Combinatorial Field An Introduction
Combinatorial Field An Introduction
Combinatorial Field An Introduction
Linfan Mao
E-mail: [email protected]
The multiplicity of the WORLD results in modern sciences overlap and hybrid, also implies its
combinatorial structure. To see more clear, we present two meaningful proverbs following.
An Ames room is a distorted room constructed so that from the front it appears to be
an ordinary cubic-shaped room, with a back wall and two side walls parallel to each other and
perpendicular to the horizontally level floor and ceiling. As a result of the optical illusion, a
person standing in one corner appears to the observer to be a giant, while a person standing in
the other corner appears to be a dwarf. The illusion is convincing enough that a person walking
back and forth from the left corner to the right corner appears to grow or shrink. For details,
see Fig.1.1 below.
This proverb means that it is not all right by our visual sense for the multiplicity of world.
In this proverb, there are six blind men were be asked to determine what an elephant
looked like by feeling different parts of the elephant’s body, seeing Fig.1.2 following. The man
touched the elephant’s leg, tail, trunk, ear, belly or tusk claims it’s like a pillar, a rope, a tree
branch, a hand fan, a wall or a solid pipe, respectively. They then entered into an endless
argument and each of them insisted his view right.
All of you are right! A wise man explains to them: Why are you telling it differently is because
each one of you touched the different part of the elephant. So, actually the elephant has all
those features what you all said. Then
What is the meaning of Proverbs 1 and 2 for understanding the structure of WORLD?
The situation for one realizing behaviors of the WORLD is analogous to the observer in
Ames room or these blind men in the second proverb. In fact, we can distinguish the WORLD
Combinatorial Field - An Introduction 3
The laterality of human beings implies that one can only determines lateral feature of
the WORLD by our technology. Whence, the WORLD should be the union of all characters
determined by human beings, i.e., a Smarandache multi-space underlying a combinatorial struc-
ture in logic. Then what can we say about the unknown part of the WORLD? Is it out order?
No! It must be in order for any thing having its own right for existing. Therefore, these is
an underlying combinatorial structure in the WORLD by the combinatorial notion, shown in
unknown unknown
In fact, this combinatorial notion for the WORLD can be applied for all sciences. I pre-
sented this combinatorial notion in Chapter 5 of [8], then formally as the CC conjecture for
mathematics in [11], which was reported at the 2nd Conference on Combinatorics and Graph
Theory of China in 2006.
This conjecture opens an entirely way for advancing the modern sciences. It indeed means
a deeply combinatorial notion on mathematical objects following for researchers.
(i) There is a combinatorial structure and finite rules for a classical mathematical system,
which means one can make combinatorialization for all classical mathematical subjects.
4 Linfan Mao
(ii) One can generalizes a classical mathematical system by this combinatorial notion such
that it is a particular case in this generalization.
(iii) One can make one combination of different branches in mathematics and find new
results after then.
(iv) One can understand our WORLD by this combinatorial notion, establish combinato-
rial models for it and then find its behavior, and so on.
This combinatorial notion enables ones to establish a combinatorial model for the WORLD
and develop modern sciences combinatorially. Whence, a science can not be ended if its com-
binatorialization has not completed yet.
Now how can we characterize these unknown parts in Fig.1.4 by mathematics? Certainly, these
unknown parts can be also considered to be fields. Today, we have known a best tool for
understanding the known field, i.e., a topological or differentiable manifold in geometry ([1],
[2]). So it is more natural to think each unknown part is itself a manifold. That is the motivation
of combinatorial manifolds.
Loosely speaking, a combinatorial manifold is a combination of finite manifolds, such as
those shown in Fig.2.1.
B1 M3 T2 B1 B1
(a) (b)
In where (a) represents a combination of a 3-manifold, a torus and 1-manifold, and (b) a torus
with 4 bouquets of 1-manifolds.
e 1 , · · · , nm ) is the combinatorial Euclidean space EKm (n1 , · · · , nm )
A combinatorial fan-space R(n
n1 n2 nm
of R , R , · · · , R such that for any integers i, j, 1 ≤ i 6= j ≤ m,
\ m
Rni Rnj = Rnk .
