same as in number or amount. e.gone more you will be lost adv.at, to, or by a
plus one is equal to two and three greater distance e.g he travels further
plus three is equal to six. than Japan
Error/ˈer.ɚ/- n.something that is not Gain/ɡeɪn/ - n.an increase in wealth
correct. e.gThis message is an error. or resources. e.g She is lucky she gains
Escape/ˈer.ɚ/ - n.an act of breaking so much money.v. obtain or secure. e.g
free from confinement or control. e.gI I gain new knowledge
escaped from his magic.v. break free Get/ɡet/- v.come to have or hold or
from confinement or control. e.gHe receive.e.g Get them and bring them
escaped from my monsters. to me.
Even/ˈiː.vən/ - adj.equal in number, Give/ɡɪv/- v.freely transfer the
amount, or value.e.ghis balance of possession of (something) to
height and weigth is interesting.adv.
(someone); hand over to.e.gI give him suitable.e.gI think thats is shirt is my
a love letter. ideal type for youn. a person or thing
Go /ɡoʊ/- n. the act of goinge.g I regarded as perfect.
should go. If/ɪf/- conj. a type of word that joins
to move or proceed, especially to or other words in a sentence together.
from something. e.g We should go to e.g
If you see him, give him this note.
the store. I'll only stay if you offer me more
Guess/ɡes/- v.to form or express an money. If necessary I can come at
uncertain estimate or conclusion once.
(about something), based on Ignore/ɪɡˈnɔːr/- v.refuse to take
insufficient information.e.g guess notice of or acknowledge; disregard
what shes's cheating on you. n.an intentionally.e.gHe always ignore's my
attempt to give an answer or an compliments for him.
opinion when you cannot be certain Illegal /ɪˈliː.ɡəl/ - adj.contrary to or
if you are right.e.g Guess my age forbidden by law, especially criminal
Have/hæv/- v.possess, own, or hold. law. e.gDrugs and Illegal logging
I have a boyfriend, his name is Impact /ˈɪm.pækt/- n.the action of
James. one object coming forcibly into
Head/hed/- n.the part of the body contact with another.e.g The punch of
above the neck where the eyes, a boxer has a big impact to his
nose, mouth, ears, and brain are. v. to opponent. v. - come into forcible
be at the front or top of something contact with another object.e.g The
I am the CEO of this company. blaster had a big impact to my body .
High /haɪ/ - adj.of great vertical Important/ɪmˈpɔːr.tənt/-adj.of great
extent.e.ga size of a building. advat or significance or value; likely to have a
to a considerable or specified profound effect on success, survival,
height.e.g a giant whose 9ft tall. n.a or well-being. e.gurviving is important
high point, level, or figure.e.g his in an apocalyspe
service are so high. In /ɪn/- adv.expressing movement
Home/hoʊm/ adj.relating to the place with the result that someone or
where one lives.e.g This is my home something becomes enclosed or
the place where one lives surrounded by something else.e.g
permanently, especially as a member come in and we have thrilling
of a family or household. e.g the home gameprep. - expressing the situation of
of the Addams familyadv.to or at the something that is or appears to be
place where one lives.e.g My home is enclosed or surrounded by
a hotel. something else. e.g Dressed to fit in.
Hurt/hɝːt/- n.physical injury; harm.e.g n.
Iron/aɪrn/- a chemical element that
He hurt me. is a common grayish-colored
cause physical pain or injury to. e.g metal.e.gan iron steel stronger than
Ouch!!! dont bang me too much wood. V.to smooth with or as if with a
I/aɪ/- pron.is the subject pronoun, used heated iron.e.g Iron the clothes for
for the one "doing" the verb. e.gI'm tomorrow.
cleaning the backyard Issue/ˈɪʃ.uː/- v.to go, pass, or flow
Ice cream/ˈaɪs ˌkriːm/- n.a frozen food out; come forth; emerge.e.g I issue
containing sweetened and flavored this with some writing strategy. n.an
cream or butterfat. important topic or problem for
Ideal /aɪˈdiː.əl/ adj.satisfying one's debate or discussion. e.g the issue of
conception of what is perfect; most global warming.
It/ɪt/n. -used as the proper name for Left/left/ - adj.on, toward, or relating
something.e.g This is my dog, its name to the side of a human body or of a
was Babi pron.- a shortened version of thing that is to the west when the
“person”. e.g Babi bites my hotdog person or thing is facing north. e.g
because it was hungry. walking towards east facing
January/ˈdʒæn.ju.er.i/- n. the first southadv.on or to the left side. e.g turn
month of the year, containing 31 right after that turn left and down
days. and forward. n.the left-hand part,
Jewelry/ˈdʒuː.əl.ri/ -n.uncountable side, or direction. e.gspins to the right
noun spins to the left hands to the air.
Journey/ˈdʒɝː.ni/ - a traveling from Light/laɪt/adj. having light or
one place to another, usually taking a illumination; bright; well-lighted.
rather long time; trip e.g
this is my lightest color red, blue,
This my journey when I travel and yellow. n. he natural agent that
around the world. stimulates sight and makes things
Justify/ˈdʒʌs.tə.faɪ/ - v.to prove or visible. e.g you're my light and shining
show to be just, right, or reasonable. armor v. provide with light or lighting;
Justify your research. illuminate. e.g mirror light is perfect
Key/kiː/ n.a small piece of shaped for your photoshoot
metal with incisions cut to fit the Lot /lɑːt/ adv. very much or a great
wards of a particular lock, which is deal. e.g I love you a centilion
inserted into a lock and turned to timesdeterminerthey are used as
open or close it.e.g A key vault. v.enter determiners before plural countable
or operate on (data) by means of a and singular uncountable nouns.
computer keyboard or telephone e.g
He gave me a lot of flowers this
keypad. e.g She always had a key on day. pron.great number or quantity.
her phone adj.of paramount or crucial e.g
Three Hundred minions were
importance.e.g this is the key to launched.
victory. Luxury /ˈlʌk.ʃɚ.i/ adjluxurious or of
Kind/kaɪnd/-n.a group of people or the nature of a luxury. e.g he owns
things having similar characteristics. luxury cars. n.the state of great
we have the same kind of interest. comfort and extravagant living. e.g
- caring about others; gentle, they lived in a luxury hotel
friendly, and generous e.gHe is so kind Major /ˈmeɪ.dʒɚ/ - adj.important,
to me. serious, or significant. e.gHe is a major
Last /last/ Adv. on the last occasion threat.
before the present; previously. Mention/ˈmen.ʃən/- v.
refer to
Long time no see since last something briefly and without going
year.determinerYou use last in into detail.e.g didnt mention that I
expressions such as last Friday, last have a crush on him. n.a reference to
night, and last year to refer, to the someone or something. e.g he stares
most recent Friday, night, or year. me like a mention eagle eye
the last person or thing; the one Mine/maɪn/ - n.a deep hole in the
occurring, mentioned, or acting after ground made for the removal of coal
all others. e.g He is my first and last v. and other substances by digging. e.g I
to continue for a period of time, or found some diamonds while digging
to continue to exist.e.g this is my last pron
used to refer to a thing or things
suffering. belonging to or associated with the
speaker. e.g shout with the bottom of Opening/ˈoʊp.nɪŋ/- n.A space or hole
your heart that your mine. that somebody/ something can pass
Money/ˈmʌn.i/- n. a medium of through.
exchange that functions as legal e.g
We could see stars through an
tender. e.g dollar bills opening in the roof.
Much/mʌtʃ/ -determinera great amount Option/əˈpɪn.jən/- n.something that
or quantity of. e.g your too much of you can choose to have or do; the
annoying freedom to choose what to do. e.g As i
- a great amount or quantity. e.g see, we have two options.
she eats to much candy. adv.to a great Order/əˈpɪn.jən/- n.which people or
extent; a great deal.e.g this issue is things are placed or arranged in
too much for me to deal relation to each other.e.gThe names
Name/neɪm/- n.a word or phrase that are listed in alphabetical order.
constitutes the distinctive Origin/ˈɔːr.ə.dʒɪn/- n.The point from
designation of a person or thing. which something starts; the cause of
The boy's name is Brad. something. e.g origin of something the
Need/niːd/- n.Circumstances in which origins of life on earth.
something is necessary, or that Outline/ˈaʊt.laɪn/-v.To give a
require some course of action; description of the main facts or
necessity.e.g The basic human need points involved in somethinge.g
for food Oven/ˈʌv.ən/ - n.The part of a cooker
Night/naɪt/- n.The time between one that is like a box with a door on the
day and the next when it is front, in which food is cooked or
dark,bwhen people usually sleep. heated.e.gTake the cake out of the
She woke up in the middle of the oven.
night Owner/ˈoʊ.nɚ/-n.A person who owns
Note/noʊt/- n.A short piece of writing something.e.gThe painting has been
to help you remember something. e.g returned to its rightful owner.
