Mass Spec Notes Part 1
Mass Spec Notes Part 1
Mass Spec Notes Part 1
Generally in case of spectroscopy one phenomenon
is common “There is an interaction between electromagnetic
radiation and matter (sample).” While in case of Mass
spectrometry this phenomenon is not occurring. So some
people are not agree that Mass spectrometry is not a
spectroscopic technique.
depends on mass, it is higher for light particle and lower for
heavy particle.
= deflection force
1. The inlet system
2. The ion source (ionization chamber)
3. The electrostatic accelerating system
4. The ion separator
5. Ion collector/ read out
6. Vacuum system
For successful ionization, all samples must
be converted in to gaseous or vaporized state, to
achieve this sample must be heated at 400 ºC, so
temperature of inlet system is above 400 ºC.
The rate of introducing sample in ionization chamber
is remain constant, for this it consist special device
of micrometer for determining the amount of sample
is introduce.
Another important point is the introduction of
sample vapor at low pressure (10-5-10-6 torr) is
necessary to minimize the number of collision
between ions and non- ionized molecule.
Sample size is 1mg to μg.
But for this high electron vault and low pressure is require.
- Due to this pyrolysis of molecule may take
- M + ion absent
- Complex spectrum is available
Advantage: M+ present, simple spectrum is
3. Ion accelerating region:
Function: to accelerate the ion in a uniform velocity
and produce ionic beam.
It contain: 1) Repleter plate 2) Ion accelerating slit 3)
Ion focusing slit.
High electrostatic field about 1000 to 2000 v is
applied between two accelerating slits so when ion
pass through this region repleting plate replete to
each other to form uniform way, after this when pass
through between accelerating tube to form narrow
beam due to high voltage moving ion is formed. The
ion focusing plate focuses it. So, uniform beam of
ion is obtained.
Electrostatic = ev
Repellers = which direct the ion to the accelerating
Accelerating = accelerate the ion
Ion focusing = which directs the ion into uniform
4. Analyzer tube :
Function: to disperse the ionic beam in to different
frequency according to their m/e value, an analyzer
must possess following characteristic:
i) It should have a high resolution power.
ii) It should have a high rate of transmission of
- Classical mass spectrum obtained
- Relatively cheaper system
- Reproducibility of the result is possible
But angular frequency
The ion velocity(v) is the length of flight path L
divided by the time
Put the value of V in kinetic energy equation..1)
- It is compatible with pulsed ionization or fast
ionization technique.
- Resolution is better than quadruple.
5. Detector and Recorder :
its function is to detect the ionic beam and produce a
mass spectrum expressed as a bar graph in which
relative abundance on ordinate is plated against m/z
Ionization technique:
Several methods are available for the ionization of
sample, the most common being electron impact
technique to produce ion.
To the product so formed are chemical
reactive species and can interact with the sample
and forms a positive ion.
Thus methane from CH4•+ + CH3+ initially which
react with a neutral molecule.
In this method, Xe or Ar atoms of high
translational energy are produced by the
following sequence.
I) Xe atoms are ionised by bombardment of
e- beam it to form Xe cation radical.
1) Ionization is caused by the transition
of energy; it minimizes destruction of
molecular ion which can alert for 20-
30 min.
2) This method is most effective for a
relatively polar substance which is
Non- volatile or thermally unstable.
3) Derivatization not required.
1) Ion repellers
2) Ion accelerating plate
3) Ion focusing plate
A potential of 1000-2000v is used to
accelerate the ions through a slit system. This produces a
narrow beam of the fast moving ion. Mass of ion is M, the
charge is e- initial kinetic energy is negligible. Now ions are
accelerated to a velocity (v), hence their kinetic energy must
be equal to their electrostatic energy, accelerated in passing
through the applied volt (v).
………………. (1)
The fast moving ions enter the analyzer tube. The analyzer
tube is an evacuated (10-7 to 10-8 torr) curved metal tube
through which ion beam passes from source.
In the analyzer tube, the ions are subjected to a uniform
magnetic field(H), which is generated by an electromagnet
and perpendicular to the direction of the ionic beam.
In the magnetic field, the ions are deflected along a circular
path of radius (r).
…………….. (2)
Fragmentation value of the compound shows according
to Nitrogen as well as Ring rule.
1. Nitrogen rule:
Nitrogen rule states that the compound containing an even
no.of nitrogen atoms (including O) will give a molecular ion
with an even mass number,
For e.g. the following ion gives their molecular ion at given
mass number.
CH4 16
CH3OH 32
CClF3 104
C6H5OH 94
NH2-NH2 32
C5H5N2 94