3125-Article Text-20306-1-10-20231210
3125-Article Text-20306-1-10-20231210
3125-Article Text-20306-1-10-20231210
Collaborative edge-cloud features improve job scheduling. Cloud job scheduling is crucial. Pending delay
completion. A cloud-edge mixed system replaced centralized cloud computing. Combining resource levels
reduces terminal user service call latency. Decentralization, regionalization, and node dispersal autonomy
increase ambiguity, unreliability, and instability. This paper will plan cloud-migrating tasks on edge
devices or the cloud to achieve a global optimum. The objective of this research is to enhance the efficiency
of job scheduling in cloud-fog edge environments through the integration of the Catastrophic Genetic
Algorithm (CGA), a genetic algorithm inspired by natural evolution. Additionally, Berger's theory will be
employed to develop a trust-enabled interaction framework based on blockchain technology. The CGA
fitness function incorporates load balancing and reasonability in the coordination of services and
scheduling of tasks, with the goal of maximizing performance. This article presents proposed improvements
to the CGA, which involve the incorporation of mutation and crossover operators, roulette selection, and
cataclysm. These changes aim to expand the search area and potentially discover schedules that are more
optimal. The approach also effectively deals with the problem of premature convergence, guaranteeing
ample time for the algorithm to comprehensively explore the solution space prior to reaching a final
solution. The experimental findings indicate that the strategy put forward in this study yields a substantial
reduction in task completion time, surpassing 97%. Furthermore, it effectively addresses the best local
problem, hence showcasing competing options.
Keywords: Edge Computing Task Scheduling, CGA, Ca Catastrophic Genetic Algorithm, Blockchain.
1. Introduction
The conventional centralized cloud service model encounters considerable challenges in
practical scenarios, including a single point of failure, network dependency, excessive latency,
and failure scale effect. As a result, it is not suitable for accommodating instantaneous
transactions. The convergence of cloud computing and edge computing is a prominent subject of
investigation within the field of computer science and technology. Cloud computing is a paradigm
that involves the storage and processing of data on centralized servers over the internet. In
contrast, edge computing refers to the practice of processing data in close proximity to the
network, thereby minimizing latency and improving the ability to do real-time processing tasks.
The integration being discussed possesses the capacity to bring about significant transformations
in several industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and autonomous cars. This is achieved
by facilitating quicker decision-making processes, reducing latency, and improving user
experiences (Perumalla, 2021).
The objective of this work is to create a novel approach for job scheduling in cloud-fog
edge environments, with the goal of optimizing task allocation and reducing job completion time.
The proposed approach utilizes the Catastrophic Genetic Algorithm (CGA) for the purpose of
identifying optimal job schedules. Additionally, Berger's theory is employed to construct a safe
interaction framework. In addition to its focus on load balancing and reasonability, the technique
further enhances the CGA algorithm and showcases substantial performance enhancements
through extensive experimentation and simulations (Patil, 2022). This paper presents a novel
approach for air scheduling in cloud-fog periphery scenarios, incorporating trust-enhancing
mechanisms. A decentralized trust framework has been developed utilizing blockchain
Ali & Ali … Vol 5(1) 2023 : 569-580
2. Literature Review
Although the field of edge-cloud collaboration research is still in its nascent stages, many
domestic and international scholars have conducted studies and generated research outcomes on
edge or cloud work schedules. This paper looks at all the research that has been done on the Moth
Search Algorithm (MSA) and how it uses Differential Evolution (DE) to find and get around any
problems that might make it less effective. The study pertains to nature-inspired algorithms,
specifically the MSA, which emulate natural behaviors. The research focuses on the particular
challenge of cloud job scheduling, which is a crucial concern in distributed computing settings.
The inclusion of comparative studies is crucial in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of
the efficacy and performance of the suggested methodology. Performance metrics are employed
Ali & Ali … Vol 5(1) 2023 : 569-580
for the assessment of the MSDE algorithm, and the inclusion of experiments including both
synthetic and actual trace data serves to validate its practicality. The study in the field of
optimization and nature-inspired computing is strengthened by the implementation of a
meticulous experimental design that incorporates the evaluation of other algorithms and the
utilization of both synthetic and real trace data.
