Goaltide Upsc Prelims Test Series 2024-TEST 4 CSAT: Make Your Way Ahead For Mains..!

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2024-TEST 4 CSAT
Make your way ahead for Mains..!

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happiness. Is this freedom worth it? Some of

CSAT TEST 4 us have fallen in the worst ever trap of world
biggest religion which nothing but
QUESTIONS ‘Consumerism. Is it ever ending?
Idea behind sharing this small passage
is not to judge anyone. I am no one to do
Q1) Read the passage carefully and give the that. Mahatma Gandhi always said very
answer based on passage only distinctly that nothing is right or wrong; it is
Wealth management is about managing and
the intent behind that act decides its fate.
preserving existing wealth and trying to identify
Since, we all are on different journey, idea is
opportunities to accumulate more. The key to
to just motivate ourselves to take a pause,
create a winning portfolio is to use knowledge
analyze, introspect and then take a call to
and expertise to identify the right mix of fund
managers across different asset classes. A
invest our time and energy in something
winning portfolio has specific strategies to which makes our soul happy and which
maintain and grow a client’s wealth, based on brings sustainable satisfaction. We all know
their age, financial goals and risk appetite. that life never stops and we can keep living
Growing and maintaining wealth is a tedious someone’s life forever or we can choose to
process with unpredicted outcomes. As the act and get things back in order. As this
Indian economy grows, there will be a higher transformation is difficult, this shift can very
penetration of rich investors in equity markets. consciously be brought in gradual manner.
The main corollary that flows from the above Consider the following statements:
passage is,
Q2) According to the author, which is the
a) A law regulating risk is much needed for the
most suitable course of action?
Indian share market
1. We need to stop and introspect
b) Risk taking is integral to wealth creation 2. We need to act and get things back in
c) Diversity in investments cushions off against order
possible losses in equity investments Which of the given statements is/are
d). Growing India will have high demand for correct?
wealth managers and professionals a) Only 1
b) Only 2
Q2 and 3)Read the passage carefully and c) Both 1 and 2
give the answer based on passage only d) Neither 1 nor 2
India celebrated its 70th
Independence Day today. But are we really Q3) What seems to be the main intent of
free? I am not sure about it. Some of us are the author in the article?
working day & night but are not happy. We a) To spread the message of continuing the
have forgotten that Work is a part of life not pseudo free life
the Heart of life. Are we free? Some of us b) To extensively propagate the ideals
want to explore the world, experiment with behind consumerism, nuclear family etc.
challenging career moves but pressure from c) To motivate people to understand the
society is not giving us any slack. Do we actual meaning of freedom in different
have freedom of choice? Some of us are context
enjoying freedom and independence d) To distract the readers and confuse them
forgetting our old retired parents who want about the real purpose of life and the way to
nothing more than our company and live

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reduction of resources. Competition over

these diminising resources would ensue in
Q4) A Turtle tries to come out of a dried the form of political or even violent conflict.
well 9 m deep with slippery walls. Every Resource based conflicts have rarely been
time the Turtle jumps 60 cm, he slides back overt and are thus difficult to isolate. Instead
by 30 cm. how many jumps will the turtle they take on veneers that appear more
have to take to come out of the well? politically palatable. Conflicts over
a) 28 b) 29 c)30 d)31 resources like water are often cloaked in the
guise of identity or ideology
Q5)A,B and C together earn 300 ₹ per day What does the above passage imply?
,while A and C together earn 188 ₹ and B a) Resource-based conflicts are always
and C together earn 152₹.The daily earning politically motivated.
of C is ? b)There are no political solutions to resolve
a) ₹ 40 b) ₹ 68 c) ₹ 112 d) ₹150 environmental and resource based conflicts.
c) Environmental issues contribute to
Q6) Consider the following Statements and resource stresses and political conflict.
Conclusions: d) Political conflict based on identity or
ideology cannot be resolved.
1.Most architects are writers
2.No writer is a driver
3.All drivers are architects Q9)Read the passage carefully and give the
answer based on passage only
Though per capita income has risen and
I.Some writers are architects
number of families out lifted out of poverty
II. All architects are drivers
is on rise, hunger has not declined. Until
III.No driver is a writer
1990s, poverty seem to be the main cause of
IV.Some drivers are writers hunger. But since after liberalization the
a) Only I follows prices of goods increased and state spending
b) Only II and III follow curtailed, even lower middle class families
c) Only I and III follow find their income hardly insufficient to
d) Either III or IV follows survive.
On the basis of above passage following
Q7) A tap can fill a tank in 48 minutes assumptions has been made:
whereas another tap can empty it in 2 hours 1. Since social expenditure declined,
spending on non-food items increased and
.If both the taps are opened at 11.40 A.M
squeezed food
then the tank will be filled at? budgets
a)12:40 P.M b)1:00 PM c)1:00 A.M d)1:30 2. There is growing divergence between
P.M poverty and hunger in India
Select valid assumptions:
Q8)Read the passage carefully and give the a) 1 only
answer b) 2 only
c) Both 1 & 2
What climate change will undeniably do is
d) Neither 1 nor 2
cause of amplify events that hasten the

