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Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Examination (2019 Schemel


Time: 3 Hours
Total Maks: 100
(1S230 marks)
rald male who is dabetic for the last 15 years developed pufiness of face rRrent)y
uter it spread to other parts of the body and now he has
but there is frothing
generalited oedena His urine iceat
al What is the most probable diagnosis? (1)
bl What are the pathalogical changes expected in the affected organ? (3)
d Enumerate other etiologies involved in this particular diagnosis? 2)
How do
d How do you investigate? (3)
e) Give the treatment plan. (3)
f What are the complications expected?(3)
2) 65 year old smoker is admitted with abrupt onset dyspnea. He was
smoking since the age of 20
years and stopped 5 years back when he started developing effort intolerance with cough with
scanty Mucold sputum.
a) Give two most important causes for new onset symptoms(2)
b) How do you differentiate these 2 causes clinically?3)
c) What are the findings expected in X-ray chest in bothconditions?(3)
d) What could be reason for last 5 year symptoms?(1)
e) Elaborate the line of management in any one of the condition(3)
5 What are the complications expected in the condition which you have selected? (3)
Short essays: (8Sx40 marks)
3) CNS manifestations of HIV infection
4) Clinical features of Chronic Kidney disease
5) Diagnosis of acute rheunatic fever
6) 40 year old bus conductor is diagnosed to have sputum positive pulmonary tuberculosis. How do
you counsel regarding treatment and prognosis?
7) Clinical features and investigations in scrub typhus
Short notes: (SX4-20marks )
8) Investigations in covid 19
9) Decontamination in poisoing
10) Clinical features of portal hypertension
11) Treatment of hyperkalemia
12) Statins
Precise Answers (1x10-10marks)
13) Name 4 autosomal doninant diseases
14) Name 4 signs in megalobastic anemia.
15) Write 4 causes of acute headache
16) Write4 causes of hypoxemia
erythema nodosum
17) Write 2 causes of
18) Lights criteria
19) Components of Horner's syndrome
raised intracranial pressure
20) 2 symptoms and 2 signs in
in carcinoma bronchue
21) Enumerate 4endocrine Para neoplastic syndrame
22) Name 2 insulin sensitizing drugs
Third Professional MBBS (Part is
eegree Examination 2019 Scheme
General Medicine I1
Answer Al auestions
Essays: (15 marks x 2u30) 3HOURSs
4 vear mmale admitted with
fever, tiredness and joint pans of 2Z
three wecks prior to this Had weeks. had a dental orocedure
dyspnoea and syncope for many years He is not following soro throat in childhood. He has paloitations.
al Discuss the diagnosis or differential diagnosis for any medications
his current illness
from chidhood
h Mention 2 signs in his and admission 3
hand, one in abdomen and gne in cvs, in the
you thought of 2 most probable diaonosis
e What investigations you will do in this patient
and mention the expected
d). How will you treat the current clinical condition 3 abnormalities in thone 3
e) Do vou feel that he has
receivgd optimum medical care from childhood til the
What measures or treatment you
woud have adopted if he was under your care dental exdraction
2.A35 year lady, multipara, vegetarian with all these times 4
and tiredness She has pica, perianal menorrthagia is admitted with exertional breathlessness
itching and numbness feet Husband is alcoholic and not
taking care of the family
a). From the history,. discuss the probable
b). What clinical signs you will look for to
clinical problems in this patient 3
c), What investigations you will do and
confim your history diagnosis. 3
mention the expected abnormalities in this patient 3
d). How will you treat her 3
e), Communicate and counsel the family members in view of the current problems in the family 3
Short Essays: (8 marks x 5 m40)
3.Puerperal psychiatric disorders
5.Secondary Syphilis
6.Sheehan's syndrome
7.Guttate psoriasis
Short Answers: (5 marks x 4 =20)
8.Promyelocytic leukaemia
9.Draw and label Portal vein and its tributaries and branches
10.Treatment of uncomplicated vivax malaria
11.investigations ina suspected case of Tuberculogis
Precise Answers: (1mark x0 =10)
12.Mention 4 treatable causes of dementia
13.What is rheumatoid factor?
14.Mention 3clinical features and one useful blood test in
15.What is Lyonization and Barr body?
Termporal arteritis
16.What is BODE index and its use?
drugs to treatt
17.Four important I measures including action
18.SGLT2 inhibitors: name one, site of anaphylactic
mechanism of actionshock
and uses
19.Four complicationss oof thyroidectomy
20.Treatment of Multibacillary leprosy: merogs and duration
21.Guillain Barre Syndrome 2 important invesgatione and 2
treatment modalities