The objective of this study is to enhance the efficiency of job offloading in vehicular fog
computing (VFC) through the utilization of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA).
Four distinct execution and transmission models are put forth, which make use of vehicle
resources for the purposes of executing tasks and transmitting data. Dijkstra's algorithm is a
widely employed method for determining the shortest path between nodes. The simulation
findings demonstrate that the incorporation of cars in the VFC system leads to a noteworthy
reduction in latency and total energy when compared to alternative models and existing state-of-
the-art approaches (Abdullah & Jabir, 2022). This research study introduces a novel approach that
combines meta-heuristic techniques with the HEFT algorithm to address the work scheduling
problem in cloud computing. The proposed method demonstrates superior performance in terms
of makes pan when compared to three alternative heuristic and genetic algorithms. The evaluation
is conducted on randomly generated direct acyclic graphs (DAGs). (Kamalinia & Ghaffari, 2017),
a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm is proposed by integrating AG and PSO, resulting in improved
performance through the combination of Completion Time for the algorithm. Johnson introduced
a genetic algorithm that operates based on a set of predefined rules. (JRGA). Two-stage task
scheduling is implemented in data centers, as described in reference Abdul Kareem & Hussein
The presented MPQGA algorithm uses a genetic algorithm (GA) along with a heuristic-
based earliest finish time (EFT) method to efficiently sort subtasks and thoroughly look for
solutions during the task-to-processor mapping process. In addition, it is responsible for the design
of crossover, mutation, and fitness functions pertaining to the scheduling of directed acyclic
graphs. The experimental findings demonstrate that it exhibits superior performance compared to
non-evolutionary heuristics and random search techniques (Xu et al., 2014). The scheme above
allocates tasks to processors following their respective priorities. Trust plays a significant role in
mitigating issues related to reputation and reliability within a decentralized and inclusive network.
The establishment of trust is often a consequence of many achievements. A study was conducted
in (Jiang et al., 2015) regarding techniques for assessing trust in sensor cloud systems. The authors
employed the cloud model and attribute-weighted clustering techniques to devise an approach for
assessing the credibility of recommendations, as described in reference (Wang et al., 2018). The
fog-based spider web algorithm (FSWA) is a heuristic methodology that aims to minimize delays
and improve reaction time in processes within a fog network. The objective of this endeavor is to
identify the closest nodes for computational purposes, thereby enhancing quality of service (QoS)
metrics, optimizing resource allocation, and increasing service availability (DAR et al., 2020).
About (Mohammed Ali & Al-Tamimi, 2022), This study presents a novel trust model that utilizes
a trust certificate authority for the purpose of calculating domain and global trust in public cloud
environments. The proposed model aims to decrease computational complexity and enhance
overall performance. The experimental findings demonstrate the effective and precise calculation
of trust levels. A context-aware trust prediction model was developed for edge computing in
vehicles, as described in reference (Li et al., 2019).
3. System Overview
Model for Cloud Center Task Scheduling Finding a rational way to divide each task among
several virtual machines to complete each task with the slightest delay is the challenge with cloud
task scheduling (Yang et al., 2020; Mohamed & Al-Tamimi, 2020). To decide whether to execute
in the cloud, each task with three categories must first be analyzed. The sensitivity of the task is
established by the relationship between the task's delay and its duration. Finally, the cloud-based
jobs will be planned to minimize overall execution time (Dubuque et al., 2005). To build a model
in the IoT device, blockchain technology is introduced. The framework comprises three layers, as
shown in figure (1): the cloud layer, the fog layer, and the trust-enhanced edge/IoT layer.
