Eng9 q1 SLM Mod Forms-of-Literary-Writing
Eng9 q1 SLM Mod Forms-of-Literary-Writing
Eng9 q1 SLM Mod Forms-of-Literary-Writing
Quarter 1 – Module 5 :
Forms of Literary Writing
Learning can be both fun and interactive. So we present to you this Learning Material
that will provide a valuable understanding of the topic being presented. As a 21st century
learner, this material can be your stepping stone in achieving proficiency in the subject matter.
The elements serve as guides in your learning journey. The contents of these learning
materials, carefully prepared and developed by dedicated teachers from various schools in
the City of San Jose del Monte, provide a deeper understanding.
Treat this module like a friend and it will connect you with the wonderful world of
learning. If you are excited to have fun while learning, this module is for you.
What I Need to Know
This Learning Module contains lessons on how learners can successfully compose
different forms of literary writing. It enables students to accomplish different outputs using
guided and independent activities to practice and enhance their capability and knowledge in
writing their compositions.
What I Know
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank provided after
each question (answer sheet)
5. This is a type of writing that is usually used for chapter books, textbooks, and
newspaper articles. _____
a. prose b. nonfiction c. poetry d. drama
6. It uses dialogue to tell actors what to say.
a. nonfiction b. prose c. poetry d. drama
What’s In
Directions: Write the elements or examples of each Form of Literary Writing by referring to
the pool of words/phrases below. Write your answer on your activity notebook.
What’s New
Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the blank if the statement is
TRUE, otherwise, write F if the statement is FALSE. Write your answer on your activity
What Is It?
As literature opens the door to a diverse society it also paved its way to a rich and
more colorful literary works. Literary forms are like the roots of the literary family tree. The form
of literary writing is simply its structure, how it is constructed, or organized, and it is subdivided
into three classic major forms.
I think poetry is the most creative among all other forms. Because its words
are strung together to form sounds or beautiful rhyming, images and ideas.
What’s More
Guided Activities
Directions: Read the examples carefully then, answer the questions that follow. (NB)
Example 1:
Mom is in Manila
Giving her full service to her patients
Not all heroes wear a cape
Some wear masks.
*Poetry is written in lines or verses and stanzas. Stanzas separate the lines just like a
paragraph. Some poems have rhyme. Let’s take the first 2 lines of the poem:
*Notice the last syllable of each line. Since they have the same sound, we call it as
Mom is in Manila
Giving her full service to her patients.
*What about in these lines? Do they have the same ending sound?
Example no. 2
My dad told me that we are going to the beach this summer. I couldn’t wait to see the
majestic nature and do my favorite summer activity which is underwater diving. One day, my
mom hurriedly went to Manila Hospital, she is a doctor there and before she left, she told us
that she would stay there for long until the pandemic is over. It was a melancholic situation for
us. Everyone in my neighborhood rushed to the groceries to buy food and other essentials,
others went panic buying and hoarding.
My dad and I on the other hand both knelt in prayers. We prayed for my mom and the
other frontliners. I felt comfortable and we began our unstoppable conversation. I noticed the
fine lines on my dad’s cheeks; he is getting old, and I began realizing that this is a good time
to getting to know him more and it’s my turn to take care of him.
*Prose is ordinary language written in sentences and paragraphs, and dialogue is placed
in sentences and paragraphs, enclosed in quotation marks. Use basic grammatical
structures when writing a prose, like indention when starting a paragraph. Starting new
paragraph also indicates another topic, idea or setting is going to be written. Here are
some examples of prose
* essays
* novels
*What type of prose is example no. 2?
*How many paragraphs are there in the example of prose?
Example no. 3
(Phone’s ringing)
Paging doctor De Jesus, paging doctor De Jesus, please proceed to the ER.
Mom: Son, I have to go (hurriedly), there’s an emergency, please tell your dad I love him so
much and I love you, son. Bye. (speaks rushingly)
Richard: (Screamed) Mmmom!!! Wait…! (Dropped call sound effect)
*Drama is a play. It may be organized in scenes and acts. Dialogue is not placed in
quotation marks; instead, the character’s name is placed before words an actor should
say. Stage directions provide information about how the stage should look and how
actors should act.
*The words written inside the parentheses are examples of stage directions. Scene is
a component of act; it is the smaller portion of the play compared to a whole ACT which
compose of PLOT.
Exposition Denoument
Independent Activity 1
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your activity
5. What is the importance of stage directions in a play?
a. Provides the information about the backdrop
b. To know the narrator’s part
c. To give direction to the actors about how they should look and act.
d. To know the ending of a certain act.
Independent Activity 2
Directions: Provide a suitable ending line/ sentences of the following poem, play dialogue,
and essay. Write your answer on your activity notebook.
There is hope, peace and equality. The world is sick and people are hiding, if this
means a new normal, we cannot do anything. Behind the danger of the circumstances there
are people who risk their own lives to serve others, there are people who do not care about
their wealth just to provide for the needs of others. If this means a new normal, hope is taking
over the humanity and
One Monday morning, it is the first month of the ECQ. Santos's family is having
their breakfast.
Father: We cannot go to the market; I have no money left from my previous salary.
Mother: That is okay hon, we still have enough food to sustain us for the whole day.