A combinatorial fan-space is in fact a p-brane with p = dim Rnk in String Theory ([21],
[22]), seeing Fig.2.2 for details.
p-brane -
e 1 , · · · , nm ) we can present it by an m × nm coordinate matrix [x] following
For ∀p ∈ R(n
with xil = m for 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ l ≤ m, b
x11 ··· x1m
b x1(m)+1)
b · · · x1n1 ··· 0
x ··· x2m x2(m+1) · · · x2n2 ··· 0
21 b b
[x] = .
··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···
xm1 · · · xmm
b xm(m+1)
b ··· ··· xmnm −1 xmnm
Let Mn×s denote all n × s matrixes for integers n, s ≥ 1. We introduce the inner product
h(A), (B)i for (A), (B) ∈ Mn×s by
h(A), (B)i = aij bij .
Then we easily know that Mn×s forms an Euclidean space under such product.
For a given integer sequence 0 < n1 < n2 < · · · < nm , m ≥ 1, a combinatorial manifold M f is a
f, there is a local chart (Up , ϕp ) of p, i.e., an open
Hausdorff space such that for any point p ∈ M
neighborhood Up of p in Mf and a homoeomorphism ϕp : Up → R(n e 1 (p), n2 (p), · · · , ns(p) (p)), a
combinatorial fan-space with
{n1 (p), n2 (p), · · · , ns(p) (p)} = {n1 , n2 , · · · , nm },
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) or M
denoted by M f on the context and
Ae = {(Up , ϕp )|p ∈ M
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ))}
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ).
an atlas on M
A combinatorial manifold M f is finite if it is just combined by finite manifolds with an
underlying combinatorial structure G without one manifold contained in the union of others.
Certainly, a finitely combinatorial manifold is indeed a combinatorial manifold. Examples of
combinatorial manifolds can be seen in Fig.2.1.
For characterizing topological properties of combinatorial manifolds, we need to introduced
the vertex-edge labeled graph. A vertex-edge labeled graph G([1, k], [1, l]) is a connected graph
G = (V, E) with two mappings
2 1
2 3
1 1 1
4 1 4
2 1 2
3 4 3 4
2 1
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm )]) = V1
V (Gd [M V2 ,
where V1 = {ni − manifolds M ni in M f(n1 , · · · , nm )|1 ≤ i ≤ m} and V2 = {isolated intersection
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ m}. Label ni for each
points OM ni ,M nj ofM ni , M nj in M
ni -manifold in V1 and 0 for each vertex in V2 and
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm )]) = E1 E2 ,
E(Gd [M
where E1 = {(M ni , M nj ) labeled with dim(M ni M nj ) | dim(M ni M nj ) ≥ d, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ m}
and E2 = {(OM ni ,M nj , M ni ), (OM ni ,M nj , M nj ) labeled with 0|M ni tangent M nj at the point
OM ni ,M nj for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ m}.
Now denote by H(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) all finitely combinatorial manifolds M f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm )
and G[0, nm ] all vertex-edge labeled graphs G with θL : V (G ) ∪ E(G ) → {0, 1, · · · , nm }
with conditions following hold.
Combinatorial Field - An Introduction 7
Theorem 2.1 Let 1 ≤ n1 < n2 < · · · < nm , m ≥ 1 be a given integer sequence. Then
every finitely combinatorial manifold Mf ∈ H(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) defines a vertex-edge labeled graph
G([0, nm ]) ∈ G[0, nm ]. Conversely, every vertex-edge labeled graph G([0, nm ]) ∈ G[0, nm ] defines
a finitely combinatorial manifold Mf ∈ H(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) with a 1 − 1 mapping θ : G([0, nm ]) →
f such that θ(u) is a θ(u)-manifold in M
M f, τ1 (u) = dimθ(u) and τ2 (v, w) = dim(θ(v) T θ(w))
for ∀u ∈ V (G([0, nm ])) and ∀(v, w) ∈ E(G([0, nm ])).
