Cancer immunotherapy encompasses a wide range of treatment modalities that harness the anti-tumor effects of the immune system and
have revolutionized oncological treatment in recent years, with approval for its use in more and more cancers. However, it is not without side
effects. Several neurological adverse events have been recognized associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) and chimeric antigen
receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, the two main classes of cancer immunotherapy. With the increase in the prevalence of oncological diseases
and this type of therapy, it is improbable that neurologists, oncologists, hematologists, and other healthcare professionals who deal with
cancer patients will not encounter this type of neurologic complication in their practice in the following years. This article aims to review the
epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of neurological complications associated with ICI and CAR T-cell therapy.
Keywords: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors; Immunotherapy, Adoptive; Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions; Neurologic
Manifestations; Neuromuscular Diseases.
A imunoterapia contra o câncer engloba uma gama de modalidades de tratamento que aumentam os efeitos antitumorais do próprio
sistema imunológico do paciente e revolucionaram o tratamento oncológico nos últimos anos, com aprovação para seu uso em cada vez mais
neoplasias. No entanto, não é sem efeitos colaterais. Vários eventos adversos neurológicos foram reconhecidos associados aos inibidores de
checkpoint imunológico (ICI) e à terapia de células T com receptor de antígeno quimérico (CAR-T), as duas principais classes de imunoterapia
contra o câncer. Com o aumento da prevalência de doenças oncológicas e desse tipo de terapia, é improvável que neurologistas, oncologistas,
hematologistas e demais profissionais de saúde que lidam com pacientes com câncer não encontrem esse tipo de complicação neurológica
em sua prática nos próximos anos. Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar a epidemiologia, as manifestações clínicas, o diagnóstico e o manejo
das complicações neurológicas associadas à terapia com ICI e células CAR-T
Palavras-chave: Inibidores de Checkpoint Imunológico; Imunoterapia Adotiva; Efeitos Colaterais e Reações Adversas Relacionados a
Medicamentos; Manifestações Neurológicas; Doenças Neuromusculares.
Universidade de São Paulo, Hospital das Clinicas, Departamento de Neurologia, São Paulo SP, Brazil.
Universidade de São Paulo Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo, Departamento de Neurologia, Sao Paulo SP, Brazil.
Correspondence: Marcelo Houat de Brito; Email: [email protected].
Conflict of interest: There is no conflict of interest to declare.
Received on March 15, 2022; Accepted on April 29, 2022.
other healthcare professionals who deal with cancer patients melanoma than other cancers10,15. There seems to be no dif-
will not encounter this type of neurologic complication in their ference between sex and age when comparing patients who
practice in the years that follow. used ICI and had neurological complications with those who
This article will review the epidemiology, clinical manifes- did not15. Symptom onset is most frequent in the first three to
tations, diagnosis, and management of neurological complica- four months after ICI initiation, although it may occur at any
tions associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) and time during the treatment3.
chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, two of the main Among the proposed pathophysiological mechanisms for
classes of cancer immunotherapy. the emergence of irAE is (1) a shift toward the pro-inflamma-
tory profile of T lymphocytes dominated by Th1/Th17 differ-
IMMUNE CHECKPOINT INHIBITORS (ICI) entiation that increases the production of pro-inflammatory
cytokines, (2) autoreactive antibody production, (3) activation
Immune checkpoint inhibitors are a class of antineoplastic of potentially pre-existing self-reactive T cells, and (4) cross-
drugs that enhance antitumor immune responses through the reactivity between normal tissue antigens and tumor neo-
upregulation of T-cell activity. They are specific monoclonal antigens16. There seem to be cases of both patients who start to
antibodies that block receptors that inhibit the T-cell response, develop autoimmune phenomena and cases of exacerbation of
the so-called inhibitory immune checkpoints. The main tar- already-present clinically manifested or latent autoimmunity,
gets of these medications are cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen since the documentation of worsening of immune-mediated
4 (CTLA-4) receptor, programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) recep- neurological diseases after the use of ICI (e.g., multiple sclerosis
tor, and programmed cell death 1 ligand (PD-L1), which are relapse), as well as the presence of autoantibodies associated
molecules that ultimately break the T-cell immune-mediated with immune-mediated neurological diseases in several cases
response4. Their blockage has led to persistent and generalized of nirAE (e.g., presence of antibodies related to a paraneoplastic
activation of the humoral and cellular adaptative immune sys- neurological syndrome)3,10,12,16.
