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Subm|tted 1o
nasmukh Goswam| Co||ege of Lng|neer|ng and Management
Under the gu|dance of
rofCh|tra| ate|
Subm|tted by
Akanksha aLel
There is a large gap between theoretically knowledge and practical knowledge about handling
and managing a business. Only book`s knowledge can`t help in building up an eIIective
A through and practical study, knowledge and learning can only be useIul to become more
eligible and competitive. Due to this point oI view each and every student oI M.B.A. has to
undergo the industrial training to execute business enterprise as per GTU norms, which is really
helpIul to the students Ior making their bright career.
Master oI Business Administration course is design with the objective oI preparing the most
competent person with a view to achieve this objective in the best possible manner.
Thus, GTU has specially included the practical subject oI summer internship training as per
According to it is compulsory Ior every students oI MBA sem.3 to prepare report on company
in any country.
We consider our selI very Iortunate that we got opportunity to prepare report on country.
t has been a great honor to and privilege to reporting session at Hasmukh Goswami collage oI
Engineering and Management.
We would like to take the opportunity to express our most humble gratitude to Mrs.
RekhaThotalani our report. Her constant guidance and willingness to share her vast knowledge
made us understand the report and her maniIestations in great depths and helped us to complete
the assigned tasks.
We are highly thankIul to Prof. Chitral patel whose invaluable guidance helped us to
understand the report better and give brieI knowledge regarding this report.
Although there may be many who remain unacknowledged in this humble note oI gratitude,
there are none who remain unappreciated.
Lxecut|ve Summary
McDonald`s Corp, operates or licenses more than 30,450 Iast-Iood restaurants in the U.S,
Canada and overseas. FiIty eight percent oI these stores are operated by Iranchisees, twenty
eight by the company, and Iourteen percent by aIIiliates. t`s partner brands include Boston
Market, Chipotle and Donatos Pizzeria, which are all located primarily in the United States, and
Aroma CaIe, located primarily in the United Kingdom. Foreign operations contribute around
51 oI system wide sales and about 65 oI operating proIits. ts main source oI income is
through Iranchise Iees. Under the conventional Iranchise arrangement, Iranchisees provide
capital by initially investing in the equipment, signs, seating and decor oI their restaurant
businesses, and by reinvesting in the business over time. The Company shares the investment by
generally owning or leasing the land and building. Franchisees in the United States generally
have the option to own new restaurant buildings while leasing the land Irom the Company.
Franchisees contribute to the Company's revenue stream through payment oI rent and service
Iees based upon a percentage oI sales, with speciIied minimum payments, along with initial Iees.
The conventional Iranchise arrangement typically lasts 20 years and Iranchising practices are
generally consistent throughout the world. One oI the companies major cost is advertising
McDonald`s has had many successIul marketing campaigns and has built it`s selI a solid brand
name. Evidence oI this can be seen by the Iact that (Business week) ranked McDonalds eighth in
the world Ior brand name value. Business week Iigured that McDonalds brand value Ior 2002 is
about 26.4 billion McDonalds current market cap is 21.2 billion. Showing that it`s brand value
alone is worth more then the current market cap. From the Iollowing valuations and research we
have conclude we have decided to buy McDonalds. Precise buy order inIormation can be
viewed on the Iollowing page.
1ab|e of content
nIormation about U.S.A
nIormation about McDonald`s
2.Factor affecting U.S.A
PEST Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Per capital income
iteracy rate oI U.S.A
3.Operation Management
Business in diIIerent country
Marketing policy
Financial perIormance oI last 5 years
Human resource policy
Product & Distribution
4.Export & import strategy
Percentage oI domestic and international sale
#eason Ior more international sale rather than
5. Benefits
BeneIits receiving Irom diIIerent country
BeneIits toward host country
BeneIits to society
Tax BeneIits
. key indicator
Financial indicator
Employment to local people
7. Recommendation
8. Conclusion
9. Bibliography
Introduction of country and company
Information of USA
The United States of America (also reIerred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or
America) is a Iederal constitutional republic comprising IiIty states and a Iederal district. The
country is situated mostly in central North America, where its Iorty-eight contiguous states and
Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the PaciIic and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by
Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state oI the country also possesses several
territories in the Caribbean and PaciIic.
At 3.79 million square miles (9.83 million km
) and with over 310 million people, the United
States is the third or Iourth largest country by total area, and the third largest both by land area
and population. t is one oI the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the
product oI large-scale immigration Irom many countries. The U.S. economy is the world's largest
national economy, with an estimated 2010 GDP oI $14.780 trillion (23 oI nominal global GDP
and 20 oI global GDP at purchasing power parity
The United States was Iounded by thirteen British colonies located along the Atlantic seaboard.
