Blancanieves Amigurumi

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Ma terials & Tools

* *
,. Crochet hook suitable with your yarns.
.. Yarn : Black, whíte, skin, red, blue, yellow,
*:1 green
,. You can use the same pattern to rnake smaller
or larger toy by using finer or bulkíer yarn. :j .

. ¡: ,. Safety eyes

• I used sport yarn 160 n1/ 50 g with hook size *

2 mm and 8 mm safety eyes. lfyou use different 1

yarn weights, you can choose your safety eyes :f: 1·,.
with diarneter approximate 2.5 single crochet =1:
:¡, ·i=
stitch. lf
• Sewing needle, scíssor, fabric glue it.1•
"']'• •1•
' "Pink blush makeup powder or pink acrylic
paínt. ¡:
;!: *
¡:***** ...
.1. ... ~~ *
* * * * *
•!• ,..
* •" -t-

* * :t~
.... * Skill and Abbreviations ¡· ~.
ir' R: Row BLO : crochet through back loops *e
1.- Rnd : round only
* Ch : chain sUtch dec : single crochet 2 stitches in front 11:
: slst : slip stitch loops together cr.
1 se: single crochet stitch inc: single crochet 2 stltches in samc *
1" hdc: half double crochet stitch se 11:
1 de : double crochet stitch inchdc: half double crochet increase
st, sts : stitch, stítches dechdc: half double crochet decrease 11:
FLO : crochet through front loops


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Arm ( make three)
(The third arm is placed inside the ncck)
Begín with skín color yarn.
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7)
Rnd 2 - Rnd 16: 7 se (7)
Pasten off Rnd 23: 1 inc, 5 se, 1 ine, 6 se, 1 inc, 5 se. 1 inc, 6 s<
Rnd 24 - Rnd 25 : 30 se (30)
Rnd 26: (3 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times (24) Change 1

skin color with ihe last l>t oí Rnd 26

Rnd 27: 24 se (24)
Rnd 28: ( 2 se. 1 dce) • repeat 6 hmcs(t8)
Legs ( make two) Rnd 29 - Rnd 33: 18 se ( 18) (5 rounds)
Right leg: Rnd 34: You will turn three pieces: body and two
Begin with yellow arms ínto onc: 4 se on thc body, 7 se on lcft arrn, 1
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7) se on the body, 7 se on right arrn, 4 se on the body
Rnd 2: 7 inc (14)
Rnd 3: 1 inc, 4 se, 4 inc, 4 se, 1 ine (20)
Rnd 4: 20 se (20)
Rnd 5: 1 dec, 4 se, 1 dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 4 se, 1 dec
Change to ski n color wi th the last st of Rnd 5
Rnd 6: BLO 3 se, 1 dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 3 se ( 10)
Rnd 7 - Rnd 13: 10 se (IO) ( 7 rounds)
Rnd 14:9sc, l inc (11)
Rnd 15 - Rnd 21: 11 se (11) (7 rounds)
Pasten off.
Left leg: Rnd 35: ( 6 se, 1 dec) • repeat 4 times(28)
Do same as right leg until Rnd 21. Change the color Rnd 36: ( 5 se, 1 dec ) • repeat 4 times (24)
to yellow with thc last st of Rnd 21. stuffing the legs. Rnd 37: (2 se, 1 dee) • repeat 6 times ( 18)
Rnd 22: Join two lcgs into one piccc: 11 se on leñ Rnd 38: ( 1 se. 1 dec) • repeat 6 times ( 12)
leg, cha in 2. 1 se on thc 4th stiteh on right lcg, 1 O se Start stuffing rhe body, do not stufT thc arms.

on rtght lcg, 2 se on thc chaln (24 se stitches and 2 Rnd 39 : (2 se, 1 dec) • repcat 3 times (9)
chains, total : 26 sts ) Rnd 40 - Rnd 41 : 9sc (9)
Continue crochet the head after finishcd Round 4 1
the Body.
Rnd 42: 9 inc ( 18)
Rnd 43: ( l se, 1 inc )' repeat 9 times (27)
. :,
Rnd 44: (2 se, l ínc) ' repeat 9 limes (36) Ear (make two)
Rnd 45: (S se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 limes (42) Begin with skin color.
Rnd 46: (6 se, 1 ine)' repeat 6 Limes (48) Rnd 1: chain 2, 6 se on the st chain. Chain 1 and

Rnd 47: (7 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 Limes (S4) turn (6)

Rnd 48 - Rnd 60: S4 se (S4) ( 13 rounds) Rnd 2 : 6 se (6)
Rnd 61: (7 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 limes (48) Pasten off and lcave a long tail,
Rnd 62: (6 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 limes (42)
Rnd 63: (5 se, 1 dec)" rcpeat 6 limes (36) Dress
Rnd 64: (4 se, 1 dcc): repeat 6 limes (30) Bcgin with white. From Rnd 2 lo Rnd 7 work in row,
Rnd 65: (3 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 umes (24) chain 1 and turn al thc end of cach round.
Rnd 66: (2 se, 1 dcc): repeat 6 limes ( 18) Row 1: chain 17 ( lcavc a long tail bcfore crochet)
Place the 1hird arm inside rhe doll's neck, this will Row 2: se on rbc 2nd chain from thc hook. 1 inc, {I se,
make the doll's neck stronger, Tips: lt's casier if you 1 inc)·repcat 7 limes (24)
use a suck to sruff rhe third arm inside the neck. S1ar1 Row 3: (3 se, 1 inc) • repeat 6 times (30)
stuffing the head and place safery cycs berween Rnd Change the color to blue wuh the last st of Rnd 3
51 and Rnd S2. Thc space between rwo boles thal you Row 4: BLO 1 inc, 1 se, (increase : 1 hdc, 1 de in the
pul safcty eycs is 9 srltches. When you have defined thc samc slitch), skip 8 sis, (increase: 1 de. 1 hdc in the
holes 10 place safety eyes. sew the eyelashes lhen add same surch), 6 se, (increase : 1 hdc, 1 de in the same
safety eycs stitch), skip 8 sts, (Incrcase : 1 de, 1 hdc In the samc
Rnd 67: ( 1 se, 1 dcc): rcpcat 6 limes ( 12) sutch), 1 se, 1 inc (20)
Rnd 68: 6 dcc (6) Row 5 • Row 7 : 20 se (20)
Pasten off. Changc thc color to ycllow with the last sr of row 7.
From Rnd 8 to Rnd 16, work in round, slst to join the
round and chain 1 at the begining of ncw round.
Rnd 8: BLO ( l hdc, chain l) • repeat 20 limes ( 20 hdc
+ 20 chains, total 40 sts)
Rnd 9 • Rnd 10: 40 hdc (40)
Rnd 11 : ( 3 hdc, 1 inchdc) • repeat 1 O times (SO)
Rnd 12 • Rnd 15 : 50 hdc {SO)
Chain 1 and turn
Rnd 16: 50 se (SO)
slst to JO•n thc round and fasrcn off.
Red bow: begin wlth red.
Chain 3, ( 2 de on the lst chain, chain 3, slst on thc lst
chain) • repcat 2 limes.
9 ~ts Pasten off, leave a long tail. Roll the yarn around the
cerner of the bow ( 2 rounds) then sew the bow on row
2 of the dress.


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The Apple
Begín wuh red.
Rnd 1 : 6 se on the mag1c rmg (6)
Rnd 2: 6 lnc ( 12)
Rnd 3: ( 3 se. 1 me) • rcpeat 3 umes ( 15)
Rnd 4: ( 4 se, 1 ínc) • repeat 3 times (18)
Rnd 5: 18 se (18)
Rnd 6: 2 se. 1 inc. (5 se, 1 me) • repeat 2 times. 3 se
Rnd 7: 21 se (21)
Rnd 8: ( S se. 1 dec) • repeat 3 limes ( 18)
Rnd 9: (1 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 limes ( 12)
Stuffing thc apple
Rnd 10: 6 dec (6)
Hairbow Pasten off and Ieave a long taíl, Sew the hole that leñ,
Bcgin wilh red. ( sew tbrough every front loops on Rnd 10 and pull
Bow: the yarn). Píerce tbc needle straight to the bouom of
Row l: Cham 32. hdc on the 3rd chain from the the apple, through a single crochet sutch on Rnd 1
hook, 29 hdc (30) then sew back to top. do 11 one more lime and fasten
Cham 1 and tura off.
Row 2: BLO 30 hdc (30) Thcleaf
Pasten off and leave a long rarl. Begin with green. Start crochet on Rnd 10 ofthc
Sew two sídes together and roll thc yarn tightly apple.
around thc center o( the bow e 8 rounds). Chain 1, se on the 2nd chain from thc hook, 2 se and
The hcadband fastcn off.
Cham 65 and fasten off. Pull thc hcadband through
the cerner of the bow.
..... - .. - - . . .. - - - ... - -. •
HairWig Assembling
B~Jn wuh black, crochet loosely lf you crochet too Fact.
11gh1, picase use a 0.5 mm bigger than normal hook Ear: sew the ears between Rnd 50 and Rnd 53 The
wuh rhe same yarn. spacc betwcen eye and car is 6 st
Rnd 1: 6 se on the magic nng (6) - Sew thc eyebrowns wuh dark brown thread Witlth
Rnd 2: 6 111c ( 12) 4 sts, he1ght . 1 st, space berween C)'C and eyebrow n is
Rnd 3: ( 1 se, 1 ano.:)• repeat 6 umes (18) J SIS.
Start crochet the hair-strands, There are 19 hair- • Sew nose with color yarn (4 rounds) berween
strands, After firushed each strand ( abbrevíauon Rnd 49 anti Rnd SO. \\lidth: 3 sis.
Strand : S ). you will slst on tbe back loop only on each - Sew the eyelids undcr the eye lashes with dark brown
single crochet suich on Round 3. For mstance : S 1 slst thread,
on the back loop of the t st sutch on Rntl 3, 52 slst on Sew thc whue ofthe eycs with whue yarn.
the back loop of the 2nd srltch on Rnd 3 and so on. Use pmk blush rnakeup powder or acrylac pauu to
~I and Sl9 Y.iU be crochered on same single crochet make the rO!iy check on the doll'~ cheeks,
l>htch on Rnd 3, SI ~lst on the back loop, SI 9 will be Dress: Sew rwo back-sides of thc dress wuh whue yarn.
crocheted slst on ihe front loop of the 1 st sutch, llalr: Secure each strand of hair in its approprtate po-
SJ: Chaln IJ, se on the 2nd ch:un from the hook, 11 síuon on the head usmg pms,
hdc, slst ( 12) Slowly remove one strand at a urne 10 apply fabric glue
52 • SI 7: Chain 26, hdc on thc 3rtl chain from the anti pin 11 back down to dry
hook, ( •I hdc, 1 mchdc) • repeat J u mes, 8 hdc (27) - The wrong stde of the bair w1g is up.
S 18 - S 19: Cham \ 3. se on ihe 2nd chaín trom the - Rnd 1 wrl] be on ihe center oí the head,
hook, 1 1 hdc, slst (12) • S 1 rs in front of rhe right ear
Pasten ofT 12 strands behtnd ihe ears ( From 5210S13)
- S 14 cover the left car.
- SIS,16,17,18,19 are for the bangs.
• Cinderella