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Q10) Read the passage carefully and give 2, 7.5, 20.5, 67, 273.5 , Z
the answer based on passage only a)1233 b)1373 c)1433 d)1583
Digital reality gives human workers the ability to
enhance their natural abilities, and transform
their environments. Too difficult, dangerous, or
expensive to train in the real world? No Q15 and 16) Read the passage carefully and
problem, immersive learning offers a hands-on give the answer based on passage only
experience. With 3D simulation, doctors can see According to a study, the tropical deforestation
inside the human body, builders can see rate is likely to climb steadily in the 2020s and
through walls—and gain the knowledge to 2030s and then speed up around 2040, “as
move mountains. areas of high forest cover in Latin America that
Which of the following is the crucial message are currently experiencing little deforestation
conveyed by the author? come under greater threat”. Analysis
a). Digital technologies can make us super corroborates the conclusions of previous
humans studies that reducing tropical deforestation is a
b) Digital technologies can make humans sizable and low-cost option for mitigating
redundant climate change.
c) Digital technologies make life more virtual
and vivid Q15)Which of the following could be the
d) Digital technologies complement human rational implication from the passage?
deficiencies 1. If carbon pricing is raised there will be high
incentive to conserve carbon
Q11) Which one of the following is not 2. Amazon forests are a treasure to world since
correct ? tropical forest is at centre of climate fight
a) 1 is neither prime nor composite. 3. Deforestation is high in tropical countries due
b) 0 is neither positive nor negative. to their poverty
c) If A x B is even, then A and B are always a) 1 only
b) 2 & 3 only
even .
c) 1 & 3 only
d) √2 is an irrational number. d) All the above

Q12) In how many ways can the letters of Q16) On the basis of above passage following
the word ‘MOMENT’ be arranged? assumptions were made:
a)360 b)60 c)720 d)48 1. Developed nations can fund developing
nations for plundering their tropical timber in
Q13) A sells an article which costs him ₹ past
400 to B at a profit of 20%. B then sells it to Select valid ones:
2. Acting against tropical deforestation is
C, making a profit of 10% on the price he
cheapest way for tropical countries to fight
paid to A. How much does C pay to B? climate
a)₹ 472 b) ₹ 476 c) ₹528 d) ₹ 532 Change
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 & 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q14) Identify the value of Z?

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Q17)Read the passage carefully and give the million jobs created during last year when
answer based on passage only. the labour force increased by about 15
Prisoners across world who had sleep disorders million.
were surveyed by a questionnaire, in addition
to which their self and superego options were Which of the following is most rational
estimated by a very simple psychological test. A inference from the above passage?
clearly greater quantity of sleep disorders and a India must control its population growth so
signs of defective ego functions and severity of as to reduce its unemployment rate.
superego functions occurred in the persons who b Labour reforms are required in India to
had committed offence against life than in the
make optimum use of its vast labour force
What is the message best implied by the productively
passage? c India is poised to achieve the double-digit
a) Offences made deprives sleep if it leads to growth very soon
conviction d India is capable of supplying !It skilled
b) Conscience is a best sleeping pill young people to oil countries.
c) Clean conscience is a good pillow
d) Sleep and environment we reside have a Q21) Read the passage carefully and give the
correlation answer based on passage only
Reportedly, Indians born in low-income family
Q18) If POND is coded as LTSR, how is would take seven generations to even approach
the country’s mean income. Across economies,
HEAR written in that code ?
children born in less affluent families tend to
a)GHIJ b)GHIZ c)JIGZ d)ZGIJ experience greater barriers to success than
those born in more affluent families.
Q19) Find the digit A and C in What is the crux of the given passage is?
AB x 3 =CAB a) India is unique for lack of social mobility
a) C=1 A=2 b)A=6 C=5 c) A=7 C=2 d) C=1 b) Even if growth is high, poverty can persist
c) Poor people tend to have low aptitude to
harness fruits given by growth
d) Poverty is transferred from one generation to
Q20)Read the passage carefully and give the other
answer based on passage only
By 2020 when the global economy is Q22) In a certain village ,22% of the
expected to run short of 56 million young families own agricultural land ,18% own a
people India with its youth surplus of 47 mobile phone and 1600 families own both
million could fill the gap. It is in this context agricultural land and a mobile phone .If 68%
that labour reforms are often cited as the of the families , neither own agricultural
way to unlock double-digit growth in India. land nor a mobile phone ,then the total
In 2014 Indias labour force was estimated to number of families living in the village is ?
be about 40 per cent of the population but 93 a)20000 b)10000 c)15000 d)16000
per cent of this force was in unorganized
sector. Over the last decade the compound Q23) The red blood cells in a blood sample
annual growth rate CAGR of employment grows by 10% per hour in the first two hours
has slowed to 0.5 per cent with about 14