On July 4, 1776, they issued the Declaration oI ndependence, which proclaimed their right to
selI-determination and their establishment oI a cooperative union. The rebellious states deIeated
the British Empire in the American #evolution, the Iirst successIul colonial war oI
independence. The current United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787; its
ratiIication, the Iollowing year, made the states part oI a single Iederal republic with a strong
Iederal government. The Bill oI #ights, comprising ten constitutional amendments guaranteeing
many Iundamental civil rights and Ireedoms, was ratiIied in 1791.
Through the 19th century, the United States displaced native tribes, acquired the ouisiana
territory Irom France, Florida Irom Spain, part oI the Oregon Country Irom the United Kingdom,
Alta CaliIornia and New Mexico Irom Mexico, Alaska Irom #ussia, and annexed the #epublic oI
Texas and the #epublic oI Hawaii. Disputes between the agrarian South and industrial North
over the expansion oI the institution oI slavery and states' rights provoked the Civil War oI the
1860s. The North's victory prevented a permanent split oI the country and led to the end oI legal
slavery in the United States. By the 1870s, its national economy was the world's largest. The
SpanishAmerican War and World War conIirmed the country's status as a military power.
t emerged Irom World War as the Iirst country with nuclear weapons and a permanent
member oI the United Nations Security Council. The end oI the Cold War and the dissolution oI
the Soviet Union leIt the United States as the sole superpower. The country accounts Ior 41 oI
global military spending, and it is a leading economic, political, and cultural Iorce in the world.
Information about McDonald`s
McDonald's is the leading global Ioodservice retailer with more than 32,000 local restaurants
serving more than 64 million people in 118 countries each day. More than 80 oI McDonald's
restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent local men and women.
Founder of , McDonald's
#ay Kroc.
Number of Global Restaurants:
More than 32,000
Number of Countries:
Number of worldwide employees:
1.7 million
Percentage of franchised restaurants around the world:
More than 80
Chief Executive Officer:
Jim Skinner
History of McDonalds
The business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by brothers #ichard and Maurice
McDonald in San Bernardino, CaliIornia. Their introduction oI the "Speedee Service System" in
1948 established the principles oI the modern Iast-Iood restaurant. The original mascot oI
McDonald's was a man with a cheI's hat on top oI a hamburger shaped head whose name was
"Speedee." Speedee was eventually replaced with #onald McDonald by 1967 when the company
Iirst Iiled a U.S. trademark on a clown shaped man having puIIed out costume legs.
McDonald's Iirst Iiled Ior a U.S. trademark on the name McDonald's on May 4, 1961, with the
description "Drive-n #estaurant Services," which continues to be renewed through the end oI
December 2009. n the same year, on September 13, 1961, the company Iiled a logo trademark
on an overlapping, double arched "M" symbol. The overlapping double arched "M" symbol logo
was temporarily disIavored by September 6, 1962, when a trademark was Iiled Ior a single arch,
shaped over many oI the early McDonald's restaurants in the early years. The Iamous double
arched "M" symbol in use today did not appear until November 18, 1968, when the company
Iiled a U.S. trademark.
The Iirst McDonald's restaurants opened in the United States, Canada, Costa #ica, Panama,
Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, France, El Salvador and Sweden, in order oI
The present corporation dates its Iounding to the opening oI a Iranchised restaurant by #ay Kroc,
in Des Plaines, llinois, on April 15, 1955, the ninth McDonald's restaurant overall. Kroc later
purchased the McDonald brothers' equity in the company and led its worldwide expansion, and
the company became listed on the public stock markets in 1965. Kroc was also noted Ior
aggressive business practices, compelling the McDonald brothers to leave the Iast Iood industry.
The McDonald brothers and Kroc Ieuded over control oI the business, as documented in both
Kroc's autobiography and in the McDonald brothers' autobiography. The site oI the McDonald
brothers' original restaurant is now a monument.
With the expansion oI McDonald's into many international markets, the company has become a
symbol oI globalization and the spread oI the American way oI liIe. ts prominence has also
made it a Irequent topic oI public debates about obesity, corporate ethics and consumer
McDonald's restaurants are Iound in 119 countries and territories around the world and serve 58
million customers each day. McDonald's operates over 31,000 restaurants worldwide, employing
more than 1.5 million people. The company also operates other restaurant brands, such as Piles
Focusing on its core brand, McDonald's began divesting itselI oI other chains it had acquired
during the 1990s. The company owned a majority stake in Chipotle Mexican Grill until October
2006, when McDonald's Iully divested Irom Chipotle through a stock exchange. Until December
2003, it also owned Donatos Pizza. On August 27, 2007, McDonald's sold Boston Market to Sun
Capital Partners.
McDonald's vision
McDonald's vision is to be the world's best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best
means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every
customer in every restaurant smile.
McDonald's Missions
O Be the best employer Ior our people in each community around the world
O Deliver operational excellence to our customers in each oI our restaurants; and
O Achieve enduring proIitable growth by expanding the brand and leveraging the strengths oI the
McDonald's system through innovation and technology.