Please make a note of the dates Pain/peɪn/- n.Feelings that you have
Number/ˈnʌm.bɚ/ - v.To give a in your body when you have been
number to something as part of a hurt or when you are ill. e.g a cry of
series or list e.g All the seats in the pain
stadium are numbered. Peace /piːs/ -n.A situation or a period
Observe/əbˈzɝːv/ - v.To see or notice of time in which there is no war or
somebody/something. e.gI want you violence in a country or an area. e.g
to observe all the details. The two communities live together in
`Occasion/əˈkeɪ.ʒən/- n.A particular peace.
time when something happens.e.g I've Pin/pɪn/- n.A short thin piece of stiff
met him on several occasions. wire with a sharp point at one end
Officer/ˈɑː.fɪ.sɚ/- n.A person who is in and a round head at the other, used
a position of authority in the armed especially for fastening together
forces. e.gThe officer in charge of the pieces of cloth when sewing.e.gUse
case. pins to keep the patch in place while
Oil /ɔɪl/- n.a thick liquid that is found you sew it on.
in rock undergroune.g The price of Point /pɔɪnt/- n.A thing that
crude oil has more than doubled. somebody says or writes giving their
opinion or stating a fact
She made several interesting
points in the article.
Purpose/ˈpɝː.pəs/- n.The intention, her tenants, including prompt
aim or function of something; the payment of rent.
thing that something is supposed to
achieve.e.gOur campaign's main Sale/sāl/ - n.an act or the process of
purpose is to raise money. selling something. e.g regulations
Quality/kwälədē/ - nthe standard of governing the sale of alcoholic
something as measured against beverages
other things of a similar kind; the Secure/səˈkyo͝or/ - v.to obtain or
degree of excellence of something. achieve something, especially when
This car quality is great this means using a lot of effort. e.gThe
Question /ˈkwesCH(ə)n/na sentence team managed to secure a place in
worded or expressed so as to elicit the finals.
information.e.g Hey!!! answer my Size/sīz/ - n.how large or small a
question v
ask questions of person or thing is. e.gShe has almost
(someone), especially in an official doubled the size of her investments.
context. Soap/ˈsōp/ - n.substance that you use
He questioned me calmly and with water for washing your
asked if I do really love him. body.e.gWash the affected area with
Quickly/ˈkwiklē/ -advat a fast speed; soap and water.
rapidly. Sue/so͞o/ - v.to make a claim against a
He kissed me on the cheeks person or an organization in court
quickly. about something that they have said
Quote/kwōt/ vrepeat or copy out (a or done to harm you.e.g They
group of words from a text or threatened to sue if the work was
speech), typically with an indication not completed.
that one is not the original author or Talk/tôk/ - v. to say things; to speak in
speaker.e.gThe qoute of the chapter order to give information or to
three. na quotation from a text or express ideas or feelings. e.g They talk
speech. a lot about the inspiration for their
Let this be our last chapter. music.
Rain/reɪn/- n.Water that falls from the Team/tēm/ - n.a group of people who
sky in separate drops.e.g There will be play a particular game or sport
rain in all parts tomorrow. against another group of people.
Read/riːd/- v.To look at and The team is/are not playing very
understand the meaning of written well this season.
or printed words or symbols.e.g She's Time/tīm/ - n.what is measured in
still learning to read. minutes, hours, days, etc.e.gThe world
Ride/raɪd/- v.To sit on an animal, exists in time and space.
especially a horse, and control it as it Topic/ˈtäpik/ - n.a subject that you
moves.e.g I learnt to ride as a child. talk, write or learn about. e.gThe main
Room/ruːm/ n.A part of a building topic of conversation was Tom's new
that has its own walls, floor and girlfriend.
ceiling and is usually used for a Turn/tərn/ - v.to move or make
particular purpose.e.g I heard him something move around a central
enter the room. point.e.g The wheels of the car began
Rule /ruːl/- n.A statement of what to turn.
may, must or must not be done in a Ugly/ˈəɡlē/ -adjunpleasant or
particular situation or when playing a repulsive, especially in
game.e.gShe laid down strict rules for appearance. Even though you try
many products you wil be still ugly
Ultimately /ˈəltəmətlē/ - advfinally; in
the end.
This will be our final ultmately person speaking or singing.e.gI could
battle. hear voices in the next room.
Umbrella/ˌəmˈbrelə/ - n.a device Vulgar/ˈvəlɡər/ -adjnot having or
consisting of a circular canopy of showing good taste; not polite,
cloth on a folding metal frame pleasant or well behaved.e.gShe
supported by a central rod, used as found their laughter and noisy games
protection against rain or sometimes coarse and rather vulgar.
sun. Wait/wāt/ -v.to stay where you are or
That umbrella of yours is pretty. delay doing something until
Underground/ˈəndər ɡround'/adj- somebody/something comes or
situated beneath the surface of the something happens. e.gShe rang the
ground. e.g
underground parking bell and waited.
garages.advbeneath the surface of the Weird/wird/ - adj.very strange or
ground.e.gHe's beneath underground. unusual and difficult to explain.e.g I
Up/əp/adv- oward a higher place or had a really weird dream last night.
position. Win/wird/ - vto be the most
This place is so high up.prep. from a successful in a competition, race,
lower to a higher point on battle,etc. e.g She loves to win an
(something); upward along. argument.
Lets make Him high up. Work/wərk/ -v.to do something that
Urge/ərj/ - vtry earnestly or involves physical or mental effort,
persistently to persuade (someone) especially as part of a job. e.g I can't
to do something.e.g If I were you I work if I'm cold.
urge him to stop. Wuss/wo͝os/ -n.a person who is not
Use/yo͞os/vtake, hold, or deploy strong or brave.e.gDon't be such a
(something) as a means of wuss!
accomplishing a purpose or achieving Xanax/ˈzanˌaks/ - n.proprietary term
a result; employe.g I used his tool to for alprazolam. e.gThis is our Xanax
make me happy. nthe action of using for today
something or the state of being used Xenophobia/zenəˈfōbēə,ˌzēnəˈfōbē/
for a purpose.e.gRecycle the plastic dislike of or prejudice against
for future use. people from other countries. e.gThe
Value/ˈvalyo͞o/ - n.how much country of USA and its xenophobia
something is worth in money or Xi/zī,ksī/ - n.the fourteenth letter of
other goods for which it can be the Greek alphabet ( Ξ, ξ ),
exchanged. e.gDon't leave anything of transliterated as ‘x.’.
value in the car. Xylography /zīˈläɡrəfē/ - n.the art of
Venue/ˈvenˌyo͞o/ - n.a place where making woodcuts or wood
people meet for an organized event, engravings, especially by a relatively
for example a concert, sporting primitive technique. Bungkaka and
event or conference. e.gPlease note Hut
the change of venue for this event. Yard/yärd/ -n.a piece of land next to
Visit/ˈvizət/ -v. to go to see a person or around your house where you can
or a place for a period of time. e.g My grow flowers, fruit, vegetables, etc.,
parents are coming to visit me next usually with a lawn.e.g They have a
week. gorgeous old oak tree in their front
Voice/vois/ -nthe sound or sounds yard.
produced through the mouth by a
Yearn/yərn/- v.to want something
very much, especially when it is very or communities, often involving
food, music, and games.e.gEvery
difficult to get. e.gThe people yearned Christmas our family conduct bakaan
for peace. to express our love, gratitude, and
Yield/yēld/-n.the total amount of forgiveness to everyone.
crops, profits, etc. that are Bayanihan/buy-uh-nee-hun/-n.is a
producede.g a high crop yield Filipino word derived from the word
Youth/yo͞oTH/- n.the time of life when bayan meaning town, nation, or
a person is young, especially the time community in general. "Bayanihan"
before a child becomes an adult. literally means, "being a bayan," and
She regrets that she spent her is thus used to refer to a spirit of
youth travelling and not studying. communal unity and
Yuck/yək/- n.horrible or very cooperation.e.gFilipinos have the
unpleasant.e.g yucky food. Bayanihan spirit.