* *

• *
* /

Ma terials & Tools
• Crochet hook suitable with your yarns.
.. Yarn : Yellow, white, skin, black, blue
• You can use the same pattern to make smaller
or larger toy by using finer or bulkier yarn.
• Safety eyes
• l used sport yarn 160 m/ SO g with hook size
2 mm and 8 mm safety eyes. lf you use dífferent
yarn weights, you can choose your safety eyes
with díameter approximate 2.5 single crochet
• Sewing needle, scíssor, fabric glue
.. Pink blush rnakeup powder or pink acrylic
* -
Skill and Abbrevia tions *
R: Row BLO : crochet th rough back loops
Rnd: round
Ch : chain stitch
dec: single crochet 2 snrches in front *
slst : slip stitch
se: single crochet stitch
loops together
inc : single crochet 2 sutches in same
hdc : half double crochet stltch se
de: double crochet stitch inchdc: balf double crochet íncrease
st, sts : stitch, stitches decbdc: half double crochet decrease
FLO : crochet through front Joops
* * *
Arm ( make three)
(The third arm is placed mside the ncck)
Bcgin with skin color yam.
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7)
Rnd 2 - Rnd 16: 7 se (7)
Fastcn off
Rnd 23: l ínc, 5 se, l ínc, 6 se. l inc, 5 se, 1 inc, 6 se
Rnd 24 - Rnd 25 : 30 se (30)
Rnd 26: (3 se, 1 dec) ' repeat 6 times (24)
Change to skin color wuh the last st of Rnd 26
Rnd 27: 24 se (24)
Legs ( make two) Rnd 28: ( 2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times(l8)
Right leg: Bcgin with blue Rnd 29- Rnd 34: 18 se (18) (6 rounds)
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7) Rnd 35: You will turn three pieces body and two
Rnd2:7inc (14) arms ínto one: 4 se on the body, 7 se on left arm, 10
Rnd 3: 1 inc, 4 se. 4 inc . 4 se, l inc (20) se on the body. 7 se on right arm, 4 se on the body
Rnd 4: 20 se (20) (32 sts : 7 se on each arrn, 8 se on the back, 1 O se on
Rnd 5: 1 dec, 4 se, 1 dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 4 se. 1 dcc rhe chest)
( 14)
Change to skin color with the last st of Rnd 5
Rnd 6: BLO 3 se, 1 dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 3 se (10)
Rnd 7 - Rnd 13: 10 se (10) ( 7 rounds)
Rnd 14: 9 se. 1 ine (11)
Rnd 15 - Rnd 21: 11 se ( 11) (7 rounds)
Pasten off.
Left leg: Do same as right leg until Rnd 21, stuffing
the lcgs. Change rhe color lo blue with the last st of
End 21
Rnd 22: Join rwo legs into one píece : 11 se on left
leg, ehain 2, 1 se on the 4th stiteh on right leg, 1 O se Rnd 36: ( 6 se, 1 dec) ' repeat 4 times (28)
on right leg, 2 se on the chain (24 se stitches and 2 Rnd 37: ( 5 se, 1 dec ) ~ repeat 4 times (24)
chains, total : 26 sts ) Rnd 38: (2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times ( 18)
Rnd 39: ( l se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times ( 12)
Start stuffing the body, do not stuff the arms.
Rnd 40: (2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 3 times (9)
Rnd 41 - Rnd 42: 9sc (9)
Continue crochet the head afier finished Round 42 of
the Body.
Rnd 43: 9 inc ( 18) Ear (make two)
Rnd 44: (1 se. 1 inc )• rcpeat 9 limes (27) Begi n with skin color.
Rnd 45: (2 se, 1 ínc)" repcat 9 limes (36) Rnd 1: chain 2, 6 se on the lsl chain. Chain 1 and
Rnd 46: (5 se, 1 ínc): repeat 6 times (42) Lurn (6)
Rnd 47: (6 se. 1 inc)' repeat 6 Limes (48) Rnd 2 : 6 se (6)
Rnd 48: (7 se. 1 inc)" repeat 6 limes (54) Fasten off and leave a long tail,
Rnd 49 - Rnd 61: 54 se (54) (13 rounds)
Rnd 62: (7 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 Limes (48) Dress
Rnd 63: (6 se, 1 dec) · repeat 6 limes (42) Begin with white. From Row 2 to Row 6 work in row,
Rnd 64: (5 se. 1 dec) ' repeat 6 times (36) Chain 1 and tuen at the end of each round.
Rnd 65: (4 se, 1 dec): rcpeat 6 times (30) Row 1: chain 25
Rnd 66: (3 se. 1 dec) ' repeat 6 times (24) Row 2: Start crochet al the 2"" chain from the hook:
Rnd 67: (2 se, Idee)' repeat 6 limes (18) (3 se, 1 lnc) • repeat 6 limes (30)
Place the third ann inside ihe doll's neck, this will Change the color to blue with the last st of Row 2
make the dolls neck stronger. Tips: lt's easicr if you Row 3: FLO 1 inc, 1 se, 1 inchdc , skip 8 sts, 1 inehdc, 6
use a stick lo stuff the third arm inside the neck. Start se, 1 inchde, skíp 8 sts, 1 inchde, 1 se, 1 inc (20)
stuffing the head and place safety eyes between Rnd Row 4 • Row 7 : 20 se (20)
52 and Rnd 53. The space between two holes that you T11e dress has two layers, the under layer is crocheted
pul safety eycs is 9 stitches. When you have defined the with white, 1/1e outer is crocheted with blue. The
boles lo place safety eyes, sew the cyelashes thcn add under layer is crocheted 011 tire front loops of Row 7,
safery eyes tire outer is crocheted 011 tire back loops of Row 7. Each
Rnd 68: ( 1 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 limes ( 12) round is worked i11 round, slst to join tire ro1111d
Rnd 69: 6 dec (6) The outer layer: continué crochet with blue yarn.
Fastcn off. Cha in 1 and turn at the end of each round,
Rnd 1: FLO ( 1 inchdc, chain 1) ' repcat ( 40 hdc + 20
chains • total 60 sts)
Rnd 2: 60 hdc (60)
Rnd 3: ( 2 hdc, 1 inchdc) • repeat 20 limes ( 80)
Rnd 4 • Rnd 7: 80 hdc(80)
Pasten off.
The under layer: Begin with white. Chain 2 at the
bcginning of each round,
Rnd 1: (chain 2, 1 de. cha in 2 in the same stitch).
e1 de. cha in 2) • repeat 19 times ( 20 de ~ 40 chal ns,
total 60 sis)
9 StS Rnd 2 • Rnd 3: 60 de (60)
Rnd 4: ( 2 de. 1 lncdc) • repeat 20 limes ( 80)
Rnd 5: 80 de (80)
Rnd 6: 80 hdc (80) . Slst and fasten off.
3 4
1 2
• Is
• 24 20
a 25 p.6
Assembling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Ear: sew rhe ears berween Rnd 51 and Rnd 54. The
space between eye and car l5 6 sts,
- Sew thc: cyc:browns with light brown thread. \\Tid1h:
4 sts, hc:aght : 1 st, berween c:yc and c:ycbrown ~ 3 SIS.
4 3 20 19
- Scw nose with skin color yarn (4 rounds) between
Rnd SO and Rnd 51. \\lidtb: 3 SIS.
- Sew the eyehds undcr thc eye lashes wuh dark browo
- Sc:w thc: whhe of the eyes with whítc yarn..
- Use pmk blush makeup powder or acrylic p31nt LO

make the rosy cheek on the doll's cheeks,

- Sew thc: choker on the neck with black yam
Drcss: Sew rwo back-sides of thc dress with blue yarn
Hair : Secure each strand oí hair in its appropriatc
postuon on the head usíng pins. Slowíy rcmovc one
strand at a time 10 apply fabric glue and pin it back
down Lo dry. the wrong síde oí the haír wig is up.
- Rnd 1 will be on the center of the head,
- S2 is in front o( the left e-ar. SS is in front of the ríght
- 12 strands bchand the ears ( From S7 to S 18)
- SI above thc leñ car, S6 above the raght car.
- S3, S4, S 19, S20 are for the bang.
- Braid S2 I, S22, S23, S24, S25, S26 snto one and lle
wuh thc: hair bow.

20 19 2
The ruffle: Woking on the front loops of Row 2. HairWig
Begin with whitc.
Begin with yellow, crochet loosely. lf you crochet loo
Chain 2, ( 1 hdc, chain 1) • repeat 30 limes (30 hdc +
30 chains) tight, picase use a 0.5 mm bigger than normal hook.
Pasten off. Rnd 1: 6 se on the magic ring (6)
Rod 2: 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3: ( 1 se, 1 inc) • repcat 6 limes ( 18)
Rnd 4: 6 se, FLO 6 se. 6 se (18)
Srart crochet the hair-strands. There are 26 hair-strands
( abbreviatíon Strand: S). From SI to S20 after finished
each strand , you will slst on each single crochet stitch
on Round 4. For instance : S 1 slst on thc 1 st stitch of
Rnd 4, S2 slst on the 2nd stitch ofRnd 4 ami so on. SI
and S 19; $2 and $20 will be crocheted on same single
crochet sutch on Rnd 4. SI slst on thc front loop, $19
will be crocheted slst on the back loop of rhe lst stitch.
do the same with lhe other pair.
SI: Chaio 13, se on the 2"d chain from the hook, ll se.
slst ( 12)
S2 : Chain 12, se on the 2"" chaio from the hook, 1 O se,
slst (11)
S3 • S4: Chain 13, hdc on the 3•d chain from the hook,
10 hdc, slst (11)
SS • S6 : Chain 12, se on the 2•d chain from the hook,
10 se, slst (11)
S7 • $18 : Chain 16, hdc on the 3rd chain from the
Hairbow hook, 13 hdc, slst (14)
Begin with blue. Sl9 - 520: Chaio 13, hdc on the 3rd chain from lhe
(chain 4, 4 treble crochet in the lst stitch, chain 3, hook, 1 O hdc, slst ( 11)
slst in the lst sutch) • repeat 2 times. Pasten off.
Slst, leave a long tail and fasten off. Roll the yarn 521 • S26 will be slst on the back loops of 6 stitches
around the center of the bow. ( 3 rounds) on Rnd 3 ( from 7•h to l 21h stitch). Bcgin with
The headband ( make two) ycllow
Chain 35 and fasten off. S2 I · S26: Chain 20, hdc on thc 3rd chain from the
Pull the one headband through the center of the bow. hook, l 7 hdc, slst ( 18)
Fasten off.
Ali ce

Ma terials & Tools
*Crochet hook suitable with your yarns.
* Yarn : Yellow, whíte, skin, black, blue, red
* You can use the same pattern to make smaller
or larger toy by using finer or bulkíer yarn.
* Safety eyes
* 1 used sport yarn 160 mi 50 g with hook síze
2 mm and 8 mm safety eyes. lfyou use different
yarn weights, you can choose your safety eyes
with diameter approximate 2.5 single crochet
stitch. *
* Sewing needle, scíssor, fabric glue
.. Pink blush makeup powder or pink acrylic

* *
* * * * *
* * *
Skill and Abbrevia tions *
R: Row BLO: crochet through back loops
Rnd: round
Ch : chain stitch dec : single crochet 2 stitches in front
slst : slip stitch loops rogether
se: single crochet slitch inc: single crochet 2 stitchcs in samc
hdc: half double crochet stitch se
inchdc: half double crochet increase
de : double crochet stitch
st, sts : stitch, stitches dechdc: half double crochet decrease
FLO : crochet through front loops
onJy *
* * * * * * * * *
Arm ( make three)
(The Lhird arm is placed inside the neck)
Begin with skin color yarn.
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7)
Rnd 2 - Rnd 16: 7 se (7)
Fasten off
Rnd 23: 1 inc, 5 se. 1 inc, 6 se, 1 lnc, 5 se, 1 lnc, 6 se
Rnd 24 - Rnd 25 : 30 se (30)
Rnd 26: (3 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times (24) Change lo
skin color with the last st of Rnd 26
Rnd 27: 24 se (24)
Legs ( make two) Rnd 28: ( 2 se, 1 dee) • repeat 6 times(l8)
Right leg: Begin with Black Rnd 29. Rnd 34: 18 se (18) (6 rounds)
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magtc ring (7) Rnd 35: You will turn three píeces body and two
Rnd 2: 7 ine (14) arrns into one: 4 se on the body, 7 se on left arrn, 10
Rnd 3: l inc, 4 se, 4 inc , 4 se, 1 inc (20) se on the body, 7 se on right arm, 4 se on the body
Rnd 4: 20 se (20) (32 sts : 7 se on each arrn, 8 se on the back, 1 O se on
Rnd 5: l dec, 4 se, 1 dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 4 se, 1 dee the chest)
( 14)
Change the color to white with the last st of Rnd 5
Rnd 6: BLO 3 se. 1 dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 3 se (10)
Rnd 7 - Rnd 13: 10 se (10) ( 7 rounds)
Rnd 14: 9 se, l inc (l l)
Rnd 15-Rnd21: 11 se ( 11) (7 rounds)
Pasten off.
Left leg:
Do same as rtght leg until Rnd 21, stuffing the legs,
Rnd 22: joín rwo legs into one píece : 9 se on left leg,
chaln 2, l se on the 4th stiteh on rlght leg, 1 O se on
right leg, 2 se on thc chain, 2 se (24 se stilches and 2 Rnd 36: ( 6 se. 1 dec) • repeat 4 urnes (28)
charns, total : 26 sts ) Rnd 37: ( 5 se, 1 dcc) · repeat 4 times (24)
Rnd 38: (2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times ( 18)
Rnd 39: ( 1 se, 1 dcc) • repeat 6 times ( 12)
Start stuffing the body, do not stuff the arrns,
Rnd 40 : (2 se, l dec) • repeat 3 limes (9)
Rnd 41 - Rnd 42: 9se (9)
Continue crochet the head after fi -· f •
the Body.
Rnd 43: 9 ine ( 18) Ear (make two)
Rnd 44: ( 1 se, l inc )• repeat 9 times (27) Begin wilh skin color.
Rnd 45: (2 se, 1 ine) • repeat 9 times (36) Rnd 1: chafo 2, 6 se on the lst chain. Chain 1 and
Rnd 46: (5 se. 1 ine)' repeat 6 times (42) tum (6)
Rnd 47: (6 se, 1 inc)" repeai 6 times (48) Rnd 2: 6 se (6)
Rnd 48: (7 se, 1 ínc)" repeat 6 times (54) Pasten otT and leave a long tail.
Rnd 49 - Rnd 61: 54 se (54) ( 13 rounds)
Rnd 62: (7 se, 1 dee)' repeat 6 times (48) Dress
Rnd 63: (6 se, 1 dec)" repeat 6 times (42) Begín with blue. From Rnd 2 to Rnd 7 work in row,
Rnd 64: (5 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times (36) chain 1 and rurn at the end of each round.
Rnd 65: (4 se, 1 dec)" rcpeat 6 times {30) Row 1: ehain 17 ( lea ve a long tail before crochet)
Rnd 66: (3 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 limes (24) Row 2 : se on lhe 2 nd chain from the hook, 1 inc, ( 1 se,
Rnd 67: (2 oc, Idee)' repcat 6 times ( 18) 1 inc)•repcat 7 times (24)
Place the third arm ínside rhe dolls neck, this will Row 3: (3 se, 1 inc) · repeat 6 times (30)
rnake ihe doll's neck stronger. Tips: lt's easier if you Row 4: BLO 1 inc, 1 se, (increase : 1 hdc, 1 de in rhe
use a stick to stutT the third arm inside the ncck. Start sarne sutch), skip 8 SIS, (Incrcase : 1 de, 1 hdc in ihe
stuffing the head and place safety eyes between Rnd same srítch), 6 se, (increase : 1 hdc, l de in the same
52 and Rnd 53. The space between rwo holes that you stitch), skip 8 sts, (increase : l de, l hdc in the same
put safety eyes is 9 stitches. When you have defined the stitch), 1 se, 1 inc (20)
holes to place safcty eyes, sew the eyelashcs then add Row 5 - Row 7 : 20 se (20)
safety eyes T/1c dress has two layers, the 1111der layer is crocheted
Rnd 68: ( 1 se, 1 dec) • rcpeat 6 times ( 12) witn white, the outer is crocheted with blue. '111e
Rnd 69: 6 dec (6) 1111der layer is crocheted 011 the front /oops of Row 7,
Fastcn otT. the 011/er is crocheted on tire back loops of Row 7. Each
round is worked in round, slst to join the round.
The outer layer: continue crochet with blue yarn.
Chaln 1 and tura at the end of eacb round.
Rnd 1: 20 inchdc ( 40 hdc)
Rnd 2 - Rnd 8: 40 hdc (40)
Fasten off.
The undcr laycr: Bcgin wilh whitc. Chain 2 at thc
beginning of each round.
Rnd 1: (chain 2, 1 de. chain 1 in the same stitch),
(1 de, ehain 1) • repeat 19 times ( 20 de+ 20 chains,

