Front End Easin
Front End Easin
Front End Easin
An Internship Report
Performance Analysis of Accounts and Budgeting
Department of Bangladesh Bank
Submitted By:
Md.Alamgir Aurangajeb
A Program, 2011, 02
Roll: 085500, Section: A,
Session: 2007-2008
Department oI anagement Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Supervised By:
Liza Khanum
Department oI anagement Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Date of Submission: 10/12/2011
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December 10, 2011
Liza Khanum
Department oI anagement Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Subject: Submission of Internship Report.
Dear Sir,
That is my pleaser in submitting the report 'Pcrfnrmancc Ana!ysIs nf Accnunts and
BudgctIng Dcpartmcnt nf Bang!adcsh Bank, in partial IulIillment oI the Degree oI
asters oI usiness Administration.
y main purpose oI preparing the report is to Iind out the present working method and
perIormance oI Accnunts and BudgctIng Dcpartmcnt nf Bang!adcsh Bank. As
angladesh ank is the central bank oI angladesh and Accounts and udgeting department
is one oI the ey departments oI this organization that is why I wanted to Iocus on the
perIormance oI this particular department oI angladesh ank.
This report is the result oI the collaboration oI the both primary and secondary inIormation
and collected through questionnaire survey and internet browsing.
AIter completing this report I Iind out the current ethods oI activities oI Accounts and
udgeting department oI angladesh ank. This report gives me lots oI experience about the
Functions oI angladesh ank.
Sincerely Yours,
d.Alamgir Aurangajeb
The Internship Report entitled '!erformance Analysis of Accounts and Budgeting
Department of Bangladesh Ban has been submitted to the Department oI anagement
Studies, in partial IulIillment oI the requirements Ior the degree oI asters oI usiness
Administration, ajor in anagement, on December 10, 2011 by ohammad d.Alamgir
Aurangajeb Roll: 085500, Section: A, Session: 2007-2008, who carried out the research
under my supervision. CertiIied Iurther that to the best oI my knowledge the work reported
herein does not Iorm part oI any other project report.
(Any opinions, suggestions made in this report are entirely that oI the author oI the report,
The University does not condone nor reject any oI these opinions or suggestions).
Liza Khanum
Department oI anagement Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Internship Supervisor
I grateIully acknowledge and pay sincere gratitude to my Internship Supervisor Liza Khanum
, Lecturer Department oI anagement Studies oI Jagannath University who gave me a
valuable guidance and consultation to make my report more eIIective, I also acknowledge my
sincere gratitude to organizational Supervisor r. Rup Ratan Pine, Joint Director oI
Accounts and udgeting department oI angladesh ank.
I would like to acknowledge r. Sk. d. AshIaqul Islam, Assistant Director, r. oyazzem
Hossain, Deputy Director, Ior their sincere co-operation & help during my internship period.
I am very satisIied with the way, they conducted with me.
I would like to thank all the oIIicers oI A&D oI angladesh ank Ior providing me their
valuable time ,co-operation , inspiration, suggestion & supportive inIormation
And last but not the least: I am grateIul to management oI Jagannath University Ior providing
me the Iacilities oI computer lab and library.
Executive Summary
As part oI my A program, the Internship report is prepared based on works done Ior 3
months in the Head OIIice oI angladesh ank. This report Iocuses about the activities done
in the Accounts and udgeting department, Head OIIice oI angladesh ank.
I have experienced the exercise oI overall management practices and perIormance oI
Accounts and udgeting department during my internship program. This report is based on
PerIormance Analysis oI Accounts and udgeting Department oI angladesh ank contains
my practical observation and experience oI diIIerent sections oI the department. Here I have
interested to make report on method oI management and activities oI that department. I
discussed accounting policies, management practices, distribution oI work, everyday
management activities, decision making hierarchies and their various types oI activities
Table of Content
!art Content !age No.
CHA!TER 1 Introduction 01
ackground oI the Study
1.2 Statement oI the Research problem 02
1.3 Objectives oI the study 03
1.4 ethodology oI the study 04
1.5 Limitation oI the study 06
CHA!TER 2 An overview of the Organization 07
2.1 ackground 08
2.2 Corporate inIormation 09
2.3 Organizational Structure 10
2.4 umber oI ranches 11
2.5 oard oI Directors 13
2. 'ision Statement 14
2.7 ission Statement 14
2.8 Services Scheme 17
2.9 Function oI the ank 19
2.1 SWOT Analysis oI the Organization 21
CHA!TER 3 !ractical Experience About Internship in
the Bangladesh Ban
CHA!TER 4 Analysis and Findings 25
4.1 Accounts & udgeting Department 26
4.2 Sections oI Accounts & udgeting
CHA!TER 5 Conclusion & Recommendations 48
5.1 Conclusion 49
5.2 Recommendation 50
End Matter: References 52
Appendix 53