Zag/zaɡ/- a sharp change of Beshie/ˈbeʃi/ - n.Another slang term
direction in a zigzag course. e.gHe derived from "best friend, used
runs zig zag. V.make a sharp change kindly to refer to a close friend. e.gMe
of direction.e.gHe outrun the and my beshie went to church
crocodile using the zig zag run yesterday.
method Betamax - n.blocks of pig's blood
Zenith/ˈzēnəTH/ -n.the time at which cooked and eaten as street food. e.g
something is most powerful or Joan loves Betamax.
successful.e.gShe reached her Zenith Bibingka/biˈbiŋka/- n.a traditional
power Filipino rice cake made with rice flour
Zilch/zilCH/-pron. nothing.e.gHe did and coconut milk, usually topped
something zilch in class.determiner not with butter, sugar, and cheese.e.g My
any; no.e.gHis attitude is Zilch grandmother make delicious
Zonal/ˈzōn(ə)l/- adjcharacterized by or bibingka every Sunday.
relating to a zone or zones. e.g The n.
Boodle-fight a traditional Filipino
Universe is Zonal dining style where a variety of food,
Zucchini/zo͞oˈkēnē/- n.a green variety such as rice, meats, seafood, and
of smooth-skinned summer vegetables, and eaten using bare
squash.e.gHis favorite vegetable is hands, symbolizing friendship and
Zucchini. equality among diners.e.g My family
loves to eat boodle fight especially
PHILIPPINE ENGLISH when we are all present.
Boundary/ˈbaʊndəɹi/ – n.commission
Adidas/ʔaˈdidas/-n.chicken feet paid by a bus or jeepney driver to a
cooked and eaten as street public transportation operator for
food. We ate adidas yesterday. taking passengers, or the excess
Advance/ədˈvaːns/– adjof a clock collected fares taken as daily wage.
ahead of the exact time.e.gThat clock Bukayo/buˈkajoʔ/ - n.a traditional
is advance. Filipino sweet treat made from
Apartelle/ʌ.pɑɹˈtɛl/- n.apartment and coconut.e.g When I was a kid I always
hotele.gSofia has an apartelle in eat bukayo because that is my
Manila. favorite.
Bakaan - n.A traditional gathering or Brownout/ˌbraʊnˈaʊt/ — n.blackout;
celebration among Filipino families power outage. e.g In the Philippines,
there’s always a brownout if it’s Datu/da·tu/ - n.Traditional title for a
raining. tribal chief or leader in various
Calesa /kaˈlesa/ - n.A horse drawn indigenous communities in the
carriage commonly used for Philippines.e.g Lapu-Lapu is the
transportation in the Philippines famous Datu of Mactan.
during the Spanish colonial period, Despedida/d̪es.peˈð̞i.ð̞a/-n.A farewell
now primarily seen in tourist areas party or gathering held to bid
for vacation rides. e.g There are lots of goodbye to someone who is
calesa located at Vigan, Ilocos Sur. leaving.e.g Before my cousin went
CarabaoEnglish/kaɾaˈbao/— n.broken abroad we conducted despedida for
Englishe.g I speak Carabao English her.
because I’m not a fluent English Diyos/diˈjos/ - n.The Filipino word for
speaker. "God" or "deity," often used in
Carnap/kahr-nap/— v.to steal or religious contexts.e.g Filipinos
hijack a motor vehicle; to carjack. celebrate Semana Santa as
Coined as a blend of car and commemoration of the life of our
kidnap.e.g Hilou carnaps every Diyos.
midnight. Dosage/ˈdɔ.ze/ - n.The amount of
Cedula /ˈθedula/ - n.A community tax medicine or substance prescribed or
certificate issued by local recommended to be taken at one
government units in the Philippines, time or over a specific period. e.g
often used as an identification When drinking medicine we must
document for various transactions.e.g follow the proper dosage to avoid
The Katipuneros ripped their cedula overdose..
that signifies their revolution. Dunong/ˈdunoŋ/ - n.Knowledge or
Cinedrama- n.A Filipino theatrical wisdom, often acquired through
performance that combines education, experience, or cultural
elements of cinema and drama, learning. e.g Elders acquired lots of
often featuring live actors on stage dunong through their experiences.
accompanied by live video Duster — n.a simple sundress, often
projections.e.g Actors and actresses of worn at home. e.g My mother loves to
cinedrama are really good in wear duster.
portraying their roles. Early Bird/ˈɜːrli bɜːrd/ - adj.referring to
Commute/kəˈmjuːt/ - v.to travel by someone who arrives or acts before
public transportation.e.g others. In our class I'm always the
Conyo/kəˈmjuːt/ - n.A Filipino slang early bird.
term referring to someone who Eco Bag/ɛkoʊ bæɡ/ - n.refers to a
speaks a mix of English and Filipino.e.g reusable and environmentally
The current generation usually use friendly bag usually made from
conyo when communicating. materials like clothor recycled
Cucharon//χiː/ʃaˈɾon/- n.A large ladle plastics.e.g Many supermarkets in the
used for cooking or serving food, Philippines now encourage shoppers
typically made of metal or wood. It is to bring their own eco bags to
commonly used in Filipino kitchens reduce plastic usage.
for scooping or stirring large ElFilibusterismo/ɛl.fɪl.ɪ.bʊs.tə.
quantities of food.e.g Cooks use ˈrɪz.mɔ/ - n.Refers to the second novel
cucharon when stirring food in large written by one of the hero in the
pans. Philippines ,Dr. José Rizal, which is a
continuation of his first novel, "Noli
Me Tangere." El Filibusterismo is
one of the novel written by Jose Ginamos/gi‧na‧mos/ - Fermented
Rizal. fish or shrimp paste commonly used
Endo — n.labor contracting system as a condiment in Filipino cuisine.e.g I
involving work within a specific love to dip mango at ginamos
period of time as specified in the because it is so delicious.
contract, where the worker is laid off Gorabels/ɡō.rā/[bɛɫs] - A playful
afterwards and is barred from being slang term meaning "ready to go" or
re-hired. Coined from end of "up for anything.e.g My circle of
contract. friends gorabels for everything.
Ensaymada/en‧say‧ma‧da./ - n.soft Gulgol /gul‧gol/- n.is a tradition
round bread, usually with butter and widely practiced by the Ilocano tribe
cheese on top that is a popular snack in the northern part of Luzon island
in the Philippines. e.g I always buy in the Philippines to drive away the
ensaymada at the bakery shop. spirit of a dead relative recently
Erpat /ˈʔeɾpats/ - n.A informal phrase buried that he or she may go straight
in Philippine English for "father" or to heaven. It is customarily done the
"dad." e.g He is my erpat. morning after the dead was buried.
Estafa/əsˈta.fə/ - n.It is a type of The family of Mang Alex went to
fraudulent criminal act with the the river and did the gulgol.
intention of concealing another Halo-halo/ˈhɑloʊ ˈhɑloʊ/ - n.a Filipino
person for personal gain. e.g Aleng dessert prepared with mixed fruit,
Magda was sued with Estafa by the cooked sweetened white beans,
ASKI lending agency milk, and shaved ice, generally
Fiesta/fɪˈɛstə/ - n.
A festive topped with purple yam, cream
celebration, typically honoring a caramel, and ice cream.e.g This
patron saint or commemorating a summer halo-halo is a good dessert
significant event, characterized by to defeat the heat.
feasting, music, dancing, and other Hele/ˈheleɪ/ - n.is the Filipino word
cultural activities.e.g Fiestevals are the for "lullaby," and in this song, I
most joyful celebration for Filipinos. included frequently used words
Folklore/ˈfəʊk.lɔː/- n.