Date &Time : 08/01/2024 3 Hours

Max Marks: 100
1. 45 Year old lady presented with lump in the (2*15 = 30)
left breast. On examination a 5*6 cm hard
lump with Peaud orange appearance was seen.
Examination of axilla - twO mobile
axillary lymph nodes were present.
a). What is the probable
b). How will you investigate case
c).Briefly describe management of this case
2. Define Shock and elaborate it's classification, describe pathophysiology and add a
note on resuscitation in shock.
Short Essay
3. Grave's disease (5*8=40)
A. Complications of blóod transfusion
5. Investigations in a case of peripheral occlusive arterial disease
6. Pheochromocytoma
7. Malignant melanoma
Short answers (4*5=20)
8. Cystic hygroma
9. Necrotizing Fasciitis
10. Rule of 12 in thyroid swelling
11. Frey's syndrome
Precise Answers
12. Define systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) (10*1=10)
13.) Mention two pathological types of intestinal tuberculosis
14.Surgical procedure of choice for
congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
15. Mention two metabolic complications of parenteral
16. Name two vascular birthmarks
17. Parkland formula in fluid resuscitation
18. Namne two endothermal ablation technique for
treatment of
19.Name the criteria for predicting pulmonary embalism varicose vein
20.Two causes for blood stained nipple discharpe
21. Tumor marker ofmedullary carcinoma thyroid
Section BOrthopaedics
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever
Essay [6]
1. A14-year- old boy with swelling of distal
a 3 months history of pain and
thigh of 6 years duration presents with
swelling and a recent increase in size. There is no
history of truma. Patient is moderately built.
tender swelling localized to distal metaphysisExamination
of femur.
reveals a firm to hard
1. Give the probable diagnosis ?
2. Mention the Radiological features? [1]
3. Outline its Treatment? [2]

Short essay
2. Clinical & Radiological features of
3. Enumerate the complications of
osteoarthritis of knee joint
supracondylar fracture of humerus
4. Diagnosis of hip dysplasia in Newborns.

Short notes
5. Classifications of Nerve injuries
6. Patella tap

Precise answers
7. Name two test for lateral epicondylitis
8. Mention the stages of Tuberculosis of hip
9. Pen test is used for
10. Stages of fracture healing
11, Codmans triagle in X-ray is seen in
12.Mention the Displacement in Colles fracture

Date &Time: 10.01.24 3 Hours Max .Marks: 70

Section A- (General Surgery including Anesthesiology Dental Sciences and Radiodiagn0siS )

Essay (2x10=20)
1. A 60 Year old female presented with a complaint of
multiple episodes of vomiting
immediately after food intake. On examination she has an upper abdominal mass with
visible gastricperistalsis and succussion splash
a).Mention. the probable diagnosis
b).How will you investigate
c).Briefly describe the management
2. A56 Year old male presented to the casualty with painful swelling over the right
groin with
multiple episodes of vomiting, abdominal distention and constipation. He had a swelling in
the right groin which increases in size on straining and disappears on lying down before the
onset of current complaints.
a).Mention probable diagnosis
b).what are the probable complications if this is left untreated
c).Describe the management
Short Essay (4x6=24)
3. Hematuria - differential diagnosis ,investigation management
4. Meckel's diverticulum
5. Hypernephroma
6. MRI

Short answers (4x4=16)

7. Adamantínoma
8. Mallampati scoring system
9. Spinal anaesthesia
10. Dumping syndrome
Precise answer (2x5=10)
11. Japanese classification of gastric carcinoma
12. Alvarado scoring system
13.Ogilvie syndrome
14. Goodsall's rule
15. Dentigerous cyst
Department of Obstetrics &Gynaecology
CBME - 2019(Phase III Part -I1
Model Exam(12.01.2024)
Time: 10am-1pm) Subject: Obstetrics and Social Obstetrics Max Marks:100

Long Essay(2x15=30 Marks)

1) A 26year old primigravida at 32 weeks ofpregnancy presents with
bleeding P/V. O/E uterus
corresponds to 32 weeks relaxed, FHS good.
a. Mention differential diagnosis (2)
b. What are the complications patient can have ( 3)
c. How will you manage (5)
d. What is DIC and how will you manage (5)
2) Amultigravida following fullterm normal delivery had excessive bleeding P/V soon after patient
was pale, PR is 140/mt, BP-70/50mmHg,uterus was at level of umbilicus flabby.
a) What are the causes of primary PPH?(3)
b)What is the initial management for this patient? (4)
c)What is the non surgical management for this patient (4)
d) Explain the surgical management of this patient(4)
SHORT ESSAY (5x8=40)
3) A28 year old Primi with critical mitral value stenosis presents to the OPD with shortness of
breath at 8 weeks gestation .How willyou manage.
4) A35 year old G3P2L2 at 8 weeks amenorrhoea presents in shock. O/E Pallor++, P/A -
distended P/V uterus bulky and cervical motion tenderness is presenl.
a) How will youmanage this case
b)What are the investigations to be sent
Fetal complications in multiple pregnancy.
6 Diagnosis of fetal growth restriction.
) Screening for GDM.
8. Hematological changes in pregnancy
9. Active management of third stage of labour
A0.Adherent placenta
ACauses of first trimester bleeding
T2.Cervical insufficiency
SHORT ANSWERS1x8=8marks)
B Presentation when engaging diameter is mentovertical
14.Maximum amniotic fluid is at which week of pregnancy
15.$peigelberg criteria is used for diagnosis of..
16. Name one genital infection asso ciated with preterm labour/
A. Most specific anomaly in infant of diabetic mother
18.Signs and symptoms ofimpending eclampsia?
9Antidote for Mgso4 toxicility
20. The earliest sign on ultrasound in fetal hydrops?
DRAW &LABEL(2x1=2marks)
21. AP diameters of inlet
22.Abnormalities of placenta and cord insertion
CBME - 2019(Phase III Part -II
Model Exam(15.0 1.2024)
Time: 10am-1pm) Subject: Gynaecology and family welfare Max Marks:100