Factor affection selecting country
PESTEL Analysis
esLle ls an analysls of Lhe exLernal macro envlronmenL ln whlch a buslness operaLes LS1LL
sLands for pollLlcal economlc soclal Lechnology and envlronmenLal facLors
A. Political Factors
The international operations oI McDonald`s are highly inIluenced by the individual state
policies enIorced by each government.
On the other hand, the company is controlled by the individual policies and regulations oI
SpeciIic markets Iocus on diIIerent areas oI concern such as that oI health, worker
protection, and environment.
All these elements are seen in the government control oI the licensing oI the restaurants
in the respective state.
There are also other studies that points to the inIringement oI McDonald`s Stores with
reIerence to the existing employment laws in the target market.
ike any business venture, these McDonald`s stores have to contend with the issues oI
employment procedures as well as their tax obligations so as to succeed in the Ioreign
B. Economic Factors
Branches and Iranchises oI Iast Iood chains like McDonald`s has the tendency to
experience hardship in instances where the economy oI the respective states is hit by
inIlation and changes in the exchange rates.
Their problem depends on the response oI the consumers on these Iundamentals and how
it could inIluence their general sales
n regarding the operations oI the company, Iood chains like McDonald`s tend to import
much oI their raw materials into a speciIic territory iI there is a dearth oI supply.
The rate at which the economy oI that particular state grows determines the purchasing
power oI the consumers in that country..
C. Socio-Cultural Factors
McDonald`s indulge a particular variety oI consumers with deIinite types oI personalities.
t has also been noted that the company have given the markets such as the United
Kingdom, an option with regards to their dining needs.
Additionally, those who are aged just below the bracket oI thirty-Iive are said to be the
most Irequent consumers oI McDonald`s Iranchises.
Technological Factors
McDonald`s generates a demand Ior their own products. (2006) The company`s key tool
Ior marketing is by means oI television advertisements.There are similarly some claims
that McDonald`s are inclined to interest the younger populations more. The existence oI
play spots as well as toys in meals oIIered by the company shows this actuality. ( 1995)
Other demonstration oI such a marketing strategy is apparent in the commercials oI they
use. The like has become endorsers Ior McDonald`s worldwide 'loving` it campaign.
Elements like the inventory system and the management oI the value chain oI the
company allows Ior easy payments Ior their suppliers and other vendors which the
individual stores in respective markets deal with.
The integration oI technology in the operations oI McDonalds tend to add value to their
products. Basically, this is maniIested in the improvements on its value chain.
E. Legal Factors
egal Iactors is tied up with the socio-cultural attributes oI the market on which they
operate. For instance, operations in predominantly Muslim countries require their meat to
conIorm to the ,, requirements oI the law.
n the same regard, those that operate in countries in the European Union should conIorm
to the existing laws banning the use oI genetically modiIied meat products in their Iood.
Other legal concepts like tax obligations, employment standards, and quality
requirements are only a Iew oI important elements on which the company has to take into
consideration. Otherwise, smooth operations shall be hard to achieve.
F. Environment
The social responsibilities oI McDonald`s on the state are inIluential to the operations oI
the company. These entail accusations oI environmental damage. Among the reasons
why they are charged with such claims is the employ oI non-biodegradable substances Ior
their drinks glasses and StyroIoam coIIers
SWOT Analysis
W t has a strong global presence and is considered as a market leader in both the domestic as well
as the international markets.
W t is a global brand that owns 31,000 restaurants serving in 120 countries. OI these 31,000
restaurants at least14,000 restaurants are situated in the US.
W t uses economies oI scale Ior reducing the cost, as its huge expansion diversiIies the overall
risk involved with the economic perIormance.
W t takes steps in adjusting the ngredients and product oIIerings in order to comply with the
upgraded health standards deemed necessary by the USDA.
W t earns revenue by Iast Iood sales as well as a property investor and a Iranchiser oI restaurants.
W t has branded menu items i-e Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets, which Iurther promote
W t is recognized as one oI the world`s most recognized logos.
W t has located itselI in major airports, cities, highways, tourist locations, theme parks.
W t uses advertising that mostly targets children.
W High employee turn-over.
W t has yet to accomplish going on the trend oI organic Iood.
W Price competition with the competitors resulting in low revenue.
W ack oI innovative products.
W t can adapt to the needs oI the societies and undergo an innovative product line.
W t can research ways to use green` energy and packaging which will work as a part oI their
promotional eIIort as well as IulIill their social responsibility.
W t can create new product oIIerings, use mobile text messaging to oIIer services that appeal to
W t can upscale some oI its restaurant settings at luxurious locations to attract more customers.
W The recession negatively impacts the holding position oI the Iirm regarding its revenue streams,
even though they are quite diversiIied.
W Foreign currency Iluctuations are regarded to be a major problem as it uses standard pricing Ior
its Iood items.
W Health issues regarding the Iast Iood chain.
W Heavy investments on promotional campaigns which decrease the gaining oI market share.
Per capital income of the USA