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, decreases by 10% in the next one hour male diminishes her priority status. This is
,remains constant in next one hour and again particularly true of the underprivileged
increases by 5% per hour in next two hours whose response to nutrition and health
education for the third and fourth female is
.If the original count of the red blood cells in
often: Let her die. The move into adult
the sample is 40000, find the approximate status, marriage and childbirth represents a
red blood cell count at the end of 6 hours? shift in the complex web of relationships in
a)40000 b)45015 c)47015 d) 48025 the extended family. Through the work of
childbearing, women gain acceptance and
Q24)A road network has parallel and status, but not without attendant physical
perpendicular roads running northsouth or risks. The onset of puberty may mean that a
eastwest only. Junctions/Intersections on girl is fertile; it does not necessarily mean
this road network are marked as A, B, C, that she has reached sexual maturity and can
D… All roads are at exactly half a kilometer cope easily with pregnancy and birth.
distance from each other. The following is Q25)With reference to the above passage,
known about junctions A, B, C, H and X. which of the following could be the most
‘A’ is east of ‘B’ and west of ‘C’, ‘H’ is rational and logical implications?
southwest of ‘C’ and southeast of B. ‘B’ is 1. Early marriages cause high maternal
southeast of ‘X’. Which junctions are the mortality
farthest south and the farthest east? 2. Young age marriage cuts short childhood
a) H, B and educational opportunities
b) H, C 3. Patriarchy in India underpins seeing
c) C, H women as child rearing machines
d) B, H Select the correct statements:
a) 1 only
Q25 to 27) b) 1 & 2 only
Read the passage carefully and give the c) 3 only
answer based on passage only d) 2 & 3 only
The anti-sex-testing movement has articulate
spokespersons; no one is deluding Q26) On the basis of above passage, following
themselves as to the extent of the problem
assumptions have been made
and how deeply this technology is rooted in
the anti-female sentiments of Indian society. 1. If sex testing machines are prohibited
Women activists describe sex-testing as 'like effectively, infanticide will reduce towards
favorable sex ratio for girls
alcohol, it knows neither class or caste
2. Women movement considers dowry issue lies
barriers. All sections of the population,
irrespective of their social standing are at the heart of sex selective abortion problem
hypnotized by this magic wand to eliminate Which are valid?
the female’. Only when social reform takes a) 1 only
place in all levels of society, and the grip of b) 2 only
the dowry system is loosened, will the c) Both 1 & 2
negative attitude towards daughters be d) Neither 1 nor 2
lessened. It is found that the only female
who is high priority is the first born, so long Q27) Which of the following statement best
as she is the only living child. However, a reflects critical message of the passage?
subsequent pregnancy or a delivery of a