.. , .. 9 sts . total 40 sts)

Rnd 2 - Rnd 5: 40 de (40)
Rnd 6: FLO ( 1 inchde, chain l) ~ repeat 40 times
Pasten off.
Belly strlng: Cham 21 and (asten off Sew the stnng
on rhe wrong side of thc apron
Bow tle: Bcgm wuh red ( half srze of the y.un wcight
Cham 3, ( 2 de on tbe hl chain, chain 3, slst on the 161
chain) • rcpeat 2 umes,
Fastcn off, leave a long tarl, Roll the yarn around thc
cm ter of thc bow ( 2 rounds) then sew the bow on row
2 of the apron.

Begrn "11h black,
First, you will crochet around the foundauon chams
Begm wíth whue,
Row 1: Chain 32, hdc on the 3rd chain from the
Rnd 1: chaln 7. l se on ihe 2nd chain from thc hook,
hook, 29 bdc (30)
4 se. 6 hdc on rhe sarne chaín, 4 se. 1 inc ( J 7)
Cham 1 and turn
Rnd 2, 1 inc, 3 se, 1 hdc, 6 mchdc, 1 hdc, 3 se, 1 me, 1
Row 2: BLO 30 hdc (30)
se (25)
Pasten off and leave a long tarl.
Rnd 3: 1 se, 1 me, ·I hdc, ( 1 hdc, 1 mchdc) • repcat 2
Sew two sides togerher and roll rhe yarn ughtly
times, ( 1 se, 1 inc}" repeat 2 umes. ( 1 hdc, 1 mchdc)
around the cerner ofthc bow ( 8 rounds).
• repeat 2 umes, 4 hdc. 1 Inc, 2 ~" ( 33)
The headband
Rnd 4: 3 se, FI O ( rsc, chaín 2) • repeat 27 times. ;.lst
Cham 65 and fastcn off Pull the headband through
Now, conunue o crochet and work in row, coum new
thc centcr of thc bow.
row from here
Row l: BLO 6 se (6)
Cham 1 and tum
Row 2: 6 S<: (6)
Pasten off.
Strings: Beg10 wíth whue
Firsl slring: Cham 12. 6 se on Row 2 of the apron.
chal n 12 and fasten off.
Begin with yellow, crochet loosely. lf you crochet too
light, please use a 0.5 mm bigger than normal hook.
Rnd l: 6 se on the magic ring (6)
Rnd 2: 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3: ( 1 se, 1 inc) • repeat 6 limes ( 18)
Rnd 4: 18 se (18)
Start crochet the halr-strands. There are 24 hair-
strands, Añer finished each strand ( abbreviation
Strand : S ), you will slst on each single crochet sritch
on Round 4. For instance : SI slst on rhe lst sttrch of
Rnd 4, $2 slsi on ihc 2nd surch ofRnd 4 and so on. SI
and S 19; S2 and S20; 53 and $21,$22; $4 and $23, SS
and S24 wlll be crochered on same single crochet sutch
on Rnd 4. Por ínstance : SI slst on thc front loop, Sl9
will be crocbcicd stsr on the back loop ofthc tst stitch,
do thc sarne wíth othcr pnlrs.
S 1: Cha in 35, se on thc 2nd chain from the hook, (5 se,
1 inc) • repeat 3 times, 15 se, slst (37)
S2 : Cha In 12, se on thc 2nd chain from thc hook, 1 O
se, slst ( 1 1 )
S3 - S4: Chaín 45, se on thc 2nd chain from the hook,
5 se, 1 lnc. 37 se, slst ( 45}
SS : Cha in 12, se on the 2nd ehain from thc hook, 1 O
se, slst ( 1 1)
S6: Chain 35, se on the 2nd ehain from the hook,
(5 se, 1 inc)" repeat 3 times, 15 se, slst (37}
S7 - S 18 : Chaln 40, hdc on thc 3rd chain from thc
hook, 9 hdc, 1 inchde, 27 hdc, slst (39)
S 19 : Chain 40 , se on the 2nd chain from the hook,
(5 se, 1 inc) • rcpcat 3 times, 20 se. slst (42)
520: Chain 30 , se on the 2nd chaín from thc hook,
se, 1 inc, 22 se. slst (30)
$21 - $22 : Chaln 25, se on thc 2nd ch:un from the
hook, 5 se, 1 ínc, 17 se, slst (25)
$23: Chain 30, se on thc 2nd chain from thc hook, 5
se, 1 lnc, 22 se. slst (30)
$24 : Chain 40 , se on thc 2nd chain from thc hook,
(5 se, 1 ine) • rcpeat 3 limes, 20 se. slst (42)
- Ear: sew the ears between Rnd 5 1 and Rnd 54. The
space between eye and ear is 6 sis. 24
- Sew the eyebrowns with light brown thread. Width:
4 sts, height : 1 st, between eye and eyebrown is 3 sts.
- Sew nose with skin color yarn (4 rounds) between
Rnd 50 and Rnd 51. Width : 3 sts.
- Sew the eyelids under the eye lashes with dark brown
- Sew the white of the eyes with whitc yarn.
- Use pínk blush makeup powder or acrylic paint to
make thc rosy check on thc doll's chceks.
Dress: Sew two back-sides ofthe dress with blue yarn
Hair: Secure each strand of hair in its approprtatc
position on thc head using pins. Slowly remove one
strand at a time to apply fabric glue and pin it back
down to dry, the wrong side ofthe hair wig is up.
- Rnd 1 will be on the center of the head.
- S2 is in front of the left ear, SS is in front of the right
- 12 strands behind the ears ( From S7 to Sl8)
- S 1 cover the left ear, S6 cover the right ear,
- S3, S4, S2 l. S22 are for the bang.
• Tie S20, S23, S3, S4 with yellow yarn.

The little
:f. 11) * j:

Materials & Tools

• Crochet hook suitable with your yams.
• Yarn : Green, light green, skin, red, dark purple
• You can use the same pattern to make smaller
or larger toy by usíng fi.ner or bulk.ler yarn.
• Safety eyes *·
• 1 used sport yarn 160 mi 50 g with hook slze
2 mm and 8 mm safety eyes. rr you use dífferent
yarn weights, you can choose your safety eyes
with diameter approxímate 2.5 single crochet •·
• Sewing needle, scissor, fabric glue
.. • Pink blush makeup powder or pink acrylic

* * =~ ~: (!l
1: C!i
Skill and Abbreviations lj:

R:Row dec : single crochet 2 stitches in front

Rnd: round loops rogether
Ch : chain stitch inc: single crochet 2 stitches in same se
slst : slip sittch inchdc: haJf double crochet increase ...
se: single crochet stitch dechdc: half double crochet decrease
hdc : half double crochet stitch bobble stitch: 3 treblc crochet sts in

de: double crochet sutch the sarne sutch and then yarn over, puU
st, SIS : stitch, sütches through ali the loops on your hook (the
FLO crochet through front loops
original loop + 1 loop for each partiaJly ...
cornpleted double crochet ).
BLO crochet through back loops

• l![l @
Arm ( make three)
•.....• • •
Total: 6 se stitches.
. ·'·. . . . .
~ "'

(TI1c third arm is placed inside the neck) Chain 1 and turn
Bcgin with skin color yarn. Row 16: 6 se (6)
Rnd l: 7 se in the magíc ring (7)

Rnd 2 - Rnd 16: 7 se (7)
Pasten off

- ---
Mermaid Tail and Body
Fin Start crochet the mermaid lail. Rnd 1 : working on
Work in row, begin wuh light green. Work in back the back loops and front loops of Row 16, from Rnd
loops only, chaln 1 and turn al thc end of each row un- 1 work in spiral. Change the color to dark green wilh
lcss state otherwise. the last st of Row 16.
Row 1: Chain 16, 1 de on the 3'd chaín from the hook, Rnd 1: 12 se
1 hdc, 12 se (14) Rnd 2: 12 se
Row 2: BLO 12 se, 1 dec (13) Rnd 3: (2 se, 1 inc) • repeat 4 times ( 16)
Row 3: 1 dec, 11 se (12) Rnd 4 - Rnd 6: 16 se (16)
Row 4: 10 se, 1 dec ( 11) Rnd 7: (3 se. l inc) • repeat 4 times (20)
Row 5: 1 dec, 9 se (JO) Rnd 8 - Rnd 10: 20 se (20)
Row 6: 8 se, 1 dec (9) Rnd 11: (4 se. l inc) • repeat 4 times (24)
Row 7: 1 dec, 7 se (8) Rnd 12 - Rnd 14: 24 se (24)
Row 8: Chain 9, 1 inc on the 2•• chain from the hook, Rnd 15: (3 se. 1 inc) - rcpeat 6 limes (30)
7 se (9) Rnd 16- Rnd 18: 30 se (30)
Row 9: 8 se, 1 inc ( 10) Rnd 19: (3 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times (24)
Row 10: l inc. 9 se ( 11) Change the color to skín with thc last st of Rnd 19.
Row 11: 10 se, 1 inc ( 12) Rnd 20: BLO24 se (24)
Row 12: 1 inc, 11 se ( 13) Rnd 21: 24 se (24)
Row 13: 12 se, l inc ( 14) Rnd 22: ( 2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 llmes(l8)
Row 14: ( íncrease: 1 de, 1 hdc ín sarne surch), 13 se
Row 15: Chain 1, srart crochet on the flat edge of the
fin, crochet single crochet decrease stitch to make 3
rounds to l single stitch: (Rl4,13,12); (RI 1,10,9);

.- . - ..
(R8,7,6); (RS,4,3); (R2,I and the 2nd stitch ofRowl)

. .. ..
••• • •-.;; •••
• .--·-·
•.t ~. ·-·•:-·.-·~• ••• - •• . .• -· . .
t •.
...... • t .•
.. - .. ... .... .•. :·.
Rnd 23 - Rnd 28: 18 se (18) (6 rounds) Rnd 42: (7 se. 1 inc)" repeat 6 times (54)
Rnd 29: You will turn threc píeces: body and two Rnd 43 - Rnd 55: 54 se (>4) (13 rounds)
arrns into one: 7 se on lefr arrn, 1 O se on the body, 7 se Rnd 56: (7 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 timcs (48)
on right arm, 8 se on thc body Rnd 57: (6 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 times (42)
(32 sts : 7 se on eaeh arm, 8 se on the baek, 1 O se on Rnd 58: (5 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times (36)
thc chest) Rnd 59: (4 se, 1 dec) ' repeat 6 times (30)
Place the third arm inside the doll's neck, this will
make the doll's neck stronger, lt's easrer IÍ you use a
stiek to stuff the thrrd arm mslde the neck, Start stuff-
lng thc head and place safety eyes bctween Rnd 46
and Rnd 47. Thc space between two holes rhat you put
safcty eyes 15 9 stitchcs. Whcn you have defincd the
holes to place safety cyes, sew thc eyelashes then add
safery cyes
Rnd 60: (3 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 times (24}
Rnd 61: (2 se, Idee)' repeat 6 limes (18)
Rnd 62: (1 se, 1 dcc}' repcat 6 times ( 12}
Rnd 63: 6 dec (6)
Fasten off.