Ali & Ali … Vol 5(1) 2023 : 569-580
4. Task Classification
To decide whether to execute on the cloud, one must first categorize the tasks that need to
be processed. The sensitivity of the task is established by the relationship between the task's delay
and its duration (Lucas, 2014). Finally, the cloud-based jobs will be planned to minimize overall
execution time. Let 𝑓𝑖𝑐 Indicate the computational power that the edge device has allocated to Task
I. Consequently, can obtain the local Task I execution time (Rodionova et al., 2019).
as𝐓 𝐢 =
𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐜
the time transferred is defined as
i id
Ttran = Rate
Rate is the rate at which cloud-based duties are uploaded; in this case, the upload rate is a
measurable quantity (Rylander et al, 2000). To facilitate the cloud task scheduling procedure,
tasks must be categorized by sensitivity. You can define assignment sensitivity as follows:
senTi = data
5. CGA Algorithm
The study of algorithmic logic. The three steps of the genetic algorithm are responsible for
determining the convergence rate. The present study aims to enhance the efficacy of the genetic
algorithm by optimizing the selection, crossover, and mutation processes (Mora-Melià et al.,
2017). This approach mimics the biological evolution process to generate a new population of
individuals. Catastrophic events lead to increased individual diversity without a corresponding
increase in population size . Additionally, the removal of an ideal local trap becomes a less
challenging task. The algorithm flowchart is shown in flowing figure 2:
Ali & Ali … Vol 5(1) 2023 : 569-580
Computational fitness
T= t+1
t.Bestfitness =(t-1). Bestfitness Cat= cat-1
Optimal solution
Ali & Ali … Vol 5(1) 2023 : 569-580
If ∑ 𝑖
𝑎𝑖,𝑗 𝐸𝐶𝑇𝑖,𝑗 + 𝑇𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛 − exp 𝑇𝑖 ≤ 0,
𝑖∈[1,𝑖 ]
Because reducing the overall task execution time while meeting task deadlines is the goal
of this paper, the fitness function was designed as follows.
𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 =
AIINTime +∑Nitsk
i=1 punish
5.4 Crossover
The conventional genetic algorithm incorporates a crossover operation that entails selecting
the crossover rate to establish the number of individuals to be crossed, utilizing rand (1, n) to
generate a crossover operation for every intersecting individual, and mapping the two
chromosomes to the segments following the displacement of the placement points (Joseph et al.,
2014). The present research establishes a threshold for determining statistical significance across
different groups or conditions. In the absence of a match, no further action will be taken. The
cutoff size denotes the proportion of associated genes within the gene (Tian et al., 2019). This
Ali & Ali … Vol 5(1) 2023 : 569-580
process effectively mitigates the adverse effects of inbreeding and enhances the quality of
offspring in the context of human evolution. The article above established a threshold of 0.8 and
a crossover probability exceeding 0.7 to prevent the cessation of cross operation due to excessive
similarity, which may impede the convergence process (da S. Medeiros et al., 2020). The
crossover process is depicted in Figure 4. The delay penalty refers to the negative consequence or
punishment resulting from a delay in completing a task or meeting a deadline.
𝑖𝑓 ∑ 𝑖
𝑎𝑖,𝑗 𝐸𝐶𝑇𝑖,𝑗 + 𝑇𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛 − exp 𝑇𝑖 ≤ 0,
𝑖∈[1,𝑖 ]
∑ 𝑎𝑖,𝑗 𝐸𝐶𝑇𝑖,𝑗 + 𝑇𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛 − exp 𝑇𝑖 > 0
𝑖∈[1,𝑖 ]
Fig 4. A Crossover Operation Of The Conventional Genetic Algorithm That Entails Selecting The Crossover Rate
To Establish The Number Of Individuals To Be Crossed
5.5 Variation
The mutation is crucial. Mutations in genetic systems serve two purposes. First, local
random scan (Abd Elaziz et al., 2019). This work sets two variability values. Over two-thirds of
repeats reduce mutation chance by 0.02. Determine the number of mutations needed, choose two
random chromosomal regions and swap gene values. Since the chance of the variation procedure
being carried out is already low, it is enhanced (Narayanan & Moore, 1996). The data presented
in Figure 5 suggests that the genic value may have remained constant after the mutation process
(Sharma, 2020).
Ali & Ali … Vol 5(1) 2023 : 569-580
4. Algebras of supersession plus one, the catastrophe threshold is lowered by one of the optimal
individual fitness of the (t1) the generation is equal to that of the generation; otherwise, it will
remain the same (Al-Tamimi & Mohammed Ali, 2023).