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a) If sex selection technology is vanished The key thing is that we are hard-wired to herd.
parents can be nudged to value girl child There is a large weight of evidence of herd
b) Economic factors, not the social factors play mentality bias in the financial markets. We can
a role in sex selective abortion think about the dotcom bubble. Many dotcom
c) Human rights is gendered both in discourse companies did not have financially sound
and recognition business models, but many investors bought
d) Girl child is the unwanted child for parents into them because everyone else was buying
into them. One of the things to be very wary of
Q28)Read the following question carefully is that we often find it emotionally or
psychologically painful to go against the crowd.
in given question two statements numbered Which of the following is best implied by the
I and II given below. Read the both the passage?
statement and give the answer. a) We are fearful to go against the crowd
How many children are there between P and b) In money matters, following others is
Q in a row of children ? considered less risky
c) Emotional intelligence can solve herd
S1: P is fifteenth from the left in the row.
S2: Q is exactly in the middle and there are d) Failure of dotcom companies instilled herd
ten children towards his right. behavior to avoid risks.
a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the
question. Q31) Read the passage carefully and give
b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the the answer based on passage only.
question India has a serious demerit in its world view, we
c) Neither S1 nor S2 sufficient to answer the often engage the world with a colonial
question mentality. By colonial mentality we portray
d) Both S1 and S2 are necessary to answer ourselves as victim of colonization and keep us
at the receiving end. We forget how great we as
the question.
a nation are, the fact that we are the largest
democracy, the ability to uplift and bring along
Q29) Which of the following statements is so many poor with our growth and
not true? environmentally sound policies, with huge soft
a) The difference of two prime numbers power, which can actually be capitalized to
,both greater than two is divisible by 2. shape a world we aspire for !
The critical message conveyed by the passage
b) For two different integers m,n and a
prime number p, if p divides the product m x
a) India is more reactive than being proactive
n ,then p divides either m or n . b) India has subservient attitude to white
c) If a number is of the form 6n-1 (n being a people
natural number ), then it is a prime number. c) India thinks to modernise it needs external
d) There is only one set of three prime help
numbers such that there is a gap of 2 d) India is a land of contrasts
between two adjacent prime numbers.
Q32) Read the passage carefully and give
Q30)Read the passage carefully and give the the answer based on passage only.
answer based on passage only Why do people prefer open defecation and
not want toilets or, if they have them, only

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use them sometimes? Recent research has and decide which of the given assumption is
shown two critical elements : ideas of purity implicit.
and pollutions, and not wanting pits or septic Statement
tanks to fill they have to be emptied. These The maximum IAS exam selection will be
are the issue that nobody wants to talk from our institute—A director of a coaching
about, but if we want to eradicate the
practice of open defection, they have to be I.Most of the students who study in this
confronted and dealt properly.
institute are genius.
Which among the following is the most
crucial message conveyed by the above II.Teachers of the coaching institution are
passage? preparing their students thoroughly.
(a) The ideas of purity and pollutions are so a) only assumption I is implicit.
deep-rooted that they cannot be removed b) only assumption II is implicit
from the minds of the people. c) both I and II are implicit.
(b) People have to perceive toilet use and d) neither I nor II is implicit.
pit-emptying as clean and not polluting.
(c) People cannot change their old habits. Q36)After replacing an old member by a
(d) People have neither civic sense nor sense new member , it was found that the average
of privacy. age of five members of a club is the same as
it was 3 years ago.What is the difference
Q33) When a two digit number is multiplied between the ages of the replaced and the
by the sum of its digits, the product is 424. new number ?
When the number obtained by interchanging a) 2 years b) 4years c) 8years d)15 years
its digits is multiplied by the sum of the
Q37to 39)
digits, the result is 280. The sum of the Study the following information carefully
digits of the given number is? and answer the questions given below:
a) 8 b) 7 c) 6 d) None of the above Geetika, Deep, Niharika, Shwetabh,
Akansha, Aishwarya and Aparajita are
Q34) The respective ratio of milk and water travelling in three vehicles. There are at least
in the mixture is 4:3 respectively. If 6 Litres two passengers in each vehicle Maruti,
Santro and Octavia and only one of them is
of water is added to this mixture, the
a male. There are two engineers, two doctors
respective ratio of milk and water becomes and three teachers among them . i)Niharika
8:7. What is the quantity of milk in the is a lady doctor and she does not travel with
original mixture? the pair of sister, Geetika and Aishwarya.
a)36 litres b)48 litres c)84 litres d)None of ii)Deep, a male engineer travels with only
the above Aparajita, a teacher in a Maruti.
iii)Shwetabh is a male doctor.
iv)Two persons belonging to the same
Q35) In each question below is given a
profession do not travel in the same vehicle.
statement followed by two assumptions v)Geetika is not an engineer and travels in
numbered I and II. Consider the statement vehicle Santro

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The main idea of the passage is that

Q37)What is Aishwarya’s profession? (a) It is essential for human beings to work
a)Engineer b) Teacher c)Doctor d)Data (b) There should be a balance between work
and leisure
(c) Working is a tyranny which we to face
Q38) In which vehicle does Niharika travel?
a)Maruti b)Santro c)Octavia d)Santro or (d) human's understanding of the nature of
Octavia work is essential