tem, enhancing antitumor immunity5. A recent systematic review gathered the cases of nirAE
There are currently seven ICIs approved for clinical use: present in publications, verifying the most frequent forms of
the anti-CTLA-4 ipilimumab; the anti-PD-1 pembrolizumab, presentation. Myositis (32%) was the most frequent neurologi-
nivolumab, and cemiplimab; and the anti-PD-L1 atezolizumab, cal complication, followed by peripheral neuropathies (22%),
avelumab, and durvalumab6. They have shown clinically effec- myasthenic syndrome (14%), encephalitis (13%), cranial neu-
tive antitumor response and improved survival for melanoma, ropathy (7%), central nervous system (CNS) demyelinating
non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), renal cell carcinoma, as disease/myelopathy ( 4%), and aseptic meningitis (3%)10. From
well as for an increasing number of other indications. However, now on, we will review the particularities of each of these clini-
because of their effect in activating the immune system, they cal presentations and cite other less frequent presentations
are associated with immune-related adverse events (irAE). The already reported. Table 1 summarizes the main forms of nirAEs’
most common irAEs are reactions involving the gastrointesti-
epidemiology, clinical manifestations and diagnostic workup.
nal tract, endocrine glands, skin, and liver7. Most of these are
mild and can be treated with symptomatic medications, but
some require interruption or discontinuation of the ICI and Myositis
the use of IV steroids or other immunosuppressive drugs (e.g., The most frequent form of nirAE can range from increases
infliximab for colitis)8. in creatine kinase (CK) with few symptoms to severe, life-
Although less frequent than other systems, neurologic threatening cases, such as respiratory muscle involvement or
irAEs (nirAE) may be severe and require prompt recognition necrotizing myopathy evolving with rhabdomyolysis3,17. The
and treatment9,10. A 2019 pharmacovigilance study from the most common presentation is a limb-girdle pattern of muscu-
Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database found a 7.67% lar weakness associated with myalgia involving predominantly
incidence of any nirAE in patients who used ICI11. In a real-life proximal muscles. The involvement of ocular muscles, mainly
study, with data from over 1,800 patients undergoing ICI ther- ptosis, and bulbar muscles are also frequent. Facial and neck
apy, the frequency of severe (Common Terminology Criteria muscle involvement, respiratory dysfunction, and myocarditis
for Adverse Events grade 3–5) nirAE was 2.2% among patients are more common in ICI-associated myopathy than in other
treated with CTLA-4 inhibitors, 1.0% among patients receiv- inflammatory myopathies, such as polymyositis or dermato-
ing PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors, and 2.8% among patients receiv- myositis10. Myocarditis can occur in up to 32% of cases of ICI-
ing combined treatment with drugs targeting the PD-1 and related myositis, and it is important to perform cardiologic
CTLA-4 pathways12. As seen in previous statistics, anti-CTLA4 evaluation in patients with this condition, including myocardial
was more associated with nirAE than other ICIs, with this risk enzymes, electrocardiogram, and echocardiogram17,18.
being greater the higher the dose, or if use is associated with In addition to increases in CK, the diagnostic workup may
anti-PD1, this also increases the chance of more severe symp- find a pattern of myopathy on electromyography (EMG) and
toms13,14. NirAE appears to be more frequent in patients with muscle edema and other findings compatible with myositis
-Proximal muscular
-↑ serum CK and aldolase
weakness with myalgia
-EMG: myopathic pattern
-Ptosis, dysphagia
-Ab: SM, AChr (not frequent)
Myositis 32% -Facial and neck 17%
-Muscle biopsy: lymphocyte infiltration
-MNM, EKG, Echo: assess concomitant
-Respiratory dysfunction
-Ocular myasthenia
-NCS with repetitive nerve stimulation
-Generalized myasthenia
-EMG with single-fiber evaluation
Myasthenic syndromes 14% -Myositis / myocarditis 28%
-Ice pack test (when ptosis is present)
-Ab: AChr, VGCC
-Sensory neuronopathy
-CSF: albuminocytologic dissociation or
-Miller-Fisher syndrome
pleocytosis with high protein
-Others: Phrenic
Peripheral neuropathy 22% -Ab: rarely positive, GM1 more common 11%
neuropathy, vasculitic
-MRI: contrast enhancement in nerve