5. Execute the selection, cross, and mutation operations.
6. Create the descendant population and check to see if the catastrophe threshold cat equals 0.
Continue the catastrophe operation if it equals 0.
7. If the maximum number of iterations has been reached, output; if not move on to step 3.
6. Evaluation
This experiment represented a standard terminal-to-fog server device. The simulation
includes (Jyoti & Chauhan, 2022) based on catastrophic algorithms. Data about computing
capacity for resources and calculations are extracted from randomly generated data in MATLAB.
This study aims to analyze and contrast the iteration durations of Berger's theory and the time-
based differential simple genetic algorithm while utilizing the same dataset. Utilizing blockchain
technology to construct a framework for task scheduling that promotes trust and assurance (Cao
et al., 2016). The model being proposed integrates a decentralized ledger system. The block of
transactions effectively and securely stores the factual transactions of the system. Trust
management comprises three fundamental elements: establishment, decision-making, and upkeep
(Brakerski et al., 2021).
Furthermore, the reliable block is responsible for monitoring and recording the
trustworthiness ratings of the individual nodes. The creation of a confidence assessment allows
enterprises to choose reliable trade associates effectively (Grover, 1996). When job opportunities
are limited, determining the most favorable result may not be readily discernible. As additional
responsibilities are incorporated, the algorithms gain greater transparency. As the quantity of tasks
escalates, the duration of execution for each task also increases, reducing the number of tasks
uploaded to the cloud (Baritompa et al., 2005). The results in Figures 7-9 demonstrate that the
proposed method exhibits a faster convergence rate and greater time efficiency as evolutionary
algebra progresses.
Fig. 6. The Evolutionary Records Of Fitness Value And The Times Of Iteration
Ali & Ali … Vol 5(1) 2023 : 569-580
Fig 8. The Execution Time For The Iterations Using CGA Algorithm
The experimental findings suggest that the satisfaction rate with delay was over 97%,
meeting the required demand. The CGA approach exhibits superior performance in task
completion time and convergence speed of the evolutionary process (Fürer, 2008). As the number
of iterations increases, the CGA algorithm can better locate the optimal solution and accelerate
convergence. The study employed a calamitous technique that did not demonstrate any impact on
the convergence rate or the optimal course. Given the challenge of achieving the local optimum,
a viable alternative is to facilitate the operation in its ongoing efforts to improve the population
(G. Sun et al., 2014).
7. Conclusion
Work schedule is a crucial concern within the context of collaborative edge-cloud
environments. It is imperative to consider whether the task is executed in the cloud and how it is
scheduled therein. Although blockchain presents significant challenges, genetic algorithms offer
unique benefits compared to traditional methods for addressing intricate issues. Integrating
blockchain technology can establish a structure for interactions based on trust within a cloud-fog
environment. The current study introduces a novel approach that combines cloud, fog, and edge
computing to create a hybrid environment. The proposed system also incorporates a trust-
enhanced location-aware fair labor scheduling paradigm. The new model comprises three
architectural layers: IoT, fog, and cloud. Utilizing the fog layer enables the facilitation of cloud-
fog or fog-edge resource coordination and unified scheduling. The approach enabled edge devices
to opt for either on-site or cloud-based execution venues for their tasks. The objective is to
diminish the duration needed to accomplish each undertaking, and this information cannot be
owned, regulated, or manipulated by an individual entity.
Enhancing the reliability and confirmability of task execution while minimizing
administrative expenses. The CGA algorithm represents a supplementary methodology for
addressing the issue of optimizing task scheduling. Berger's concept has been implemented to
address the matter of impartiality in task scheduling. The CGA algorithm will probably undergo
enhancements in the foreseeable future, enabling its application in dynamic and real-time task
scheduling for edge-cloud collaboration under more realistic conditions. Besides memory
consumption, the surge in demand, and system overloads, the task scheduling methodology can
incorporate many supplementary variables. Furthermore, a parallel computing framework can be
integrated to incorporate the Markov chain into our model. Data availability is limited to time and
static duties as this work solely focuses on these aspects
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