. ¡ .
. . l l
Rnd 30: ( 6 se, 1 dec) • repeat 4 times (28)
Rnd 31: ( 5 se, 1 dec ) • rcpcat 4 times (24)
Rnd 32: (2 se, 1 dec) • repcat 6 times ( 18)
Rnd 33: (1se,1 dec) • repeat 6 umes (12)

St.m stuffing tite body, do not stuff ihe arms. • · ~ sts • .J
Rnd 34 : BLO (2 se, 1 dee) • repeat 3 times (9)
t \• •' •.•••••V
Rnd 35 - Rnd 36: 9se (9)
Continue crochet thc head nftcr finishcd Round 36 of
thc Body. Ear (make two)
Rnd 37: 9 inc (18) Begin with skm color.
Rnd 38: (1 se, 1 inc )' repcat 9 times (27) R.nd 1: chaln 2, 6 se on the lst chain. Chain 1 and
Rnd 39: (2 se, 1 inc) • repeat 9 times (36) turn (6)
Rnd 40: (5 se, 1 ine)' repeat 6 times (42) Rnd 2 : 6 se ( 6)

. ....... •-· ....

Rnd 41: (6 se, 1 ínc): repeat 6 limes (48) Pasten off and leave a long tail,

. .. HairWig
•. r :- .,, .• . •• •
.... ...

Begin with red, crochet loosely. lf you crochet too

light, picase use a 0.5 mm biggcr than normal hook
with the same yarn.
Rnd 1: 6 se on thc magic ring (6)
Rnd 2: 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3: ( 1 se, 1 inc)" rcpeat 6 times (18)
Rnd4: IS se (18)
Start crochet thc halr-strands. 1hcrc are 20 halr-
strands, After linlshed each srrand (abbrcvlauon
St rand : S ), you wlll slst 011 the back loop only on cach
single crochet stitch 011 Round 4. For instance : S 1 slst
on thc 1" stitch of Rnd 4, S2 sl~t on the 2•J sruch of
Rnd 4 and so on. S 1 and S 19, S2 and S20 wíll be
crochcrcd on same single crochet stítch on Rnd 4, SI
and S2 slst on the front loops, S 19 and S20 slst on rhe
back loop oí thc 1 •• and 2•d stitch.
SI: Chaln 12, se on thc 2•d chain from the hook, 10 se,
slst ( 11)
S2 - S3: Chain 14, hdc on the 3•• chain from rhc hook,
11 hdc, slst (12)
S4 - SS : Chain 35, hdc on the 3•• chain from the hook,
5 hdc, 1 inchdc, 26 hdc, slst (34)
S6- S 17: Chain 40, hdc on the 3•• chaín from the hook, Bikini
9 hdc, 1 inchdc, 27 hdc, slst (39) Begin with dark purple, leave a long tail bcfore crochet
Sl8: Chain 34. se on the 2•• chain from the hook. Chain 4, make a bobble stltch on the 1 •• chaín, chain 3.
5 se, 1 inc, 26 se, slst (34) make a bobble stltch on the J•• chaín from thc hook,
SI 9: Chain 13, hdc 011 the 3•d chain from the hook, 10 chain 1 and fasten off nnd leave a long tail, Tic thc
hdc, sbt ( 11) bikini on thc chest
S20: Chain 35, hdc on thc J•d chaln from the hook, 5
hdc, 1 inchde, 26 hdc, slst (34) Belly fin
Fasten off. Begin with light green.
Chain 26, de on the 3•• ehain from the hook. 23 de,
ehain 2, slsr. Fasten off and leave a long tail. Sew the fin
on the froru loops of Rnd 19 .

.. .
·~- •• • - ·- •• !.. .. ·- .
.,..- .. . - ·-. L& •- . ....
- •••
• •
•L -
• • • •• • •••
• •'- - •• •

- Ear: Se\\ the ears bctween Rnd 45 and Rnd 48 The

space berween eye and car as 6 sts,
- Sew the eyebrowns with dark brown thread. Width:
4 SIS, besght : 1 SI, space berween eye and eyebrown as
3 S~.

- Scw nose wíth skln color yarn (4 rounds) berween

Rnd .14 and Rnd 45. Width : 3 SIS.
- Scw the eyehds under the C)~ lashes wilh dark brown
• Sew the white of the eyes with whíte yarn.
- Use pank blush makcup powder or acryhc paint to
make the rosy check on rhe doll's cheeks,
Halr: Secure each strand of hair in us appropnate
posllion on the head usmg pins.
Slowly rernove one strand al a lime to apply fabnc glue
and pm al back down to dry :
- The wrong slde of thc h111r wlg as up.
- Rnd 1 will be on the center of thc hcad..
- S1 is lo front of thc leñ car.
- 12 strands bchind the ears ( From S6 lo SI 7)
• S 18 cover thc leñ car, SS cover the ríght car.
- S2,.3,4,19 are for thc bangs. 520 is above S4

1 &. •
-- . -- 1. . .. - . • &. • . - -- . . -. • &. •
Be lle
Materials & Tools *
• Crochet hook suitable with your yams.
• Yarn : Yellow, white, skin, brown, mustard
• You can use the same pattern to make smaller
or larger toy by using finer or bulkier yarn,
• Safety eyes
• 1 used sport yarn 160 m/ 50 g with hook size
2 mm and 8 mm safety eyes. lfyou use dífferent
yarn welghts, you can choose your safety eyes
with diameter approximate 2.5 single crochet
sütch. *
• Sewing needle, scíssor, fabrlc glue
"Pink blush makeup powder or pink acrylic

* *
* *
Skill and
R: Row BLO : crochet through back loops *
Rnd : round
Ch: chain stitch
dec : single crochet 2 stitches in front *
slst : slip stitch loops together
se : single crochet stltch inc : single crochet 2 stítches in same
hdc: half double crochet stitch se
inchdc: half double crochet increase
de : double crochet sutch
st, sts : stltch, stttches dechdc half double crochet decrease
FLO : crochet through front loops
only *
* * * * * * * *
Arm ( make three)
(The third arm is placed inside the neck)
Begin with skin color yam.
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magíc ring (7)
Rnd 2 - Rnd 16: 7 se (7)
Pasten off Rnd 23: 1 ine, S se, 1 ine, 6 se, 1 inc, 5 se. 1 inc, 6 se
Rnd 24 - Rnd 25: 30 se (30)
Rnd 26: (3 se, 1 dec) • repcat 6 times (24)
Change to skin color wuh the last st of Rnd 26
Rnd 27: 24 se (24)
Rnd 28: ( 2 se. 1 dec) • repeat 6 times(18)
Legs ( make two) Rnd 29 - Rnd 33: 18 se ( 18) (5 rounds)
Right leg: Begin with mustard color Rnd 34: You wilJ turn three pieces into one: 4 se on
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7) the body • 7 se on left arm, 1 O se on the body, 7 se on
Rnd 2: 7 inc ( 14) right arm, 4 se on the body (32 sts, it should be 7 se
Rnd 3: 1 inc, 4 se, 4 inc , 4 se, 1 inc (20) on each arrn, 8 se on the baek, 1 O se on the chest)
Rnd 4: 20 se (20)
Rnd S: 1 dec, 4 se. t dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 4 se, t dcc
Change to skin color with the last st of Rnd 5
Rnd 6: BLO 3 se, 1 dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 3 se ( 1 O)
Rnd 7- Rnd 13: 10 se (10) ( 7 rounds)
Rnd 14: 9 se. 1 inc ( 11)
Rnd IS- Rnd 21: 11 se ( 11) (7 rounds)
Fasten off.
Lefi leg. Do same as right leg until Rnd 21. Change
the color to mustard ( """"""'•"o/"') wuh the last st of
Rnd 35: ( 6 se, t dec) • repcat 4 times (28)
Rnd 21, stufling thc legs,
Rnd 36: ( S se, 1 dee) • repeat 4 times (24)
Rnd 22: Join two legs into one piece: 11 se on left
Rnd 37: (2 se, 1 dce) • repeat 6 times (18)
leg, chain 2, 1 se on the 4th stitch on right leg, 10 se
Rnd 38: ( 1 se, 1 dec) • rcpeat 6 times ( 12)
on right leg, 2 se on the ehain (24 se stírches and 2
Start stufling the body, do not stuff the arms.
chaíns, total : 26 sts, the shoes should be pointed to
Rnd 39 : (2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 3 times (9)
the front of the body, )
Rnd 40 - Rnd 41: 9se (9)
Continue crochet the head after finíshed Round 41 of
the Body.
Rnd42:9 ine (18)
Rnd 43: ( 1 se, 1 inc )' repeat 9 tunes (27) Ear ( make two)
Rnd 44. (2 se. 1 lnc)' repeat 9 times (36) Begin with skin color.
Rnd 45: (5 se, 1 ínc): repeat 6 times (42) Rnd 1: cham 2, 6 se on the lst chain. Cham 1 and
Rnd 46: (6 se, 1 inc)' repeat 6 times (48) tum (6)
Rnd 47: (7 se, 1 inc)' repeat 6 times (54) Rnd2:6sc (6)
Rnd 48- Rnd 60: 5-1 se (54) (13 rounds) Fasten off and leave a long tail.
Rnd 61: (7 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 times (48)
Rnd 62: (6 se, 1 dec) ' repeat 6 times (42) Dress
Rnd 63: (5 se. 1 dec)' repeat 6 times (36) Begin with yellow. From Row 2 to Row 6 work in row,
Rnd 64: (4 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 tunes (30) chain 1 and turn at thc cnd o( each round.
Rnd 65: (3 se, 1 dec): rcpeat 6 times (24) Row 1: cha in 25 (lea ve a long tail before crochet)
Rnd 66: (2 se, 1 dec)" repeai 6 times ( 18) Row 2: Start crochet at the 2"" cha in from the hook :
Pince the third arm inside rhe doll's neck, this will (3 se, 1 inc) • repeat 6 times (30)
make the doll's neck stronger. Tips: lt's easíer i( you Row 3: FLO 1 me, 1 se, (increase : 1 hdc, 1 de in the
use a srick to stuff the third arm inside the neck, Start sarne stitch), skíp 8 sts, (increase : 1 de, 1 hdc in the
stuffing the head and place safery eyes berween Rnd same stitch), 6 se. (increase : 1 hdc, 1 de in the same
51 and Rnd 52. The space between two holes that you stirch), skíp 8 srs, (increase : 1 de, l hdc in the sarne
put safery eyes is 9 stitches. When you have dcfined the sutch), 1 se. 1 inc (20)
boles to place safety eyes, sew the eyelashes then add Row 4 - Row 6 : 20 se (20)
safety cycs The dress has two loyers, tire under layer is crocheted
Rnd 67: ( 1 se. 1 dec): repcat 6 times (12) 1Vit/1 white, tire outer is crocheted 1Vit/1 yellow: The
Rnd 68: 6 dcc (6) 1111der layer 1s crocheted 011 tire back loops of Row 6,
Pasten off. tire outer ss crocheted 011 tire front ICH1ps of Row 6. Each
ro1111d is worked in ro1111d, slst to join tire round , chain
1 and turn at tire begintng of 11e1V round.
Tbe outer layer: conlinue crochet with yellow yarn
Rnd 1: BLO (1 inchdc, chain 1) • repeat 20 limes ( 40
hdc + 20 chains, total 60 sts)
Rnd 2 - Rnd 7: 60 hdc (60)
Pasten off.
The undcr laycr: Begin with white,
Rnd t: (cha in 2, t hdc, chain 2 in the same sutch),
( l hdc, cham 2) • repeat 19 times ( 20 hdc + 40
chains, total 60 sts)