Traditional related to bedtime. e.g the baby fell
beliefs, customs, stories, and asleep immediately because of his
practices passed down orally from mother's hele.
generation to generation within a High blood/haɪ blʌd/ - adj.In the
culture or community. e.g Ilocanos has Philippines when someone is angry.
different folklore practiced by Ilokos. They say "high blood ka nanaman"
Galunggong/ɡaluŋˈɡoŋ/-n.also Hopia/ˈhop.jɐʔ/ - n.A popular Filipino
known as mackerel scad, is a popular pastry filled with sweet bean paste
fish in the Philippines and a so-called or other fillings. e.g I bought hopia
poor man's fish. It is often enjoyed that has munggo as fillings yesterday.
crispy fried and often partnered with Hut/hʌt/ - n.is a type of stilt house
vegetable dishes or tomato salad.e.g indigenous to the Philippines. It often
The galunggong cooked by your serves as an icon of Philippine
mom is so delicious, and I love it culture.e.g I want to stay in the hut in
Gewang/ˈɡewaŋ/,- n.a traditional the farm because the fresh air is
woven mat used as flooring or nice.
sleeping material in Filipino Jeepney/ˈˈd͡ʒiːpni/ - n.A type of public
households.e.g My father brought transportation in the Philippines.
gewang when we went to a picnic.
Jeepneys are known for their colorful Litson/liˈt͡ʃon/ - n.A Filipino term for
decorations and unique designs. roasted or grilled meat, particularly
Jizz/ʤɪz/ - n.A slang term in referring to roasted pig (lechon) or
Philippine English used to refer to roasted chicken.e.g
semen or male ejaculate. He Lodi/ˈlɔ.di/ - n.Slang term in
explode jizz on me. Philippine English derived from the
Jologs/ˈd͡ʒo.loɡs/ - adj.
A term in word "idol," used to refer to
Philippine English used to describe someone who is admired, and
something or someone who is respected.e.g
perceived as low-class or lacking in Lumpia/ˈlʊmpia̯/ - n.Filipino term for
style. e.g He always wear jologs spring rolls, typically filled with a
clothes. mixture of vegetables, meat, and
Jutay /d͡ʒuˈtaj/- adj.A Filipino slang sometimes seafood, then deep-fried
term used to describe something until crispy.e.g I always cook lumpia
that is small or tiny.e.g He is jutay and sell them.
than I expected. Maestra /maˈɛ.stra/- n.is a female
KKB - n.literally each one pays their teacher in the Philippines.e.g My
own used especially to indicate that maestra is so strict.
the cost of a meal is to be shared. e.g Mestiza/o/mesˈtiθa/-n.It's commonly
They always do kkb in every used in the Philippines to describe
restaurant . someone who has fair or light skin
Kikiam/kiˈkjam/ - n.A Filipino street due to their mixed heritage.e.g She
food made from ground pork or fish looks like a mestiza when wearing a
wrapped in bean curd skin and deep- white dress.
fried, often served with a sweet and Militar /mi.liˈtar/- n.The Armed
sauce.e.g my favorite snack is kikiam. Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
Kopong-kopong /koˈpoŋ koˈpoŋ/- (Filipino: Sandatahang Lakas ng
A Filipino term used to describe Pilipinas) are the military forces of
something or someone that is very the Philippines. e.g My boyfriend is a
old or ancient. e.g In a jar its always member of militar.
kopong kopong. Mongoloid-/mɒŋɡəˌlɔɪd/ n.relating to
Kubo- n.bahay kubo, kubo, or payag a group of people formerly
(in the Visayan languages) is a type considered to constitute a race of
of stilt house indigenous to the humans having Asian ancestry and
Philippines.e.g they always hangout in classified according to physical
our little kubo. traits.e.g My friend is a mongoloid.
Kuya/ˈkuːja/ - n.an elder brother. Also MU n.misunderstandinge.g We have
used as a respectful title or form of an MU.
address for an older man. Nap - v.A Filipino slang term referring
Lambanog/læmˈbɑnoɡ/ - n.
A to a short period of sleep, usually
traditional Filipino alcoholic during the daytime.e.g During
beverage distilled from the sap of noontime I always take a nap
coconut flowers, similar to coconut Negra /ˈnɛ.ɣɾə/- n.refer to black
arrack or coconut wine. people, as well as to people with
Lechon/leˈt͡ʃon/- n.
A traditional dark colored skin.e.g I saw a group of
Filipino dish consisting of a whole people in the road they are all Negro
roasted pig, often prepared for and Negra.
special occasions and celebrations. e.g Nipa/ˈniːpɑ/ - n.A type of palm native
to Southeast Asia, known for its large
leaves and use in traditional Filipino Puto/ˈputoʊ/ - n.A type of steamed
architecture, such as nipa huts.e.g I rice cake, usually eaten as a dessert
like to hang out on the Nipa Hut or snack.e.g My birthday isn't
everyday. complete without puto.
nosebleed/ˈnəʊzˌbliːd/-adj.struggling Quota- n.a fixed share of something
to speak English with a fluent or that a person or group is entitled to
native speakere.g You speak English receive or is bound to contribute. e.g
fluently, Now I have a nosebleed. Where’s my quota?
Noypi /noɪ̯.pɪ/- n.A colloquial term Rapper n.is a musician who drops
used to refer to Filipinos or people of rhymes to the beat. e.gIn the
Filipino descent, often used in a Philippines, Francis Magalona and
casual or friendly context.e.g I am a Andrew E. are considered among the
Noypi. most influential rappers in the
Nuno /nuːnoʊ/- n.A mythical creature country.
in Filipino folklore, often depicted as Red Horse /rɛd hɔrs/- n.A popular
a dwarf-like being residing in anthills brand of beer in the Philippines
or mounds, believed to protect known for its high alcohol content
nature and bring blessings or curses and strong flavor.e.gLet's grab some
to humanse.gdisturbing the nuno's Red Horse and unwind after work.
home can result in misfortune or Ritmo/ˈrit.mo/ It means in the
illness." Philippines is rhythm or beat of
OA – adj.Overacting.e.g You’re so OA. music, dance, or any repetitive
Pandesal/ˈpan.dɛ.sɐl/ - n.a yeast pattern.e.g The dancers moved in sync
raised bread roll made of flour, eggs, with the lively ritmo of the music.
sugar and salt, widely consumed in Rotonda/roˈton.da/ - n.In Philippines
the Philippines, especially for this term refer for a roundabout or
breakfast.e.g In the morning I always traffic circle, a circular intersection
eat pandesal along with a coffee. where traffic flows around a central
Pekpek shorts — n.extremely short island.
shorts that expose the e.g
Take the second exit at the rotonda
buttocks.e.gGirls loves to wear pekpek to reach the mall.
short in public. Rugby boy/ˈrʌɡbi bɔɪ/ - n.are a
Perya/ˈpɛɾ.jɐ/ - n.A term used in collective term for gangs of street
Filipino to describe a fair or carnival children found in the Philippines.
with different rides, games, and food They are known for using and being
vendors.e.g Once in a three months addicted to a contact cement known
there is an event called Perya in as "Rugby" e.g They are the rugby
some community. boys.
Pinipig/pɪˈni.pɪɡ/ - n.is a flattened Sari-sari store/ˌsaɾi ˌsaɾi isˈtoɾ/ - n.a
rice ingredient from the Philippines. small neighborhood store selling a
It is made of immature grains of variety of goods.e.g When are you
glutinous rice pounded until flat going to buy on a sari-sari store?
before being toasted.e.g When I Sebo/ˈseβo̝/ - n.a filipino term that
travel I always buy pinipig. refers to oil or grease, particularly in
Porma /ˈpoɾma/-n.This is slang term the context of cooking. e.g Wash the
meaning stylish, fashionable, or well dishes and remove all the sebo.
dressed.e.g He likes to dress up in Sinigang/siniˈɡaŋ/- n.
In Filipino
every occasion. cuisine, a soup cooked with pork,
shrimp, or fish and seasoned with a
sour ingredient like tamarind or some regions, they refer to pedicabs
camias.e.g Sinigang is my favorite (cycle rickshaws) or motorcycle-
viand. based vehicles with a rear passenger
Sorbetes/soɾˈbetes/ - n.a traditional compartment similar to a tuk-tuk.
ice cream originating from the Viand ˈvaɪ.ənd– n.side dishe.g rice
Philippines and uniquely topping
characterized by the use of coconut Videoke – n.karaoke, KTV. Coined as a
milk and/or carabao milk.e.g Uncle blend of video and karaoke in the
John always sell a sorbetes in front of 1990s.e.g In our home every time
our house. there's a party we brought videoke.