Long Essay(2x15=30 Marks)

1)A 58year old post menopausal lady of BMI: 35, known case of T2 DM, Hypertension, presents to
OPD with post menopausal bleeding since 2 wks
a. Most probable diagnosis (1)
b. Risk factors for the same ( 2)
c. Differential diagnosis of this condition(3)
d. investigation and how do you evaluate(4)
e) How will you manage this condition(5)
2) A60year P3L3 menopause attained 8years ago, h/o mass coming down p/v and urinary
a) Most probable diagnosis (1)
b) Differential diagnosis (3)
c) Recent classification of the same(3)
d)Investigation and management of the case(4)
e)Surgical complications of the same(Immediate and late) (4)
SHORT ESSAY (5x8=40)
3) A 40 year P2 L2, 2 FTND ,c/0 severe dysmenorrhoea, HMB x 3 months duration and low
backache. 0/E Hb -10gm%.P/A Mass anyone 14 weeks gravid size. Two causes of this condition
and management of anyone of them.
4) A48 year P3L3 , h/o post coital bleeding 3weeks, o/e friable soft growth seen on anterior lip
of the cervix which bleeds to touch. Risk factors and staging of this condition.
5) A14 year old girl presently to OPD with c/o not attained menarche, and c/o cyclically lower
abdominal pain. O/E - L/E - bluish membrane bulging seen+
a) What is the diagnosis and how do you treat this condition
6) A 20 year old unmarried girl come to casualty with tender cystic midline mass on P/A
examination. Diagnosis (Probable) and differential diagnosis. Management and counselling of this
7) A 28 year old P1 L1 not desifing pregnancy gives h/o unprotected sexual intercourse. What
options can you suggest for emefgency contraception. How do you counsel her for the same?
8. Chocolate cyst
9. Long acting reversible contraception
11. Staging of carcinoma ovary
12.Medical management of Acute PlID
SHORT ANSWERS(1x8=8marks)
13. Expand PALMCOEIN
14.Expand SERM, SPRM
15. Name 2 chemotherapy drugs for Ca ovary
16. Name 2 drugs for hyperprolactinemia
17. Tumor marker in granulose cell tumor
18.Name of the hormone in LNG- IUS
19.Name of criteria in PCOD diagnosis
20. Surgical management of Bartholin cyst is called.
DRAW &LABEL(2x1=2marks)
21. Human sperm
22.Draw and label sites of fibroids
2019 CBME Batch Mode! E. arnnation (17.01.2024)

IMarks: 100
Time: 3hours
Answer all questions
Draw diagram / charts/ tables - wherever necessary.
1) 3% year old Anoy has fever and tiredness fo the last 4 weekS. On examination he
is sick, severe pallor present and has palatal purpura and tenderness over the
sternum. Liver is palpable 4cm below the Rt.costal margin and spleen 3crm.
probable diagnosis? (1nark)
a) What is the most diagnoses. (1 marks)
b) Write 2 differential marks)
done. (Include the reslit also) (4marks
c) investigations to becomnplicaticns of the disease. (3
d) Name3 important 4)used to treat the iisease. (2marks)
e) Enumerate drugs( any regarding lhe above condition?(4 marks)
f) How wil! you counsel the parents
2) Describe various steps
in the management of complicated Severe
Malnutrition. (15 marks)

Short essay (5x8::40marks)

Write briefly on factor affecting the
3) Laws of growth-
ECG changes and management of hvpokalemia. 2 Urtes
4) Causes clinical features,(KMC).
5) Kangaroo Mother
6) Tracheao Oesophageal Children. (MIS - C)
Syndrome in
7) Multisystem Inflammatory
(5x4 = 20marks)
Short answers and diagrams (HFMD)
Mouth Disease
8) HanáFoot and
Oesophaged reflux disease.
9) Gastro smear in Iron Deficiencv Anemia.
10)Draw andlabel - peripheral
fetal circulation.
11) Drawand label TB Meningitis.
12) CSF findings of (i) Viral (1) Bacterial (i)
Precise Answers (10x1=
prOVided through ICDS,
13) Name the servies chcice in MCNS(Minimal Change
Name the drug of Nephrotic Syndrome)
14) value uf egg.
15)Write the
16) Write different types of cytogeisetics in Down syndrome.
assoc'ated with hyper Cyanotic Spell (TET
condition commonlyhaematuria Spell).
17) Write the ss
condiions with grr
18)Write 4 Congenital YpothyrOidism in Ind:
191The most common cause
the neuro muscuiar junction
20)Mentíon adisorder affecting Acute epigkotilis.
agent of
21)The most freaquent causative
linked recessive inheritance.
22) Write two conditions with X

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