9 sts ¿ Rnd 2 - Rnd 6: 60 hdc
Rnd 7: 60 se
Fasten off.
The rufilc: HairWig
Worlung on the froet loops of Row 2. Begln wuh Bcgin with brown, crochet loosely. lf you crochet too
ydlow. ught, picase use a 0.5 mm bígger than normal hook
Cham t. ( 1 se, chain 2) • repeat 30 times, chain l. slst with the same yam.
and fasten off Rod 1: 6 se on the maglc ring (6)
The bow: begln with mustard Rnd 2: 6 me (12)
Ch310 3. ( 2 dcoo lhc t st chaín, chain 3, slst on thc tst Rnd 3: FLO ( 1 se, 1 inc)" repear 6 times (18)
chaín] • repeat 2 times. Rnd 4: 18 se ( 18)
Fastcn off, leave a long tail. Roll the yam around the Start crochet thc hair-strands, There are 25 hair-
center of the bow ( 2 rounds) thcn sew the bow on strands. From strand 1 to 22, after finished each strand
middlc of row 2 of the dress, (abbreviation Strand : S ), you will slst on the back loop
only on each single crochet stitch on Round 4. For
mstance : S 1 slst on thc 1" st itch of Rnd 4, S2 slst on
the 2""' stítch of Rnd 4 and so on. S 1 and S 19 wW be
crocheted on same single crochet stitch on Rnd 4. SI
slst on the fronl loop, S 19 will be crochetcd slst on the
back loop of the l" sutch, S20 and S2 l slst on the back
loop of the 2""' sutch, S22 will be crochered on the back
loop oí the 3"' stítch on Rnd 4.
S l : Cham 12, se on the 2"" chain Crom the hook, 1 O se,
slst (11)
S2 - $3: Chain 45 , se on thc 2.,. chain from the hook,
5 se. 1 me. 37 se, slst (45)
S4 : Chain 12. se on the 2"" chain from the hook, 1 O se.
slst ( 11)
SS : Chain 40 , se on the 2.,. chain from the hook,
(5 se, 1 me) • repeat 3 times. 20 se. slst ( 12)
S6- $17: Chain 41, hdc on the 3'4 chain from the hcok,
(S hdc, 1 mchdc) • repeat 3 limes, 20 hdc, sl>t ( 12)
SIS: Chain 40. se on the 2"" cham from the hook,
(S se. 1 me) • repeat 3 times, 20 se, slst ( 12)
Sl9: Chaln 4S, se on the 2 ... chain from ihe hook, S
se. 1 me. 37 se, slst (4S)
S20 - S21 : Cham 25, se on the 2•4 chain from lhe
hook, 4 se, 1 tnc, 18 se, slst (25)
Headband S22: Chain 4S • se on Lhc 2... chain from the hook, S
Begín wuh yellow. Chain 25 and {asten off. se, 1 inc, 3 7 se, ~lst (4S)
Pasten off.
Wilh new yarn, crochet the hair strands on thc top
of the head. S23, 524, 525 wlll be worked on ihe back Face:
loops of round 3, on the opposite side of S 1.
- Ear: sew the ears between Rnd 50 and Rnd 53. The
523 - S2S: Chain 20, hdc on the 3"' chain from the
space between eye ancl ear is 6 SIS.
hook, 4 hdc, 1 inchdc, 12 hdc, slst on the back loops o( _ Sew the eyebrowns with dark brown thread. \Vidlh:
Rnd 3 (19)
4 SIS, helght : 1 si, berween eye and eyebrown L~ 3 sts.
Pasten olí.
• Sew nose wlth skin color yarn (4 rounds) betwcen
Rnd 49 and Rnd SO. Widlh: 3 SIS.
• Scw the cyclids undcr the cyc lashcs with dark brown
• Sew the whue of the eyes wíth whitc yarn.
· Use pink blush makeup powdcr or acrylic palnt to
make the rosy cheek on the doll's cheeks.
Dress: Sew rwo back-sides of the dress with yellow
Hair: Sccure each strand of hair in us apprcprlate
positlon on the head using pins. Slowly removc one
strand at a time to apply fabric gluc and pin 11 back
down to dry, thc wrong slde o( thc hair wig is up.
• Rnd 1 will be on the ccntcr ofthe head.
- S 1 is in front of thc leñ car, S4 is in front of the nght
- 12 strands behind the ears ( From 56 Lo S 17)
- 518 covcr the left car, SS cover the ríght ear,
· 52, S3, S 19, S20, S2 I, 522 are for the bang.
- Tic 523, 524, S25 with yellow headband.

Arm ( make three)
(The third arm is placed inside the neck)
Begin with skin color yarn.
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7)
Rnd 2 - Rnd 15: 7 se (7)
Fasten off
Rnd 23: 1 inc, 5 se, 1 inc, 6 se. 1 inc, 5 se, 1 inc, 6 se
Rnd 24 - Rnd 25 : 30 se (30)
Rnd 26: (3 se. 1 dec) • repeat 6 times (24) Change to
skin color with the last st of Rnd 26
Rnd 27: 24 se (24)
Leg ( make two) Rnd 28: ( 2 se. 1 dec) • repeat 6 times ( 18)
Rigbt leg: Begín with Black Rnd 29 - Rod 34: 18 se (18) (6 rounds)
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7) Rnd 35: You will tum three pieces body and rwo
Rnd 2: 7 inc {14) anns into one: 4 se on the body , 7 se on left arrn, 10
Rnd 3: 1 inc, 4 se, 4 inc , 4 se, 1 inc (20) se on the body, 7 se on right arm, 4 se on the body
Rnd 4: 20 se (20) (32 sts : 7 se on eaeh arm, 8 se on the back, 1 O se on
Rnd 5: 1 dec, 4 se, 1 dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 4 se, 1 dcc thc chcst)
( 14)
Chango thc color 10 whue with thc last ~t of Rnd 5
Rnd 6: BLO 3 se, 1 dcc, 2 dechdc, l dcc, 3 se ( 10)
Rnd 7 - Rnd 13: 1 O se ( 1 O) ( 7 rounds)
Rnd 14: 9 se, 1 inc ( 1 1)
Rnd 15 - Rnd 21: 11 se ( 1 1) (7 rounds)
Fasten off.
Left leg:
Do same as right leg until Rnd 21, sruffing the legs.
Rnd 22: Join two legs i nto one piece : 11 se on left
leg, chain 2, 1 se on the 5th stitch on right leg, 1 O se
on right lcg, 2 se on the chain (24 se stitchcs and 2 Rnd 36: ( 6 se, 1 dec) • repcat 4 times(28)
chains, total : 26 sts ) Rnd 37: ( 5 se. 1 dcc) • rcpeat 4 times (24)
Rnd 38: (2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times ( 18)
Rnd 39: ( 1 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times ( 12)
Start stuffing the body, do not stuff the arms,
Rnd 40: (2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 3 times (9)
Rnd 4 1 - Rnd <l2: 9se (9)
Continue crochet the head after finished Round 42 of
the Body.
Head Ear (make two)
Rnd 43: 9 inc ( 18) Begin with skin color.
Rnd 44: (1 se, 1 inc r repeat 9 times (27) Rnd 1: chain 2, 6 se on the lsl chain. Chain 1 and
Rnd 45: (2 se, 1 inc)" rcpeat 9 times (36) turn (6)
Rnd 46: (5 se, 1 ínc): repeat 6 times (42) Rnd 2: 6 se (6)
Rnd 47: (6 se, l inc)' rcpcat 6 times (48) Fastcn off and leave n long tnil.
Rnd 48: (7 se, l inc)' rcpeai 6 limes (54)
Rnd49-Rnd61: 54sc (54) (13round>) Dress
Rnd 62: (7 se, 1 dec): rcpeat 6 limes (48) lf you crochet too ttght, picase use 0.5 mm biggcr hook.
Rnd 63: (6 se, l dec): repcat 6 times (42) Top : Work in Row, Chain 1 and turn at the end of
Rnd 64: (5 se. 1 dec)> repeat 6 times (36) each row. Bcgin with green.
Rnd 65: (4 se, 1 dec)" repeat 6 times (30) Row 1 : Chain 26, se on the 2nd chain from the hook,
Rnd 66: (3 se, 1 dec)" repeat 6 times (24) 24 se (25)
Rnd 67: (2 se, Idee)' repeat 6 times ( 18) Change ihe color to cyan with the last st of Row 1
Place the third arrn inside the doll's neck, this will Row 2 : BLO 1 slsr, 2 se, 2 hdc, 15 de, 2 hdc, 2 se,
make ihe doll's neck strongcr, Tips: lt's easier if you 1 slst (25)
use a srick lo stuff the third nrm insidc ihc neck. Start Row 3 : 2 se, 1 hdc, 1 inchdc, chain 3, sklp 5 sis,
>tufling thc head and place safcly cyes berwecn Rnd 1 íncdc, 5 de, 1 incdc, chain 3, skip 5 srs. 1 inchdc,
52 and Rnd 53. The space between two holes that you 1 hdc, 2 se ( 19 sts + 6 chains, total 25 sts.)
pur safety eycs is 9 stitchcs, Whcn you have dcñncd thc Row 4 - Row 5: 25 hdc (25)
holes to place safety eyes, sew the eyelashes then add Pasten off and lea ve a long tail for sewing.
safciy eyes Sleeves : Each sleeve is crochetcd around the armpil
Rnd 68: (1 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 limes (12) with cyan yarn. Work in round, slst to join the round.
Rnd 69: 6 dec (6) Chaín 1 and turn at the end of each round.
Pasten off. Round 1 : JO hdc : 3 hdc on 3 chains on Row 3, 7 hdc
on Row 2. ( pícture A) ( 10)
Round 2 : 1 inchdc, 9 hdc ( 11)
Round 3: 1 inchdc, t O hdc ( t 2)
Round 4: 1 lnchdc, t t hdc ( t 3)
Round S: t inchdc, 12 hdc ( 14)
Round 6- Round 7: 14 hdc ( 14)
Round 8: 14 se (14)
Fastcn off.

• 9 sts
Drcss: Start crochet at the middle ofthe back on Row
5 with yellow yarn. work in round. Slst lo join the
round, chain 1 and turn at the end of each row.
Round 1: 25 de (25)
Round 2: 25 hdc (25)
Round 3: (4 hdc, 1 inchdc) • rcpeat 5 times (30)
Round 4: (4 hdc, 1 inehde) · repeat 6 times (36)
Round 5: 36 hdc (36)
Round 6: (5 hde, 1 inehde) • repcat 6 times (42)
Round 7 - Round 8: 42 hdc (42)
Round 9: (6 hdc, 1 inehde) • repeat 6 times (48)
Round 10- Round 12: 48 hde (48)
Fasten off.
Belt : Work in row, chain 1 and turn al thc end of
eaeh row, Begín with blue.
Row 1 : chain 27
Row 2: se on the 2nd ehain from the hook, 25 se (26)
Row 3 - Row 5 : 26 se (26) Flower
Row 6 : 26 hdc (26) Bud : Begin with yellow:
Pasten off and leave a long tail for sewing. Rnd 1: 5 se in the rnagic ring (5)
Red bclt: Bcgin wíth red. Chain 50 and fastcn off. Rnd 2: FLO ( 1 se, cha in 1) • repeat 5 t imcs
Pul on ihc dress and sew the front with cyan yarn. Pasten off.
Pul the bluc belt around the wnist and scw t wo sidc Peral : Working on thc back loops on Round 1 of
ofthe belt wlrh bluc yarn, tic thc red belt around the thc bud. Bcgin with white. Each pctnl is worked on a
waíst, loop: ( chain 3, 3 treble crochet, chain 2, slst) • repeat
5 times.

Behind of the dress

The upper layer: Working on the back loops ofRound
Begin with black yarn, crochet loosely. Jf you crochet 3, starr al the l st stitch ofRnd 3 with black yarn. When
you finished cach strand, skip 1 srltch and slst on tite
too ught, please use a 0.5 mm bigger than normal hook
next stitch.
( highly recommend)
S20 - S28: Chain 32 , hdc on the 3rd chain from the
Rnd 1: 6 se on the magic ring (6)
hook, 29 hdc, skip 1 si and slst on the next st (30)
Rnd 2: 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3: ( 1se.1 inc)" repeat 6 times (18) Fastcn off.