1 1
0 0
1 1 3 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
0 0
1 1
(a) (b)
1 1
0 0
1 3 2 2 0 0 2 0 0
0 0
1 1
(c) (d)
fd [G] \ V (M
(1) M fd [G]) is a disjoint union of a finite number of open subsets e1 , e2 , · · · , em ,
each of which is homeomorphic to an open ball B d ;
(2) the boundary ei − ei of ei consists of one or two vertices B d , and each pair (ei , ei ) is
homeomorphic to the pair (B , S d−1 ).
Then we get the next result by definition.
Generally, we know the following result for fundamental d-groups of combinatorial mani-
folds ([13], [17]).
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ), x0 ) ∼
π d (M =( π d (M, xM0 )) π(Gd , x0 ),
M∈V (Gd )
where Gd = Gd [Mf(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm )] in which each edge (M1 , M2 ) passing through a given point
xM1 M2 ∈ M1 ∩ M2 , π d (M, xM0 ), π(Gd , x0 ) denote the fundamental d-groups of a manifold M
and the graph Gd , respectively and
(2) for ∀x, y ∈ Mf(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ),
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ), x) ∼
π d (M f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ), y).
= π d (M
for any integer p ≥ 0.It follows that Bp (S, A) ⊂ Zp (S, A) and the pth relative homology group
Hp (S, A) is defined to be
fd [G] = S S Bij .
k li
i=2 j=1
f, M
Then the inclusion (el , ėl ) ֒→ (M fd (G)) induces a monomorphism Hp (el , ėl ) → Hp (M
f, M
fd (G))
for l = 1, 2 · · · , m and
Z ⊕ · · · Z, if p = d,
∼ | {z }
f fd
Hp (M , M (G)) = m
0, if p 6= d.
3.1 Definition
For a given integer sequence 1 ≤ n1 < n2 < · · · < nm , a combinatorial C h -differential man-
f(n1 , · · · , nm ); A)
ifold (M e is a finitely combinatorial manifold M
f(n1 , · · · , nm ), M
f(n1 , · · · , nm )
S e f
= Ui , endowed with a atlas A = {(Uα ; ϕα )|α ∈ I} on M (n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) for an integer
h, h ≥ 1 with conditions following hold.
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ).
(1) {Uα ; α ∈ I} is an open covering of M
Uα T
ϕβ (Uα Uβ )
Uα ∩ Uβ ϕβ ϕα T
ϕβ (Uα Uβ )
(2) For ∀α, β ∈ I, local charts (Uα ; ϕα ) and (Uβ ; ϕβ ) are equivalent, i.e., Uα Uβ = ∅ or
Uα Uβ 6= ∅ but the overlap maps
\ \
ϕα ϕ−1
β : ϕβ (Uα Uβ ) → ϕβ (Uβ ) and ϕβ ϕ−1
α : ϕα (Uα Uβ ) → ϕα (Uα )
10 Linfan Mao
f(n1 , · · · , nm )])
∀(M1 , M2 ) ∈ E(Gd [M
there exist atlas
f(n1 , · · · , nm ); A)
such that (M e is a combinatorial C h -differential manifold.
f1 (n1 , · · · , nm ) → M
f :M f2 (k1 , · · · , kl )
fe = [ωf (p) ] ◦ f ◦ [̟p ]−1 : [̟p ](Up ) → [ωf (p) ](Vf (p) )
f be a smooth curve on M
Let γ : (−ǫ, ǫ) → M f and p = γ(0). Then for ∀f ∈ Xp , we usually
define a mapping v : Xp → R by
df (γ(t))
v(f ) =|t=0 .
We can easily verify such mappings v are tangent vectors at p.