Subdivision /ˈsʌbdɪvɪʒən/- n.gated Witty- adj.showing or characterized by
community or named residential quick and inventive verbal humor.e.g
area.e.g Uncle Karding live in You’re friend is very witty.
subdivision and he always gave us a Xerox/ˈzɛ.ɹɒks/ - n.a copy made by a
foods. xerographic printer. e.g Where’s the
Tarpaulin/tɑˈpɔː.lɪn/ - n.refers to xerox copy?
large sheets of waterproof material, Yaya — n.n annye.g hey yaya.
usually made of plastic or synthetic Yoyo-n.a toy consisting of an axle
fibers.e.g During election season, connected to two disks, and a string
candidates often display their names looped around the axle, similar to a
and campaign slogans on tarpaulins spool.e.g I love playing yoyo when I
posted around communities. was a child.
Teh /tɛ/n.slang term used as a playful Zagu - n.round chewy pearls, similar
and affectionate way to address a to tapioca pearls but made from
female friend, similar to "girl" or palm starch, often used in sweet milk
"sis". drinks with iceor taho.e.g Let's grab
Hey teh, what's up? are you some Zagu after lunch to cool off in
coming to the party later? this hot weather.
Tikbalang /tikˈbalaŋ/ - n.is a creature Zest- O /zɛst o/- n.Philippine
of Philippine folklore said to lurk in privately held food and beverage
the mountains and rainforests of the company based in Caloocan.e.g Zest-O
Philippines. e.g I saw a tikbalang is very refreshing
Toga - /ˈtəʊ.ɡə/n.graduation gowne.g Zumba /ˈzumbɑ/- A rhythmic
the toga fits me for our graduation fusion of Latin music and the latest
Turon/tuˈɾon/ - n.in Filipino cooking chart toppers makes this one of the
sliced bananas or other fruit rolled in most fun workouts a star can have. e.g
a thin layer of pastry and deep-fried, Dancing Zumba is essential for our
served as a dessert or snack. e.g the body.
turon was good and crispy"
Turumpo/tʊ.ɾʊmˈpo/ - n.typically
refers to a spinning top toy. It's a
traditional Filipino toy made of wood Aabangan-// pndHintayin sa lugar
or plastic.
During fiestas in the Philippines, kung saan maghihintay.Hal.Si Luis ay
children gather to play games like aabangan ang kanyang tiya sa labas
turumpo, where they compete to see ng kanilang bahay.
whose top can spin the longest." Aba/əˈbɑ/pnr.Katagang nagpapahayag
Tricycle — n.auto rickshaw, usually a
motorcycle with a covered sidecar. In ng matinding damdamin. Pagkagulat,
pagtataka at paghanga.Hal.Aba! Asim- png. Ito ay lasa ng isang pagkain
Himala at ikaw ay naglinis ngayon. katulad ng suka.Hal.Ang ulam namin
Acetone- /a.se.tɔn/png. Isang likido na ngayon ay sinagang na bangus na
walang kulay. Hal.Pakilinisan nga ang kasing asim ng sampalok.
aking kuko gamit ang acetone Marie. Atleta- png.Isang manlalarong tao na
Adobo-/əˈdōˌbō/png.Putaheng may taglay na lakas ng isang
niluluto sa suka, toyo na karaniwang manlalaro.Hal. Si John ay isang atleta
nilalagyan ng dahon ng Laurel, sa paaralan ng OLPCSMI.
paninta at iba pang sangkap.Hal.Si inay Audisyon-png.Pagsubol sa kahusayan
ay nagluluto ng abodo para sa at kaangkupan.Hal.Si Mary ay nag
pananghalian namin. audisyon ng sayaw na isang
Agham- png. Tumutukoy sa siyensiya. kompitisyon sa kanilang barangay.
Si Andrei ay nag-aaral ng agham Awit- png.Anyo ng panitikan na may
sa Unibersidad ng Pilipinas. musika, Uri ng mahabang tulang
Ahas-/ˈɑhɑs/png. Isang Uri ng hayop pasalaysay.Hal.Nag-alay ng isang Awit
na nakamamatay, walang para, si Marga kay Kyle.
madulas at may nakakkamamdag na Ayaw- pnr. Laban sa kalooban, hindi
pangil.Hal.Natuklaw ng ahas si Mang gusto o hindi magustuhan.Hal.Si
Padring sa bukid. Teresa ay ayaw magsipilyo tuwing
Akda-png. Anumang nilikha ng isang gabi.
manunulat.Hal. Si Jose Rizal ang may Babad-png. Pamamalagi sa tubig o
akda ng El Filibusterismo. anumang likido. Ang aking kamay ay
Alagad- png.Taga-sunod o isang babad na sa tubig.
katulong at kawani.Hal. Si Mang Bert Benta- png. Kinita sa pagtitinda. HalSi
ay alagad ng batas. Joseph ay kumita ng limanh libo sa
Ama-/ɑːmə/png. Magulang na lalako kanyang benta.
at haligi ng tahanan.Hal.Ang aking ama Bibe- png. Uri ng alagang hayop na
ay nagtratrabaho para kami ay lumalangoy sa tubig.Hal Ang aking
mayroong makain. alagang bibe- ay maliit pa.
Anak- png. Supling ng mag-asawa.Hal.Si Blangket- png. makapal na kumot na
Jennifer ay anak nina Mang Bert at gawa sa tela.Hal. Nilabhan ko ang
Along Marites. aking blangket kanina.
Apektado/apekˈtado/ Boluntaryo- png. Pagkilis o paggawa ng
Naimpluwensiyahan, nasaktan o Isang bagay nang walang
mayroong kinalaman.Hal.Si Jonny ay kapalit.Hal.Ako ay isang boluntaryo
apektado sa pagkamatay ni Rose. upang mag-linis sa aming barangay.
Araw-png.Pinakasentrong bituin ng Braso-png. Bahagi ng katawan ng tao,
solor system.Hal.Ang araw ang mula sa siko hanggang pulsihan ng
pinakamalaking bituin. kamay.Hal. Malaki ang braso Jef dahil
siya ay mahilig magbuhat ng Ang aking dugo ay kasingpula ng
mabibigat na bagay. iyong damit.
Bugtong- png.Isang pahulaan o Dyipni-png.Ginagamit pang
palaisipan ng isang tao.Hal. Si Marie ay transportasyon ng mga tao. Hal.
mahilig sa bugtong. Sumakay ako ng dyipni papuntang
Byahe- png. Kung saan pupunta ang bayan.
Isang tao. Hal. Ngayong araw ang Ebanghelista-png.taga pagkalat o taga
byahe ng aking ina papuntang japan. pangaral ng mga salita ng diyos mula
Calamares-png. Isang uri ng pagluluto sa bibliya.HalAng aking kaibigan ay
ng pusit. isang ebanghelist sa aming
Di Aling Tindeng ay naglalako ng simbahan.
calamares. Edukasyon-png.Sistematikong proseso
Compas- png. Instrumentong paguhit sanpagtuturo o pag-aaral.Hal
na bilog at pansukat sa eskalang Edukasyon ang aking pinagtutuunan
mapa.Hal. Gumagamit kami ng ng pansin ngayon.
compass upang hindi kami maligaw. Ehersisyo- png. Pagpapalakas ng
Dagat-png.Malawak na tubig-alat na katawan.Hal.Ako ay nag ehersisyo
bumabalot sa malaking bahagi ng araw-araw upang ako ay palaging
mundo at punapalibutan sa malakas.
kalupaan.Hal. Gusto kung humuli ng ng Ekonomiya- png.Kabuuan ng paglikha,
isda sa dagat. pamamahagi at paggamit ng yaman,
Delikado- pnr.Mahirap pakibagayan, kalakal at serbisyo.HalAng ekonomiya
maselan at mapanganib. ng Pilipinas ay Tila ba bumababa na.
Si Mariel ay isang delikado na Eleksiyon- png. Pagpili ng mga tao na
pakisamahan. piliin sa tungkulin sa pamamagitan
Diksyonaryo-png. Kalat na naglalaman ng pagboto.Hal Si Mang Karding ay
ng mga salita ng Isang wika o isang hinihingkayat niya ang mga tao para
tangibg uri ng nga salita. siya ay iboto sa paparating na
Si Vic ay nagbabasa ng eleksiyon.
diksyonaryo sa library. Embudo- png. Ginagamit sa pagsalin
Donasyon-png. Anumang bagay na ng likido sa bote.Hal.Gumagamit di
ibinibigay ng kusa sa isang pondo o Aling Mryna ng embudo upang ang
institusyon.Hal. Si Alvin ay nagbigay kanyang tubig ay di matapon.
donasyon sa mga nasalanta ng Enero- png.Unang buwang ng taon na
bagyo. Binubuo ng tatlumput isang
Droga-png. Isang pinagbabawal na araw.Hal.Ako ay isinilang noong
gamot.Hal. Madami ng nakitil na buwan ng Enero.
buhay ng dahil sa droga. Epekto- png.Isang bagay na dulot ng
Dugo- png. Likidong nananalatay sa isang sanhi. HalNasita ang pananim ni
ugat ng tao at hayop.