Rnd 4: FLO ( 2 se, l inc)" repeat 6 limes (24)

Frorn SS to S 16, Skip 1 stüch
Rnd 5: ( 3 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 limes (30) and slst on the next s~~
Crochet the hair-strands. (Abbrcviatíon : S)
Thcre are rwo laycrs of the hair wig, You will crochet
thc undcr laycr on Rouncl 5 and thc upper layer on the
back loops of Round 3.
The under laycr: Continue crochet aftcr finishcd
Rnd S. There are 19 hair-strands. After finished each
strand, you will slsi on a single crochet sritch on Round
S. From SI 10 S4 and Sl7 10 Sl9, slst rhe hair-strnnds
in each continuous single crochet stitch on Rnd S. S 1
and S 19 will be crochcted on sarne single crochet stitch
on Rnd s. S 1 slst on the front loop. S 19 will be slst on
the back loop of the 1 si sritch. From SS 10S16, when
you finishcd cach strands, skip 1 stitch and slsl on the
next stitch on Rnd S.
S 1 - S2: Chain 28, se on the 2nd cha in from the hook,
26 se, slst (27)
S3: Chain 12, se on the 2nd chain from the hook,
IOsc,slst (11)
S4: Chaln 28. se on the 2nd chain from thc hook,
26 se, slst (27)
SS - S 16 : Cha in 29, hdc on the 3rd cha in from thc
hook, 26 hdc, skip J si and slst on the next SI (27)
Sl7: Chain 28. se on rhe 2nd chain from the hook,
26 se. slst (27)
Sl8: Chain 12, se on thc 2nd chain from the hook,
!Ose, slst(ll)
St9: Chain 12, se on the 2nd chain from ihe hook,
3 se. 1 inc, 6 se slst ( 12)
Pasten off.
Assembling ___ ,,
- Ear: sew the ears between Rnd 51 and Rnd 54. The
space between eye and ear is 6 sts.
- Scw the eyebrowns with dark brown thread. Width:
4 srs, height : l si, between eye and eyebrown is 3 sis.
- Sew nose with skin color yarn (4 rounds) between
Rnd 50 and Rnd 51. Width : 3 sts.
- Sew the eyclids under thc eyc lashes with dark brown
- Sew the whíte of the eyes with white yarn.
- Use pink blush makeup powder or acrylic paint to
make the rosy check on the doll's cbecks.
Hair: Secure each strand of hair in íts appropriate
position on the head using pins. Slowly remove one
strand at a time to apply fabric glue and pin it back
down to dry, the wrong side of the hair wig is up.
- Rnd 1 will be on the center of the head.
- S 18 is in front of the left ear, S3 is in front of the rtght
- SI 7 cover thc left ear, S4 cover the right ear.
- 12 strands behind the cars ( From SS to $16)
- SI, S2, S 19 are for the bangs.
- Scw the flower on Sl7 when you finished the hair.

Arm ( m e ree) Rnd 23: 1 inc, 5 se, l inc, 6 se, 1 inc, 5 se. 1 inc, 6 se
(The third arrn is placed inside the neck) (30)
Begin with skin color yarn. Rnd 24 - Rnd 25 : 30 se (30)
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7) Rnd 26: (3 se, 1 dec} • repeat 6 times (24}
Rnd 2 - Rnd 16: 7 se (7) Change to skin color with the last st of Rnd 26
Pasten off Rnd 27: 24 se (24)
Rnd 28: ( 2 se, 1 dec} • repeat 6 times(l8}
¡Legs ( make two) Rnd 29- Rnd 34: 18 se (18} (6 rounds}
Right lcg: Bcgin with blue Rnd 35: You will turn three pieees body and two
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7) arrns into one: 5 se on the body, 7 se on lcft arrn, 10
Rnd 2: 7 ine (14} se on the body, 7 se on right arm, 3 se on the body
Rnd 3: 1 inc, 4 se, 4 inc , 4 se, 1 inc (20} (32 sts : 7 se on each arrn, 8 se on the back, 1 O se on
Rnd 4: 20 se (20) the chesi)
Rnd 5: l dcc, 3 se, 2 dec, 2 bobble, 2 dec, 3 se, 1 dec
( 14)
Cbange thc color to skin with thc last st of Rnd 5
Rnd 6: BLO 3 se, 1 dcc, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 3 se ( l O}
Rnd 7 - Rnd 13: 1 O se ( 10) ( 7 rounds)
Rnd 14: 9 se, 1 inc (11}
Rnd 15 - Rnd 21: l 1 se ( l l) (7 rounds)
Pasten off.
Left leg:
Do same as right leg until Rnd 21, stuffing the legs.
Change the color to blue with the last stitch of Rnd 21 1

Rnd 36: ( 6 se, 1 dec) • repeat 4 times(28)

Rnd 22: Join two legs into ooe piece : l l se on left Rnd 37: ( 5 se, l dec} ~ repeat 4 times (24}
leg, chain 2, 1 se on the Sth stiteh on right leg, 10 se Rnd 38: (2 se. 1 dee) • repeat 6 times ( 18)
on right leg, 2 se on the chain (24 se stitches and 2 Rnd 39: (l se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times (12)
chains, total : 26 sts } 1 Start stuffing the body, do not stutf the arms.
Rnd 40 : (2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 3 times (9)
Rnd 41 - Rnd 42: 9sc (9)
Continué crochet the head after finished Round 42 of
the Body.
Rnd43:9inc (18)
Rnd 44: ( 1 se, 1 inc )' repear 9 times (27)
Rnd 45: (2 se, 1 inc)" repcat 9 times (36)
Rnd 46: (5 se, 1 inc)' repcat 6 times (42)
Rnd 47: (6 se, 1 tnc): repeat 6 times (48}
Rnd 48: (7 se, 1 inc)' rcpcat 6 times (54)
Rnd 49- Rnd 61: S4 se (54) (13 rounds) Ear (make two)
Rnd 62: (7 se, l dec)" repear 6 times (48) Begin with skin color.
Rnd 63: (6 se, 1 dec)" rcpcat 6 rimes (42) Rnd 1: chain 2, 6 se on the l st chain. Chain 1 and
Rnd 64: (5 se, 1 dec)" repeat 6 times (36) turn (6)
Rnd 65: (4 se. 1 dcc): rcpcat 6 times (30) Rnd 2: 6 se (6)
Rnd 66: (3 se, 1 dcc): repeat 6 times (2<1) Fasten off and leave a long tail,
Rnd 67: (2 se, tdec): repeat 6 times (18) Costume
Place the third arm inside the dolls neck, this will Top: Work in Row. Chain 1 and turn at ihe end of
make the doll's neck stronger, Tips: lt's easier if you eac.h row,
use a stick to stuff the third arm inside rhe neck. Start Begin with golden yarn.
stuffing the head and place safery eyes bet ween Rnd Row 1: Chain 36
52 and Rnd 53. 1 he space bel ween two holes that you Change the color to blue
pul safety eyes is 9 stuches, When you have defined thc Row 2: se on rhe 2nd chain from the hook, 13 se,
boles to place safety eyes, sew the eyelashes thcn add 1 inchdc, 5 hdc, 1 lnchdc, 14 se (37)
safety eyes Row 3: 4 se, skip 10 sts, 9 se. skip 10 se. 4 se ( 17)
Rnd 68: (1se,1 dec)" repeat 6 times (12) Row 4: 1 7 se ( 1 7)
Rnd 69: 6 dec (6) Pasten off.
Pasten off. Harem pants
First pieee: Work in Row, Chain 1 and turn ar the end
of each Row. Begin with blue. lf you crochet too tight,
picase use 0.5 mm bígger hook,
Row 1: chain 16, 1 hdc on the 3rd chain from the hook,
13 hdc (14)
Row 2: BLO 2 se, 10 inc , 2 se (24)
Row 3 - Row 4: 24 se (24)
Row 5: 2 se, ( 3 se, 1 dec) • repeat 4 times, 2 se (20)
Row 6 - Row 8: 20 se (20)
Row 9: 2 se, ( 3 se, 1 dec) • repeat 3 times, 3 se ( 1 7)
Row 10 - Row 14: 17 se (17)
Pasten off.
Seeond piece : same as first píece from Row 1 lo Row
14. Chain 1 and rurn al the end of each row.
Row 15: Join 2 preces together : crochet on the 1 st
picce then crochet on the second piccc: 3 se, 1 inc,
( 4 se, 1 inc) • repeat 5 times, 3 se (38) ( Picture 2)
Row 16: 3 se, 1 dcc, ( 4 se, 1 dcc)" repeat 5 times, 3 se
Row 17: 1 se, (3 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times, 1 se (26)
Change the color to gold with the last st of Row 17.
Row 18: FLO 26 se {26) HairWig
Pasten off. Begin with black, crochet loosely. If you crochet too
Place pants on doll, and with blue yarn, sew the inside light. please use a 0.5 mm bigger than normal hook.
seams of pants. ( highly recommend)
Place top on doll and wíth bluc yarn, scw the top at Rnd 1: 6 se on thc magic ring (6)
thc back. Rnd 2: 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3: ( 1 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 times ( 18)
Rnd 4: ( 2 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 times (24)
Rnd 5: FLO ( 3 se, 1 inc)" repcat 6 times (30)
Start crochet the hair-strands. There are 20 hair-
(!) strands, Aftcr finished each srrand ( abbreviation
Strand : S ), you will slst on a single crochet st itch on
Rou nd 5. From S 1 to S4 and 5 17 lo S20, you will slst the
hair-strands in each conlinuous single crochet stítch
on Rnd S. 5l and 519; S2 and 520 will be crocheted
on sarne single crochet stitch on Rnd 5. For instance :
S 1 slst on the [ront loop, S 19 will be crocheted slst on

the back loop of the l sr sritch, do the same with other
pairs. Prorn SS to Si 6, when you finíshed each strands,
skip l stitch and slst on the next stitch on Rnd 5.
Sl • S2: Chain 45, se on the 2nd chain from the hook,
43 se, slst (44)
53: Chain 12, se on the 2nd chain from rhc hook.
1 O se, slst (1 1 )
54: Chain 40, se on thc 2nd chain from rhe hook,
38 se, slst (39)
SS· Sl6: Chaín 41, hdc on the 3rd chain from the
hook, 38 hdc, skíp 1 stitch and slst on the next stitch
S 17 : Chain 40 , se on thc 2nd chain from the hook,
38 se, slst (39)
SIS: Chain 12. se on the 2nd chain from the hook,
1 O se. slst ( 1 1)
Begln with gold.
S19 - S20: Chain 25, se on rhe 2nd chain from rhe
Row 1: Chain 28 . Change the color LO blue
hook, 5 se, 1 inc, 17 se, slst (25)
Row 2: se on thc 2nd cha in from the hook, 26 se (27)
Hair buns: Work in round. Begin with black.
Pasten off.
Rnd l: 6 se on the rnagic ring (6)
Hair tie (make two): begin with blue.
Rnd2:6inc (12)
Chain 30 and fasten off.
Rnd 3: ( 1 se, 1 inc) • repeat 6 times ( 18)
Rnd 4: ( 2 se, 1 inc) • repeat 6 times (24) Assembling
Rnd S - Rnd 6 : 24 se ( 24) Fa ce:
Pasten off and leave a long tail for sewing. • Ear: sew the ears berween Rnd 51 and Rnd 54. The
space belween eye and ear is 6 sts.
· Sew thc eyebrowns with dark brown thread. Width:
4 sis, hcight : 1 st, bctwccn cye and cycbrown is 3 sts.
· Sew nose with skin color yarn (4 rounds) betwecn
Rnd 50 and Rnd 5 l. Width: 3 sts.
- Scw the eyelids under the eye lashes with dark brown
· Sew the white of the eyes with white yarn.
· Use pink blush makeup powder or acrylic paint to
makc the rosy check on thc doll's cheeks,
Hair: Sccure cach strand of hair in ns appropriate
posuíon on the head using pins. Slowly rcrnove one
strand at a time to apply fabric gluc and pin it back
down to dry, the wrong sidc of thc hair wig is up.
· Rnd 1 will be on the center of the head.
·SIS is in front ofthe left ear, $3 is in front ofthe right
• S 17 cover the left ear, S4 cover the right car.
· 12 strands behind the ears ( Frorn SS to Sl6)
·SI, S2, Sl9, S20 are for thc bangs.
• Sew the hair buns on top of thc head, scw through
back loop and front loop of a single crochet stitch on
Rnd 6 of the hair buns and the back loop on Round 4
of the hair wíg, stuffing the buns.
-Tíe rhe long hair-strands with blue hair tie.