(Door knocking sound)
Mother: Nina will you please open the door and tell me who’s in there.
Nina: (gently opens the door) Mom, I do not know the person.
The stranger handed Nina a bag full of goods and essential products.
Nina: Mom, come quickly!
Mother: Okay! (Went outside the house and greeted the person) Oh, mayor,
What I Have Learned
Directions.: Answer the question below and write your answer on your activity notebook.
What I Can Do
Directions: Using your present situation today. Choose 1 form of literary writing and write about
how blessed you are being protected in these trying times. Share your appreciation output in
our group chat in messenger after I check it you have to post on your Facebook. Be guided
with the rubrics below.
CATEGORY Excellent - 4 Good - 3 Satisfactory - Needs
2 Improvement - 1
TITLE The poem has a The poem has a The poem has a The poem has no
title that relates to title that relates to title title
the poem and the poem
adds interest to
the theme or
message of the
NEATNESS The final draft of The final draft of The final draft of The final draft is
the poem is the poem is the poem is not neat or
readable, clean, readable, neat, and readable and attractive. It looks
neat, and attractive. It may some of the like the student
attractive. It is have one or two pages are just wanted to get
free of erasures erasures, but they attractive. It it done and didn’t
and crossed-out are not distracting. looks like parts care what it
words. It looks It looks like the of it might have looked like.
like the author author took some been done in a
took great pride in pride in it. hurry.
STYLE The poem is The poem is The poem is The poem lacks
written with a written with a written style and the
great sense of defined with style. somewhat with thoughts did not
style. The poem Thoughts are clear style. Thoughts come out clearly
has been well to read and are clear to a on paper.
thought out and understandable. degree.
makes sense to
the reader.
VOCABULA The poem is filled The poem includes The poem The poem lacks
RY with descriptive many descriptive includes some description and
vocabulary that elements and is descriptive does not allow the
appeals to the appealing. words and reader to visualize
reader. phrases. the poem.
Criteria 1 2 3 4 Score
Focus/Main The essay The essay is The essay is The essay is
Point poorly focused on the focused on the focused,
addresses the topic and topic and purposeful,
topic and includes few includes and reflects
includes loosely related relevant ideas clear insight
irrelevant ideas ideas and ideas
Originality No Very little Sufficient Distinctive
(Expression experimentatio experimentatio experimentatio experimentati
of the theme n nor n to enhance n with on with
in a creative enhancement concepts Does language and language and
way) of concepts No not exhibit usage to usage to
adherence to creativity enhance enhance
the theme concepts concepts
Applies basic Applies
creative skills higher-order
to relay ideas thinking and
creative skills
to relay
4. Dialogue Economic. Witty. Serviceable. Gets Unintentionally stiff
Each character’s the point across and contrived.
voice is distinctive. with occasional Sounds like the TV.
flashes of humor or
Directions: PART A. Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the blank if the
statement is TRUE, otherwise, write F if the statement is FALSE. Write your answer on your
activity notebook.
A gentleman visiting Thomas Alva Edison at Menlo Park asked him to give a
motto to his son who was about to enter the business. The great inventor replied,
“Well, I will give him this…” “Never look at the clock.”
5. The passage below is an example of Poetry.
She goes to the pound and begins looking through the cages for her future pet.
At the end of the hallway, she sees a small, sweet brown dog with a white spot on
its nose. At the instant, she knows she wants to adopt.
Scott wants to be on the football team, but he’s worried he won’t make the
team. He spends weeks working out as hard as possible., preparing for the tryout.
At tryouts, he amazes coaches with his skill as a quarterback. They ask him to be
their starting quarterback that year and give him a jersey. Scott leaves the field,
Directions: PART B. Use the story of Romeo and Juliet to accomplish the task given on the
table. Be guided by the criteria. Write your answer on your activity notebook. Refer to what I
can do for the rubrics, page 10-13.
Additional Activities
Directions: “IMAGE TALK” Interpret the images below using different forms of literary writing.
Write your output on your activity notebook. Refer to what I can do for the rubrics, page 10-
Assessment: What’s New: What’s In: What I Know:
1. T 1. T Poetry- rhythm, rhyme, 1. b
2. F 2. T lines/verse, stanzas 2. a
3. F 3. F 3. a
4. T 4. T Prose – sentences, common 4. c
5. T 5. T writing, paragraphs, stories, 5. a
6. F essays, words, dialogues 6. d
7. T What’s More 7. c
8. T Drama – scenes, dialogues, 8. c
Independent Act.
9. F acts, stage directions. 9. c
No. 1
10. F 10. a
1. a 11. b
2. c 12. a
3. d 13. c
4. a 14. d
5. c 15. c
Answer Key
G. Francis Xavier Ph. D, “Enjoy what you are Doing, The world’s best Inspiring Stories,
2009, page 66.
Global Voices. “Media stories”, accessed May 2020, globalvoices.org –(other refs, CMS)
This material was contextualized and localized by the
Learning Resource Management Section (LRMS)
English, Education Program Supervisor
Towerville National High School
Writer/ Illustrator/ Layout Artist
Graceville Elementary school
Cover Art Designer
Minuyan National High School
Content Editor
Minuyan National High School
Language Reviewer
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
San Ignacio Street, Poblacion, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan