April Church Enteral Nutrition Product Formulations A

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DOI: 10.1002/ncp.



Enteral nutrition product formulations: A review

of available products and indications for use

April Church MS, RD1 | Steph Zoeller RD2

Nutrition Services, Asante Rogue
Regional Medical Center, Medford, Abstract
Oregon, USA When oral nutrition is not feasible, enteral nutrition (EN) therapy is often
Orlando VA Healthcare System, considered the preferred route of nutrition support to meet the nutrient needs
Orlando, Florida, USA
of individuals with a functional gastrointestinal tract across multiple levels of
Correspondence care (critical care, acute care, and home care). Enteral formulations have
April Church, MS, RD, Nutrition Services,
progressively evolved over the last 50 years from the simple blending of
Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center,
2825 E. Barnett Rd, Medford, OR 97504, hospital food thin enough to run through a feeding tube, to the development of
USA. commercial standard formulas, followed by specialized formulas with
Email: [email protected]
immune‐modulating and disease‐specific qualities, to the most recent shift
to food‐based or blenderized EN composed of natural, whole foods with
perceived health benefits. With the vast number of enteral formulations on the
market, clinicians may be overwhelmed trying to determine proven vs
theoretical benefits. This review is intended to explore differences in enteral
formulations, identify implications for clinical practice, and review evidenced‐
based clinical guidelines to assist clinicians in enteral formula selection.

adults, enteral formulas, enteral nutrition, nutrition support

I N T R O D U C TI O N contamination and ease of administration.3 Recently in

the last 10 years there has been a consumer shift with
Enteral nutrition (EN) is defined as a “system of providing trends in food selection and consumption to whole food,
nutrition directly into the gastrointestinal (GI) tract via a organically grown, locally sourced, functional foods with
tube, catheter, or stoma that bypasses the oral cavity.”1 EN perceived health benefits. The health‐conscious trend has
helps to maintain gut integrity by maintaining normal translated over to the EN world primarily in pediatrics
digestion and absorption, prevents bacterial adherence and home EN (HEN) patients with a desire to prepare
and translocation, and provides structural support for the home‐made blends with more holistic foods. To meet the
mucosa, maintaining immune function.2(227–249) EN for- demands of consumers, manufacturers began marketing
mulations have come full circle in the last 50 years. Prior commercially prepared food‐based blenderized enteral
to 1973 when the first nutrient‐intact formula came on the formulations in addition to their current commercial
market, EN consisted of blenderized foods blended thin product lines. With the addition of food‐based blenderized
enough to be provided through a feeding tube.3 The use of EN, there are now a vast number of enteral formula
commercial enteral formulas became standard of practice options present on the market, which include standard
in hospitals because of the decreased risk of microbial (polymeric), semielemental, disease‐specific, and specialty

© 2023 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

Nutr. Clin. Pract. 2023;38:277–300. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ncp | 277

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formulations with phytonutrients and proposed pharma- concentration, providing differing levels of macronutrient,
cological properties. micronutrient, and fluid content and in some cases
Disease‐specific and specialty formulas often lack additional pharmacologically active substances.5
evidence from high‐quality clinical trials to validate the
formula claims. The US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) classifies EN as a “medical food,” which translates Standard polymeric formulas
to “a food which is formulated to be consumed or
administered enterally under the supervision of a Standard polymeric formulas are nutritionally complete
physician and which is intended for the specific dietary in terms of macronutrients and micronutrients meeting
management of a disease or condition for which dietary reference intakes within a specified volume,
distinctive nutrition requirements, based on recognized typically 1000–1500 ml. These formulas are designed to
scientific principles, are established by medical evalua- meet the nutrient needs of healthy individuals but also
tion.”3,4 The FDA does not consider medical foods as have become the standard practice in nutrition support
drugs, therefore, the FDA does not subject companies for hospitalized patients both in acute and critically
marketing EN formulas to any regulatory requirements illness, as well as patients receiving long‐term EN at
that specifically apply to drugs.3,4 Medical foods are home. Standard polymeric formulas come in variable
exempt from labeling requirements including both concentrations from 1 to 2 cal/ml. Carbohydrates serve as
nutrient content and health claims.3,4 Clinical trials are the primary energy source consisting of oligosaccharides
not required to determine safety and efficaciousness of (3–10 glucose units) or polysaccharides (>10 glucose
enteral formulas prior to manufacturing, marketing, and unites) usually in the form of corn syrup solids or
distribution.3,4 maltodextrin. Carbohydrates make up about 40%–70% of
Clinicians are charged with the task to prescribe the the macronutrient energy composition for most formu-
EN formula best suited to meet the nutrient needs las. Most standard polymeric formulations are suitable
and metabolic demands of the patients. Clinicians also for individuals with lactose intolerance. Standard poly-
attempt to choose a formula that synchronizes the overall meric formulas contain intact proteins primarily in the
clinical picture with patient lifestyle preferences, “right form of casein or soy isolates but may also include whey
formula for the right patient.” With enteral formulations protein concentrate, lactalbumin, milk protein concen-
flourishing in the market, clinicians are tasked with trate, and sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium
sifting through the literature and evaluating clinical trial caseinates. Proteins make up approximately 15%–20% of
results to determine if specialty formulas can corroborate the macronutrient composition in standard formulations.
their claims. This review aimed to evaluate current Standard formulations require individuals to have
enteral formulations and assist clinicians in making the normal levels of pancreatic enzymes for digestion and
appropriate selection for their patients by reviewing absorption due to the intact‐protein content.2(227–249) The
clinical trials, systematic reviews, and consensus or third macronutrient component, fats, serve as a valuable
clinical guidelines from respected societies published source of energy, typically 15%–30% of total formula
within the last 10 years. calories and provides the essential fatty acids (linoleic
and linolenic acids). Fats are included as triglycerides
with a combination of long‐chain triglycerides (LCT) and
REVIEW OF EN FORMULATIONS medium‐chain triglycerides (MCT) and/or structured fats
primarily consisting of ω‐3 fatty acids (alpha‐linolenic
Enteral formulas can be classified into two major acid [ALA], eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA], and docosa-
categories: standard (polymeric) and chemically defined hexaenoic acid [DHA]), which are believed to have anti‐
(semielemental/elemental). These two categories can be inflammatory and immune‐enhancing effects.2
further divided into additional subcategories including Fat sources include primarily corn and canola oil, but
disease‐specific and specialty (immune‐enhancing). may also include coconut oil, fish oil, high‐oleic sun-
Another emerging class of EN formulations includes flower oil, MCT, palm kernel oil, safflower oil, soybean
food‐based blenderized EN and is usually divided into two oil, soy lecithin, monoglycerides and diglycerides. Stan-
primary categories: commercially prepared food‐based EN dard enteral formulas are 70%–85% water by volume,
and home‐prepared or blenderized EN. Commercially dependent upon the energy density of the formula.
prepared food‐based EN can be further categorized into Additional free water provided in addition to enteral
standard (polymeric), semielemental, disease‐specific, and feeds may be required to meet the hydration needs of the
immune‐enhancing and may or may not be plant‐based. patient and prevent tube occlusion.2 Standard formula-
Each category is variable in terms of composition and tions may or may not include fiber.
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Standard formulations are recommended as the first state that volume‐restricted nutrient‐dense formulas
line of practice in critical care, acute care, and patients (1.5–2 kcal/ml) may be considered for patients with
receiving HEN.2 The 2022 European Society for Clinical acute respiratory failure in a state of volume overload.7
Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) guidelines for patients
receiving HEN recommend the use of standard commer-
cial formulas for patients without diarrhea, constipation, Elemental/semielemental formulas
or diabetes unless there is a specific justification for
the use of blended tube feed.6 The 2016 American Society Elemental and semielemental formulations contain
for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN)/Society partially or completely hydrolyzed nutrients with the
of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) clinical guidelines for intended purpose to maximize nutrient absorption.2 Due
nutrition support in adult patients who are critically ill to the structural form of elemental and semielemental
recommend use of standard polymeric formulas (isotonic formulas minimal digestion is required.2 Peptide formu-
or near isotonic 1–1.5 cal/ml) with initiation of EN in the las may be beneficial for patients with persistent
intensive care unit (ICU).7 Routine use of specialty diarrhea, pancreatic disorders, and other malabsorptive
formulas in patients who are critically ill in the medical conditions.8 Carbohydrate sources include hydrolyzed
ICU (MICU) and disease‐specific formulas in the surgical corn starch, fructose, or maltodextrin. Protein presents in
ICU (SICU) are not recommended.7 The rationale for the the form of hydrolyzed proteins—dipeptides, tripeptides,
use of standard formulas in the critically ill is due to lack and free amino acids—which are readily absorbed by the
of clinical evidence showing benefit with use of disease‐ intestine and require no further hydrolyzation. Protein
specific or specialty formulas over standard formulations.7 sources include hydrolyzed casein, hydrolyzed whey, soy
protein isolate, or crystalline L‐amino acids. Altered fats
present primarily as medium‐chain triglycerides (MCT)
Concentrated formulas with sources including fatty acid esters, fish oil, palm
oil, coconut oil, safflower oil, sardine oil, soybean oil,
Concentrated formulas are nutrient‐dense standard soy lecithin, and structured fats (ω‐3 fatty acids). MCT
formulas, 1.5–2 cal/ml, which require normal digestion. are absorbed directly into small intestine mucosa and are
Volume‐restricted formulas are indicated for hypervo- transported to the liver following absorption via the
lemic hyponatremia, renal or heart failure, syndrome of portal vein. MCT also do not require lipase or bile salts
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, fluid retention, for digestion and absorption.2 Due to increased amount
ascites, and reduced urine output.3 Concentrated of MCT, elemental and semielemental formulas may
formulas may also be beneficial in patients with be low in or contain zero essential fats and patients
increased caloric or nutrient requirements and toler- may be at risk for essential fatty acid deficiency with
ance to smaller feeding volumes related to the adminis- long‐term use.2
tration method via enteral access device (EAD) as in There is limited research to analyze the efficacy of
cyclic and bolus feeding.5 Concentrated formulas may semielemental formulas and cost vs benefit outcomes
also be preferential in patients receiving HEN who may when compared with standard formulations. Qiu et al9
desire liberalization from prolonged feeding times conducted a multicenter, single‐annonymized, ran-
(cyclic) or decreased feeding frequencies (bolus and domized controlled trial of 144 ICU patients requiring
intermittent regimens) as nutrition goals can be met in EN for minimum of 5 days. Patients received a fat‐
decreased volumes. It is important for clinicians to note modified enteral formula containing MCT, carnitine,
when prescribing concentrated formulas for patients not and taurine (interventional feed group) or standard
on restricted fluids, additional free water flushes may formula. Feeding tolerance was assessed by evaluating
need to be administered to meet individual hydration diarrhea, vomiting, gastric retention, and abdominal
requirements. Clinicians should also pay close attention distension.9 Caloric and protein provision was signifi-
to the volume required to meet 100% of the daily cantly greater in the intervention feed group
reference intakes and micronutrient needs of the (P < 0.01).9 Total incidence of feeding intolerance
patients who may require long‐term EN to ensure was significantly lower in the interventional feed
deficiencies do not occur. 2016 ASPEN/SCCM guide- group (42.3%) vs control group (65.7%) (P < 0.001).
lines state that “Disease specific and severe fluid‐ There were no statistically significant differences in
restricted formulas may be rarely used in a small mechanical ventilator–free days, length of stay (LOS),
percentage of patients on a case‐by‐case basis due more and in‐hospital mortality.9 Seres et al10 conducted a
to physiologic benefits, such as electrolyte profile randomized pilot study to evaluate efficacy, tolerance
and volume restriction (renal).”7 The guidelines further and safety of a peptide‐based high‐protein, high–ω‐3
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fat enteral formula vs a high‐protein standard formula of therapy in acute pancreatitis.11 This recommendation is
in 49 patients who were critically ill in the MICU, in accordance with the 2016 ASPEN/SCCM guidelines to
SICU, and cardiothoracic ICU. Characteristics of the prescribe a standard polymeric formula with EN initiation
peptide‐based formula include 1.2 cal/ml, 75 g/L pro- in severe acute pancreatitis.7,11 In the presence of EN
tein with protein sources from hydrolyzed whey intolerance in severe acute pancreatitis, ASPEN/SCCM
protein/hydrolyzed sodium caseinate, 110.6 g carbohy- 2016 suggests “changing from a standard polymeric
drate/L with source maltodextrin, 53.9 g/L fat with formula to one that contains small peptides and MCTs
MCT/fish oil/canola oil/soy oil; MCT:LCT ratio of 45:5, or to one that is nearly fat‐free elemental formulation.”7 A
and fiber source from short‐chain fructooligosaccar- semielemental formula may be of benefit in patients with
ides (FOS). The high‐protein standard formula was severe acute pancreatitis that may be experiencing
also 1.2 cal/ml; but the macronutrient composition malabsorption per ESPEN guidelines.11 For patients with
included 55.5 g/L protein with protein sources sodium chronic pancreatitis intolerant to standard formulas,
and calcium caseinate, 157.5 g/L carbohydrate with ESPEN recommends the use of semielemental formulas
source maltodextrin, 39.3 g/L fat with high‐oleic with MCT.11 ESPEN notes that there is limited evidence
safflower oil, canola oil, MCT, soy lecithin with available to evaluate the ideal composition for EN,
MCT:LCT ratio of 20:80, and contained no fiber. Daily but that semielemental formulas have shown good
measures of GI complications were obtained including tolerance.11 ESPEN also recommends patients with CP
diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, high gastric experiencing pancreatic exocrine insufficiency or signs of
residuals, ileus, distention, abdominal pain, colonic exocrine failure without symptom improvement on a
dilation, GI bleed, upset stomach, abdominal tender- semielemental formula, suggest administering pancreatic
ness, and GI discomfort. Data on metabolic abnormal- enzymes with the enteral formula. This recommendation
ities, infections, mortality, ventilator duration, and may not be supported by other societies and may go
LOS were also collected daily. Mean daily intakes were against the manufacturer guidelines for administration.
similar between the two groups (P = 0.6). The study Formula selection for patients with CP or cystic fibrosis
found there was a significant reduction in the number undergoing pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy
of days with adverse events (4.33 vs 9.92, P = 0.03) and is dependent upon the type of therapy the patient is
a significant reduction in GI complications (4.29 vs undergoing.14 If pancreatic enzyme replacement is via an
7.13, P = 0.0489, [odds ratio] OR = 2.79) in the peptide‐ external enzyme filtration device, clinicians should be
based, high‐protein, high–ω‐3 formula compared with apprised of the enteral formulations that are compatible
standard formula. The authors acknowledged that, due (certain polymeric and semielemental/elemental formu-
to the small sample size in this pilot study, more larger las) and incompatible with the device such as formulas
randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm the containing insoluble fiber and food particulates.14
outcomes and benefits of this study.10 ESPEN also published practice guidelines summariz-
Elemental and semielemental formulas are marketed ing clinical nutrition recommendations in IBD (2020)
for use in patients with GI disorders, malabsorptive and chronic intestinal failure (2021). The guidelines
conditions, or have failed tolerance with standard recommend in patients with active IBD/CD a standard
polymeric formulas. Limited data are available substan- polymeric formula with moderate fat content be used as
tiating free amino acid and peptide‐based formulas over primary and supplemental therapy.12 Clinical trials failed
standard formulas in patients with malabsorptive condi- to show any significant difference between elemental,
tions. Consequently, the 2016 ASPEN/SCCM clinical semielemental, oligomeric and polymeric diets.12 Elemen-
guidelines state “we suggest considering use of small tal and polymeric formulas show no significant difference
peptide enteral formulas in patients experiencing persist- in remission rates for CD.12 For patients with short bowel
ent diarrhea, with suspected malabsorption or lack of syndrome where EN is indicated, studies found that
response to fiber”7 with a low quality of evidence due to elemental and standard formulas showed similar levels of
sparsity of large prospective clinical trials.7 nutrient absorption and fluid and electrolyte losses.13
In patients with GI disorders, EN is often indicated ESPEN recommends polymeric isotonic enteral diets for
as part of the treatment plan.7,11–13 Some of the GI short bowel syndrome due to the lower cost and decreased
disorders that may benefit from EN includes inflammatory osmolarity of the standard formula over elemental
bowel disease (IBD), Crohn's disease (CD), and formulas.13 Due to limited availability of clinical trials to
pancreatitis.7,11–13 ESPEN published evidenced‐based support the efficacy of elemental and semielemental
guidelines in 2020 summarizing clinical nutrition recom- formulas, use of an elemental formula may be reserved
mendations in acute and chronic pancreatitis (CP). for patients with malabsorption who have failed trials with
ESPEN recommends standard formulas as the first line standard formula.
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Fiber‐supplemented formulas statistical differences observed between the two study

groups with regards for other GI complications (vomit-
Enteral formulations containing fiber may support ing, regurgitation, distention, and constipation) and no
normal digestive health. Classifications of fiber are significant differences in any of the biochemical parame-
based on structure, fermentation potential, viscosity, ters measured.17 Zaman et al18 conducted a systematic
and solubility.15 Dietary fiber is commonly classified by review and meta‐analysis of prospective studies to
its water solubility, which includes the two categories evaluate the effect of dietary fiber and prebiotic
soluble and insoluble fiber. Fibers are the portion of supplementation in enteral formulas on diarrhea, fecal
plant‐derived food that cannot be completely broken microbiota, and SCFAs. For the review, 22 experimental
down by the human digestive system. EN formulations studies and 4 observational cohort studies met inclusion
containing fiber may be composed of a single source or criteria. Soy polysaccharide was the most extensively
blend of fibers in variable proportions.15 Common investigated fiber in EN (7 studies) followed by
sources of fiber in EN formulations include guar gum, mixed fiber (6 studies); partially hydrolyzed guar
soy polysaccharide, pea fiber, oat fiber, oligosacchar- gum (3 studies), psyllium (3 studies); oat and soy fiber
ides, inulin, FOSs, lignin, Arabic gum, and soy fiber. (2 studies), FOS (1 study), inulin (1 study), banana flakes
Fiber type and amount may impact the physiological (1 study), glactomannan (1 study), and a final study did
effects in the GI tract.15 The importance of soluble fiber not mention fiber type.18 Fiber dosage ranged from 5.2 to
is related to its role in short‐chain fatty acid (SCFA) 39.0 g/day.18 The results of the meta‐analysis of 14
production. Soluble fiber feed the bacteria and micro- experimental studies with data on diarrhea incidence
biota of the large intestine which are metabolized into during EN (fiber‐containing EN vs fiber‐free EN) showed
SCFAs that act as an energy source for colonocytes and that fiber reduced diarrhea in patients receiving EN
promotes the absorption of water and electrolytes.2,5,16 (OR = 0.47; 95% CI, 0.29–0.77; P = 0.02).18 The study
SCFAs may have the capability to aid in maintenance of reported the main limitation of the review was heteroge-
the intestinal gut barrier and prevent bacterial trans- neity of the patients including critical illness and
location.15 Soluble fiber also aids in gastric emptying by noncritical illness, use of antibiotics, and each study's
retaining water as it moves through the digestive definition of diarrhea. Studies were excluded from the
system.2,16 The uptake of water and electrolytes may meta‐analysis if the diarrhea definition did not indicate a
also provide an antidiarrheal effect.15 Insoluble fiber measurable outcome. Overall, the systematic review
may assist with preventing or alleviating constipation demonstrated that fiber assists to minimize diarrhea in
with its bulking effect in the large intestine. Insoluble adult patients undergoing fiber‐enriched EN.18
fiber does not dissolve in water, is unaffected by Cara et al19 completed a systematic review and meta‐
digestive enzymes, and triggers secretion of mucus in analysis of 19 studies evaluating the safety, potential
the large intestine which provides a bulking effect adverse events, and health outcomes of using fiber‐
increasing stool weight and increasing stool transit time containing EN formulations in adult patients who were
throughout the GI tract.5,8,16 Fiber‐containing formulas critically ill. Fiber content included soluble fiber (13
are considered for the management of both diarrhea and studies), mixed fiber with soluble/insoluble (4 studies),
constipation due to the proposed functionality of fiber to insoluble fiber (1 case report), and unspecified (1 case
maintain GI motility and regularity.5,8,16 series). Random‐effects meta‐analysis models showed
Most of the clinical trials with regards to EN and fiber diarrhea scores were significantly lower in the fiber
focus on diarrhea. Yagmurdur et al17 conducted random- groups compared with nonfiber groups (pooled mean
ized controlled study with 120 patients with acute difference, −2.78; 95% CI, −4.10 to −1.47).19 Models from
cardiovascular disease aged 35–90 years old, on mechan- three randomized controlled trials with 265 total
ical ventilation requiring EN via nasogastric tube. participants showed that fiber groups had a 39% lower
The control group received a fiber‐free formula, and risk of GI complications overall (abdominal distention,
the study group received a fiber‐enriched formula bowel obstruction, constipation, flatulence/gas, gastric
(soluble/insoluble fiber 1:1 ratio, 0.7 g and 0.8 g per residuals, nausea/vomiting, and/or regurgitation/aspira-
100 ml, respectively). The fiber content of the fiber‐ tion) when compared with nonfiber groups (pooled risk
enriched formula consisted of 32% soy polysaccharides, ratio [RR], 0.61; 95% CI, 0.47−0.79). No group differences
24% Arabic gum, 12.5% inulin, 12% alpha‐cellulose, were noted in individual GI complications, mortality,
10.5% oligofructose, and 9% resistant starch.17 The most and ICU or hospital LOS. Stratified analysis of soluble or
common GI complication in the study was diarrhea.17 mixed fiber interventions reduced heterogeneity in the
The fiber‐enriched formula group had statistically models but resulted in identical conclusions. The study
significantly less diarrhea (P < 0.001).17 There were no concluded that EN formulas containing fiber may have
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no effect on adverse events in patients with critical illness mixed fiber formula should not be routinely used in the
when compared with nonfiber formulations. EN formu- adult critically ill patient prophylactically to promote
las containing fiber or fiber supplementation may reduce regularity or prevent diarrhea.”7 Use of a commercial
incidence and severity of diarrhea and GI complications soluble/insoluble containing formula may be considered
overall in patients who are critically ill. The study noted in the presence of persistent diarrhea.7 Both soluble and
limitations including lack of consistent outcome insoluble fiber should be avoided in patients with an
measurements and reporting across the studies for GI increased risk for bowel ischemia or severe dysmotility.7
complications and method for measuring diarrhea. Only Conversely, the 2015 Canadian Clinical Guidelines
six studies used the same method for diarrhea which Practice Committee suggest that there are “insufficient
these differences in measure outcomes decreased the data to support the routine use of fiber (soluble or
number of studies that could be included in the analysis insoluble) in enteral feeding formulas in critically ill
for the relevant results.19 patients.”21
Fu et al20 conducted a retrospective study with a Patient population and clinical setting may determine
prospective cohort of 129 adult patients ≥18 years old in the a clinician's decision whether to prescribe a EN formula
ICU to determine if fiber could be safely tolerated in the containing fiber.5 Amount and fiber composition should
adult population who were critically ill and the relationship be considered when making the decision to prescribe an
between dietary fiber intake and SCFA production within EN formula in patients with either constipation or
the GI microbiome. The primary outcomes to be measured diarrhea. It may be beneficial to provide fiber in a
included the relative abundance (RA) of SCFA producers medically stable hospitalized patient or long‐term HEN
based on 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (RNA) gene‐ patient, but one must use caution with the use of fiber in
sequencing results and fiber tolerance in patients who were the critical care setting or hypotensive patients at risk for
critically ill. Rectal swabs were taken at ICU admission and bowel ischemia or bowel obstruction.
72 hours (h) later. Nutrition intakes were calculated and
recorded for patients who received nothing by mouth, EN,
or an oral diet. The amount of soluble fiber in each type of Disease‐specific formulas
feed was obtained and total fiber intake calculated over
72 h. The median fiber intake during the 72 h after ICU Diabetes mellitus formulas
admission was 13.4 g/day (0–35.4 g/day) with less acutely ill
patients receiving more fiber.20 No difference in GI events Diabetic formulas are marketed for use in patients with
(bowel obstruction, nausea or vomiting, enteric infections, diabetes and designed to theoretically improve glycemic
edema, or diarrhea) based on fiber intakes was noted.20 control and reduce insulin requirements.22,23 The for-
Patients with high fiber intake were less likely to have mula design is lower in carbohydrate content (35%–40%
abdominal distention (11% high fiber vs 28% in no fiber of total calories) with a low‐glycemic index and higher fat
group, P < 0.01) and no difference in diarrhea incidence (40%–50% of total calories) with a higher percentage of
(15% in high fiber vs 13% in no fiber group, P = 0.94).20 The monounsaturated fatty acids.23–25 Protein content may or
high fiber intake group had higher RA of SCFA producers may not be higher than standard formula. Fiber is also
after 72 h compared with low‐fiber groups.20 After correct- increased with a blend of soluble, insoluble fiber and
ing for energy intakes, the median RA of SCFA producers prebiotics over standard enteral formulations.23,24
after 72 h was 0.41%, 0.32%, and 2.35% in the no, low, and A randomized, controlled, double‐annonymized, cross-
high corrected fiber categories (P < 0.01).20 High fiber over study conducted by Lansink et al22 in 23 ambulant
intakes were associated with higher fecal microbial nonhospitalized participants with type 2 diabetes for
diversity (P = 0.04).20 The study concluded that higher >6 months compared participants receiving a diabetes‐
fiber intakes were associated with higher levels of SCFA‐ specific high‐energy, high‐protein, low‐carbohydrate for-
producing bacteria which may promote the growth of mula containing a low‐glycemic index carbohydrate to an
beneficial gut microorganisms in patients who were isocaloric, fiber‐containing standard formula. Participants
critically ill whose microbiome homeostasis may be received EN via nasogastric feeding tube for 4 h after an
disrupted. Fiber intake was not associated with adverse overnight fast of 10 h. To meet eligibility criteria the
GI events in patients who were critically ill. Limitations of participants had to be on a controlled antihyperglycemic
the study included fiber intakes were heterogenous and the regimen with metformin and/or sulfonylureas for at least 2
effect of fiber‐specific properties could not be measured.20 months and expected to continue on current regimen
Inconclusive recommendations with regards to rou- throughout the duration of the study. Composition of the
tine use of fiber‐containing formulas in clinical practice diabetes‐specific formula included 1.5 cal/ml formula, 31%
remains. The 2016 ASPEN/SCCM guidelines suggest “a of energy derived from carbohydrate with no added
19412452, 2023, 2, Downloaded from https://aspenjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ncp.10960 by Western University, Wiley Online Library on [27/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

fructose, 20.5% of energy derived from protein; and blood gas glucose 8.3 ± 1.1 vs 8.7 vs 1.3 mmol/L. The
enriched with six different dietary fibers. The fibers enteral low‐carbohydrate formula showed a trend toward
included a combination of soluble, insoluble, fermentable, reduced mean glucose during continuous glucose mon-
and nonfermentable fibers (15 g/L of formula with an 80% itoring, but no significant effect was noted on the primary
soluble and 20% insoluble fiber ratio). The standard outcome of glucose variability or time in target range.26
formula's characteristics included 1.53 cal/ml formula, Patients on the low‐carbohydrate formula had a signifi-
47.9% of energy derived from carbohydrate, 15.7% of energy cant reduction in intravenous insulin requirements on day
derived from protein; and enriched with the same 2 but was not statistically significant between the two
fiber combination as the diabetes‐specific formula. The groups throughout the study. The study acknowledged
glucose profile results from 0 to 4 h for the diabetes‐ that the duration of intervention in the study was short
specific formula group vs the standard formula group and not all patients may have reached feeding goals,
reported in mean ± SD was as follows: for peak which may have influenced outcomes. It also noted that
glucose concentration, 8.3 ± 1.1 vs 10.1 ± 1.7 mmol/L, glycemic variability is dependent upon multiple factors
and for mean glucose concentration 7.4 ± 1.0 vs including severity of disease and comorbidities as well as
8.4 ± 1.3 mmol/L.22 The insulin profile results from 0 to frequency of glucose measurements and insulin therapy.
4 h for the diabetes‐specific formula group vs the standard The study noted the effect of nutrition on glucose
formula group for peak insulin concentration 44.9 ± 34.6 variability in such short duration in a broad patient
vs 60.6 ± 45.3 pmol/L; mean insulin concentration population who were critically ill make it difficult to draw
32.1 ± 28.4 vs 44.3 ± 36.3 pmol/L.22 The results showed a conclusions. Shao et al25 conducted a randomized prospec-
lower mean delta‐glucose concentration in the diabetic tive controlled single‐annonymized study evaluating the
formula group in the 3‐ to 4‐h period (0.3 ± 1.0 and impact of a diabetes‐specific formula vs a standard formula
2.4 ± 1.5 mmol/L; P < 0.001); and delta‐peak concentra- on glycemic control in 104 patients with diagnosis of severe
tions, delta‐mean concentrations, and incremental area acute ischemic stroke and swallowing problems. The
under curve for glucose and insulin were significantly diabetes‐specific formula contained 750 cal/L; 32 g pro-
lower with diabetes‐specific formula compared with tein/L; 84 g carbohydrate/L; 32 g fat/L; 15 g of fiber/L (12 g
standard formula (all comparisons P < 0.001).22 The soluble; 3 g insoluble fiber). The standard formula compo-
results showed administration of a high‐energy, high‐ sition included 1500 cal/L; 60 g protein/L, 185 g carbohy-
protein, low‐carbohydrate diabetes‐specific formula im- drate/L, 58.4 g fat/L, and 15 g fiber/L (7.4 g soluble and
proved glucose profiles, lower glucose levels, and lower 7.6 g insoluble). Insulin infusion was initiated when
insulin requirements with no significant differences in glucose levels measures >10 mmol/L. Postprandial glucose
tolerance when compared with a standard formula. parameters, including capillary glucose concentration for
Limitations recognized by the study included short 8–16 h after EN initiation, incremental areas under the
feeding period of 4 h and insulin was not used for blood curve, peak value, and mean glucose concentration were
glucose control, making it difficult to translate the results significantly lower in the diabetes‐specific enteral formula
into clinical practice for patients treated with insulin.22 group vs the standard formula group.25 No significant
Evidence demonstrating benefits of a diabetes‐specific differences in incidence of hypoglycemia, glycemic varia-
enteral formula to improve glycemic control is limited. In bility parameters, nutrition parameters, or insulin dosing
a randomized controlled open‐label study with 101 was noted between the two groups.25 The study reported
patients with critical illness >18 years old, requiring an limitations including the different energy densities of the
ICU stay for >48 h in need of EN support were formulas studied. The diabetes‐specific formula required
administered either a low‐carbohydrate formula or a larger feeding volumes and faster infusion rates to meet
standard fiber formula.26 The low‐carbohydrate formula nutrition goals which may result in increased GI
and standard formula were comparable in calories intolerance. The authors also acknowledged the short‐
(1.5 cal/ml) but differed in macronutrient composition.26 term observation of the study being only 7 days. The
The low‐carbohydrate formula contained 127.5 g/L carbo- authors suggest that more studies are needed to investigate
hydrate and 75 g/L fat and the standard formula contained if application of a diabetes‐specific formula will impact
188 g/L carbohydrate and 58 g/L fat. The standard formula long‐term glycemic control.25
group received an enteral protein supplement to equate Ojo et al27 conducted a systematic review and meta‐
the protein content of the formulas. The study participants analysis of randomized controlled trials evaluating the
were treated according to the glucose regulation protocol. effectiveness of diabetes‐specific formulas vs standard
The glucose variability results for the low‐carbohydrate formulas in managing cardiometabolic parameters in
group vs standard group, respectively, for continuous patients with type 2 diabetes in variable settings
glucose monitoring were 8.0 ± 1.4 vs 8.3 ± 1.5 mmol/L and including diabetes center/outpatient diabetic clinics,
19412452, 2023, 2, Downloaded from https://aspenjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ncp.10960 by Western University, Wiley Online Library on [27/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

rehabilitation departments, ambulatory patients, nursing to 9.0; P = 2.456).26 Wewalka et al28 conducted a
home and long‐term care facilities, and ICUs. All 14 randomized controlled, open‐label study with 44 patients
studies in the systematic review showed diabetes‐specific who were critically ill receiving an LCHF formula
formulas effectively lowered blood glucose parameters vs (1 cal/ml; 55% carbohydrate, 15% protein, 30% fat, and
standard formulas.27 Only five studies were included in contained 1.5 g of fiber per 100 ml) vs fat‐based formula
the meta‐analysis that confirmed the finding that fasting (1 calories/ml; 37% carbohydrate, 18% protein, 45% fat,
blood glucose was significantly lower (P = 0.001) in the and 2.3 g of fiber per 100 ml) over 7 days.28 Patients may
diabetes‐specific formula group compared with the have been hyperglycemic upon admission but patients
standard formula group with a mean difference of with diabetes mellitus were excluded. Mean blood
−1.15 (95% CI, −2.07 to −0.23). The sensitivity analysis, glucose levels were significantly higher in patients who
however, showed no significant differences in fasting received the LCHF formula compared with standard
blood glucose between the two groups (P > 0.05) after formula on day 1 (143 vs 137 mg/dl; P = 0.048) but mean
removal of two studies. Glycated hemoglobin was blood glucose levels were not significantly different over
significantly lower (P = 0.005) in the diabetes‐specific the next 6 days (P = 0.655).28 Doola et al29 completed a
formula group compared with standard formula group randomized controlled, double‐annonymized trial in 41
following meta‐analysis and sensitivity analysis.27 The patients who were critically ill and hyperglycemic
limitations of the review reported small study size and assigned to an LCHF formula (7.4 g carbohydrate/
high level of heterogeneity of the studies.27 100 ml) vs standard formula (14.1 g carbohydrate/
Burslem et al23 conducted a review of evidence to 100 ml) over 48‐h.29 Blood glucose measurements were
support the use of a low‐carbohydrate, high‐fat (LCHF) obtained from blood gas sampling or point‐of‐care device
enteral formula in patients who were critically ill. Studies every 1–2 h via insulin protocol. Significant findings
met criteria for inclusion in the review if the individuals included lower insulin requirements (1.01 vs 2.31 U/h;
were adult patients with or without preexisting diabetes 95% CI, 0.24–2.36; P = 0.017), glycemic variability as
mellitus in the critical care setting. The intervention measured by coefficient of variation (12.6% vs 15.9%; 95%
included an LCHF formula defined as a formula CI, 0.6–5.6; P = 0.01) and mean blood glucose levels (157
containing ≤40% of calories from carbohydrate and vs 182 mg/dl, P = 0.002), in patients receiving the LCHF
≥40% of calories from fat. All four randomized controlled formula vs the standard formula.29 Mesejo et al30
trials included had similar macronutrient distribution conducted a prospective, open‐label, annonymized‐
and fiber content, but they all chose a different method to randomized, multicenter study in 157 patients who were
measure glycemic variability.23 The review acknowl- critically ill assigned to a new‐generation diabetes‐
edged all four trials had comparable admission diagnosis specific formula (1 cal/ml with nutrient distribution
and the LCHF formulas used had similar macronutrient 23% protein, 33% carbohydrate, 40% fats; fiber [80%
distributions. Varied results were noted between all four inuline/20% cellulose]), standard control formula
trials likely due to different study periods, frequency of (1.3 cal/ml with nutrient distribution 20% protein; 48%
blood glucose measurements, and numerous measures to carbohydrate, 29% fat, fiber [50% soluble; 50% insoluble
calculate glycemic variability.23 Findings of the review fiber]) or control diabetes‐specific formula (1 cal/ml with
showed LCHF formulas may improve glycemic control in nutrient distribution 20% protein; 30% carbohydrate, 48%
patients who are critically ill with diabetes mellitus fat, fiber [31% FOS]).29 Inclusion criteria: EN expected to
and/or hyperglycemic patients. Larger randomized trials be >5 days; mechanical ventilation, baseline glucose
are needed to validate these finding among different >126 mg/dl on admission or >200 mg/dl in first 48 h.
subgroups of patients with critical illness.23 Patients with insulin‐dependent diabetes, renal, or
Van Steen et al26 conducted a randomized controlled hepatic failure were excluded as well as patients
open‐label study of 101 patients who were critically receiving treatment with immunosuppressants, fat‐
ill with or without preexisting diabetes mellitus and lowering drugs, and corticosteroids. Glycemic variability
received either an LCHF formula or standard formula for was calculated as the standard deviation, glycemic
a 72‐h period. The primary outcome, glycemic variability, lability index and coefficient of variation.29 Results
was measured by mean absolute glucose (MAG) change. showed the new‐generation diabetes‐specific formula
MAG change was not significantly different with the led to significantly lower insulin requirements (19.1 vs
LCHF formula compared with standard formula (0.8 vs 23.7 IU/day, P < 0.05); mean plasma glucose (138.6 vs
0.9 mmol/L/h; 95% CI, −0.1 to 0.1; P = 0.510). Insulin 146.1 mg/dl, P < 0.01); and capillary blood glucose levels
requirements were noted to be lower throughout the (146.1 vs 155.3 mg/dl, P < 0.001) compared with standard
study for patients receiving LCHF but did not reach point formula.29 The control diabetes‐specific formula led to
of statistical significance (66.1 vs 94.4 IU; 95% CI, −59.6 only reduced capillary blood glucose levels when (150.1
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vs 155.3 mg/dl, P < 0.01) compared with standard for- and posttransplant may be at risk for malnutrition, loss of
mula.29 Both diabetes‐specific formulas reduced capillary protein and energy stores, and micronutrient deficien-
glucose on ICU day 1 (P < 0.01), glucose variability in the cies.31 Nutrition status should be considered an important
first week of ICU stay (P < 0.05), and incidences of factor in the clinical assessment of the patient and may
ventilator‐associated tracheobronchitis (P < 0.01) or affect formula selection.31,32 Patients with CKD with no
pneumonia (P < 0.05) compared with standard formula. plans for dialysis may benefit from a calorically dense,
No significant effects based on enteral formula were volume‐restricted formula with lower levels of protein and
produced on hospital stay or mortality. The study electrolytes (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium).16 Pa-
concluded that a diabetes‐specific formula in patients tients receiving dialysis may benefit from a calorically
on mechanical ventilation with hyperglycemia may lead dense, volume‐restricted, high‐protein formula and may or
to lower insulin requirements, reduced plasma and may not need a reduction of potassium, phosphorus, and
capillary blood glucose level, and potentially reduce the magnesium.16 Clinicians should also be attentive to
risk of ICU acquired infections but notes that further micronutrient content of enteral formulas when selecting
larger clinical trials are need to assess the capability of formulas for patients with renal dysfunction. Kitabayashi
these formulas to reduce risk of acquired infections in et al33 conducted a single‐center, cross‐sectional study
this high‐risk group.29 analyzing the effect of magnesium intakes from EN on
The Canadian Critical Care Nutrition Guidelines serum magnesium levels in 61 adult patients undergoing
2015 report insufficient data to recommend a low‐ hemodialysis for 41 days. Patients received an oral diet
carbohydrate diet with insulin therapy in patients who (15%–20% protein, 20%–25% fat, and 60%–65% carbohy-
are critically ill.21 The 2016 ASPEN/SCCM guidelines do drate) or an EN formula for nutrition. Two enteral
not recommend the use of disease‐specific formulas in formulas were administered as part of the study. The
patients who are critically ill.7 ESPEN guidelines for high‐protein enteral formula was composed of 50 g protein;
HEN 2022 suggest “a modified enteral formula with 25 g fat, 155 g carbohydrate, 1000 mg potassium, 700 mg
lower sugar content, containing slowly digestible carbo- calcium, 700 mg phosphorus, and 300 mg magnesium per
hydrates and a fat content enriched in unsaturated fatty liter. The renal formula was composed of 32.5 g protein;
acid, especially monounsaturated fatty acids may be use 28 g fat, 169 g carbohydrate, 780 mg potassium, 330 mg
for patients with diabetes.”6 calcium, 400 mg phosphorus, and 170 mg magnesium per
Before initiating EN in patients with diabetes or liter. Magnesium intake by EN resulted in higher serum
hyperglycemia, clinicians should assess the patient's overall magnesium levels than the hospital diet. Multiple regres-
clinical status and consider factors contributing to hyper- sion analysis showed intake of enteral formulation by tube
glycemia, current blood glucose trends, insulin require- feeding was significantly associated with serum magne-
ments, and level of GI function. Formula selection may also sium levels (Beta [B] = 0.90 [95% CI, 0.61–1.20], P < 0.01).
be dependent upon formula composition and clinicians Patients with high magnesium levels showed increased
should evaluate which formula best meets the nutrition length of hospital stay (B = 0.24 [95% CI, 0.09−0.39],
needs and clinical goals for their patient population.23,24 EN P < 0.01). The study concluded that enteral formulation
goals in patients with diabetes or hyperglycemia should aim affects serum magnesium levels in patients undergoing
to optimize glycemic control, minimize metabolic abnor- hemodialysis and attention should be paid to possible
malities, and prevent EN intolerances.24 excessive elevation of serum magnesium in patients
receiving EN.33
Patients who are critically ill undergoing continuous
Renal formulas renal replacement therapy (CRRT) may require a
volume‐restricted formula with high protein to meet
Renal formulations are designed to meet the needs of the protein demands of therapy.7 Considerations during
patients with renal dysfunction in variable stages of disease CRRT include nonintentional calories (other sources of
progression. Renal formulas are typically calorically and calories) with the primary sources including substrates
nutrient‐dense, volume‐restricted with lower levels of used in CRRT and medications/infusions commonly
electrolytes (magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium). used in critical care.34 The substrates used in CRRT in
Protein concentrations may be higher or lower than the form of lactate‐containing fluids, dextrose‐containing
standard formulas. Formula selection may be dependent fluids, and citrate‐containing fluids may also provide
on treatment plan, whether a patient is receiving renal additional calories.34 Medications used for sedation
replacement therapy, presence of comorbidities, and during mechanical ventilation or medications for severe
overall clinical status.3,31,32 Patients with acute kidney hypertension may provide calories with a range
injury (AKI), chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stages 1–5D 1.1–2 kcal/ml.34
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ESPEN guidelines 2021 in hospitalized patients with electrolyte and fluid imbalances, concentrated ‘renal' EN
acute or CKD do not recommend routine use of disease‐ formulas with lower electrolyte content may be preferred
specific enteral formulas.35 Use of specialized formulas over standard formulas.”35 Formulas designed for pa-
for AKI, AKI on CKD, or CKD with kidney failure tients with renal dysfunction are more concentrated and
should be individualized.35 Formula selection should be consist of a lower sodium, potassium, and phosphorus
based on the calorie and protein ratio to meet the dosing profile and may be beneficial in reaching protein goals in
recommended in clinical practice guidelines (Table 1). patients requiring higher protein needs, patients exhibit-
The guidelines further state “in selected patients with ing electrolyte abnormalities, and or/fluid overload.35

TABLE 1 Recommended protein intakes in patients with renal dysfunction

National Kidney Foundation European Society for Clinical Society of Critical Care
Kidney Disease Outcomes Nutrition and Metabolism Medicine/American Society
and the Quality Initiative/ Guideline for Hospitalized for Parenteral and Enteral
Academy of Nutrition and Patients with Acute or Nutrition Guidelines in the
Dietetics36 Chronic Kidney Disease Adult Critically Ill Patient
202135 20167
CKD (stage 3–5) patient not on 0.55–0.60 g/kg BW/day36 or
dialysis without diabetes 0.28–0.43 g/kg BW/day with
additional keto acid/amino
acid analogs to meet protein
requirements 0.55–0.6 g/kg
CKD (stage 3–5) patient not on 0.6–0.8 g/kg BW/day36
dialysis with diabetes
Hemodialysis and peritoneal 1.0–1.2 g/kg BW/day36
dialysis patient without
Hemodialysis and peritoneal 1.0–1.2 g/kg BW/day36
dialysis patient with diabetes
Hospitalized patient with CKD 0.6–0.8 g/kg BW/day35
without acute/critical illness
Hospitalized patient with AKI/ 0.8–1.0 g/kg BW/day35
AKI on CKD, without acute/
critical illness
Hospitalized patient with AKI, Start with 1 g/kg BW/day and
AKI on CKD, CKD with increase up to 1.3 g/kg BW/
acute/critical illness not on day35
hemodialysis or peritoneal
Patient who is critically ill with 1.3–1.5 g/kg BW/day35
AKI, AKI on CKD, CKD with
kidney failure on intermittent
Patient who is critically ill with 1.5 g/kg BW/day up to 1.7 g/kg Up to 2.5 g/kg BW/day7
AKI or AKI on CKD on BW/day35
continuous renal replacement
Patient who is critically ill with 1.2–2.0 g/kg BW/day7
acute renal failure or AKI

Note: Recommended protein intakes are in grams per kilogram of BW per day and determination of BW should be calculated based on clinical judgment.
Abbreviations: AKI, acute kidney injury; BW, body weight; CKD, chronic kidney disease.
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Protein should not be restricted in patients with renal hepatic encephalopathy.2,16 Providing an EN formula
insufficiency or AKI to avoid or delay dialysis.1,5,7 with a high BCAA to AAA ratio is hypothesized to
The ASPEN/SCCM 2016 guidelines recommend “ICU decrease the uptake of AAA and reduce hepatic
patients with acute renal failure (ARF) or AKI be placed encephalopathy and aid in restoration of muscle
on a standard enteral formulation and that standard ICU mass.1,2,5,7,16
recommendations for protein (1.2–2 g/kg actual body ASPEN/SCCM 2016 enteral formula recommendations
weight per day) and energy (25–30 kcal/kg/day) provi- for acute and/or chronic liver disease include using
sion should be followed.”7 “If significant electrolyte standard enteral formulas (polymeric, isotonic, or near
abnormalities develop, a specialty formulation designed isotonic 1–1.5 kcal/ml EN formula) as there is no evidence
for renal failure (with appropriate electrolyte profile) to support BCAA formulations improve mental status or
may be considered.”7 Protein recommendations for coma grade in patients in the ICU already receiving
patients receiving frequent hemodialysis or CRRT antibiotics or lactulose.7 ESPEN 2020 also recommends
should be increased to maximum of 2.5 g/kg/day.7 A standard whole protein enteral formulas for acute liver
high‐protein standard formula with or without volume failure due to the lack of evidence regarding the value of a
restriction may best support patients undergoing CRRT disease‐specific formula, including EN‐enriched formulas
with routine monitoring of electrolytes to ensure the with BCAA.38 In severe alcoholic steatohepatitis, enteral
proper formula is in place. Based on clinical guidelines, formulations should meet the energy and protein require-
standard formulas that meet protein targets remain the ments of the patient with the use of standard formulas,
first choice in formula selection, reserving disease‐ preferably high‐energy density (>1.5 kcal/ml).38 Con-
specific EN renal formulations for patients with signifi- versely, ESPEN does recommend enteral formulations
cant electrolyte abnormalities and fluid imbalances.7,35 with BCAA's in patients with hepatic encephalopathy in
cirrhosis38 Gluud et al in a recent Cochrane Review 2017
on branched‐chain amino acids and individuals with
Hepatic formulas hepatic encephalopathy39, completed a meta‐analysis of 16
randomized clinical trials, with 97% of the 827 participants
Hepatic formulas are designed for use in patients with having cirrhosis. Oral/enteral BCAA alone in patients
hepatic disorders. Hepatic formulas are designed to be who were not responding to medication use showed a
calorically dense, volume‐restricted, and provide a higher beneficial effect on hepatic encephalopathy over placebo/
ratio of branched‐chain amino acids (BCAA) which no intervention diets, lactulose, or neomycin in patients
include valine, leucine, isoleucine compared with a who were not critically ill (Risk Ratio [RR] 0.73, 95%
decreased amount of aromatic amino acids (AAA) which Confidence Interval [CI], 0.61–0.88).39 Further trials are
include phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan.3,5 needed to determine if the benefits can be transposed over
Formulas may be low in fat with increased MCT's as an to patients who are critically ill.39 ESPEN also recom-
effort to potentially minimize fat intolerance and facilitate mends in patients with cirrhosis and encephalopathy who
fat absorption in patients with steatorrhea.2(532–533) is intolerant to protein, vegetable protein diets may be
Volume restriction may alleviate complications with beneficial.38
ascites and edema.3 Standard intact‐protein formulas with consideration
Because of the state of metabolic unbalance and for a nutrient‐dense formulation depending on the
altered hormonal activity, patients with liver failure may patient's nutrition requirements and fluid status remains
have atypical BCAA/AAA ratios with increased levels of first choice in formula selection.40 Volume‐restricted,
AAAs compared with BCAAs.2,3,5,16 BCAAs are metabo- and calorically dense formulas may be indicated in
lized in the skeletal muscles and provide the substrate for patients with ascites to minimize fluid shifts.41 Specialty
energy production and also aid in muscle protein formulas may be used in cases of significant mal-
synthesis.37 Increased demand for calories and protein absorption (semielemental, elemental) or with other
in patients with cirrhosis may lead to increased BCAA additional comorbidities.40 Data for the use of immune‐
utilization for glutamine production resulting in enhancing or BCAA formulas remains lacking.40
decreased plasma BCAA levels.37 BCAA's also decrease
cerebral ammonia levels and reduce the uptake of AAA
across the blood brain barrier.2,3,5,16 Patients with Pulmonary formulas
cirrhosis may have the inability to metabolize AAAs
resulting in increased in levels of AAA. Increased AAA Early pulmonary formulas were designed for patients
in the brain allows for production of false neurotrans- with chronic pulmonary disease to assist with mechani-
mitters contributing to the neurological symptoms in cal ventilation weaning.3,5 The formulas consist of a
19412452, 2023, 2, Downloaded from https://aspenjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ncp.10960 by Western University, Wiley Online Library on [27/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

high‐fat (>50% total calories), low‐carbohydrate (<30% reported no significant differences in all‐cause mortality
total calories) ratio with the hypothesis that the altera- with the use of ω‐3 fatty acid–enriched formulas or
tion in fat/carbohydrate composition would reduce additional supplemental ω‐3 fatty acids and antioxidants
carbon dioxide production.3,5 The protein delivery may compared with the standard control (RR, 0.79; 95% CI,
or may not be increased over standard formulas. 0.59–1.07; participants = 1015; low‐quality evidence).43
Pulmonary formulations developed for patients with Due to low quality of evidence, the review could not
chronic pulmonary disease contain an ω‐6 fatty acid determine if immunonutrition with ω‐3 fatty acids and
profile (corn and safflower oils).3 Pulmonary formulas antioxidants reduced ICU LOS, reduced duration of
later evolved to include immune‐modulating properties ventilator days, improved oxygenation, or whether they
and an altered fatty acid composition for patients with increased adverse events such as cardiac and GI.43 The
acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress authors reported the studies were heterogeneous with
syndrome (ARDS).3,5 These newly designed pulmonary type and duration of intervention, caloric targets, and
formulations contain ω‐3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA, gamma‐ reported outcomes. A single‐center, prospective, random-
linolenic acid [GLA]), and antioxidants including, but ized, single‐annonymized controlled trial looked at the
not limited to, vitamins C, E, and A and were created effect of immune‐enhancing formula (LCHF formula
with the reputed benefit of reducing inflammation.3,5,42 with EPA, GLA, and antioxidants) compared with a
Studies regarding early pulmonary formulas exhib- standard formula in 46 patients with sepsis‐induced
ited promise in assisting patients with ventilation ARDS.44 The immune‐enhancing formula was more
weaning but studies were often small with few partici- calorically dense, lower in carbohydrate composition
pants. Faramawy et al42 2014 compared outcomes in and higher in fat than the standard formula. The
ventilatory requirements with administration of an standard formula was lower in calories per volume but
LCHF enteral feed to a standard feed in 100 patients with a higher carbohydrate concentration, did not
with type 2 respiratory failure secondary to pulmonary contain EPA or GLA, and vitamins E and C were lower
disease requiring mechanical ventilation. Fifty patients than the immune‐enhancing formula. Both formulas
received the standard feeding composed of 53.3% were administered continuously via pump and both
carbohydrate, 30% fat, and 16.7% protein. The other 50 groups reached 70% of the estimated calorie goals within
patients received the LCHF feed composed of 28.1% the first week of ICU stay and achieved 100% within 14
carbohydrate, 55.2% fat, and 16.7% protein. There were days. No statistically significant differences or outcomes
no statistically significant differences between both were noted with regards to duration of mechanical
groups in mean energy requirements. Outcomes showed ventilation, incidence of new nosocomial infections,
a significant decrease in the LCHF enteral feed group changes over time in Sequential Organ Failure Assess-
when compared with the standard feed in arterial carbon ment scores, and 60‐day mortality rate.44
dioxide tension (16% vs 4%; P < 0.001) and minute ASPEN/SCCM 2016 guidelines do not recommend
volume (8% vs 2% at weaning; P < 0.001). Duration of the use of LCHF formulations in patients who are
mechanical ventilation was significantly decreased in the critically ill with acute respiratory failure.7 The guide-
LCHF group by 62 h vs the standard feed (P < 0.001).42 lines state that although early small trials showed
The study concluded that a nutrition regimen including a promise reducing duration of mechanical ventilation
high‐fat formula may reduce ventilatory requirements with the use of LCHF enteral formulas over standard
and duration of mechanical ventilation in patients with formulas, the findings were not replicated in later larger
type 2 respiratory failure but further studies are needed randomized clinical trials.7 Due to low overall evidence
to understand the mechanisms of the effects as well as from clinical trials, no recommendation with regards to
confirmation of these findings in other patient popula- the use of an EN formula with an anti‐inflammatory fat
tions who are acutely ill.42 Dushianthan et al43 2019 profile (ω‐3 fish oils, borage oil) and antioxidants in
conducted a systematic review on the effects of im- patients with ARDS or severe ALI can be made at this
munonutrients in adult patients on mechanical ventila- time.7 ASPEN/SCCM 2016 recommends an energy‐dense
tion with ARDS. Patients received an enteral formula (1.5–2 cal/ml) volume‐restricted EN formulations may be
composed of ω‐3 fatty acids (with or without glutamine indicated in patients with acute respiratory failure
and antioxidants) or supplemental ω‐3 fatty acids and experiencing volume overload.7 Conversely, the Cana-
were compared with patients receiving a standard dian Critical Care Nutrition Support Guideline 2015, do
formula or placebo. The primary outcome measured endorse the consideration for use of enteral formulas
was all‐cause mortality and secondary outcomes with fish oils, borage oils, and antioxidants in patients
included ICU LOS, ventilator days, indices of oxygen- with ALI and ARDS.21 “There is insufficient data to
ation, cardiac adverse events, and GI events.43 All studies make a recommendation on the supplementation of fish
19412452, 2023, 2, Downloaded from https://aspenjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ncp.10960 by Western University, Wiley Online Library on [27/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

oils alone in critically ill patients.”21 ESPEN 2019 mechanical ventilation. Patients were to receive either a
guidelines for clinical nutrition in the ICU recommend control formula (high‐fat; low‐carbohydrate) or a formula
administration of EN‐enriched ω‐3 fatty acids within enriched with EPA, GLA, and antioxidants. The two
nutrition doses, but high doses of ω‐3–enriched EN formulas were similar in calorie, protein, and macro-
formulas should not be given on a routine basis or be nutrient composition.49 EN was prescribed daily to meet
given by bolus administration.45 ESPEN reviewed studies approximately 80% of energy requirements.49 Results
that showed enteral formulas enriched in borage oil and/ showed no significant differences for oxygenation levels
or ω‐3 fatty acids administered to patients with ARDS, at days 4 and 8, incidence of ARDS/ALI, length of
ALI, and sepsis resulted with positive outcomes in terms ventilation time, duration of ICU days, and 28‐day
of LOS, length of ventilation and mortality.45 The meta‐ mortality between the two groups. The study concluded
analysis found a trend for advantage in oxygenation for that EN‐enriched formula with ω‐3 fatty acids failed to
enteral formulas enriched in EPA, GLA, and antiox- improve oxygenation levels, reduce the incidence of
idants. Positive outcomes were not observed when ω‐3 ARDS/ALI, or show any significant benefit in patients
fatty acids and borage oil were administered as a separate with severe trauma.49 The study acknowledged that the
additive rather than as a component of the enteral dosage of ω‐3 fatty acids in the enriched EN formulation
formula and may be associated with an increased risk may not have met the threshold necessary to provide
especially in higher ω‐3 fatty acid dosages.45 Continuous clinical benefits, and therefore would not recommend this
administration is also preferential over bolus as bolus specialized formula in the study population.49
showed no advantage in outcomes.45 Based on clinical
guidelines, a standard polyermeric formula or energy/
dense volume‐restricted formula for patients with respi- Glutamine
ratory dysfunction experiencing volume overload, may be
first choice in enteral formula selection for patients with Glutamine is the primary fuel for enterocytes, lymphocytes,
pulmonary failure.45 EN‐enriched ω‐3 fatty acid formulas and macrophages.5,37,38 During stress, glutamine becomes a
may be option if administered continuously and are conditionally essential amino acid and serves as a precursor
composed of nutritionally safe doses of ω‐3 fatty acids.45 for glutathione, which protects against oxidative
injury.5,46,47 Gholamalizadeh et al50 completed a meta‐
analysis aimed to investigate the effect of glutamine on
Immune‐enhancing formulas inflammation markers in patients who were critcally ill
receiving EN or parenteral nutrition. Ten case‐controlled
Immune‐enhancing formulas are marketed as specialized studies showed that L‐glutamine supplementation had a
EN formulas with anti‐inflammatory properties and significant association with reduction in C‐reactive protein,
immune support properties purported to improve clinical but no significance noted with interleukin‐6 or tumor
outcomes.3 Formulas may be composed of one or more of necrosis factor alpha.50 Shariatpanahi et al51 conducted a
the following: SCFAs, ω‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids randomized, double‐annonymized, placebo‐controlled trial
(EPA and DHA), glutamine, arginine, nucleic acid, investigating the effects of enteral administration of
selenium, and/or antioxidants (including but not limited glutamine on intestinal permeability in 80 patients in the
to vitamins C, E, selenium, and zinc).3,5 ICU receiving EN with 0.3 g/kg/day glutamine powder or
enteral formula with maltodextrin for 10 days. The study
hypothesized that after enteral glutamine supplementation,
ω‐3 fatty acids plasma antiendotoxin immunoglobulin, and immuno-
globulin M would be increased, whereas plasma zonulin
ω‐3 fatty acids are hypothesized to have anti‐ and endotoxin levels would decrease.51 Zonulin is a
inflammatory properties.46,47 A systematic review and regulator of intercellular tight gap junctions and is the
meta‐analysis of ω‐3 fatty acid supplementation or only physiological measurable blood protein that reflects
administration of ω‐3 fatty acid containing EN formulas intestinal permeability.50 Increased circulating zonulin
in patients who were critically ill showed no significant levels may indicate impaired intestinal barrier function.51
effects on mortality, overall hospital LOS, or complica- Endotoxin is a component of the outer membrane of Gram‐
tions related to infections, but noted significant reduction negative bacteria and breakdown of the intestinal mucosal
in ventilator duration and critical care LOS.48 Kagan barrier allows endotoxins to be released into systemic
et al49 conducted a single‐center, prospective, random- circulation.51 Results showed enteral glutamine signifi-
ized, comparative, double‐annonymized‐controlled study cantly reduced plasma zonulin concentration in the
in patients with severe multiple trauma requiring glutamine group (P < 0.001) and noted a significantly
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greater reduction in endotoxin concentration in the sepsis in the SICU/MICU showed patients with severe
glutamine group vs control (P = 0.014).51 Decreased levels sepsis had lower arginine, citrulline, and ornithine levels
of antiendotoxin IgM and IgG antibody were observed in than the control group.54 Arginine depletion in critical
the control group with an increase in the glutamine group illness causes reduction in NO production affecting blood
(P < 0.001).51 The glutamine supplementation group also pressure and increased cell damage and death.53 Supple-
had significantly lower incidence of diarrhea (P = 0.044) menting arginine may promote wound healing, increase
and constipation (P = 0.039). Intestinal permeability was nitric oxide synthase production and improve micro-
improved with glutamine‐supplemented EN.51 The study circulatory blood flow, and reduce infection rates.53 Most
showed that intestinal permeability in patients who were clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of arginine have used
critically ill could be improved after short‐term administra- immune‐enhancing formulas with the presence of other
tion of a glutamine‐supplemented enteral feeding without immune modulators including, but not limited to, ω‐3/fish
any other significant effect on GI complications, mortality, oil, zinc, vitamin E, selenium.53 More clinical trials with
or LOS in ICU.51 arginine supplementation alone are needed to determine
As noted, glutamine appears to be a promising optimal dose, initiation, and duration of arginine to
supplement, but large‐scale trials have suggested potential maximize its benefits without harm or increased mortality.53
harm including increased mortality with parenteral gluta-
mine supplementation or combinations of enteral/par-
enteral supplementation.46 Van Zanten et al52 completed a Nucleic acids and antioxidants
systematic review and meta‐analysis looking at randomized
controlled trials with the use of enteral glutamine by itself in Nucleic acids are needed for cellular proliferation and
patients who were critically ill. Eleven studies with 1079 immunity, and aid in clearance of pathogens.5,46 Under
adult patients with enteral glutamine supplementation only, stress, nucleic acids may become deficient.5,46 Antiox-
failed to show any significant reduction in hospital mortality idants in EN formulations are hypothesized to reduce
(RR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.65–1.36; P = 0.74), infectious complica- oxidative stress in patients with acute metabolic stress.47
tions (RR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.79–1.10; P = 0.39), or LOS in ICU Van Zanten et al56 conducted a randomized, double‐
(weighted mean difference [WMD], −1.36 days; 95% CI, annonymized multicenter trial providing a high‐protein
−5.51 to 2.78; P = 0.52).52 Enteral glutamine supplementa- enteral formula with glutamine, ω‐3 fatty acids, and
tion may produce a beneficial outcome on patients with antioxidants vs standard high‐protein formula to 301
burn injury. Patients with burns were associated with a patients on mechanical ventilation in the ICU. No
significant reduction in hospital mortality (RR, 0.19; 95% CI, statistically significant differences were noted in new
0.06–0.67; P = 0.010) and hospital stay (WMD, −9.16; 95% nosocomial infections, Sequential Organ Failure Assess-
CI, −15.06 to −3.26; P = 0.002) with enteral glutamine ment scores, mechanical ventilation duration, and ICU
supplementation; this subset analysis did not translate to and hospital LOS.56 After adjusting for Acute Physiology
patients with trauma where no effect was noted.52 and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores and age, a
significantly higher 6‐month mortality was noted in the
immune‐enhancing high‐protein EN vs standard high‐
Arginine protein EN (52% [95% CI, 40%–67%] vs 35% [95% CI,
22%–49%], respectively) suggesting potential harm (haz-
Arginine becomes a conditionally essential amino acid ard ratio of 1.57 [95% CI, 1.03–2.39; P = 0.4]).56 There are
during stress also and is important for cell growth and a limited number of studies with nucleic acids and
proliferation; wound healing; collagen synthesis; stimulates antioxidants alone, most of the studies are conducted
the secretion of growth hormone, insulin, and glucagon; with a combination with other immune modulators such
and is a precursor to nitric oxide production, which as fish oil, arginine, and glutamine. Before determining
influences blood circulation and vascular tone.5,46,47 There individual use and benefit, more high‐quality random-
is much dispute around the safety of supplemental arginine ized control trials are needed.
because of the potential elevation in nitrate and nitrite levels
in patients with sepsis and the hypothesis that the excess of
nitric oxide (NO) would cause increased vasodilation, Overall recommendations with
hemodynamic instability, and further aggravate complica- immune‐enhancing formulas
tions of sepsis.53 However, during critical illness, stress, and
sepsis arginine levels are depleted, potentially related to both Studies are lacking evaluating the perceived benefits of
impaired production and accelerated clearance.53–55 A individual pharmaconutrients in immune‐enhancing
prospective single‐center cohort study of 109 patients with formulas as most formulas are composed of multiple
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immune modulators and the clinical outcomes may administration of EN‐enriched ω‐3 fatty acids within
be a result of their synergistic effect from the nutrition doses in critically ill patients, but high doses of
configuration of that individual formula. Wong et al57 ω‐3–enriched EN formulas should not be given on a
completed a systematic review and meta‐analysis of routine basis or be given by bolus administration.45 Per
postsurgical clinical outcomes comparing standard ASPEN/SCCM 2016 guidelines, due to lack of effective-
formulas to immune‐enhancing enteral formulas in ness with the use of enteral glutamine, it is not
upper GI surgery including oesophagectomy, gastrec- recommended to add supplemental glutamine to the
tomy, and pancreatectomy. Immune‐enhancing EN EN regimen in patients with critical illness.7 Glutamine,
administered postoperatively showed a significant if part of an immune‐modulating formula, may be
reduction in wound infection (RR, 0.59; 95% CI, beneficial in patients with traumatic brain injury and
0.40–0.88; P = 0.009) and shorter length of hospital stay patients in the perioperative stage of surgery in the
(mean difference [MD], −2.92 days; 95% CI, 3.89–1.95; SICU.7 The Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines 2015
P < 0.00001).57 No significant differences noted in also do not recommend the use of enteral glutamine or
postoperative morbidities of interest (anastomotic leak enteral glutamine supplementation in patients who are
and pulmonary infection) and mortality between the critically ill.21 ESPEN 2019 clinical nutrition in the ICU
two groups.57 The studies evaluated had different guidelines recommend in patients with burns >20% body
combinations of enteral immunonutrition. One of the surface area, additional enteral doses of glutamine
trials included in the review compared EN with (0.3–0.5 g/kg/day) should be administered for 10–15 days
arginine, ω‐3, and RNA to a standard formula while as soon as EN is initiated and 0.2–0.3 g/kg/day can be
another trial evaluated an EN formula enriched with administered for the first 5 days with EN and up to 15
EPA and GLA compared with standard formula.57 days to aid in wound healing.45 Noted these recommen-
Society recommendations to support the use of enteral dations are for supplemental glutamine in addition to an
formulations with immune‐enhancing properties are varia- EN formulation. No recommendations were provided for
ble and based on reviews of current evidence in various EN formulations already enriched with glutamine but
conditions. The 2016 ASPEN/SCCM Guidelines do recom- may serve as guideline for calculating the safety and
mend the use of immune‐modulating enteral formulas appropriate dosage/rate needed for the patient popula-
(arginine in conjunction with other immune modulators tion that may benefit from an enteral enriched glutamine
including EPA, DHA, glutamine, and nucleic acid) for formula.45
patients with severe trauma, traumatic brain injury, and Due to variability in structure, ratio of macronutrients/
postoperative patients in the SICU.7 However, immune‐ micronutrients, and highly inconsistent individual dosage of
modulating formulas are not recommended for routine use nutrients in enteral formulations with immune‐enhancing
in patients with severe sepsis as arginine may pose a threat properties, clinicians considering the use of immune‐
to patients who are critically ill and hemodynamically enhancing formulas should evaluate the patient's entire
unstable. Immune‐modulating formulas are also not clinical picture including present disease state and comor-
recommended in patients in the MICU due to lack of bidities and analyze each individual formula's composition
positive outcomes.7 ESPEN guidelines recommend post- with evidenced‐based benefit and clinical practice guidelines
operative administration of immune‐enhanced formulas before prescribing its use.3,59
enriched with (arginine, ω‐3 fatty acids, ribonucleotides) for
patients who are malnourished undergoing major cancer
surgery but states there is no clear evidence for the sole use Food‐based blenderized formulas
of these formulas over standard formulas preoperatively.58
For patients who are critically ill, due to heterogene- Food‐based blenderized tube feedings (BTFs) consisting of
ity of trials and no significant reduction in ICU LOS, natural, whole‐food ingredients has increased in popular-
ventilation duration, organ failure or hospital mortality ity in the recent years primarily driven by consumer
compared with standard formulas, ASPEN/SCCM 2016 demand in the HEN adult and pediatric settings. Food‐
guidelines do not recommend the use of enteral formulas based BTF allows clinicians and patients/caregivers
with ω‐3 fish oils and antioxidants in patients with the opportunity to customize the formula to meet the
ARDS and severe ALI.7 The 2015 Canadian Critical Care macronutrient and micronutrient requirements of the
Nutrition Guidelines also do not recommend the use of consumer while synchronizing the patient's preferences
fish oil supplementation by itself in patients who are for “food choices” based on cultural, religious, ethical,
critically ill but does recommend enteral formulas with and individual health concerns such as allergies.60 The
fish oils, borage oils, and antioxidants in patients with rationale for use stems from perceived improvement in
ARDS/ALI.21 ESPEN 2019 guidelines also recommend feeding tolerance including bowel regularity; reduction in
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reflux, retching; improved volume tolerance; as well as With the increased popularity of whole‐food and
psychosocial benefit of normalized meals, patient partici- blenderized feedings in HEN, manufacturers drastically
pation in food selection and preparation, perceived health increased the development and marketing of commercially
benefits, and increased emotional/social connections.60,61 prepared BTF as an alternative food‐based feed that
There are multiple avenues to choose from when deciding was nutritionally consistent, convenient, and safe. The
upon a food‐based BTF regimen. Food‐based BTF (home‐ downside of commercial food‐based BTF includes a more
prepared or commercially prepared) can be used as the costly product and may necessitate clinical documentation
sole‐source of nutrition to meet 100% of the nutrient needs of an allergy or intolerance to standard formula for
of the patient or may be used as a supplemental feed in insurance coverage.61 Commercial whole‐food formulas
combination with commercial standard or commercially are composed of food‐based ingredients and are perceived
prepared BTF.61 Home‐prepared food‐based BTF use by consumers as more natural over traditional commercial
whole foods and liquids derived from a recipe or meal standard formulas. Commercial whole‐food formulas may
plan.60,61 It is encouraged for patients with a desire to be polymeric standard formulas, semielemental partially
use food‐based BTF work with a registered dietitian to hydrolyzed formulas, disease‐specific, and plant‐based or
ensure the commercial food‐based and/or home‐prepared vegan. They may be nutrient‐dense or concentrated ranging
food‐based BTF are nutritionally balanced meeting the from 1.0 to 1.8 kcal/ml. Composition is variable, dependent
macronutrient/micronutrient needs of the patient.60–62 on manufacturer, and may or may not be organic (refer to
Considerations when developing a meal plan should Table 2 for a list of common ingredients). Food‐based
include the patient's medical status and comorbidities, BTF may contain soluble and/or insoluble fiber as well as
current enteral feeding regimen and tolerance, modality of prebiotics. Commercial food‐based formulas may also
feeding, food allergies/intolerances, food preferences (life- contain additional antioxidants or phytonutrients, which
style, cultural, religious, health beliefs), ability to obtain may require clinical trials to determine the efficacy
variety of foods, and equipment for blending and storage of and safety before use in the critically ill and acute care
food to maintain safe food practices.5 Education and population. Clinicians may also want to consider consulting
ongoing coordination with a clinician experienced with pharmacy to ensure no drug/nutrient interactions or
BTF is essential for success of a blenderized home regimen.5 contraindications exist between the formula's antioxidants

TABLE 2 Whole‐food sources of commercial food‐based blenderized enteral formulas

Whole food formulation Carbohydrate Protein Fat Antioxidants
Plant‐Based Agave syrup Brown rice Alpha‐linolenic acid Acerola
Apples Garbanzo beans Canola oil Camu camu
Banana Green peas Coconut oil Cinnamon
Blueberries Hydrolyzed pea protein Flaxseed oil Coffee bean
Brown rice Quinoa Grapeseed oil Elderberry
Carrot Linoleic acid Ginger
Fruit juice MCT Hemp powder
Kale Olive oil Mangosteen
Mango ω‐3 fatty acid Quercetin
Peaches Safflower oil Rosemary extract
Pear Sunflower oil Turmeric
Pea starch
Rolled oats
Sweet potato
Nonplant‐based (carbohydrate, Chicken
fat, and antioxidant sources Ground beef
same as above) Eggs
Abbreviation: MCT, medium‐chain triglycerides.
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and the short‐term or long‐term medications the patient is completed a prospective study transitioning complex
presently prescribed. pediatric patients who were chronically ill on a
Formula selection remains dependent upon multiple commercial standard formula to a BTF based on
factors. The clinician is responsible for completing a Canada's Food Guide for Healthy Eating. Vomiting
comprehensive nutrition assessment considering the significantly decreased from 76% to 53% (P = 0.015) as
current medical status of the patient, including diagnosis well as incidence of gagging/retching from 82% to 47%
along with additional comorbidities, current and future (P = 0.072).64 Stool consistency and frequency showed no
treatment plan, laboratory indices, degree or potential for significant changes, however, the richness and diversity
malnutrition, method of administration through the of bacteria in stool samples significantly increased
EAD, insurance coverage considerations, while being (P < 0.001) with a significant reduction in the RA of
mindful of patient personal preferences including cul- proteobacteria from pre‐BTF vs post‐BTF.53 Schmidt
tural, religious, allergy, and tolerance issues.5,61 Method et al65 conducted a multicenter, prospective, open‐label
of administration (continuous infusion via pump, gravity and RCT on 118 long‐term patients, who were critically
drip, or bolus) is an important consideration for formula ill with a neurological condition (ischemic stroke,
selection.5,61 Food‐based BTF may require thinning to be intracerebral hemorrhage, traumatic brain injury, or
administered via gravity feed, which may reduce the hypoxic brain damage) and were enterally fed. The study
nutrition content of the feed.5,61 For patients requiring compared individuals receiving commercial real food‐
feeding via pump, hang time may affect formula choice. based formula vs SF for 30 days and its impact on
Home‐made BTF has the recommended hang time of stooling frequency and consistency.65 The commercial
2 h62 and due to variability of commercial food‐based real‐food–based formula group had significant reduction
formulas, check the manufacturer label for appropriate in number of watery stools (Type 7 Bristol Stool Chart)
hang time in an open system. Manufacturers have (−61%, incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 0.39, P < 0.001).65 In
recently began marketing closed system sets for acute a prospective pilot study on the effect of a polymeric
care hospitalizations and home. Feeding pump providers plant‐based EN formula on gut microbiota fecal samples
only recommend use of commercial‐based enteral showed plant‐based EN was well tolerated and improved
formulations and do not advise home‐prepared food‐ microbiota in children who were chronically ill, requir-
based BTF.61 A cost/benefit analysis should be assessed ing EN.55 Prior to the intervention, study participants
before making a formula decision weighing the cost of were on nonplant‐based enteral formula and transitioned
commercial formulas and availability of medical insur- to plant‐based EN within 2 weeks and continued to
ance coverage to cost of food and equipment required to 2 months.66 Fecal samples were taken prior to the
prepare and store home‐blended foods. transition and patterns of bacterial diversity of study
Research related to the safety and efficacy of food‐based participants were compared with healthy age‐matched
BTF is conflicting and lacking in the adult population with children.66 Before the transition, the study group had
most of the clinical trials being conducted in the pediatric decreased levels of commensals (eg, faecalibacterium)
patient population. Microbial contamination is cited as a and increased levels of pathogens (eg, enterococcus and
reason both by clinicians and patients with the decision to enterobacteriaceae).66 After transition to plant‐based EN
elect against a food‐based home‐prepared BTF regimen. fecal samples showed microbiota similar to their healthy
Johnson et al63 compared the microbial content at three controls.66
different time intervals (0, 2, and 4 h) of three enteral A literature review completed by Brown et al67 in
formula combinations: standard ready‐to‐feed polymeric 2020 evaluated outcomes of BTF on nutrition status
commercial formula; blenderized feed with baby food; and (weight, body mass index [BMI], and upper‐arm circum-
blenderized feed with whole food. Results showed no ference [UAC]) and nutrition adequacy in adults. Results
Staphylococcus aureus or coliform/Escherichia coli detection noted that BTF may be inadequate in calories, macro-
at any time point following preparation, total bacterial count nutrients, and some micronutrients because of the
was below acceptable limits, and all formulas were suitable variability of BTF formula composition leading to decline
for human consumption at all time points and sampling in weight status, BMI, and UAC.67 The studies reviewed
dates.63 Although there continues to be conflicting data, it showed a trend toward more positive clinical outcomes
should be noted that microbial contamination is a with commercial enteral formulas and suggested home‐
risk for all patients fed enterally, and regardless of type of blended formulas may not be appropriate for adults who
EN regimen selected, sanitary practices should be followed. are malnourished, thereby reserving home‐blenderized
Perceived benefits of BTF include improvement in EN for the stable adult patient with a clinical support
GI intolerance and bowel regularity and preservation of system and ability to prepare nutritionally adequate
healthy intestinal microbiota. Gallagher et al,64 BTF.67
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ESPEN guidelines for HEN 2022 recommend a and cultural choices may impact and curtail available
standard EN formula or a commercially produced formula options.69 The product label should include if a
“whole‐food” formula be used and advise against the formula is halal or kosher and most enteral formulations
use of home‐made blenderized formulas due to safety do not contain gluten or lactose.69 Recently manufactur-
concerns.6 ASPEN Standards for Nutrition Support for ers have developed plant‐based formulas free of major
Home and Alternate Site Care recommend the use of allergens to reach consumers with multiple food allergies
commercially available EN formulations when possible such as egg, corn, casein, whey, soy, and artificial
and preparation of EN formulations should be done in a sweeteners. Hypoallergenic formulas are limited in the
manner that prevents contamination.68 adult world and semielemental and elemental formulas
ASPEN Safe Practices for Enteral Nutrition Therapy consisting of partially or extensively hydrolyzed proteins
201662 recommendations for BTF include: may be appropriate for individuals with allergies.
Clinicians should closely review formulas for efficacy
(1) “Prepare blenderized tube feedings (BTF) using safe and tolerance by evaluating protein source, degree, and
food‐handling techniques and store it at refrigerator method of hydrolysis, as well as nonprotein sources
temperature immediately after preparation. Discard because there is much heterogenicity among formulas.70
any unused portion after 24 hours.”62 Differing opinions are noted with regards to use of
(2) “Limit the hang time of blenderized tube feedings hydrolyzed proteins for preventing allergic reactions.70
(BTF) to 2 hours or less.”62 To determine the efficacy of hydrolyzed formulas each
(3) “Give BTF only via a gastrostomy tube that is 14 Fr in partially hydrolyzed formula should be evaluated sepa-
size or greater.”62 rately due to heterogenicity of formulas.70
(4) “Do not use BTF in patients who do not have a With emergence of food‐based BTF formulas a wide
proven tolerance to bolus feeds, those who are variety of options is now available for patients with
medically unstable, or those who lack a mature severe allergies. Most of the commercial food‐based BTFs
gastrostomy site that is free of infection.”62 are low in allergenicity because of the absence of the
(5) “Involve a registered dietitian or nutrition support major common allergens in their formulations including
clinician in the development of the BTF formula to but not limited to milk, soy, corn, gluten, and artificial
ensure adequate nutrient delivery.”62 ingredients. Home‐prepared food‐based BTF's provide an
(6) “Sanitize mechanical devices (e.g., blenders) used to unlimited number of formula combinations as consum-
prepare BTF after each use with an established ers can design recipes that are individualized to exclude
protocol.”62 any allergen of concern. For patients with allergens and
strict dietary practices, clinicians should review the
For those hospitals and institutions that begin to ingredient list on the product label for protein source,
transition to offering food‐based BTF, both commercial degree, and method of hydrolysis, nonprotein sources
and home‐prepared food‐based BTF, evidenced‐based of macronutrient, micronutrients, and antioxidants.70
protocols should be developed with guidance from For example, a consideration often overlooked when
reputable society practice guidelines and recommenda- selecting a formula for the vegan patient is the source of
tions to ensure safe practices are in place for the vitamin D.
preparation, storage, and administration of food‐based
feeding. Recommendations will continue to evolve as
further research is developed in this emerging area Hypocaloric: very high‐protein formulas
of EN.
Decreased calorie, high‐protein EN formulas may have
been originally designed and marketed for use in patients
Food allergies and individual dietary who are obese and critically ill, but are now being
practices and preferences promoted for use in patients who are critically ill that
require a lower calorie formula with a higher proportion
Prior to selecting an EN formula for a patient, clinicians of calories being derived from protein. Characteristics of
complete a comprehensive nutrition assessment evaluat- these formulas include a low‐calorie to high‐protein ratio
ing the patient's diagnosis, medical treatment plan, usually consisting of 1 kcal/ml with a high percentage of
laboratory values, but also take into consideration a calories from protein ~37%. Hypocaloric, very high‐protein
patient's individual allergies, intolerances, and personal formulas may have no fiber or soluble fiber, may or may
dietary preferences.69 Food allergies/intolerances and not have immune‐enhancing properties and may be
personal patient preferences including religious, ethical, polymeric or semielemental. Hypocaloric nutrition has
19412452, 2023, 2, Downloaded from https://aspenjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ncp.10960 by Western University, Wiley Online Library on [27/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

TABLE 3 Enteral formula indication for practice based on clinical guidelines and consensus recommendations
Enteral formula
Clinical problem Clinical practice guidelines and consensus recommendations considerations
Long‐term EN6 ESPEN Practical Guideline: Home Enteral Nutrition 2022 First line: standard formula
• Standard formula unless justification for blended tube feed is noted6 with or without fiber
• Standard commercial formula for patients receiving HEN without
diarrhea, constipation, or diabetes6
• Recommend fiber‐containing formula for diarrhea/constipation6
Diabetes6,21 ESPEN Practical Guideline: Home Enteral Nutrition 2022 First line: standard formula
• A low‐sugar enteral formula with slow digestible CHOs, enriched in
Other considerations: diabetic
unsaturated fatty acids (especially monounsaturated) may be used in
disease–specific formula
patients who have diabetes and are receiving HEN6
Canadian Critical Care Nutrition Guidelines 2015
• No recommendation in patients who are critically ill due to insufficient
data to recommend low‐CHO diets in conjunction with insulin therapy21
Gastrointestinal ASPEN/SCCM Guidelines for Adult Critically Ill Patients 2016 First line: standard formula
disorders7,11–13,72 • Recommend standard formula with EN initiation in severe acute
Other considerations:
semielemental with MCT or
∘ In EN intolerance, recommend transitioning to a small peptide formula
elemental formula
with MCT or nearly fat‐free elemental formula in moderate to severe
ESPEN Guideline Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis 2020; Practical Guideline
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2020; Practical Guideline Chronic Intestinal
Failure 2021
• Recommend standard formula in acute pancreatitis11
• Semielemental formula may be beneficial in severe acute pancreatitis
with malabsorption11
• Recommend semielemental formula with MCT in chronic pancreatitis if
standard formula not tolerated11
• Recommend standard formula (polymeric, moderate fat) in primary and
supportive nutrition therapy in patients with active IBD/CD11
∘ Specific EN formulations (eg, glutamine, ω‐3 fatty acids) are not
advised in IBD patients12
• Due to no significant differences found in remission rates with use of
elemental vs polymeric formulas, recommend standard ONS or EN for at
risk and current malnourished patients in CD remission12
• If EN indicated, recommend polymeric isotonic standard formula in
patients with short bowel syndrome13
ASPEN Consensus Statement 2022: When is enteral nutrition indicated?
• In severe acute pancreatitis, there is no current evidence to support the
use of a semielemental formula over a polymeric formula72
• No recommendation for immunonutrition in severe acute
pancreatitis until more supportive evidence from higher‐quality trials
is available72
• Exclusive EN may be an alternative to corticosteroid therapy for inducing
but not maintaining remission of CD in adults72
∘ With current recommendation no formula type indicated; no difference
in formula type (elemental, semielemental, polymeric) or fat content
impacted remission rates72
Pulmonary/ARDS/ ASPEN/SCCM Guidelines for Adult Critically Ill Patients 2016 First line:
ALI7,21 • Consider fluid‐restricted, energy‐dense formulas in acute respiratory standard formula
failure with volume overload7
Other considerations:
• No recommendation for specialty formulas (anti‐inflammatory fats and
• Concentrated/volume‐
restricted formula, and

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TABLE 3 (Continued)

Enteral formula
Clinical problem Clinical practice guidelines and consensus recommendations considerations
• Do not recommend the use of pulmonary formulas (high‐fat/low‐CHO) • Immune‐enhancing formula
in acute respiratory failure7 with fish or borage
Canadian Critical Care Guidelines 2015 oils + antioxidants
• Recommend fish oils, borage oils plus antioxidants in ALI and ARDS;
insufficient data to make a recommendation on fish oil supplementation
Critical care7,21,71,72 ASPEN/SCCM Guidelines for Adult Critically Ill Patients 2016 First line: standard polymeric
• Recommend high‐protein formula to meet protein target of 1.2–2.0 g/kg high‐protein formula with
actual body weight/day7 low fiber or no fiber; or a
• Avoid immune‐enhancing formulas in the medical ICU and disease‐ standard polymeric high‐
specific formulas in the surgical ICU7 protein low‐energy dense
∘ Disease‐specific, fluid‐restricted formulas may be used with persistent formula (1 kcal/ml); 37%
electrolyte abnormalities and volume restriction7 kcal from protein
• Recommend mixed fiber formulas not be used to promote bowel
Other considerations:
regularity or prevent diarrhea7
• Concentrated,
• Mixed fiber formula may be indicated in persistent diarrhea
• Volume‐restricted or disease‐
∘ If no response to fiber or malabsorption suspected, trial a semielemental
specific formula,
• Mixed fiber
• Avoid both soluble and insoluble fiber if risk for bowel ischemia or severe
• Semielemental formula
ASPEN Consensus Statement 2022: When is enteral nutrition indicated?
• Recommend a 1.0–1.2 kcal/ml, higher‐protein, low‐fiber EN formula
(semielemental and polymeric formulas are tolerated) for patients
receiving vasopressor support72
ASPEN Guidelines for Adult Critically Ill Patients 2021
• EN to support energy intakes between the range 12–25 kcal/kg in the first
7–10 days of ICU admission: protein intakes 1.2–2.0 g/kg/day71
ASPEN/SCCM Guidelines for Adult Critically Ill Patient 2016
• Recommend high‐protein, hypocaloric feeding in ICU patients with
∘ 65%–70% target energy requirements as determined by IC7
∘ Weight‐based equations if no IC available7
▪ Calorie provision in range of 11–14 kcal/kg actual body weight per
day (BMI, 30–50) and 22–25 kcal/kg ideal body weight per day (BMI,
>50); protein provision in range of 2 g/kg ideal body weight (BMI,
30–40) and 2.5 g/kg ideal body weight (BMI, ≥40)7
Canadian Critical Care Guidelines 2015
• Recommend intentional underfeeding of calories (not protein) with
low–nutrition risk patients; does not apply to high–nutrition risk patients21
Canadian Critical Care Guidelines 2015
• Recommend standard formula with EN initiation18
• No recommendation regarding composition of EN in patients who are
critically ill due to insufficient data21
∘ High‐fat/low‐CHO; low‐fat/high‐CHO; high protein vs low protein21
• Do not recommend arginine and other selected nutrients21
• Insufficient data to recommend routine use of fiber (soluble or insoluble)
in enteral formulas18
• Use of enteral glutamine is not recommended21
• No recommendations for use of ornithine ketoglutarate for burn and
other patients who are critically ill due to insufficient data21
Renal failure7,35 ASPEN/SCCM Guidelines for Adult Critically Ill Patients 2016 First line:
• Recommended standard formula in acute kidney injury/acute renal standard formula
Other considerations:
• Renal formula
19412452, 2023, 2, Downloaded from https://aspenjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ncp.10960 by Western University, Wiley Online Library on [27/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

TABLE 3 (Continued)

Enteral formula
Clinical problem Clinical practice guidelines and consensus recommendations considerations
∘ Recommend a renal formula with appropriate electrolyte profile in • Extremely high–protein
patients with persistent abnormal electrolytes until electrolytes formula; ~37% kcal from
stabilize7 protein
• Recommend formula with an appropriate protein and electrolyte profile
to meet protein goal up to 2.5 g/kg/day in patients undergoing CRRT7
ESPEN Guidelines Patients with Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease 2021
• Recommend standard formula to meet protein goals based on disease
∘ A concentrated “renal” formula with lower electrolyte content may be
indicated with electrolyte and fluid imbalances35
Hepatic failure7,38 ASPEN/SCCM Guidelines for Adult Critically Ill Patients 2016 First line: standard formula
• Recommend standard formula in ICU patients with acute and chronic
Other considerations:
liver disease7
• Energy‐dense standard
ESPEN Practical Guideline in Liver Disease 2020
• Recommend standard formula in acute liver failure; no evidence
• Plant‐based
enriched BCAA formulas improve outcomes38
blenderized EN38
• Recommend standard formula high in energy density ≥1.5 kcal/ml for
• Hepatic BCAA‐enriched
alcoholic steatohepatitis38
• In select patients with encephalopathic cirrhosis with protein intolerance,
vegetable protein or BCAA (0.25 g/kg/day) should be used by oral route38
• Recommend long‐term BCAA‐enriched formulas (0.25 g/kg/day) in
advanced cirrhosis38
• Recommend BCAA‐enriched formulas in hepatic encephalopathy38
Trauma/TBI/surgery/ ASPEN/SCCM Guidelines for Adult Critically Ill Patient 2016 First line: high‐protein standard
sepsis7,58 • Recommend high‐protein polymeric formula in hemodynamically stable formula
patients with trauma within 24–48 h of injury7
Other considerations: standard
∘ Consider immune‐enhancing formulas with arginine and fish oil in
formula with EPA/DHA
patients with severe trauma 7
• Recommend immune‐enhancing formula with arginine or EPA/DHA
supplement with standard formula in patients who are being treated for
a TBI7
• Recommend routine use of immune‐enhancing formula with both
arginine and fish oil in postoperative surgical ICU patients7
• Recommend against use of immune or metabolic‐modulating formulas
(arginine with other agents [EPA, DHA, glutamine, and nucleic acid]) in
ESPEN Practical Guideline: Clinical Nutrition Surgery 2021
• Recommend standard whole protein formula for most postoperative • Immune‐enhancing formula
patients58 with arginine and fish oil
∘ Recommend enriched EN with arginine, ω‐3 fatty acids, ribonucleotides be • Immune‐enhancing formula
given perioperatively and postoperatively in patients who are with arginine, ω‐3 fatty acids,
malnourished and have major surgical cancer58 ribonucleotides
Abbreviations: ALI, acute lung injury; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ASPEN, American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; BCAA,
branched‐chain amino acids; BMI, body mass index; CD, Crohn's Disease; CHO, carbohydrate; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; DHA,
docosahexaenoic acid; EN, enteral nutrition; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; ESPEN, European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism; h, hour; HEN,
home EN; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; IC, indirect calorimetry; ICU, intensive care unit; MCT, medium‐chain triglyceride; ONS, oral nutrition
supplement; SCCM, Society of Critical Care Medicine; TBI, traumatic brain injury.

become standard of practice for patients who are critically determined by indirect calorimetry or 11–14 kcal/kg actual
ill and obese as recommended in clinical guidelines by body weight if the BMI is 30–50 and 22–25 kcal/kg ideal
multiple societies. The ASPEN/SCCM 2016 guidelines body weight or BMI > 50. Protein recommendations are
recommend providing 60%–70% of energy needs 2.0 g/kg ideal weight for the BMI of 30–40 and 2.5 g/kg
19412452, 2023, 2, Downloaded from https://aspenjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ncp.10960 by Western University, Wiley Online Library on [27/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

ideal weight for BMI > 40.7 ASPEN 2021 clinical guide- societies for assistance in appropriate formula selection
lines recommend providing EN to meet calorie targets and to validate the efficacy and safety of specialty
between 12 and 25 kcal/kg for the first 7–10 days of ICU enteral formulations3 (Table 3).
stay.71 No significant differences were noted in patients
receiving higher vs lower levels of energy intakes in A U T H O R C O N TR I B U T I O N S
clinical outcomes.71 Protein targets remain consistent with April Church conceived, designed the research, and
the ASPEN/SCCM 2016 guidelines of 1.2–2.0 g/kg/day.71 drafted the article. April Church and Steph Zoeller
If a patient is on vasopressor support, a 1.0–1.2 kcal/ml, critically revised the article, agree to be fully accountable
higher‐protein, low‐fiber formula is recommend and both for ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the work, and
semielemental and polymeric formulas are appropriate.72 read and approved the final article.
Energy from nonnutrition sources and noninten-
tional calories, such as fat‐based medications, medica- C O NF L I C T O F I N T E R E S T S TA T E M E N T
tions for fluid resuscitation with dextrose, and substrates None declared.
from continuous replacement renal therapy pose a
challenge to meeting protein targets in critical care.5,26 ORC ID
To meet the protein needs in the patient who is critically April Church http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0360-1413
ill a hypocaloric, very high‐protein formula may be
indicated. Caution must also be taken in patients with REFER ENCES
critical illness and formula selection with regards to 1. American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
fiber, ASPEN/SCCM 2016 clinical guidelines do not (ASPEN). Definition of terms, style, and conventions used in
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Accessed November 21, 2022. https://www.nutritioncare.org/
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42. Abd El Sabour Faramawy M, Abd Allah A, El Batrawy S, 58. Weimann A, Braga M, Carli F, et al. ESPEN practical guideline:
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