NRI Questionnaire Ver 11 - 240211 - 124258
NRI Questionnaire Ver 11 - 240211 - 124258
NRI Questionnaire Ver 11 - 240211 - 124258
__________________________INR / annum
Date & Place: Signature of Life Assured ( if different than the proposer) : -
Declaration in case Proposer/ Life Assured signs in Vernacular / Uses Thumb Impression:
I have read out and fully explained the contents of the questionnaire and he/she has understood the same. I have truthfully recorded the replies given by the
Proposer and that the Proposer has affixed his/her signatures/thumb impression above after fully understanding the contents hereof.
Date & Place: Name and Signature of Declarant :-
Canara HSBC Life Insurance Company Limited (formerly known as Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance
Company Limited) IRDAI Regn. No. 136