Mang Bert dahil sa epekto ng mga ang mga iba't-ibang klaseng hayop
peste. tulad ng ahas.
Eskinita- png. Isang masikip na daanan. Hagdan- png. Bahagi ng bahay o isang
Araw araw akong dumadaan sa gusali na ginagamit upang
eskinita tuwing gabi. makarating sa isang palapag.Hal.Ang
Etniko- png. Taong kasapi ng pangkat kanilang hagdan ay kasing tingkab ng
etniko. Hal.Ang mga Ilocano ay bahagi isang salamin.
ng pangkat etniko sa bansa. Helikopter-pngSasakyang nakakalipad
Gabi- png. Kabuan ng Isang sa himpapawid ginagamit din itong
magdamag, oras o panahon mula transportsyon.Hal.Sumakay kami ng
paglubog ng araw.Hal.Sa gabi si inay ay helikopter papuntang ibang bansa.
nagbabasa ng kwento pag ako ay Hilaga- png.Ang direksyon sa kanan ng
matutulog na. isang tao na nakaharap sa lubugan
Generator- png. Making na lumilikha ng araw.Hal.Si Marie ay papuntang
ng elektrisidad mula sa Hilaga upang siya ay makapunta sa
enerhiya.Hal.Ang buong barangay ay bahay nila.
nawalan ng kuryente kaya naman ay Hugot- png. Pagkuha Mula sa Isang
binuksan namin ang aming generator lalagyan.Hal.Isang hugot lang Ang
upang kami ay mayroong kuryente. kinuha ko sa among garapon.
Gilingan- png. Pagpaparaan o isang Ibigan- png.
Pagpapakita ng
makinang ginagamit sa pagdurog ng pagmamahal sa isat-isa. Isang
mga butil. magkasintahan na nagmamahalan.
Si nanay ay pumunta sa gilingan sa Ideolohiya- png. Ito ay paniniwala,
palengke upang magpagiling ng bigas saloobin, at konsepti na nagtatakda
na malagkit. at nagpapadaloy sa direksyon ng
Glosaryo- png.Listahan ng mga salita o pag-iisip ng mga kasapi ng isang
termino sa isang larang. Hal.Si Ana ay pangkat.Hal.Ang ideolohiya ni Aljin ay
nagbubuklat ng libro upang tignan pinapahalagahan ang kanyang mga
ang glosaryo nito. tradisyon at kaugalian ng mga
Gobernador- png.Punakamataas na nakaraang henerasyon kaysa sa mga
pinuno sa lalawigan.Hal.Ang aking lolo bagong sistema.
ay gobernador sa buong Isabela. Ignorante-png. Kulang sa kaalaman,
Granada-png.Isang maliit na bombang karanasan, o kasanayan.Hal.Si Mae ay
naihahagis.Hal.Ang mga tulisan ay naging ignorante ng dahil ngayon
Gumagamit ng bomba sa kanilang niya lang nakita ang mamalaking
mga kalaban. gusali.
Gubat- png.Malawak na lupain, Ihaw- png. Ito ay Isang uri ng pagluluto
madaming mga puno ay karaniwang sa pamamagitan ng pagdatang sa
pinamumugaran ng mga iba't-ibang baga.Hal.Si nanay ay nag ihaw ng isda
klaseng hayop.Hal.Sa gubat nakatira upang aming ulaimn mamaya.
Ikatlo- png. Sumunod sa bilang na Iwas-png.Paglihis sa anuman o
dalawa. kaninuman.Hal. Todo iwas si Jane sa
Ikatlo ako sa magkakapatid. mga kaaway niya.
Ilaw- png. Anumang nagbibigay ng Iyon- png. Tumutukoy sa malayo o di
liwaag gaya ng nakasinding kaya ay itinuturo.Hal. Iyon ang aking
bumbilya. hinahanap kanina pa.
Ang aming Ilaw ay kasing liwanag Jaket-png. Kasuotang mahaba Ang
ng araw. manggas, karaniwang sinusuot kung
Imahinasyon- png. Kakayahan ng isang malamig.Hal.Si Janine ay magsusuot ng
taong bumulod ng mga imahe o jaket tuwing taglamig.
bagay na gamit ang kaisipan.Hal. Kaaway- png. Tao na may galit o poot
Ginagamit niya Ang kanyang sa isang tao, o naghahangad na
imahinasyon upang makalikha siya makasakit o makapinsala.Hal. Si
ng isang bagay. Princess ay naghahamon ng kaaway
Inaanak- png. Anak sa binyag, at sa sa kanyang klase.
kasal.Hal. Si Mary ay inaanak ko sa Keyk-png. Ito ay hinurnong timpla sa
kasal. arina, mantekilya, itlog, asukal at iba
Ipon- png.Pagtutumpok o pagalaan ng pa.
Anumang bagay na magagamit sa Tuwing birthday ni Erich ay may
anumang bagay. nakahandang keyk.
Si Ana ay nag ipon ng Pera para Kilabot-png. Pakiramdam o pagtindig
pangbili ng bagong gamit sa kanyang ng balahibo dahil sa matinding takot
pag-aaral. o lamig.Hal. Ang sinapit ni Aling Angie
Irigasyon- png. Patubig lalo na sa ay nakaka kilabot.
bukirin. Klase-pngPangkat ng mga estudyante
Si tatay ay kumukuha ng kanyang sa Isang partikular ng kurso.Hal.Ang
Patubig sa kanyang bukid sa aming klase ay Ang pinakamabait sa
irigasyon. lahat.
Isda-png.Lamang dagat na may Komedya-png. Anumang katha na
palikpik, kaliskis, at humihinga sa nakatatawa o nakakaliw.Hal. Si Vice
pamamagitan ng kanyang hasang. Hal. Ganda ay isang magaling na komedya
Kumukuha ng isda Ang aking kapatid sa ABS-CBN.
sa karagatan. Kriminal- png. Tao na gumagawa ng
Itak-png.Patalim na pantaga, kasalanan o krimen.Hal.Si Romar ay
ginagamit sa pagputol at Isang kriminal sa kanilang lugar.
panghiwa.Hal.Si kuya ay ginagamit ng Kubo- png. Maliit na bahay.Hal. Ang
itak para sa pagputol ng sanga ng aming kubo ay masarap tambayan sa
kahoy. tanghali.
Kwintas- png. nilalagay sa leeg.
Si Jessi ay binigyan ng kwintas ng tunog upang makabuo ng
kanyang ina. magandang tinig.Hal.Si Mariel ay
Lalawigan-png. Bahagi ng isang nakahiligan niyang makinig ng
malawak na lupaing sumasaklaw sa musika araw-araw.
Isang bayan.Hal.Ang aming lalawigan Nang/næŋ/pnl.pambuo ng pandiwang
ay Isang tahimik na lugar. pangnagdaan ng mang- na makikita
Leksiyon-png.Parusa o nagbibingay sa unahan ng pandiwang nagsisimula
aral sa nakakagawa ng kasalanan. sa K, G, H, M, N, Ng, VK at T. Hal.
Tinuruan ng leksiyon Angie dahil sa Sayaw nang sayaw si Eva na arang
kanyang ginawang kasalanan. walang tao sa paligid.
Libangan- png. Lugar na nakakaaliw o Negosyo png. trabaho, pamimili at
mga gawaing nakakaaliw.Hal.Ang pagtitinda ng mga kalakal upang
aking libangan ay pumunta sa lugar kumita, tao, sosyo, o korporasyon na
na mamayang naglalaro. naglalayong kumita.hal. Nagpatayo
Lubak- png. Hukay o butas na nang sari-sari store negosyo si
daanan o dikqya naman ay bato- Minda.
bato.Hal.Ang aming dinadaanan Ninong/ˈninoŋ/png.pinaikling padrino
ngayon ay masyadong malibak kaya o lalaking isponsor sa binyag. hal.Ang
naman nahihirapan ang aming ninong ko ang nagbigay sa akin ng
sasakyan. pulang damit na iyon.
Makapangyarihan-png. Nagtataglay ng Nominado/no.miˈna.ð̞o/
isang maimpluwensiya at nakahihigit iminungkahi ang ngalan upang
sa iba pang bagay.Hal.Ang pamilyang ihalal.hal.Si Alan Cayetano ay isang
Hidalgo ay makapangyarihan sa nominado bilang senador.
kanilang probinsya. Nutrisyonpng.proseso ng pagbibigay at
Mekaniko- png Tao na may kasanayan pagtanggap ng sustansiya, pag-aaral
sa pag- aayos ng makina.Hal. Si Mang tungkol sa wasto at balanseng
Juan ay Isang magaling na mekaniko pagkain.hal.Ang pagkain na puno ng
sa bayan. nutrisyon ay napapalakas ang
Milagro- png. Isa itong tao o mga katawan ng isang tao.
bagay- bagay na nagbibigay Ngalay/ˈŋalaj/pnr.nauukol sa
himala.Hal.Si Aling Marites ay na pamimigat ng alinmang bahagi ng
milagro sa bayan. katawan dahil sa pamamalagi sa
Morge- png. Lugar na pinaglalagyan ng isang posisyon, pagdadala ng
mga walang buhay na katawan.Hal. mabigat, o paggawa nang walang
Ang katawan ng isang taong tigil.hal. Haplusin mo nga ang kanyang
naaksidente na patay na kaya naman mga kamay upang sa gayon kahit
ay dinala na ito sa morge. papano ay mawala ang kanyang
Musika- png. Sining na kombinasyon ngalay at pagod.
ng may tinig at pang instrumentong
Ngiti/ŋiˈtiʔ/png.anyo ng mukha na may Orasan/ʔoɾaˈsan/png.anumang
kalakip na pagnginginig ng mga mata, kasangkapang kaalaman ng
tahimik na pag-angat ng magkabilang oras.hal.Ang orasan ay tila
sulok ng bibig, hindi gaanong naghahabulan ng tik-tak.
gumagamit ng mga muscle gaya sa Ospitalidad/ʔos.pɪ.tɐ.lɪˈdad/png.magili
tawa, at nagpapahiwatig ng w na pagtanggap o pakikitungo sa
kasiyahan, lugod, paggiliw, pagsang- mga panauhin.
ayon, tinitimping aliw, parikala, at Pambura/pɐm.bʊˈɾa/png.ginagamit na
pag-uyam.hal. Ang kanyang ngiti ay pang-alis ng markang likha ng lapis,
nakabibighani. tsok, at iba pa. hal. May bago siyang
Nguya/ŋuˈjaʔ/png. pagdurog o pambura.
paggiling sa pamamagitan ng ngipin. Pelikula/pe.li.ku.la/png.pagtatanghal
Nguya'in mo ang pagkain na 'yan. sa pamamagitan ng pagpapalitaw sa
Obaryo/oʊvəɹio/png. reproduktibong iskrin ng mga larawang napakabilis
glandula ng babae na kinalalagyan at ang pagkakasunod-sunod, kaya
lumilikha ng mga ovum at hormone; nakalilikha ng ilusyon ng galaw o
bahay-bata ng babae. hal. Paglipas ng reproduksiyon ng galaw na
anim na taon siya ay inoperahan kinuhanan ng larawan. hal.Hello Love
dahil sa kanser sa obaryo. Goodbye, She's Dating the Gangster
Okasyon/ʔokasˈjon/png. isang at iba pa.
partikular na panahon, pangyayari, o Pinangyarihan png. pook ng isang
pagkakataon, isang espesyal o pangyayari, hal. isang tagpo sa drama
mahalagang pagdiriwang. hal. Kasal, o dula.
kaarawan, binyag, at iba pa. Plaskard png. karton o kartolinang may
Olimpiko pnr.isang paligsahan na mga salita, hal. numero, o larawan na
nagaganap bawat apat na taon na ipinakikita sa mga pagsasanay sa
sinasalihan ng iba't-ibang panig ng paaralan. hal. Gumawa ako nang
bansa. hal.Gustong sumali ni Miko sa plaskard para sa aming exam o quiz.
olimpiko sa susunod na taon. Plebisito/plɛ.bɪˈsi.to/png. botohan o
Onestidad/o.nes.t̪iˈð̞að̞/png. pagpapasiya ng taumbayan hinggil sa
katapatan. anumang suliraning iniharap sa
Nakakita ng pitaka si juan na may kanila ng mga mayhawak ng
lamang pera sa daan at isinauli niya kapangyarihan. hal. Ang kauna-
ito sa may-ari. unahang Saligang Batas na inilimbag
Operasyon/ʔo.pɛ.ɾɐˈʃon/ sa wikang pambansa nang isinailalim
proseso/metodo sa pagoopera sa ito para sa plebisito noong Enero 15,
katawan ng pasyente ang 1973.
pagsasagawa ng prosesong ito. Plorera/ploˈɾe.ɾə/png. lalagyan ng
Mabilis natapos ang isinagawang bulaklak. hal. karaniwang yari sa
operasyon sa may sakit ng cancer. kristal, plastik, o porselana.
Pluma/ˈplumɐ/png. pansulat na elektromagnetikong alon ng dalasang
gumagamit ng tinta. hal. Ang pluma ay radyo nang walang nakakonektang
gibamit ni Rizal sa pagsusulat. kawad, aparatong ginagamit sa
Politiko/ˈpolɪtɪko/png. tao na aktibo sa pagtanggap, pagbrodkast, o
politika, lalo na ang nanunungkulan pagpapadala ng senyas na panradyo
sa pamahalaan, hal. Malulutas ang mensaheng ipinadala. hal.natanggap
mga problema ng bayan natin kung sa pamamagitan nito sa estasyon ng
isasantabi ng mga politiko ang radyo.
kanilang pamumulitika. Reaksiyon/ɾɛ.ʔɐkˈʃon/png. tugon ng
Praktikal/ˈpraktɪkal/pnr. angkop sa katawan sa isang
tunay na paggamit, hal. taglay sa isip stimuli.hal.malungkot, masaya, takot
ang mga ibubunga, kabuluhan, at iba pa.
kapakinabangan, at iba pa. Ritwal/ɾitˈwal/png.seremonya, itinatag
Preparasyon/pɾɛ.pɐ.ɾɐˈʃon/png. o ipinapayong paraan ng seremonya.
paghahanda o pagiging handa. hal. hal.
Ang mga katutubong mga tao ay
preparasyon sa nalalapit na kasal. nagriritwal kapag sila ay may
Pribado/pɾɪˈba.do/pnr. pansarili, namatayang kaanak.
sarilinan, hindi pag-aari ng Romantisismo png. estilo sa panitikan
pamahalaan o nasa pook na hindi at sining na nagdidiin sa
lantad. Hal. Nagtapos ako sa pribadong imahinasyon, damdamin, at
paaralan. introspeksiyon; at karaniwang
Produksiyon/pɹəˈdʌkʃən/png. ang nagdiriwang sa kalikasan, karaniwang
paglikha o pagmamanupaktura, tao, at kalayaan. hal. Ang Teoryang
bagay na nalilikha, ang paglikha ng Romantisismo ay umusbong sa
halaga, ang pinagtulungan o Europa noong ikalawang hati ng
pinagkasunduang gugulan ng pera, ikalabingwalong taon.
sining, at iba pa. hal. Ang produksiyon Ruta/ˈru.tə/png. daraanan sa
ay tumutukoy sa paglikha ng mga pagbibiyahe o regular na dinaraanan
bagay o serbisyo para matugunan sa paglalakbay.hal. Nasa Muntinlupa
ang pangangailangan ng mga tao. ang buong ruta ng mabilisang
Pulisya/pʊˈli.ʃɐ/png.organisadong daanan.
puwersang sibil para sa pagpapanatili Sabotahepng.palihim at sinasadyang
ng kaayusan, katahimikan, at pagwasak o pagtigil sa produksiyon.
pagpapatupad ng batashal. Pumunta hal.
Pumasok sa isip ng iba kung ito ay
kami sa pinakamalapit na himpilan isang sabotahe, isang aksidente o
ng pulisya upang magpatulong isang signos.
hanapin ang aking nawawalang anak. Selos/ˈse.los/png. pakiramdan ng
Radyo/ˈɾa.d͡ʒo/png. transmisyon at inggit, galit, o hinanakit laban sa
pagtanggap ng mensaheng tunog at isang tao na matagumpay o karibal.
katulad sa pamamagitan ng Pinalayas ni Kris ang asawa nito
dahil sa matinding selos sa kaibigan iba pa. hal. Nahawaan ng tigdas ang
nito. bata dahil sa pakikipaglaro sa labas.