Combinatorial Field - An Introduction 11
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) is a mapping X : M
A vector field on M f → X (M f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm )), i.e.,
chosen a vector at each point p ∈ M (n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ). Then the dimension and basis of the
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) are determined in the next result.
tangent space Tp M
Theorem 3.2 For any point p ∈ M f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) with a local chart (Up ; [ϕp ]), the dimension
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) is
of Tp M
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ) = sb(p) + P (ni − sb(p))
dimTp M
[ ]s(p)×ns(p) =
1 ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ ∂
s(p) ∂x11 ··· s(p) ∂x1bs(p) ∂x1(bs(p)+1)
··· ∂x1n1
··· 0
1 ∂
··· 1 ∂ ∂
··· ∂
··· 0
s(p) ∂x21 s(p) ∂x2bs(p) ∂x2(bs(p)+1) ∂x2n2
··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···
1 ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
s(p) ∂xs(p)1 ··· s(p) ∂xs(p)bs(p) ∂xs(p)(bs(p)+1)
··· ··· s(p)(ns(p) −1) s(p)ns(p)
∂x ∂x
where xil = xjl for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ s(p), 1 ≤ l ≤ sb(p), namely there is a smoothly functional matrix
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ),
[vij ]s(p)×ns(p) such that for any tangent vector v at a point p of M
v= [vij ]s(p)×ns(p) , [ ]s(p)×ns(p) ,
k P
where h[aij ]k×l , [bts ]k×l i = aij bij , the inner product on matrixes.
i=1 j=1
df = v(f ).
dx11 dx1bs(p)
s(p) ··· s(p) dx1(bs(p)+1) · · · dx1n1 ··· 0
··· dx2bs(p)
dx2(bs(p)+1) · · · dx2n2 ··· 0
s(p) s(p)
··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···
dxs(p)1 dxs(p)bs(p)
s(p) ··· s(p) dxs(p)(bs(p)+1) ··· ··· dxs(p)ns(p) −1 dxs(p)ns(p)
where xil = xjl for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ s(p), 1 ≤ l ≤ sb(p), namely for any co-tangent vector d at a point
f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ), there is a smoothly functional matrix [uij ]s(p)×s(p) such that,
p of M
d = [uij ]s(p)×ns(p) , [dx]s(p)×ns(p) .
f × · · · × T ∗M
τ : Tp∗ M f × Tp M f → R,
f × · · · × Tp M
| {z } | {z }
r s
f) = Tp M
Tsr (p, M f ⊗ Tp∗M
f ⊗ · · · ⊗ Tp M f ⊗ · · · ⊗ Tp∗ M
| {z } | {z }
r s
(1) De X+f Y τ = D
eX τ + f D
e Y τ ; and De X (τ + λπ) = D
e X τ + λD
e X π;
(2) De X (τ ⊗ π) = D
eX τ ⊗ π + σ ⊗ D e X π;
r f
(3) for any contraction C on Ts (M ),
e X (C(τ )) = C(D
D e X τ ).
Combinatorial Field - An Introduction 13
f, D)
A combinatorial connection space is a 2-tuple (M e consisting of a smoothly combinatorial
manifold Mf with a connection D e on its tensors. Let (M f, D)
e be a combinatorial connection
f e
space. For ∀X, Y ∈ X (M ), a combinatorial curvature operator R(X, f) → X (M
Y ) : X (M f) is
defined by
R(X, Y )Z = D eY Z − D
eX D eX Z − D
eY D e [X,Y ] Z
for ∀Z ∈ X (M
f f) = S T 0 (p, M
Let M be a smoothly combinatorial manifold and g ∈ A2 (M f). If g is
symmetrical and positive, then M f is called a combinatorial Riemannian manifold, denoted by
f, g). In this case, if there is a connection D
(M e on (M
f, g) with equality following hold
e Z , Y ) + g(X, D
Z(g(X, Y )) = g(D eZY )
R e(σς)(ηθ)(µν)(κλ) dxσς ⊗ dxηθ ⊗ dxµν ⊗ dxκλ
V1 V2 Vk
x ∈ Ux
14 Linfan Mao
(1) there is a right freely action of G on P,, i.e., for ∀g ∈ G , there is a diffeomorphism
Rg : P → P with Rg (p) = pg for ∀p ∈ P such that p(g1 g2 ) = (pg1 )g2 for ∀p ∈ P , ∀g1 , g2 ∈ G
and pe = p for some p ∈ P , e ∈ G if and only if e is the identity element of G .