Q39) Which of the following represents the Q42) Read the passage carefully and give
three teachers? the answer based on passage onlyA
a) Aparajita, Akansha and Aishwarya successful democracy depends upon
b) Aparajita, Akansha and Geetika widespread interest and participation in
c) Aparajita, Akansha and Aishwarya or politics, in which voting is an essential part.
Aparajita, Akansha and Geetika To deliberately refrain from taking such an
d) Data inadequate interest, and from voting, is a kind of
implied anarchy, it is to refuse one's political
Q40) Read the following data and give the responsibility while enjoying the benefits of
answer. a free political society. This passage relates
aAb implies a + b to
aMb implies a – b a) Right to vote
aPb implies a × b b) Freedom to vote
aQb implies a ÷ b c) Duty to vote
Which of the following equations is d)Right to participate in politics
a) 30Q10A4P2M2 = 15 Q43) A student name Pande is required to
b) 5P2A4Q2P2 = 14 secure at least 50% marks in order to pass an
c) 2Q3B5P6A7 = –5 examination .He secured 50 marks which
d) None of these were less than passing marks by 50. The
maximum marks of paper are?
a)200 b)250 c)275 d)None of the Above
Q41)Read the passage carefully and give the
answer based on passage only Q44) If 8947A56B1 is divisible by 9 where
The very first lesson that should be taught to B is an odd number .Find the sum of all
us when are old enough to understand it, is possible values of A?
that complete freedom from the obligation to a) 25 b) 26 c) 27 d) None of the above
work is unnatural, and ought to be illegal, as
we can escape our share of the burden of Q45) Consider the volume of the following
work only by throwing it on someone else’s I. A parallelopiped of length
shoulders. Nature ordains that the human 5cm,breadth 3cm and height 4
race shall perish of famine if it stops cm
working. We cannot escape from this II. A cube of each side 4 cm
tyranny. The question we have to settle is III. A cylinder of radius 3 cm and
how much leisure we can afford to allow length 3 cm.
ourselves. IV. A sphere of radius 3 cm.
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Arrange the volume of these in the a)56 kg b)42 kg c)58 kg d)52 kg

decreasing order?
a) I II III IV b) I III II IV Q52) Find the largest size of bamboo that
c) IV II III I d) IV III II I can be placed in a square of area 100sq.m?
a)10m b)11.11m c)12.12 d)None of the
Q46) A solid cube is painted red on all its above
faces. The cube is then cut into 120
smaller but equal pieces by making the Q53) Read the following passage and
minimum number of cuts. How answer the questions that follow each
many smaller pieces are not painted at all? passage. Your answer to these questions
a)2 b)6 c)4 d)None of these should be based on passage only
Really I think that the poorest he that is in
Q47)A committee of 5 members is to be England has a life to live, as the greatest he,
formed out of 3 trainees ,4 professors and 6 and therefore truly, I think it is clear that
research associates .In how many different
every man that is to live under a government
ways can this be done if the committee
should have 2 trainees and 3 research ought first by his own consent to put himself
associates? under the government, and I do think that
a)15 b)45 c)60 d)9 the poorest man in England is not at all
bound in a strict sense to that government
Q48)The difference between 42% of a that he has not had a voice to put himself
number and 28% of the same number is 210. under. The above statement argues
What is 75% of that number?
a) Rule of the poor
a) 775 b) 1500 c) 1125 d) None of the above
b) Distribution of wealth equally to all
Q49) How many rotations will the hour c) Expropriation of the rich
hand of a clock complete in 72 hours? d) Rule according to the consent of the
a)3 b)6 c)9 d)12 governed

Q50) Four friends Aman, Baman, Chetan Q54) A book has 250 pages. How many
and Dolly live in the same locality. The
digits have been used to print page numbers
house of Baman is in the east of Aman’s
house but in the north of Chetan’s house. of book?
The house of Chetan is in the west of a)342 b)450 c)642 d)750
Dolly’s house. Dolly’s house is in which
direction of Aman’s house? Q55) How many days are there in Y weeks
a)South-East and Y days ?
a)7Y2 b) 8Y c)14Y d)7
d)Data is inadequate Q56) If the sum of the two numbers is 11
and the sum of their squares is 65, then the
Q51) The price of rice falls by 35% .How sum of their cubes will be?
much extra quantity of rice can be bought a) 407 b) 576 c)625 d)None of the above
with the money that was sufficient to buy
104 kg of rice previously ? Q57)