Green Frog Crochet - Thuy Anh

Arrn ( make three) Rnd 23: l inc, 5 se, 1 inc, 6 se, 1 inc, 5 se, l inc, 6 se
(The third arrn is placed inslde the ncck) (30)
Bcgin with skin color yarn. Rnd 24 - Rnd 25 : 30 se (30)
Rnd 1: 7 se in the rnagic rlng (7) Rnd 26: (3 se, l dec} ·• repeat 6 limes (24)
Rnd 2 - Rnd 16: 7 se (7) Change to skin color with the last st of Rnd 26
Pasten off Rnd 27: 24 se (24)
Rnd 28: ( 2 se, 1 dee)' repeat 6 limes(l8)
Leg ( make two) Rnd 29 - Rnd 34: 18 se ( 18) (6 rounds)
Right leg: Begín with skin color Rnd 35: You will turn three pieees body and two
Rnd l: 7 se in the magic ring (7) arms into one: S se 011 the body , 7 se on left arm, 1 O
Rnd 2: 7 inc ( 14} se on the body, 7 se on right arm, 3 se on the body
Rnd 3: 1 inc, 4 se, 4 inc , 4 se, 1 inc (20) (32 sts : 7 se 011 each arrn, 8 se on the back, 1 O se on
Rnd 4: 20 se (20) the chest)
Rnd 5: 1 dec, 4 se. 1 dec, 2 dcchdc, 1 dec, 4 se, 1 dec
( 14)
Rnd 6: 3 se, 1 dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 3 se ( 1 O)
Rnd 7 - Rnd 13: JO se (10} ( 7 rounds)
Rnd 14: 9 se, l inc (11)
Rnd 15 - Rnd 21: 11 se (11) (7 rounds)
Pasten off.
Left leg:
Do same as right leg until Rnd 21, stuffing the legs.
Change the color to purple wíth the last stitch of
Rnd 21 Rnd 36: ( 6 se, J dec) • repeat 4 timcs(28)
Rnd 22: Join rwo legs into one piece: 11 se on left leg, Rnd 37: ( 5 se, 1 dec) • repeat 4 times (24)
chain 2, 1 se on the 5th stiteh on right lcg, 10 se on Rnd 38: (2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times ( 18)
right leg, 2 se on the ehain (24 se stitehes and 2 chains, Rnd 39: ( 1 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times ( 12)
total : 26 sts ) Start stuffing the body, do not stuff rhe arms.
Rnd 40: (2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 3 times (9)
Rnd 4 1 - Rnd 42: 9sc (9)
Continue crochet the head after finished Round 42.
Rnd 43: 9 inc (18)
Rnd 44: ( 1 se, 1 inc )" repeat 9 times (27)
Rnd 45: (2 se, 1 inc)" repeat 9 times (36)
Rnd 46: (5 se, 1 inc)' repeat 6 times (42)
Rnd 47: (6 se, 1 inc)' repeat 6 times (48)
Rnd 48: (7 se, 1 inc)' repcat 6 limes (54)
Rnd 49 - Rnd 61: 54sc (54) (13rounds) Dress
Rnd 62: (7 se, 1 dec)" repeat 6 times (48) 'The ruffie: Begin with white.
Rnd 63: (6 se, 1 dec)" repeat 6 times (42) Row 1: ehain 25
Rnd 64: (5 se, 1 dec)" repear 6 times (36) Row 2: Start crochet at the 2•• chain from the hook:
Rnd 65: (4 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 times (30) (1 se, chain 2) • repeat 24 times.
Rnd 66: (3 se, 1 dec): repcat 6 limes (24) i Pasten off.
Rnd 67: (2 se, l dec}" repeat 6 times (18) 'The dress : Working on the loops on Row 1 of thc
Place thc third arm insidc the doll's neck, thls will ruflle, From Row 1 to Row 7, work in row, chala 1 and
make the doll's neck strongcr, Tips: lt's easier if you turn at the cnd of each row. Begin with magenta.
use a stíck to stuff rhe third arrn inside the neck, Start íRow 1: (3 se, 1 inc) • rcpeat 6 times (30)
stuffing thc head and place safcty eyes between Rnd • Row 2: 3 se, 1 hdc, 6 de, 1 hdc, 8 se, 1 hdc, 6 de, 1 hdc,
52 and Rnd 53. ·1ne space between two holes that you ,3 se (30)
pul safery cycs is 9 stírches. When you have defined the , Row 3: 1 inc, 1 se, 1 inchdc , skip 8 sts, 1 inehdc, 6 se,
holes 10 place safety eyes, sew the eyelashes then add 1 inchdc , skip 8 srs, 1 inchdc, 1 se, 1 inc (20)
safety eyes , Row 4 - Row 7 : 20 se (20)
Rnd 68: ( 1 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 times ( 12) T11c dress has two layers, the under [ayer is crocheted
Rnd 69: 6 dcc (6) · with white, the outer is crochetcd with purple. The
Fasten off. 1111der layer Is crocheted 011 thc [ront loops of Row 7,
'tire outer is crocheted 011 the back loops of lfow 7. Each
, round is worked i11 round, slst to [oln tire round
The outer layer: chango the color to purple with tite
last stiteh of Row 7, chain 1 and turn at thc cnd of
each round.
Rnd l: ( 1 hdc, chain l) • repeat 20 times ( 20 hdc + 20
ehains , total 40 sis)
Rnd 2 - Rnd 3 : 40 hde (40)
Rnd 4: ( 1 hdc, 1 inchde) • repcat 20 times ( 60)
, Rnd 5 - Rnd 8: 60 hdc(60)

. . .. . . . . . . . . .¡ti,
~ 9 sts
~ Rnd 9: ( 5 hdc, 1 inchdc) ' repeat 10 times (70)
, Pasten off.
'1l1c undcr laycr: Bcgin with whitc. Chain 2 at thc
bcginning of ncw round.
'Rnd 1: (chain 2, l de, chain 2 in tite same stítch),
'(l de, chain 2) • repeat 19 times ( 20 de + 40 chains,
Begin with skin color.
. total 60 sts)
Rnd 1: chain 2, 6 se on the 1 st ehain. Cha in 1 and
i Rnd 2 - Rnd 6: 60 de (60)
turn (6)
'Slst and fasten off.
Rnd 2 : 6 se (6)
Sew yarn on thc dress.
Pasten off and leave a long tail.
Flower chains
Leaves chain:
Begln with green
(Chain 13, slst on the 2nd chain from the hook, 1
hdc, l se, slst) • repeat 12 times, chain 1 l.
Pasten off.

Pink chain : bcgín with pink, chain 130 and fasten

Flower : rnakc 1 wo
Bud : Begin with yellow:
Rnd 1: 5 se in the rnaglc ring (5)
Rnd 2: FLO (1sc,chain1) · repeat 5 times
Pasten off.
Petal : Working on thc back loops on Round l of
thc bud. Begin with white. Each peral is worked on a
loop: ( chain 3, 3 trcblc crochet, chain 2, slst) • rcpeat
5 times.
Sew rwo (lowcrs on ihe pink chalns with 20 chains in
berwcen. twist the pink chain and thc leaves chain to
makc a headband.
Begin with golden beige yarn, crochet loosely, lf you
crochet too tight, please use a O.S mm bígger than
normal hook ( highly recommend)
Rnd 1: 6 se on rhc magic ring (6)
Rnd 2: 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3: ( 1 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 times (18)
Rnd 4: ( 2 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 limes (24)
Rnd 5: ( 3 se, 1 ínc)" repeat 6 times (30)
Start crochet the hair-strands. There are 21 hair-
strands. After finished each strand ( abbreviation
Strand : S ), you will slst on a single crochet stitch on 17
Round S. From SI to S4 and SI 7 to S21, you wiU slst
the hair-strands in each continuous single crochet
stitch on Rnd S. SI and $19; $2 and $20 wíll be
crochctcd on sarne single crochet srltch on Rnd S. For 8
instance : S 1 slst on tite front loop, S 19 will be slst on

the back loop of tite 1 st sritch, do the sarne with other

pairs. From SS to S 16, whcn you finished each strands,
skip 1 stiteh and slst on thc next stltch on Rnd 5.
S 1 - 52 : Cha in 50. se on the 2nd chain from the hook,
48 se, slst ( 49}
S3 : Chain 12, se on the 2nd chain from the hook,
!Ose, slst (JI)
54 : Chain 4S, se on the 2nd chain from the hcok,
43 se, slst (44) 6 __i;}l
SS - $16 : Chain 46. hdc on the 3rd chain from the 5~
4 3 2 1
hook, 43 hdc, skíp 1 stand slst on the next st (44)
S 17: Chain 4S. se on the 2nd chain from the hook,
43 se. slst (4'1)
518: Chain 12, se on tite 2nd chain from the hook,
JO se, stsi ( ll)
519 - S21 : Chain 45 , se on lhe 2nd chain from the
hook, 43 se, slst ( 44)
Slst S21 on the stitch between 53 and S4.
Fasten off.
- Ear: sew the ears berween Rnd 51 and Rnd 54. The
space betwccn cyc and car is 6 sts.
- Sew the eyebrowns with light brown thread. Width:
4 sts, height : 1 st, betwcen eye and eycbrown is 3 sts.
- Sew nose with skin color yarn (4 rounds) between
Rnd 50 and Rnd 51. Width : 3 SIS.
- Sew the cyclids under the cye lashes with dark brown
- Sew the whitc of thc cycs with whitc yarn.
- Use pink blush makeup powder or ncrylic paint to
make thc rosy check on thc dolls chccks,
Dress: Scw iwo back-sides of rhe dress with magenta
Hair : Securc cach strand of halr in its appropriatc
poslrlon on rhe head using pins. Slowly rernove onc
strand al a time to apply fobric gluc and pin il back
down to dry. U1c wrong side of thc hair wlg is up.
- Rnd 1 will be on the cerner of the head,
- SIS is in front ofthe left car, S3 is in front ofthe rtght
- Sl7 cover the left car, S4 cover the rtght ear,
- 12 strands behind the ears ( From SS to Sl6)
- SI, S2, S 19, S20. S2 I are for the bangs.
- Braid the hair-strands with the flowers chain.

Arm ( make three) Rnd 23: 1 inc, 5 se, 1 inc, 6 se, 1 inc, 5 se. 1 inc, 6 se
(The third arm is placed inside the neck) (30)
Begin with skin color yarn. Rnd 24 - Rnd 25: 30 se (30)
Rnd 1: 7 se in ihe magic ring (7) Rnd 26: (3 se. 1 dec) • repeat 6 times (24)
Rnd 2- Rnd IS: 7 se (7) Changc to skin color with the la~t st of Rnd 26
Pasten off Rnd 27: 24 se (24)
Rnd 28: ( 2 se. l dec) : repeat 6timcs(18)
Leg ( make two) Rnd 29 - Rnd 34: 18 se (18) (6 rounds)
Right leg: Begin with black Rnd 3S: You will turn thrcc picces body and two
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7) arrns into one: 5 se on the body • 7 se on lefi arrn, 1 O
Rnd2:7inc {14) se on the body, 7 se on righr arrn, J se on the body
Rnd 3: 1 inc, 4 se, 4 inc • 4 se, l ine (20) (32 sts : 7 se on each arrn, 8 se on the back, 1 O se on
Rnd 4: 20 se (20) the chesr)
Change the color to light blue with the last st of Rnd4
Rnd S: BLO 1 dec, •I se, 1 dcc, 2 dcchdc, 1 dcc, 4 se.
1 dec(l4)
Rnd 6: 3 se, 1 dec, 2 dechdc, 1 dec, 3 se (10)
Rnd 7 - Rnd 13: 1 O se ( 1 O) ( 7 rounds)
Rnd 14: 9 se, l ine (11)
Rnd IS - Rnd 21: 11 se ( 11) (7 rounds)
Fasten off.
Left leg:
Do samc as right lcg until Rnd 21, stufling the lcgs.
Rnd 22: Join two legs into onc piccc: 11 se on lcft lcg, Rnd 36: ( 6 se, 1 dec) • repeat 4 timcs(28)
cha in 2, 1 se on thc Sth stiteh on right leg, 1 O se on Rnd 37: ( 5 se. l dcc) • rcpeai 4 times (24)
ríght leg, 2 se on the chain (24 se stitehcs and 2 chains, Rnd 38: (2 se, 1 dee) • repeat 6 times ( 18)
total: 26 sts ) Rnd 39: ( l se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times ( 12)
Start stuffing the body, do not stutfthe arrns.
Rnd 40 : (2 se, 1 dcc) • rcpcat 3 times (9)
Rnd 41 - Rnd 42: 9sc (9)
Continuc crochet thc head aftcr finished Round 42.
Rnd 43: 9 inc (18)
Rnd 44: ( 1 se, 1 ine )' rcpcat 9 times (27)
Rnd 4S: (2 se, 1 ínc): rcpcat 9 times (36)
Rnd 46: (5 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 times (42)
Rnd 47: (6 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 times (48)
Rnd 48: (7 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 times (54)
Rnd 49- Rnd 61: 54 se (54) ( 13 rounds) Dress
Rnd 62: (7 se, 1 dec)" rcpeat 6 limes (48) From row 1 to row 6, work in row, Chain l and turn al
Rnd 63: (6 se, 1 dec)" repeat 6 limes (42) the end of each row, Begín with light blue
Rnd 64: (5 se, 1 dec}' repeat 6 times (36) Row l: chain 19, start crochet at the 2•d chain from the
Rnd 65: (4 se, 1 dec)" repeat 6 times (30) hook: (2 se, 1 inc)•rcpcat 6 times (24)
Rnd 66: (3 se, 1 dec)" repeat 6 times (24) Row 2: (3 se, l ínc) • repeat 6 Limes (30)
Rnd 67: (2 se, t dec)" repeat 6 times (18) Row 3: 3 se. l hde, 6 de, l hdc, 8 se, 1 hdc, 6 de, l hdc,
Place the third arm inside the doU's neck, this wíll 3 se (30)
make the doll's neck stronger, Tips: lt's easier if you Change the color to black wíth the last st of Row 3
use a stick to sruff the third arm inside the neck. Start Row 4 : 1 inc, 1 se, 1 inchdc , skip 8 sts, 1 inchdc. 6 se,
stuffing ihe head and place safety eyes between Rnd l inchdc , skip 8 sis, 1 inchdc, l se, 1 ine (20)
52 and Rnd 53. The spacc betwccn two holes that you Row 5 : 20 hdc (20)
put safety eyes is 9 stítches. When you have defined rhe Change the color to dark blue with the last st of
holes to place safcty e yes, sew t he cyelashes thcn add Row 5
safery cyes Row 6: 20 hdc (20)
Rnd 68: ( 1 se, 1 dec)" repeat 6 times ( 12) Change the color to /J/11e. From 11ow, each round is
Rnd 69: 6 dec (6) worked in ro1111d, sis/ lo [oln tite round, chain l and
Pasten off. turu at tire beglnning o/ a 11ew ro1111d.
Rnd 1: Bl..0 ( 1 hde, ehain 1) • rcpcat 20 times ( 20 hdc
~ 20 ehains. total 40 srs)
Rnd 2 : 40 hde ( 40)
Rnd 3: ( 3 hdc, 1 inchdc) • repeat 1 O times (50)
Rnd 4 - Rnd 7: 50 hdc(SO}
Changc ihe color 10 black with thc last st of Rnd 7
Rnd 8 - Rnd 9: 50 se (SO)
Changc the color to bluc with the iast st of Rnd 9
Rnd 1 O: 50 se (SO)
Changc the color to black with thc last st of Rnd 1 O

. . . . . . . . . . .;t?
• ~
.. 9 sts
Rnd 11: Bl..O 50 se
Slst and fasten off.