neuropathy, small fiber
roots, plexus, and/or cranial nerves in
neuropathy, enteric
neuropathy, neuralgic
amyotrophy, motor
neuropathy, Mononeuritis
-Facial nerve palsy
-Vestibulocochlear nerve
impairment -CSF: albuminocytologic dissociation or
-Trigeminal nerve pleocytosis with high protein
Cranial neuropathy 7% impairment -MRI: contrast enhancement in affected 0%
-Oculomotor nerve palsy. cranial nerves
-Multiple cranial -NCS (facial palsy)
-MRI: Mesial temporal lobes, basal ganglia,
-Altered mental status, cortico-subcortical, and/or brainstem areas of
cognitive impairment, increased signal in T2/FLAIR
Encephalitis 13% seizures, psychiatric -CSF: mild pleocytosis, elevated protein, OCB+ 21%
disturbances and/or -EEG: diffuse slow activity; epileptic or slow-
movement disorders wave activity involving focal cerebral regions
-Ab (CSF and serum): Ma2, Hu, others
nirAE: neurologic immune-related adverse events; CK: creatine kinase; EMG: electromyography; Ab: antibody; SM: striatal muscle; AChr: acetylcholine
receptor; MNM: myocardial necrosis markers; EKG: electrocardiogram; Echo: echocardiogram; LEMS: Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome; NCS: nerve
conduction study; VGCC: voltage-gated calcium channel; GBS: Guillain-Barré syndrome; CIDP: chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; CSF:
cerebrospinal fluid; GM1: ganglioside-monosialic acid; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; FLAIR: fluid-attenuated inversion recovery OCB: oligoclonal bands;
EEG: electroencephalogram; MS: multiple sclerosis; NMOSD: neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder; AQP4: aquaporin 4.
on muscle magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)10,17. Histological Most patients received steroid treatment, which in some
analyses of muscle biopsy typically demonstrate infiltration of cases, especially in the refractory ones, had the addition of other
the muscle tissue with lymphocytes3. Antibodies (Ab) associ- immunomodulatory therapies, such as intravenous immuno-
ated with myositis are found in just over a third of cases, the globulin (IVIG), plasma exchange (PLEX), azathioprine, myco-
most common being anti-striated muscle (SM), followed by phenolate, tacrolimus, infliximab, and cyclosporine10,12,19. Partial
anti-acetylcholine receptor (AChr)10. or complete improvement is seen in the majority of the cases.
a: oral corticosteroids could be tapered down within 4-8 weeks depending on symptom severity; b: limited evidence, based on individual case reports of each
specific neurologic syndrome; CTCAE: common terminology criteria for adverse events; ICI: immune checkpoint inhibitor; ADL: activities of daily living; IVIG:
intravenous immunoglobulin; PLEX: plasma exchange.
endogenous or infused T cells50. Its incidence varies depending presence of ICANS and the severity of CRS53,56,57. As there are
on the neoplasm and the therapy used; it may reach up to 100% described cases of ICANS without CRS, it cannot be said that
with mild symptoms and up to 46% in the cases with grade 3 the pathophysiology of one is necessarily related to the other.
or greater symptoms51. CRS usually begins with fever, myalgia, Reports have suggested a role for IL-1 in pathophysiology of
rigors, and fatigue within the first one to 14 days following CAR both CRS and ICANS; IL-6 does not seem to be directly related
T-cell infusion and can include hypotension, vascular leak, to ICANS since its blockade, one of the hallmarks of CRS treat-
hypoxia, and/or end organ dysfunction. These manifestations ment, does not decrease the incidence of neurotoxicity and may
may be progressive and can last two to three weeks, although be linked to a slightly higher severe ICANS rate46,58. The main
this is often resolved sooner with optimal management46,52. proposed mechanisms that lead to CAR T-cell neurotoxicity
CRS treatment is made with corticosteroids and tocilizumab, are endothelial activation and disruption of the blood-brain
a monoclonal antibody that blocks the IL-6 receptor, one of barrier integrity3,56. Myeloid cell activation in the CNS and high
the significantly elevated cytokines in patients with this syn- CSF levels of excitatory glutamate and quinolinic acid have
drome. Siltuximab, which also acts on the IL-6 pathway, is already been documented in ICANS; the latter can be impli-
another option that can be used51. Although it is not a directly cated in epileptogenesis46,57.