(2) the map π : P → M is onto with π −1 (π(p)) = {pg|g ∈ G }.
(3) for ∀x ∈ M there is an open set U with x ∈ U and a diffeomorphism TU : π −1 (U ) → U ×
G of the form TU (p) = (π(p), sU (p)), where sU : π −1 (U ) → G has the property sU (pg) = sU (p)g
for ∀g ∈ G , p ∈ π −1 (U ).
P V V V -
U ×G
π −1
M x∈U
Question For a family of k principal fiber bundles P1 (M1 , G1 ), P2 (M2 , G2 ),· · · , Pk (Mk , Gk )
over manifolds M1 , M2 , · · · , Mk , how can we construct principal fiber bundles on a smoothly
combinatorial manifold consisting of M1 , M2 , · · · , Mk underlying a connected graph G?
The answer is YES! For this object, we need some techniques in combinatorics.
Let G be a connected graph and (Γ; ◦) a group. For each edge e ∈ E(G), e = uv, an orientation
on e is an orientation on e from u to v, denoted by e = (u, v) , called plus orientation and its
minus orientation, from v to u, denoted by e−1 = (v, u). For a given graph G with plus and
minus orientation on its edges, a voltage assignment on G is a mapping α from the plus-edges
of G into a group Γ satisfying α(e−1 ) = α−1 (e), e ∈ E(G). These elements α(e), e ∈ E(G) are
called voltages, and (G, α) a voltage graph over the group (Γ; ◦).
Combinatorial Field - An Introduction 15
For a voltage graph (G, α), its lifting (See [6], [9] for details) Gα = (V (Gα ), E(Gα ); I(Gα ))
is defined by
0 1
w v w1 v1
(G, α) Gα
Similar to voltage graphs, the importance of voltage labeled graphs lies in their labeled
lifting GLα defined by
α ) = { (ug , vg◦h ) | for ∀(u, v) ∈ E(G ) with α(u, v) = h }
π −1 (u) = { ug | ∀g ∈ Γ}
for an edge (u, v) ∈ E(GL ) with α(u, v) = h. Such sets π −1 (u), π −1 (u,v) are called fibres
over the vertex u ∈ V (GL ) or edge (u, v) ∈ E(GL ), denoted by fibu or fib(u,v) , respectively.
A voltage labeled graph with its labeled lifting are shown in Fig.4.4, in where, GL = C3L and
Γ = Z2 .
2 3 1
2 1 1
4 2 2 5
4 2 5 4 2 5
(G , α) GLα
and locally f -invariant for an automorphism f ∈ AutGL if it is locally invariant with respect to
the group hf i in AutGL . Then we know a criterion for lifting automorphisms of voltage labeled
Theorem 4.1 Let (GL , α) be a voltage labeled graph with α : E(GL ) → Γ and f ∈ AutGL .
Then f lifts to an automorphism of GLα if and only if (GL , α) is locally f -invariant.
For construction principal fiber bundles on smoothly combinatorial manifolds, we need to in-
troduce the conception of Lie multi-group. A Lie multi-group LG is a smoothly combinato-
f endowed with a multi-group (Af(LG ); O(LG )), where Af(LG ) = S Hi and
rial manifold M
O(LG ) = {◦i } such that
[ s
[ m
[ m
Pe = f=
Pi , M Mi , Af(LG ) = H◦i , O(LG ) = {◦i }.
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1
PFB1. For any integer i, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, H◦i acts differentiably on Pi to the right without
fixed point, i.e.,
PFB2. For any integer i, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, M◦i is the quotient space of a covering manifold
P ∈ Π−1 (M◦i ) by the equivalence relation R induced by H◦i :
written by M◦i = P◦i /H◦i , i.e., an orbit space of P◦i under the action of H◦i . These is a
canonical projection Π : Pe → M f such that Πi = Π|P◦ : P◦i → M◦i is differentiable and each
fiber Πi (x) = {p ◦i g|g ∈ H◦i , Πi (p) = x} is a closed submanifold of P◦i and coincides with an
equivalence class of Ri ;
PFB3. For any integer i, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, P ∈ Π−1 (M◦i ) is locally trivial over M◦i , i.e., any
x ∈ M◦i has a neighborhood Ux and a diffeomorphism T : Π−1 (Ux ) → Ux × LG with
called a local trivialization (abbreviated to LT) such that ǫ(x ◦i g) = ǫ(x) ◦i g for ∀g ∈ H◦i ,
ǫ(x) ∈ H◦i .