Ear (make two)

Begin with skin color.
Rod l: ehain 2, 6 se on the 1 st ehain. Cha in 1 and
turn (6)
Rnd 2: 6 se (6)
Pasten off and le ave a long tai l.
Start crochet thc strings of thc drcss. \Vith black Embroider a snowflakc on the ccntcr of Row 4 with
yarn, start crochet al the 19th sutch on Row 6 light blue yarn, pink dots with 1 sritch in bctwcen.
(on the back- picture l},chain 12,slst on the 14th
sutch on Row 6 ( picture 2), slst through next 5 stitch-
es on Row 6 ( picture 3), chain 12 and slst on the 2nd
stitch on Row 6 ( picture 4). Pasten off.

Headband : wilh black yarn:

Chain 60 and fasten off.

Embroider on thc dress.

Embroider the snowflakes with light blue yarn
every 5 sritches on Round 8. Embroider dark pink
yam berween two snowflakes (2 rounds)
¡Hair Wig
Begin with crcam yarn. crochet loosely. lf you cro-
3 2
chet too ught, picase use a 0.5 mm blgger than normal
hook ( híghly recommend)
Rnd 1: 6 se on the magíc ring (6)
Rnd 2: 6 inc ( 12)
Rnd 3: ( 1 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 limes ( 18)
Rnd 4: ( 2 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 times (24)
Rnd 5: (FLO 3 se, 1 inc), (3 se, 1 inc) • repcar 5 times
(30) 6
5 4 !3
Start crochet the hair-strands.
The first layer has 19 hair-strands. After finished each
strand ( abbreviation Strand : S ), you will slst on a sin-
gle crochet stitch on Round S. From si to S6 you wiJI
slst the hair-strands in each continuous single crochet
stitch on Rnd S. 519 will be slst on the stitch berween
51 and 52. From 57 to 518, when you finished each
strands, sltip l stitch and slst on the next stitcb on
S l: Cha in 12. se on the 2nd cha in from the hook,
1 O se, slsi ( 1 1)
S2: Chain 8, se 011 thc 2nd chain from thc hook,
6 se. slst (7)
S3 - SS: Chain 9, se 011 thc 2nd chain from thc hook,
7 se, slst (8)
S6: Chain 12, se 011 thc 211d chain from the hook,
1 O se, slst ( 1 1)
S7 - Sl8 : Chaín 35, hdc on the 3rd chain from the
hook, 32 hdc, skíp l st and slst on the next st (33)
Sl9: Chain 8, se on the 2nd chain from the hook,
6 se, slst on the stirch between S 1 and S2. (7)
Pasten off.
The second layer: with a new cream yarn, from S20
to 525, you will crochet on the back loops of the first 5
stitches on Round 4, 524 and S25 slst on the sarne loop.
S20 - S25: Chain 40, hdc on the 3rd chain from the
hook, 37 hdc, slst (38). Fasten off.
• Ear: sew thc ears bctwccn Rnd 51 and Rnd 54. The

2 19
space between eye and ear is 6 sis. 17
- Sew the eyebrowns with light brown thread. Width:
4 sts, hcight : 1 st, bctween eye and eyebrown is 3 sts,
- Sew nose with skin color yarn (4 rounds) berween
Rnd 50 and Rnd 5 l. \\lidth: 3 sts.
- Sew the cyclids undcr the eye lashes wírh dark brown
- Scw the whitc ofthc eycs with white yam.
- Use pink blush makeup powder or acrylic paint to
make thc rosy check on thc doll's cheeks.
Dress: Sew two back-sídes oí the dress with blue yarn
Hair : Secure each strand ofhair in its appropriate
position on the head using pins. Slowly remove onc
8 6
strand at a time to apply fabric glue and pin it back
down 10 dry, the wrong sidc of the hair wig is up.
- Rnd 1 will be on the cerner of the head. • • •
- SI is in front ofthc lcft car, S6 is in front ofthc right
- 12 strands bchind rhc ears ( From S7 to S l 8)
- $2, S3. 54, SS, S 19 are for thc bangs,
- Braid the hair-strands and tic with black yarn


• • •

Arm ( make three) Rnd 23: 1 inc, 5 se, 1 inc, 6 se, 1 inc, 5 se, 1 inc, 6 se
(The third arm is placed inside the neck) (30)
Begín with skin color yarn. Rnd 24 - Rnd 25: 30 se (30)
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ring (7) Rnd 26: (3 se, 1 dec) • rcpeat 6 times (24)
Rnd 2 - Rnd 15: 7 se (7) Change to skin color with the last st of Rnd 26
Pasten off Rnd 27: 24 se (24)
Rnd 28: ( 2 se, 1 dec) • repeat 6 times{l8)
Leg ( make two) Rnd 29 - Rnd 34.: 18 se ( 18) (6 rounds)
Right lcg: Bcgin with black Rnd 35: You will turn three pieces body and rwo
Rnd 1: 7 se in the magic ri ng (7) arms into one: 5 se on the body. 7 se on left arrn, 10
Rnd 2: 7 inc ( 14) se on the body, 7 se on right arrn, 3 se on the body
Rnd 3: 1 inc, 4 se, 4 inc, 4 se, 1 inc (20) (32 sis : 7 se on each arru, 8 se on the back, 1 O se on
Rnd 4: 20 se (20) the chesr)
Change the color to light green with the last st of Rnd
Rnd 5: BLO 1 dec, 4 se, l dec, 2 dcchdc, 1 dec, 4 se,
l dce(l4)
Rnd 6: 3 se. l dec, 2 dechdc. l dec, 3 se ( l O)
Rnd7-Rnd 13: lOsc(lO) (7rounds)
Rnd 14: 9 se. l inc ( l l)
Rnd 15-Rnd21: 11 se ( 11) (7 rounds)
Pasten off.
Lcft leg:
Do sarne as rlght lcg until Rnd 21, stuffing the lcgs. Rnd 36: ( 6 se, 1 dec) " repeat 4 times(28)
Rnd 22: Joi u t wo legs into one piece : 11 se on left leg, Rnd 37: ( 5 se, 1 dcc) • repcat 4 times (24)
chain 2, 1 se on the 5th sHtch on ríght lcg, 10 se on Rnd 38: (2 se. 1 dec) · repcat 6 t irncs ( 18)
right leg, 2 se on the chain (24 se stltches and 2 chains, Rnd 39: ( 1 se, 1 dce) • repcat 6 times ( 12)
total : 26 SIS ) Start stufTing the body, do not stuff the arms.
Rnd 40: (2 se, 1 dec) • rcpeat 3 times (9)
Rnd 41 - Rnd 42: 9sc (9)
Continue crochet ihc hcad cflcr finíshcd Round 42.
Rnd 43: 9 inc (18)

Rnd 44: ( 1 se, 1 ínc )' repeai 9 times (27)
Rnd 45: (2 se, 1 inc)" rcpcat 9 times (36)
Rnd 46: (5 se, 1 inc)" rcpeat 6 times (42)
Rnd47: (6 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 times (48)
Rnd 48: (7 se, 1 inc)" repeat 6 times (54)

. • • t{ • ti • ., '·

Rnd 49- Rnd 61: 54 se (54) ( 13 rounds) Dress
Rnd 62: (7 se, 1 dee)' repeat 6 times (48) Frorn Rnd 10 Rnd, work in row, Chain 1 and turn at
Rnd 63: (6 se, 1 dec)' rcpcat 6 times (42) the cnd of cach row, Bcgin with light blue
Rnd 64: (5 se, 1 dcc)' repcat 6 times (36) Row 1: chain 19, srart crochet al the 2•• chain from rhe
Rnd 65: (4 se, 1 dee)' repeat 6 times (JO) hook : (2 se. 1 inc)'repeal 6 times (24)
Rnd 66: (3 se, 1 dcc)" repeat 6 times (24) Row 2: (3 se, 1 inc) • rcpcat 6 limes (30)
Rnd 67: (2 se, Idee)' rcpeat 6 times (18) Row 3: 3 se. 1 hdc, 6 de, 1 hdc, 8 se, 1 hdc, 6 de, 1 hdc,
Place the third arrn lnsíde thc doll's neck, this will 3 se (30)
muke rhe doll's neck stronger, Tips: lt's easier if you Change the color lo black with the last st of Row 3
use a stick to stuff the third arm inside the neck. Start Row 4 : 1 inc, 1 se, 1 inchdc , skip 8 sis, 1 inchdc, 6 se,
sruffing thc head and place safcry cyes between Rnd 1 inchdc , skíp 8 sis, 1 inchdc, 1 se, 1 inc (20)
52 and Rnd 53. The space between two holes that you Row 5 : 20 hdc (20)
put safety eyes is 9 stitches. When you have defined the Changc the color to dark green with the last st of Row
boles to place safery eyes, sew the eyelashes then add 5
safety eyes Row 6: 20 hdc (20)
Rnd 68: ( 1 se, 1 dec): repeat 6 times ( 12) Change the color to green. Prom "º"'• each round is
Rnd 69: 6 dec (6) worked in ro1111d, slst to join the ro1111d, choin l and
Fastcn off. turu al tire beginning of a uew round,
Rnd 1: BLO ( 1 hdc, chain 1) • rcpcat 20 times ( 20 hdc
t 20 chaíns • total 40 sts)
Rnd 2 : 40 hdc ( 40)
Rnd 3: ( 3 hdc, 1 inchdc) • rcpcat 1 O times (SO)
Rnd 4 • Rnd 9: 50 hdc(SO)
Slst and fastcn off.

.."....... ..
• • 9 sts

Ear (make two)

Begin with skin color.
Rnd 1: chain 2, 6 se on the tst chain. Chain 1 and
turn (6)
Rnd 2: 6 se (6)

Fasten off and leave a long tail.

.. "'• • •
.. . ..
- Ear: scw rhc ears bctwcen Rnd 51 ami Rnd 54. The
space bciwecn eye and car is 6 sts,
- Sew thc cyebrowns with dark brown thread. Width:
4 sts, height : 1 st, berwecn cye and cyebrown is 3 sis.
- Sew nosc wilh skin color yarn (4 rounds) between
Rnd 50 and Rnd 51. Width : 3 SIS.
- Sew the eyelids under the cye lashes with dark brown
- Scw the whíte of the eyes with white yarn.
- Use pink blush makeup powder or acrylic painl to
make the rosy check on the doll's cheeks.
Dress: Sew two back-sides of thc dress with green yarn
Hair: Secure each strand of hair in ns appropriate
posuíon on thc hcad using pins. Slowly rernovc one
strand al a time to apply fabric glue and pin it back
down lo dry, the wrong side of the hair wig is up.
- Rnd 1 wilt be on thc ccnter of thc head.
-SIS is in fronl ofthc lcñ car, SS is in front ofthc right
- 12 strands bchind the ears ( Frorn S610S17)
- S l ,S2, S3, 54, S 19 are for the bangs.
- 520 is bct wccn SS and S6
- Divide hair strands ímo rwo parts and tie cach part
with green yarn .

- .. • •

' ..

• • • • .. .. - .'

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