neurological adverse event, it is important to know about CRS ICANS usually occurs within the first 28 days after the CAR
because there may be an overlap of part of its pathophysiol- T-cell infusion, often occurring during CRS or more commonly
ogy with that of the neurotoxicity associated with CAR T-cell, shortly after it ends46. Symptoms appear on average three days
which will be better addressed from now on. after the infusion and last for about two weeks3. Its typical pre-
sentation is similar to another toxic-metabolic encephalopathy,
with lack of attention, confusion, myoclonus, and word-finding
Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity difficulty. Initially, symptoms may be mild, waxing and wan-
syndrome (ICANS) ing. However, they may progress in hours to a few days to more
Neurotoxicity associated with CAR T-cell therapy is known severe forms, such as global aphasia, seizures, motor weakness,
as immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome diffuse cerebral edema, and coma3,46. Aphasia, ranging from mild
(ICANS) and occurs with high frequency3,46,49,52. The incidence fluency alteration to global aphasia with mutism, is perhaps
in studies with CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapies ranges from the most specific symptom of this syndrome, which helps to
23%–67% for patients with lymphoma and 40%–62% for those differentiate it from other types of toxic-metabolic encepha-
with leukemia. About half of these cases are severe, grade 3 or lopathy46,57. It is important to mention that high-grade ICANS
more49. ICANS appears to be much less frequent in BCMA- was associated with bleeding and coagulation abnormalities,
targeted treatment of multiple myeloma and no toxic death including prolonged prothrombin time, decreased fibrinogen,
due to ICANS has been reported in trials in patients with MM, and increased d-dimer; it was also related to thrombosis, mainly
but there are some reports of severe cases53. Similar neurotox- deep vein thrombosis, but strokes have also been reported59.
icity, usually grade 1 or 2, has also been reported using another Diagnostic workup is made through neurological exami-
type of cancer immunotherapy, the CD19/CD3-bispecific T-cell nation including fundoscopy to exclude papilledema, EEG,
receptor-engaging antibody blinatumomab, used for relapsed/ neuroimaging, and lumbar puncture in some cases, in the
refractory ALL; this therapy is also related to CRS3,46,54. absence of contraindications53,60. Although most EEG findings
CRS is more common than ICANS, and most of the patients are nonspecific, such as diffuse slow activity, this test is impor-
with ICANS also present a CRS55. This leads us to think that tant to rule out nonconvulsive status or subclinical seizures46.
the two conditions have a pathophysiological overlap, includ- Neuroimaging, preferably MRI, is helpful in ruling out other acute
ing previous studies demonstrating a relationship between the neurologic abnormalities, such as ischemic or hemorrhagic
Table 3. Immune Effector Cell-Associated Encephalopathy (ICE) score to neurological toxicity assess50.
Test Points
Orientation: orientation to year, month, city and hospital 4
Naming: name three objects (i.e., point to pen, clock and table) 3
Following commands: ability to follow simples commands (i.e.,
“smile”, “show me two fingers”
Writing: ability to write a standard sentence 1
Attention: ability to count backwards from 100 by 10 1
Table 4. The American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (ASTCT) grading system49 with respective management
strategy for Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS) – [adapted from Zhou, et al.52].
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
ICE score 7-9 3-6 0-2 Unable to perform
Depressed Unarousable or requires vigorous or
Awakens Awakens Awakens only to tactile
level of repetitive tactile stimuli to arouse. Stupor
spontaneously to voice stimulus
consciousness or coma
Any clinical seizure that
Life-threatening prolonged seizure (>5 min)
resolves rapidly or non-
Seizure No No or repetitive clinical or electrical seizures
convulsive seizures on EEG
without return to baseline in between
that resolve with intervention
Deep focal motor weakness such as
Motor findings No No No
hemiparesis or paraparesis
Diffuse cerebral edema on neuroimaging;
Elevated ICP/ Focal/local edema decerebrate or decorticate posturing; or
No No
cerebral edema on neuroimaging cranial nerve VI palsy; or papilledema; or
Cushing’s triada
ICU Alert ICU Transfer to ICU Transfer to ICU Transfer to ICU
Alert neurologist, elevate the head of the patient’s bed to 30°, management of CRS if concurrent
Dexamethasone Dexamethasone IV 20 Management of seizure as per grade 3. If
IV 10mg every 6 mg every 6 h. If seizure, papilledema, start acetazolamide IV (or
h, and consider clonazepam IV 1mg or enteral if IV form not available) 1,000 mg
levetiracetam other benzodiazepines to followed by 250–1,000 mg bid. If elevated
Management 750 mg bid as terminate it, then loading ICP/cerebral edema, consider hyperosmolar
prophylaxis for with levetiracetam (or other therapy with mannitol and hyperventilation.
seizures available IV AED) Methylprednisolone IV 1,000 mg/d.
Evaluation of other experimental salvage
a: Irregular, decreased respirations, Bradycardia, Systolic hypertension; CRS: cytokine release syndrome; ICE: immune effector cell associated encephalopathy;
ICP: intracranial pressure; ICU: intensive care unit; IV: intravenous; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; AED: antiepileptic drug.
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