Certainly, if m = 1, then Pe(M
f, LG ) = P (M, H ) is just the common principal fiber bundle
over a manifold M .
18 Linfan Mao
where H◦i is a Lie group acting on PMi for 1 ≤ i ≤ l satisfying conditions PFB1-PFB3, let M f
L f
be a differentiably combinatorial manifold consisting of Mi , 1 ≤ i ≤ l and (G [M ], α) a voltage
graph with a voltage assignment α : GL [Mf] → G over a finite group G, which naturally induced
a projection π : GL [Pe ] → GL [M f]. For ∀M ∈ V (GL [M f]), if π(PM ) = M , place PM on each
Lα −1 Lα f
lifting vertex M in the fiber π (M ) of G [M ], such as those shown in Fig.4.6.
| {z }
π −1 (M )
f]). Then Pe = S
Let Π = πΠM π −1 for ∀M ∈ V (GL [M PM is a smoothly combinato-
f ])
M∈V (GL [M
rial manifold and LG = HM a Lie multi-group by definition. Such a constructed
M∈V (GL [M])
combinatorial fiber bundle is denoted by PeLα (M
f, LG ).
v0 w1 PM2 PM3
u1 u0 PM1 PM1
w0 v1 PM3 PM2
?π ?Π
1 1
w 1 v M1 M2
Theorem 4.2 A combinatorial fiber bundle Peα (M f, LG ) is a principal fiber bundle if and only
f]) and (PM ′ , PM ′′ ) = (M ′ , M ′′ )Lα ∈ E(GL [Pe]), ΠM ′ |P ′ ∩P ′′ =
if for ∀(M ′ , M ′′ ) ∈ E(GL [M M M
ΠM ′′ |PM ′ ∩PM ′′ .
We assume Pe α (M
f, LG ) satisfying conditions in Theorem 4.2, i.e., it is indeed a principal
f. An automorphism of Pe α (M
fiber bundle over M f, LG ) is a diffeomorphism ω : Pe → Pe such
Combinatorial Field - An Introduction 19
AutPeα (M
f, LG ) ≥ hLi ,
where L = { bhωi | b
h : PMi → PMi is 1PMi determined by h((Mi )g ) = (Mi )g◦i h f or h ∈
G and gi ∈ AutPMi (Mi , H◦i ), 1 ≤ i ≤ l}.
A principal fiber bundle Pe (Mf, LG ) is called to be normal if for ∀u, v ∈ Pe , there exists
an ω ∈ AutPe(Mf, LG ) such that ω(u) = v. We get the necessary and sufficient conditions of
normally principal fiber bundles Pe α (M
f, LG ) following.
Theorem 4.4 Pe α (Mf, LG ) is normal if and only if PMi (Mi , H◦i ) is normal, (H◦i ; ◦i ) = (H ; ◦)
f] is transitive by diffeomorphic automorphisms in AutGLα [M
for 1 ≤ i ≤ l and GLα [M f].
(i) (dΠi )i Γu = identity mapping on Tx (M
(ii) i Γi Rg ◦i u = d i Rg ◦i i Γu , where i Rg is the right translation on PMi ;
(iii) the mapping u → i Γu is C ∞ .
Similarly, a global connection on a principal fiber bundle Pe α (M f, LG ) is a linear mapping
f) → Tu (Pe) for a u ∈ Π−1 (x) = Fx , x ∈ M
Γu : Tx (M f with conditions following hold:
(i) (dΠ)Γu = identity mapping on Tx (M f);
(ii) ΓRg ◦u = dRg ◦ Γu for ∀g ∈ LG , ∀◦ ∈ O(LG ), where Rg is the right translation on Pe;
(iii) the mapping u → Γu is C ∞ .
