Physics Revision

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Byes 2 21 L OY_ oy 4 Linear Wave oquabien wmmany——__— = ox? “engi p epieney 5 m8) > Phase + Oe gab RecA BO Ce v. [Fawr Linear mass angular voave number (2° ar) fad, (prepay Gnsb). Wlute bravelléng bo the A Asin (Kx tuobs cp) ¥e * econ Lnwiave travelling $0 “We nigh (+Ve X direchiov) je AeA? aa w ac «Speed oP propagabion &- ebransverse Speedl (Wy)8- \y= 28 ud asi -usb)> 3° coat ae vob tale ye sintix-toF) ebransverce adtelerabion (Ay) 3- - 844 ~ ~us°A Sin (Kx-Wb) a ee [een wk ale Hf ys -WAGSAX- -w6) omar. Value of fransverse Speed = eh SU max simax. Value 0& Hansverse acc.= UPA wax & « Gin(a)+Sin lb) = 28in( ath)ao(a-b) « @s(0) = Sin(Q+) +Sin(@)- @S( -x) Y= Asin( Kx tub +>) Y= A sin(Xs406) Fz onGs( 2) oi omplibuole of adel Hing the brn Waves, Sound Waves s- “| soc hg IToooiz > hema hearing Pauge tthe speed of Sound in ideal gas clepends on Bemperabure tnfrasonic Ultrasonic. Nob Phessure- ctio oPheak Capacities sped Pound: SP (rin taeal gases Tegy (tit)in solids - v-|% P<— Pressure ——— "fe dlens¢ | —Yound ‘ ° x beh CT cll teh) | my, YO" fares 14 Déatowre (02 Ny, Hy) £ d ART ksi ve 7 = cain id Da : SarT vy. _Be—— Bull's reolulus of = Aw n= va 7 elasticity khsib = RT J 7 Ter molar mass Wave fronts “Ve xP 5 RT —TERin J = Me molar mass} Re» unversal gas Gnstant weit , e a. Salk (ii) in Rar Ve 3345+ 0-64 i mls Temp 1 GIS ius Vp 343 mls —sab Te 9 dmach 760 mile/hr a Wane “interrence S - v eime A. SA] ir Frea-to-move seonone pe A Pred rope TT “Reflecked = rhe bp "eae — S4.\— “Pe | aed 7- ree —\ ff Torsotied Reblectedl & sintered ee a —_>, / / —S\ 0, ae of Wowes 3- opie (ef 7 Ls [5 ok wm bees Pim AY — Be ks Seat pank whose —~ mass = Am oof oe G bm MM Ak o BE bat fP ee Jy WMAXK aS ~ sound, tnbensily ¢- ¥ Sound level ( Loudness) 3- L= 4o log ( +) = dollog T-Log I] Cetemaee | A o/. Jo[logr +40 ]aé “Fawr E | | hearing threshold 1o'? 2 TE pe Par of | [0d ath At A Chale ap do log (5) = 490 +doleg I Te PO te ne dom changing the Pequency tte (AB) Brea wane tough "estotk oP henag fod, charge clecible Threshold of paing- T= 4 walt/m? L: 4908 (at i) + Doppler efbect o- TT AWM vee DANEm it ts @ change th the Fraquenty of x Wave cht. $0 telabive hnobion soebincen Source & Sunol tnlensitg \_ —isobrepic ~ Sound Source (poing Sour) T- Power Watt mr? sbgeruer. Seund Speeal 2343mIs G Gare ~Surfots, £ yt Swund tnlacily Oe we R at a alstance r i vy. eae Vestenur cans Freshold (minimum hearing inbenselyy] Cor’ velociby flo = Sols 467 web’ Lp (ete et fede ae | F sound speed as itn el hn oo io ‘Wave Pa — Sou €. e Poptoringray \ elt Pp ( urty L * yt Cosounee speed Follouring loppler effect s- having a Sound Source tha 15 Stabionan movin othe wavelength & the «tthe Naveen Frequency are te Sune beams Spal in Pont of & behind & Peo he Source. nee baton greater: een ey cos er ePack Cases o- \g= Gro \yz Zero efee a- om ih # #% PG) as NS Veo wt Oa) Hach numbers- M_ Speed oP sce Ms Speed of Seunal % Pag ED Co7ylouleny Lnerrce Ppt raves + Gondibions of interference 8 oe Sources muss be Gi en ‘Phase shifts cnsb Chave Hie Same Prequency, and maintain a 5 Lah Sources mush be monochromabsc Constant phase difPerence)- hauring the same Wavelength +4 = bane 048 Very Small y Sind=bane = Fg = b= dine s~ dsina= & a m. “ va . BSG) i j ; | path diPferene nn G-d8ing) for Ganstruckive inberferenc For ‘inberference S=mA »mzo,+1,t2, B= (meL)A,m=o,+1, #2, v ma-dsine (m+£)A= sind krighb iy, = Gm obi y= L met ya mzo —»Cenbral brighé Fringe ynzo 4 dark fringe mnz1—> 4S braghb Fringe vn 4-9" clarks Fringe m= oth brighb Finge m=9->tenth dork Fringe yp According bo the equation the Pringe width -s direchly sate proportional to()). SF dislince between*bro successive Bright or dark Fringes: fringe LyThus Fringe widbh of te pattem Can be tncrease width by increasing the Wave length of te Sourc.- / pase ® Fiechric Feld Tot Eas light 6 an elechromagnebic Wave + ‘ndensity Wheres T., 18 te maximum snfensty E,- E, sineob ee cohich 15 found ab the Cenker B,-£, Sin) of te Cenkral brighb Pringe- {ge E+E, fob 1? =k [28in(cob+ 2) Gs $y] « Loe? A - Tote Bin wb+L) os( 2 oe Ce) ep a ES 4 « §-dsine-d band Ynax g-d4 ‘inbensiby resulbing + Yay Fram inkeference -=-oLT OP ighb: elas bebleen wastits -I-1L G¢ aw AY height ° AL 4 Michelson. inkerferomeber.8 Orhd = Am*A %s Variation distance of bright or bravelled bright Fringes. by mnirror My Page , speed of Gots mair 4 Ic n=— strichive nde oP spece of Cah in he medium aaa , /n\ — JV _ , tak nine ll be reflected and inuebed FePrackedl (No Change 0Cturs ate Regarding ‘th rePleched wave). ingir kn Fay go HO iP Pa Lgl se brs Rom ner of log ra tndek @ medium oF highern. Uytkon the weve ‘eh be -inverbed eine Naerglh Cabs phase shiPés by 480°) Hen . ae if Hie igh pave bravele from amedium of high (n) 04 meclium of lousercn) Len te Waute Uoori be inverbed 8= abn Gemaz gnb ke ve ge m= ont Gnebrachive 8 (mel) Ob Gonstyuchive Selined Ye dnb distructwve elcsoyleul es Kalen Chey PEraction of. + DiPPraction of lighb occurs When Diffraction of bishb Olighb passes through a Very thin + Nobe,3° i ; I Trdg SBR le har Teco bat te eae & tke elength Paced fis ete davis ringes 8 “e same fe} light). = an through ‘the Whole The edge 73 very Sharp, (light eee travels through Sharp edges). Gee eee Single slit Gxbral brigh’ 4s va oul Pte sy me Cael Sing o> 7 Fringes » While the ivy orcas og AaNK Fringes are Felatively thin. ensiky dlecrea wre po herwo Eras Ovd the sensly oP Ut cham GOTOITao . MSingle Slib iPPackions — Gnber M6 we go Far From the Gner: ®, 7 @ 5 1% el soe oh | a =2 Sind = A<-destructive — 8535 a Width of the = 2y y 2 sing = 4 Central bright fringe ly accondin bo te Che dark of olivistons _» desbructive desbruchive ay P a dark Wheres m= £1, 42,4 3---- L (med) do» Sino = (ms 8) yy f- Gnslrche d= Lm LA Gnsbruchive Where® yet] £9.43 bright: oe ¥ Resolubion’ “The ability of ‘the opbical systems bo dishinguish belween Closely Spaced objects. —ylimils oP resolubion ( Rayleigh’s Criterion)8 Two objects are just resolved When the First davis Pringe in the diPfrackion polterns \ of one Falls directly on the central bright K fringe in the diffrackron pattern oP “tie wh other. 1% dark Central bright —> Minimum angle of RResolubions Onin _fer_Singl P fer Cirdular nin = 4.09 A ‘aperture D <— Aperture diameter Whens 7 Two bodies 9>@min— are we ® Resolved. a - 8) = nin To bookies : oc Are Gust barey) resolved. © OKO pin —> To bodies are unresolved . Ena raha Ze

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