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The question given below consists of

question and two statement number I and II Q60) How is Q related to O?
given below it.You have to decide whether a) Grand father
b) Uncle
the data provided in the statement(s) is/are
c) Grand son
sufficient to answer the question. d) Data inadequate
What is the speed of running train which
takes 9 seconds to cross a signal post? Q61) Read the following passage and
S1: The length of the train is 90 metres. answer the questions that follow each
S2: The train takes 27 seconds to cross passage. Your answer to these questions
should be based on passage only
a platform of 180 metres.
We have hard work ahead. There is no
a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the resting for any of us till we redeem our
question pledge in full fill we make all the people of
b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the India what destiny intends them to be. We
question. are citizens of a great country, on the verge
c) Both S1 and S2 are Necessary to answer of bold advance, and we have to live up to
the given question that high standard. All of us, to whatever
religion we may belong, are equally the
d)Both S1 and S2 not sufficient to answer
children of India with, equal rights,
the question privileges and obligations. We cannot
encourage communalism or narrow
Q58) A shop of electronic good is closed on mindedness, for no nation can be great
Monday. The average daily sales for whose people are narrow in thought or
remaining six days of a week is ₹ 15,640/- action.
and the average sale of Tuesday to Saturday The challenge the author of the above
passage throws to the public is to achieve
is ₹ 14,124/-.The sales on Sunday is? a) hard work, brotherhood and national unity
a)20,188/- b) ₹ 23,220/- c)21,704/- d)Data b) equal privileges, fulfilment of destiny and
Inadequate political toleranc
c) spirit of adventure and economic parity
Q59to 60)Read the following information d)a high standard of living, progress and
carefully and answer the questions given privileges
In a joint family of seven persons L, M, N, Q62) Read the following passage and answer
O, P, Q and R two are married couples. the questions that follow each passage. Your
‘R’ is a housewife and her husband is a answer to these questions should be based
lawyer. ‘N’ is the wife of ‘M’, ‘L’ is an on passage only
engineer and is the granddaughter of ‘R’, Humans were created first giving us the
and ‘O’ is the father-in-law of ‘N’, a doctor, ultimate value. Humans must have been
and father of ‘P’, a professor. ‘Q’ is L’s created first for the reason that they should
brother and M’s son. uphold whatever came next and that they, as
humans, are the ones responsible for the order
of the world. If they were to forget their value,
Q59)How is P related to M?
as they’ve done now, the world would be sent
a)Son b)Brother c)Daughter d)Data
into chaos. It’s understood that as a living
inadequate human, man must maintain the world and how

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those below them, being animals, insects, etc. The man who is perpetually hesitating which
live and how they are used. of the two things he will do first, will do
The most critical message conveyed by the neither. The man who resolves, but suffers
passage is, his resolution to be changed by the first
a) Man is a social animal counter-suggestion of a friend—who
b) Man is maker of the world fluctuates from opinion to opinion and veers
c) Man is measure of all things from plan to plan-can never accomplish
d) Man is most advanced species anything. He will at best be stationary and
probably retrograde in all. It is only the man
Q63) Read the following passage and answer who first consults wisely, then resolves
the questions that follow each passage. Your firmly and then executes his purpose with
answer to these questions should be based inflexible perseverance, undismayed by
on passage only those petty difficulties which daunt a weaker
We have unwittingly accepted the paradigm spirit— that can advance to
that technology comes first, with people
relegated to doing the actions that the eminence in any line .
machines cannot do. This requires people to act The keynote that seems to be emerging
like machines, ever ready to take over when from the passage is that
things go wrong. As a result, we require people a) we should first consult wisely and then
to do tedious, repetitive tasks, to be alert for resolve firmly
long periods, ready to respond at a moment’s b) we should reject suggestions of friends
notice: all things people are bad at doing. When and remain unchanged
the inevitable errors and accidents occur, c) we should always remain broad-minded
people are blamed for “human error.” d) we should be resolute and achievement-
Which of the following statement best reflects oriented
the critical message of the passage?
a) Machines cannot replace humans
b) We are serving the wrong masters
c) Science is as defective as humans Q67) Divide ₹ 6450 among A,B,C,D such a
d) Creation should be submissive to creator that when A gets ₹ 9, B gets ₹8 ; When B
gets ₹ 6, C gets ₹ 5, and when C gets ₹ 4 ,
Q64)Satish remembers that his brother’s D gets ₹ 3.
birthday is after fifteenth but before a) A=₹1800 B= ₹2025 C=₹1500 D=
eighteenth of February whereas his sister
Kajal remembers that her brother’s birthday
is after sixteenth but below nineteenth of b) A=₹2025 B= ₹1500 C=₹1800 D=
February .On which day in February is ₹1125
Satish’s brother’s birthday ? c) A=₹2025 B= ₹1800 C=₹1125 D=
a)17th b)18th c)19th d)None of the above ₹1500
d) A=₹2025 B= ₹1800 C=₹1500 D=
Q65)How many numbers are there between ₹1125
99 and 1000 such a that the digit 7 occupies
units place?
a)64 b)90 c)80 d)104 Q68) If I = a2+b2+c2 , where a and b are
consecutive integers and c=ab then I is ?
Q66)Read the passage carefully and give the S1: Square of an even integer
answer based on passage only S2: Square of an odd integer