Siyentipiko/ʃɛnˈti.pɪ.ko/png.tao na Tokwa/ˈtok.wɐ/png. pagkaing hugis
dalubhasa sa agham, lalo na sa parisukat at maputi na gawa sa
agham pisika o agham natural. balatong, inihahalo sa pansit o
Simula noon ang kanyang ipinipritong pira-piraso. hal. Masarap
koponan- at mga koponan ng mga ang luto ni nanay na adobong tokwa.
siyentipiko sa buong mundo ay Trahedya/tɾɐˈhɛ.d͡ʒɐ/png.akdang
gumawa ng ideya. panliteratura, lalo na isang madulang
Solusyon/so.lʊˈʃon/png. paglutas o palabas na may malungkot at puno
paraan ng paglutas sa isang suliranin. ng kapahamakan. hal. Una siyang
Tinitingnan at inuunawa ng mga itinuturing na musa ng pag-awit bago
panelista ang bawat paksa hanggang naging musa ng Trahedya.
sa sila ay makaisip ng mga solusyon. Trey/tɹeɪ/png. bandeha hal. Nang inalok
Sugat/ˈsu.ɣɐt/png. gasgas, saksak, at na sa akin ang trey ng sakramento,
iba pa sa katawan lalo na kung hindi ako kumuha ng tinapay at ng
napinsala ang balat. hal. Maliit lamang tubig.
ang sugat at ang mga kailangang Triyanggulo/tɾjaŋ.ɡʊ.lo/
gawin sa operasyon. tatsulokhal.Kumain sila ng
Tagasuri png. tao na naatasang sumuri meryenda at naglaro ng mga block
sa isang suliranin, pangyayari, at na hugis bilog, tatsulok, at parisukat.
katulad. hal. Kailangan nating maging Tropa/ˈtɾɔpɐ/png.katipunan ng mga
mga tagasuri ng balita para lamang tao o bagay. hal.Hindi ko alam kung
maunawaan ang kasalukuyang nakita ng tropa ang nangyari.
katuparan ng hulang ito. Trumpeta/ˈtrumpɛta/png. alinman sa
Telebisyon/tɛ.lɛ.bɪˈʃon/png. sistema o mga instrumentong tanso at
proseso ng paghahatid ng mga hinihipan na may malakas na tunog,
hulagway o eksena sa pamamagitan binubuo ng isang tubo na minsan o
ng pagbabago ng sinag ng liwanag dalawang ulit ibinabaluktot, may tila
tungo sa elektronikong impulso. hal. munting tasang mouthpiece sa isang
Matapos ang isang araw ng dulo, at tila bumubukang kampanilya
matapang na trabaho maraming mga sa kabila. hal. Narinig nila ang tunog ng
tao ang nanonood ng telebisyon sa trumpeta at sila ay nagsipaghanda.
sopa. Tsampurado/tsʌm.pʊˈɾa.dɔ/png.lugaw
Tigdas /tɪɡˈdas/png. nakahahawang na may tsokolate. hal.Masarap ang
sakit na dala ng isang uri ng luto ni nanay na tsampurado.
mikrobyo, karaniwang lumilitaw sa Tubero/tuˈbe.ɾo/png.tao na dalubhasa
kabataan, kakikitaan ng pamumutok sa pagkakabit o pagkukumpuni ng
ng balat, mataas na lagnat, sipon, at mga tubo sa tubig. hal.Inayos nang
tubero ang nasirang gripo sa aming Urbanisasyon png. pagsulong ng isang
kusina. pook tungo sa makabagong lungsod;
Ubanin/ʊˈbanɪn/png. tao na maagang pagkakaroon ng mga katangian ng
pumuti ang buhok. hal. Ubanin ang isang lungsod. hal. Ang pagtaas na ito
buhok ni pedro. ay pinaniniwalang dulot ng isang
Udlotpng. biglaang paghinto ng kilos o kombinasyon ng urbanisasyon,
anumang ginagawa sanhi ng isang paglaki ng populasyon, pagtaas ng
bagay na nakagugulat o nakabibigla. pandaigdigang paglalakbay at pag-
Naudlot ang pagpunta namin sa init ng daigdig.
palawan. Usok/ˈʔu.sok/png. tila abuhing ulap
Ugali/ʊˈɡa.lɪ/png. personalidad ng mula sa nasusunog, kumukulong
isang tao. hal. Ugaliing maghugas nang tubig, o singaw ng lupa, lalo na ang
pinagkainan pagkatapos kumain. nakikita dahil sa mga particle na
Uhaw/ˈʔuhaw/png. pangangailangang karbon. hal. Makapal ang usok na
pisikal na makainom ng tubig hal. pumalibot sa nasusunog na bahay.
Uhaw na uhaw ang kalabaw na galing Utusan/ʔʊ.tʊˈsan/png.upahang
sa bukid. tagapaglingkod sa pamilya:katulong
Ukit/ˈʔu.kit/png. masining na pag-ukit hal.
Si Luz ay ginawang utusan ng
ng isang eskultor sa isang bagay. hal. kaniyang mga nakatatandang
Nag-ukit si Juan ng isang rebulto. kapatid.
Ulap/ˈʔu.lap/png. ang nakikitang Uwak/ʔʊˈak/png. pangkat ng ibong
kulumpon ng mga partikulo ng tubig may maitim na balahibo hal.
o yelo na nakalutang sa kalawakan. Maraming lumilipad na uwak sa
Ang ganda ng bughaw na ulap sa masukal na gubat.
alapaap. Vibrato/vɪˈbɹɑːtoʊ/png. mabilis na
Umaga/ʔʊˈma.ɣɐ/png. Ang maagang varyasyon ng tono sa pagkanta o
bahagi ng isang araw, mula bukang- pagtugtog ng instrumentong
liwayway hanggang tanghali. hal. hinihipan o may bagting at nagiging
Maganda ang bungad sa akin ng sanhi ng panginginig. hal. Ang ganda
umagang ito. ng pagkaka vibrato ng kanyang
Unan png. salalayan ng ulo kapag boses.
nakahiga, lalo na ang telang bag na Wagayway/wɐ.ɣaɪ̯ˈwaɪ̯/png. galaw ng
tigib sa goma, balahibo, dayami, at anumang telang nakalantad sa
ibang malambot na palaman. hal. hangin. hal. Siya ang nagpasimula ng
Malambot ang unan sa bago kong Wagayway Festival na ginaganap
kama. tuwing Mayo ng taon.
Upahan/ʔʊ.pɐˈhan/png. sinumang Welga/wɛl.ɡɐ/png. pansamantalang
binabayaran upang gumampan ng pagtigil ng mga manggagawa upang
isang tungkulin. Inupahan ko siya ipaabot sa pangasiwaan ang kanilang
para magbigay ng plyers sa mga tao. mga karaingan at kagustuahng
mangyari. hal. Mga nagwe-welgang
Wika/ˈwi.kaʔ/png. lawas ng mga salita
at sistema ng paggamit sa mga ito na

laganap sa isang sambayanan na may

iisang tradisyong pangkultura at
pook na tinatahanan. hal.Ilocano ang
wika ng ibang mga taga probinsya.
Yakap/ˈjak.ap/png. aksiyon na
nagpapakita ng pagmamahal sa isang
tao o bagay, sa pamamagitan ng
pagsasalikop dito ng dalawang braso.
yakap ng mga bisig ng kanyang
Yelo/ˈjɛ.lo/png. tubig na namuo dahil
sa matinding lamig. hal. Tila yelo sa
lamig ang kamay na nenenerbyos na
Yugto/jʊɡˈtoʔ/png. dibisyon o bahagi
ng isang dula o isang serye. hal.
Gawing makabuluhan ang anumang
yugto ng kapayapaang tinatamasa
mo sa ngayon.
Zoolohiya png. ang siyentipikong pag-
aaral sa mga hayop, lalo na ang may
kaugnayan sa kanilang estruktura,
pisyolohiya, klasipikasyon, at
distribusyon. hal. Si Gelo ay isang
dalubhasa sa zoolohiya.

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