Local or global connections on combinatorial principal fiber bundles are characterized by
results following.
(i) Tu (Pe) = i Hu ⊕i Vu , u ∈ i Fx ;
(ii) (d i Rg ) i Hu = i Hu◦i g for ∀u ∈ i Fx and ∀g ∈ H◦i ;
(iii) i H is a C ∞ -distribution on Pe .
Ω = (d i ω)h, or Ω = (dω)h,
where (d i ω)h(X, Y ) = d i ω(hX, hY ), (dω)h(X, Y ) = dω(hX, hY ) for X, Y ∈ X (PMi ) or
X, Y ∈ X (Pe). Notice that a 1-form ωh(X1 , X2 ) = 0 if and only if i h(X1 ) = 0 or i h(X1 2) = 0.
We generalize classical structural equations and Bianchi’s identity on principal fiber bundles
§5. Applications
A gauge field is such a mathematical model with local or global symmetries under a group, a
finite-dimensional Lie group in most cases action on its gauge basis at an individual point in
space and time, together with a set of techniques for making physical predictions consistent
with the symmetries of the model, which is a generalization of Einstein’s principle of covariance
to that of internal field characterized by the following ([3],[23],[24]).
Gauge Invariant Principle A gauge field equation, particularly, the Lagrange density of a
gauge field is invariant under gauge transformations on this field.
We wish to find gauge fields on combinatorial manifolds, and then to characterize WORLD
f under
by combinatorics. A globally or locally combinatorial gauge field is a combinatorial field M
a gauge transformation τM f f
f : M → M independent or dependent on the field variable x. If a
combinatorial gauge field M is consisting of gauge fields M1 , M2 , · · · , Mm , we can easily find
f is a globally combinatorial gauge field only if each gauge field is global.
that M
Combinatorial Field - An Introduction 21
Let Mi , 1 ≤ i ≤ m be gauge fields with a basis BMi and τi : BMi → BMi a gauge
τi S
m S
transformation, i.e., LMi (BM i
) = LMi (BMi ). A gauge transformation τM
f : BMi → BMi
i=1 i=1
is such a transformation on the gauge multi-basis BMi and Lagrange density LM
f with
f |Mi = τi , LM
τM f |Mi = LMi for integers 1 ≤ i ≤ m such that
[ m
LM BMi ) = LM
f( BMi ).
i=1 i=1
A multi-basis BMi is a combinatorial gauge basis if for any automorphism g ∈ AutGL [M
[ m
LM BMi )τM
f ◦g
= LM
f( BMi ),
i=1 i=1
R(µν)(στ ) − g(µν)(στ ) R = −8πGE(µν)(στ )
in a combinatorial Riemannian manifold (M f, g, D)
e with Mf=M f(n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ).
1 2 1
Now let ω be the local connection 1-form, Ω= de ω the curvature 2-form of a local connection
e f, LG ) and Λ : M
on P α (M f → Pe, Π ◦ Λ = id f be a local cross section of Pe α (M f, LG ). Consider
1 X
e = Λ∗ ω=
A Aµν dxµν ,
2 X
Fe = Λ∗ Ω= F(µν)(κλ) dxµν ∧ dxκλ , de Fe = 0,
called the combinatorial gauge potential and combinatorial field strength, respectively. Let
γ:M f → R and Λ′ : Mf → Pe , Λ′ (x) = eiγ(x) Λ(x). If A
e′ = Λ′∗ ω, then we have
1 1
ω ′ (X) = g −1 ω (X ′ )g + g −1 dg, g ∈ LG ,
e + de A,
e′ = A
A e de Fe ′ = de Fe,
i.e., the gauge transformation law on field. This equation enables one to obtain the local form
of Fe as they contributions to Maxwell or Yang-Mills fields in classical gauge fields theory.
Certainly, combinatorial fields can be applied to any many-body system in natural or social
science, such as those in mechanics, cosmology, physical structure, economics,· · · , etc..
22 Linfan Mao