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a) Only S1 is correct. room and asked to find the balloon which

b) Only S2 is correct . had their name written on it within 5
c) S1 and S2 both are correct. minutes. Everyone was frantically searching
for their name, colliding with each other,
d) S1 and S2 both are incorrect.
pushing around others and there was utter
chaos. At the end of 5 minutes no one could
Q69) Read the following passage and find their own balloon. Then, the speaker
answer the questions that follow each asked each person to randomly collect a
passage. Your answer to these questions balloon and give it to the person whose
should be based on passage only name was written on it. Within minutes
A recent found that 75% of districts in India, everyone had their own balloon.
home to over half the population, were The speaker then began, "this is
vulnerable to extreme climate risks. While India happening in our lives. Everyone is
witnessed 250 extreme climate events between frantically looking for happiness all around,
1970 and 2005, the country recorded 310
not knowing where it is. Our happiness lies
extreme climate events after 2005 alone.
in the happiness of other people. Give them
Further, between 1990 and 2019, India incurred
their happiness; you will get your own
losses exceeding $100 billion. In this context,
happiness. And this is the purpose of human
India needs a comprehensive Climate Risk Atlas
life...the pursuit of happiness."
to present a risk-informed decision-making
toolkit for policymakers at the national, State,
According to the passage, which is the most
and district level. suitable way of life style?
On the basis of above passage, following 1. Living a self-centred life with absolute
implications are considered: focus on self-progress and materialistic
1.A climate risk atlas helps in assessing improvements.
resilience and adaptation capabilities of 2. Promoting the culture of sustainable
communities and businesses happiness and inclusive growth
2. Half of Indian population is under risk of 3. Enhanced focus on social life along with
impoverishment personal monetary gains
Which are valid implications? Select the correct answer using the codes
a) 1 only below:
b) 2 only a) Only 1
c) Both 1 & 2 b) Only 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2 c) Both 1 and 3
d) Both 2 and 3
Q70) Read the following passage and
answer the questions that follow each Q71) Read the following passage and
passage. Your answer to these questions answer the questions that follow each
should be based on passage only. passage. Your answer to these questions
Once a group of 500 people were should be based on passage only.
attending a seminar. Suddenly the speaker Education is not only about learning to code,
stopped and decided to do a group activity. or learning mathematics, or learning just one
He started giving each person a balloon. subject; it is about the overall development
Each person was then asked to write their of a child’s brain. If a child enjoys
name on it using a marker pen. Then all the technology, how about you expose him to
balloons were collected and put in another certain coding courses online which are
room. The people were then let into that free? Instead of letting your child play

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games on the mobile phone for two hours, In Ahmedabad alone, there are 40,000
why don’t you help him spend an hour such women collecting nearly 8,00,000kgs
learning coding which can help him of recyclable waste every day. Due to their
channelize his energy and maybe one hour efforts, this immense amount of recyclable
he can have the time to play games? I don’t waste reaches a recycling unit, which
think coding is for everybody, but it’s like translates into saving of nearly 2,400,000
math’s, if you know math’s, your life kgs CO2 from being emitted into the
becomes easier. And it is not that everybody Environment. Because they do such a vital
goes on to pursue a career in math’s. If you service to both society and the environment,
know coding, it will help you become a part we call them ParyavaranMitra (PM)
of this technological revolution that is (Friends of the Environment).
happening around the world. What is the central theme of the passage?
The author seems to argue, a) Ahmedabad and its rag-pickers
a) For pushing children into coding at least until b) Rag-pickers and their life
age of four or five c) Solid Waste Management
b) Against exposing children to addictive mobile d) Women and their hardships
c) For exposing the children to coding
technology Q74)These women are referred as
d) Against stereotype about math’s and ParyavaranMitra because
a) They work in early hours of the morning
every day
b) They carry so much load of waste on their
Q72) Read the following question carefully head and shoulder
and choose the correct statement c) They are illiterate and therefore doing the
What should be added in the product of four work of rag-picking
consecutive numbers that it becomes perfect d) They do immense service to both society
square? and Environment by virtue of their.
S1: We have to add 12 number only
S2: We have to add 1 Number only Q75) From a point on a circular track 5 km
long A,B and C started running in the same
a) Statement S1 is correct direction at the same time with speed of 2½
b) Statement S2 is correct km per hour, 3 km per hour and 2 km per
c) Both S1 and S2 correct hour respectively. Then on the starting point
d) Neither S1 Nor S2 are coorect all three will meet again after?
a)30 hours b)6 hours c)10 hours d)15 hours
Q73 and 74) these questions should be based
on passage only
Rag-pickers go in the early hours of every
day throughout the city, harmoniously and
mutually agreeing upon each ones territory, Q76 to 78) Read the following passage and
travel around 8-10kms, bend at least 1000 answer the questions that follow each
times and collect 15-20kgs of recyclable passage. Your answer to these questions
waste with their bare hands, and carry that in should be based on passage only.
large bags on their head and shoulders. Status-quo, the state most of us live in.
Although this is a state hardly anyone really

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loves to be in but in reality remotely anyone Q77) What is the author’s opinion about
tries to come out of it. The change in status the relationship we normally have with our
quo can be change in our current jobs, it can close friends & family?
be change in our relationship status, it can 1. They are there with us only till the time
be trying out a start-up idea or it can simply we are shining ahead and progressing
be change in our routine. But then what professionally.
stops us to take this simple yet so difficult 2. They are always there with us irrespective
step or I can even say the most difficult step of our financial situation and even if we fail
of our life? in our attempts.
3. Their love and support is not dependent
The general arguments shared openly are on success defined by the society but purely
family responsibilities, loans to repay, fear on our bonds.
of losing someone etc. All are valid but Select the correct answer using the codes
petite reasons. The sole reason is FEAR. below:
What if I fail, what will my friends, a) Only 1
neighbor’s, parents’ friends will say. My b) 1 and 2
goodwill will reduce. I will no longer be the c) 2 and 3
sought for. In this case, these are completely d) Only 3
invalid points.

The sad reality is apart from close friends & Q78) Nearly 50% of Indian workforce is in
agriculture and the average landholding is
family nobody cares what we do. As far as
dismally low at 1.17 hectares per farmer.
friends &families are concerned, they don’t
Agriculture provides only 14 per cent of the
love us for what we do, but they love us for
national income, but still engages roughly half
who we are. So, even if we fail miserably in
of the workforce. On average, a worker outside
our endeavor, they will still be there to agriculture is earning three times more than the
extend love and support.Their equation of farmer.
relationship is just based on variables like In light of the above passage, the most logical
love, intention etc. nothing else. corollary that can be made is?
With reference to the passage, the following a) Disguised employment is highest in India
assumptions have been made: b) Poverty in India is prevalent among farmers
1. Most of the people maintaining status quo only
is not happy or satisfied in their life. c) Solution for farm crisis lies actually outside
2. Once we overcome our fear, the agriculture
possibility of failing in our endeavours is d) Inequality among farmers will make them
almost zero. disgruntled protesters
So, everyone must go for it.
Q76) Which of the above is/are valid
assumption/assumptions? Q79) Consider the following Statements and
a) 1 only Conclusions:
b) 2 only Statements:
c) Both 1 and 2 1.All registers are books
d) Neither 1 nor 2 2 All books are written materials
3.All written materials are novels
I.All books are novels

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II.All written materials are registers

III.All registers are novels
IV.All novels are books

a) Only I and II follow

b) Only II and III follow
c) Only I and III follow
d) None of these

Q80) If for a sample data

Mean>Median>Mode then the distribution
a) Symmetric
b) Skewed to the right
c) Neither symmetric nor skewed
d) Skewed to the left

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37 a
38 c
39 b
CSAT TEST 4 Answer key 40 b
Question Answer 41 b
1 d 42 c
2 c 43 a
3 c 44 c
4 b 45 d
5 a 46 b
6 c 47 c
7 b 48 c
8 c 49 b
9 c 50 a
10 a 51 a
11 c 52 d
12 a 53 d
13 c 54 c
14 b 55 b
15 a 56 a
16 b 57 a
17 c 58 b
18 d 59 b
19 d 60 c
20 b 61 a
21 d 62 c
22 a 63 b
23 d 64 a
24 b 65 b
25 b 66 a
26 b 67 d
27 d 68 b
28 d 69 a
29 c 70 b
30 a 71 c
31 a 72 b
32 b 73 b
33 a 74 d
34 b 75 c
35 b 76 a
36 d 77 c

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78 c
79 c
80 b

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